The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 28, 1905, Image 1

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, . , , . ,
The Report of the Special Committee
Appointed to Deal With the Crisis In
the Norway Sweden ! Difficulty Is
Stockholm , Sweden , July 27. Both
houses of the Swedish riksdag today
approved the report of the special com
mittee appointed to deal with the cris
is between Norway and Sweden.
The report of tbo committee was de
livered Tuesday. It declared unani
mously that the government bill could
not be adopted lu the form In which
It was delivered to the riksdag. Tbe
committee nroposed that the riksdag
' '
signify it' ' to negotiate
with Non ty < \ . dissolution of the
union if the ° elected storthing
request repeal o. of union and
dissolution of the ti. / 'f ' H ch request -
quest Is received froti. % , . .ay after
the Norwegians , by plei/Hclto , have
declared in favor of a dissolution of
the union.
Riksdag Meets in Secret.
Stockholm , July 27. Both house *
of the riksdag have held ei ret ses
sions to discuss tbe report presented
by the special committee appointed
to deal with the crisis between Nor
way and Sweden. It Is understood
tbat the report was approved In prin
ciple. Some regret Is expressed at
the resignation of the Swedish gov-
ernmi nt before the riksdag had acted
an the committee's report , as it is
feared it may impede progress toward
a solution of the difficulties between
Sweden and Norway.
Mutiny at Panama Quelled.
Panama , July 27. A mutiny tooV
place among the police force here ,
but It was quelled almost at tbe be
ginning by Santiago de la Guardia ,
secretary of war , who faced the mu
tineers with a drawn revolve"- and
backed by the ofllcers of tbe force
brought them to submission. The
principal leaders were severely chas
tised by th ? secretary , and the other
mutineers were placed in irons. Pol
itics had nothing to do with tbe mu
Mobcrly Elevator Burns.
Moborly. Mo. , July 27. Fira do-
Btroyed tbe Missouri Grain company's
elevator , containing a Icrgc amount of
train. Loss , $200.000.
Health Officials H"pe to Restrict In
faction Marine Hospital Service
Investigating Suspicious Case In
Northern Louisiana.
New Orleans , July 27. Six more
deaths from yellow lever were 10
corded , making a total to date of for
ty-five. The number of new cases re
ported is eleven , making all told to
date 165. There are now nineteen
foci of Infection. The organization ot
forces for fighting tbe spread of the
Infection ajid for a campaign oi cduca
tion and practical application of tbo
mosquito extermination plaws has
been completed , and besides 100 men
put on as extras to clean gutters by
tbo city , 350 men are working as par
of the system of sanitation. Citizens
are being organized in wauls and
these ward clubs will form precinc
clubs , and a bouse to house canvasi
will be made to assure the screening
of every cistern and the oiling every
very cesspool and water pond.
Yielding to the sentiment of th
community , the state board of health
adopted new regulations for the frill
ships , providing they should remain
six days at sea between tbe last per
and Now Orleans , and requiring fural
gallon at port of departure and fum
ration here after the discharge of th
cargo. The people are convinced tha
the Infection was brought by the frui
steamers and If It became nocessar ;
to make the regulations so stringun
ng to drive them away , In the presen
feeling such regulations would be en
forced. On all sides there is a sent :
inent tbat nothing shall stand In th
way of future Immunity from
qulto fever , as It is called now.
The olllclnls of the marine hospita
service are investigating a reportc
suspicious case of fever which 1
said to have developed on the lln
of the Texas Pacific rallroSd aboi :
seventy-five miles from Now Orleans.
In view of the many quarantine com
plications which have arisen , Dr.
Bouchon has called a conference here
next Sunday of tbe health odlcers of
Ttxas , Mississippi and Alabama tc
dUcuss quarantine regulations and de-
Yls a system by which travelers can
be admitted with certificate * of ma
rina hospital sor/lco.
_ _
Health Officer Doty Says There Is No
Occasion for Alarm.
New York , July 27. Health Olllcor
Doty gave out tbe following statement
regarding the yellow fever situation
at Colon and New Orleans : "I have
received no ofllclal notice ( bat ono or
more CUSPS of yellow fever \\eio re
moved from the steamer Sc-gurnnlu
before her departure troni Colon on
July 22. If this disease Is found on
board when the vessel referred to
reaches tbo New York quarantine sta
tion , the patient or patients will bo re
moved to the Swinburne IslHnd hos
pital and all persons on hoard whose
temperatures are above the normal
register will be removed to Hoffman
Island for observation. There Is no
danger whatever that an outbreak In
the north would bo followed by any
serious results to the public , princi
pally for thr mason that the variety
of mosquito which transmits tbe ills
ease Is not found In this section ol
the country. "
Earthquake In Michigan.
Marquette , Mich. . July 27. The
Marquette lion range experienced a
distinct shock of earthquake. A dull
rumbling noise accompanied the dis
turbance. Tall buildings were swaotl ,
dishes rattled and windows shaken ,
but no damage Is repotted.
Crowds of People Line the 8tre t >
aE Party Passes By Will Sail for
Kobe July 31 , Arriving at Manila
About Aug. 6.
Toklo , July 27. The emperor and
ompreas of Japan received , in audl-
once and entertained at luncheon the
oflicial members of the party of Sec
retary Tail. Shortly before noon See
rotary Taft was driven to tbe 1m
perial palace In tbe state carriage.
Lloyd C. Onscom , tbe American min
ster to Japan , escorted Miss Alice
Hoohevelt to tbe palace. Crowds of
people lined tbe streets during the
passage of the distinguished visitors
along the streets to tbe palace.
At the palace the Imperial prlncea
and piinctbht's , attended by tbe royal
rhonases of-the emperor's house
hold , tbo military and naval staffs
members of the cabinet and council
of statesmen , assisted in the rccep
tion of Secretary Taft and his party
Minister Griscom made the presenta-
tioiib to the emperor , while Madame
Orlscom performed a like olllce when
the visitors appeared before the em
press. The court presented a brilliant
spectacle during the ceremonies.
A garden party succeeded the lunch
eon. The emperor ordered his pri
vate park opened and the Americans
were driven through the grounds. The
park was completed 300 years ago
and no foreigners were ever before
admitted to it.
Premier Katsura banqnctted Secre
tary Taft and the members of his
party at the Imperial hotel last night
Madame Takalilra , the wife of tht
Japanese minister at Washington , act
ing as hostess. The dining hall was
decorated with the national colors of
Japan and America. Premier Katsura
accompanied Miss Hoosevelt to the
banquet and Secretary Taft accompa
nled Madame Takalilra. Premier
Katsura proposed In a to/it the healtl
of President Hoosevelt , and Minister
Griscom proposed the health of tbo
emperor amidst the cheers of the
Americans. Premier Katsura , in pro
posing the health of Miss Ronsovelt
and Secretuiy Taft Jointly , said that
tbo reception given Secretary Tafl
and the members of his- party was a
tribute of Japan's respect for Presi
dent Hoosevelt. Referring to the visit
of Commodore Perry to Japan , he said
that America was Japan's sponsor.
Secretary Taft , responding , congratu
lated Japan's marvelous progress dur
ing the past half century and ex
pressed the hope that the friendly re
lations between the two countries
would always exist.
A special train will take the party
to Kyoto tomorrow night , whore they
will remain until Sunday , and on the
31st they will sail for Kobe. On Aug.
1 they will leave for Manila , which
will be reached Aug. 6.
Funeral of Daniel Lament.
Mlllbrook , N. Y. , July 27. In the
presence ol his family and many men
high In public and private lite , simple
funeral services were conducted over
the body of forme.- Secretary of War
Daniel S. Lament bore. Immediately
after the ceremony the body was
transferred to a special funeral train
to Now York. Interment will be in
Woodlawn cemetery.
Morton Is Now President.
New York , July 27. At a two hours'
session of the directors of the Uqult-
able Life Assurance society the resig
nations of former President James W.
Alexander and Nevada B. Stranahan
as director were accepted. Paul Mor
ton was elected president of tbe so
ciety , retain ! ! ! ? . It Is understood , tbe
chairmanship as well.
According to Reports From Korea , the
Japanese are Still on tbe March Ko
reans Estimate the Jap Strength at
Forty Thousand Men.
Kuangtjchangtsu , Manchuria , July
J7. According to reports from Korea ,
the Japanese continue advancing along
i forty mlle front.
The vanguard nro now about eighty
miles Irom the mouth of the Tumen
river. Their main force is concentrat
ed at Kenuhen.
The Koreans estimate the strength
of the Japanese at 10,000 men.
Land a Battalion on Siberian Coast
Near Vladivostok.
St. Petersburg , July 27.--Dispatches
from Mum Inn lu report the landing of
a Japanese haltalli.n and the sel/.mo
of a Unlit house on the Siberian const
near DeKuslries , 700 miles north of
Vladivostok , alter a preliminary shell
ing by torpedo boat destroyers.
London , July 27. Tbe Japancso
landing at Dekastrics , which Is tbo
terminus of tbo only cable line con
necting the mainland with the Island
of Sakhalin , is regarded by the Lon
don morning newspapers as an at
tempt to seize tbe mouth of the Amur
river , to enable the Japanese to dis
patch an army up that great waterway
for the purpose of threatening tbo
Russian communication. Japanese
gunboats and torper. * bouts could
thus reach Harbin ami give effectual
assistance to any attack on tbo Rus
sian fortifications. Roth the Usurl
and Sungari rivers aie navigable for
vessels of light dralt and the Jai-a
nes-c could advance Inland In three
dlffcicnt directions for a cc islderablo
distance. If , as Is supposed , Japan
has a river expedition in readiness ,
the mere threat of its advance miy
Kiiirice to change the pians of the Rus
sians and comp 1 their retirement
from the Kirin nnd Feng Wang dis
tricts upon Harbin.
Witto Sails for America. -
Cherbourg , July 27. Owing to tbe
non arrhal hi-t nii-iu of Hie Kaiser
Wilhrlni der Oross-e , which was fog
bound at Southampton , M. Witte did
not sail until this morning. The sen
ior Russian pence plenipotentiary ami
his party spent the night nt Hie Hotel
Casino , whence an extensive dispatch
in cipher was forwarded to St. Peters
Japs Attack Russian Position.
Ivondon , July 27. The correspond
cnt of the Dally Telegraph at Toklo
sends a report received from Osaka ,
Japan , to the effect that a Japanese
army of many thousand men Is attackIng -
Ing the Russian position on tbe Tu
men river.
Operation on Rojestvensky.
Toklo. July 27. Ren- Admiral Ro-
Jpslvensky has undergone a success-
lul operation. A wound on his tore
I f ( i was opened and a small ple < e
of ! > one was removed. Ills condition
IK considered satifiiactorv.
Important Witness Missing.
Portland , Ore. , July 27. Krnest
Starr , nephew of Congressman Will
lamson and an important witness for
Iho government In the Williamson
Gessner-IIlggs trial , is missing. It Is
stated that last Thursday , when Starr
found that the Williamson jury was
likely to disagree , he left Portland
going from here to Eugene , Ore.
where bo struck out Into ( lie iiioun
tains. The secret service agents , as
sisted by local ofiicers , are following
in pursuit.
Redmond Withdraws Opposition.
London , .Inly 27. John Redmond
tbe National leader , and bis followers
continued their obstructionist tactics
of blocking private bills in the lions
of commons , but , according to tb
Morning Io t , as the result of remon
strancfs which have reached them
from all parts of the country , repre
senting the Injustice which such tac
tics Inflict on a lars * body of work
Ingmen , they decided to with
draw all further opposition to such
New Version of Interview.
London , July 27. The correspond
ent of the Dally Mall at Stockholn
says : "Tbe object of Kmporor Will
lam's Interview with Kmperor Nich
olas was to obtain the consent of th
latter for a prince of the house o
Hohcnzollom to ascend the throne o
Norway. It Is possible that the RUB
slan emperor will consent , provldei
Russia bo permitted to slightly rectify
her frontier on the Atlantic. "
Probing Bank Wrecking.
Richmond , Ind. , July 27. Jndg
Fox of the Wayne circuit court ii
structed the grand jury to make
complete investigation of the wreck
Ing of the Commercial bank a
Hagerstown , whose cashier , Job
Bowman , recently killed Uitmelf.
National Association Hears Reports
of President and Secretary.
Now York. July 27. Thuio was a
BIRO uiiU icprcscutatlvo gathcilnc : of
Ilk-lain of co operative bunking Instl-
utlons of tlu > United Hlnten ul the
pulling HUSslon ( ) f the. UllllUUl COIlVI'll-
Ion oT Ilio United Slates Co-opcrutlvo
nvhiKH anil Building 1/ians snoela-
Inn. The iinnitul address of the prosl-
ent of tlui league was delivered by
\ . I , . ( Jutlell of Sholbyvllle. Itul.
II. I-1. Ccllarlus of Cincinnati. O. ,
pcietary of the ( Hague , mild In lUs an
nual report : "Tlio last your IIUH boon
a successful ono for the local build-
ne and loan associations of the Unit
ed States. Tht total assets of ( ho
oral bulldluK associations In tlio
JnltPil States Is now $ fiOO,342.r.rS ,
whlcti In a not Increase for tlio year
of $20.780.474. Tlio total niombernhi- >
B 1.031.040. a not Increase of OI.34D. "
Treasurer J. K. nninbln ieul : bis an
nual rt'porl. nfliir which ( li nne \ ! > .
Gllmoro of Omaha read a pnpci on
'Withdrawals of Mnn-'v Krnni riulld-
nn and Loan A soelat1 i" "
Two Sisters Drowned.
Lacygne. Kan. , .Inly 27Miitlle nnd
Grace \Vlini'r ; , siMers , aged touilocii
ind sixteen years iCKpecllvely , wore
lriMit ! | \\hllt" HllcmptliiK to lord n
lei'U.vest of here Tbe stream bad
) ern . . 'vollen by n heavy rain.
Wants Pay for Cost of War , Cession
of Sakhalin , Llao Tung Peninsula
and the Railway as Far North
SB Harbin.
Waihlngton , July 27. Whet her
there Is to bo peace In tlio far easier
or a continuance of tlio war will bo
practically decided at the first bus !
ness meeting of tlio Washington con
fcienco , which will convene at thu
navy yard , Portsmouth , N. II. , about
AUK. 5. Union Kcnuira will on I bat
occasion communicate to M.ViUo
tbe essentials of Japan's pen. " * ? terms
for further negotiations.
This , It Is declared , will not be done
In a spirit of defiance. Indeed
there- are many evidences In the pus-
si-ion : of the neutral Governments
that .lapun is coming to the Washing
ton CDiilcrence , not Imbued with a de
sire to humiliate Ru = Fia , but only tt
evnct terms which will Insure n last
In : ; peace In the far east , and wblcl
will , In a measure , compensate Japan
for the financial losses In the present
Throughout the preliminary ncgo
tlatloiiR , however , Japan bus made II
clear at Washington that she wished
to avoid unnecessary tedious nogotla
"We are not going to tbe confer
cure to write Into the law of nation.- !
n new chapter , " said a high Japanese
official. For this ren on the Japanese
plenipotentiaries will adopt the pie
gram of at once laying on the con
ference table those terms , the accept
nnce of which , without modification
tlifv are Instructed to insist upon as
n bnsls for further negotiations.
It Is known that Jaimn will demnni
on Indemnity that will approximately
cover the cost of tlio war to date
This was communicated to Itussla
mrlv in the prel'mliiary negotiations
The amount is still a secret , but it i :
based up"ii I'IP ' niot fireful estimates
of tbe erst of the war and will ' nc
cnmpanied bv a more or IPSS detailei
Kfplrmert , > how'np the method bv
wh'rh tbe flnil flenres were commit" ! ]
Tt will not fall far short of $ lnni.onn.
000. neror 'Ii' r to advices re"fhf > i' ,
hn-e from w"ll lnformed sources , lie
rfdeq the In'VmH'v , | t jg bnlleved .Tn
van's other essont'p'f ' ' to the cont'mi-I '
nnce of tl1" negotiations are fbe cos-
Blon to Jnrnn of Fnkrnlln and the
transfer of v l ° isf > of the Line
Tune ipi ) i. > onrt of | i , , ralwiv ! ai
fnr a * H'i. . the r o-tnltlon of Ja
pan's r-n'"Tifno'lns tfli" ] Tipp ( n Ko-
r"n aiid tV > return of Manchuria to
I1 ' Ilusslin plnninn entlnrlcs are
preprr"l to accept these esRentl"l' ' .
the O" ' < | TS ! here are con"'en * that
tbf > b' 's v.Hll ] ) r > 1ad ! for ni > ' ) tl"ti > . i
sure to lea-1 to the slenlit ; of the
trootv of v'n'liiTslon ; , bringing peace
In th * far east.
Double Trr jedy at St. Louis.
St. l.ouiB. Jul > 27. Prank W. Card ,
formeily a railroad conductor , livlns
at Coino , Colo. , thot and killed a
woman named nnclah Croft and flrcd
three bullets Into bis head in an ef
fort at suicide , and later tried to teir
open his wounds at tha city hospital.
It became Accessary to strap his
hands to the cot. The tragedy took
place in the woman's home.
Moonshiner Kills Deputy Marshal.
Hoanoko , Va. . July 27. At Union
Hall , Kranklln county , United States
Deputy Marshal / . T. Wada was shot
and killed by a nugro named Xeph-ts
Polndexter , an alleged Illicit whisky
distiller. Wadn went to arrest Poin-
dexter and the negro flrcd on him
with a shotgun. The negro then made
. bis escape and is bolng hunted by a
I JO3I9. I I
Trouble Grows Out of the HomesteadIng -
Ing Near Gross , Where Cox la Al
leged to Have Employed Claim Hold
ers Men Held to Court.
Ilutto. Nob. . July 27. Special to
The NOWH : Yesterday In court hoforo
Tudgo Leo at Ilutto thorn wore brought
IH prlsonorH Mr. and Mrw. Ouvo Miller ,
Mr. and Mrs. Wollw , fieorun Wells ,
Mr. and Mrs.'an Kirk and an 8-year-
) ld sou of WellH. Thesi ) parlies Hv ! >
ii'iir flross , thin county. They were
'harmed with cultltiK wlren and do-
ttroyliiK posts , by Mr. fox.
It seems that the foncefl obstructed
ho | ialliH leading to school last win-
or. The trouble all originated from
' 'ov'ti alli'Ked omfdoyment of several
mrlloH to hold government claims for
ilm. Some of these parties founil their
conscience prevented them currying
out these contracts and they retained
the lands. Others wore contested and
Iheio have been repeated arrests and
Kvon the homestead of Cox , him
self , was contented and lost to him ,
as bo was the owner at the tlmu of
liiK of ' - ' acres of land. It seems
lie bad sold thin land , apparently In
iood faith , but convoyed the title only
by Hiving a contract or bond for deed.
This lias been appealed to the secre
tary of the Interior.
Tlio county attorney ban refused to
prosecute ) these parties nnd Cox has
employed Attorney Tingle for prosecu
tion. The defense baa employed D.
A. IIurrliiKtnn.
After hearing the case , the Judge-
hold all the male prisoners to district
court under bonds , letting the women
go free.
Buttc Notes.
W. T. Wills returned from Omaha
last night.
J. U. Davis loft for Seattle last night
Alliance Sailor Is Dead.
Alliance , Nib. . July 2"--Ward V.
Kennedy of this city , who was amoiiR
the M'riouMy injured victims of the
Bennliuitnn disavti-r , died at San Di
ego. He witl bo burled here Saturday
' * 'Gnoollnc Kills Arjed Woman.
Omi.MU. Jnl > 27 Mis. N. A. .Innes
seM pi ) vi urn of due , died at Ihe CVll
trnl ImMi'lal ' Irom tbe effects of so
vcre Inirns cause I by tbe Ipnlllnn o
gasoline over wblcb the woman was
standing on the floor of tbe Klichcu
Erltisli Vi nrshUi IV.ay AC Sent t
South American Waters.
Washington , July 27. Olllclal ad
rices reai hlng Washington fall to
show any ilicl lu tlio acute situation
which bus been developing for some
time between the British and Uru
giiuyan governments over the impris
onment in I'liiguny of the captain am
crew of tin * Canadian fishing vesse
Agnes Donnhoo for alleged poaching
Sevepil months ago the British gov
eminent laid before the state depart-
rneni a full statement of Its side of
the case and tbo Amerl'an minister
to Uruguay was Instructed to use his
good o"'cos to assist in an amlcabln
Despite strong representations ,
however , tbo Canadian captain re
mains In prison and Ixmdon Is now
considering tbe advisability of send
ing a warship d < wn through the Amer
ican coast. This step , however , will
bo taken only after every dljilomutic
method has been tried to obtain Hio
release of ihe prisoners. The Uru
guayan government has thus far refused
fused to arbltiate.
Posse Sets Fire to Woods to Smoki
Out Negro.
Plalnfleld. N. J. , July 27. Baffled by
trpai beroufi swamps and thick woods ,
a posse of farmers and police has sur
rounded Oiailes Ixing , a netro , ac
cused of murdering Matthew Cunning
ham of Trunlon. They set fire to
more than fifteen acres of shrubs and
brushes on tbe outskirts of the swamp
in an effort to drive tbe man out of
his hiding place. A brisk wind blow
ing over the swamp from the direction
In which the fire was started took
the smokf through the woods and It
Is not thought that Long will be able
to stay whore he Is and live.
New Chief Raids Gambling Clubs.
Chicaso. July 27. John Collins , the
newly installed chlof of police of this
city , startled the gambling fraternity
by leading a comprehensive raid
against the largest poker rooms to bo
found in thu downtown section of the
city. Headed by Chief Collins in per
son , the police descended upon four
prominent gambling clubs , and ar
rested about 100 men and confiscated
large quantities of gambling parapher
nalia and destroyed all of the furni
ture to be found in the places. Chief
Collins announced that ho proposed
to suppress all gambling ; In the city ,
and the raid was the unit step taken
in that direction.
Temperature for Twenty-four Hours.
Forecast for Nebraska.
Condition of the weather as record
ed for thu 21 bourn ending at 8 a. rn.
oday :
Maximum 7 < 5
Minimum 0'2
\vorago 01) )
'otnl rainfall for mouth 2.01
'otal rainfall for yonr 2IU7
Inroinotor 29.02
larometor 21)91 )
Chicago , July 27. The bulletin Is-
nod by the Chicago Htatlon of the
Inlted Statoa woaffor bureau thin
nornlng , glvoa the forecast for No-
irasku an follows :
Local rains tonight. Friday fair.
A k Money tor Waterways ,
Cincinnati. July 27 Captain J H.
Elllnon , chulrmnn of a Hiibcommlitrq
appointed by the preliminary sesslou
of the ItlvpfH and Harborx ussoclullou ,
which met here incrntly , l ( < rt for Hill-
tlmoio In company with ether prom *
llii'iil ' river miMi to muni ofllclaU of
the National Rivers an llurbor nuso-
elation. These olllcluln will bo asked
to Ihsuo a cull lor it mentlng of tbo
sfluclutlon at Washington dnrlng tbo
next miHHlim of congieHS to makn pro *
vlnlons for Increases In tbo appropria
tion n to bo UHi'il for the Improvomnnt
of waterways throughout the iutorlur
of the Unllnd
Propose to Further the Plan of Get
ting Jerusalem for the Jews Ac
ceptance or Rejection of British Of
fer Is of Importance.
Haslo , July 27. Hetweon two and
Ihroo thousand delegates were present
today at the opening of the slxtb
world's congress of the Zionist move
ment , which has for Us object the res
toration of Jerusalem to the Jews
Nearly every civilized country of the
world Is represented at the congre--
the large attendance being an Indica
tlon of the extraordinary Importune * *
attached to the present session.
Nearly fifty delegates are here from
tbo United States alone. Included i-i
the number nro Mrs. D. I.ovlnson of
lies Molnes , William Morris of Phil.i
delpbln , Dr. f'oblenU of New Yoil.
City , Julius Singer of Imffalo , Dr. L.
II. Landman of Cincinnati , 13. W.
Lowln-lUpsteln of Now York City , Dr.
Aaron Ember of naltlmoro. S. Shapln-
sky of Louisville , Mr. and Mrs. S. W.
Frank of I'lttsburg , Itnhhl Gorowltzof
Hhodo Island , Dr. Stephen S. Wise of
Portland , Ore. , Dr. H. P. Maudes of
Now York City. Unmet Levy of Scranton -
ton , Leon Xolotkoff of Chicago , and
Miss Rvit Magnes of Brooklyn.
Tiio congress was formally openecl
by Dr. Max Nordau. The flrst feature
of tbo piogram was the holding of ser
vices In memory of Dr. Tlieodor Her/ ! ,
the founder of the Zionist movement ,
who died one year ago today.
There aio many Important matters
to come up for consideration at tbe
present session. One of those Is the
selection of a new president to succeed
Dr. llcrzl. Two candidates are nien-
tloncd for the position , Max Nordau ,
the eminent French doctor nnd author ,
and Herr Wolffsohn of Cologne.
Another Important matter that must
bo decided Is the acceptance or rejec
tion of the offer of the British govern
ment to furnish a largo tract of land
In British Kast Africa for the estab
lishment of a Zionist colony. The spe-
clal commission sent to the site of the
proposed colony by tlio Zionist move
ment last spring has prepared a re
port against the acceptance of the of
fer of the British government and it
is expected that the congress will
adopt tbo report , though some opposi
tion Is expected.
Another matter that will receive at
tention Is tbo proposed reorganization
of tbo Xlonlst movement , the change to
tend toward decentralization , which
change Is regarded as necessary since
tbo death of Dr. Hcrzl. The grand ex
ecutive committee has prepared a re
port advocating the appointment of a
directorate for tbe guidance of the
Zionist movement , composed of Max
Nordan. Professor Wolffsohn of Col
ogne , and Professor Warburg of Ber
Won an's Assailant Flees.
I/tbeity. N. Y. . July 27. Cornelius
McCormlck , a widely known real es
tate dealer , IE a fugitive from Justice.
Ho Is charged with attempt to murder
i Miss Kltiio Murphy , whou. ho shot in
the mouth on Main street In the
presence of hundreds of persons. It
Is said that M ( Connie-It had been dis
carded by the girl. She Is at death's
Guarding Louisiana Border.
Houston , Tex , July 27. As a quar
antine has been declared against tbe
state of Loulslan.nvnnso of ber
slowness In quarantining New Or
leans , physicians and guards have
been dispatched to tha Louisiana bor
der , Dr. W. I * Cook of San Marcos be
ing In charge of tbe Sablne rlrer