The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 21, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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    'lll- ,11'I.Y Jl l' 'f >
Oats Show the Greatest Prospect In
the History of the County Com l
Rapidly Catching Up and Wheat Is
iKimi1Vi iini"ilHv'n hnlly 1
Kdwnrd 13. Nloolls or Lynch nntl H.
KIckgniUM" nf IJrlHtow , both Hoyd conn-
iy liind hustlers , nro In I ho rlly toilny.
They say thnt gront niuotnil of land
has changed hands In lloyd county
thin your , every diiy bringing In now
people to nettle ami develop the for-
tllo acres of that county. To hear
Ihepo gontlcnion InlU ono would think
Hoyd comity In dm Bunion of I-Mon ,
lint , although It may seem strange ,
the stories told hy those land men
are lint ropotltlons of statements niado
hy everyone who lakes a trip throui1i ;
( lint fortllo district.
Mr. Nlcolla snys the imt crop thla
year In his section Is the biggest ho
1ms over BOOH. Ho has neon Holds of
oats In lowu that prow 100 bushels
to the acre , and some of the lloldH ho
litis in mind In lloyd county are oven
bettor ( linn tlioao of Iowa. Tlicro la
n strong stand and every bond Is
bulging with kernelH. Ho thinks
many of the fields will give 100 hush-
ola or nioro to the aero thla yonr In
lloyd comity , Farmers will c.oinmeneo
culling onta In aliout ten days.
' The prospects for spring wheat nro
not so fnvonihlo , lint I hero will bo n
fair average crop. No wlntor wheat
Is raised In the eastern part of the
county , hut farmers farther west have
boon trying It this Reason and It ban
proven n wonderful success , and will
ylold n wonderful crop.
Corn la about two weeks behind
normal at this ( line , owing to the late
spring and continued rains , but It is
doing business. The past few days of
hot weather have niado It hump and
they say that at the end of another
week , If the same kind of weather
prevails , the crop will ho Just aa far
advanced as any other season at the
same tlmo. All the farmers of Hoyd
county now ask of this eccentric sea
son Is that frost will not como danc
ing along earlier than usual , and tholr
crop will bo all right.
A. ,1. nurland went to Omaha this
morning on business.
\V. h. McAllister of Nellgh was In
the elly this morning.
Deputy Treasurer Peterson of Mad
ison was In the city yesterday.
James Honso , a prosperous Plorco
county farmer , la In Norfolk today.
0. Kuolow went to llosklns this
morning , where ho has a contract to
build a house.
Mrs.V. . J. Gibson and daughter
Lola went to Minneapolis yesterday to
visit relatives and friends.
Miss llolon Maniuardt returned yes
terday from a two weeks' visit with
her rtlstor llattio In Omaha ,
Mrs. Somors and daughter May of
Omaha arrived last evening and are
visiting ut the homo of H. A. llulloek.
John McConologuo. who Is running
a bridge gang In Knox county , was
transacting business In the city today.
S. G. Dean left this morning with
his son II. I. . Ue.'iu for VJxcelslor
Springs , Mo. , where they go to re
O.V. . Kurroll of Stoux City , travel
Ing passenger agent of the Grout
Northern , Is transacting business In
town today.
R. II. Luikart. banker of Tlldim
was in town this morning helping his
mother and sister get started for Ux-
celslor Springs , Mo.
Mrs.V. . T. Haldwln of Milwaukee
sister of K. II. Tracy , who has boon
visiting hero some limp , left for her
home this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. II. Ulltson of Plalnvicu
were In the city today. Mr. Dlttson Is *
suffering from a case of gangrene.
Ho was before the pension board to
Herman So.hult ? of Dtiubur , Nob. ,
was In the city over night on his way
to Fairfax , to visit bis father and
brother , who are farmers and stock
Mrs. UV. . and Miss Mabel Dickmar
of Humphrey wore Norfolk visitors to
day. Eiull Htuiscn and Henry Stiunpf
of Wayne were city visitors yester
day , in consultation with Drs. Hear
and Pilger.
Henry Hauso : uul daughter Ada
wont to Sioux City this morning. In
response to a telegram announcing
that the condition of Mrs. Huase. who
was operated upon last week for gull
stones , Is not so favorable as It was
a few days ago.
George O'Toole returned yesterday
from Omaha wliero lie had been to
visit his family and attend the funeral
of his ntcco , Mrs. Dr. GiUney of Craw
ford , Col. Ho brought his sons , Mas
ters Lawrence- and Ted , back with
bim for their anmmor vacation.
C. S. Smith of Madison who was in
town today , jays be expects to leave
next week for Oklahoma. Indian Ter
ritory and Texas. Ho will visit T. F.
Memn'lnger on the trip.
Mr. and Mrs. J03. Phillips of tbe
Oxnard hotel welcomed u little baby
daughter yesterday.
The father of L. M. Beeler , who was
camping at Kent's siding with the
Beeler and Hazen families , wns taken
sick yesterday and It wan uocofisary
to bring him home.
The mld.sumuiur mooting of Keith-
Wi .liru : i'"I whlih win to lliuo
In n I.- ! < " > Iniv i > u.i b < i n po t
IKIIII I f..l . II II..Ulltl I 111 tin I " 111" Will
In- hold at Hi'Jiilwnn , | The spring ,
w i held In I 'nrnlii '
"The IMglilnitd Noblon nnd Hon Iturs
will unite in B Joint picnic nl Tiift'H
Rrovp u wcok from todaythe. 2ltli. (
Commlllops ( from bulb lodge * hold a
moPlhiK Monday ovpnliiK. wliun nr-
rauKPiiionls were made for the event ,
which will ho a day of genuine plea
Ye.slprday .lohn KoptilgMoln let the
contract lo O.V. . Utah for n sewer
lo connect the I'nclllc block with the
main sewer of the town. lie plnns
Dial the connection ( dial ! handle thn
mirfaeo water that has been bothering
In I ho basements and cellarH of the
An Uncle Tom's Cabin troupe that
has boon showing In towns on the
lloiiosleel branch , came down on the
early train this morning to take n
new direction. The members of the
show , the animals and the paraphor-
ualla of the company occupied n * ou-
pie of special cars.
The annual stories of eggs hutching
in ( he sun are appearing and are ex
pected to be followed by the accounts
of frying meat without n lire. The
Fremont Tribune reports n case of
eggs hatching out on ( he depot plat
form and other towns report similar
evidences of the nun's power.
The old soldier's pension examining
board , consisting of Drs. A. Dear , A.
L. Mnromhor and W. H. II. Ilngoy
of Ibis city are in session hero today.
They hnvo Jurisdiction over appli
cants for a large section of north-
nut NobniHka , and n number of np-
pllcnnts from surrounding towns were
before I hem today.
It Is announced from Lincoln thnt n
muss meet lug of farmers nnd all oth
ers Interested In putting an end to the
HO called grain ( rust of Nebraska will
be held In the near future In the cap-
tal city. Henry llempol , a grain and
oal man at Havelock , Is said to bo
lehlnd the plan. The object Is to
jrystall/o public sentiment.
Frit * Asmiis and Charles Gorecke
Irovo to the Yellowhanks Inst evening
o arrange the preliminaries for the
> ulng ( of Trinity church choir. The
eniiilnlug members of the choir wont ,
nil this morning , accompanied by
llov. and Mrs. J. 0. S. Wellls , all hap-
iy In anticipation of the good time In
store for them. They will be there
ihont ten days.
The local aerlo of Kaglos will hold
heir annual picnic In the Shultx
grove , In Kdgpwntor park , next Sun-
lay , July 23. Intensive plans are bo
ng made for a good lime and a large
attendance Is expected. Commit tees
laving tbo mat tor in hand are busy
with their preparations and It Is ox-
looted to leave nothing undone that
will cuntrlbutp to the success and
enjoyment of ( he outing.
Win. Webster and K. H. Dnck of
Monroe- passed through the city yes
terday on their way homo with nn
automobile with which , some weeks
ago , they attempted ( o make a run ( o
South Dakota They got as far as
Center , Knox county , when the mud
dy mads compelled them to abandon
the mnchino and make the balance of
the trip by team. An auto Is hold to
be all right with fair weather and
smooth roads , but when conditions
are otherwise an ox team can beat
them for speed and safety.
The work of grading the Northwest
ern extension from Casper Is under
way. Kllpatrlck Bros. Collins of
Lincoln have contracts for 101 miles
of the constructive work and are get
ting ready to push the work along
rapidly. Material is being rushed to
the front and combined with this class
of tratllc there Is said to be a great
and growing demand for building ma
terial at Casper and beyond , and tht
Northwestern Is getting Its first re
turns In Increased business from the
proposition of extending Into Wyom
It is reported from the west thai
the Union Pacific company serlonsl.\
contemplates the double tracking o
Its Hue from Omaha to Ogden , a dls
tanco of about 1,000 miles , the work Ube
bo undertaken and completed at tin
earliest date possible. The velum
of traflle over the line Una increase *
reia.irKably in the two years , and
it is considered that the double track
Ing of the road will be a paying Invest
tnont. The Union Paciilc and North
western would thereby furnisb a don
bio track system from Chicago to Og
den. This will throw a i reat part o
the tinnscontlnontat business throng
Nebraska to the benefit of all con
necdng points.
The hot wave waa hit a. solar plovu
blow last night by the north wind an
siu evening of refreshing coolness
permitting of restful slumber wn
the result. A bank of clouds in th
north promised that there might b
rain with the change , but it did no
materi.ill/.a. Similar conditions pre
vuiled thin morning , and tiioro 1
ttonin promise that the worst of the
hot spell has boon experienced. The
Chicago weather IninMu promised this
cliango , wbilo the ono at Washington
said the hot wave would continue for
several days , indicating a superiority
in the western branch of the service
for western people. The hot weather
had been general , extending from
coast to coast. Ono point in Oregon
recorded a temperature of from 101
to 105 In the shade , while many heat
prostrations occurred in the Atlantic
if anybody has any harness ropulr-
Ing to do , let him bring It In before
the spring season begins , Paul Xonl
Engaged In Propagating a One-Germ
Seed at Washington That Gives
Hopes to Capitalists No Trouble
With Soil or Climate , It Is the Work.
There Is a prospect that the sugar
heel Industry will bo revived In the
middle west and If so It may be pos
sible that machinery will again bo
placed In the largo sugar factory north
of this oily and It may again become
a hive of Industry turning beets Into
commercial sugar. Certainly If It Is
desired to ralso beets anywhere In
the middle west It would bo cheaper
to ( Install Iho machinery In a building
already ereclod for the purpose to ( ho
saving of thousands of dollars raUior
than lo build and equip a new plant
UiriHighout , and In that event Norfolk
would naturally come In for first con-
Moral Inn.
According to n dispatch from Wash-
iigtou lo the World-Herald the sol-
nllsls In the department of ngrloul-
ire have found and am endeavoring
) eliminate the reason thnt led to
10 abandonment nf the Norfolk sugar
iclory. It Is found that It Is not the
fiu'l ' of the soil or the climate , hut
10 strenuous work that IH necessary
i caring for n crop nnd this they
ropnse lo eliminate. It IK said thai
ho fault lies In the fact thnt each
eel seed Is In fnct n bundle of seeds
r germs * anil they nro now on a ed
n experiments to produce n one germ
pod Hint will eliminate the necessity
f thinning , which Is by far the hard-
st work of the boot grower. With
ils end accomplished It Is said that
11 the work of cnrlng for n crop can
m done by machinery. It Is an-
ouiiccd that the experimenters have
ucccodod in accomplishing their end
ml that In the near future the one-
erm beet seed will bo used nnd there
III bo a reviving of the Industry
iroughout ( ho west.
Commenting upon the reason for
10 abandonment of the Norfolk plant
10 article says :
Effect of Factory Removal.
Last year the beet sugar business
ocelved a shock when the sugar
hints In Nebrnskn were admitted to
nve been questionable successes ,
'ho plant at Norfolk , In this state ,
vns dismantled nnd moved to Colo-
ndo. becnuso the country surrounding
he Nelirnskn town would not produce
ho necessary supply of beets.
This problem of beet supply bns
con the most serious one for n long
line , but it is believed now to bo
olvod. The difficulty Is not with the
011 or ollmnto or beets. It Is with
bo farmer.
Work Too Hard.
Italslng beets hni been necessarily
lard work- because much of It must
e done by hand. The American farm-
doesn't much fancy a business ( hat
ompels him to go out nnd pry his
orsnl vertnbran apart while stooping
ver n boot field nnd Incidentally lot-
Ing n hot sun burn the skin off tbe
> nck of his neck.
Tbe Anierlcnn fnnner doesn't have
o do that sort of work. Tils notion
if his proper function Is presented In
\ pictureof n gentlemnn riding the
Drlui ? sent of n self-binder or a snlkv
ilow , driving n three-horse tenin.
'vlth ' n big green mnbrplla over his
liend nnd tbe dn'lv ' paper In his band
If be cnn get Innd enouch to fnrm
In this fnsHnn and If It strikes him ns
more dignified nnd comfortnble. be
sides beinir equnlly or more profitable
why should ( be American farmer
break his neck raising beets ? Thnt
being the way he fools about It the
department of ntcricnlture sot about
to produce a beet thnt could be raiser
nnd cultivated by machinery.
Oblect to Thlnninq ,
The real difficulty is not In plan *
Ing and weeding the beets : these two
functions can easily enough be per
formed by machinery. The troubl
relates to Mio beet's way of growing
U appears thnt what the unscien
tific person calls a bpot ? eod Isn't n
seed at all , but a cluster In a little
fibrous formation thnt holds them to-
pthor. Plant one of these lumpy lit
tle seeds and ench of the half dozen
germs In it will grow up a beet of Its
In order to cct good boots It is nec
essary ( hat all but one of this family
group be weeded out , and nothing
short of human Inelligenco ( can
achieve this. This Is the sticking
point wttb Mr. Aristocratic American
Farmer. Ho simply declines to do it.
One Germ Seed.
So the diumrtment. of agriculture
set about ( o produce a boat with a
one-serin spec ! . If thnt sort of a
eed could be produced the problem
would bo solved. The boots could be
planted in drills just as corn Is plant
ed by machinery. The beets , placed
at regular and proper Intervals , would
como up singly and could be cultivat
ed hy machinery just as corn or po
tatoes arc.
The task of producing such a beet
seed was turned over to tbo scient
ists of the dppartmonf and they have
It to announced , turned the trick. Tbe
new oao-soedod seed has not been sub
jected to all the experiments that maybe
bo desired , but It hna been produced
and It IH going to be n SUCCOUR.
When It ban been turned out In
sufficient quantities to enable everybody -
body to use It who wishes , tbo beet
.nnir ; problem will be uolvnl an I
ooiu.l without offi-nso to the di-'iiate
MI . ( ( litlliiliiie.H of the farmer
Worms in Beet Fields. (
Myriad * of miinll striped worms
have miide tholr appearance In the
boot fields In this neighborhood which
Printline to CIIURO great damuKo lo thu
crop. I. C. Heppcrly mild this morn-
lug that the worms \sere noticed first
last Saturday , and already great de
vastation has been done In the fields.
In ono field ho had particularly In
mind , the worms have been wading
through It at the rate of about three
acres a day. They work on the leaves
of the plant and strip thorn clean. He
does not know what the worm Is , as
It Is something with which ho Is not
familiar , but it Is a voracious little
devil , and If It continues at the pres
ent rate Is liable to be an expensive
luxury to beet raisers.
Letter List.
Msr of letters remaining uncalled
for nt the poBtofllco at Norfolk , Nob. ,
July 18. IHOii :
A. M. llrent , Floyd Bollen , Uobcrt
Clark ' , U. C. Doggett , I.ovl S. Davis.
Sam Dunn , Hindi Fountain 2 , Leo
Frey , Mrs. WInoua Garvln , ,1ns. Kirk-
wood , J. Hobert Mayer , Mrs. Dine
If not called for In fifteen days will
be sent to the dead letter olllce.
Parties calling for any of the above
please say "advertised. "
John U. Ilnys , P. M.
Cheap Lands.
A first class eighty-acre tract of Im
proved land , splendid location , good
soil , nil lays level and nice , only live
miles from Norfolk , Nob. Price right.
G. U. Seller.
Norfolk. Nebraska.
Neliijh Notes.
A parly of trout fishermen left No-
Ugh Monday morning for the creeks
In Holt county where they will on-
dnro the mosqiiltos and hot weather
for a few days. They are Chas. H.
Kelsey , N , D. Jackson , Judge Barnes ,
lieu White , W. W. Cole , U. S. Pa.rne
and S. F. Oilman.
Politics are beginning ( o boll In the
'political pot now. There' will bo n
full set of officers to bo elected. The
olllce of county judge seems headed
for the present eiicumbent so far ns
the nomination goes , and that means
F. P. Coker , city marshal , Is doing
some good work now on the streets ,
having the alfalfa and clover cut
which grows near the sidewalks and
expects to do some grading when this
is completed. At present he is kept
pretty close to the pumping station on
account of the water power of the
river being low too low to run the
water pump.
Samuel Iloff , formerly In the em
ploy of the Northwestern Telephone
company , has bought a farm just
south of town on the river ami re
moved thereto with his family. Mr.
Holt expects to raise alfalfa and
ducks , having n very finely construct
ed place for the latter enterprise ,
made by the back waters of the river
created by ( ho last flood.
View of Live Stock Markets at South
Omaha , C. A. Mallory , Manager.
South Omaha , July 19. The cuttle
trade has not undergone much change
this week but has ruled more steady
at I he recent decline.
Strictly fat dry fed cnttlo are sell
ing better than any other grades and
we think the outlook more favorable
for this class of cattle during the sum
mer and fall months.
Grass cattle are coming more freely
and prices for range steers and cows
are the lowest of the season. The
packers , as usual , can and will con
trol the market for grass cattle and
wo would not be surprised to see still
lower prices ami advise shipping any
thing thnt will come in competition
with range cattle soon as convenient.
Butchers' stock unless very choice
selling at the lowest prices of the sea
sou and dealers must Ucep in close
touch with us and the markets 01
they will be disappointed.
Wo do not look for much cliaugp It :
the market for corn-fed cattle this
week or next , but look for lower pric
es for other grades most any time.
Hogs The promised advance In tin
boa ; market came In earnest and wi
are glad to note that so many of ou
friends and shippers had hogs on tin
market. .
Shipping and fresh meat trade car
ried ( he packers along to the tune of
an advance of 25@35c In the market ,
reaching the high point today
( Wednesday ) . The extreme heat
caused moderate receipts at Chicago
where they bad a "run-away" market
and liberal receipts at the "river mar
kets. " especially hern and Sioux City ,
whore the packers fought hard and
wo failed to follow the full advance.
The ( jualtty continues good Imt av-
enigo weight a little lighter.
Today the market opened active and
ruled strong and fully lOc higher with
the bulk selling $5. < 52' . { . < 8 > 5.C7i and
top $5.70. Later the market weak
ened and closed dull with part of the
advance lost. A reaction is certainly
aduo after such an advance and wo ad
vise our readers to operate according
ly. We have confidence , however , in
good prices throughout the summer
but natural reactions must como.
Watch the markets and conditions
carefully and keep your hogs coming
regularly to us and your average will
bo all right.
Sheep and lambs ruled steady with
seine oigns of a reaction from ( ho low
est prices this wee ! : . Prospect lower
lalor as wu look for larger rcwlpta.
Town In the South Preparing for n ,
Grand Event Running Team Will
be Maintained for the Tournament.
Practice Meeting Tonight.
fPrimi Wivtnrsiliiy'B Dnllv.i
Norfolk firemen hnve decided to ac-
ept the InyKntlon from Nowinnn
rove to participate In their Firemen's
nrnlval , on July 2fi , nt least to the
xtent of sending n running ( earn nnd
ess G. Boomer has boon appointed
innnger. The organization will fur-
ler be maintained until after the
( lite loiirnament find It will try for i
ne of the pri'/.os offered on ( hat oc- j
nslon. Boomer Is looking for the ]
wlflest men ( ho department can -
Isli nnd hns called for a mooting of' '
ncers to bo held ( his ovenlng. |
The Newman Grove Herald has the
allowing to say of the plnns being
erfecteil for the 2Uh ( :
The plan for ( ho celebration is to In-
hide features of a firemen's tournn-
ipnt. old-fnshlonod picnic and a
"ourth of July celebration , all rolled
ito one.
A baseball game will bo arranged
otwoeii the Genoa Indians and an
( jually good Ipnm lo ho nnno'unced
Unskot ball gnmos will bp plnyod by
OIIIIR Indies of Podnr Itaplds and
'Cowman ' Grove.
A MK bowery will ho allowed there
nd In the opera house , good music
elng secured for the occasion.
Klromon from adjoining towns will
o Invited to participate in the races
nd other sports , prizes for the win-
ors being arranged for. The list of
rines will bo published next week.
All ( he people In ( ho neighboring
owns and surrounding country are
ordlally Invited ( o come ( o Newman
trove July 20 , Wednesday , nnd pnjoy
This will be bigger than any Fourth
f July celebration.
\j. B. Sherman of St. Paul is a Nor-
oik visitor.
Mrs. P. O. Sherman was In the city
rom Genoa.
P. L. Best of. Stnnton was In the
Hy over night.
diss Clara Cadwell of Wayne Is vis-
ting in Norfolk.
C. G. Whlpple was down from Nlo-
rnrn this morning.
Will Itobln of Battle Creek was a
Norfolk visitor yesterday ,
Mrs. J. p. and Raymond Anderson
if St. Paul are In the city.
Chas. n. Gross of Madison was an
iver night visitor In Norfolk. i
K. Sehostng of Columbus was trans
ctlng business in the city today.
Ilev. .1. F. Poucher is spending the ,
veek with old friends at Herman. '
Miss Etta Hodgetts has gone to ;
Irand Island to visit until Saturday , | i
.Her which she will return hero for
wo weeks. i
Frank J. Smith of Leigh is visiting ;
it ( he H. A. Vail home in this city.
David Ewing of Hartlngton is visit-1 |
ng at the L. Buckendorf home on I i
Madison '
Mrs. A. H. Gardels has gone to' '
lartlngton for a two-weeks' visit at i
he home of Dr. Chandler.
Miss Florence Gaylord left this' '
nornlng for an extended visit to re- ! '
Uives at Webster City , Iowa !
Rev. J. L. Dunn and son Harold of \
Meadow Grove were in the city today
Isiting relatives and friends. !
W. H. Garmlro of Grand Island was
n town over night. Ho Is special
agent of the Stare Insurance company.
MI-S..E. E. Robbing and daughter of
Portland. Ind , are guests nt the IIOIIIP
of Mr and Mrs. G. W. Schwenk , cast
if the city.
Judge and Mrs. Powers , Mrs Mary
Davenport , Miss Mattle Davenport ,
Mrs. Odiorue and Mrs. Gentle are
spending the day with Mr. and Mrs.
John Ray , west of the city.
E. E Evans , wife and son Noel of
Dos Moines , town , are visiting hero
this week with his father , C. S. Ev
ans. Mr rOvans is foreman of the jol
department of the Iowa Homestead.
Scott W. Jewell of Plnp Island.
Minn. , was in town this morning OD
his way to his ranch near Casper , Wy
oming. Ho is taking some high bred I
horses to the ranch.
The Ladies Aid society of the High
land Nobles will meet with Mrs. J. F.
Redman , 202 South Eighth street , Fri
day afternoon.
About a dozen Norfolk clothing men
and tailors headed by P. Fuosler and 1
A. Buchliol-/ , went to Stanlon this
morning for an outing. They will re
main the rest of the week.
On Tuesday ovwilug a baker's doss-
en of married women gave Mr. and
Mrs. William Smith a serenade at
their home on South Third street. In
celebration of their wedding. The
sorenaders were invited In and served H
with ice crenm and other luxuries.
In excavating for the foundation of
tbo Cltixons bank addition yestoiday
the dirt on the east sldo caved iu to.
some extent and threatened the now
cement walk that wai laid this uprlng ; ,
but the break was protected and it
's thought that the walk will bo saved.
Masons have commenced the work of
erecting the foundndon walls and the. . .
building will be hurried along lo com
pletion ,
The uptown office ' of the Union Pa
cific ia in the 'rear of tbo Nebraska
Perfect In quality.
Moderate In price. _
Nntlo'nnl bank. ' fronting on North
J Fourth street. Instead of with the
Norfolk National bank , ns erroneous
ly 1 stated the other day. N. W. Clover ,
the commercial agent of tbo road , In
now , nicely Installed In his now quar
ters. j
The newspaper depnrtment of The
News j olllco Is kept fairly busy and Ita
plnns must dovetail quite nicely to _ '
prevent the "crossing of wires. " With nt' '
two daily editions , two weeklies , and
two monthly publications ( o handle ,
there Is not much lapse for the typesetting -
setting machine , the make-up or pressmen -
mon , the mailing department , or the
editorial force.
In excavating for the addition to
the Citl/.ens National bank nn old
well pipe wns uncovered thnt was
used in the water supply arrangement
of the early days , but It had long
boon forgotten thnt ( hero was such a T |
well ( hero. It is thought by the old-
timers thnt It wns the well used when
the old Lutheran church nnd parochial
school ( occupied the corner now used
by j the hank.
In a restitution case , Norfolk lodge
No. ! ( ! . 1. O. O. F. , vs. Dr. .T. H.
Mackny , tried In Justice C. F. Rise-
ley's court yesterday , a verdict was
given ( in favor of the plaintiff , but Dr.
Mnokny filed notice of appeal and the
case will bo carried to the next term
of the district court. The lodge Is
seeking to gain possession of the
rooms in the Odd Follows building
occupied by the doctor.
A lawn party was given last ovenlng
on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Hrldge. In honor of Mrs. FJrldge'n
niece , Miss nanny , who left on the
early trnln today for her home at
Ft. Atkinson , Wis. Many Japanese
lanterns Illuminated ( ho ( roes at the
Flrldge homo , making a very pretty
scone , and a Jolly evening was spent
by the young people present. Miss
West , onrouto from Oherlin college
( o her home near Naper , was a guest
of the evening.
At tbo mooting of the city council
tonight It is expected that the ordi
nance providing for the appointment .
of n member of the council in case of
vacancy , will pass its third reading
nnd become n Inw. This ordinance
has now boon twice 'before the coun
cil and passpd two readings. The im
mediate necessity for the law Is to
allow for filling ; tbe place of C. P. Par
ish , who recently removed from the
First wan1 while representing that
wnrd on the council.
"Aunt. Jane" Gordon hns finally
reached the jail stnge in her career
and ' spoilt the night In the city baa-
tile. For months past she has been
, so addicted to the drug habit that she 4
has moped around on the streets In jf
a manner that was no credit to her-
self or of no especial advantage to the
town , nnd the police took the stops
necessary to get her out of tbe way.
It is not Improbable that the dipsoma-
niac law will be applied to her case
unless she reforms voluntarily or
makes herself less conspicuous during
her drug orgies.
> . BiHiMip Hinck. 'Phono ; ; ; .
Ni > 'hr ' on i In in nwvri > l from ofllce
Office , Cotton Block , 'Phone Black 23.
ce n > North Tenth > let l | < 'ln > ne asi
is what Mrs. Lucy
Stovall.ofTilton.Ga. .
said after taking
Kodol Dyspepsia
Curo. Hundred *
wotnon are
boinc restored - -
stored to perfect
i i n . 11 health by thin rem
edy. YOU may bo
well if you will tak
Indigestion causes
nearly all the sick-
ness that women t
hayo. It deprives the system of nourishment - *
mont and the delicate organs peculiar to
women Buffer weaken , and b conv
j I Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure
: ; enables the stomach and digestive ortfans
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some food that may bo eaton. It nourishes
, . tha body , and rebuilds the weak organs ,
restoring health and strength. Kodol cures
' indigestion , constipation , dyspepsia , sour
risinco.bolchJnghoartburnand all stomach
Digests What You Eat
time * it ranch th >
trUI , or to cmt lt .
Prtpued at the LibI I
orttorr of S.O.DtWItt
Sola for Asa K. Leonard ,