The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 21, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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    HIM NOUKOUC NKWS : I'Mill ' ) A Y. , M'IY - ! .
He Is Eleven Days from the Scaconst
and Twenty Days From Norfolk Aj
Nebraska Newspaper Worth $5.00
When This Letter Was Written.
The following letter from F. A. Harrison
risen , who , accompanied by his wife ,
Is spending the summer In central
Guatemala , was written on Juno 1M
and wns only received yesterday after
noon , having boon on the road twenty
dnys. Fiom the tone of the letter It
Is evident that , whllo ho may bo liav-i
Ing a good Unto secluded from Iho
world , yet ho has a longing to know
what Is doing outside the rain belt of
his present locution. Even a little
scramble at a state convention would
probably not bo wholly disagreeable
to him at this time , by way of con
trast with the kind of lifo ho Is now
Xacnpn. ( Inatoma'a , June 21. Spe
cial correspondence to The News :
Wo are still hero at this ancient moun
tain capital of the A/tees , nnd are
likely to stay for six weeks , at least.
The summer rains have set in all
around here , and It is not coincident
to travel. South across the Honduras
frontier , where wo expect tq visit the
ancient ruins of Copan , there is rain
from morning to night. During the
last week of July wo will bo able to
go thero.
Wo have been without tiows from
the United States since June 8 , but
are hoping for a later newspaper dur
ing the month. Papers from Guate
mala city dated the 13th have reached
but their foreign dispatches are en
tirely devoted to the Japanese war ,
with very little real news on that sub
ject. Wo had a train from the east
Thursday , and will have ono going
east Sunday if signs look right to the
dispatcher , so a newspaper Is one of
the possibilities.
The money of this county still looks
wonderful. I have just paid a board
bill for nine days and a half. I copy
the bill entire , so your readers may
see that living here is very aristocrat
"Senor Harrison y Senora. Debe. a
Hotel Francis , Kacapa Junio 14 , Com-
ida y cutito , 2 personas , $12.00 ,
"Del 15 nl 23 , 9 Dlas Mentenclon a
$2-1 , ? 21C.OO.
"Stima , $228.00.
"Cancelndo. 23 de Junlo , 1905.
"Vlctorlna de Savnrina. "
Reduced to United States money this
amounted to a little less than $17 for
the two of us We have rented a room
outside , and will take meals only at
the hotel hereafter. The landlady has
put us on the list of regular boarders ,
and our meals are to cost us but
$200 apiece per month , which Is quite
a concession.
During the past week we have taken
some good photographs of the mar
kets , the schools , the religious pro
cessions , nnd of the wonderful moun
tains which surround this valley. We
have also added materially to our al
ready largo collection of curios. Next
week we expect to take mules and vis
it the smaller towns In the Zacnpn val
ley , where n large number of curious
things are manufactured. Wonderful
Indian Jugs , vases , hammocks , and i
carved things may be had for a trifle.
At one of the little towns drawn work
Is a chief Industry. Panama hats are
made somewhere near , and must be
very cheap , as barefoot men and
ragged boys are around here wearing
hats that would cost n young fortune
In Nebraska.
We are thinking of offering a prize i
of a collection of stamps and Guate i
mala money to the first Nebraskan
who writes us a letter or sends us a
newspaper. Strangers not barred.
The date of the postmark at home to
he taken Into consideration In awardIng - I
Ing the prizes. I would give five dollars
lars today , ( Guatemala money ) for the
patent side of a newspaper not more
than ton dnys old , or the same amount
for a fresh letter from Nebraska.
F. A. Harrison.
Dinner With a Horse. '
An Interesting exhibition of equine
Intelligence was witnessed on our
streets Sunday. A farmer left his
horse hitched to a post whllo he did
the rounds with his jolly friends. The
animal waited patiently several hours
nnd evidently decided at last that pa
tience had ceased to be a virtue and
that God only nelps those who help
themselves. After stamping around
uneasily a few moments paused as If
to consider the situation then very
deliberately reached back and pulled' '
a package from the trappings contain )
ing two loaves of broad , deposited at
Its feet and toro off the wrappings.
The master arrived a few moments
later and found the bread partly de
voured and Mr. Horse evidently enjoy-1
Ing the meal. Then followed a more
remarkable scene. The befuddled man j |
sat down on the edge of the walk , j i
took up a loaf of bread , gave the horse I :
a bite then took one himself nnd so I
continued till the bread was con I
Burned. Bonesteel Pilot.
Home From Abroad.
John A. Platt has returned to Madi
son from Europe , where he had been
sincq. early in April. While there Mr.
Platt traveled over a good part of the
continent , visited the principal cities
of North Germany and spent two
wt'oUti In Uiibsla , wlileli wiia Ills homo'
before coming to the I'nitcil States
Hvi'ii ns much as wo have hoard Mr
I'liill toll of Ills ohscmilloiiH Mini i > \
porloneo * whllo ( hero Is highly Inter
esting , and \vo were with lilin but a
, Hhort Unto. Mr. 1'latt hud tunny thrill-
I I Ing experiences In the realms of the
o/nr previous to the tlino when ho
oaino to America , and If properly ar
ranged the \vholo would make nn In
teresting nnrrntlvo. Mndlson Star-
; Mall.
Wanted by manufacturing corpora-
i lion. energetic honest man to manage
branch olllco. Salary $12oOO monthly
and comnil.sRlon. niliilnuiin Invest in out
of $500 In HtocH of company required
Secretary. Box 101 , Madison , WIs.
Administration Started Out Well nnd
Was Backed by Public Sentiment ,
But Nothing Seems to Have Come
From the Movement.
People are beginning to wonder , and
wonder qnitc audibly , what has be
come oT the drainage , sewerage and
water extension plnns that were so
conspicuously before the city council
some months ago , nnd from which
much was promised In the wav of Im
provement to the city's condition. At
the first regular mooting of the pres
ent city administration on May ! ,
Mayor Friday In his message strongly
urged that measures be tal < en to over
come the Hood difficulty In Corpora
tion gulch , and on May in It was an
nounced that Mayor Friday had ar
ranged with Engineer King of the Chicago
cage and Northwestern to Inspect the
gulch and advlso the city how the
trouble might ho remedied. Again , at
the mooting of the council Mav 18 a
committee was appointed to Investi
gate the cost of a sewerage system
for the city and the mayor was dele
gated to communicate with TCnglnoor
Tlosowntor and have htm come hero
and make an estimate ou the cost of
such a system.
The council certainly laid a good
foundation for making improvements
that would bo of great benefit to the
citv. In the inauguration of such n
movement they had the baolclnz of
nrncticallv every tax payer nnd OVPVV
citizen , for the giiloh evil and the l.irl ,
of eweroge have been a menace to
prop ° rtv and health ever since the
town crew to any sire This was ill
done in May , when H was raining three
or four times n div when the sulov >
was guying over It" ? bank" froniif > nMv
and destructlvelv. and when cellar
and cess nnols wer full to overflow
ing In everv nart of town But for
sonie reason or another nothing soetvs
to bnve come from the start so bold'v
made Perhans Norfolk is Hire the
Arkansas shack owner cnn't fix tpo
drninngp w'-en It is raining and don't
need It when It Is drv.
Tt 1 true 'Rng'noor ' nosowator came
hero from Omnhn , received Jinn for
making the visit , and advised that a
complete nreliminnry survey would be
necessary before even an approximate
ostinnlo could be placed unon the
nrohahle cost of the Improvements.
He thought the preliminary survov
would likelv co t * 700 At a Inter
meeting nf the council it wn < susrsnst-
ed tint the matter might he looked
into by the wnvs nnd means < -ommit-
tee. On .Tune 15 the proposition of
Rurn = & MoDonnel of Kansas Cltv
to send a representative to Norfolk
for the purpose of making estimates
of snrvevR , plnns nnd Rneolflnatfons
for n sewer svstem , wns nccented. the
offer of the Kansas Citv firm b'eing to
do the preliminary work for nothing.
And that Is as far as the matter got.
Nothing more has come of It and
the ouestlon does not now oven appear
in the proceedings of the city council
With a question of the Importance
of this , where public .sentiment is al
most entirely In favor of something
being done , It would seem that the
old adage of "great bodies moving
slowly" might have been dispensed
with and some real live western vim
put Into pushing the matter so that
the sewerage and drainage systems
might at least have been started this
year Of course it Is a disagreeable
problem and It will cost money , hut It
Is one that must be met sooner or later
and It will cost no more to do It now
than It will cetao judgpnneETAIONN
than ten years front now. If put oft
the damage to private property and
city street property will continue to
accrue every time there Is a storm of
any extent.
The extension of water mains has
been complainably alow this year ,
also. In many parts of town where
new houses are going up there 13 a
demand for water connections , but
there has been little doing along that
line It should be the policy of the
city to make water connections pos-
slblo whenever called for. If a man
shows fnlth enough tn the town to In-
vest Ms money In helping to build It
up ho should be accorded every en-
couragement to make the property
convenient and satisfactory.
Some of that promUel lifo on the
part of the city administration would
be welcomed just at this time , than
which there IB no better opportunity
to make improvementa. There will
bo comparatively little rain for the
next few months add now Is the time
when the work .should ho In progress.
Men are nt Work Unpacking nnri In
stalling as Fast ns it Reaches the
Institution Will be Ready for Full
Occupancy In Another Month.
A car load of furniture for the Xnr
folk hospital for the Insane has been
received and all day yesterday nt rings
of teams wore hauling It out on the
hill from the station. One more whip
'mont ' Is expected In a few days. The )
furniture that Is arriving In solid , sub
Hlaiitlul , elegantly finished , and In
first elans In every lospoct. The con
tract calls for placing Iho furniture In
position nnd eight men are now here
from Uncoln unpacking nnd gelling II
In shape. Workmen are engaged In
putting on the steel ceilings In the
rooms which were left to look like a
barn by the contractor , and when this
is done they will be more hnbltable.
No provision was made In the original
conlract for protecting the windows.
\\hlch were left free like those of nn
ordinary dwelling It has been decid
ed Hint while this gives n hotter ap
pearance to Iho building , that the plan
is not suitable to nn I nun no hospital ,
so that grills are now being placed
over the windows.
It Is expected that Iho installation
of furniture nnd Iho changes will re
quire another month , by which time
it Is hoped to be ready to bring In
enough patients to (111 ( the enpnoil ) of
the Institution.
The slate board of public lands nnd
buildings hud expected to visit the In-
stltutlon last week , hut did not come ,
nnd local officers now llgure thai they
will be here some time this week.
The hospital force commenced cut
ting hay on the state meadows this
morning , of which there will be a good
yield. Considering Hie small amount
of help now employed nt the Institu
tion , with the date that the work Hlnrt-
od , the hospital garden Is proving n
wonder in Its productiveness. Field
crops , which consist largely of corn
and oats , are not doing so well , as
they were started very Into In the sea
With a New Stand Pipe. Deep Wells ,
Hydrants About the Premises and a
Fire Company , the is Fair
ly Safe From Fire.
The hose cart ordered seine time
ago for th'3 Norfolk hospital for the
iiiKtno has arrived. The flro fighting
anparntus of the institution , Including
f)00 teot of standard hose , is now all
here , and ! i company of flro lighters
will bo formed at once among the em
ployes of the hospital. It Is Iho In
tention to organise along the lines of
a city company , and it is prolmlvlo that
the boys who compose It will decide
to join the Norfolk department. This
would give thorn representation in the
ntuto association , including delegates
to the tournaments and -issociatlon
meetings , which are advantages worth
considering. Regular practice drills
will lie indulged in , and in a short
time the state property will bo as
amply protected from fire n.s though
Inside the city limits. At the time the
hospital burned throe yours ago last
September there was absolutely noth
ing in the way of fire protection about
the place , and although the Norfolk
fire department turned out In force to
try to help , they were powerless because -
cause of luck of water.
At that time a stand pipe had boon
planned , some of thf material oven
then being on the ground. This has
since been completed , now wells sunk ,
hydrants put In about the premises ,
and every facility provided to pre
vent another catastrophy like the one
before. Now the hospital company
will be able to handle anything In the
way of a small flro , but should a con
flagration get beyond their control the
city companies can go to their assist
ance and be of material help , because
the hydrants about the grounds have
the same hose connections as those
down town.
The provision for a local flro com
pany nnd apparatus is one of the wls-j
est things done by the state board of
public lands and buildings , in its
equipment of the plant , anil forever
does away with the possibility of an
other holacaust.
Clay County Farmers Get Agresable
Surprise in Wheat.
Clay county farmers who estimated
tholr yield of wheat at fifteen ushols1 I
to the aero prior to cutting are being ] i ,
egreeably surprised to b.ivo tb-i j
threshing machin-j turn out inoro than !
twice tha estimated amount , which la
bringing eighty cents on the market.
During the rainy season the stalks put
forth a sturdy growth in Nebraska ,
but did not grow tall With the com
ing ot the dry and hot weather the
beads Uao beea developing magnifi
cently and In some Holds the lieadu
'aro ' nlmoHt half the toimlli of the
'n'rnu ' ' Plump well developed gnnim
, 111 ! iho hunK ami u bump * ' ! ' yield of
nil small gnilnx In almost positively
a-mnoii The farmers In this vicinity
bine not yet ooinnioneod lo thresh hut
me exporting n big yield , especially
from upland fiimm. when the time
Wo soil flour , oil meal , mill food ,
Htoi'k and poultry supplies. Flour and
Food Htoro. Pacific block
WANTHD My manufacturing corI
[ Miration , energetic , honest mini to
manage branch olllco Salary JlHfiOO1
monthly and commission minimum Investment -
vestment of Jf.OO . In utook of company '
required Secretary , llox 101 , Mndl-
son , WIs.
Stun 11 Gr.iln , Sugar Beets nnd Alfalfn
arc Showing up In Rcmnrknbly Good
Form No Sunstrokes or Hent Pros
trations Reported.
The "corn" went her hits HO ! I led
down to business with every Indication
of mulling good For four days In n
utrotcli , now , the tomperntiire has been
running ninety nnd over , nnd yester
day the record of the sonnon wan
reached , If not for a year or more past ,
the mercury climbing up In the tube
until a record of nliiely-nlne wan re
corded. The sun boat down hut , but
the excessive temperature was not un
bearable. A good bree/e blew during
Iho dny , the nir won apparently
squeezed dry of moisture and no
sunstrokes or beat prostrations were
recorded although hundreds of Nor
folk people were out taking the air
In the hottest part of the dny. The
temperature is much stronger and Iho
season of hont longer than during last
July. On the ICth , 18th nnd 30th , Innt
yenr the thermometer showed 92 , nnd
on the 20th 90 , whllo for four straight
dnys , with nnothor In prospect todny ,
temperatures at 90 or over hnvo boon
shown , and may continue several
The corn Is making some remarkable -
able spurts during the hot dnys nnd
warm nights Inches n day are being
iddi-I to Its growth , nnd it is said by
some that a foot to eighteen Inches
has been added during the past week.
In seine fields the blades are curled ,
but the farmers' say that no rain I *
needed A sprinkle that would mois
ten the surface of the ground ami wet
the leaves , would not be n disadvant
age however. The sugar beets , the
alfalfa and small grain crops all look
remarkably line and the present proa-
peer. [ 3 that there will be bumper
yields of all crops when the titno
comes for the harvest.
The builders , the farmers , the ce
ment walk Inyora and the campers-
are making the most , of the weather ,
and a SOMSOII that promised to he back
ward a few weeks ago and cause ma
terial delay In out of door work , gives
no indication now that such will bo
Iho result. They hnvo proceeded with
great energy , Inrge extra forces have
been put to work nnd everywhere
things are niado to count. Now build
ings , repair work and progress of
farm work Is very satisfactory to
those most concerned.
Morgan Cleaning Up.
For the first time In thiity years Iho
building at the corner of Wall and
Rroad stiools , the floor nnd base-
Morgan Co. , is now getting u clean-
mont of which are occupied by .1. P.
Ing. The work is being done by a
sand blast cleaning concern , and the
marble front la slowly assuming a
snow white appearance ngaln It has
boon begrimed with dust , accumulated
since II was erected In 187H. The A.
.1. Drexel estate of Philadelphia and i
the Mechanics' National bank of this
city are the joint owners. Interested
crowds have been watching the work I
of cleaning since it was begun , no- j ,
cause of the celebrated banking house
which is its tenant , the building IB fre
quently but incorrectly referred to as
the "Morgan building. "
A United States WalTMap ,
well adapted for use In offlco , library
or school , substantially mounted , edg
es bound in cloth , printed In full col
ors , showing the United States , Alaa
ka. Cuba and our Island possessions
The original thirteen states , the Louis
iana purchase , the Oregon territory ,
etc. , are shown In outline , with date ?
when territory was acquired , and oUter -
er valuable Information.
Sent to any address on receipt of
flfu-un cents to cover postage , by n
W Knlskorn. P T. M. , C. & N-W. R'y. .
One Dollar Saved Represents Ten Dollars
lars Earned. j
The average man does not save to'
exceed ten per cenf of his earnings i
Ifo must spend nine dollars In living'
expenses for every dollar saved. That
bolng the case he cannot be too care-
ful about unnecessary expenses. Very
often n fovv cents properly invested ,
like billing seeds for his garden , will
save several dollars outlay later on
It is the same in buying Chamberlain's
Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
It costs but a few conts. nnd a liottlo
of It In the IIOIIKO often saves a dou-
tor'fi bill of Kovoral dollars. For sale
by the Kiesau Drug Co.
Dales of the Fixed nt .1 Meet
ing of the Business Men Officers
J I I Elected to Carry Out the Arr.ingc-
! incuts Made.
Nollgh. Neb. , July 17.Special to
'The NO\\H : Nollgh will have another
carnival this year , along Ihu iianui
lines IIH tlumo that have Imrotoforo
been HO Hiiccessful , except It IH expect
ed to make II bettor and larger than
any of KH predecessor .
At a mooting of the biiHlnosH men
held l''rldny evening It. WIIH decided lo
hold the carnival thin \onr on September -
tombor ii ; , II mid in. It will ho con-
dueled Hlinllarly to the carnival of
hint year , only on n more ovtoimlvo
Honlo. In fuel Iho plnns contemplate
the largest enrnlvnl over bold here.
It wns decided to hnvo the drawing
the HIIIIIU nn liml year. ICnch purchea-
er of a r > ( ) cent ticket will bo entitled
to ndiiilHHlon to everything on I lie
gtouiids ( > seept the amphllhontor , and
Iho will also entitle him | 0 an
Interest In I he drawing. |
OIllcei-H of Iho enrnlvnl iiHHocliitlon
were elected ns follows : M. U. Hull , j
elinlriuan ; C. L. Wattles , treiiHiiror ;
\V. W Cole , secretary.
M. Nichols of Foster IH In ( own.
Max Wilde spoilt yesterday In IJnt-
tie Ctoek.
H. II. KdoiiH of Bnltlo Crook wns In
the city today.
W. Collard of Wianor was In the
city o\or night.
A. II. Corholt nnd sou of Mndlson
spent the night In the city.
MIHS Lucllo Tincy IH homo fiom n
Visit with frlomhi nt Fairfax.
H. J. Tate of Plalnvlow was a PIIH-
Monger for Omaha this morning.
Mrs. W. Brown of Nollgh reached
Norfolk on the early morning train.
Mr. and Mrs. John Coleman of West
Point were Norfolk guests over night.
S. W. Deuol of Meadow Grove came
down on the early train this morning.
Goo. O'Toolo wont to Omaha this
morning for a short visit with his fam
Mrs. A. P. Pllgor Of Madison Is hero
visiting her mother , Mrs. Mary Daven
Judge Boyd passed through the city
Saturday evening on his way to Ne-
llgh front Omaha.
T W Walnlng , assistant post inns-
tor of Foster , wns transacting business
in Norfolk todny.
Sheriff and Mrs. Clements of Madi
son were among the attendants at the
Spauldlng funeral yesterday.
Lyle Nicola went to FOBor ! IhlH
morning , whore ho Is getting ready to
open n new bank this week.
Kenneth Notion wont to Stuart hint
night to take a position with the telephone -
phone company at that place.
Max Wolf of Albion was in the city
over night and left this morning for
Sioux City lo by slock for his ranch.
Walter Miller of Plerco wns in the
city this morning on bis way to
Wnyno , whore he is attending school. j
Itov. J. C. S .Weills drove ton miles i I
Into Sfanton county thin morning to' [ '
bapll/o tbo Infant child of Mr. and1
Mrs William Robert Kennedy. I
I/nils Johnson , a hotel man of Pon-1 j
ca. wns In the city this morning on his' ' 1
way homo from a visit to friends at
Attorney n F. narnhart of Ploico
was in the city fills morning on bis
way to Wayne , where ho has a cnse
today In the county court. |
J. B. Mnylnrd and family spent yes-
tordny at Mndlson visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Goo. Davenport Miss Marion i
remained for a longer visit. j i
W. H. Hough , hardware man of
Pierce , accompanied by bis daughter1 1
and sister-in-law , Miss 1C. Iloumat of
Harrison , were city visitors yesterday. I
Miswos FJIln Raasch and Margaret' ' 1
Gl.isor of Stanton , accompanied bv l
Fred Benny nnd Fred Glnser. were
callers at the homo of August Raasch I i
Herman Stolnkraus , a prosperous
ranchman of near Plalnvlew , was In
the city yesterday on his way to the I i
southern part of the state to purchase' i
thoroughbred cattle.
Attorney W. 13. Reed of Madison' '
was In the city Saturday night and
wont to Omaha yesterday morning. I
Ho was accompanied by Chas Stuart , i
who was on his way to Lincoln. J
Mrs. B. T. White made a short vis
it to Norfolk yesterday , taking home
her two children , Kirk and Ruth , who
have boon camping with Burl Mnpos
and family during the past four weeks
Mr. and Mrs. Krahn will leave
Wednesday morning for Chicago ,
where Mr. Krahn will purchase a sup
ply of winter goods and take a courso.
In the Kronborg cutting school , after
which ho will join his wife In Milwau-
keo for a short visit. Mrs Krahn will
go to St. Paul and Milwaukee while
he Is attending to his business iu Chi
cago. She will be accompanied by
her daughter , Mrs Aug Steffen and
husband. They export to be absent
two or three weeks.
Dr. C M Pancoast has his house in
the northwestern part of town almost
A bunch of Indians came down from
Niobrara this morning They were
en route to Homer , where they will vis
it others of their race
0. B Duriaod lias sold what la
known an the Kiosau house on South
FiC'ii ' 'nil i , , T HPOII who will
II nl | II till hi . flllllllV
I , \ \ I Mill , ' < > h , if H.l'1,11 I Wllfft-
aw , - turn liniiM , \ \ i ii nn UK tin ; ;
| HIMMI.H | In the cln today
The work of excavating for Hie ( 'If-
l/.ens bank addition IH nearly oomph-t
od nnd Iho mnxoiiM will begin on the
foundation In nnolhor day or no
About forly of Iho Dixie
people piiHHcd through Iho city ( bin
morning on tholr way to Tekamnh ,
where limy will hold Iho HtroolH for a
wool , .
Mi'H Jack KocnljiHlelii and daugb-
\\Mlliolinlno. . who hnvo been vlml.-
Ing the former's parcnlH , Kev , ind
. \lrn. KlmrploHH nt Dulnlli , Minn , Iho
piiRl fo\v weekH , returned homo Halur
dny. i
The Norfolk Itnllof .umoclntlon of
the i Cormiiii l.itlhoran churchon of
IhlH i city hold n picnic In lllllo'H grove ,
n i mile noilh of town yoHlerdny. There
WIIH n good crowd In nlloiulnnce and n
very ' enjoyable nfleriioon WIIH npent.
HI i out CoimnlHHloiior Oscar Ulchoy
IH I making the most of Ihln weather
nnd i Is Iliilnliliig up on Fifth nnd Sixth
HlroolH i to hnvo Ihem compare with
Fourth. It In prolmldo ( hat nil Iho
principal ] HlieeiH and avenues will bo
nicely i graded tlihi BCIIHOP , lo Die gieat
delight i and advantage of the teiiiiiHtcp )
and i dtlvern.
Water ConiinlHxIniicr Itriiniinun. . ! n
finding I n number of city wnter uset i
who thought they could dispense \utii
the line of water for lawn puii <
IhlH i year but are now templed to p.i
for to few gnlloiiH They nre u ,1 , . I
when cnught In the act , to oltlier pi/
up or hnvo the water shut off fumi
tholr promlHOH , The consumers biv
Ing a motor are , of course , exempt
from ncllon or censure.
Henry ( lIlHHinnn arrived hist evn
Ing I Mini Dooiie , Iowa , nnd Is lod.iy
erecting n hnmlHome monument over
the grave of his wife , who wns buried
hole two weeks ngo lodny , order fur
which wan left with M. M. Stnnnnnl
< t Son when ho was here before. Thin
Is an unusually prompt action on the
purl of Mr. C-llssman , but bo alwnyn
did believe In doing tilings right , and
his disposition does not seem lo have
changed since bo was a citizen of
A report fiom Fremont Hays Hint
Iho Dodge county board of supervis
ors have declared the bond of D M.
Owen , deceased , formerly of Norfolk ,
forfeited , and hnvo ordeioil the n > un
ty attorney to file a claim against tin
oslnto. Mr. Owen was taken sick ui < l
died before the carrying out of i < "i
tract lo build the Bowman ditch i
waterway badly needed north of i i >
cliy. The administrator of his iMfnto
appealing lo the board several tri' ,
wns given additional time to fulliM " ,
contract. This has not been doni.nid
now the bond Is declared forf- * I
The claim exeeedH the bond n < - \ > il
times and a warm fight In couii HMV
ho the result.
Reason for the baldness of m. : 's
heads and the abundant hair M > it
adorns the heads of women may l > n
noted this summer. It Is noticed tn it
about five men appearing on tin
si roots those hot days wear clos111
ling felt hats where ono wears strvv
or chip. On thu contrary the woman
who woais a cloth headdress is nlimif
an unknown quantity , while manv of
them wear no hats at all at certain
hours of the day. The hats th.-y do
wear nro nboiil na good as none ; it
nil , except for protection from they'll
They sol lightly on the head , In-lil
down with hat pins , and the air 1 IIH
full oppotttinlty to reach the scalp
where thoie are no rats or coils of
A perfect frenzy of cement walk
building scoins to have struck Norfolk
this season , and In every part of lowi
gioat stretches of permanent walk arc
going In at a lively rate. Temporarily
the Improvement Is quite a de'nni'Mi-
to the public , bocaitso In many in
stances the old walks Imvo to ak"n
up nnd now filling put In , making
necessary for people to pink their way
over or around the places , but no ono
Is complaining , everyone being qlnl
to put up with considerable Inconvenl-
once for the result of substantial por-
mancnt walks which may bo foreseen
In the near future. It has been but
a few years since the cement
walk made Its appearance in Norfolk ,
and It will bo but a few more befoio
practically every walk In town will bo
constructed of solid cement.
B. II. Tracy returned Saturday from
'a business trip to the southeastern
part of the state , where he spent
a week. He says the country down
there looks fine and everyone Is sniil
ing and happy over the crop prospects
Farmers are threshing tholr winter
wheat , which Is yielding from thirty-
live to forty bushels to the aero , in I
Is the finest quality ever harvested ; n
that section of the state , going from
sixty to sixty-four pounds to the t-usn-
e ! The wheat is being taken to mar
ket as fast as thrashed. In one li'M't
town of SOO people where he sp.'ir i
portion of the time , an average > ? a
load of wheat every ten mlnu'i i.l
day long was brought to the clever i
ach load averaging fifty bushels i 1
bolng worth $40 In a drive "f . '
miles through the country he M
twenty-five steam threshers a'1 it
work The conditions in the . < > u
eastern part of the state are th ° * : .10
as prevail over the entire whea'ruv
Ing portions of Nebraska , escen' t at
the season there is more advi- < t
than elsewhere. ar.J the results ' <
harvest are known earlier , it , iu-
Itevea that wh n th harvest is > vi ,
itvill bo found that Wobraska ha.s
aised the biggest an.1 best crop of
wheat In its history.