The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 21, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE NORFOLK NEWS. Kill DAY , JULY 21 , 1905 ,
Scope of the Durenu It Enlnrijed , Iti
Purpose Dclng to Control the Re-
nerved for Uie That Will Mnke Their
Deneflt * Permnnent.
I Tumi rlunmlnVH Dnl'N 1
From .Inly 1 tlio burcnu of foionliy
In to bo olllolnlly known nn tlio foirnl
nrrvlco Tlio change \\nn inntlo bv con-
Kress lust winter , \\lion It provided for
Ilio Kovprnmont work In forontry dur-
Inj : tlio romliiK vcar , nnd RlKtinllrcd nn
Important mlvanoo In tlio scope of Hint
work Tlio ncliml control niul admin-
Iminlloii of tlio nntloinil foront n >
HPIV < < foiinrrly under I lie cliniKo of
I lie Iniul olllro nf Ilio doimrtinonl of
tlio Intoilor. Is noIn tlio bunds of
Ilio foront service tlio only lirnncli of
IllO llllllllO MOnlrO pOfWRHPll Of tllO
iirlontlllr nnil technical knowledge noc
tissniv for tlio onlllitoiiod | ! oaro nnd
UNO of ( lie foioMts Thin inoniiH tlmt
Ilio roRonos mo to lie niado to ylolil
to tlio people of tlio country tlio
OR ) lionolltH which IntolllKont
inont ran got out of tlioni UHO , not
roporvntlon fioin IIRO , IB tlio osHontlnl
purpose for which tlioy oxlnt hut uno
under micli condltloiiB nn nlinlt innlto
tholr bcncfltR poininncnt.
' Control of Ilio reserves vvnR turned
ever to tlio liuicnu of forestry last Kcb-
runry , nnd tlio nocoRsnry reorRnni/n-
tlon IB now well ndvnncod In taking
up HB now worU , liowovor. tlio forest
MTV-ICO will not nlmndon nnv part of
tlio old Hold of the liuronu. HB luond
purpose will continue to bo tlio fuitber-
unco by every possible moniiH of tlio
movement to Introduce prnetlcnl for
estry ovorywboro. It will do HB ut
most to assist tills movement among
pilvnto owners nnd In tlio Bovornl
RtntoR , not only by sclontlflc Invention-
tlona hut by ndvlco nnd eoopernUon
In tlio nctunl work of applying for-
OHtr > . This Is Imperatively demanded
If the general \\elfaro IB not to Buffer
profoundly In the future from n shoit-
ngo of timber Biipply. The forest ser
vice will continue the Btudlon of for-
oat products , of methods of making
timber more dm able , of tree planting ,
nnd of nil subjects which cnn promote
wiser nnd more profitable use of our
iiocond greatest resource for In the
vnluo of their totnl contribution to our
neodR there cnu bo no dmibt that foiost
product ? stand nest to those of ngrl-
cultnro. -
The flold of the burcnu of forestry
nan oxjinnded romniknhly In the past
few years The llrst government rec
ognition of foiestrv was In 1870. when
congress mndo nn nppioprlntlon for n
HKIlled innn to piosecuto n study of
forest conditions , needs , nnd , nnd
mnke n report to congress. This olllce
was continued until the division of
foiostry was created , July 1 , 1SSfi.
Then from n mere olllco of Information
the division stopped suddenly Into the
field of nctunl operations , demonstrat
ing by evnmplo how forestry could bo
mndo to pay nnd thus fuinlshing the
one argument needed to convoit pri
vate owners from scepticism ns to the
practlcnbleness of n theory to the ac
ceptance of n proved fnct. When this
was accomplished n now epoch In the
history of American forestry opened.
Since that time no single stop forward
hns boon so Important ns that which
tlio use of the now name , forest ser
vice , now mm Us. This the people of
the country , nnd particularly the people
plo of the west , where the reserves
nre , will come to lenlizo ns they grnsp
the fnct that , scientifically nnd effl-
clontly ndnilnlstcred , tlio reserves \ \ 111
soon reach their highest olllcloncy as
contributors to the wealth and perma
nent de\clopment of the regions n
which they Ho.
Many Believe the Same Purses Of
fered Before Would Bring a Good
String of.Horses and Good Crowds.
Meeting Monday Night to Determine
It may bo possible that Norfolk cnn
hn\e n race mooting > et this season
The ( iiiobtou will ho determined nt n
meeting of the contribute ! s to the
rnce nnd celebrntion fund , to be held
nt the city hall next Monday evening
Considerable of the money collected
for the race meeting nnd celebration
planned for July 3 and 4 , Is still in the
hands of the committee , nnd if the
contributors so vote It will be used to
guarantee n t\\o days' racing meet.
Considerable work had been done on
the track , grounds , fences , judges'
btand , etc , before It became apparent
Hint the rain would spoil the races
scheduled for the two days , which
would not be necessary to pay ngnln
should It be decided to try another
meet this year. Since the rains' '
Flopped the track has been placed In
first class condition and there Is none
better In the state today.
Many business men who were dis
appointed In the failure to pull off the
races at the first attempt are In favor
of trying again It Is argued that from
now on the clmncoH of rnln nro fnrloHH
than they wei before , nnd that If
daloM weio net that do not conflict
with HIOHO of HiirroundliiK ineelingH ,
Norfolk ought Hi 111 to bo nblo to In
duce good horm'R to come here nnd
dinw n big crowd of people The rnc-
OH scheduled for thin section of the
ulnle nro IIR follows : Hnttlo Creek ,
AugiiRt HO to September 1 ; Stnnton ,
September fi to K ; Nellgh. September
U to Ifi ; Crelgbton. September 'Jl to
S.1 : Madison , September U7 to 2 ! ) The
plan of HIOHO who nro agitating the
matter IH to fix the Norfolk dntea
either during the week piecedlng the
Hnttlo Oiook races or after HIOHO at
Madison In the latter event Itould
bring the races dining the tlrwt week
In October , while If the other dates
are taken It will make the races dur
ing the week beginning Augimt 21 It
Is believed by ninny that those dates
me belter , IICCIIUHO October IH moio
liable to bring lain , and Inning been
mined out once tlilH year the commit
tee IH not nnxloiiH lo go against this
Kind of n situation again If the races
nro lo ho hold In August , some pietty
lively work will Imvo to bo done , as
those dates nro now only five vvookR
nwny , nnd will ho only four fiom tin
time of the meeting next Monday
If It IB decided to give the laces ,
about the same puiscs will bo offciod
that woio hung up for .Inlv It and I.
Chairman Itiiinham of the commit
tee IH niixlouK to hnve nil bills against
the coniniltteo piesented nt once , HO
that an exact statement of flnnncoH
may bo made and pioHontcd to the
IIUIHH meeting
It nnd Seven Other Counties Seek to
Evade a Share of the Assessment
Thnt Has Been Levied Action of
Equalization Board.
Lincoln , .Inly 15 All of the ninety
counties with the exception of eleven
hnve forwnrdod to the state auditor
lepoits of their nssessment rolls The
eleven delinquents nro DouglnR , I nn-
cnster. fnge. ! Ornnt , Tlolt , Jefferson ,
Mndlson , Nnnco , Otoe , Thnyer nnd Val
ley. It Is believed that all of them
will hnve their reports on file before
the slate boaid of equnlhntlon nnd ns-
sessment meets Monday.
At the auditor's olllce compnrlRon
hns boon mndo to nscertnln how mnny
counties hnve followed the exnmplo
of .lohnsou nnd Nomnhn In Rending in
real estate valuations used by them
laRt venr befote the stnte board tncked
on n percontnge of incrense All of
the twonrv-four counties whoso ical
estnto nssessment wns tncrensod by
the board Inst venr have been com-
pnied , but onlv eight of them appenr
to hnvo tried this clever dodge to get
out of n slime of the tnxntlon. Thev
are llox Tlutto conntv , whore the as
sessment of rcnl estnte wns rnlsod bv
the bonid Inst venr 5 per cent , nnd
Johnson. Knov Nomnhn nnd Shormnn
which sustnlncd a slmllnr raise ; nlso
Dakota Klmhnll nnd.Lincoln , wherein
the bonrd raised the assessment 10
per cent. It Is vorv prohnble tlmt when
the stnto bonrd moots Mondnv It will
simply Incronse the renl estate valua
tions of those counties to the figures
fixed by the board last year nnd certlfv
the corrected figures bnck to the coun
ty clerks.
It Is suggested Hint the representa
tions will likelv bo made to the stnto
board to Induce It to lower the assess
ments of land In Cnss nnd Otoe coun
ties , which were assessed last vear re-
spectlvelv nt nn nvorngo of $1207 nnd
$11 OS. while tlmt of Flouglns 'countv
wns onlv valued at $12S(1 ( and Lancas
ter countv Innds run $ S 3S. There Is
n fooling Hint the two counties nnmod
weie nssossod compnrativelv too high
on fnrm Innda There scorns to bo
some question , however , ns to the pow
er of the bonrd to clmrgo nny of Inst
\ ear's assessments ns thev were final-
Iv ndopted It Is contended hv some
that under the Inw the bonrd will only
have Inwful power to chnngo nnv as
sessments mndo this yonr. nnd that
the renl estate assessments fixed last
vear as n finality must stand for the
fourenr period If tlmt ho true , the
bonrd cnn this year only consider per
sonal assessments nnd such as are
assessed yearly.
Repairing neatest , best rhenpesl
Paul isordwlp , harness man.
Petition of the Elevator Companies for
a Change Is Granted , to Go Into Ef
fect at Once Important Move In
the Grain Case.
Blair. Neb , July 18. In the Worrell
case against the Nebraska elevators.
Judge Sears hns granted the petition
of the elevator companies for the re
moval of the case from the district
court to federal circuit court , the or
der for the change to be executed at
Young Walters Dove Into the Deep
Water and Failed to Come up Eble
Realized the Situation and Brought
Him to the Surface.
irtoin rliiiiiidnv'ii
Theodore WnlterB came near fur-
nlnhlng himself ns the mutual victim
to the Noithfork last evening. With
a milliner of companions ho wns bnlh-
Ing In the river. The boys wore div
ing off the npion of the dam Into the
deep wnter below , nnd upon one of
those trips Theodore dove true to the
bottom of the deep wntor nnd fnllcd to
come to the surface Joe Khlo wns
with the party nnd when his compan
ion fnlled to nppenr ho quickly real
ised Hint bomclliltiK w wrong. Div
ing Into the wntor ho caught hold of
Wallers' body nnd nfter considerable
offoit succeeded In floating him to the
bunk of the stream. Walters wns
practically oxhnusted nnd n few inln-
iilcm moro would hnvo finished him.
Hide , to whose presence of mind nnd
Rtiength Wnltors owes his life , was
scomowhnt wenkoncd by the strain ,
but wns nil right nfl soon aR ho Im
bibed a little atmosphere. The history
of the stream hns been tlmt It must
have one victim nenrly every yenr to
Horve ns nn oxnmplo to keep others
from venturing Into dnngoroiiB sltnn-
HOUR. The rlvor IB fed by mnny cold
springs In the bed of the stream , and
if a person bathing happens to Rtrlko
the cold water from one of them the
shock to his system Is pretty sure to
cause him to collapse
If boys will swim In the Northfork ,
nnd It Hoenis they will , too much cau
tion cannot bo used. It la never safe
to go Into the river at any point alone ,
and never with companions unless
theio is nt least one strong swimmer
in the ciowd It Is hoped tlmt It will
not be nocoRBary to record n drowning
In the Northfork this year. Let the
ox.unple of young Walters servo the
H J. Anderson of Omnba wns in the
city yesterday.
J. K. Ualdwln of Nellgh wns In the
city over night.
Carl Lulkart leaves tomorrow for a
trip to Hastings.
John Llndalo of West Point was In
the city over night.
Hurt Mapcs went to Foster this at-
teuioon on business.
Mrs 11. Frlcko , jr. , of Mndlson was
In the city this morning.
Mr nnd Mis. Wm. Bridge nre In
Osmond for a few days.
Miss Mnry llackes of Lindsay was
n Norfolk visitor yestcrdny.
M. H. Thompson of Florence wns in
the city this morning enioute to Heck-
la , S II , to purchase range stock for
the South Omaha market.
W. II. UlaUoman and son Kail made
a business trip to Leigh today.
Miss Falo IJurnham is homo from a
week's visit with Miss Fields at Mnd-
Mrs A H Smith nnd Mrs. Searby
of Cedar Rapids are Norfolk visitors
Mr. nnd Mis. J. F. Tloeck wont to
Pierce on the noon train on n busi
ness tilp.
Mrs. II J. nillorbeck , jr. , of Osmond
was in the city jesterday on her way
to Humphrey.
Miss Anna Keleher loft on the 1
o'clock tialu todn > for a month's visit
to fi lends at Monowi.
Mrs. Davis of Tllden arrived in the
city jesterdny noon to spend a week
with Mis. C 13 Huinham.
Miss IClsio Porter retumed yestei-
dav from Wayne , whcie she has been
attending the Noimal school
C E Tmnbull left on the noon train
for Plainvlew and other points along
the Bonestcel toad. Ho will return the
latter part of the week.
W. U Hoffman , of the firm of Hoff
man & VIele , left yesterday on his
annual purchasing trip to Chicago.
Mis. F. F. Miller and two > oungest
children loft this noon for Hastings to
join Mr. Miller in their new home.
C. A Johnson of Fairfax , vice presi
dent of the Nebraska National bnnk ,
was In the city on business jesterdny.
Mrs. G. A. Lulkart and daughter
Stella leave tomorrow noon for a two
months' stay at Excelsior Springs , Mo
Hichnid Steenback of Benson was in
the city this morning em onto home
fiom a visit to Bonesteel. He liked
the appearance of the country ver >
Ben Bolken and Henry Baitling
passed tin Hugh Noifolk yesterday en-
route to their claims on the Hosobud.
They weio formeily Cedar county
Goo D. Butterfleld left today for
Chicago , where he will oveitako a
train load of Butterfleld cattle that
were shipped Sunday. Ho will return
by way of St. Paul.
Miss Agnes Kent went to SlouClt >
yestciday to meet Mis. Joyce of
Rochester , Minn. , who hns come to
make an extended visit with her
daughter , Mrs Sam Kent.
Ilan McMaulgal , n prominent fann
er of Wayne , was in the city today on
his way home from a trip to the Rose
bud country. Ho was not favorably
impressed with that country
Krnest Mnnske hns nccepted n po
sition as traveling salesman for John
Larkln's marble works and starts out
at once on a salary This Is his first
ventuie in that line of work but his
friends think he has the push nnd
ahllll ) to make II n go
Sum Ommermnn , Douglas Baldwin
nnd Oscar McOrnll loft today with n
cnr load of horses nnd fnim machinery
for Johnstown , where they hnve
olnlniH The boys sny that prairie
chickens are plentiful In that country
nnd they expect to hnve a good time
for the next two months.
0. W Box of Sioux City , who ropro-
sontH Iho New York Life Insurance
company , IB In town. Mr. Box has
been with this coin puny n number of
years and expects to remain with It
until Lawson pntx It out of business.
As the occupation Is fnlrly ngieenble ,
ho has concluded that will not bo very
Mr. nnd Mrs. August Ilaasch re
turned Saturday from n nine weeks'
vlHlt In the east nnd north , hnvlng vis
Ited nt Chicago , Milwaukee , Appleton ,
Wntoitown , but principally nt tholr
former homo nt Uoxonln , Wisconsin
Yostenlay moro than fifty filcndn gath
ered at tholr homo west of town and
Hiirpilsod them , giving them n warm
gicctlng fiom their tilp.
Mr. nnd Mis Geo. Farley left nt
noon to visit friends at Long Pine and
other points west.
Couniv Attorney Jnck Koenlgstoln
hns just added to his nlrondy exten
sive law library $10 worth of new
Mr and Mia Geo. M Dudley have
moved fiom Norfolk avenue to the
hoiiHo nt II ! ) Philip avenue , recently
vacated by the family of F. F. Miller.
Lee Tinton baa resigned as rural
route can lor for the free delivery ser
vice and lias been succeeded by John
Cronk. who received his appointment
Inst week
A Norfolk hall team took a game
fiom the hovs at Wlnsldo Sunday bv
a scoie of 10 to 8. The batteilos
wereNoifolk , Boveo nnd Wct7el ;
Wlnsldo , Needham nnd Olds. Umpire ,
Stieet Commissioner Oscar Rlchey
hns oidered two cars of cinders that
will be used In filling in some of the
bad holes on Main street , and which.
It Is hoped will prevent them from re
forming every time It rains.
The choir boys of Trinity Kplscopal
church will leave tomorrow morning
for their annual camping outing at the
Yellow Banks nnd the membeis of the
choir are busy todny completing their
plans for the outing. They will re-
mnjn in the woods for ten dnys.
The body of Simon Haase , who died
at Columbus from consumption afte/
an operation had been performed for
his relief , wns taken through the city
today on Its way to Hartington , where
Intel ment will take place. Wm Paeg-
gnler was in charge of the body.
The delivery team of the Palace
meat market left the shop In n sum-
mnry and unannounced manner this
moining about 8 o'clock and made a
strong dash over a good track ns far
as Fifth street where they collided
with a post and were caught. No dam
age was done.
West Point is getting ready for a
big Labor day event in September.
A committee from the Deutsche Land-
wehr Veroin of Omnhn has boon there
to mnke nrrnngements for n big ex
cursion and picnic on that day , nnd it
Is expected Hint two special trains
will be required to hnul the people
fiom Omaha to the picnic grounds
The tent cntorpillers are beginning
their season's work on the trees of
Norfolk and if taken in time the prop
erty owners may succeed in prevent
ing nn epidemic of these workers that
would in time rob the trees of their
foliage as has been done In other plac
es A spray of poison or a torch nn-
plied to their "tents" will give quick
The street sprinkler Is agnln earn
ing Its wage and is kept busv from
morning to night keeping the dust of
the principal streets In an obedient
spirit. This with other Inconvenienc
es is borne uncomplnlnlnglv bv the
people , however , as long ns thev real
ie that the corn Is humping nnd slv-
Ing promise of future business nnd
Several buildings nre clnnging loca
tlons In South Norfolk lust now nnd
George Stnlcop Is kept busv keeping
them on the move. His work has suf
fered with that of other out door workers
ors by reason of the excessive rnln
but with the drvlng of the roads he is
making nn effort to catch up with h' ' "
duties , but it will keep him busy the
bnlance of the season to do so
The Hastings Weeklv News of
which F. F Miller Is publisher Is n
neat and newsy quarto publication
with four pages of home print in < l
the looks of the first Issue under HIP
new management seem to speak for
the futuio prosperity of the puMt = 'i' i
Mr , Miller acquired his experience in
the "art preservative" in The Ne\\ > -
ofllco starting In as the "cub" nnd id
vnncing through the various depart
ments up to the time ho took up the
work as doputv for the A O r W
and The News Is nnturnllv interested
in his success since ho has ngiln ns
sumcd the harness.
The cattlemen in the vlclnltv of
Norfolk are In the midst of their bu v
shipping senson. nnd n rush nt the
ynrds with speclnl trains are the order
of the season Many of them are com
plaining that they are receiving poor
and Inadequate prices nnd Hint there
Is being money lost on feeders Last
year the strike furnished an excuse
for such a loss but this year It Is more
difllcult to account for the falling aw ay I
in prices at the time the largest ship
ping is to ho done , unless it that the !
fine hand of the beef trust Is to be
charged with the difference between a' '
living profit and loss.
Quite a Colony of Them In Colorado.
C. R. Hays Receives a Substantial
Promotion Something About the
Town and Country.
T M Hull , who was home from Lamar -
mar , Col. , for a visit gives some Inter
esting details regarding the factory
Hint wna formeily operated In Nor
folk and the men who were Interested
In the factory hcie and are now em
ployed there. Lnmar Is a town of
about 1.500 people nnd Is located In
the heart of an Irrigated district that
is especially prolific In sugnr beets
nnd alfalfa The company has be
tween five nnd six thousnnd ncres of
beets under contract nnd the fnctory
will ho ready for Its first campaign
with the ripening of the crop this fall
The factory is sixty miles from the
one at Rocky Ford and another Is be
ing built thirty miles east on the Ne
braska line Several Improvements In
the construction of the plnnt have
boon made aver H-o one that was
owned nnd operated bore. The coal
room Is so situated that cars nre
hnnled above the holler house nmi
dumped Into bins where the coal is
rendlly available to the firemen The
beet lilts nre built of cement nnd < n-
tor cnn bo turned In them direct.
Wnges are some better than thov were
heie. While Lnnnr is an Irrigated
district there hns been considerable
rnln this year The wonthor gets
warm hut Is not ns smothery as horp
under the same temperatures , nnd the
nights nre alwnvs cool , requiring the
use of blankets for comfort
Reasons for Norfolk people not mov
ing tholr families to Lamar are that
houses of desirable conditions nn < l
pioportlons nro not available Mr
Hull hns been given chnrge of the
vnrds at the faetorv which Is nn nd
vanrement over the position he hold
here T N Bundlck nnd fnmllv are
setting along vorv nicely In their new-
borne N A Lockwood Is an Import-
nut factor in the fnrtorv work ns ho
was heie E H Gerecke Is there to
attend to the agricultural par * of the
work and among other former Norfolk-
nns holding position there nre Frank
Frank Mnssick nnd Frank Dwyer
Others who went from Norfolk were
not satisfied Hint conditions did not
nt once Tssnnip the comnletoness of
nn old cstnblished plant and resigned
their jobs
C R TTavs Is In the general offices
of the compnnv nt Denver. He has
recentlv b on nromoterl to the nosi-
tinn of nurplnolnir acent for the pn-
tire corps of factories and all amounts
over fr must m s thrnuirh bis bnnds
This makes It nn Important and re
sponsible oflloo but Air Hnvs has
shown his nhliltv to handle hard lobs
befotp this and Ms friends oynpot to
ee him tr-nlo a success of this nd
vnticpment Mrs Kellnr is also nt
Denver , boidinp- position simlhr to
'he one shp held here.
Mr Hull retii'iied to T.nmnr Sundiv
He ind bis wlfp spent a day or two
at Dakota Citv last week nnd enloved
n fishing trip to Crvstal Lake several
fine bass beinc ; landed He psmw < ]
the game wardnn this time hut h"d
nn oMiprloncp with him nnd his shoot
ing irons n vear ago. although he was
"of found cu'ltv ' of violating HIP 'n ' -
When it comes to general farming Mr
Hull thought a good fertile slice of
Nebraska loam would prove far su-
noror | to the Irrigated lands of Colorado
Life Insurance.
Foi t\\ditv live cents \oii can now
Instiio > oursolf and fainlb nqalnst imy
bad rcsiillH from nn attnclc of colic ;
or diarrhoea during the summer
months Tlmt Is the pi Ice of a bottle
tle of Chiiinberlaln'a Colic. Cholera
and Dliurliaea Hemed.v , a medicine
that has never been Knova to fall ,
llu > II now , II ma ) nave Hfu. For sale
bj the Klesnu Ding Co
Begins Work of Comparing Assess
ments of Counties
Lincoln , Neb. , July IS The board
of equnll/ntlon of the stnte beaan ; the
work of equall/lng between the as
sessments of the various counties.
Douglas and Nance reported and the-
latter was In such shape that It may
be returned to the county assessor for
Try our New York buckwheat flour. .
Feed store , Pacific block.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ *
"Man Was Not Made for the Sabbathr
But the Sabbath for Man , " He De-
clnres Spirited Discussion Followed
by Appointment of Committse.
Neligh , Neb. , July 18. The regular
Sunday evening meeting of the Con
gregational church was held In River
side park. Rev. Clark preached on
"Man was not made for the Sabbath ,
l.ut the Sabbath for man " He took
this occasion to drive home some facts
to the community in regard to the
loose Sunday In Neligh In some re
spects. At the close of his address
the audience were asked to voice their
sentiments In regard to the matter of
closing the business houses This was
done by speeches from numbers of
our business men both ch-irch and"
non-church members. At t mes the
discussion was quite vigorous but the
fact laid bare was that the populace
hnve been In the hnbit to a great ex
tent of compelling the business men :
to deliver their goods , groceries ,
meats , etc. . upon the Sabbath day ,
and to their door lies the brunt of
the responsibility.
A committee consisting of K. L.
McGinltle , 0. A. Williams. J M Finch ,
Chns. Frndy and Cap. Hanfield , were
appointed to round up the merchants
and see If the consciences of the people
ple in the community may not be
quickened to heed the lav- and the
A. C ONO , A. M. , LL. n. , I'rev . Oanhn.
PKOIA. . J Low HV , I'rlno.
" Endorsed l > v Flr-,1 Nnt'l
Hank and business men.
$10.000 In Koll Top Desks Firtures nne
50 TMHiwrltors. Students can wtr * forbo.iid.
.Send for free catnloKUO , bound m uUtiritnr.
ilnc > .te\er pulilihhcil bv a. UuPS , I'D 't a
Head It , and jnu will attend tin. N i > o
Anvciuo ftcmllith ! n p | olrh nnd doscr ! ' * r n tnHy
null My ! i M > rlnlu ( inr ni'itunn free w u > tlit r an
luriMitlon I" IMobnlily piilpniiiiiU- ( . i unlrn-
lliin < < Htrillyiinililentlul. HANDBOOK onl'ueuto
( nt fun ( ililunt iiKenrj-fcirsi'dinnir ( 'i < itii.
Tili-ntii tnkiMi thr'uich Jluiin Jl ( receive
( . ml notice , ritluiutclmrire , lu the
\ lnnil nmov | Ultutrnlcd wtnklr I nr
illation < f nnv * tutitltlc journal. 'I
\i > nr iniir iiK.nllia , H.old ! by nil iif n < 1 ilHr .
, New York
( K5 V
Money Required
until you receive and approve of your bicycle.
We .s/u > > ( o _ _ _ _
anyone on a Uti Days Free Trial
Finest puaranteed
I9O5 Models .
with Coaster - Brnkes and Puncturelcss Tires.
1BO3 & 19O4 Mortals & * y , * _ & * * *
Best Makes * f9 a mO7 * " S
Any make or model you mint at one-third usual
price. Choice of any standard tires and best
equipment on all our bic.v des. Stronyu > t guui antce.
one jn//ioii a rent ihposit and allow \Q \ DAYS
FREE TRIAL before imrchnso is binding
5OO Second Hand Wheels 0 . fro
tnU'nln trade bj our Clilcaco retail btorts. Od lO
nn mnv inl > al < t'al"1 , , "odi ls. irood as m. * ppff
Regular prices $0.50 per pair.
To Introduce
wo will Sell .
You a Sample NAILS. TACKS
Pair for WON'T LET
Result of 15 j ears experience in tire making. EASY RIDING , STRONG
Ho dangon from THORNS , CACTUS ,
punctures , like intentional knife cuts , can be FULLY COVERED by PATENTS
vuloani/ed like anj other tiie. BEWARE
S end for CataloiniR
also Coaster-Drakes pair and up
Notice tlio thlcL y l pr/ce. .
i tire will
SNDiEXHlfiMio0Nr i "S'VA/'a./w'i/ APPROVAL
JMJ1 illlltAV * ili.ott6i. < ? br ! .Wne the