NOKKOLK NEWS : FHWAI , JULY 2i , 1M5 THE NORJOLK NEWS W. N. IIIISI8 , I'lihlUlirr. \1I.V. . [ KstnbllKlieil 1M7 1 Kvcry ilny except Hunrtny. lly rnr- rl r pnrvpok , IB contn lly Norfolk lioxtotllrr delivery , tier year. $ f > on , lly null on nniiJ route * nml outMilo of Norfolk , per your , IS 00. W1CICKI.Y MSW Thr NCWM. ICMntillHtioit. 18H1. Tlin Journal. KMnliUMieil , 1S77. Kvrry Friday. Hy innll | i r your , $ l.M ) . Kntered nt tlin poMofllco at Norfolk , Ncli. , nn MH'diitl clnH mutter. Telephones : IMItorlnl Oopiirtinrnt , No 22. ItuitlnoRR Olllon iilul Jolt ItooliiK. No. II 22. While tlio weather Is wiving Mio corn crop n bumper crop ( if wheat nnil oUior miuill grain Is being placed In the bins. II Is fortunate Hint tlio "poinilnr" iiong , "In tlio ( , oed Olil Summer Time" has become unpupiilnr or tlioro would In1 murder. Tlit < season In which It Is piopor for the pools to rave over tlio "now mown liny" IH here , hut tlio pootH nro ovl dontly lacking. Wlicn th < > corn IIIIH ritiiKht up per ImpH there will ho n slight change for tlio advantage of tlio people who do licnd upon corn. It IH not possible ( o keep people from talking nhout the wontlior , when the weather furnishes tlio sensation of the dny or series of dn.VH. Tlioro la such n thing as tlin conn- try requiring ; good corn wouthor nnd tlm woutlior man IH again showing un Inclination to give too much of n good thine. It begins to look as though HuBSlu means business In the movement for pence. With the nppolntmnnt of M. Wltto , as chief plenipotentiary , the Im portant inovo has liccn iniulo , If you want to see something worth seeing nnd cannot take a trip to the exposition just Blanco at the growing crops that Nebraska IH husy at matur ity for the markets of the world. It lookn very much as though M. Wltto had effected terms of peace with the crar. If ho IB now as suc cessful with the Japanese envoys , the lighting will soon ho declared off In the far cast. . Russia will recollect that Spain had Home of that vaunted Cant Ulan prldo to give It scruples regarding the ad vancing of terms of peace , lint when n country Is whipped and whipped had in the war 70110 the subordinating of Its pride comes as a matter of se quence. The members of the Omaha Y. M. C. A. have made a winning In their attempt to secure a now building for the association which Is to cost a quarter of a million. Omaha push gets to the front very frequently and especially does It seem to bo In evi dence this summer. There may ho a misery In the ex cessive heat for the people In all parts of the state , hut the rest can voluntarily extend tholr heartfelt sym pathies to the people of the Second district who were compelled to close ix campaign nnd hustle out the voters on one of the hottest days of the spasm. The Cubans arc up and coming with considerable evidence of enterprise. Contracts for several trolley lines out of Havana have been lot which Is add ed evidence that the people of that island do not Intend to bo long classed with territories that consider the ox nnd the cart as good enough means of locomotion. If there was ever a time when the democrats might have hoped to win lu the Second district It was at the Tuesday's special election. If the re < publicans deifinnd fair weather In No vember to make a winning , it is just ns logical a conclusion that coo ! cool weather in .Inly would be a re qulrement. The Neligh plan of holding Snnda > services in a giove and having the lay men do some of the preaching shonli overcome the inclination of people to remain away from church when it Is lield In a stuffy building and by the same speaker that has been hearc throughout the rest of the year or sev eral years. A number of Nebraska people hcli stock in the St. Louis bank that has had a sensational career and Ignomlnl ous ending. Nebraska people who can afford to take such ventures can gen crally afford to lose , and should have kept their money at home In the safe and sane Institutions that the state of fers In abundance. A job on the Panama canal lacks Inducements just now , but in Januar > or February It Is more than likely that the commission will be flooded with applications for work , If Uncle Sam or Canada ever expect to dig a ditch connecting the Arctic oceans , now \\onlil be n good time to Induce men o take up the work. Portland IH feeling very clever over the good attendance ( hut Is being re corded at the l wis and Clark exposi tion and IK prepared to have the mun- lier of people attending knock the spots off of any prevloiiH attendance nt any fair of Its class that the country lias ever known It Is evident that the count people have money and are not afraid to let loose of It when there IH something worth seeing nt tholr doors. The president says that the con struction of the Panama ennui must proceed with vigor , and what the pres ident says very frequently happens , and the peislmlsts might just IIH well lake to cover now as later In the prog ress of const ruction when they will ho foiced down anil out. The presi dent Is not the only one to believe that the canal will be built In the shorteHt possible lime. American energy and Ingenuity will submit to no other re- Hlllt. The showing up of the advertise- iiientH of patent medicines for the re lief of cholera , cramps and Hlnillar complalnlH should ho all the warning that IH necosnnry to warn the people to observe caution In Iho matter of eating and drinking and enforce safe rules for the protection of the little people who have not arrived at. the ago of dlHcretlon. The hot weather , following tlin Hooded conditions of the past several months makes care essential to the health. Tom Lnwson must bo credited with being shrewd nnd foresighted In one particular and that Is that he del civ mined to make his first personal ap peal to the people of the west. The way he has been received shows that he has not underrated the Importance of courting the people of a section of the country that have demonstrated power nnd force In dealing with per- ploving problems growing out of the government , and "the system" Is Infer for some of the worst that can bo giv en , The Madison county republicans have been summoned to meet In Battle - tlo Crook on September ( ? . While the date Is yet a good month and a half away there la interest In what the , convention may do nnd some of the politicians are already laying their plans to gather In the positions of fered. As far as the average voter is concerned , however , the interest Is not yet at fever heat , but ho will be content to leave his plans for marking his ballot until after the conventions luivo said their say. The has almost as much to fear evidently from his own warships as he lias to fear from the war vessels of { the Japanese and to make them safe Is removing the arms nnd giving the sailors Indefinite leaves of nbsence. , It Is a remarkable spectacle in a mod ern country pretending to some degree of clvlll/atlon and laying claim to dls- i Unction as one of the world's powers. It will take a revolution of some sort to bring Russia up on Its general average i erage as a factor in world's affairs. A 1 largo population , alone , has been dem onstrated to bo insufllclcnt. A couple of do7.en of the people who led In the rioting at Odessa have been hung nnd it Is said that another batch 1 of seventeen Is to be publicly executed. The czar Is evidently coming to the conclusion that the only good Russians are dead Russians nnd he Is helping Japan to dispose of the surplus men of his country quite energetically. The manifest spirit of the common people for more freedom nnd Indepen dence does not seem to down , however - over , and It may be expected that two determined men will rise up eventual ly to take the place of one who Is killed in fighting for their rights. President Roosevelt Is said to not be disposed to take a hand In the se lection of his successor In the white house. Ho is willing to leave that to his party and his countrymen , but If he does so unqualifiedly the man chos en for the coming four year term will ho none other than Roosevelt himself. The people mighthe capable of choos ing a successor , then again they might mnko a mistake , but with Roosevelt In the office they will feel certain that the best thing for the country and all Its Interests will have been accomplished. A united and spontaneous demand for Roosevelt might keep him in the executive chair us it forced him to take the nomina tion for the vice presidency against his expressed wishes. There Is more cata-rh In this sec tion of the country than all other dis eases put together , and until the last few years was supposed to be Incur able. For n great many years doctors pronounced It a local disease nnd prescribed - ' scribed local remedies , and by con stantly falling to cure with local treat ment , pronounced It Incurable. Sci ence has proven catarrh to be a con stitutional disease and therefore re quires constitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cum , manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , O. , IB the only cotiHtltutlonal cure on the market. It IH taken Internally In doses from 10 drops to n toaspoonful. It acts direct ly on thet > lood and mucous surfaces of the Ryntoin. They offer ono hun dred dollars for any case It falls to euro. Send for circulars and testimo nials. Address : F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , Ohio. Hold by druggist ! ) , 7Gc. Take Hull's family pills for consti pation. If taken thin month , keeps you well all Hummer. It makes the little ones eat , sleep nnd grow. A tonic for the whole family. Holllslor's Rocky Moun tain Tea. 3D cents , tea or tablets. The Klcsaii Drug Co. The Canadians have been trampling on the ling of this great and glorious republic , but It IH said that a free-born citizen of thlH name great republic gave them Just nnd unprovoked cause to Insult the starry banner , ami It IH possible that It will bo permitted to paHH hecauso of thin. The people of the United States want and demand the respect of foreigners for their oni- blem , but are conservative enough not to demand them to bow down before some of the braggarts nnd hulldo/.ers that nre sometimes the product of the country that should beget nothing but Iho best. If the country was to take tip troubles of this kind It would liavo lln hands full constantly and would some lime bo compelled to tliruslutlie world to have the llag receive any sort of respect. The country must de pend upon Justice and honor rather than braggadocio to keep Its llag with in the respect of the people of the world. Indigestion Cured. There Is no case of Indigestion , dys pepsia or Htonmch trouble that will not yield to tlio digestive nnd strength ening Inlluenco of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. This remedy takes the strain off the stomach by digesting what you eat and allowing It to rest until It grows strong again. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure affords quick and permanent re lief from Indigestion nnd all stomach troubles , builds up the system and so purifies that disease can not attack nnd gain a foothold ns when In n weakened condition. The constantly Increasing use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure by physicians of hospital and general practice of Itself tolls how j this wonderful modern discovery has proven to bo the greatest dlgcstant for the alleviation of a suffering human ity. . Us many cures of both children and adults grows larger day by day. Sold by Asa K. Leonard. It will bring rich , red blood , firm llesh and muscle. That's what Hollls- ter's Rocky Mountain Tea \vill do. Taken this month , keeps you well nil summer. 35 cents , tea or tablets. The Kiesau Drug Co. It Is said that the government has made ' good Russians of thirty members of ' the crow of the Knlaz Potemkine who surrendered. Mutinous crews will undoubtedly understand that In the future there will bo more honor nnd : glory in fighting and going down with the ship. A Smooth Article. When you find It necessary to use salve use DeWItt's Witch Hazel salvo. It Is the purest , and best for sores , burns , bolls , eczema , blind , bleeding , Itching or protruding piles. Get the genuine DeWItt's Witch Hazel salve. Sold by Asa K. Leonard. Three Good and Just Reasons. There are three reasons why moth ers prefer One Minute Cough Cure : First , It Is absolutely harmless ; second end , It tastes good children love It ; third , It cures coughs , croup nnd whooping cough when other remedies fail. Sold by Asa K. Leonard. Some relief should be experienced temperance people to learn that the loin , Kansas , dynamiter was once sent to the Insane asylum , was confined several times at his own request and at the time of his crime was out on parole from a lunatic asylum. He for merly resided at Falls City where he contemplated starting a temperance paper but his thought on the subject unbalanced his mind. Rational tem perance people will be glad to have the cause relieved of the odium nt tachlng to the Kansas man's action and the showing of irresponsibility on the part of Carrie Nation would cause similar relief. Bilious Bill was ngltaten , And was much debilitated. People said he had consumption. That was everyone's presumption. When he learned what was the matter Bill made all the doctors scatter. Now ho is his own adviser , Swears by Little Early Risers. The famous little pills "Early Risers' cure constipation , sick headache , bil lousness , etc. , by their tonic effect on the liver. They never gripe or sicken , but impart early rising energy. Good for children or adults. Sold by Asa 1C. Leonard. If you cannot eat , sleep or work , feel mean , cross and ugly , take Hoi- lister's Rocky Mountain Tea this month. A tonic for the sick. There Is no remedy equal to it , 35 cents , tea or tablets. The Kiesau Drug Co. County Treasurer's Semiannual Statement. Statement of the County Treasurer of Madison County , Nebraska , showing balance of each fnntl In the Treasury on .Tiinnnry I , IliOfi , taxes and other itenifi collected , wnrrnntH redeemed and other disbursements , from January 1 , lOOfi , to hine ! ! ( > , 1905 , inclusive , and balances on hand on the 1st day of July , HK)5. ) NAMK OK FUND Mute General State School State University State Sinking -tale Penitentiary State Hond State Relief State Capitol Building State Relorm School Building State Institute for Feeble Minded State Live Stock Indemnity State Hospital for Insane State School Laud Principal Htuto School Land Interest State School Land Ix-iiso State University Land Principal State University Land - Interest State University Land Lease UKI ) County General 1003 County General M)02 ) and prior years Countv General litI ! ) Countv Bridge 1008 County Bridge 11102 nnd prior yearn County Bridge 11)01 ) and prior years County Hond HUM Koail County OonnniHHiouer Dist. No. 1 11104 Road Countr Commissioner Dist. No. 2 11)01 ) Hond County Commissioner Dist. No. 8 l ! 0t : Road County Commissioner Dist. No. 1 11)011 ) Road County CominiHsioner Dint. No. 2 1908 Road County Commissioner Dint. No. ! l 11(0 ( : ? Hond County Commissioner Dint. No. 1 1902 Road County ComniiB.sioner Dist. No. 11)02 ) Road County Commissioner Dist. No. Comity Soldiers'Relief , County Judgment County Insane County SjK'cial County Sinking County High School County Dog Tax , Madison County Tux Sales Precinct Railroad Bond Union Creek Court House Bond , Battle Creek Village Jail Bond Redemption District Road. . . : District Poll ; , County Poll Miscellaneous ' . County General School Adjunct District School District School District School Bond City nnd Village Advertising Taxes Paid Under Protest Fee Total J Less Township Overdraft , January 1 , 1IO. ! " > . . . Total Disbursec Balance Overdrafts incuts. laoai D8 10047 il | 18H5i ( 02 * 211)1 ) 30. . 43 , 1474 8-1 11(04 ( 2i 1093 95 270 32. , aa ; 2870 04 3559 8i 3098 85 401 02. . 31i 16 16 21 49 39 34 16 16 21. . i aa. 1 33 1 88' ' 12 12 a 41 2 21 6 06 : : 44 1 18 1 01 2 ID 1 18 01 a2 lJ ) 01 32 , . a DO 2 421 0 88 8 90 2 42' . 80 L'tJ ' 60 ( ill ) 20. 1 jit ; ! 1 At 2 76 1 83 1 42. 1092 9(1 ( 0010 ( K ) 7702 HO 0407 28 12)6 ! ) 08. 266 07 20(15 ( 74 2321 41 2058 851 208 0(1' ( ' . 44 47 417 16 401 02 481) ) 98 21 OV- , 670 * 24 670 24 670 24' ' (152 ( 781 121) ) (10 ( 782 88 781 01 1 211. 70 115. ' 00 80 181 81 130 71 01 . 1281 JO1 18871) ) Ol | 20100 11 1708 ! ) 05 3120 40' ' . 610 1)7 ) 4272 48 4788 46 2412 82 , 2371 13. 2387 08' ' 8087 68 2700 5 ! ) 380 IIH . 651 42 , 111)73 ) 97 , 12626 39 , 11W28 40 | ( I'.IO ' ! ! ! > , . 688 OO1 185 92 70U 68l 714 44 | 55 14 . 180 2t > 19 ! ) 4i , 82 ! ) 75' ' 197 90 131 85. ao aij 2(1 ( 80 , 60 07 ! ilO 81 HO 30 81)0 ) 70 681 04 1)28 ) 81 770 7fi 157 50. 276 784 70 1010 43 , 971 72 , 38 71 . ! M4 02 682 02 87(1 ( 04 844 ( ' , ; 32 Ol1. 84 ill 10 40 50 741 40 3 7 ! ) 33 20 10 481 49 08 4 ! ) OH. 81 71 10 40 61 11 47 32 3 7 ! . 2 61 11 32 13 88 12 01 1 22. 2 62 11 18 80 12 03 1 23' ' . 2 61 11 33 18 81 12 01 1 23. 801) ) 05 (1 ( 4 ( 870 11 301) ) 00 T 111. 18 09 10 10 28 26 18 0 ! > 10 10 , 07 1 90 1 23 " | . 8 12 Of 3 17 3 12 05' ' . 7 88 8 26 10 08 7 as 3 25' . 12 0 ! ) ra. 8 OOJ- 3 00 3 00 ; ; o 113 30 03 . I 111 44 30 62 143 % 143 DO' 7476 08 4119 52 71144 00 71)44 ) 00. 615 09. 37 01 ! 65'J " 0 35 00 617 70 . 5123 64 8288 25 3011 i'-M ' 21)51) ) ) 07 052 12 , . 4169 281 12828 89 101)88 ) 171 10734 15 0251 02. 3729 ( K ) 372 ! ) 00 I 32)7 ! ) 00 432 00. 707 41V 707 4(1 ( I 100 08 ] 007 ! (8 ( , 21 26- 21 261 21 35 ! ai in. . 087 ! ) 00 0)10 ! ) 1)4 ) ; 08 ! ) ! ) D4 II 00. 2I2 ! 7 ! ) , 1 70 234I ! ) / ' 117 00 117 41) ) . Io7fi ! ) 18' ' 44t)3 : ! ) 51. . 00152 0 ! ) 40)8 ! ) ! ) 05' ' 1)154 ! ) (14 ( . 21 ! ! 17 07 6542 65 2b'8 ! ) ! ) 02 211)2 ) 02J 27007 00 . 6872 Oa 10208 ill 10140 34 17705 40. ' " ' 1005 Off 24 ! ao , 2J5 ! ao 484 00 24 ! ) 30 235 'ao. . 7:15 : 22 , 115 27 850 411 003 70 180 7ii ; . 1)1 ) 25 HI 25 III 25. : 74614 00 a4 lit 1)1 ) 51 60 87 50 871 Totals 7447 ! ) 30 * 162828 (10f ( 227302 DO 153102 32 75705 70 ; Lens City 'ind Village Overdraft. 1505 OG v Not Balance July lit , 11)05 ) * 74200 04 RECAPITULATION. KKCKIPTS. * * . * Balance on hand January 1 , 11)05 ) $ 74479 3f Taxes Collected 11800830 State School and University Land Collections < )282 ) 85 Stat ApiMirtionniPiit 0571 00 Fines from A. T. Rodman. Justice of the Peace (15 ( 00 Fines from Win. Bates , County Judge 50 00 Fines from S. W. Hayes , Justice of the Peace 38000 Fines from W. H. Field Clerk of the District Court 62 00 Fines from C. F. Eiseley , Justice of the Peace n 00 Excess fees of Kmil Winter , County Clerk 074 10 Bridge funds from Christ Sclimitt , County Commissioner 3 25 Insurance money for general fniid from Christ Sclimitt , County Commissioner 68 89 Redemptions . 3288 25 Taxes paid nnder protest 115 27 Interest from Banks on daily balances 751 .fiS Fees 91 25 Transfers from funds to funds 13071 50 1227802 ! ) R DlSllUUSKMKNTS. ' Warrants Paid f 180407 89 Redemptions Paid 295907 Taxes paid nnder protest transferred to tax account 003 70 Tiausfers from fnnds to funds ] 3071 50 Balance on hand Jnly 1 , 11)05 ) 74200 04 1827308 flfi Registered County Warrants Outstanding July I , 1905. 1S91 County General Fund. , f 400 11)00 ) Comity Bridge Fund . . . . $ 8 00 | 1903 Road , Commissioner 1898 County General Fund. . 20 45 H'02 ' County Bridge Fund 83 70 District No. 2 ft U9 u 1899 County General Fund. . 400 1904 Comity Bridge Fnnd [ 1261 18 1904 Road , ComimsHiouer 1901 County Gen-rnl Fund. . 2091 District No. 2 5820 1902 County General Fund. . 800 1904 Road , Commissioner 1903 County General Fund . 71 10 District No. 8 . . . 215 4J ! 1904 County General Fund . 3418 D7 Total * 8547 40 Total * 1802 88 Total g 387 74 Cash Balances on July 1 , 1905. First National Bank , Madisou Neb , $ fjgj ) 54 Madison State Bank Madison Neb ' , , t' 75 ; $ 50 Norfolk National Bank , Norfolk , Neb \ \ \ \ 9302 ij Citizens National Bank , Norfolk , Neb \ \ [ \ 9053 4j Nebraska National Bank. Norfolk , N b ' , 57 ,9 ; JQ Battle Cieek Valley Bank , Battle Creek , Neb ! ! ! ! " * 7080 8' ' Citizens State Bank , Battle Creek , Neb ! . " . ! . ' . ' ! ! 3797 88 Men'tow Grove State Bank , Meadow Grove , Neb \ 3700 07 Klkhoru Valley Bank , Tilden , Neb ' . 40015 OR Tildon State Bank , Tildeii , Neb ' . . ' . ; ; ; 4 $ > 4 52 First National Bank , Newman Grove , Neb ! . ' . ! . . ! ! ! 4500 80 Newman Grove State Bank , Newman Grove , Neb ' . , 41'7 , ] jc Kountze Bros. , New York. State Fiscal Agency ; . ' , ' ! . ' ! ! 1004 6 ! ) luoftice . . ] ir,85 41 * 74200 04 STATE OF NEBRASKA , COUNTY OK MADIPOX , I , Christopher Schavland , Conuty Treasurer in and for Madison county , Nebraska , do solemnly swear that the foregoing is true and correct statement of the receipts and disbnrsemeuts of going a my ollico from the 1st day of January , 1905 to the 30th day of Juno. 1905 , inclusive ! the amount of money in each fund ; the amount of outstanding and registered comity warrants , and the total amount of money and cash items on hand and in banks at the close of business on the 550th day of June , 1D05 , to the best of my knowledge and belief , so help me God. CHRISTOPHER SCHAVLAND. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 7tli dny of Jnly A. D. , 1905. WM. BATES , Comity Judge. STATE OF NEBRASKA , | COUNTY OK MADISON , \ ' ' We , the undersigned County Commissioners in and for Madison county , Nebraska , do hereby certify that we have carefully examined the accounts of Christopher Sclmvland , County Treasurer of said comity , and have lound the fore going statement thereof to Incorrect to the best of our knowledge and belief. Wituei * our bauds nt Madisou , Nebraska , this I2tu day of Jnly , 1905 , CHRIST SCHMITT , GEO. D. SMITH , JOHN H. HARDING , Comity Commissioners. v