The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 21, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE NOllKOl.K NKWS : KIMDAV , Jl'LY ' 2 ! . 11)05. )
In n Drlllinnt Game the Boys From
Stun ton Yesterday Defeated the
Crcston Crowd Pllger Won by Good
Luck From Plalnvlew.
Mendow Grove , Neb. , July 14. Spe
cial to The NOWB : The G. A. H. re
union will cud here today , after one
of the most successful meetings ever
lield. Today IMIger and Stanton , win
ners of the baseball games thus far ,
will meet on the diamond for the bin
purse of $150 and Interest Is at white
Stanton In a brilliant game yester
day defeated Creston by n score of
[ > to 1. The Stanton team's ' work was
almply superb.
IMIger beat Plalnviow the day be
fore , 12 to 7. Plalnviow lost through
hard luck , though the boys made a
splendid showing.
Kach of those games was for $75
and today's is the battle royal.
Fine Speeches.
Fine specciies were made yesterday
by Ilev. C. C. Hunt of Chadron , a very
excellent speaker who will speak also
today. A Ncllgh lady delivered a fine
address as did also Mr. Gcssler of
Iowa. There are a number of good
Bhows here. Detween 3,000 and 4,000
persons were on the ground yesterday.
( lamblers were driven out yesterday.
There wore twenty-five In town. They
were given permits to operate jewelry
wheels but soon stripped the wheels
of the jewelry and played for money.
S. 1) . Uerge of Pierce was In the
city over night.
Chan. 11. Gross of Madison was a city
visitor yesterday. j
C. D. Case of Wood Lake was a city j
visitor yesterday.
Miss Millie Carlson of Stanton was
In the city over night.
M. Mlhllls went to Meadow Grove
today to take in the reunion.
Hasten Turner , a Pierce real estate
man , was in town this morning.
Prof. M. G. Doerlng of IJattle Creek
was a Norfolk visitor yesterday.
S. M. Rosenthal made a business
trip to Omaha on the noon train.
C. E. Doughty left on the noon train
for a business trip to Hartington.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ahlman went to
Omaha this morning to visit their son.
F. E. Thompson of St. Edward trans
acted business in Norfolk this morn
Geo. n. Christoph has returned from
a business trip to Butte , Anoka and
Miss Mamie Ward has gone to Ne-
liawka for a visit with relatives for a
few weeks.
flobert Utter has been in the Hose-
bnd country the past week looking fern
n location.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Krahn will leave
Monday for a visit with friends at
Louis Johnson , proprietor of one of
the Ponca hotels , is in the city on his
way to Plalnvlew.
Mrs. J. J. Keiper of Bancroft was in
the city over night and left on the
early morning train.
Mr. and Mrs. August Steffln leave
Monday for a three weeks visit at St.
Paul and Minneapolis.
Dr. P. Schwenk , who had been vis
iting here several days , left for his
home in Fremont this morning.
M. Moolick and wife are arranging
to go to the Black Hills tomorrow on
n vacation trip of a few weeks.
E. W. Hayes of Indianapolis , Ind. ,
arrived on the noon train for a visit
with his father , Col. S. W. Hayes.
S. F. Herber of South Ninth street
Is enjoying a visit with his brother ,
who has just arrived in Nebraska from
Miss Minnie Bruimmmd of The
News force returned last evening from
Doone , Iowa , where she was visiting
the family of H. 13. Glissman.
Norfolk people who attended the re
union at Meadow Grove are return
ing in bunches and squads , several of
them arriving at noon today.
Mrs. J. S. McClary , who has been 111 ,
was somewhat better this morning ,
and her friends are encouraged to
think that she will recover completely
1 C. S. Hayes left on the noon train
for Chicago , expecting to be gone a
week on a business trip. He will visit
his nncle at Cedar Rapids , Iowa , en-
Uncle Blllie Prlngle. the Nebraska
centenarian and ( he oldest tinner In
the world , Is again on the streets of
Norfolk turning out music with his
grind organ.
Mr. Tllloy Chrisman of Decatur. Ind. ,
who was visiting with Rev. W. R. Pe
ters , loft this morning for Dorchester
" to visit with his brother and uncle for
"If *
Home time.
Thos. Jordan , of the Verdlgre Citi
zen , who lias been visiting his parents
at Emerson and friends at Sioux City
and other points in Iowa for the past
two weeks , was In the city enroute
While Mr. and Mrs. August Raasch
wore .visiting in Wisconsin , they pre
sented their daughters with a hand-
Home piano , which is now installed In
the family home a mile west of the
Rlley Chrisman of Decatur , Ind. , is'
vlolting at the home of his uncle , Rev.
W. R. Peters , pastor of the Norfolk
circuit M. E. church. Mr. Chrisman
i IB on his way home from an extended
| visit at l.ndysmjth , Wisconslul " 1
j like Nebraska very well , " said Mr.
Chrlsman , "It is In agroeuglo contrast
to the portion of Wisconsin 1 visited
! I was way back n the woods where It
I Is not only very lonely , but the gnats
I and mosultos ( | make life miserable for
the Inhabitants. And the roads are
Impassable much of the time. It takes
four horses to haul a very light load
over the trails and the day before I
left 1 saw a team stick with an empty
wagon. 1 walked twelve miles to town
to avoid disagreeable features of a
drlvo and was to my knees in mud
much of the way. It took many bourn
to make the trip. "
The spirit of Improvement ban
struck Philip Fuoslcr and he IH ro-
plasterlng , ropaperlng and repainting
his shop.
A special meeting of the ( Ire depart
ment was held last evening for the
purpose of making arrangements for
the department to attend the funeral
of H. L. SpauldliiK tomorrow after
noon. The West Side Hose1 company
also had a special meeting for the
saint' purpose.
Work was rommoncrd this morning
on the renovation of the city building.
It ni'fdc'd It. The city hall and the
ollico rooms on the second tloor are
to have the floors scrubbed , the paper
renewed and paint freshened up. H.
C. Truman Is doing the work , and ho
has a contract on his hands.
The room back of the Citizens Na
tional bank , recently occupied by Com
mercial Agent Clover of the Union Pa
cific has boon dismantled and the windows
dews and doors removed for the pur
pose of carrying out the scheme of
the now addition. Mr. Clover Is tem
porarily occupying rooms In the roar
of the Norfolk National bank for his
J. J. Barnes of Columbus , a Duroc-
Jersey breeder , was up during the
week to look at M. Mihills' herd , and
while here bought a male hog to head
his pens. This hog was just past
twelve months of age and weighed
over 400 pounds In only moderate
flesh. Mr. Miliills has pigs of the
same breed and also some stock of
the Old Arlon strain.
The people of O'Neill have raised a
$1,000 bonus for R. L. Hall , formerly' '
In the hotel business at Valentino , ]
who proposes to erect on the Horlsky
corner a throe story modern brick ho
tel , to cost $12,000 , and the total In
vestment of Mr. Hall in the metropoj j
lis of Holt county will be $10,000.
The people of O'Neill were enthusiastic - ]
astic over the proposition and were
not long In raising the required bonus.
They have long boon in need of a
commodious modern hotel and the pro
posed structure of Mr. Hall will an
swer requirements for a number ofj
years to come.
The Odd Follows held a special
mooting last night to make arrange
ments for the funeral of the late H. L.
Spaulding , which takes place tomor
row afternoon from the Methodist
church. Committees wore appointed
and all details of the funeral were given
attontion. All members of the lodge ,
and visiting and ancient Odd Follows
are invited to meet at the lodge hall
tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 : sharp and
accompany the lodge to the homo and
to the church. At the request of the
family it will he an Odd Fellows fu
neral , with Rev. J. F. Poucher as the
officiating minister.
Reports from the government prison
at Loavonworth , Kansas , say that Cap
tain George W. Klrkman , recently
found guilty of desertion and other
crimes at Fort Nlobrara , dismissed
from the army and sentenced to throe
years at hard labor at Fort Leaven- ,
worth , will turn preacher when ho re
gains his liberty. Ho is said to have
confided to one of his army friends
that within the last few months he has
had ample time to reflect seriously
upon the life he has led since entering
the army and that ho is deeply and
genuinely sorry for what he has done , i
Ho now Intends to reform his ways
and through the ministry attempt to !
guide the footsteps of others from the
path ho has boon treading that has
led to punishment and disgrace with
out any compensating features.
Nellgh Leader : The present finan
cial condition of Gates academy is a j
source of gratification to its numerous |
friends and should bo one of pride to' '
every enterprising citizen of our town. I
The year was started with some mis-j
givings but with careful management
and the unselfish gifts from friends
the year ending Juno 30 showed a 1ml- j
anco of resources above liabilities to |
the general fund amounting to $50. '
The endowment fund has also made i
some growth during the year and now
approximates $1,000 , almost the whole ,
of which has boon Invested in school |
warrants drawing seven per rent In- '
( crest. This source of investment , !
however. Is about cut off until next |
fall as the districts are now paying off
their Indebtedness in cash. The attendance - '
tendance at the school has also proved' '
satisfactory as a whole , in number and |
achievement equalling or excelling
that of any previous year. Added to1
this Is another encouraging feature in1
the great number of students who have
entered upon a full course of study.
Gates academy Is doing a good work
along all lines and should have the
sympathy and active support of the
entire community.
Duroc Jersey Pigs.
I have a few Duroc Jersey pigs , all
of April farrow , for sale. Those pigs
are of the best strains known to the
M. Mihlll ,
1211 Philip Avenue ,
Norfolk , Neb.
If the Evidence Discloses One
Exists the Attorney General Will
Institute Proceedings Agnlnst Grain
Lincoln , July 15. The legal depart
ment of the state la closely watching
the evidence In the Worrall grain
case. If It develops that a trust ex
ists among the grain men of the
state , Attorney General Brown , backed
by Governor Mickey , will Institute pro
ceedings 'against the grain dealers
complained of.
Try NPWB wnnt
C. 11. Oswold of Wlsnor was In the
city over night.
W. n. Fonda of St. Edward was In
the city over night.
Mrs. Drowck of Oakdalo Is a guest
at the homo of Dr. Matzen.
Dr. Gallagher , the Plalnvlew dentist ,
was a city visitor this morning.
K. C. Henry and W. L. Cexil of Os
mend were In the city this morning.
Mrs. Bertha Pllger returned yester
day evening from a visit nl Stanton.
J. H. Fallln of Madison was transact
ing business In the city this morning
Amelia and Louise Reeves were reg
istered In the city from Madison over
Mrs. Henry Holllfleld and children
went to Wayne this morning for a
short visit.
Mrs. J. F. Boock and daughter , Mrs.
F. F. Miller , visited Pierce yesterday
1. G. Wostervelt wont to Meadow
Grove yesterday to attend the reunion
and visit his sons.
Mrs. 1. J. Johnson and son came In
with Mr. Johnson this morning from
a trip up the Bouosteol line.
Mrs. L. M. Kecne , jr. , of Fremont ,
arrived on the noon train for a visit
with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Mrs. M. Twiss and Mrs. A. O. Ilozen
went to Meadow Grove yesterday.
Mrs. Twiss will visit friends there a
couple of weeks.
Mrs. Alfred Hodgotts and daughter ,
Miss Etta , from Brooklyn , N. Y. . ar
rived at noon today and are guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hayes
on their way home from the national
Epworth league convention at Denver.
Mrs. S. F. Ackers and daughter ,
Miss Myrtle , were In the city this
morning on their way home to Plain-
view from a visit west.
Drs. Boar and Pllger returned this
morning from Verdlgre , where they
were called yesterday to perform an
operation for appendicitis.
C. A. Johnson of Fairfax , S. D. , who
was In the city yesterday to look after
business interests at the Nebraska
National bank , of which he Is vice
president , is building a flue now homo
at Fiarfax which will cost about $8-
Attorney M. D. Tyler took in the
reunion at Meadow Grove yesterday.
! He reports a good crowd and a good
I time. When he was there the gam
blers wore too much In evidence , but
, it IK reported that after he loft they
wore driven from the grounds.
Rev. F. Namnachor and family from
Ashippun , Wis. , arrived in the city
yesterday evening , to visit Mrs. Nam-
nacher's parents , Mr. and Mrs. Julius
Dogner. The visit was a surprise to
the Dognor family , as they had not
expected them at this time. They will
probably remain about two weeks.
Sheriff 11. M. Jones of Pierce arrived -
rived in the city this morning with
an insane patient , who was placed In
the Norfolk hospital for treatment.
Spencer is soon to have a fine now
school house which will be built at a
cost of $12.000. It will be one of the
finest in the northwest and modern in
every respect.
A number of gamblers who had been
attending the G. A. R. reunion at
Meadow Grove , and who were driven
out of the town yesterday , arrived in
Norfolk on a lute freight train last
night and are hero today. Among the
bunch Is Ed Oakley , formerly of this
place and well known here , who ran
a wheel in Bonestcel last summer.
Mrs. Henry Haaso was operated on
last Tuesday at the German Lutheran '
hospital in Sioux City by Dr. Stards , ' '
for gall stones. One stone as largo
as the end of a person's thumb was | 1
removed , together with a number ofi [
small ones. She passed through the j
operation nicely and Is getting along
fine. Mr. Haaso and daughter went to
Sioux City this morning to see her.
The pest ot mosqultos on the Rose
bud reservation , which has been tor
ritic during the damp weather of the
summer , Is now diminishing. For a
time it was punishment continually In
driving over the reservation as the
mosfjuitos Hocked upon horse and man
by the millions. They are extremely
large and vicious and all travelers
wore mosquito netting as a protection
to the face. The hot weather of the
past few days has killed many of them.
A. J. Dili-land returned last evening
from a week's trip through Boyd coun
ty , Nebraska , and Gregory county , S.
D. He says both those counties show
remarkable progress this year and the
crop prospects Were never more fa
vorable He is one of the original be
lievers In the future of that section of
the country uuil every year ho be
comes more convinced that his early
Judgment IB being verified. Baaed on
that Judgment , ho made heavy Invent-
iiirutH lu Ilio luudx of these cuuiillcH ,
and ho has had no eiinso to regret It.
Yesterday WUH one of the hottest
days of the HeiiHon , the HUH and south
\\lndn combining to elevate the mer
cury up to a height It has Holdom
known lu recent years In this Hccllun.
ThlH morning opened with every pros
pect that another high record would
bo made this afternoon. It IH Ideal
for the development of the com crop
and the people have not Hiiffored ex
tensively. HO that It Is a good thing on
the whole for the country. The Ice
cream and cold drink men are among
these most benefited by the change of
It has not yet been made known
whore the annual encampment of the
Nebraska national guard will bo held ,
but It has been decided that the picked
men from ( lie various companloH will
meet at Kearney July III to August
. ' ! , to engage In n rlllo target content.
M this contest a lenm will lie choHcn
to compote In Hie national contest to
bo held In New Jersey. Kearney IH
a strong candidate for the encamp
ment and has offered HUHelen ( ! ground
for HK accommodation , but the ques
tion of railroad rales ami transporta
tion Is bothering some , and the place
has not boon selected. A contra ! lo
cation for the assembling of the com
panies of the two regiments Is desired -
sired with plenty of opo.n ground for
the maneuvers.
County Treasurer Sclmvland .venter-
day Issued a call for all the outstand
ing 11)01 ) general fund warrants , all
the 11101 bridge fund warrants , all the
lHl ! ) ! road fund warrants , commission
er district No. 2 , all the 11101 road fund
warrants , commlHslrnor district No.
It. This makes an entire clean up of
outstanding county warrants and road
district certificates except these of
districts No. 2 , 4 and 14. No warrants
have boon Issued against the funds of
lliflfi , so that the county Is now prac
tically out of debt. This makes a re
markably good showing for a county
that has boon laboring since Its orga
nization under the burden of debt , and
speaks well for the economical admin
istration of affairs by the present and
past county olllcers.
The plan for the building of a now
Methodist church at Warnorvlllo Is
mooting with favor there and the
chances arc Hint bids for the construc
tion of the building will soon bo re
ceived. Warnorvillo Is a now charge
of Rov. W. R. Peters of the Norfolk
circuit. A year ago there was no so
ciety In Warnorvlllo ; now there are j
sixteen members and the society Is In |
a flourishing condition and a church ,
building Is desired In which to hold j
services. Many of the members arc |
financially able to lend a strong aid
to the building of the church. For
many years services and moot Ings of
all kinds from public dances to prayer
meetings have boon hold In the hall ,
and the church people of the precinct
will be glad to have a house of wor
No dipsomaniacs have yet been re
ceived at the state asylums as the re
sult of the now Epperson law. At Lin
coln there is hardly room to take care
of them should they be received , but
Dr. Greene hopes for more room and
better facilities after the Norfolk hos
pital is opened up and ready for busl-
| ness. It Is thought that the provision
attached to the new law will make
the cases few that are sent up. The
county will have to pay $15 per month
for the care of such patients , and It
is possible that some of the hardest
drinkers may not bo considered worth
that much to the county. A deposit
of $45 for three months will be re-
1 quired. The treatment will be about
j the same as for the drug habit. Less
; whiskey will be given each day , until
In ten days the supply is shut off. 1
t Medicine and enforced sanitary habits |
, are expected to complete the cure. j
I J. W. Humphrey of Norfolk was at
Herrlck , S. D. , the Rosebud rosorva- ,
Itiori town , yesterday morning when1
the storm came which twisted many
of the buildings of the place about i
and injured a number of persons. Mr. |
Humphrey fortunately escaped injury. |
People at Fairfax , whoso relatives and j
friends wore on the reservation , wore' '
fearful for a time lost some of their ,
people had boon hurt , and they were !
walking the floor for a time yesterday
morning , as telephone connections
wore out of business for some time.
The first news of the storm was'
brought to Bonosteel by a man on' '
horseback who had been wired for )
and was starting to Butte on account <
'of the death of a brother. Ho stalled
'out of Horrlck ahead of the storm but1
at the advice of his frlonds ho re- ,
mnlnod until its fury had boon spent,1
and he was glad of It. The Krottor
telephone ollico at Bonesteol did good ]
service in getting details of the storm ,
securing a list of the injured by 9
Miss Olive Munson wont to Omaha
Charles Knrroll shipped n car load
of cattle to South Omaha Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rasmusson of
Newman Grove were the guests of A.
H. Cropper Sunday and Monday.
Peter Bovee lost one of his best
horses this week. The animal laid
down to roll and fatally injured him
self by striking a cultivator. .
Goo. Chandler and Charlie Clark |
drove over to Meadow Grove Tuesday j
to attend the reunion , turned their
horses loose In the evening to graze
and have been unable to find them
since , although they have searched
the county over irom Oakdalo to Stan-
Force of Men Follow and Finish Dress
ing Down the Grade and Remove the
Weeds Hnulcd by a Monster En
gine Miles a Day Covered.
The Union Pacific company yesler
ilay completed Into Norfolk the dressIng -
Ing down of the upper edges of the
nmdhcd which WIIH commenced at Col
umbus and completed Ilio full length
of Ilio branch. Other branch linen
will now receive attention.
The work IH done by a monster en
gine equipped with plows or grading
hlndcs extending out cm ench Hide of
Hie track. The road bed , JIIH ! oulttldo
the ties IH ueally trimmed to n paiU-
lll < e condition , and a leveling process
IH done , the surplus dirt , being I brown
along the embankment It trims on *
all high anil uneven places and does
\\nrk better and faster than could bo
done by the men.
The machine IH followed by a large
force of men who complete Ilio worlv
wllh ( heir picks and sluivelH. The
woodH art1 IbiiH killed , Ilio grades lev
eled and tin1 center of the right of
way IH left to look lll < e a nicely parked
town lot.
An equipment on the machine makes
It possible to raise or lower the pious
to engage any nnevenness and with a
monster engine to haul II a vast quali
ty of dirt In displaced and miles of
roadbed are coveted each day. An ex
Ira force of men Is engaged to assist
the local force In completing the work
commenced by the machine , and when
the track haH been covered It will be
In belter and moro attractive condi
tion than for yearn.
Interesting Meeting.
The men of the M. 1C. church held
a social ineellng at the church parlors
last evening , which was well attended.
The prime object of the meeting wiif
to discuss methods of Improving the
social life of ( lie church and how to
keep up the financial Interest. While
It was expected that the meeting would
bo largely of a business nature. H be
came decidedly nodal , and two bonrH
of real enjoyment were spent. There
wore a number of witty speeches and
a good time , and at the close II was
decided ( bat the meeting had been a
Tendered by Mr. and Mrs. Ralnbolt to
Their Son and Bride.
One of the prettiest parties that has
been given in this city for years was
the reception last evening at Mar-
qimrdt's hall tendered by Mr. and Mrs.
N. A. Itainbolt to their son and bride ,
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Halnbolt , wlurtm-
just returned from their wedding trip.
The ball was beautifully decorated In
pink and green , cut ( lowers at the
musician's stand , and white wedding
bells hung from the gas jets.
In the receiving line , formed atone
side of the hall , were Mr. and Mrs N
A. Ralubolt , Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Rain-
bolt , Ilev. and Mrs. J C. S. Wcllln ,
' Mrs. W. H. Iliicbolz and Miss LoulNo
i Wellls. Music was discoursed b >
Rouse's orchestra , and after the In
formal feature of the evening had been
disposed of , dancing was Indulged
over a smooth floor until 1 o'clock this
, Punch was served all the evening
by a bevy of pretty young girls , Miss
es Mary Odlorno , Mollie Bridge , Nola
Walker , Roblnetto Boar , Marie Johnson -
son and Carrlo Harding. The same
young ladies assisted in serving dain
ty refreshments. About ISO guests
were present to help Mr. and Mrs
Halnbolt welcome their now daughter ,
and every one vowed that it was the
prettiest party of the season.
Bond Company Given Ten Days In
Which to Answer Petition.
The O'Neill Frontier says n demur
rer'that was filed by Fred Whlttomore
In the case of Bridget Corrlgan against
the bank examiners alleging negli
gence in checking up the defunct Elkhorn -
horn Valley bank was overruled In
district court and ten days was given
In which to file an answer.
Whlttemore and his attorney , T. J.
Doyle of Lincoln , were In O'Neill Tues
day , It being expected the arguments
In the demurrer would bo made. The
attorney for Mrs Corrlgan was out of
town and other obstacles scorned to
stand In the way of proceeding with
the case and It was agreed to submit
briefs In place of oral argument.
The defendant demurs for the fol
lowing reasons :
1. The petition of Bridget Corrlgan
does not stat" a ciuse of action In fa
vor of the plaintiff and against the de
2. The plaintiff has no legal capac
ity to sue or maintain this action.
3. There Is a deficit of parties plain
tiff boreln.
5. There Is a mlsjolncr of cause of
action herein.
C. The court of law has no jurisdic
tion to try the action , It being a sub
ject of equity jurisdiction only.
The Fidelity and Deposit company
of Maryland Is also a party to the suit.
Through their attorneys , Kennedy &
Learned of Omaha , they moved the
court to require the plaintiff , Mre. Cor-
i ( > uuil.e her petition more def
inite and certain by net tint- forth the
laicM. maturity , ainonnls ami minion
of Ilio malterti of ( he nolos which It In
alleged In paragraph five of her poll-
lion were forged and flctltlnun. The
motion WIIH sustained by Hie court mid
the plaintiff allowed to amend her po-
HHon Immediately , ten diiys being al
lowed Ilio bond company In which to
file Iholr aimwer to the corrected pe
Adopted Child.
Mr. and Mrs , Harry M. CiilberlKon ,
living on Ens ! Madison avenue , have
legally adopted Helen Dlna McCul-
lougli , the ! i months old dntiublor of
Charles L McCiillough of Omaha ,
whom * wife recently dleil In that city.
The name of Hie child IH changed In
the adoption papers to Helen C'cno-
vleve CulborlHon. Mr CulherlHon IH
a traveling man and the little orphan
IIIIH round n good homo.
New Residence.
S. L. Anilei'Hon has started n now
roHldonco on South' Twelfth sll'OOt.
Mr. Anderson In mall agent on ono of
Hie runs Into Norfolk.
Good Enlarging Plant.
I M. Mney ban now a complete out-
Ill lor enlarging photograph * and IH
doing excellent work for an over In-
number of patrons.
You MOst Not Forget
\Vc \ nrc constantly improv
ing in the art of making Kino
Newest Styles in
Cards and Finish ,
\V < > carry a Fine Line
of Mouldings.
toweit Ritet
W , J , GOW & BRO , i
Money on Hind
She Has Cured Thousands
Practicing Aloojiatliy. Homo
opaUiy , HIcct ric am ) ( Ion-
era ! Medici no.
Will , by rcqucHt , vlnlt profealoually
returning fiery four weeks Consult
her while tin- opportunity is at hand.
Ull OAUMVKM , liinitH her practice
to tliu spot ml treatment ot diseases of
the HVO nose , throat. lungs , fumule
diseases , diseases of children and all
rlironlr. ncr\oi.n unit mir lcul disease *
of a omalile nature. Burly consump
tion. tirniicliltlH , ' "t.irrh ,
chronic catarrh , headache , constipa
tion , stomach and bowel troubles ,
rheumatism. nutiralKln , sciatica , kidney
dlxciixHS. Hrt 'ht'H dlsciiHe. diseases of
the liver and bladder , dlzzlnes * . nnr-
voiiHiifss. IndiKfHlton. obesity. Inter
rupted nutrition , slow growth in chlld-
Miti , and all wastlnK diseases In udulta ,
ilofoi rnattoH. club fcut. curvature of
the Hplne. diseases of the brain , par-
aJysls. heart disease , dropsy , swelling
of the limbs , stricture , open sorea ,
pain In the bones , granular enlarge
ments nnd all IODK standing diseases
properly treated.
llliiud unit Skin IHiiriiKC * .
I'lmples , blotclies. eruptions , liver
spots , falllhK of the hair , bad com-
plexlon , eczema , throat * ulcers , bone
piilns. bladder troubles , weak „ . . „ „ .
biirnliiK urine , passing urine too often.
The effects of constitutional sickness
or the taking of too much Injurious
medicine receives searching treatment ,
prompt relief and a cure for life.
Diseases of women. Irregular mens
truation , falling of the womb , bearing
down pnlns , female displacements , lack
< > f sexual tone l.encorrhea , sterility
or barrcness , consult lr. Tuldwell and
ihe will show them the cause of their
trouble and the way to become cured.
( 'nncrrx , ( iiilfrr. Flotilla , I'll en
, uid enlarged glands treated with the
subcutaneous Injection method abso
lute.y without pfiln and without th
loss of u drop of blood , Is one of her
own dlsco\eries and IB really the most
scientific method of this advanced age.
Ur. Caldwell ban practiced her profes
sion In fcome of th" largest hospitals
throughout ti > r ' onntry. She has no
superior In the treating nnd diagnosing
of diseases , deformities , etc. She has
lately opened an ofllce In Omaha. Ne
braska , where pho will spend a portion
tion of each week treating her many
patients. No Incurable cases accepted
for treatment. Consultation , examina
tion and advice , one dollar to thos *
C&Icatro. tli.
Address al ) roall to Bac
Omuba. Neb ,