The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 21, 1905, Image 1

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\MMl\slv\ rii\V { ! | \ -Jl. I mi :
James Buchanan Says He Will Give up
Vergle Neafus if The Authorities
Will Release Him From Prison.
Girl Is Seventeen and Pretty.
Fremont , Neb. , July 20. Special to
The News : James IJuchiinan haw
been Jailed here , charged with kid
naping Miss Vorgle Neafus , aged sev
enteen , the pretty daughter of a res
taurant keeper of this city.
Uuchauan says that he will give up
the girl if ho Is released from jail.
lllH father Is a minister at McPherHon ,
/ Those of Mrs. Raymer and Mr. Woods
Held Yesterday.
Atkinson , Neb. , July 20. Special to
The News : Yesterday tlie l- ' " rnl
service of Mis. Mary Brock Ioh g
was held from the Prc-sh.
church , conducted by the pastor , llev.
Mr. Bowen. A great number of teams
followed the remains to the last rent
ing place and about 2 < > 0 people were
in and about the chinch. S. Itrock
of Orel , nnd also a sister from the
same place , were in attendance.
Tlie luneral of Mr. Seth Woods was
in charge of the Masonic order , and
was carried out at the cemetery. Mr.
Rice of Stuart conducted the ceicmo-
nies. Judge KinUaid , R. R. Dlckson ,
Mr. Gilmour , John Weeks , Dr. Hunt
and others from O'Neill took part.
The son from Oklahoma Is expected
tonight , but ho will arrive too late for
the funeral. Mr. Woods was a mem
ber of the Ancient Order of United
New Road Soon to Start.
Omaha , July 20. Prospects are fair
for the sale of the bonds of the Oma
ha and Nebraska Central railroad
within tlie next two or three weeks.
Joi-eph Baker of Hastings , treasurer
of the road , Is in New York to nego
tiate the flotation. Tlie road will rim
from Omaha , through Wahoo , Aurora
and intervening cities , to Hastings.
Right-of-waj to tlie extent of 120
miles has been secured. If the sale
of the boii'lK is made within a month
It is said grading will begin at sev
eral points along the line early in tlio
full. * "
Nebraska's Corn Crop.
Omaha. July 20. The Union Pacifio
ban completed an estimate o ! ' the
acreage of the corn crop for N'ebras
ka. Tlie revised figures show that at
present there' are C.500.000 acres of
corn cracking along under tlie pres
ent hot spell , which Is about 500,000
more than the acreage for last sea
son. The acreage for winter and
spring wheat will run over 2,000,0)0 )
acres.Tioth : wheat crops are to bo
banner crops in both Kansas and Ne
braska. The quality of the wheat In
Nebraska Is the best that this state
ver produced.
Burlington Mr.n for Vvabash.
Gem nil l-V-lsh1
Omiha , July 20Gem
Agent Ives of the Burlington hi lit-
came tragic mannirc r of the Wabat. ) )
! EIK eeedlUK Ktigl-t.
Harry Delacy , Alleged Representative
of the United States Investment
Company , Finds Trouble Instead of
Happiness on Wedding Day.
Omaha , July 20. The honeymoon
of Harry Delacy , alleged representa
tive of the United States Investment
company , nnd his stenographer , Lulot-
to Slehearer , whom he had married
an hour before after a short acquaint
ance , was cut short by his arrest at
the Grand hotel , Council Bluffs ,
charged with passing worthless checks
on several Omaha merchants , Includ
ing one for his wedding ring.
Korea to Send Envoy * .
B oul , Korea , July 20. Against th
advice of members of the foreign lega
tions here , Korea has decided to send
two representatives- Washington to
attempt to secure a hearing before
the peace plenipotentiaries. Both of
the men chosen were formerly stu
dents in America. They are young ,
without public standing and bear no
credentials. The emperor's private
purse supplies them with 10.000 yon
to "Inaugurato a newspaper campaign
to interest Americans in Korea's
plight. "
Would Release White Dove.
Topeku , July 20. When the battle-
Bhlp Kansas la launched Aug. 12 , a
white dove will be released from cap
tivity , if the suggestion of Governor
Hoch la followed. The executive de
sires this action H evidencing the
de-Hlro of America for universal peace ,
and as a ueaco metisago to thu world.
Former Utah Official Accused ol
Swindling the State Arrested.
Salt Lake , July 20.-John t ) . Can
non , formerly secietary of the Utah
IxMilKlunn purchase fair commission
1ms boc-n arrested at I 'tabridge , Can
ntlu , on the charge of forgery and ut
torlng fraudulent papers. Cannon li
a son of the late George Q. Gannon
for many years ono of Vie llrst prosl
dency of the Mormon church , and the
brother-in-law of former Oovernot
Hobor M Wells' . When serving a
ecretary of the fair commission Can
non secured several thousand dollar *
by fraudulent vouchers , It is alleged
Tlie matter was Investigated by the
state legislature , and Cannon left the
slate. Warrants were issued for his
nrrest on March 17 and he was ai
rested last Sunday by the terrltorla
police of Alberta. It Is probable that
Governor Cutler will decline to issue
a request for the extradition of Can
President Back From Camp.
OysO-r Hay. N. Y. , July 20. Presl
deni Ilooscvelt and his sons , with
whom he passed the night in < .imp
on the- shore of Long Island sound , re
Mtrui'd to Sagamore' Hill. The presi
" 'o ' Ji/s / ( . ' " 'v ' of visitors as gm-Ms
( ) ;
' * } i' ' ° lnoht"oliible among
them , . . ' c' ° ' .vjil ; Horace Porter , who
has JIIM arrived fiom Paris , wheie for
eight years he was stationed as Amer
ican ambassador to Franco.
Holds Extended Conference With So
licitor Penfle-ld , Minister Russell and
William J. Calhoun n.nd Consider *
Venezuelan Situation.
Washington , July 20. EHhu Root of
New York wafa sworn In as secretary
of state. The oath was administered
by William MrNair. assistant libra
rian of the state department.
After his Induction Inte. olllce Sec
retary Knot devoted pra.'kally all the
day to the c onslderation of the Vene
zuelan situation. With Solicitor Peu-
field , Minister Uu ell of Venezuela
ami William J. Callumu , who was r
cently designated by President Roosevelt
velt to Investigate the claims of the
asphalt company and pim-essIonH , the
societary went over tlio documents
and papers on file in Uio department
with the puri > os8 of formulating dell
nlte Instructions to the spoclal com
missioner. Commissioner Calhoun
will have to gather addition infonua
tlon In Washington and New York before
fore he is equipped to porfonn the
mission for which ho has been se
Former Congressman Found Guilty on
Two Charges at lola.
lola , Kan. , July 20.13. . H. Funston ,
former congressman from this dU
trict and father of General Frcdonct
Funstou , was In pollen court tound
guilty of disturbing the pcnco and
with having carried concealed weap
ons. Ho was lined $5 on each charge
nud the costs of the suits were
charted against him , making a total
of | : u.55.
The charges against Mr. l instou
grow out of the wrecking by dyna
mite by a temperance fanatic on July
10 of three lola saloons. The explo
sions followed an agitation against
the saloonfl , in which Governor Hoch
was appealed to in an effort to socun
th j enforcement of the tuto proht
bitlon law. Intense excitement fol
lowed tha act of Uia dynamiter am
for three days the city was crowded
with people , who came from many
points of the state to view the wreckage -
ago caused and to join in a Jtunt for
the dynamiter.
During the height of the excitement
Mr. Funsboni , it was charged , had
made Inflammatory utterances to
crowds that gathered about him on
the streets. When Patrolman Cannon
trie * : to persuade Mr. FunHt n to div
slst , quarrel between the two ensued -
sued and Punston , It was alleged , at
tempted to drfvw a revolver. Punston
wan arrftRtod and a formal charge
mad against him.
The loss caused by the explosions
was 1100.000 and the alleged dvnu-
raltor , C. L , . Melvin , IB still at large.
Judge Adalr , In sentencing Mr.
Punston. eaid : "I do not wish It un
derstood that any Judgment I may
render Intimates that [ do not sympa
thize with the sentiments and feelIngs -
Ings of these who believe * in the en
forcement of the prohibitory law. I
have decided the matter , disregarding
the standing of the defendant , public
sentiment and everything except the
law and the evidence. "
Grain Rate Investigation.
I/oulsv'ille , July UO. The grtm rat
investigation by the interstate com
merce foinmihHlon ended hero , the
only witness biting J. 11. McGee , icpro-
sontlntr the elevator Interests of Cairo ,
111. Commissioner Clement announeod
that the hearing will bo taken up
later , hut the place of mooting waa
not decided on.
The Unfortunate Man Was Dathing
When He Met His Fate The Dody
Has Not Yet Been Recovered.
Paach Was Forty-two Years of Age.
Fremont , Neb. , July 20. Special to
The News : Herman Paach WIIH
Irowned in the Hlkhorn rlvor at Crow-
ell while bathing.
Ho was forty-two yearn of age and
eaves a widow and three children.
The body lias not yet boon recov
Chinese Boycott American Goods.
WiiHliington , July 20. The state de
partment has been inforniod by Its
coiiMils that the Chinese bojcot'
igalnM American goods , \ \ hlchaw in
stituted yesieiday , was organized by
the trade gullils In llup rts , Shang
lial , Canton , Tien Tsln , Hankow and
New ChuniiK. It N helned the IKIX
colt will not be suteesMul or do nnj
particular Injury to American gooJ .
except in Canton ami Shanghai , when-
the guilds are stronger than < IM--
where. There Ii no olll'-lal action
which the United Stales go\
eminent can take HR long as It re
mains a simple boycott ur refusal , to
purchase American goods , but It Is
thought the boycott will be dlscour
aged by tlie Chinese government , as
far as possible.
Transport Sherman Arrives.
San Francisco , July 20.Tlie trans
port Sherman arrived from Manila ,
bringing the cntlro Fourth Infantry ,
one scniudion of the Twelfth cavalry
and companies Twenty-eight and
Ninety-two of the coast artillery.
The Ninety-second company , const ar
tillery , will go to Fort Ptagler , Wash
ington , and Hie Twenty-eighth com
pany to Fort Uosecrans. Ono init
iation of the Fourth infantry will go
to Fort Thomas , while the others will
remain at the Piesidio until further
Lynching or Suicide ?
Lancastei , Mo. , Jnl > 2 < i. The dea4
body of Alonzo .ladson , one of the
best known < > f Sthuyler county farm
ers , who Killed his sevonlecti-year-old
wife in a fit ol jealousy , was found
luingint ; to a Mee with a bullet ! , ' > le
In his brain. It is < oiilceiura , wti . A ,
or he was hitched to avenge the
death of his \vile , or waa overcome by
remorse and committed suicide. Botli
bodies weie 'juried ' in one grave.
Arguments Begun in Oil Case.
St. Luila , July 20. Arguments on
the petition filed by Attorney General
Hadloy of Missouri to compel tht >
Waters-Pierce Oil company to produce
all books and papers in Its possession
relating to commissions or u > ntr.utx
with the Standard Oil company , wens
begun before Special Comiuisslonoi
Five Drowned in Lake Aylmer.
SherhrookM. Quc. , July 20. Rev.
Father Cu ie , adhe admmi-tiulor of
the dioc ese of Shorbrnoks , and four
yoitnsr men were drowned In Lake
Aylmer. Th ir uail boat r-apMzed
No Freight May be Handled From
Cuba to Canada on North Bound
Trip The Earning Capacity of the
Line Will be of Interest.
Montreal , QUP. , July 20. The new
Canadian-Mexican steamship service
was inaugurated today , when ttie
steamship Coonmssie , subsidized by
the Canadian and Mexican govern
ments , sailed from this port for Mexico
ice by way of Havana. The new ser
vice is to he maintained by the Elder-
Dempster company.
The contract of the company calls
for a monthly service. The steam
ships will touch at Charlottetown , P.
R. I. ; Halifax , N. S ; Havana , Cuba ,
and Progresso , Vern Cruz. Tamplco
and ono or two other Mexican portn.
The winter service will bo operated
direct from Halifax.
By tb , > terms of tbo contract with
the Mexican government , boats may
carry cargoes and passonqera from
Canada to Cuba. Cargoes and pas-
senger.s ire to be carried both ways
between Mexico and Canada , hut on
northbound trips no freight may he
bandied from Cuba to Canada. The
Mexican govern mont objected to sub
sidizing a line that would ho used to
build up trade between Cuba and ran-
ada ft was expected that simultmo- ;
ously with the establishment of the
Atlantic service a steam
ship on the Pacific coast between
Vancouver and Mexican Paolflo porta
would bo Inaugurated. The Mexican
government , however , has decided to
postpone fur the present thu entab-
liHhmunt of such a service.
S'U.tds Cloven for Conviction to Ono
( or
Portland , Oro. , July 20. After re.-
tnalulng In secret deliberation I'ur
more ( Inu ; thirty hours , the Jury In
tlio cane of CoiigrcHHinau Wlllluiminu
nil Meawrs. Vnn GoHsuer iuul Hlgun.
charged with siih rnatlon of perjury ,
reported to Judge DeHnvoii , In ( In *
United Stnti > n circuit court , that It
was uiuihlo la nrrlvo at a verdict and
for additional Instruction * .
DollaMMi read HOIUC further In
structions and rc < iueHied the Jury to
rotlro niul deliberate further.
There IH practically no i\iuHtloa | \ Hint
the Jury stands ut cloven In fuvur of
conviction to one for urijnlttnl.
Cow Attacks Society Women.
St. l.oula , .Inly UVhlle * uusMiii :
u vucant lot. ul 'riinriuun boulevard
and lliitanleal avenue Mrs. Anna Mi-
Canu aud Miss M.iliel Kcllngg , piom-
liieutly known In rit. Louis society ,
attacked by n cow that \VIIH
tellicred In thn lot. lloth wuro
knocked down and Mrn. Medina wan
hadly bruiHod , but they manaucd to
fight with their parasols so valiantly
thnt the cow wan put to lllghi.
Nine Parisians Drowned.
ParlR , July 10. - NineI'arlsniiih wen >
drowned whllo shooting wild fowl nt
the month ol' the rlvor Loire. The
hunt containing them wan
by a iquail.
Retire to Draw Up vomplalnti and
Meeting la Resumed Scheme of
National Assembly Outlined by M.
Roullfjan la Renounced.
Moscow , July 20. The zematvo
40iigiv H wa attended' ' by 225 dole-
piles , Count Heydnn , leaik'r of the
deputation M-pP-Mcntlng the congress
roccMitly reeelved by the empeior , piu-
aided. M. Goloxlne , president of the
organising coniinUtoe , had barely
blurted n statement dealing with the
obstaelrs plac i' In the way of the
congit ss and thnl Governor Ko/.loff
had promised Uiat there would bo no
recourse t4i oxt.reme nieasiiie , * , when
the chief of polli-o , with numi'ioiis
coin in I H. arle * < , PI ttwed th" roon. Ti
Thief announeod that the pr < ! ' c t had
prohibitt'd tlio meeting of the congress -
gross and ordered the- seizure of the
documents. Count Hoyden piotestix !
against the proceedings , but the chicl
of police bewail tuklng the nami's ol
the delegates. Then eriey wore raised
of "Write down the whole of Ilusfaia. '
Many persons present , who weio not
delegate * * to the congiess , ruquoutoi
that their names also be taken. The
police then departed In order to draw
up Munitions. : uul the meeting was re
Binned. Tin * schema of a national as
tontbly on the basis otitlluud by M
Houlihan , minister of thn interior , was
minutely and critically discussed sine
renounced as totally inadequate to ro
Hove Russia's Internal grievances , IM > -
eauso Including property quiilillcalloi
and an elect oral system by
classes It prevented the assembly
from truly interpreting the will of the
nation. Numerous resolutions embody
Ing the foregoing criticisms worn
adopted unanimously.
Vice Governor Deutrich Blown Off
His Feet and Seriously Injured.
HHh'.ngtois. Vmland. July 2UTwo
hours after Karl H ihenthal had bc.-eu
seiiteiic ed to imprisonment for lilo at
hard labor tor the a h > ast > inatlou o
Procurator ( Jeneral SoUalou Soiulnea
on Fob. G last , an attempt waa made
to iisfla-sfllnato Vlfj Governor Dent-
rich as ho was- leaving tlio senato.
The vice governor had walked iunx > a
tlie square , when suddenly a man on
the curb threw a bomb from a dis
tance of fifty paces. The bomb full
Khort , but the vlc governor was
blown off Ms feet by tlto explosion ,
which shattered the windows In the
neighborhood for hundreds of yard * .
Vlc Governor Deutrich was assisted
to tun pollen HtatJoa. Ho waa turned
and Injured about thu togs and bled
profusely , but his wounds am de
clared not. to ho fatal. The bomb
thrower wa pursued by navkl caduU ,
but oucapcd.
Tried to Kill Chief"Procurator. .
St. Petc.rsburg , July 20. It In re
ported an attempt on the lifo of
CcniHtaiitlne IVtroviteh Pobeieriouasi
f.eff , chk'f I'rocurntor of the lioly
synod , as lie was aligliting from a
train , was frustrated by tlio prompt
Eei/.nre of the would-be assassin.
Will Repatriate Spaniard * .
Madrid. July 20. The Spanish ROV
eminent , it is onnouncod , is arranging
for the rep.Uriatlon of the Spaniards *
who wens imprisoned in the Philippine
islands by the Americans during the
war of l.S)8 : ) and wtio an > still in the
Baron Komura A'rlveo.
Scjittlc' , Wash. , July 30. Tim Bteam-
or Minnesota , with Daron Komura on
board , haa urrivoi ut Poit Townseua.
Commence on August 30 Track IB In
Good Condition and It Will be Made
Dctter Horsemen Already on the
Halite Cteek , Neb. , July -Special
o The NOWH : Tlio races of ( lie
North Nebraska Short Shipment Itace
'Ircult will begin hero August III ) .
The track hern IH In a splendid c-ondl-
Ion and a I'otco of men IH working on
he track to make It Hill ! better. Hilly
iVoodH of Slanlcin ami other liorHCtnun
ire already hero with their ItonioM.
leo. W. Loney IH proHldnut. T. M.
Morris Hc-crelnry , and 'I1 I ) . Precro IH
Huperlutendent ol (1m ( llattlo Creek
irlvlng Park association. The pro
gram for the next race mecl IH n fol-
own :
Wednesday , AiiUDt [ ] 30.
' 00 ehiHH trotters or pacers $100
JIIH : ( -IIIHH 2I0 : ! trultei'H , ! : ! ! ! >
pacc-fH 100
i'ony running nice GO
S'ovelty race half tnlte walk ,
half mlle trot or pace , half
mile run 10
Thursday , Auyust 31.
' , \ein-Hiild or under , trot or pace 7f >
J _ ' "i class 2:25 : trottoni , a.tto
pacei'H 100
l-'n-e for all running race 70
Mule men Imlf mile dash 10
Friday , September 1.
2:10 : clans 2:10 : trotters , 2 : Ifi
pacers 100
Krco for all trot or pace 200
Running racu HO
Foot race 10
The entries close at C o'clock the
night bolero the races.
Hooker's Fate Rests With Legislature.
Albany , N. V. , July 20. The fate of
Warren B. Hooker of Fredonia , so I'ai
as eoneeniH Ills olllce as a Justice of
tin- slate siipieme court , ri'slH now
\\ltli the inemlierH of I ho iwci hoimeH
ol the stale legislature The formal
chaige upon which Justice Hooker's
rcmouil l asked alleges that lie tin- *
been "willully guilty of corrupt , unlaw
fill und Immoral acts , " calculated to
bring ( lie olllce of JiiKllce of the
preme court Into contempt , and fdiow-
Ing "personal unlllneHH" for that ex
ailed olllce. Final action will be till en
nii'Mi a -ii'-iT'-eni r rnlut1 < > r provid
ing for his Ki'noMil ircm dlllcc.
Blnckmar Funeral Arrangements.
Boston , July 20. The arraugeninntH
for the funeral of Oeimnil Mlackmar
late comniander-ln-chlef of the Giatnl
Army of the Republic , have been com
pleted. The body of the commander
will arrive lioin the. west tomonow
night. Saturday morning the I tody
will be carried to the state house. '
where It will lie In state fiom II a. in
to 2HO : p. in. The fyneral will be held
at 2 p m. . Sunday , I torn the Secern
rnllarian church. The body will be
escorted I com the state house to the
chinch by tlw various Grand Army
posts In the city.
Respite for Two Murderers.
St. Louis , July 20. A respite o
thirty days was granted by Governor
Folk to Henry Hnusack and Lumber
Nouhiuia , convicted of murder , who
were to have been hanged huro nex
Monday. This is the second thirty
day rcHpite granted them.
Results of the League Contests Played
Throughout the Land.
AmerliHii League St. Louis , 3
Philadelphia , 7. Cleveland. 8-f. ; Bos
tnn. 1-1. Detroit , f > , Washington , 2.
Chicago , 1 ; New York , 2. National
league BofltoiK 4 ; St. Louis , 7 Phil
adelphia , 1 ; Cincinnati , C. Pittsburg ,
8 ; Now York , 5. American Associa-
tloiir-St. Paul. 2 ; Columbus. 11. Mil-
wauke i. 3 , Umlsvllle , 2. Minneapolis ,
4 , Toledo , 0. Indianapolis , 5 ; Katit-aa
City. 2. Western League Omaha.
I ; D H Molnos , G. Denver , 4-0 ; Sioux
City , 3-5. Puublo , C ; St. Joseph , 7.
Interesting Contest at Plainview Yes
Plalnvlew , Neb. . July 20. Special
to Tlio Nnws : An interesting game
of base ball was played on the home
grounds yesterday afternoon , the I'll-
ger team contesting with the locals
for the honor of the diamond The
Plalnvlew team carried off the victory
by a score of 14 to 7. the work of
Skeon In the box contributing much
to the result. Durinij the game one
of the visitors was hit In the head by
the ball and felled to the earth , hut
he soon recovered an,1 re-entered the
game. There was a nice crowd of en-
rhmias's anl the congest was hear
tily appreciated.
Atkinson Defeats Newport.
Atkinson , Neb. . July 20 Special to
The News. The Atkinson bast ? ball
nlno played Newport , the homo team
winning tlio gauio. Roht. Binney and
Raymond Grossman were the battery
for Atkinson. W. H. Allen of New
port wiiiJ an Interested spectator of
' thu gauio.
Temperature for Twenty-four Hourt.
Forccnst for Nchranka.
Condition of the wouthor an record
ed for Ihu 21 IIOIIPH ending ut 8 a. in.
today :
Maximum ol
Minimum 1)5 )
Average 7H
Total rainfall for month 97
Total rnlufnll f < ir your 21.5-
llaromolcr HO 00
Chicago. July 20. The hullotln In-
Hiied by the Chicago tUatlon of thn
Unltod Slaton weather bureau thin
momlng' given the forociiHl for No-
iritHlm IIH followii :
Showers lonlKhl ami Friday. Cool
< r HoiilheiiHl poitlon tonlihl. ;
A , 0 , UW , PICNIC
Dltj Crowd Expected .it Basaett on
July CD.
IliiHHPll. Neb , July 20. From UHtaff
orrenpriiidoiit : HIIHMOK In to entertain
n crowd of Hoverul hundred pnople on
nly 2Ii , thi * ocniHlon helm ? I ho A o
t \V. plciilr. Therct will ho exclu
sion IraltiH from O'Nolll and Vnlen
Inc nnd linne ball Annies during ttui
Iny Grand Master WorUnmu Van
lyUo will he here
There were nwln In the nlr here l.iM
night. Win. ColfMt owned n number
if wild fowls nnd coyoteH The my
ites wore used as targets aud the
1W Is were turned loose
Killed .1 Club Watchman Who Dlscov-
ered Him In the Act of Robbing the
Place Stay Granted by Governor
1'hllndelphla , Pa , , July 20 Thl.i
was the date originally llxod for the
hanging of Joseph Gibson , who mur
dered John ThomiiR , the old watchmin
of thn llmiRtnn club of the University
of I'eniiMylvanla , but Governor Peri
nypaclier has granted a stay In order
to allow the board of pardons to ron
Hlder an application for a cnmnviu
tlon of. the sentence to llfo tmpison
Thomas' murder was one of the
bloodiest und mo-1 ; < > i al that In i
c-voi l < rit ! ? ' onnftiUo'i In Philiidf'.tjiu i.
Tlie watchman detected Gibson In thn
net of nddilng the building at n lit.
whereupon Gibson set upon him with
a hritdhet and heal the old man
beyond recognition. Gibson Is a West
Indian ncgio , and It is assorted by
his counsel that ho is not mentally re
Peary Sails for the North.
War Harbor , Me. , July 20. The Arr >
tic Hteniuor Uoosevelt , bound from
Now York for northern waters , call-i !
hero and after Commander R. 14
Peary had hade farewell to Morris K.
Jpssup of Now York , wl-oso contribu
tions to the Arctic club have assisted
the explorer to build and equip th < )
vessel , she vontlnueft her voyagn.
Commander Peary , In parting , sjild
thnt the IOF ! man with whom ho shoolt
hands In this country was Mr. .Tcssup ,
nnd that that gentleman would he lha
first to receive a message fiom him
when he arrived at Chateau bay , I.ab
railor , after litH letuni from the north
After coallin ; It Is said that tin.
Roosevelt will leave North Sydney oil
Negro Shot to Death In Cell.
New nrnnnsfnls. Tex. , July 20. A
mob hiht nlglu battered down tn < i
doors of Uio county Jail nnd lynched
Sam Qrfen , a sixteen-year-old negro
boy , who attempted a criminal ash-null
t this place on the four-year-old
( laughter of William "Karbaeli , H Gn
man farmer , who liven on the out
skirts of the town. The mob could
not brt-ak Into the cell where the
prisoner was kept , so the leaders
thrust thulr guns through the opening
of the steel walls and flre < l thre
shoU. The negn > sank to the floor ,
dead , and the mob quietly di.sprsed.
Mrs. Carlton's Body Exhumed.
New York. July 20. The body ol
Mrs. Mury Gorm.ui Carlton , whoso
husband , PVederlck B. Carlton , Is ID
prison , charged with grand larceny ,
was irxhiiuiiHl for medical examluatioo
as to the eiuise. of dcaUi. Mrs. Mary
Carlfon waa the second wlfo of Rod
erick Carlton and died of totauua only
R short time after his flrst wlfu had
died of the same dlaejiso. Both wom
en were liusnre l in Carlton's finer
The medical examination of the wom
an's body will be complete * ! In about
ten days.
Bank Robber Quickly Captured.
Waterloo. III. , July 2D.--A young
man. giving his name as John W. Dud
ley of Joplin , Mo. , and his age as
twenty years , walked Into the State
bank of Waterl < x > , and placing a rt
Tolvor at the head of Assistant Cash
ier Kaompiver made the latter turn
over a roll of currency containing
| 475. Calmly walking out of the door ,
the youth disappeared. A pease waa
formed and after a search of nn hour ,
Dudley waa captured and placed In
tall. Tlio laouoy was recovered.