The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 14, 1905, Image 9

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People Have Been Driven From Their
Homes , Their Houses Floated Away
and Their Crops Ruined by the In
undation ,
Omaha , July 8. Special ( o The
News : The Missouri river broke
through Us banks early this morning ,
flowing Inlo Cut Oft lake , flooding over
the low lands. People living In the
section of the clty llod for their lives
when the break came but none Is re
ported drowned. The Indications this
afternoon are that the river may
change Its channel , which will Inlllct
heavy property damage.
The water Is only three feet below
the danger line today and Is still ris
Omaha , July 8. The Missouri river
lias passed the danger line at this
place and the low lands are badly
Hooded. The only damage thus far
reported Is to the truck farms In East
Omaha bottom , which are Inundated
nnd very largely destroyed.
At Sioux City.
Sioux City , la. , July 8. The Blfi
Sioux river Is higher than it has been
In twenty years and general alarm
exists along Its banks for fifty miles
above Sioux City.
At Riverside park hero three of the
four expensive boat club houses arc
under water.
Thousands of acres of crops have
been ruined by the overflow , the river
varying from a half mile to three miles
In width.
Houses have been seen floating down
stream but no deaths have been re
ported as yet , though families have
been driven out.
At Yankton.
Yankton , S. D. , July 8. From
Springfield comes word of submerged
bottom lands and great difficulty In
rescuing the cattle on the low lands
which have been "pocketed" by the
sudden rise in tlio Missouri , which U
now higher than for many years. Tlu
water at the government gauge Is al
the nine-foot mark , the gauge ordl
narily being high and dry on the nortli
bank of the stream. Many dwellers
have been compelled to abandon theli
homes , although so far In this com
munlty there has been no loss of prop
erty or stock.
Mrs. S. K. Long went to Wayne this
Senator Hale of Battle Creek Is ir
town today.
O. L. Hyde made a business trip tc
Stanton today.
C. G. Gross of Madison was in tlu
city over night.
A. T. Stear of Cozad , Neb. , was In
the city over night.
Walter J. Herbes of Humphrey was
In the city this morning.
Orion Porter of Fairfax , S. D. , is
In the city today on business.
Miss Anna Herman went to Madi
son at 11 o'clock this morning.
Lisle Nichola was a passenger for
Omaha on the noon train today.
Mrs. C. E. Green has gone to Lin
coln for a visit with her parents.
Attorney M. D. Tyler made a pro
fessional trip to Madison yesterday.
Dr. F. M. Slsson of Stantou is In
the city meeting his Norfolk friends.
J. B. Needham , landlord of the Pa
cific hotel , went to Bonesteel on the
noon train.
- C. E. Green has gone to St. Paul ,
Minn. , to spend a week at his whole
sale house preparatory to taking the
road again.
Mrs. G. Offenhauser left this mornIng -
Ing for a short visit with her sister In
Sioux City. -
Dr. F. G. Sailer and daughter Helen
of Dallas , S. D. , arrived In the city
this morning.
D. A. Huston , a real estate dealer
of Ewlng , Is transacting business in
the city today.
Wm. Jacky of Foster was in. the
city over night. He visited friends
Jn South Norfolk today.
E. H. Tracy left this morning for
Nemaha county on a laud deal , to be
gone nearly all the week.
Attorney Reed of Madison came to
the city last evening and this morning
went east on the M. & O. train.
Mr. Canterbury of Chicago , exam
ining loans for the Belolt college at
Beloit , Wls. , is in Nebraska. Ho was
accompanied up the Bouesteel line
yesterday by A. J. Durland of Nor
folk and Frank Nelson of Nlobrara.
A. P. Doe , who was visiting his
daughter , Mrs. Geo. D. Butterfleld , has
returned to his home In Davenport ,
J. H. Lohmann of Bloomfleld , ed
itor of the Germania and Nebraska
Hermanns Solm , was in town this
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haase went to
Sioux City this morning to consult
wth physicians over the condition of
Mrs. Hanse's health
Mrs. Campbell and two daughters ,
Misses Alice and Helen , of Lynch ,
came In on the early train and took
the noon train for Omaha
Mr. and Mrs. Willard G Jones of
Madison and Mr and Mrs. H. C" .
Thomson of Tllden were guests of
Mr. nnd Mrs B. C. Hansen over Sun
Miss Lena Stewart went to Hum
phrey today to visit. Her father , M.
L. Stewart , Is now In Buffalo , dele
gate to the grand lodge of Rlku from
tlio Mnnlln lodge , of which ho Is past
exalted rulor. llo will roUirii to Nor
folk before leaving for Mitulln.
Henry llaasc niul wife have moved
Into their now house on North Seventh
enth street
C. Lenim and M. 11. Dutehor wore
on the noon train onronto homo to
Plalnvlow from Omaha , where they
had boon with a Hhliunent of Mtoek.
W. H. Hlnkoman has sold hlu line
drlvhiK horse "Doc" to Cheney Broth-
era of Crolghton. "Doc" goes to his
new homo today. JIo Is considered
one of the finest driving horses owned
In this section of the ntato.
The choir boys of Trinity church
are getting ready for tholr annual
camping trip lo the Yellow Banks.
They will go about the 17th of the
month , and will bo accompanied by
the rector , Hov. .1. C. S. Wellls and
Mrs. Wellls.
The Oxnnrd bar Is being oxtonslvo-
ly Improved , the betterments Includ
ing a new lloor , steel coding , new
paper , paint and varnish , and It
makes a line appearance. The hotel
Itself has been renovated throughout
and Is now one of the bent hotels In
the state.
Hecauso his squaw wanted to go to
Ilonestcol and because ho wanted to
buy whisky , a big Indian bravo near
the depot at Spencer last night struck
bis wife on the Jaw , stretching bet
Hat and unconscious on the ground ,
lly and by she recovered and the
brave bad gone.
Michael Muloltz of this city , wlic
Is selling nursery stock , mot with
some hard luck near Tllden. While
driving over a bridge one of hlw
horses stepped through a hole In the
planking , disabling it so that It is un
lit for use. lie sent homo for another
horse and bis son Hay left for Tlldeu
this morning with the animal. In
bis message home , Mr. Muloitz says
he thinks the horse injured will have
to be killed.
F. F. Miller of this city has pur
chased the Weekly News at Hastings
and removes with his family to that
place this week. Mr. Miller was for
merly In the newspaper business but
for a number oC years lie has been
acting as a deputy for the A. O. U. W. ,
which position he has resigned tc
engage In business for himself ,
There Is no doubt but that Miller Is
a hustler and he ought to succeed In
his new enterprise.
At Scrlbner tomorrow morning at
10:30 : , Miss Julia , daughter of M. Star
ford , will be united In marriage to
Dr. McCarthy of Butte , Mont. Miss
Edna Stafford left for Scribner this
morning , and P. Stafford , anil daugh
ter Genevleve , and nieces Mary and
Frances Collins will be present at
the ceremony. Miss Stafford was for
merly a resident of Norfolk and has
many friends here whose well wishes
will accompany her through life. Dr
McCarthy is a sterling young physi
cian with a growing practice at Butte ,
Their wedding trip will include Chi
cago. Buffalo ami other eastern cit
Mrs. Ott , who lives on Elm street
on the standplpe hill was thrown from
her buggy Saturday evening by an
encounter with one of the express
wagons. The wheels of the heavlei
vehicle caught her buggy and over
turned it , Mrs. Ott falling out anil
striking on her head. She suffered a
severe blow but was not seriously In
jured as she plucklly got to her feet
and climbed Into the buggy and drove
off after the vehicle had been righted.
She was indignant at the cause of her
ftmbarraslng calamity , and perhaps
had reason to be , but was undoubted
ly thankful that It was no worse in
When it cornea to delightful mornIngs -
Ings a Nebraska July can occasionally
furnish thorn , and today brought one
of the choicest in the bunch. With
the sun out brightly giving Its reflec
tion In millions of dewdrops ; with
the air as pure as though It had been
sifted and strained through the most
perfect filter and afterward charged
with life and strength-giving ozone ;
with no breeze blowing and not a
cloud to be seen anywhere , and the
temperature Just cool enough to bo
bracing , it was a morning that would
make anyone think of picnics and
outings and fishing parties and out
door enjoyments , while the farmer
and other out-door worhor would rev
el In his environment like a pig In
a clover patch. The spring has not
had all nice days , but when ono era
a series of them do come they are
heartily appreciated and the people
who can are making the most of this
mid-summer treat from the hand of
uaturo ,
Clyde Walton , the six-year-old son
of Mr and Mra. James F. Walton ,
was the victim of a careless driver
last evening soon after G o'clock. Ho
was crossing1 Fifth afreet , between
the Pacific and Marquardt blocks
when he was run down by a livery
driver and fell under the wheels of
the buggy. One wheel passed over
his head and ho was otherwise
bruised and injured but fortunately
not seriously. It was a wonder that
he was not trodden under the horses'
hoofs , but ho somehow managed to
escape such a calamity. Ho was
picked up by Norton Howe ami taken
into his father's place of business
where ha soon recovered from the
effects of the accident The man who
ran down wan exceedingly care
less He approached the crowing at
a pwlft pace , and after the boy had
been , knocked down and run over ,
ho never halted for a moment or
slackened speed to make inijulrlen
hut drove In the opponito direction at
a stiff pace. Indignant onlookorti
thought a stiff thrashing waa about
bin duo.
The Week Was a Disappointment to
the Merchants ns Well as the Com
pany Norfolk Wants No More of
the Same Kind.
The Dixie Carnival company , which
wan hero all during last week , IB now
In Chad ) on , having pulled out for that
place yesterday. The manager of the
carnival stated to a reporter bi < fen >
leaving that the week hero liad not
proven very successful from a Ilium-
clal standpoint , because of the un
favorable weather , but he scorned lo
lake the matter philosophically. He
said he thought Norfolk IH a good
town and hoped he would he able to
bring his company hoio at some fume -
( me date under more favorable condi
The Hroots ( of the city look much
bolter sluco the carnival company
cleared out. The novelty of having
touts , stands , booths , a big tank of
water and a tall ladder , a FOII-IH
wheel and a dance hall clutter up the
main business thoroughfare of the
olty , soon wore off , and merchants
were very much out of patloncoitli
the affair before the close of tlioi'H <
Instead of the carnival bolng n bonolli
to business , tradesmen llgurod that II
was a positive detriment , nnd they
and glad H Is gone and want no rope-
tltlou of It.
The shows of the carnival arc of
themselves clean and moral enough ,
but they do not rank very high as at
tractions. They are not of such a
nature that a person would care In
see them a second time , because on
the whole they are Indifferent Imita
tions of good attractions. The jump
of Prof. Dana Thompson from the top
of a 00-foot ladder into a tank of wa
ter , Is a really meritorious feature and
the chief attraction of the whole show.
The High Diver Tells How it Feels to
Jump From the Top of the Ladder.
Prof. Dana Thompson , the high div
er , after resting from the effects of
his three jumps on ( ho Fourth of .lntv ,
again appeared on the top of his , !
ladder Saturday , bowed to the garinq
crowds , slipped his foot off the plat
form and dropped through space , -lo
Ing a somersnult meanwhile , to the
tankful of water below
After doing three dives on Tuosdiv ,
Mr. Thompson became somewhat ill
an a result of the chills ho received.
The three trips to the water tank-
made him shiver and did him up.
For the past four years , pretty nearly -
ly every dav of the year. Thompson
has boon doing the high dlv stunt.
In the summer time he Is in the north
and in the winter time In the south.
His sensations , as ho falls through
the air , may be described ns those of
a person who , in a dream , falls off a
high bridge nnd sinks down , down ,
down through space. The trick of
doing the stunt is all in the slart If
he starts right , Thompson has no fear
of not ending right side up.
"Do you over feel frightened before
the dive-was asked
"Not exactly frightened , " ho said ,
"though T do realize that every tlmo
I jump may be the last f know that
I must be absolutely positive of my
position In the start and that a slit )
or a wrong turn of my body may hurl
mo lo death , f realize that a slight
twist of the wind may blow me out of
the path or that , In turning the somer
sault , f may ( wist not quite right and
then split myself open on the wator.
Of course it Is dangerous , but it IB
thrilling for all that. "
Finishes His Celebration In the Ains-
worth Jail.
Ainsworth , Neb. , July It Special
to The Mows : Fred Valentine of
Johnstown , Neb. , came down here last
Saturday to wind up the Fourth and
ho did by landing himself In Jail.
About 10 o'clock Saturday night when
he wan filled up with fighting whisky.
he mot some boyn on the sidewalk ,
struck and knocked down a small lad
named OHkar House , brother of the
city marshal. The boy was HO badly
used up by the blow that ho was un
conscious for aome time. Valentino
wan arrested and placed In jail until
yesterday morning , when he waa
brought before the county judge ,
plead guilty and was fined i2f..OO and
costs , amounting in .ill to $30.70. Val
entino had the money and paid the
bill without a whimper
County Base Ball Leagua.
Bu te ? . Nett. . July 11. Special to
The News : Butte will have a baae
ball moot here on Saturday. July 15 ,
to organize a county league. There
will be the teams of Bouesteel , Fair
fax , Naper and'Spencer to take part
They will play two gatnea on Satur
day afternoon.
The Butte ball team played the heat
picked players of the other towna of
Boyd county on the grounds at Butte.
The playlug riouo by the boya from
Napur in the county team waa fine.
The score waa 8 to 12 In favor of
Special Stock Train.
Most of the day Sunday droves of
fat cattle came Into town and far Into
tbo night tlio lantornn vroro scou no-
Ing to and fro at the stock yards In
( ho collection of ( ho utooh for Ibu upo
clal train ( hat loft hero early Monday
Operator lttiHkii-1 , hojtan | iin inborn
tin early an I a in bllilni ; and maltiuu
contracts MOM of the Hlooltmou and
feeders In and about ( ho town wore
on hand at an early hour looking over
the flower of fat slock produced In
this vicinity. Messrs. 13. T. MoOohoo ,
( 'has. Sprout and Morris HI-OHM were
tlio shippers. Tbo train consisted of
twenty cars all loaded to tholr full ca
pacity with A No. 1 cattle , billed
through to Chicago. While It IH not
an uncommon thing for Madison to
call for a special nlook train , yol II
was a rare event lo HOO one leave Ibis
city before breakfast.
Among these who traveled on the
train In charge of the Htock were : S.
O. DavloH. Hou Dovls. Carl Horst , Wm.
Sachljou and Matt Knnubor. Madi
son Star-Mail.
Duttc Ball Players.
Unite Ga/olto : Talk about ball
players ! Hullo him a lot of them.
Ono ulno wont to Fairfax the Fomlh
and pluyod llonoslool with a score of
I ! to I , and another team wont lo Spoil-
con and bent ( hem plenty , the Hooro
being S lo I. The Spoucor boys played
good ball but were In lee fust com
pany.Vheno er ( he "long green" Is
liuni up for a bull game you can ilo-
poud on Manager Ford's team of cells
playing fust enough to hind It.
Want Ault Pardoned.
Fairfax , S. 11. , Ad\orllnor : A peti
tion ( o ( ho governor of South Dakota
has boon olreulnlod In the county linking -
ing for ( ho pardon of Alva .1 Anil , who
was Hontenced recently lo servo a
term of two M-arH In tin * stale ponllon
linn for ( lie Killing of "Kid" lOunllsh
at lloiiostool during the rush last HUIII-
mor It IH nali | thai the petition Is beIng -
Ing liberally
The Little Boy Was Drowned While
Attempting to Cross Ponca Creek
on Their Way Home From the
Fourth of July Celebration.
Lynch , Nob. , Jujy 11. From a staff
correspondent : Tlio llttlo body of
the 7-yoars-old child of Mr. and Mrs
Perry Scott , who was drowned In
Ponca crook near bore on the night
of July -1 , was found hanging to a
tree two miles below tbo fording place
yesterday , and the funeral was held
at once. The father , who hail spent
a sleepless week without food , col
lapsed when he looked at the changed
face of his boy , and It was feared that
he could not survive the shock.
The discovery of the body was made
by a boy fishing , who saw a tiny shoo
In the water. The horse blanket was
wrapped about the child's body.
The drowning occurred when the
family drove homo from the Fourth
of July celebration at Lynch. The
creek was swollen and the buggy
turned over near the shore. It was
only by miraculous work that Scott
saved his wife. Doth horson were
One Dollar Saved Represents Ten Dollars
lars Earned.
The average man does not snvo to
exceed ten per cent of his earnings.
He must spend nine dollars in living
expense * for every dollar nav-Pd. That
being the case ho cannot ho too care
ful about unnecessary expenses Very
often ! few oenls properly Invested ,
llko buying seeds for bis garden , will
nave several dollars oull.iy lat r on.
It is the saino in buying fJliaiiiln-rlain's
Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
II costs but a few cents , and a bottle
of it in the house often haves a iloo-
lor'H lilt ! of M-voial dollars. For Halo
by the Kiesau Drug Co
Succeeds C. H. Fehlman , Who Goes to
John C. Spellman has been appoint
ed roadmartter to nucceed C. H. Fehl
man who goes to Fremont. Mr. Spoil-
man haa been In the yards at South
Norfolk for a long time and has fully
earned his promotion. For several
terms he has served on tbo Norfolk
city council as member from the
Fourth ward.
Good Game Tomorrow.
Lynch , Neb. , July 11. A good base
ball game will bo played hero tomor
row between Butte and Lynch. Both
teania are fast.
Daughter of the Ainsworth Postmaster
Meets With an Accident.
Ainsworth , Neb , July 11 Special
to The News : Miss Edna Short ,
daughter of the postmaster at this
place , was out riding with a neighbor
girl , when they carne in contact with
another that was fractloua and
ugly. The animal Jumped and struck
MIHH Short , breaking her right shoul
der badly. Dr. A. Murphy sot the
Another Old Settler.
Tocumnch , Neb. , July 11. Cyrus S.
Phllllpii , an old nattier , In dead at
bin homo iu thin city.
Handsome Token of Appreciation
From Enolnemcn and Trainmen to
the Man Who Was Recently Promoted
meted by the Northwestern.
An elegant gold watch chain and
charm , a present fiom hlH udiulroi-H
among the railroad men of Norfolk ,
IH now on Its way to O. II. Wallior ,
CaHpor , Wyoming. Tint two articles
worn made lo order and are tbo very
bent Hint money can buy , putchaHcd
wllh a fund ralHod by popular Hub-
Hcrlpllon among tlio tralnmou and on-
gluoiuon of Iho Northwestern , ami It
carries wllh II the host wlnhoH of a
host of frleuilH In Norfolk. On mm
Hide of tlio chiirm IH an liiHcrlpllon IIH
follown : "Fiom Iho HO.VH lo Him
I lion , ' whllr < on the oilier Hldo IH nn
Initial "W , " engraved In Old ICngllHh.
For yearn Mr. Walker WIIH chief
clerk In the olllce of Superintendent
ItoyimhlH , and IIH a rnllioad man and
n olllyon ho iiuido frloiidH wherever
ho formed aciiiialntaucoH llo WUH
twice elected to roproHonl Iho Fourth
\vnrd on the oily council , nerving ( wo
torniN wllh credit to himself and with
sntlHfnctlon to hlH constllucnln
A Hhorl ( line ago he WIIH pioiuoloil
to be chief supply cb'rli al CiiHpor.
bin ditlloH being to have entire clinrge
if material being UHOI ! on ( ho exten
sion work of Iho Northwestern ho-
. \oiid CiiHpor. The very fuel of bin
Holcrilon for ( hat place IH evidence of
the confidence tepoHod III him by the
r.illroail company , IIH II IH nn Im
portant position nMiilrlii | | ; I runt worth-
IIIOSH niul pitliiHliiklng honesty. HlH
friends and fellow lahoici-H hero re
joiced In his promotion , much IIH they
regretted tlial II look him away from
Norfolk. When the extension work IH
llnlHhed In Wyoming , Mr. Walknr'fl
friends expect that he will bo given
further promotion at the hands of ( he
company , because ho Is In every way
a thorough railroad man and a good
J. L. Grant of Madlnou was In ( own
D. S. Day of Omaha was In the clly
over Sunday.
Louis X.audor of Stanton was a clly
visitor in Norfolk.
W M. Smith of Spencer was an over
night visitor In Norfolk.
Mrs. Hanson of Madison was n
Norfolk visitor yesterday.
Goo. W. Mitchell , a merchant of Os
mend , was In the city yesterday.
I1" . Lambert of Foster came lo town
on the early train this morning
Choi Moroy In I lie city IblH
morning on his way to Meadow Grove
L II. Prlchanl , merchant of Mead
ow ( Irovu , was in the city yesterday.
H. F. Carnahan and Frank Lewis
of Albion , were Norfolk visitors over
13. H. Luikart , banker of Tllden ,
was in tlio city yesterday to visit blH
mo ! nor.
C. D. Anderson of Nlobrara was In
the clly this morning on his way to
Mrs. Fnuoe of Plainvlow was In
Iho city over Sunday , Iho guest of
Mrs. J. A. Porter.
Miss Kathleen Boa.s ROCS to Sioux
City tomorrow to anond two weeks
with old-tlmo frlonda.
J. F. Linabiirry of Columbus was In
the clly yesterday Ho Is a conductor
on tlio Union Pacific.
Miss Luclle Tracy went to Fairfax
on Saturday and will visit with Mrs.
W. F. Idleus for ten days.
J. Al Livingstone of the Singer Sew
ing Machine company , wont to Cr igh-
lon on the noon train today.
J. 15. Donovan , editor of the Madi
son St-nr-Mnil , accompanied by J. G.
Ling , was In town over night.
S. W Douol of the Illinois Cattle
oomp'iny was In the city this morning
on his way homo to Meadow Grovo.
Mr and Mrs A. Randklov are to
day moving from 110.J Koonigstoln
ivoniio to their new homo at 510 South
Hlghth street.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Porter of Pierce
were In the city over Sunday the
giioflts of the former's parents on
West Norfolk avenue.
W. O. Hall shipped ono of his rac-
I\K liorses to Tckamah today , whore
it will be put in training for ( he open
ing of the racing circuit.
Miss Stella Story of Hulto WHH In
the city Saturday , enroulo to Sioux
City , where she wn to join a party
of friends and go to Portland.
Mrs. May Bargolt and daughter.
Miss Evelyn , who have been guests
of Mr. and MM. C. S. Hayes for some
time , left today for their home In La-
Moor , Iowa.
Mrs. S. K. Huntslnger of Lincoln ar
rived iu the city Saturday evening on
a visit to her sister , Mrs. John R.
Hays. Mrs. Huntslngor is accompa
nied by her daughter Graco.
Misses Juno and Muymo Gafford ,
who have boon visiting at the homo
of their uncle , E. R Hayen. for the
past three weeks , left for their home
In Council Bluffs this morning
Mr and Mrs. Cbas. Schram and
daughter. Miss Minnie , loft today for
Chicago , and from there will go to
Wisconsin to visit their son and broth
er , Robert Schram , and wife.
13. M. Huntington went to Tildon to
day with hli : automobllo for couvoy-
iuaco Ho took M , Twinn wllh him
lo begin Iho work of oioctliif ; Homo
now hmldliitvi on hlti farm near that
I'lnioai ' Korili and F.ruo .1 Man.ilio
dune in I'lcico early thin mornlni ; on
.linlKo .1 II llimioH l homo fniin
Lincoln whole ho IIIIH been Hitting Iu
Hiiproiiio courl HOHHlon. Ho oxpoctn
lo loavit In a few dayii for a visit with
| IH ! mm , J. | i. ItainoH , Jr. , who ban on *
liugod In ( ho pi act Ice of law al Can-
per , NVyo.
U' . II. CroHHiiinii of Philadelphia In
a guest al ( ho homo of Mr. and Mm.
J. K. HoiiH. Mr. CroHHiiiim IH a broth
er of Men. lloan. After ton < layn' vlnlt
hero ho will go on to the Black Illlln
country , llo IH looking up a location ,
bin Intention being ( o lomovo ( o Iho
WOHl ,
Mi'H. A. llodgellH and daughter ,
MIHH Snrnh , are impeded boio thin
\\cclt lo vlHlt frlemlH. They hnvo boon
atlondlng Iho national Kpworth limguo
convention n ! Donvor. Tholr homo In
al proHoul hi Iliooklyn , N. Y. They
lived In Norlolk when Mr. llodgiMi
WIIH prcHlilltig older of Iho Norfolk
district of Ilio M. 10. church HOIIUI HX !
yearn ngo
Mr. and MCK. Chan. Duncan of Haul
Norfolk am the proud paieulB of a
Him , born yoHlordny morning.
The Woninu'H MlHHlonary Hoclelyof
the ( 'onKregalloiinl chinch will niool.
\\llli Men. DarliiH MnlhowHon Tuonday
nflc-moon al 2:110 : nharp.
The Kevenlh Day AdvonllHlH of No-
folk bapllHod HOIIIO now convorla In
Iho fa I Hi .M'.Hiri iluy. The nor let y li.ui
no church building IIH yet , but IH gmw
Init'at a rate thai would HCOIU lo piom
IHO Hiioh a building In the near fu-
lure. KervlcoH are held In the Immi-u
of ( he mouthers
Fanners have begun the harvest of
whiter whoa ! , r > o and barley. Sprlni ;
ulioat and oalH will bo ready for Iho
Hlclile In a few days. The Indications
aru thai , all Hiimll gralim will bo n
gooil yield , but corn mum have much
nioio heal and HiiiiHhlno limn It him
had thus far to develop.
Wllh ( bo cessation > ) f tlio rain
SI reel ComtulsHlonor Oscar Illclioy ex
pects lo get busy on a number of Im
portant Htreut liiipiovomontH that , ho
had planned for weekH. The gradlni ;
of HlroetH and the draining of the
same by culverts will bo undiirlaknii
If the weather will but consent to the
A lorco of moil was set to work
tills morning clearing the Btieota of
( lie litter loft by the carnival com
pany and the Fourth of July col 'lip-i- :
tlon. To keep their patrons out of
the mud buy waa strewn over tlio
ground by the Dixie pcoplo and thin
was left as a legacy to the city t > bo
dlHpoBod of as It saw lit
Ambrose J. Bllgor surprised hl-iol
atlves and friends lant week by bring
ing homo and piosentlntf to thorn Mm.
Ambrose J Bllgci. The > hml bonu
married at Frumont. Mrs. BIlgoiwiH
Miss Frances H Simpson of Atni-K.
The young couple will for tbo pn'-cut
make their homo with the groom's pa
rents. Dr and Mrs. G. F. Bilgor.
Mrs Goo. Kendall wan suddenly
Hlriuhon yesterday with ombolim of
tlio brain , and her condition wan crit
ical for some time. A special tram
was soul for Dr. Mackuy , who waw at
Battle Creek , to meet Dr. Tanhjoan In
voiiRuKatlon over the case. Mr. Ken
dall 13 private secretary to Superin
tendent Reynolds of the
The tunnel at ( ho Norfolk hospital
for the Insane lias been completed and
the contractor , Thou. Radford , left for
bin homo in Lincoln this morning.
Tlio tunnel connects the larloua build-
in ga of the institution .mil is u.-u > d to
convoy food supplies to the cott-igon
from the kitchen , besides cur
rying steam and w.iter P'P"H ' , uluctric
wires , etc.
The weather that haa boon chilly
and as cool as a mountain reaoit for
the past few days , shows Indlcatlonn
of a warming up procun will bo
wulcouied by the corn if not by tlio
pcoplo who ralhor enjoy the cool
nlglita a a chance for refreshing
slumber after a more or lc. strenu
ous day's work For the temponituro
to bo near the frosting mark in July
lt > unusual but no harm has come f'-om
It as yet. There have been a *
duya now without ram und the wafer
iu disappearing from the surface ,
which Is .mother good feature. The
temperature yesterday morning was
U ami Uiis morning 15.
The regular "army" of Norfolk trav
eling men left on the early trains thin
morning. Norfolk IH the homo of
probably a hundred traveling uion ,
who spend Sundays with their fam
ilies when they are not too far away ,
all pulling out for the road early Mon
day morning. The same fact that will
uHlmatuly make Norfolk a city ia
what Induces traveling men to make
this tholr headquarters. It Is a rail
road center from which may bo
reached at least twice a day any town
In the northern part of the state As
a consequence traveling men make
their homes here and are an Import
ant factor of the city.
Bricklaying ou the new Krug Vuld-
Ing was coTimeuced this morn'ug. '
The building Is located on tti ? site
of the ouo burn d during the waiter ,
between the Degnor and Durl met
Trust company buildm ? ' . < on M uu
street. The new structure is to uo
of brick. 50x90 fuel one story fMgh ,
with plate gliss front ft will " : e tin
ished in two rooms , one to bo use < t an
a saloon and the other as a resUi'ir uit ,
and will be completed as soou as pos
sible. Joha Herman has the contract
for putting up the building , and Mil
ler Miuher nas the subcontract for the
brick wor ) : . It in to bu finished ia
clasn slylo throughout.