The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 14, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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The Donrd Wna Charged Double Price
and Then Received Much Qratultoua
Abuse Beciuiee They Did the Right
AH there line boon considerable mis
understanding ever I ho controversy
between llio Nut folk Bchool bounl nnil
A. II. lU-all , manager of the Auditor- !
um , I bo bonril requests tbnt 11 Htnto-
muni of the case bo made nnd ( lint
the corroHpondonco bo published.
The customary price for the IIHO of
( lie Auditorium to anything of n local
iiMturo bus been $20 a night , the rent-
01 to pay In addition for lights nnd
furl , making tlio totnl cost nbout $25
In Hiimmor nnd $28 Inlntor. . When
Mr. Iloiill attempted to charge $ ( iO
for llio building lor the UHO of the
tonohorM' contention the Injustice of
tlio notion caiiNod the school board
not to UHO the Auditorium for the
lllili ; school commencement , nnd nr-
rnngoiiicntHvoro inndo to bold the ex
ercises In the M. 13. church. lut the
grmhiatottvuntod to give n play ns a
part of tholr program , nnd this inado
the UHO of the church Impossible. BO
It was decided to UKO the Auditorium
tf anything llko fair terms could bo
secured. In purmmnco of nil order of
tlio board , I'rosldont Bailer culled up
Mr. Uoall , who lives In Sioux City ,
nnd uNki'd him about tlio mat tor. Mr.
Iloall rofiiKcd to make n prlco In that
ninniior , Baying that ho would not talk
to Norfolk people by tolopbono , and
curtly told Dr. Sailor tliat If bo bad
any business to do with him lovrlto
blin. Dr. Suitor then wrote the gen-
tIt-man nnd rgoolvod reply ns follows :
"Sioux City , May C. lr. 1 . II. Salter -
tor , Norfolk , Nob. Dear Sir : Reply
ing to your Inquiry of llio 5th , I have
to nay that tlio font for the Auditorium
for llio nlghl of Juno 2 , 1905 , for tlio
High School commencement , will bo
$40.00. This will Include light , ush
ers , and the setting of the stage.
Yours very truly , A. D. Beall ,
Manager. "
Circumstances arose wlioroby It be
came necessary to change the date of
the exercises from Juno 2 to Juno 1 ,
nwl a telcgrnm was sent by Dr. Salter -
ter as follows :
"Terms for Auditorium accopled.
Make nlghl Juno 1st. Answer. "
In reply to this telegram , a letter
was received as follows :
"Sioux City , May 9. Dr. P. II. Salter -
ter , Norfolk , Nob. Dear Sir : I am
In receipt of your telegram reading :
'Terms for Auditorium acceptable ,
make night Juno 1st , answer , ' which
Is satisfactory to mo , nnd I have ac
cordingly marked off Juno 1st.
"Yours very truly , A. IJ. Ueall ,
Manager. "
When the time came for llio gradua
tion oxorolsos muoli of the stage set
tings and chairs wore In tlio basement
of the Auditorium , which was flooded
with water and chairs had to ho
brought from the high school build
ing , the drayngo on which cost $1.00.
No ushers wore provided , ns had been
ngreed In Mr. Beall's first letler , and
the board was obliged to hire those
at n oost of $1.75. At the mooting of
the board following , a warrant was
ordered drawn In favor of Mr. Boall
for $40.00 , less the $2.75 that it has
been necessary to pay out to make
good his agreement. The warrant was
sent to Mr. Reall by Secretary Ma-
trau , who received reply as follows :
"Sioux City , Juno 10. Mr. H. C.
Matrau , Secretary , Norfolk , Nob.
Dear Sir : I am In receipt of your let
ter of the Oth enclosing order for
$37.25. This is $2.75 less than our
agreement nnd I must insist upon your
sending me an order for the balance.
1 note you claim that you paid $1.00
to have the chairs hauled from the
school house. I have nothing what
ever to do with this matter of drayage -
ago on chairs. I did not agree to fur
nlsh you any chairs. You were to
take the theatre as it was and in the
condition it was in , nnd you had no
right whatever to spend my money for
drayage. I note that you deduct $1.75
for ushers. I did not agree to fur
nish you ushers , nor did you ask for
them. I rented you that theatre , free
of expense to myself , excepting lights ,
and you have taken upon yourselves
to appropriate $2.75 of my funds
which I think not only small but a
very contemptible act , nnd the only
way that you can close up this con
tract fairly nnd honestly. Is to send
me an order for $2.75 to balance , nnd
I would like to receive this order at
your earliest convenience. Yours
very truly , A. B. Beall , Manager. "
"Norfolk , Neb. , Juno 12. Mr. A.B.
Beall , Sioux City. Dear Sir : I am
Just in receipt of your very courteous
favor of June 12 , in which you are
pleased to term our action in remit
ting you for the use of the Auditorium
ns per your written agreement which
I hold for $40.00 , less amount which
we paid for ushers and chairs to set
stage , $2.75 , as 'contemptible. ' I beg
to advise you that the order for $37.75 ,
of which you acknowledge receipt , is
payment in full for the use of the Au
ditorium for the night of Juno 1st ,
and that as far as this board is con
cerned we consider the Incident
closed. Very truly , H. C. Matrau ,
"Bloux City , June 13. Mr. H. C.
Mat ran , secretary Norfolk school ,
board , Norfolk , Nob. Dear Sir : I
,1111 , In leoolpt of > our letter of the
Uth , wliorolii you acknowledge receipt
: > f my letter Informing you thai the
notion of your board In 'swiping' $2.75
of my money was contemptible , has
boon received , and I also nolo that as
far as your honornblo board lu con
cerned the Incident Is closed. I don't
doubt that the Incident Is closed. You
have my $2.76 , and that Is all any
grafter or grafters can do aflor they
gel bold of tlio money , Is to declare
the Incident closed. If I was a resi
dent of Norfolk 1 would make you pay
the money , and I would make you do
It very quickly , but It Is cheaper for
mo to stand for being swindled out of
$2 75 than to fight for what belongs to
me. Yours very truly ,
A. I ) . Ilenll , Manager. "
Tlio school board fool that uncalled
for Insult has boon given thorn by
Manager Ueall and that the terms
which ho has applied to thoin are
wholly uiHiouossary and untruo. In
the first plaoo ho charged the board
Just twice the amount that It has
boon customary lo rent tlio house for
looal UBO nnd they were not overly
ploascd at lining thus hold up , but
they stood It to please the graduates
who bad sot tholr heart on giving n
play as part of the commencement
program. Mr. Ilcall ngrood In his offer -
for to have ushers and stage settings.
Neither of those were provided nnd
the board was obliged to secure thorn ,
deducting the bare oost from the ront.
This seemed n pure business transac
tion to thorn , ns It was an expense
that Mr. Iloall should have berne , and
agreed to do , The board works wholly
without pay nnd receives many gratu
itous kicks , but this Is n ease In which
they were doing tholr plain duty nnd
no Injustice to Mr. Iloall , and they do
not fool paitlculnrly clever over the
letters they have received from him.
This Is not the first Instance where
Mr. Iloall's method of conducting the
Norfolk opera hoiiso have given cause
for clash with the citizens of this
place , nnd unless ho changes his tnc-
UOH the house will not bo liberally pa
tronized In future. Ho seems to bo
determined to bring the house Into
disrepute In this city , nnd ho Is suc
ceeding to n nicety.
Nothing Will be Done With the Wo
man as She Is Snld to Have Had
Just Provocation for Shooting the
Military Mnn of Fort Crook.
Bellevue , Neb. , July 10. The doc
tors say that the condlllon of William
Coats , the Fort Crook soldier , who was
shot by Mrs. Martha Lane. Is critical
and that ho may die. It is not likely
that anything will bo done with the
woman ns she is said to have had
just provocation In turning the weap
on against the soldier.
Norfolk Is Given a Rank With State
Secretary H. C. Mntrau of the board
of education , Norfolk district , has
been notified by Chancellor E. Benja
min Andrews , per M. Hodgman , Inspector
specter of the state university nt Lin
coln , that the Norfolk high school has
teen placed on the list of accredited
lilgh schools of the state for the year
1905-190C , with twenty-eight to thirty-
two points to Its credit.
This list Is made each year after in
spection of the courses of study , scl-
ntlflc equipment and the library fa-
Illtlos , which must be excellent nnd
the teaching force in number , schol
arship and professional training must
bo adequate to do the work which the
schools are undertaking.
Not only does this list represent the
best high schools of Nebraska , but
graduates are allowed entrance to the
state university without examination
In those subjects in which their at
tainments are duly certified. The list
Is published each year In the unlver
slty calendar and the University Jour
nal ,
Will be Held Tomorrow From Door-
gan Home In Lincoln ,
Lincoln , July. The funeral of Judge
Amasn Cobb will bo hold from the resIdence
Idenco of John T. Dorgan tomorrow
General Cobb died at the homo of
his daughter in Los Angeles Wednes
day. The remains were brought to
Lincoln whore they will bo Interred
beside the remains of his wife who
died eight years ago. General Cobb
was eighty-two years of ago. He was
president of the First National bank
of Lincoln until 1878 , nnd was then
elected to the supreme court , serving
for fourteen years , the last four of
which he was chief justice of the
court. He was a veteran of the civil
Work on the System Is Now Nearlng
Lynch , Neb. , July 11. John Long
of Norfolk will finish the work of
ditching for the Lyncfi water works
system this week.
H.IB Reformed Factory Conditions Un
til Hln Employes Stay With Him
nnd Perform Effective Work Influ
enced Changes In Other Factories.
IKmin Hntiitilny'H Dully 1
The plans for Patterson day nt Day-
on , O. , next Tuesday have attracted
roiintry-wldo altenllon because it Is
mlqiio and furthermore because Mr.
attorson Is deserving of the honor.
On thai day It Is planned to have the
lotcd citizen greeted by 40,000 women , I !
bo ontlio fomlnlno population of the
own. Ho has done much for the
working woman nnd his reward will
10 to see thorn glvo this grallluitous
vprosslon of good will. The men of
ho town will glvo a gorgeous parade
and the women have planned the pros-
illation of n memorial.
All of this makes the people wonder
what has been Mr. Pnltorson's accom-
; illshmoiit. Ho has established n
wholesome Inlluonco on the children
) f his factory neighborhood through
ih boys' gardens , which ho ostab-
Ishcd and Is maintaining Ho has In-
luoncod the honullfylng of the homes
of Dayton through lectures on land
scape gardening nnd a practical ox-
iimplo In tlio model factory grounds.
Ills effort In behalf of women oin-
iloyos has had a wide Influcnco. The
irlmo cnuso of his Interest lies In the
fact that about twelve years ago five
women loft his employ for no nppnr-
> nt reason. At the same tlmo a large
onslgnmont of goods from the fac-
ory was returned from England as
defective. The two facts sot Mr. Paterson -
orson on a line of thought that has
since resulted In material changos.
That there was a connection between
the leaving of his employes nnd the
ilofootlvo work of the factory was con
clusive to him nnd ho determined to
make the work attractive and the sur
rounding congenial. Ho has succeed
ed so well that It Is now said that no
woman employed In the Dayton works
over loaves except to bo married. One
day In passing through the women's
departments Mr. Patterson saw a girl
setting a tin bucket on the radiator.
Supposing it was paste to bo wnrmed
ho called the foreman nnd asked him
If ho had no hotter way than that for
boating the paste. He was informed
that the bucket contained coffee for
the girl's lunch. He at once decided
that women or men could not work
without a substantial , well prepared
meal at noon , nnd this was the germ
Hint Induced his noled reform of fac-
lory conditions.
First Step In Welfare Work.
First of all. In the effort to provide
the women with the hot lunch , gas
stoves were placed in all women de
partments whore the girls could heat
coffee and mnko other warm dishes
Then an attic was cleared nnd a crude
sort of dining room was established.
Next a comfortable dining ball was
fitted out In one of the main factory
buildings , where each day five hun
dred girls wore served a wholesome
nnd attractive meal each day for the
nominal cost of twenty-five cents n
week. This dining hall had been used
until within the last week , when anew
now building just erected was set
asldo for the use of 1,500 men and
women employes as a dining hall.
From providing for the gastronomic
welfare of the women It was only a
stop to care for their health in other
illreotlons. It was found that the or
dinary benches upon which women
sat while nt work were conducive to
stooped shoulders , cramped lungs and
eneral fatigue. In their place comfortable
fortablo high-backed chairs with foot
rests , were put In place In the bindery
nnd other departments where the wo
men work.
Improves Factory Surroundings.
President Patterson decided that a
working man or woman could ncconv
pllsh more nnd perform the work bet
ter if working amid comfortable and
beautiful surroundings. Accordingly
the factory buildings have been made
unusually light and airy. The walls
are practically of glass , so great is
the window space. The interior of
the working rooms and the machines
used have been painted in light colors
and make the rooms bright and cheer
ful. Cleanliness is insisted upon and
all scraps and waste are swept up
and carried away before the floor and
the work benches can become lltlored.
The women employes are provided
with aprons and sleevelets furnished
by the company twice a week and
laundered in the faclory laundry.
To provide further for the physical
comfort of the women , rest rooms have
been Installed in connection with all
the departments where girls are em
ployed. These rooms are furnished
with cots , easy chairs , bath , lavatory
and a medicine chest. Any girl who
becomes ill or indisposed while at
work has the privilege of retiring to
these rooms. Two nurses make dally
rounds of the rest rooms and the wo
men's departments , caring for any of
the girls who may deslro their servic
Recesses for'AII Women.
Twice a day , at 10 a. m , and 3 p. m. ,
the women employes and the office
clerks as well are given a recess of
ten minutes. The girls generally
spend this time in calisthcnlc exer
cises , which are a welcome relief from
the monotony of sitting at a work
bench or a machine. At noon , after
luncheon , for which an hour and twen
ty minutes are allowed , the girls gen
erally dance In tlio dining hall , where
a piano In provided for tholr use.
Magazines and books are to bo found
on the tables and many of the young
women put In tholr extra time read
ing , Sotno employ part of the noon
hour In taking walks to the nearby
woods or In sowing or doing fancy
work until the wlilstlo blows.
The women of Mr. Patterson's fac
tory have formed n club , with a mem
bership of about 500 , called the Wo
man's Century club. This organiza
tion Is affiliated with both the Htnto
nnd national federations of women
clubs. It has literary , musical and
other sections which encourage habits
of study among the members.
Glrln Have a Dormitory.
The Woman's Century club has
leased the old Pnlterson homestead
a landmark of Montgomery county
since Dayton was a llttlo village. This
i homestead has been converted Into a
dormitory for the girls who have no
i relatives living In Dayton. "Rubicon
I Homo , " ns the homestead Is now
I called , has proved extremely popular
i with the girls , who have been glad
to avail themselves of the opportunity
of living there. The homo Is managed
i entirely by members of the Woman's
Century club nnd Is self-supporting.
Thcso are the things which Mr. Pat
terson has done for the women in his
employ : Ho has given them pleasant
working conditions , has provided for
them a comfortable dining hall where
wholcsomo meals are served , has
helped thorn to secure a model dormi
tory , and has encouraged them to form
classes and clubs for self-Improve
Women outside his Immediate cm-
ploy ho has benefited by the example
which his factory has set and which
Jollier mnnufacttirlng concerns are has
tening to follow. For all this good
work the women of Dayton will unite
In doing him honor on his return from
Hall Sells to Hall.
W. O. Hall has sold his barber shop
In the Oxnard hotel to "Kid" Hall.
Mr. Hall left this morning for the east
and later will go to California , nnd
may remain there. He will lake his
fast horses east nnd may sell Ihem.
SPENT $3,000 ON IT.
The Many Steep Hills That Had to
be Climbed Between Anoka and
Butte Made it One of the Worst in
the Country.
Butte , Neb. , July 10. Special to
The News : After spending $3,000 on
the road between Butle and Anokn ,
Butte has bought a right of way
Ihrough the adjoining farms and here
after the roads will be in good condi
tion and there will be little trouble.
This road has been one of the most
difficult to travel In the county , owing
to the many steep hills that it was
necessary to climb to reach Butte
from Anoka , and the fixing of the thor
oughfare Is n great relief to the people
ple who are obliged to travel it.
Prisoners Released.
Fairfax , S. D. , Advertiser : The ar
rest of the Lunderman brothers nnd
Walter Connoroe sometime ago by the
authorities of Boyd county , Neb. ,
caused quite a sensation at the time
of their arrest and from the claims
made by their prosecutors it was
thought the right clue had been found
for the prosecution of a band of horse
thieves who oporaled exlenslvely In
Gregory and Boyd counlles. These
men were arresled for the theft of
horses from Geo. Steele who lives in
Boyd county. They were brought Into
court at Butte , Neb. , to answer to the
charges preferred against them and
for want of sufficient evidence they
were discharged. The defendants are
residents of the Rosebud reservalion
and have many friends there who nev
er believed them guilty of the crime
charged nnd who will be glad to learn
they were released. The defendants
were represenled by H. M. Boorman of
Atlantic , Iowa , and A. H , Tingle of
Spencer Team Celebrates.
Spencer Advocate : On tlio evening
of the Fourth , when Dr. Howard of
Anoka , with his wife and children ,
started home one of his horses kicked
over the buggy longuo and becoming
frightened it was a hard matter to
stop the team but the doctor managed
to do so when , fortunalely , some men
near by went to their assistance and
held the horses until the occupants
of the buggy were safely out. Then
all the trouble seemed to be nt an
end but the horse that was astride the
tongue ecamo frantic and. despite the
efforts of the men , the team broke
loose and , turning around , ran back
two blocks , crashing Into a hitching
post at the corner of Dr. Skelton's of
fice. Here they were caught. One
horse was found to be lamed nnd the
carriage In need of repair , so the
doctor procured a team at the livery
barn and took his family homo. It
was , Indeed , a lucky escape from what
might have proven a serious accident.
It anybody has any harness repair
ing to do , let him bring it In before
the spring season begins. Paul Nord-
There Will be a Baseball Tournament
In Which Teams From Pllger , Plain-
view , Stanton and Creston Will Play
for Three Solid Days.
Meadow Grove Is preparing for a
big tlmo nil of the week , beginning
icxt Wednesday , July 12 , when the
old soldiers from all over northern Ne
braska will assemble there to enjoy
their annual reunion. The ranks are
rowing less and less each year , but
those who survive among the heroes
who fought for the Hag , will get to-
; ether and have rousing camp fires
nnd old army songs. There will bean
an Immense crowd in Meadow Grove
mil the citizens of the town are mak
ing great preparations for the enter
Baseball Tournament.
Among other features will bo the
baseball tournament foi three days.
On the first day Pllger and Plaluvlow
will play , for a purse of $75 ; on the
second day Creston and Stanton will
play for $75 and on the third day the
winners will play for a purse of $150.
The Stanton cudet band may play
at the reunion.
Wm. Smith went to Sioux City this
M. R. Snodgrnss of Wayne was hero
over night.
U. B. Mayes of Tllden was In the
city yesterday.
Fred Neemyer of Columbus was In
town over night.
Mrs. Katie Soss of Wlnnetoon Is a
city visitor today.
E. D. Barnes of Crelghton was in
town this morning.
S. L. Bray , representing the Lincoln
Dally Star , Is In town.
Mrs. D. E. Best of Battle Creek Is
a visitor In the city today.
C. O. Williams of Meadow Grove
was in town this morning.
Myrlle Wagner of Pierce was a vis
llor in town yesterday afternoon.
E. D. Wood of Fullerton transacted
business In the city this morning.
Frank Carroll of Creighton arrived
In town on the early train this morn
Miss Fale Burnham has gone to
Madison , where she will spend a week
with friends.
Albert Howell and Miss Anna At
kins of Nellgh were city visitors Sat
urday afternoon.
Miss Ethel Ranney of Ft. Atkinson ,
Wis. , is a guest at the home of her
aunt , Mrs. W. H. Bridge.
John W. Bridge , who has been at
tending Oberlln , Ohio , college , is home
for his summer vacation.
Spencer Btitlertield left yesterday
for Buena Vista , Col. , for a camping
out trip in company with cousins.
Mrs. Mart Johnson of Spencer , who
been * visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Clark , returned to her home Saturday
Mrs. Wm. Graham and son , Willie
and Mrs. F. M. Carder of Crelghton
are in the city on their way to Hoi
Springs , S. D.
Mrs. Frank Hirsch and daughter
Corrine , left last night for Hot
Springs , S. D. , for a two-weeks' vlsi' '
ivlth her husband.
Mr. nnd Mrs. S. T. Skeen and daugh
or , Miss Ruby , went to Plainview Sat
irday noon to spend Sunday with rel
atlves and friends.
O. E. Wortensleben of Leavilt , a
representative of the Standard Sugar
company , was transacting business in
he city this morning.
Merrit Nichols , the corpulent rea
estate man of Foster , who has been In
he city most of the week , returnee
home Saturday noon.
Misses Carrie and Ruth Harding o
Omaha are in the city , guests of thei
grandmother , Mrs. McMillan. They
will remain several weeks.
Mrs. and Mrs. H. J. Miller and son
Theodore left at noon today for Hart
ington. Mr. Miller will relurn Monday
and Ihe others will remain two month
to visit her parents.
A. H. Backes , editor of the Pierce
Leader , was in the city this morning
He was accompanied by Mrs. Backes
and they were on their way to Platt
county for a short visit.
Sister Marae ( Maggie Horlskey
and her companion , Sister Damlen , de
parted Saturday noon for Slnsinawa
Wis. , after a two weeks' visit with th
Horlsky family and friends.
Mrs. Fannie Maxwell and daughle
Maud visited Mrs. Wm. Darllngto
last night. They are from Battl
freek , nnd leave loday on Ihe specia
car for the coast , where they expec
to make their home in future.
Miss Betsey Baird of Akron , Ohio
who has been the guest of Miss Jos
ephine Butterfield , left last night fo
Casper , Wyo , where she will spen
some time cm a ranch with the fan
lly of the governor of Wyoming.
Plnlnviow News : H. G. Corell an
wife returned homo Friday afternoo
from their western trip. While al
sent they visited with U. E. Foste
and wife at Sedro-Woolley , Washing
Ion , and many other points of into
est. They report a swell time.
The premium list for the Mndiso
county fair which will be held on th
fair grounds at Madison Septembe
2C , 27 , 28 and 29 , has been printed an
is eing distributed by J. L. Rynearson
secretary. The list shows off well to
xhlbltors nnd there will bo a gooil
bjcct In making n display there this
ill. The offerings are liberal both by
10 society and In a special way , and1
lose who have fine stock , good grains
nd other products ns well as works
f nrt In any line of endeavor will do
ell to write the secretary for ono of
10 booklets. The speed program of-
ers largo purses and the sldo nttrnc-
ons of the exhibition will be welt
orth seeing. The promise Is that
10 attendance will bo Inrgo and that
lore will be ample reward for those
ho nro Interested enough to go.
Wm. B. Vail , ono of tlio horsemen
iterested In the track north of the
Ity , said this morning : "Wo would . *
o pleased to have everyone who has - t
horse and buggy to drive around the
rack as many times as they can , ns
t now requires packing. " The horse
men who maintain speedy animals nt
he track are Intereslod in having the
rack in condition for the balance of
10 season that they may get tholr
nlmnls in thorough training for the
omlng races In this section of the
talc. Wilh the let up of the rain
10 track is In good condition with
lie exception of packing of the soli -w
vhlch constant use will give and It *
s hoped to have it in fine shape be-
ore the racing season opens.
Stanton Picket : Many Stanton peo-
le regret that William Gerecko has
eslgned as cashier of the First Na-
lonal bank and will cease to bo a
esldent of the town. He left here
ast Sunday morning with the inten-
Ion of going first to Waterloo , Iowa ,
nd visiting several other places be-
ore returning here. He will then
lose up the remainder of his affairs
lore and then go to Lnmnr , Colorado ,
0 visit his son , Ed. Mr. Gerecko was
lected cashier of the First National
n June , 1890 , and filled the position
fifteen years. He is a man almost unl-
ersally liked and is trusted and re-
pectcd by all. His resignation left a
'acancy in the office of cashier to
vhlch position H. D. Miller was elect
ed. Mr. Miller has been connected
vith the bank ever since he was old
nongh to do business.
The Dixie carnival company closes
Is week's engagement in this city to
night , and by tomorrow Its various
ents , merry-go-round , Ferris wheel ,
high diving ladder nnd tank , and the
other paraphernalia , will have van-
shed from the streets of Norfolk. Mr.
Thompson , who does the high dive , \ _
gave another exhibition last evening.
1 ropplng from the top of a GO-foot ladler -
ler right side up into a tank of wa-
er. He has been sick since the
" "ourth , when he made three dives and
jecame chilled In the water , and last
night was the first time he was able
o appear again. He makes two dives
oday , afternoon and evening. The
company has been contending against
mfavorable weather all the week and
as a consequence has not done a rush-
ng business. As a whole the shows
of the carnival are clean and unob- jf
ectlonable , but the gambling grafts
with it are rather on the shady order ,
although they are not doing enough
business to justify a kick.
Little Girl of Butte Is Nearly Drowned
In a Tub of Water.
Butte , Neb. , July 10. Special to
The News : The baby daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Stoltenburg , aged eigh
teen months , had a narrow escape
from drowning in a tub of water. The
water was standing on the floor of
the kitchen when Mrs. Stoltenburg
stepped out Into the yard for a mo
ment. When she returned she found
: hat the child had fallen into the wa
ter and was already unconscious. Her
cries brought help Immediately and
by prompt nnd vigorous measures the
child was resuscitated.
Hartlngton Country Club.
The first committee meeting was
held on Wednesday last at which It
was decided to build a large club
house. It was resolved to issue thirty
shares of stock at $50.00 per share.
Those who buy the shares shall be
considered life members of the club
and shall be stockholders therein.
A splendid site has been procured
for the building at the edge of a pic
turesque grove. A bowling alley , ten
nis lawns and croquet lawns , In addi
tion to the golf links , will be included.
Plans for the club house have been
prepared and will bo ready for Inspec
tion in a few days.
Only thirty shares will be issued.
First come , first served. Those desir
ing shares are requested to apply to
Sam Wilder , secretary-treasurer , or to *
any of the officers of the Hnrtlngton
Golf club. Hartlngton Herald.
Rural Route No. 3.
W. F. Lehman is hauling off hogs.
Fred Heckman Is building a new
Geo. Mather has been doing some
mason work at Hadar. " < >
Rev. H. Splerlng of southern Illl- ft
nols Is visiting with Fred Stengel.
J. M. Cottrell spent the Fourth of
July visiting friends In Holt county.
Burt Mapes and family are still
tenting on his farm three miles north
of town.
Some rye is in shock , while other
fields are being cut. Winter wheat
is about ready for the sickle. Barley
nnd spalls are nearly ripe. Quite a
good deal of haying Is being done , i
and corn Is being laid by. A good i
deal of it looks fine.
New Doctor at Butte.
Butte , Nob. , July 11. Special to
The News : Dr. Jeffers , recently of
Valentine , is opening t n office in