The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 14, 1905, Image 2

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New Figures Show a Good Increase
Over Those of 1900 New Schedule
of Rates for the Hauling of Fire Ap
paratus to Fires.
IV'roiH Tuemlny'n ! > nlly. )
Tlio o.I I y council met In luljourni'tl
regular HO H | II Monday iilKlit wllli
Mn.Mir Krl'iiiy nnd Ouinollnipn Crotly ,
( low. HnhorMoln. Slaffonl mid Miitli-
owfon pri'si'iit. Abnon ! Coiiiirlliiion
Klesiui and Siiclliuiui. Thu tiiliiutOH
of tlio iw'otlnnH of ,1nno in and .Inly
C worn rend nn tlniiprovrd.
K. K.Viro WHS cruntod n drug-
Rlst's llnnor permit.
The report of llio ittilillc workx rout-
nilttooVIH ( ' ( ' ( ' | ' mid placed on
llio. and tlio II ro and pollen commit
tee reported tlio following Kcliodnlo
fo rliiiulltiK tire npparalnHt UOHU entt
In 1'li'Hl llrnt illstrlct , $1 ; ontnldo
Klrst tlio illHtrh'l district. $ 'J : Hook
and Inddor trui'k , 50 conlH oxlra.
Tlio fnllowliiK resolution was read
and * ndoptcd :
"Hosolvod , That tlio north Hide of
oVS , n',6 of lot 7. hlocU 7 , lliiaao's snli-
\irhnit \ lots , ho couiloiiiuoil for now
walUB. iKHwdlng to tlio provlsloiiH of
ordinance No. l7ri. ! "
A IIPW walk was order placed on
tlio north Hldo of lot 01 , ItlouU I , of tlio
Hull-division of Ourland'rf First addi
tion ,
Four hldn wore received for puiiur-
\\\K \ \ and oiling tlio rooms of tlio city
liall nnd tlio niiittor was referred to
tlio jtnhllc worKs committee with pow
er to not.
Tlio treasurer's report for May was
reported correct nnd accepted , nnd
tlio .luno report was referred to tlio
auditing committee.
The following bills wore allowed
and ordered paid :
Andrew llosewater , $100 ; Ketplson
& ( JorccUo. $2.7C : O. F. HIXIIHO , $27.55 :
U C. Mlttolstadt , * 7I.-II : M. 11. Orenn.
$1.00 ; llyorly llros. , $2.00 : .1. M. LOUR.
$1.00 ; AnzolKor , $10.05 ; 0. W. WllUln-
son , $0.00 ; .1. S. Hnrnett , $2.25 ; Fred
Klontz , $17.00 ; 1-M. nriiPKKOiiinn.
$1:75 : ; Austin Western Co. . $11.00 ;
Hoffman & Vlt > le. $150 ; Heynolds &
KliiK. $17.28V. : . HeswIcU. $1150 : Hoff
man * \Mole. $11.50 ; W. H. Living
stone , $10 ; Kdwivrds and llradford
Uunhor Co. . $2.15 : Rdwanls llrad-
ford Lumlicr Co. . $10.09 : I , . U Heck-
endorf , $10.12 : It. L. l.ovelnce. $ ; i.OO ;
( i.V. . Lee , $1200 ; . ! . T. CooU. $01.50 ;
Hurt Mullen. $11.25 ; C. Hash. $1.50 ;
F. Hyerly. $27.00 ; 10. .T. SrlmroRU" .
$25.00 ; AUK. nrnmmnnd , $2 ! f.O ; No-
hraska Telephone Co. , $1.25 ; AUR.
HUBS. $10.50 ; O A. Utolioy. $1150 ;
A. Granl , $ ( .0.00 : Norfolk Unlit and
Fuel Co. , $ fil.OO ; 0. Uhlo , $1 3K ; Na-
tlonnl Meter Co. , $121.00 ; O. Nelson.
$25 ; H. Hollytlold , $0.00 ; F , . S. Hloy.
$1.25V. ; . T. Uoskor , $50.00 ; Norfolk
Unlit & Vower Co. . $11 . ' . .CO : .1. A.
Upton , $1.00 ; i , . Tlpton , $2.00 ; .1.
Hay. $02.01 ; a. H. MoFarland. $7.0.5 :
\V. N. Hnso. $ ll.r.O ; IX O. Uvnnson.
$1.50 ; Chicago I.nmlier Co. , ? S".77 ;
W. H. Wliliiiiian. $115.00 : .1. Kiiiuf/ ,
$11.00 ; 0. S Kvans. $10.05 ; n. Hunter -
tor , $1.50 ; .1. A Upton , $1.00 ; M. J.
Molor , $8.12.
Tlio ceiimis leport ofV U. Wliln-
tnnn was accepted and placed on llto.
Tlio followntf In i minium ry of llio
report :
Under 21 Ovoi-2l Total
Ward M\lo : Fem Mnlo Fem
I I'll 1)2 ! ) 250 255 S97
2 IMG MO too tan 1,011
2a 189 181) 208 208 7H !
I . -.177 ICO 571
Totals . . .900 1101 1,201 1,129 iK7 !
The resignation of O. F. Hauso as
street commissioner was accepted .ind
his report was accepted as correct , i
The Juno report of Police Jmlgp' '
"Wostervolt , showing $19 collected us
lines , was accepted and filed.
Tlio water commissioner wan or
dered to place water motors in Sclion
zel's tuid Thlom's Imtclior slioiin
Tlio trojxsiurw was instructed to col
lect occupation tax. from tlio Inmir-
ivnce ngonclos of the oily of Norfolk.
St.ito Saenger-fcut
Editor J. U. Donovan of the Madi
son Star-Mail In in llio city on his
way homo from sin advertising trip
In the iutorosta of the state saongor-
test of the German singing societies
of Nebraska which is to ho hold ; it
Mndlson on August 17 , IS and 19.
"Madison expects many thousand vis
itors on that date , " said Mr. Donovan ,
"and our people are working over
time to get In leadlness for the event ,
which will consume three days. The
meeting Is hold once every two years ,
the last ono bolus hold atVest Point
At Madison a monster platform will
be built on the Island and we expect
to hnvo a peed time and show the
visitors the hqst on the program. "
Mrs. Ed. Evans and daughter wont
to Crelghton today for a two-weeks
Neligh News.
Nollgh. Neb. . July ll. W. F. Me-
Glnitie of DOS Molnes , Iowa , is in the
city visiting his brother H. L. McGIu-
itie. They have already made some
good catches from the river.
W. U McAllister , wife and family
are visiting Mr. McAllister's father in
Pawnee City this week.
Dr. Beatty called to the homo
of Mr. Hendricks post haste Sunday
evening to see the younger Mr. Hen-
drlcks , who had been very severely
Kicked by n horse In ( ho face nnd nb
doiiii ti Ho In not In n dnngoronn con
till Ion , however
A H Phillips , our genial merchant
who lout an eye by the ovploMon of
n llrocniol.or a few rtuva ago , Is able
to bo fibont I ho store again The eye
Is entirely gone.
Dm Conwoll and Iloiilty loft TIIOM-
day for Norfolk to ntlond the mooting
of the F.lkhorn Medical nooloty. Or
Conwoll In president of the society nt
this timer
Frank Denron , deputy county trea
surer , was opnralod on Monday mornIng -
Ing for appendicitis "by Dr. neatly.
Ho Is gelling along as nicely as could
be expected. Mr. Ilonron had boon
suffering for some time nnd mndo up
his mind to hnvo the operation per
formed and put an end to further
trouble from this source.
The Congregational members and
filends met In the park Sunday even
ing and hold their mooting which was
of n patriotic eharaclor. being carried
over from last Sunday on account of
Iho weather , C I , . Wattles spokoon
"Commercial Patriotism" and Attor
ney O. A. Williams on "Municipal Pa
triotism. " Moth gentlemen handled
Iholr subjects well. Christian l < ? n-
doavor was hold Immediately after
wards. These onl-door meetings will
be hold during the summer.
Alfalfa haying Is In full blast hero
now. The first crop Is nearly all put
up and the second will soon bo ready
for attention. Corn Is doing nicely
and though Into will nuilio a good
crop under favorable circumstances.
Miss Itorilm Wlllo , who has boon
leaching music In Iho Indies boarding
school In Now Orleans , I.n. , is homo
for vacation.
Cheap Landti.
A llrst class tract of Im-
pi oved land , splendid location , good
soil , nil lays level and nice , only live
miles from Norfolk , Nob. Prlco right.
O. 11. Seller ,
Norfolk , Nebraska.
Ten Men Were Brought to the Nor
folk Insnne Hospital Last Night.
Norfolk Contractor Gets the Work
of Reconstruction on West Wing.
| ! ' 'lom Silnnliiv'H Dnllv 1
Ten more male patients wore brought
from the Lincoln hospital for the In
sane to the Norfolk institution last
night , making about thirty now at
the hospital. The remainder of the
( piola of 150 will arrive in three or
four more weeks , tilling the cottages.
Or. J. T. Hay and I Ionian Walker no-
companled the patients from Lincoln , |
the trip being without Incident
The furniture has not yet arrived ,
although It has been ordered and is
being manufactured now , The stool
ceilings nnd girdles for the windows
| must also be shipped before the cottages -
tagos will ho ready for use by tlio pa
| Contract Let to John Hermann.
1 John Hermann of Norfolk has secured -
cured the contract for the re-constrnc-
] tlon of tlio west wing. His bid was
, $19.090. J. a Stilt , architect for the
i building , Is In Lincoln today on busi
ness connected with it
The building Is to ho converted into
1u 1 two story building In ncoonlnneo
jwlth the cottage plan adopted by a
! formoi board of public l.mds and
i buildings. No awards wore made for
the plumbing and heating. The con-
tiact for looting the boiler house nt
the Grand Inland homo for soldiers
and sntloni was awarded to the Amer
ican Urldgo company of Now York ,
the prlco being $1.350. The Korse-
inoyor company of Lincoln secured
the contract for plumbing and heatIng -
Ing In the new wing of the Institution
for feeble minded at Huntrlco , the
price being $1,125. The board accept
ed the bids of Maxln & Ilnlcihur for
the building of the now hospital at
llio Grand Island homo and the barn
at the same tnstitulon. They wore
for $1.908 and $2,500 respectively.
A United States Wall Map ,
well adapted tor use in office , library
or school , substantially mounted , cdg-
0.4 hound In cloth , printed In ( nil col
ors , showing the United States , Alas
ka , Cuba and our island possessions.
Thu original thirteen states , tlio Louis
iana purchase , the Oregon territory ,
etc. , nru shown In outline , with dates
when territory was acquired , and oth
er valuable information.
Sent to any addresa on receipt of
fifteen cents to cover postage , by B
W Knlskorn. P. T. M. , C. & N-W. R'ys
Life Insurance.
For twenty-live cents yon can now
Insure yourself and family against any
bail results from an attack of colic
or diarrhoea during the summer
months. That is the price of a hot-
tlo of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera
, and Dlarrhuea Remedy , a medicine
that has never been known to fall.
.Buy it now , it may save life. For sale
1 by the Klosau Drug Co.
' Small Sunday Visitor.
J A Sunday visitor at the homo of
I Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson of South
First street is a handsome baby daugh-
I tor , who has apparently come to make
{ that her permanent homo.
Report of the Superintendent of the
Poor Farm IB Approved Fee Books
of Other Officers County Treasurer
This Week.
Madison , Nob. , July 5. Hoard of
county commissioners mot pursuant
to adjournment. Present Uchmltt and
Smith Minutes of last meeting , wcro
rend and on motion approved. On
motion the following hills were al
lowed :
Humc-Hohertson-Wy c o ft Co. ,
lumber road district No. 25. $ 12 OG
llumo-Hobortson-W y c o ff Co. ,
lumber road district No. 32. . 19 00
Hnmo-llohortson-W y c o ft Co. ,
lumber road district No. 22. . 38 50
Ilumo-Hobortson-W y c o ft Co. ,
lumber road district No. 19. . 11 10
I lumo-Hoboi tHon-YV y c o ff Co. ,
lumber road district No. 18. . 13 80
llumo-Kobortson-W y c o ff Co. ,
lumber road district No. IS. . 10 19
H. Snndorman , road work dis
trict No 2i : 98 70
K. W. Linn , road work district
No 17 71 50
Win. FilHlngor , road work dis
trict No. 27 IS 00
1 Inmo-IIobortson-W y c o ff Co. ,
lumber 9-10
Thos. Ostergard , lumber 2.1115
\V. C. HlBhtowor , 9 wolf scalps 18 00
Irvln Rogers , 2 wolf scalps. . . . -1 00
Herman Radon/ , " wolf scalps 0 00
W. It. Snyder , 8 wolf scalps. . 1C 00
Mike Richardson , 10 wolf scalps 32 00
Hammond & Stephens , stnllon-
ery -12 80
Felix Hales , printing 12 00
Dr. F. A. Long , foes In Insanity
case 8 00
lr F. A. Ixmg , fees In Insanity
case 11 00
Dr. F. A. Long , fees in Insanity
case 5 00
Edith M. Sterner , grading ex
amination papers 2 10
Nebraska Telephone Co. , toll
nnd rent 23 20
Gns ICnul , salary for Juno . . . . -10 00
Win. Bates , fees and witness
foes 31 05
Perkins Bros. , stationery . . . . 71 00
State Journal , books 11 25
State Journal , stationery 2 93
Roes Printing Co. , books 02 05
J. B. Donovan , printing 28 75
Chas. Gross , repairing graders 10 10
AUK Pnsownlk , repairing grad
ers 3 00
Carl Rolche. rend work 0 00
I.I. J Clements , fees 11300
| W. It. Field , fees , elc 100 10
j Christ.Schmllt . , money ad
vanced Shlpmnn for road
work 21 20
Dodge county , insanity case. J.
Masterson 21 CO
Crane Co. , stationery 18 95
Jnmos Cloyd , 1 wotf scalp. . . . 2 00
Norrls Brown , IT. P. n. R. tax
case 25 00
Clirlst Schmitt , hauling tile. . . 5 00
A. L. Stewart , printing 18 00
Chicago Lumber Co. , lumber. . 109 13
L W. Lyon , bridge work 11 50
L. W. Lyon , road work , commis
sioner district No. 1 200 00
Win. Ileel < er , road work dis
trict NO. o a oo
Herman Euckor , r'ind work dis
trict No. 0 22 00
Fr.uik Young , laud for mad and
rlimxpplng 00 00
On motion the following transfer
was mndo :
| 31 88 from bond fund school dis
trict No. 5t to general funJ of snid
On motion the resignation of Goo.
Church , road overseer of district No.
3 wan accepted.
On motion the following appoint
ments were mndo :
J. H. Jackson , road overseer road
district No. 3.
J. H. Colegrovc. justice of the peace
Meadow Giovo precinct.
On motion the report > if the super
intendent of Mndlnon county poor
farm was approved. Report follows.
Cash receipts ending Juno 1 , 1905 :
Balance in Battle Creel : Val
ley b'uik March 1 , 1905 $142 29
10 head of steers sold 2GO 00
1 bead of hogs -1C 00
Total $418 29
Cash disbursements ending June 1 ,
1905 :
Rubber blanket and oil sheet
ing $ 3 20
Horse 130 00
Wagon 15 00
Telephone 1 50
Paint 42 28
Roofing 50 35
Total Juno 1. 1905 $21G 73
Balance in Battle Creek Valley
Bank $201 51
The following bills were incurred
( allowed by the board. )
O H. Mass $ 7 35
W L. Boyer 5 18
C. A. Hodman 25 30
Hensstler Broa 7 10
Morris & Co 3 35
Dr. Munson 2 00
W. B. Fuerat 3 40
F. Koester 8 75
II. Miller Co 3191
C. E. Hausen -1 90
Joa. Sovera 9 70
Mark Seasler U CD
J. U , Gardola 8 55
L , B. Baker 41 42
C , D. Johnoou 112 CO
F. W. Scheorgor C 10
C Carr 1 00
Tolnl $290 52
On motion the hoard Instructed the
county treasurer to refund the mini of
$57.87 to August Anderson for the
reason that Mr. Anderson had boon
nsfli-HBod with property nnd paid taxes
upon property which was not liable
for taxation.
On motion the bond of Franz Diet
rich for road overseer road district
Np. 20 was approved.
On motion board adjourned to 8 n.
m. July C , 190G.
Board mot pursuant to adjournment
and commenced chocking books of
county olllcors ,
The fee hook of Emll Winter , coun
ty clerk , was audited showing amount
of fees earned for the last six months
On motion board adjourned to 1
o'clock , p. m. Board met pursuant to
adjournment. Present Commissioners
Schmitt and Harding. The fee hooks
of the following officers were audited
and found correct :
J. J. ClemontK , sheriff , fees earned
for the last six months , $403.35.
Win. Bates , county Judge , fees
earned for last six months , $952.05.
C. W. Criim , county superintendent ,
due him. $32.85.
On motion board adjourned to 8
o'clock n. m. July 7. Board met pur
suant to adjournment. Present
Schmltf and Harding. Board began
chocking books of county treasurer.
Board adjourned to 1 o'clock p. m.
Board mot pursuant to adjournment
anil resumed checking hopks of coun
ty treasurer. On motion board ad
journed to 8 o'clock a. m. July 8.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present Schmitt nnd Harding. Board
resumed checking books of county
treasurer. On motion board adjourned
to July 10 , 1903 at I o'clock p. m.
Emll Winter ,
County Clerk.
He Gets the Best Place on the Board ,
and His Friends are Glad of It.
Talk of a North Nebraska Dental
Dr. C. S. Parker of this place has
been appointed a secretary of the
new State Dental Board , an organiza
tion created by a law passed by the
last legislature , which took effect
July 1. Five secretaries have been
appointed. Dr. Parker being selected
to servo the longest terra , five veru- < ?
The others appointed are : D. M.
Meese of Auburn , for a term of
year ; C. F. Ladd of Lincoln , two
years ; J. H4 Wallace of Omaha , three
years ; W. T. Smith of Geneva , four
years. The appointment of Dr. Par
ker to the best place among the sec-
ivtarlofl brings general satisfaction to
his many friends in Norfolk and
northern Nebraska. Dr. Parker has
practiced dentistry in Norfolk for
many years nnd he stands high in
his profession and is popular among
the people.
When interviewed thin morning
concerning his appointment , he ad
mitted that he did not know just what
the dntie.i of the board of secreta
ries are , but he Is willing to take
chance. * on them. Ho bad not neon
a copy of the law providing for the
position , which only went into effect
the first of the month. ( [ Plioro Is no
doubt but that ho la welt qualified to
llll , my poMltioti that requires a thor
ough knowledge of dentistry.
Dental Association. i
Anent the moating of the Elkhorn
Valley Medical association In thin city
yesterday , the local dentists are dia-
cussing the feasibility of organising
a North Nebraska Dental association
which shall meet in Norfolk ewe or
twice a year. It is argued that there
are many dentists living in this sec-
lion of the state who would be gla 1
to unite In the organl/utlon of Pii"li
a society , not Qnly for the benefit that
would accnie to their prnctico In the
exchnnso of ideas , but for the social
recreation that such a meeting would
give them. H is probable that Nor
folk dentists nnd those living near l >
will get together and agree upon a
plan , then Issue a call for the first
Reunion at Meadow Grove.
The annual reunion of the North
west Nebraska G. A. R. commenced at
Meadow Grove today , and will conlln
uo until Friday evening. The pro
gram for each day Is full of interest
ing features , and with a good attend
ance this reunion promises to be ono
of the best that has over been hcM
by the association.
Norfolk Man Married.
A wedding took place in Sioux City
today , wherein W. F. Smith of thm
city nnd Miss Aunlo Fleming , ilaugh
tor of Mr. nnd Mrs. Fleming of
city , became one. The happy couple
aio expected to nrnvo here on the
M. & O. train this evening. "Billy's"
many friends extend congratulations.
Wanted by manufacturing corpora
tion , energetic honest man to manage
branch office. Salary S12D.OO monthly
and commission , minimum investment
of $500 In stock of company required.
Secretary , Box 401 , Madison , Win.
Attorney Backus of Bonesteel Is In
vestigating the Cause of Death of
Charles Zlmbleman Who Died Two
Months Ago on the Rosebud ,
[ From TiiPHilay'g Dally. ]
Slate Attorney W. B. Backus of
Bonesteel , S. D. . arrived In the city
Sunday morning nnd In his hand he
carried nn Innocent-looking grip ,
which , despite , contained
n growsome burden , says the World-
Herald. The contents were the stomach
ach , liver and spleen which were re
moved n few days ago from the body
of Charles Xlmblemnn , n young farm
er , who resided four miles southwest
of Bonesteel and whoso death , about
two months ngo , was surrounded with
mystery and is the subject of much
speculation In the reservation coun
try. The purpose of Attorney Back
us' visit to the city Is to have the
contents of these organs analyzed
with a view of ascertaining whether
or not they contain poison.
Xlinblcman , who died on May 0 ,
had boon married but three months.
On the evening before his untimely
end he ate supper with his wife and
her father , who was visiting the cou
ple , William Xlmbloman , n brother ,
and n harvesting "machine agent.
Charles Zlmhlomnn was the only ono
who took coffee with his meal. Hav
ing Mulshed his cup he remarked :
"This coffee tastes queer. I be-
Hevo It is going to make'mo sick. "
Ills prediction was verified , for he
was caught with a severe spell of
vomiting , followed by convulsions ,
and the next day ho was dead.
William Xlmbleninn , the brother , ac
cording to the report , stated that he
was going for a phyalclnn. Mrs. 551m-
bleman , It Is said , suggested that he
wait until morning , nnd when morn
ing came she sent him to Naper , Neb. ,
which Is sixteen miles awny , although
Bonesteel was but four miles distant.
The doctor at Naper was absent and
when the brother returned Zlmble
man was dead. Although the Bone-
steel coroner wag present shortly af
ter the death , no Inquest was held.
The day after Zlmblemnn died his
remains were taken to Naper , where
services were performed at the Luth
eran church and Interment was made
In the little cemetery adjoining.
The first notice Attorney Backus
had of the affair was during the past
week , when a number of Zimbleman's
neighbors called and presented the
matter to htm , , together with their
suspicions. Together with several of
those men ami Dr Coylo of Bonestoel.
Mr. Backus visited the churchyard at
Naper anil had the body exhumed and
the necessary portions removed
It will bo several - days before the
result of the analysis can be made
known. If it Is found that poison exists -
ists then the question must be an
swered whether it came there by ac-
cldent or design.
Dr. Charles F. Crowley , professor of
chemistry In the Creighton Medical
coHege , will make the analysis.
Governor Mickey Names Him as Dele
gate to Commercial Congress.
C. E. llninhiiin , president of tins Nor
folk Nation il bank , baa boon ipnoiut
ed ono of tlio eighteen delegates to
the trans Mississippi commercial con-
gresn which i : < to bo held at Portland ,
Oregon August 10 to 19. The appoint
niont was mad'1 liv Governor Mieke ,
and thin mointng Mr Buinham re
reived hu oortifkMto which is a hand
some document with the golden st-al
of thu grent state of Nebraska at-
toe lied It will bo prized very highly
by Mr Buriiliam whether ho ntlomla
the congress or not.
The only other north Nebraska dele
gate Is W. C. Caley of Crelghton. The t
balance of the delegation Is us fol- "Tv
lows : Hon. J. H. Davis , Gibbon ; O.
P. Hendorshot , Hebron , J. H. Rushton ,
Fairmont ; Hon. W. H. Harrison , Grand
Island ; H. A. Kiifus , Hnvonnnr Col.
Clmilos W. Kaley , Red Cloud ; Hon.
J. H. Arends , Syracuse ; Hon. C. F.
Stoele. Fnlrbury ; John F. Drydeu ,
Kearney ; Joseph Hayden , Omaha ; C.
J. Ounzol , Lincoln ; M. I. Attken , Lin
coln ; Arthur C. Smith , Omaha ; S. H.
Gusheo. Osccoln ; Joseph Matusek ,
Bralnnrd , and M. F. Stanley , Aurora.
New Home.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John L. Lyndo have
moved from North Eleventh street to
210 South Ninth street. Mr. Lymleis
special ngent In this territory for the
Nebraska Underwriters Insurance
company , the well known flrm. Busl-
ness in his line Is said to bo'excep-
tlonally good , as the Nebraska Underwriters -
writers company Is becoming better
known every day as n reliable homo
Officer Used Threats.
John Freytlmlor complains that ho
was awakened by the night watchman
late Saturday night with threats to
break in the door or procure a search
warrant. Wraps of Into dancers were
left In the restaurant , but as Mr.
Froythalor had kept open until after
midnight , he considered his rights In
terfered with by the ofllcer.
Little Sympathy.
Ilutto Gazette : A man In Norfolk
Is reported to have had three , four era
a half dozen toes blown off by one of
these contrivances that the small boy
delights In slipping up behind you
with and pounding on the sidewalk
causes an explosion which makes you
go up In the air nnd have a ringing
sensation In your ears , that Isn't mu
sical , for the remainder of the day.
But we haven't much sympathy for
i a man that would manipulate one of
the beastly concerns even If he did
lose a toe or two.
WANTED By manufacturing cor
poration , energetic , honest man to
manage branch office. Salary $185.00
monthly and commission minimum In
vestment of $500 In stock of company
required. Secretary , Box 401 , Madi
son , WIs.
New Reporter of Supreme Court.
H. P. Stoddart , who for the past
eighteen years hns been a practicing
attorney In Omaha , has been appoint
ed to succeed Judge Wilbur F. Bry
ant as repoited of the supreme court.
The duties involved in the position
is editing and arranging the reports
of the cn.irt.
A. C ONO , A. jTT"l7L7li7rPres. , Omaha.
PttOlf. A. J LOVJY. Prtno.
Q $ $ * .
E" I irscit J7 First N'.U 1
li.iuk and busiuuiM men.
$10,000 In neil Top DPS.IS , Hank Fixture1 ? and
5 < ) TypowI.erH. Sniil'jnts can work for hoard.
Si-mi f > r fn-o cit-iloruo. hound In ulllintior ,
llio-t : ever publiiUfil liy a Hinmois Co'lOijo. '
Iterut it , und yo J utll utteutl the N U. C.
e M\n s
. . [ as'iclrh ' nnd rtiwiliition nmy
nuU-.tcly two rtuin onr OMTIU T ) fruy nni-lher nn
InvnntKm H piohiihly v"toni ihlp ( titiuntiiilcn >
tloiwhtitctlyroiitklciifliil ( IflNDGCOK on 1'iitenU
Hont friM. Olrlt'Ht ii nucy for nucurnt pilcittK.
I'litnnlH lukcn tnmnzli Miniu .t Co. rccclvo
tfuMil notlc ? , rlllioutcliunie , la the
A Ini idonmolf Illnvtriiler ! wctiltlr. T.uruiMt clr-
dilution of liny ni-lunl me jimrnil. 'IVruin , % I a
your : four month$1. . Hold liyull TH'imU\ium. ! IMllro , 02i V i
No Money
until you receive and approve of your blcyclo.
Sea Ten Days Free Trial
Finest punrantcod & 4ff % AM 4JV
! 905Motlols 9tUi O 9 4
with Coaster - Brakes and Puncturoless Tires.
19O3 & 1904 Models * 9 4 4 }
Best Make * * & ff O 3 > * -
.Any jiia/-c / or model you wunt at one-Mini usual
price. Choice of any standard tires and best
equipment on all our bicycles. Strongest guarantee.
VfoSHIP ON APPROVAL C. O. D. to anyone
ono li'ithout a cent deposit and allow ( O DAYS
FREE TRIAL , before purchase is binding.
5OO SocontJHantS Wheels & 4 .
taken in trade by our Chlcnco rotall btoru.s , UJlB I"
nil maki'i and models. Rood as now
IIV a blcyclo until you Imvo written for our FACTORY
equipment , lundriet and sport liiireootls of all kinds , atlmlf rceular prico. Incur
big Iree Sundry Catalojue. Contains a world of useful Information. Writu for It.
Regular pr/co $8.GO per pair.
To IntrotSuco " 7 ?
wo will Soil I vJ
You a Sample i OR GLASS
PaJr for Only 1 OUT WON'T THE LET All !
Result of 15 years experience in tire mnkintr. EASY RIDING , STRONG ,
punctures , llko intentional knife cuts , can bo FULLY COVERED by PATENTS
vulcanized like any other tiro. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS
Sonrt for Catalogue "T , " showlntr all kinds ami malto * of tlrci at SfJ.M per pair and up
also Coastor-Hrakus. Unllt-up Wliools anil Hlcyclos Sundries at Half the usual prlco * .
Notice tlio tlilclc rublxir truRii "A" and mincturn strips " 11" and " U. " This tln > will
outlast anv other ranknSoft , Elastic and Lasy Uldltur. Wo will ship C. 0. D , ON APPROVAL
AND EXAMINATION without a cent dsfosit.
Wo " 111 allow a camh dlf count of Vf ( thereby making the prlco H.CO per pair ) If you
send full onmh with ordar. Tires to bo roturnud at our oxpouso it uot satisfactory on
examination. < 8 >