The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 07, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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The LOBS of the Surjar Factory Hn
Mnde a Difference In the Appear-
nnce of the Total , Dut the County It
In Better Shnpe Thnn Ever.
County Assessor Hynearson has
JtiKt completed IIH ! reiiortH for Madl-
HOI county. showing the following as-
vnhmtloiiH :
$3.08l.31fi ; personal , $1.011-
1-13 ; rallroadH , $388.210 ; Western ITn-
Ion , $1.or > 0 ; Pullman company , $800 ;
Intnl. $ l.r.18fi18
The tolal In 1001 wan $1.187.018 , OH
follows : Lands. $11.081,075 ; personal ,
$1.013.303 ; rallioads , $ : ) S8'JIO ; Went-
'rn Union , $ HuOj I'lillmnn company ,
The los In real eHlate IH duo to the
withdrawal of the Norfolk sugar fac
tory , hut liupiovomeiitH almost oven
It up.
The figures given are merely for the
nHHesRod valuations , the real valua
tions hclng JiiHl Hvo tlmcH as much.
Party Lenders of Mncllson County to
Meet July G.
Chairman H. It. McKarlnnd and Sec
retary Jack KoonlKHteln of tlio repub
lican county central committee have
tanned n call for the meeting of the
committee to bo held In tlio otllce of
Chairman McKnrlnml on Thursday ,
July 0 , at 1 o'clock p. in.
This IB the llrflt movement toward
KettltiK the coining campaign under
way and from that time forward the
nicetliiKH of committees , the cnuciiROH ,
primaries and conventlouH are apt to
come In rapid succession from one
Hldo of the fence or tlio other. There
Is n llttlo preliminary talk of candi
dates for county olllce , but the Held
IB qulto wldo open as yet , and no one
appears to have definite leaders ferny
ny certain position. With the moot-
In ) ; of the republican committee HOIIIO-
thli\K \ dellnlto will probably ho known
regarding who the leaders will favor
for certain of the olllces on that party
A. L. Mutton of 1'lalnvlow wan In
the city today.
J. II. .lennlngs Is in the city today
from rromont.
J. n. n OKU n of I'latto Center was in
the city over night.
C. J. Hlhhon has returned from a
visit to Wnlmsh , Ind.
Nathan D. Evans was In the city
over nlnlit from Madison.
Mrs. Margaret Kerr la a Ruest of
her daughter , Mrs. O. I. . . Hyde.
Fred 1C. Hall and D. 0. Hammerly
of Denver were In Norfolk over night.
Mr. and Mrs. A. 13. Allen wont to
Lyons this morning to visit the lady's
parents ,
Vrooman of Gregory , S. D. ,
cnmo down on the early train this
( leo. L. Colomnn of Nellgh arrived
In Norfolk on the early train this
W. H. and Oeo. D. Duttertlold went
to Sioux City this morning to look at
iv bunch of cattle.
Mrs. M. C. Walker left this morning [
for Minneapolis. Minn. , to visit her
parents for a short time. i
County .Indge Williams of Pierce' '
was In the city yesterday on his way
homo from Urooklngs , S. D.
1. . . B. Nicola went to Foster today
to look over the Held In which ho Is
soon to take charge of the cashier's
desk at the Foster hank.
Ous Kcmnltz and J. W. Grant o'f
Hloomflold were in the city over night.
They say the crop conditions are very ,
favorable in their section of the coun
E. W. Hnse of Wayne was in town *
over night on his way home from Oregon
gen , where , in company with Hon. >
John T. Hresslor nf Wayne , Congress
man McCarthy of Ponca , ho had been j
looking at land. |
Mrs. Timothy Maher goes to Omaha J
tomorrow to bring home her mother , '
Mrs. B. W. Harrett , who will bo able
to leave Clarkson hospital at that' '
time and come home. She has quite
recovered from the effects of her re-1
cent operation. !
John Kreythaler's restaurant Is re
ceiving a new coat of paint prepara '
tory to the Fourth of July.
The Baptist Young People's union
enjoyed a social last evening nt the
homo of S. G. Satcrleo of South Nor
Clyde Bullock entertained a few
young people at the homo of his pa
rents , Mr. and Mrs. 15. A. Bullock , In
n pleasant manner Wednesday even-
The police are having some work
with hoboes who drop Into town dur
ing the day. The tramps are arrest
ed at night and sent on their way re
joicing early In the morning.
The King method of making good
roads Is discussed nt length in this
week's Issue of the Saturday Evening
Post. This Is the method of dragging
which has been Introduced into Nor
folk and which , as far ns it has been
tried , is proving a success.
The children of Christ Lutheran
church and parochial school are to
enjoy a picnic in Pasewnlk's grove
next Sunday. Plenty to eat , swings
and amusements and other entertain
ment is to be provided and a happy
few hotifB will bo enjoyed , without n
Yesterday wan the first wedding an
niversary of Mr , and Mrs , L. M. Kcono
nf Fremont , who are vltdtlnR In Nor
folk , and about twenty frlcndH hint
night vIMted them nt the McClnry
liomo to colohiala the "paper wed-
Hug. " Unique paper glftH were taken
10 thorn nH romomhranccH , and dainty
refroHhmputH were nerved.
A number of IndlniiH from Hnntoo
igeney were In the city laHt night and
ililn morning on their way to Oonoa
where they will attend the commence
ment exercises of the government In-
illan Rcbool. Bareheaded , and with
ially ; colored xhawlH over their shoul-
Jem the nqunwH and maidens attract-
i > d attention , while the liraven wore
[ cntern of Interest to the lioyn.
Norfolk people have met with tils-
iippolntment. The weather forecaster
MH I ( I It would probably Hhower ; the
cloutlM grow thick and thicker during
> eHterday , the wind wan from the
1'iiKl ; the air was sultry and full of
moisture ; the frogs croaked ; the
leaven willed ; the goose IIOIIPH ho-
upoko rain ; the lightning Hashed and
the thunder crashed but It didn't
ruin. The people of Norfolk can stand
other disappointments of the same
Nora Cumin , aged 11 , was dls-
I'hnigeil from St. Joseph's hospital
Tuesday and will go to her homo at
O'Neill after having recovered from
11 very remarkable operation , which
relieved her of a tumor weighing thir
ty-live pounds. Nora IB of the aver-
ngo 8l/o of a child of her own ago
mid always enjoyed good health until
a month ago when It was noticed that
11 tumor had begun to form. The tu
mor Is of a character common with
women hut very uncommon with n
A United States Wall Map ,
well adapted for use In odlco , library
or school , Bubstnntlally mounted , edg
es bound In cloth , printed In full col
ors , showing the United States , Alas
ka , Cuba and our Island possessions.
The original thirteen states , the IxiulH-
Inna purchase , the Oregon territory ,
etc. , nro shown In outline , with dates
when territory was acquired , and oth
er valuable information.
Sent to any address on receipt of
fifteen cents to cover postage , by B ,
W. Knlskorn , P. T. M. . C. & N-W. U'y. ,
Cuban Diarrhoea.
U. S. soldiers who served In Cuba
during ( he Spanish war know what
this disease In and that ordinary rem
edies have little more effect than so
much water. Cuban diarrhoea is al
most UN M'veie and dangerous as a
mild attack of cholera. There Is one
remedy , however , that can always be
depended upon as will bo seen by the
following certlllcnto from Mrs. Min
nie Jacobs of Houston , Texas : "I
hereby certify that Chamberlain's col
ic , cholera and diarrhoea remedy
cured my husband of a severe attack
of Cuban diarrhoea , which ho brought
homo from Cuba. We had several
doctors hut they did him no good.
One bottle of this remedy cured him ,
as our neighbors will testify. 1 thank
God for so valuable a medicine. " For
sale by Leonard the druggist.
Lo , the Poor Indian , Has n New Way
of Getting n Jag ,
Some of the redskins that are vis
iting In Norfolk are on n hilarious
drunk , and they have an original way
of accumulating a jag. They are not
compelled to boot leg whisky ; they
are not oven reducing the stock of
lemon extract they are taking patent
medicine in liberal doses. They are
cunning enough to know which con
tains the most alcohol and the way
It gurgles down their dry throats they
seem to have no fear of consequences
from the medicine It may contain.
Another cunning thing about it is that
there Is no question but that they are
entitled to buy patent medicine If they
want It and have the money. A drug
gist may not question the require
ments of his customers except whore
they want stronger poisons such as
strychnine or morphine , and whether
John Blackhorsc 1ms a pain in his In
terior or Mrs. Brownbear Is afflicted
with lung trouble or llttlo Tallmount-
aln has the itch or hives , is not for
him to know. If the reds have the
nioney they get the mediclno and no
questions asked , , the same as would
anyone else asking for the same sort
of dope.
Elocution and Music.
Miss Evelyn Bargolt. assisted by
local musical talent , entertained nt
the M. 13. church last night under the
auspices of the choir. A novelty teNet
Not folk people were the rapidly exe
cuted sketches with which Miss Bar-
gelt Illustrated her readings and this ,
combined with her clever word portrayals
trayals of character , and the very ex
cellent music made It nn evening of
enjoyment to those present. Miss
Bargel't was considered especially
good In child mimicry , but her spat
between n newly wedded couple was
scarcely second in popularity to the
numbers introducing the children.
Vocal solos by Miss Harriet Allbery
and Mr. Reese Solomon met with
hearty approval , and the piano duets
I by Mrs. II. L. Snyder and Miss Dre-
i bert and Mrs. M. C. Hazen and Mrs.
Snyder were excellently rendered and
well received.
! Dr. J. C. Myers , graduate Chicago
Veterinary College , successor to Dr.
, McKIm. Day calls , Krontz's livery
barn. Night calls , 'plume F135.
It Was There .it the Fair That Lawrence -
rence Valentine , Owner of One of
the Largest of Northwest Ranches ,
Fell In Love With Sada Yeno.
Out on Hie Colonel Valentine ranch
on Keya Palm creek , near Sprlugvlow ,
Ndi. , a gieii ! sensation has Just been
sprung In the announcement that the
active head of the ranch , l < ii\vn > nco
Valentine , has chosen for himself n
Japanese bride and that the wife was
quietly Installed In the household as
his wife eight months ago.
The Valentine ranch extends over
In Nebraska and Is thickly dotted
many hundreds of the richest valley
with thoroughbred cattle Its young
master IH rich In this world goods and
richer still , HO ho says , In the happi
ness that attends the possession of
so charming a wife us his little Sada
II was while attending the St. Ixiuls
exposition last summer that "Larry , "
as he Is popularly known , met his
fato. Sada Yono and her father wore
proprlntors of a tea bouse * to which
an extensive patronage was attracted
because of the charming personality
of the petite , demure little Jap girl.
Young Valentino became Interested
In her while sipping tea , and amused
himself arguing that Russia could and
would defeat Japan. She was Intense
ly patriotic and ( he lire ( lint Hashed
from her eyes as she answered him
found a lodgment In his heart that
Cupid was eaioful to foster. He ob
tained her father's consent to take n
moonlight stroll with her through the
broad avenues nf the exposition
grounds , and there the Hashes from
her eyes were softened by the moon
beams most effectively. To make n
long story short , "Larry" fell bead
over heels In love with the pretty ,
modest Sada Yeno.
Me proposed and was accepted.
Then It Hashed upon his mind that
there would be the devil to pay when
he returned home to face the anger of
the old colonel anil the Jests of his
friends. For was he not the hand
somest and wealthiest chnp in bis
neighborhood noted as the best catch
In miles around and the Idol of half
the girls of his acquaintance. So it
was that they went to Mountain
Grove , In Wright county , 'Missouri ,
wore secretly married and then deter
mined lo keep their marriage a secret
for a time. Of course , "Larry's" fa
ther must know , but no one else was
Informed until last week. Since then
piesents and congratulations have
been showered upon them without
number and Sada Yeno has received
enough attention to turn the bead of
an American girl.
Want ads telephoned to The News
up until 2 o'clock will get In day's
C. 13. Saundcrs Is in Norfolk for tlio
George Howe of Genoa was In the
city Sunday.
W. A. Mollring of Alliance was in
Norfolk today.
Wm. Wendt came down from Battle
Creek yesterday.
P. M. O'Neill of Genoa was In the
city over night.
Win. Davis of Madison was in the
city over night.
George McCombs is in the city to
spend the Fourth.
Chns. Atkinson was In the city from
Crelghton yesterday.
H. J. Brnum of Humphrey was in
Norfolk over night.
S. O. Campbell of Crclghton was in
the city yesterday.
Rev. J. H. Clay conducted services
in Pllger yesterday.
S. S. McAllister of Columbus was
in town over night.
Miss Etta Kyrlss of Croighton was
in the city yesterday.
Mrs. T. F. Mnher , who has been
visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. B.
W. Barrett , for the past two months ,
left today for her homo in Denver.
Master Richard Losch returned
home to West Point today.
J. W. and S. Corbett of Columbus
wore in the city this morning.
Mrs. Stltt of Lincoln is a guest at
the homo of her son , J. C. Stitt.
Thomas Jordon of the Verdlgre Cit
izen was In the city this morning.
Roy , James and Will Anderson of
West Point were in town over night.
A. L. Button of Plalnvlew was
among the visitors to Norfolk today.
Gco. W. Little , ex-sheriff of Plorco
county , was down from Pierce yester
Miss Opal Olmstead returned from
Crete , where she has been attending
Doane college , Saturday night.
Earl Harper visited his parents nt
Plalnview yesterday , returning this
morning enroute to Omaha.
Joseph Shoemaker Is In the city
from Omaha , a guest at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Weatherhy.
Mr. and Mrs. William Leggett spent
Sunday In Norfolk with friends , leav
ing this morning for Mlnot , N. D.
C. C. Stitt is In the city from Lin
coln to spend the Fourth of July nt
the home of his brother , J. C. Stitt.
A. P. Doe of Davenport , Iowa , is in
the city , a snest at the home of his
daughter , Mrs. George D. ButterHeld.
H. J. Blllerbeck and daughters , Miss
Mary and Mrs. H. J. Bnckes of Os
mend were Sunday visitors In Norfolk.
Miss Clara Flchter of Madison IB n
giuml at the homo of F. L. Estnbrook.
Misses Florence and Helen Irvln of
Mndlson are guests of Miss Jennie Ny *
land for over the Fourth.
The I'nvllk band of twelve pieces
from Verdlgro was in the city this
morning e.nrouto to Oakdalo where
they will furnish music for the cele
bration of the Fourth tomorrow.
Mrs. B. W. Barrett returned Satur
day evening from Omaha. She was
operated on In Clnrkson hospital four
weeks ago and has boon there since.
Slio Is now fully recovered from the
effects of the operation with the ex
ception of her strength , which Is re
Another company of sixteen Indian
children wore In the city over night
on their way from Genoa to their
homes near Emerson.
William Hut/ , who has Just returned
from college at Wntortown , WIs. , has
associated himself with the olllce of
Mathowsou Co. , Insurance , for the
Rev. T. H. Dnbney of Liberty , Mo. ,
has been called and has accepted the
pastorate of tlio Baptist church In this
city and will ( ako charge of the same
August 1.
The News will join with the pa
triots of Norfolk In the celebration to
morrow and no paper will bo Issued
from the olllco. It Is a custom of
years standing.
Miss Clara Degner , daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. A. Degnor , who was recent
ly operated upon in an Omaha hospi
tal , has now so fully recovered that
she Is able to be up and about.
George N. Mulortz , living two miles
south of town , fell down stairs yester
day and received a serious cut in the
top of bis head. Ho was brought to
the city and the wound dressed by Dr.
Pheasant. Though a serious gash , It
Is believed that Mr. Mulert/ will soon
recover from the injury.
Another demonstration has been
made of the value of News want ad
vertisements. Saturday nn order was
received to run for two times an ad
vertisement of a house to rent. One
llino did the business. This morning
The News was told that the second In
sertion was not needed the house had
been rented.
A very valuable horse belonging to
John , William and Martin Sporn
broke its leg Saturday night and had
to be shot yesterday. The animal
was bought at the enormous price of
$1HOO and Is a severe loss. It was
kicked by another horse , splintering
the bones , which afterward broke
through the flesh.
Fire destroyed the barn of Lev ! S.
Boomer on Bransch avenue between
Second and Third streets this mornIng -
Ing , shortly after midnight. The val
ue of the barn was $200 , covered by
$100 insurance In the American Cen
tral. The structure is a total loss.
The cow that occupied the barn was
In the feed lot. Some feed and tools
burned. It is not known just how the
lire originated. The alarm was turned
In and the flre department responded
to the call , but as the barn had been
In Hames before the alarm was sound
ed , water did little good.
The police just couldn't hold the
small boy back. He was ordered to
hold his enthusiasm for the Fourth.
inn wiin me decorations and sireot
attractions running full force on the
third and every sign of the national
holiday In evidence , they just couldn't
do It and early this morning there
was a popping of crackers and torpe
does and blanks and the thing was off. |
The noise will therefore hold for the
two days and those who cannot stand '
It will be compelled to stuff cotton In
their ears or remain In a noise proof
room. The spielers early joined In
the fuss and things in general became
lively at a very early hour.
Charles Flowers Signed Two Checks
With Name of George Tannehill.
Charles Flower , aged seventeen , was
arrested today , charged with the forg
ery of two checks , one for $17 and
the other for $25 , to both of which he
is alleged to have signed the name of
George Tnnuehlll. Young Flowers
lives with his father , who rents the
George Tannehill farm. He was
placed In jail today. He says that he
was drunk when he signed the first ,
check but has no excuse to offer fen
the second. >
The first check , for $17 , was cashed
at the Bee Hive store In April. The
other was cashed Saturday at the Star
clothing store , for $25. He remained
In town and the check was returned
by the bank as not good.
The first check was made out to
Ira Baker and was given for a part
payment to Rosenthal & Krnsne. Sat ,
urday he asked Cashier Pasewalk at
the Norfolk National bank for a check
book , stating that ho wanted It for
Mr. Tannehill. Although suspicion
of him , Mr. Pasewalk gave the book
to the applicant. The check at the
Star was cashed Saturday night and
was made out to John Burns. Gus
Kulil caught the lad today within thir
ty minutes after he learned that the
check was a forgery. The boy denied
at flrst having done anything of the
sort but the checkbook was found on
him and another check was already' '
written out to John Burns for $25.
Wanted by manufacturing corpora
tion , energetic honest man to manage
branch office. Salary $125.00 monthly
and commission , minimum investment
of $500 in stock of company required.
Secretary , Box 401 , Madison , Wis.
Repairing neatest , best , cheapest.
Paul Nordwlg. harness man.
Farmer * and Ranchmen Should Select
Treea Valuable for Their Lumber as
Well as for Shade , Wind'Breaks and
Other Uses ,
The following bulletin from the bu
reau of forestry , United States de
partment of agriculture , tells what
the government is doing to help the
farmers attain better values from the
land sot aside for tree culture :
In the states of the middle west
there Is pressing need of more trees ,
both for wood and for windbreaks and
shelter-belts. This need has been felt
since the prairies were first settled ,
but the attempts mndo to supply It
have , ns a rule , fallen short of the ben-1
eflts which might have been secured.
The early planting was done chiefly
for the sake of ornament or shade ;
the usefulness of the species for wood
was seldom considered. . In many
cases , also , trees were planted out-
sldo of the range to which they were
adapted , and on soil and In locations
unfavorable to them. On the other
hand , many valuable species wore
Experience has now furnished the
basis for hotter practice. Various
kinds of trees can bo grown In those
regions which will serve Just as well
for protection and ornament as those
which have been most used , and which
at the same time will furnish valuable
wood. For several years the bureau
of forestry has been investigating' this
subject , with results which are recog
nized throughout the prnlrlo region
as of great practical value. The work
consists of field studies of the exist
ing forest growth , both natural and
planted , of Its relation to soil and cli
matic conditions , and of the effect of
various cultural methods.
In carrying on the work bureau field
parties examine and make measure
ments of representative groves. From
these measurements volume and yield
tables are made which show the re
turns In cordwood , posts , stakes and
lumber to be expected In a given time
for each of the species studied. In
addition to the measurements , the
characteristics of growth and repro
duction of the trees are noted , and
valuable data on the natural distribu
tion and advisable planting range ob
The work In the eastern part of the
two Dakotas , western Minnesota , 1111- '
nols , eastern Nebraska and western !
Kansas Is already done. A bulletin I
based on the study In western Kan-1
sns has been published , giving infor-1
mation concerning the species most I
suitable to the locality and telling I
how and where to plant thorn. Bui- '
letlns of the same character covering
other states are In preparation. This
summer Iowa will he studied , and lat
er other states of the middle west , un
til the whole region is covered. Con
siderable tree planting has been done
In crmin nf tlincn ctnfnc nnnnelnnoll\
complete success ; hut there have
men many total failures , and many
Utempts successful only in part. As
i rule , the lack of success was due to
lack of knowledge bow and what to
) lnnt. But these plantations , whether
successful or not , provide valuable
object lessons in respect to future
An important part of the study will
lie to determine to what extent the
natural forest growth along streams
find elsewhere is encroaching upon
the drier upland in consequence of
the protection from fire which settle
ment gives Where this native growth
? an be utilized , It may bo advisable to
> nconrnge It. Generally , however ,
the planting of species obtained from
a distance will bo necessary. The
problem Is to establish on the fertile
prnlrlcs of the middle west the trees
that will grow rapidly , and thus quick
ly furnish protection from the drying
winds of winter , while nt the same
time yielding the timber most desir
able for farm construction purposes ,
and possibly for lumber. It Is the In
tention of the bureau to determine
exactly which are the most suitable
Rpcclcs , and how they should he plant
ed and cultivated to secure the best
Morning Trains Bring Visitors for the-
The crowds began to arrive In Nor
folk on the early trains today for the
two days of celebration , the street
fair and the races. By noon there
were men standing several deep
around the stands whore you pay
your money , watch the spindle go
round and smoke the cigar If you
are lucky enough to draw.
Water Began to Fall at 10 O'clock but
Stopped aLter.
Rain which began falling in Norfolk
at 10 o'clock today , In spite of the wea
ther man , took n fall out of much of
the red , white and blue bunting and
flags that had boon hung up for the
celebration. The streets wore con
siderably moistened , also by the v/a-
ter. The rain stopped within a half
hour and the fair weather flag still
gave hope to the celebrators that to
morrow will yet turn to and be n.
cloudless Fourth of July.
Structure South of Verdel Is Said to
be In Critical Condition.
The big new span bridge across the
Nlobrara river south of Verdel Is re
ported to be In critical condition and
It is said that unless It Is repaired at
once It will be n wreck in the river.
The cap on the south side has almost
slipped off the piling and when It
does go down , down goes $4,000 into
the river , says the Verdel Outlook.
Program for the Short Shipment Meet-
The speed program for the North
Nebraska Shipment Race circuit has
been issued , giving the dates and
places for the several racing meets
in this section of the state as follows : v.
Battle Creek , August 30 to Se .ember ,5" ,
1 , T. M. Morris , secretary ; Stanton ,
September C to 8 , W. H. Hyland , sec
retary ; Nellgh , September 13 to 15 ,
W. W. Cole , secretary ; Crelghton , Sep
tember 21 to September 23 , T. J. Buck-
master , secretary ; Madison , Septem
ber 27 to 29 , J. L. Rynearson , secre
It Is reported that all of the tracks
are in good shape and that there is
every prospect for developing the cir
cuit Into one oj the strongest of north
west. A large number of very rapid * -
animals have been heard from already - C
ready , as Intending to enter , and It is J
believed that the record in this portion
tion of Nebraska may be broken r
. i I. A * J .
Anvnno sending ackclrh and dcccrlptlon may
quli'lily ii'corliiln tinr opinion free wiii-tlier an
Invention Is imihnlily pntoniiililn. Commmilrn.
tliU HlrlrIlycoiillrt < Mitlnl. HANDBOOK 1'nti'nUr
t > ent ftoo. Oldest nueticy lur ptM'unni ? patent * .
I'HliMitu tuken tnioiicli Mmm ft Cu. rucelro
i.iiiiilnr > fcr , rllhout cliarge , lutlie
Sciewtific flrtterican.
A hnndsomHv H'ii trale < l wpfUv. Jnrie t rlr-
ml itUin i'f nnv rlfinlui1 Imirrml. 'IVrm * . 13 a
vc'irt fnnr months , 91. Kold bynll ? ! .
MUNN&Co.301 1"1 New York
Ilpni'h linice , 63ft V St. . Wusliln.on . t > <
No Money Required
until you receive and approve of your bicycle.
We ship to T. _ _ _
anyone on i Cii
Finest puaranteed
1905 Models .
with Coaster - Brakes and Punctureless Tires.
1903 Best Makes. & 1004 Motiols $7 to $12
Any make or model you want at one-third usual
price. Choice of any standard tires and best
equipment on all our bicycles. Strongest guarantee.
Wo SHIP ON APPROVAL C. O. D. to anjr
one without a cent deposit and allow | O DAYS
FREE TRIAL before purchase is binding.
taken 5OO In Second trade by our Hand Chicago retail Wheels stores , $3 to $8
all makes and models. Kood as iiuw . . . . . ; .
9IIV a bicycle until you liavu written for our FACTORY"
equipment , sundries anil sporting coeds of all kinds , at hnlt regular price. In our
big Itee Sundry Catalogue. Contains a world of usuful Information. Vt rite for It.
Regular prlco $8. SO per pair.
To Introduce $ .75
wo will Sell .
Result of 15 years experience in tire makinjr. EASY RIDING , STRONG ,
dangon , , DURABLE
PINS , NAILS , TACKS on GLASS. Serious ,
punctures , like intentional knife cuta , can be FULLY COVERED by PATENTS
vulcanized like uny other tire. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS
Send for Catalogue "T. " showing all kinds and makes of tires at 13.00 oer nalr and
alsoCoaster-Hrakfs. Hulk-up Wheels and Hlcycles-.Sundrles at Half the ufuml or/
Notice the thick rubber trea d "A" and puncture strips "H" and "U. " This tire
' ' " '
outlast any oth < r make Soft. Elastic and Easy lUdlncV'We wIll'suYp C."o. D6'rVAPPROVAL
AND EXAMINATION u-ilAoul a cent deposit.
Wo will allow a cmmh discount of Sit ( thereby maklntr the price W.50 per pair ) If you
tend full camh . with orrf r. Tires to bo returned at our expense If not satisfactory on
examination. A