NO It FOLK NEWS : FRTDA1 , JULY 7 , 1M5. THE NORFOLK NEWS g W. N. HUNIS , PnblUher. " DAH.T. [ KMnMIMied 117.1 Kvery Any except Sunday. V&.fiK rler nor week , 16 cenU. Hr .Norfolk poKtntnoo delivery , per yenr , M.OO. lly mall on rurnl route * nnd ouUHi * > i Norfolk , per yenr. H.OO. \VI8KKI.V NiaWH-JOllUHAI- KeWB , ISlnllltiei , 1"1. Th * Journnl , Ktnlillih rt. ' 8 J' Kverj Frldny. l r mull l' r yenr , 1.60. Kntered nt tli tionloffle * nt Norfolk , Nl > . , AH jpcond rln tnrttler. Telephone * : Killtorlnl " " ? } " ! N 22. lluilne Ofllr nnd Job lloom * . No. . July wet and cool In Nebraska ? It In verily BO. The corn , too , would have liked a fit day In which to colobtato. He as pat i lot le as you can without yourself or your llimla seems In a mood to create iv Fourth of July of her own to celebrate. In tlu > faeo of It nil NolmiHU'H fertile - tile poll IB on duly and promlnlng hanest of no menu | uoporlloii8. Odessa has Just about convinced the loading nubile that It IH tlm only place nn the map worthy of attention. If the lalns will lint ohHorvo that this Is July and a dry mouth the corn , and the people growing corn , will ho duly grateful. Mr Wallace has now boon hoard fioiu and It Is possible that the Amer ican public will now consider the In- cldont closed. It IR a season that has been doc.ld- odly discouraging In " > particulars , especially In the celebration of the Fourth of July. If you have nothing woiso than a headache and a tired feeling you may we'll bo thanliful. Some people are IncMng heads to ache. H la fortunate for Ilnssla that some other force was at hand and eompo tent to step In and say to the mull neers that they must behave. lloozo Is not the solo Inspiration to Fourth of July enthusiasm and those wlio arc sober will bo In hotter condl lion to note the things that Interest them most. H would all bo more glorious If I he terrible fifth could bo eliminated TCacb. Individual , by regulating hlf Fourth may , However , reduce mo ier rors of the fifth. With the sample that Norfolk has given on the day preceding the Fourtl It Is probable that few who wore litho the city will care to miss the main ovcnt tomorrow. "If at tlrst you don't succeed , try tr in , " is applicable to almost any ontoi prising body but a Fourth of July committee. They cannot try ngaln for a year. John Paul Jones' funeral was not delayed for expected relatives , but be cause his remains wore not obtainable for the ceremony. Ho will bo burled with all honors 105 years after lila death. It would bo a novel experience to have a crow on a United States war boat In open mutiny against the coun try , but It would bo Interesting to ob- Herve bow soon the crow would bo brought Into subjection. Rockefeller Is Hablo to persist In bestowing his "tainted" wealth until Home of those who are radically op posed to receiving any of'hls profits nrlso in their might and throw him out of the country bodily. The dainty and patriotic Fourth of July maiden with her white dress and handsome appearance was rather a rarity on this occasion of the nation's birthday celebration. Warm lined raincoats were more In evidence. The Knlaz Potemklne Is only anoth er of the worries of the czar and bis tottering empire. A government that cannot take care of one mutinous war ship may have claims to greatness , but they do not Ho in her power to flght or diplomatically settle a mutiny. Politicians are not expected to wait for the Hay funeral before they begin discussing his probable successor to the oillce of secretary of state. In- nsrnuch as President Roosevelt ap points , however , it will probably be just as well to await his announce ment Tomorrow is the day that every loy nl American observes In some manner or other , and largo numbers of then will enjoy the holiday In Norfolk where events worth their while are on the tapis. Bixby is In favor of enforcing the nntl-spitting ordinance in Lincoln , bu declares that first preference should be iven the common street loafer b > the officere , rather than the trausien ; ucflt < of the city , who may not have icoil Informed of the law , I'lofddent HooHovoll IH certainly lot having a cabinet of officials that MI Joy monotonously long terms. No loonor does ho have the situation np- mrontly cleared than ho has a vacan cy facing him or a change to ho made. Hungary IR now trying to attiact a xluuo of attention In the field of gov- nrnmontal dlHlui banco. It may mtc- reeil If It can show a hotter hand than that of RiiHsIa , Japan , Norway , or Sweden , otherwise It had just about IIH well sober down. I'lollmluarloH to peace negotiations aio now ended and the matter of par- foci Ing an armistice IR under way , all of which should ho encouraging to the Russians who have boon losing on all sides and all kinds of deals. It In up to the peace envoys now to con duct the thing to a gratifying finish. If ( hero are any more troubles that can come up out of HiiKsIa to bother ho c'/ar his majesty would undoubt- < dly bo pleased to know what form It night lake. Ho IH entitled to bollovo hut he IIIIH gone the limit , but there nay ho now and Rtrango dlHonlon ) In ho future that ho now known not of. 1'olltloH will now begin to liven np i hit. With the natal day patrlotloal ; y observed , It IH the next duty of ho elll/on to sco that the right men no placed In nomination and elected to olllco. The time for the caucuses , Militaries and elections will soon lib in band , and It IH just as well that hat the process of viewing the Held H now thinoughly douo. A Fourth of July that not only draws moisture but threatens snow In not desirable , seasonable , ptollt- able nor onjoyahlo and If something bettor cannot bo put on the program In future Fourths of July Micro will bo a protest , loud and long from a patriotic people and a multitude of enthusiastic youngsters who dislike exceedingly to have their ardor damp ened. Omaha claims that Juno of this year was a 12 per cent bettor building mouth than the same month last year , which wan declared to bo excellent. The progress that has been made In the state's metropolis has been to a certain extent duplicated In other towns of the state , and with a more favorable season It Is not doubted but Hint Itvnnlil liuvn ntininnnliml Hm record mark. A London collector has been of fered $ l.noo for a copy of the first edition of Shakospearo's "Richard III. " If modern authors could but command such a price there would be an Incentive to turning out novels that would not penult a single complaint of lack of endeavor. H may bo fortunate - tunato that Shakespeare is dead , H would never do for a live man to re- cclvo suel recognition. If the flght for the heading off of the Great Northern by preventing the crossing of the Wlnnobago reservation Is done in the Interests of Omaha , ex cluslvely , it Is possible that It will not moot with unqualified success. The government Is not of the sort hat cares for the selfish Interests of oininnnltlos or people and will have lothlng to do with a deal to make Omaha's doslros a realization. All that remains of the Russian nav- power that is entitled to the name > f navy Is the Black sea fleet consist- ug of six battleships , nine cruiser ? and a number of gunboats and torpe- lo boats ranging from ninety to 1,221 ons. If the Terrorist movement at alns the proportions Its leaders desire sire , this portion of the navy wll probably also join its kindred out o reach of the czar's government. With all of the cxcltoment out o the way It Is again pertinent to ge down to business and see that condj lions promising a reasonable degrei of prosperity for the fall and white are maintained. The crops arc prom Islng their full share of effort and If the people will now do what they can toward maintaining active conditions , one of the best and most prosperous winters north Nebraska has ever known will bo realized. It appears that the mutinous crow aboard the Russian battleship Knlaz Potemklno were no better or braver fighters than those on the boats which Admiral Togo placed out of business They might have given the loyal squadron a merry time of It had they desired. But dodging looked bettor to them than having the vessel sunk and members of the crow strung np. They were probably not even assured that the hanging would not follow , anyway. There Is a new and grievous com plaint lodged against the automobiles In the east. H is now charged that they assist In the spread of the gypsy moth In Massachusetts by ( stopping under the , Affected trees , npt for iiiothH , but for rent and shnilo. Then the nprlghtly animal cllmlm aboard mil IH whlRked to a now RCOIIO of ac tivity With a few more mieh charges lodged agalimt the automobile , old Dobbin may again come Into bin own nnd ho the teal thing , though why the minm complaint could not he made ngalnst him IB not stated. The Chinese authorities nro do > elared to ho sincere In their efforts to overcome the boycott condition that the good will of America may not bo placed In jeopardy. It In hoped , on thin side , that they may succeed. There Is no disposition on the patt of AmerlcaiiH to have trouble with the Chinese , but If trouble does cotno It fhim probable that America not bo the worst sufferer. On a war or peace footing It IH not possi ble that tills country will knuckle un der to the people of the Klowory king dom. If America should meet the Chinese IRRUO with a boycott of the llrecrack- ois made In that country about Fourth of July time , It IH baioly possible that ho Chinese merchants and manufac- uioi'H might find that thorn wan more OHS than profit In the campaign they lave undertaken. It may safely bo lelloved that the Cblncso Imports to : ! IH | country are In excess of Ameri can exports to China. A prohibitive July would act as effectually as a lioycott and inilto as convincing to the Chinaman. It Is announced that another airship has been made to fly , but the people who have been waiting for a practical machine for the use of those not expert - pert aeionauts , have yet to wait. They realize , however , that Rome was not built In a day and neither was an airship , practical or Impractical. What the experts are doing may some day lead up to a perfect machine , and the harder they work the sooner it may ho rcall/ed , but It Is not possible that any now living will sco the day that the airship becomes an ordinary moans of conveyance. It Is quite apparent that Russia has a manner of repotting things adjusted ami quieted before the facts aio In entire Justification of such reports. This Is done , without a doubt , to give the people of that troublous country the Impression that all Is orderly and well , ami It may he taken for that by them , but the civilised people of the other countries of the earth ave begin- clou on any report that peace and so briety and harmony prevail In Russia. They will have to bo shown in the fu ture when the c/ar repot18 everything lovely in his empire. The situation in Russia seems to o growing steadily and decidedly erse In splto of the assertions that ilngs are coming along satlsfactor- y to the government. There Is found ; > bo a considerable difference bo- ween the situation as It exists , and he stories. The reported surrender f the mutineers on the Knlaz Potem- , lne , for instance , turns out to bo any- hlng but facts. On the contrary It as been found necessary to disarm ho other ships of the fleet , discon nect the machinery and place the TOWS ashore. Nothing but a most erlous situation could ever prompt uch a movement from a naval power. In the cities and towns of the conn- ry It Is quite the popular thing to protest long and loud against the spitIng - Ing on sidewalks and pavements , and t Is a perfectly proper. It Is a need- ess and filthy action and should be llscouraged everywhere. In some places there are ordinances and laws o prevent the action , but complaint s made that they are not enforced. Really It should not be necessary to Itave such laws. The average spltter usually has plenty of time to proceed to the edge of the walk and leave his expectoration in the ditch. Common decency should Influence such action. Patches and puddles of tobacco taint ed moisture arc not becoming and where women's skirts sweep through they are positively outrageous. There Is more catarrh In this sec tion of the country than all other dis eases put together , and until the last few years was supposed to be Incur- ablo. For a great many years doctors pronounced It a local disease and pre scribed local remedies , and by con stantly falling to cure with local treat ment , pronounced It Incurable. Sci ence has proven catarrh to be a con stitutional disease and therefore re quires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure , manufactured by F. J. Cheney k. Co. , Toledo , O. , Is the only constitutional cure on the market. It Is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts direct ly on theb lood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hun dred dollars for any case It falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimo nials. Address : F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , Ohio. Sold by druggists , 7Ec. Take Hall's family pills for consti pation. President Newman of the Lake Shore IR quoted an saying thnt "a i'ory fast train ptoperly handled IH [ very bit an nnfo as u nlowor train 3Mii bo. " It Is posfllblo , hut the Iron- lilo may ho to take care of the proper handling. A slow train requires care nnd u nicety of adjUHttnent but It would seem that the nnmo require ments for a fast train would ho much moro difficult to moot. Mr. Newman wan compelled to Ray something , how ever , when that olghtcen-honr sche dule was resumed , nnd thin was por- hups as strong an ho could make It. There may ho very little difference In riding to death nt an eighteen and twenty hour gait , but somehow It Is qnlto human to expect greater chanc es of dodging calamity at a slower rate of Rpeod. There never wore as many people killed by ox team as there have been by automobiles since the latter were Invented , but the American people will not consent to trade the now meaiiB of conveyance for the old. A Smooth Article. When you find It necessary to use salve use DoWltt's Witch Hazel salvo It Is the purest , and best for sores , nuns , bolls , cc/ema , blind , blooding , telling or protruding piles. Got the ; onulno DoWltt's Witch Hazel salvo. Sold by Asa K. Leonard. 11 brave the storms of Chllkoot Pass , I'll cross the plains of frozen glass , d leave my wife and cross the sen , Rather than ho without Rocky Moun tain Tea. The Klesan Drug Co. Say , maybe John D. Rockefeller Is not proving himself fit to succed good old Andrew Carnegie. Look at that $10,000,000 ho bus given for the pur pose of promoting higher education In the United States ! With a few moro gifts of that nature ho will rank high among the philanthropists of the country. Hut the people cannot help but bollovo that ho would bo doing just as well If he took less from their pockets and gave less. Ho takes from all and gives to the few , besides get ting credit for generosity that ho Is not strictly entitled to. The people who have boon buying oils and gaso lines for years ; the companies that have boon forced to the wall , nnd the workmen who have helped accumu late the pile deserve at least a share of credit for this donation represent ing a few weeks income of the oil king. A pertinent topic for the considera tion of the Norfolk city council and me mat wouiit nave me approval 01 i largo majority of the tax-payers , would be nn ordinance forbidding the use of the blank cartridge pistol and the giant firecracker. The Fourth of July just passed has given evidence nf several violations of the privilege and It is the several accidents that will govern those who use discretion. "Safe and sane" Fourths arc being enforced everywhere and Norfolk should not be the last to speak In their favor. The blank pistol and the cannon cracker nre needless nnd dan- geious luxuries. Less than a genera tion ago the youngsters had just as glorious a Fourth with paper cap pis tols nnd a few smnll crackers , nnd the celebrator of the future cnn hnve just as much fun as they If the law says he must be restrained. It Is not much of a step from the blank cartridge pistol tel to the blank shot gun , and surely this step would be vigorously objected to. While the mood Is on the coun ell should pass nn ordlnanco that will protect , to some extent , life , property and ear drums. In the death of Secretary of State John Hay America loses one of the 'oremost ' diplomats of his day am age , and it is a particularly sad blow to this young republic that has but recently made nn enviable place for Itself In the world's diplomatic circles Perhaps no man In recent years has had more of an Influence than Mr , Hay in forwarding the interests o the country In directions where the people most desired that they should be placed to the forefront. The people ple first learned of Mr. Hay's value when , as nmbnssador to the court of St. Jnmes , he did work that was ex tremely creditable to himself and the American people ; then as secretary of state ho moved along in diplomacy In a manner that bespoke the favor of the entire civilized world. A number of Intricate and delicate cases were sntlsfactorily adjusted nnd all notions coming from his office were heartily approved. He made an especially clever settlement of the Spanish- American differences nnd In other ways has endenred himself to the American public and the administra tion. Ills place will be one difficult to fill. Indigestion Cured. There is no cnse of Indigestion , dys- pepsin or stomach trouble that will not yield to the digestive and strength ening Influence of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. This remedy takes the strain off the stomach by digesting what you eat and allowing it to rest until it grows strong again. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure affords quick and permanent re lief from indigestion and all stomach troubles , builds up the system and so nirltlcs that dlscaHO can not attack itul gain a foothold as when in n weakened condition. The constantly Increasing ' use nf Kodol Dyspepsia Cure by physicians of hospital and. general practice of Itself tolls how this wonderful modern discovery has proven to bo the greatest dlgestant for the alleviation of a suffering human ity. I . ItR many cures of both children and adults grows larger day by day. Sold by Asn 1C. Leonard. The greatest system ronovntor. Re- stoics vitality , regulates the kidneys , liver nnd stomach. If Holllstor's Rocky Mountain Tea falls to cure get your money back. That's fair. 35 cents , tea or tablets. The Klesau Drug Co. The World-Herald Is alarmed at the tendency to "militarism" In the country , Its suspicions being aroused by the fact that the choir boys of a church have taken to drills and mili tary tactics. There Is no cause for mmedlato alarm. Hoys of every ago nnd every clime are enthusiastic ad mirers of the military , they could not 10 true patriots If they wore other wise , but that does not mean thnt they will flght nt the drop of the hat. Mod ern churches as well ns schools have earned that IIOVH will do things that afford thorn pleasure and If pleasure can bo combined with Instruction wherein Is the hnrm ? Certainly there has 'been nothing that will take the place of military tactics in promoting grnce , henlth , discipline nnd other de sirable trnits , nnd ninety-nine boys | out of every hundred are ambitious to handle n gun nnd hold membership In , such a company. It never has hurt the country In the past to have the boys so trained nnd It is not possible that there will bo hnrm to come from it in the future. There nre other nmusemonts than military drills for the boys , but Is it certain that any are bettor nnd more worthy of the patron age of the church ? Three Good and Just Reasons. There nre three reasons why moth ers prefer One Minute Cough Cure : First , it Is absolutely hnrmless ; second end , It tastes good children love It ; third , It cures coughs , croup nnd whooping cough when other remedies fall. Sold by Asn K. Leonnrd. Coiibtipntlon and piles are twins. They kill people inch by inch , snp life away every day. Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea will positively euro you. No euro no pay. " > 5 cents , tea or tab lets. The Klesau Drug Co. Bilious Dill wns nc And was much debilitated. People said he had consumption. Thnt was everyone's presumption. iVhen he learned whnt was the mntter Bill made nll _ the doctors scatter. Now he Is his own adviser , Swexirs by Little Early Risers. The famous little " ' pills "Early Risers' ure constipation , sick headache , bll- ousness , etc. , by their tonic effect on .ho liver. They never gripe or sicken , jut impnrt cnrly rising energy. Good or children or adults. Sold by Asa iC. Leonard. ATCHISON GLOBE SIGHTS. When a Gorman gets stubborn , Ipotentlaries won't do any good. Most women know that if they do not behave , men will talk about them. We may not have much taste , but we prefer Arkansas peaches to Call fornla peaches. There nre times in every man's life when he would like to go out on n wild piairie , nnd howl , nnd howl , nnd howl , but the most of them don't nd- mit it. When n mnn loafs around for yenrs , and wenrs good clothes , nnd always has Idle time on his hands , see If he Is not treasurer of his lodge- ; that may be the explanation. Most men are willing for their sick wives to become Christian Scientists , because It is cheaper than the old way , and the average man doesn't think his wife is very sick. The coming manager of railroads will recognize the importance of get ting people home nt the enrllest mo . ment. Ever notice how n tenm will I travel when it is headed toward homo ? It is the snmo with people , nnd it makes them nngry to hnve a train i kill time. When a bnll team wins , the mem bers ride home on the front seats of the street cars , nnd smoke cigarettes on the way. But when they lose , they walk home the back way , and chew plug tobacco. Much as people ad mire Earl Green , If ho should make a bad play , people would watch him burn at the stale , and cheer. An Atchison woman has an only child , a daughter. The daughter has been the joy of the woman's life ever since her birth , fifteen years ngo. Lntely the mother said to an Intimate friend : "O something dreadful has happened ! Margnrot Is becoming boy struck ! " You may laugh , but It is no laughing matter. This experience , and every mother has It , Is one of the real tragedies of life. Mississippi Baptists. Tupelo , Miss. , July 6. Baptists from all parts of Mississippi have gathered here , the occasion being the annual state convention of the denom ination. Dr. H. F. Sproles of Vlcks- A burg IB presiding over the convention , which la attended by about 300 dele gates. i Many prominent dl nea and lay 1 speakers will bo heard during the Unco days' sessions. Noted Swindler May Come Here , Paris , July 3. Romnm Durlgnac , brother of Mine. Humbert and one of those convicted with her In connec tion with the gigantic Humbert frauds , will bo released from Fresno prison tomorrow. Ho has complet ed the entire term of his Impris onment , the minister of the Interior having refused to make any allow ance for good conduct. For some tlmo Durlgnac has devoted all of his lol- * sure tlmo to the study of English and ' It IB believed to bo hla Intention to emigrate to the United States. Georgia Lawyers Meet. Warm Springs , Ga. , July C. Law yers of prominence from all parts of the state are gathered here for the twenty-second annual mooting of the Georgia Bar association which will be In session durlng _ the next two days. President A. P. Persons , of Talbotton , will preside over the BOB- y slons and the annual address will be delivered by Hon. J. C. Mctteynolds , assistant attorney general of the Unit ed States. THE RUSSIAN SHIP KNIA2 PO- TEMKINE IN PORT. ASKS MEDICAL ATTENDANCE * The Mutineers Demanded That the Authorities Guarantee Their Safety _ While the Ship Is in the Port Black Sea Fleet. Theodosla , July 5. The Russian battleship Kniaz Potemkine arrived hero today and asked for coal , provi sions and medical attendance. The mutineers demanded that the author ities guainntee their safety during the ship's stny here. BLACK SEA SQUADRON. Arrives at Sevastopol Today From Odessa. Sevastopol , July 5. The Black Sea squadron under Rear Admiral Kruger returned here today from her second : voyage to Odessa. The squadron In cluded the battleship Gcorgi Poblcdon- osetz. KOCH TRIAL TODAY ' New Witnesses Will Appear in Third' Murder Trial of Dentist. Now Ulm , Minn. , July C. Deputy- Sheriff Bntst has finished subpoenaing- witnesses for the defense In the Koch trial , which is to open at Mankato to day. Koch is charged with the mur der of George Gcbhardt , competitive- dentist of New Ulm , by striking him with a hammer. He was tried twice before but both times the juries could not agree. There will be some new testimony relative to the ownership of the ham mer. mer.There There will be no change in the at torneys for the defense and it is not probable that there will be any ma terial change In the force of attorneys for the state. When you find anything , and don't know whose it is , let the public know about it In the "Found" columns of The News. Likely the person who- 1 lost It , will read the paper. Whoever It may be , he or she will undoubtedly ] ' | are caused by Indigestion. If you eat a little too much , or if you are subject to attacks of Indigestion , you have no doubt had shortness of breath , rapid heart beats , heartburn or palpitation of the heart Indigestion causes the stomach to i expand swell , and puff up against the heart This crowds the heart and interferes - ' feres with its action , and in the course of time the heart becomes diseased. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat , takes the strain oft of the heart and contributes nourishment ; strength and health to every organ of th ; body. Cures Indigestion , Dyspepsia , Sour Stomach , Inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the Stomach and Diges tive Tract Nervous Dyspepsia and Catarrh of the Stomach. After eatlne , my food would dtttress m by m kn ! my heart palpitate and I would beeoma yery weak. Finally Uot a bottle of Kodol and It cave me Immo- ilkte relief. After uslnc a few bottles 1 am cured. MRS. LORINQ NICHOLS , Penn Van. N. Y. 1 I had stomach trouble and was In a bad stats as I had heart trouble with It. 1 took Kodol Dyspepsl * Curt ( or about four months and It cured me. 1 O. KAUDLK. NoTtda , O. Ditfests What You Eat U. L k < UBM M nuh u U > riUry ( I.O.D WIU UUI , r to c nt li . Bold try Asa K. Leonard.