The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 07, 1905, Image 1

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N'OKKOIA MWllSI \ \ ritllUY IG1Y 7.
Knlaz Potemklne Visits Theodosla ano
Demands Provisions and Coal
Threatened to Bombard Town II
Demands Were Not Compiled Witlv
SU PetureburR , July 6. The author
Itlee ha > o tecelved reports that tin
Knlar Potemklue. after shipping coal
medlclncB and provisions , IB again nl
large In the Dlauk cca and bur dostl
nation Is unknown. The crew took a
rcnmrkable stop , when , with nil th
coloinnlty of a piovlBlonal govern
ment , it Ubiied a manifesto to the pow
rB announcing that civil war had
b en begun against the existing
roslmo in Hussln and pledging the In
Ylolabllity of foreign shipping nnd
foreign porta. This action doubtless
was taken to quiet the apprehensions
of foreign naweib and to lea o no excuse
cuso tor the pending of warships
through the Dardanelles to effect tha
cnpturhof the battleship , which , until
now , Russia's Illnck sea lleet has not
dared to attempt It Is considered a
Bhrewd move on the part of the mu
tlnoers and stamps the commander ol
the crew as n leader far above the
class of the ordinary sailor and
strengthens the opinion that he
not a member of the original crew ,
but one of the revolutionaries who
went on board at Odessa. The issu
ance of the manifesto lends n certain
dignity to the mutiny nnd proves that
the crew and their commander liava
no desire that the world should be
Ileve them to be mere outlaws , but
that they should be looked upon as
men raising the standard of revolution
Nothing has been received to con
firm the supposition that the request
for a doctor nt Theodosla indicated a
struggle for supremacy on the wnr
ship on the way fiom Kustenjl. Ac
cording to n rumor printed in an aft
ernoon paper the shlp'h strong box
contained $ .375.000 unil Ihn mutinuors
nrp therefore well supplied with money
In circles closely In touch with the
revolutionists It Is regarded as a fore
gone conclusion that the commander
of the Knlnz Potemklne. knowing the
nltuatlon In the Caucasus , will head
for Potl or Bntoum. where the revolu
tlonlats are exceedingly strong , in the
hop * of producing n general rising.
Dispatches from Tlflls bay that re
ports of the rioting at Odessa and the
action of the ICninz Potemkine have
aroused the most intense Interest and
the wildest Joy among the revolution-
JfitH. The receipt of the report was
followed ImmHlntely by a complete
strike , * v n thp lampllghtois quitting
Trorlc. The city Is In darkness and
the Inhabitants generally are Hoeing
to the northward.
The Emperor Nicholas II , the crew
of which Is ropoited to have mu
tinted at Constantinople , la a Russian
Order has not been restored at ntcl-
ostok. A censored telegram reports
thai shooting has been heard , that
crowds are fleeing and that wild ex
citement prevails.
Theodoain Could Give Provisions , but
bUt Could Not Supply Any Coal.
Theodosla , Crimea , July 6. Sum
moncd by the Knlaz Potemklne , repre
sentatives of the town council went on
board tha battleship und were re :
celved In the admiral's cabin by the
commission commanding her. The.
commission demanded the delivery of
BOO tons of coal nnd provisions of va
rloiis kinds within twenty-four hours
and threatened that In the event ol
non-compliance , after the warning to
the inhabitants , the town would ho
bombarded. The commission also pro
posed that Iho mayor should transmit
to tba population a proclamation do
mnndlng the termination of thn war
a convocation of zomstvos , etc. Learn
Ing of these demands , many Inhahl
tants fled the town. The workmen
Insisted that the demands be granted
A special meeting of tha municipal
council was called and the councl
consented to deliver the provisions
but refused to comply with the de
mand for coal for the reason thut the
town had nono.
Fatal Storm at Milan.
Milan , July 6. Serious damage was
caused here by a severe etorni. which
resulted In the killing of six person
nnd the Injuring of thirty. Th statue
of St. Hypollte , on thu famous cathe
dral , wns thrown from Us niche. The
walls of the cathedral were threatenei
and the crypt floodod. Great damage
was caused In the suburbs , especially
at Musocco , where flvo persona were
killed and many Injured , sov n fa.
Ulljr ,
F. H. Cornell Suffers a Stroke of Pa
ralysls. I
Mitcoln , July C. tix-Amlttor Cor-1
neil , waa fltrlckon with paralynls at
Mi Itoiuo iHMi1 Vordon yoalorday. Llt- ! |
lo hopt'H for hist recovery arc hold
ut by bin iihynlclaiis.
Bosovlk Was Assaulted With n Large
Dirk Knife.
Kullcrton , Nob. , July C Special to
ho No\\a : The coroner's Jury ro-
timed a verdict that the killing of
Minlak was In self defence , IIH It was
roven that Dlmlsk assaulted Uosovlc
vltli a largo dirk Unlfe , and it was ti
aso of kill or ho killed.
Three Corporations and Thirteen In
dividuals Appear In Court.
Chicago , July 6 Honds were fur
nished by three of the packing com
panies and thtitecn of the tndUhlual
jacKeis Indicted by the fedeial grand
| ut > , Ins4 Friday. Four of the Indl- ted
'kcib me still absent fiom Chicago ,
jut DNtrlct Attomuy Moirlson an-
nounctd that these absontcps would bo
jlvon ample time In which to slcn
bondb The bonds signed weie for
$5dOO oni'h. The coiporatlons Itirnlsh-
Ing the bonds were Armour & Co ,
Swift & Co. and thePalrbanKs Can
ning company. The Individual bond *
weie for Aithur Meeker , geneial man
ager of Armour & Co ; Patrick A.
Valentino , treasurer of Armour & Co ;
Louis F. Swift , president of Swift &
Co ; Lawienco A. Carlton , tieasuier
of Swift & Co. ; Kobert McMnnus ,
general counsel for Swift & Co ; Ar
thur F. Evans , attorney for Swift &
Co. ; Irn N. Moirls. secretary of the
Fairbanks Canning company , J. Ogden
Armour , president of the Armour
Packing company ; Samuel McRoberts ,
assistant treasurer of Armour & Co. ;
Thomas J. Connors , general superin
tendent of Armour & Co. , nnd Charles
H Swift , director of Swift & Co.
Killing of Policeman Starts General
Riot at St. Petersburg.
St Petersburg , July 0 Cossacks
fired on the Putllott works' strikers.
The trouble was started by the arrest
of a youth who was entering the
works The policemen who took him
Into custody suspected the young man
of having dvnamlte In his possession.
The lafter , on being made a prlsonet ,
drew a revolver nnd killed the police
man nnd was himself wounded by a
bullet fired by another policeman Tl p
strikers quickly congregated on the
Pctcrhoff road nnd Cossacks were or
dered to disperse them. The soldiers
charged , using theli whips , and then
fired a volley , causing several casual
ties among the strikers. The excite
ment In the district is intense.
Implicates Wife and Hired Man.
Lake City , la. . July 0. The com
ner's jury concluded Its inquest into
the death of Jo&iah M. Pratt , a highly
respected farmer , who on April 21
died after a brief Illness. The jury
held the cause of death was poisoning
by arsenic , administered In small
dOBoa , and Implicates the dead man's
wife and his hired man. William
Peislug , In the murdor. The content *
of the btomach of Mr. Pratt had been
found by State Chemist Klnney to con
tain nrhcnlc In sufllclont quantity to
cause death. It has long been neigh
borhood gossip that Parsing , the hired
man , has been quite Intimate with
Mrs Pratt , and prior to Mr. Prntt'e
Illness hnd Inquired concerning the
lattor's bnnk deposits and life Insur
ance. Mr . Pratt had purchased ar-
lonio twluu , oatuDsibly to kill mice.
Hermann Case at Bottom of Calendar.
Portland , Oro. , July 6. In the fed
eral court the case against Congress
man Biuger Hermann , Indicted In con
nectiou with the land frauds In this
state , was placed at the bottom of tha
calendar. This Is believed to indlcato
that Hermann will first bo brought lo
trial on the indictment raturuei :
against him In Washington. In the
matter of the Indictment and trial ot
S A. D. Puter , Marie Wnro , Kinma L *
WatKou nnd State Senator F. P. Mays ,
charged with conspiracy to defraud
the government , it wns announced that
the first three named had agreed to
plead guilty , leaving Mays the only
oii9 not admitting his guilt. Mays la
ill at Oakland.
Drivers Weary of Strlk * .
Chicago , July 6. A referendum vote
of the question of declaring off the
teamsters' strlka so far aa It applies
to the department storeu , will ba tnkan
tonight by members of the departmon
store drivers' union. The vote will
bo taken at tba request of a large
number of the department stora driv
ers , who liava wearlad of the strife
and have rebelled against the union
leaders because of their failure to fur
nish strike benefits. Lumber drivers ,
who nlho have been denied strike ben-
a ( Ha , continued their agitation in favor -
vor of a prompt aottlomeut.
Operators Threaten to Strike.
Minneapolis. July 6 Telegraph op
erators on the lines of the GrcaF
Northern and Northern Pacific have
Issued an ultimatum , and If their de
mands relative to salary and hours are
not acceded to before that Umv *
joint gtrlkc will b * callftd July I.
After Which He Returned to the Farm
Near Scotia'With the Evident Con
sent of His Father Disappeared
From Home June 27.
Ginnd Island , Neb. , July C. Sheriff
Tn > lor made n thlid attempt to locnto
Virgil White , the son of nn ex con-
gressmnn of lown , who dlsnppcnred
Tuesday , June 17 ! , nnd who was a
pioinlnent attorney of Dos Molncs ,
nnd was suceessliil. Ho found White
near Scotia , Oieeley county , through
Infoimntlou gained fiom Mail Clerk
Upon being apprehended ami when
White t enllicd that ho was In the
hands of an oillccr ho promised to
como peacefully nnd not ntti nipt to
escape provided the sheriff Hist
promised him that the flist poison to
see him lie his aged fnthei
Fred U White , the Hither , mlived
dining the day , nnd when he mot his
son fiu e to face wns almost oM'iiomo
After n long nnd eat nest couli n ncr nt
the lu me of Sheilff Taylor , the two
went to the city and took n .ti.iln fnr
Scotia , It being stated thnt the \ouiig
mnn clodded to go buck to the Inini ,
nud It wns with the evident consent of
the pnicnt.
Murderer of Alma Gees Pleads Guilty
at Plattamouth.
Plnttsmouth , Neb. July fi Mm
Ploelun surprised the people of this
place by pleidlng guilty to the chnrge
of murder In the first degree Judgn
.lessen , before whom the pl < * a wn
made , Immedliitely sentenced tlm mm
derer to Iho penitentiary for lifo nnd
he was tnkcn to Lincoln.
Ploehni shot and killed hla cousin
Alrnn Gooa. nnd wounded her < -ist < r
at HIP Gees farm , south of PIntts
mouth , last month He eluded arrest
for several days , but finally MII ren
dered At the preliminary ? examina
tion ho pleaded not guilty.
Falls Under the Wheels
Lincoln. July C 10 Terry , u wealthy
business man of Sloiighton , vv'is , WIIH
killed hero by htlng run O'.or bj a ,
Burlington i.iilrond train Jl.t was on ,
his wn > home I rum Raven "ii Neb
nnd while HIP couch In whio-i he wn *
riding wnt. being switched It. the Lin
coin > nils he nllemiu | tr 'unip to
the platform , but fell und wns drawn
under the wheels , which uevored his
People Largely Joined With Neigh
bors In Celebrating.
Atkinson , Nob. , July G. Special to
The News : The Fourth of July was
a quiet day In Atkinson , as the people
largely attended celebrations at Stu
art , O'Neill nnd points out from town
n shoit distancellev. . Mr. Alexan
der g.ivo the address at Phooniv , twen
ty nines norcu OL
Earl Scott of Atkinson realuecl $2.00
from the egg race at Stuart , a boy
about thirteen years old No acci
dents so far have been reported from
the celebration. The Atkinson Odd
Fellows' baud played for tlio Stuart
people all day
Mr. and Mrs F. II. Chlckerlng of
Omaha arrUed in Atkinson lor the
Fourth , visiting at the homo of Mr
and Mrs. AC. . Crossuiau. Mr. Chick.-
orlng is a cousin of the "Piano" Chick
cring brothers , also baa charge of the
we.storn wholesale department. Ho
returns to the city today very wei :
pleased with this country , excepting
the great amount of rainfall ut the
Fourth of July Was Appropriately Cel
ebrated at Stuart.
Stuart had a rousing Fourth of July
celebration that was attended by
crowds of people who came from miles
in , every direction. People who wore
at Stuart report a most enjoyable time
At a o'clock in the morning thuro wai
a bubinusa uien'a parade that was a
most creditable presentation of the
business interests of the city. Thou
canio an oratiou by Hoti. L-yniau
Searle of Omaha , reading of the Dec
iaratiou of Independence by MIBS
Maud Miller , music by the Atkinson
Cornet band , singing by a chorus o
twenty-four voices.
After a picnic dinner there wore
sporta of various kinds , the foHtivitie
extending far into the night , closiug
with a great display of llioworkii ant
a bowery dance that made tlio old
young agaiu.
A Big Crowd , Big Parade and a Roya
Oakdalo , Neb. , July G. Special U
The NOWH. Regardless of the heav
rains of July 3 , the celebintloa at Oak
-Uale was a grand success. Crowdn o
people began to gather early lu tho' '
morning , and by noon , there were fully I
3,000 people on the streets out for a' ' | ;
good time. The paradeof lloatn which' ' ;
( look placeat 1:30 : p. in. waa led by
the Veidigm band of IweHo pleei-H ,
and cuiiMlnloil of Home of the Iliie-U
( iliiioiilH ever ticcn lu this purl of the
stato. The judges awarded /
to the Degree of Honor mill second
pil/o lo the Ruhecen ledge , The ball
KIUIIO between Cleansntor nnd the
Creek Rats WUH holly contested and
ended lu a victory for the Cleans a I or
team. Score :
Clem water II
Cieok Ruts I
The IliowoikH at night \\oio leinnrk-
bly line , the likes of which mo very
eldoiii Keen In a town the H/U ! of
Onkdnlo. The crowd enjoyed thorn-
elves from this time on the bowery
ntll the wee small hours In thu mom-
The business men of Oakdalo can
uroly congiatulnto themselves on
heir loninrkiiblo display , which shown
hey nru wldo awnku and dutcnulncd
o niiiko n success of anything they
Frazer & Co. Fall.
Chicago , July fi. The brokcrnR *
firm of Fra/ei & Co has miHpondod
niRlness. The wheieahoiitis of S L.
Frnrer. the ROO ! nienibor of the 111 in ,
it unknown. Thomas Mcdllln , an an-
( - ( irln i o has seiuied a uaiiant for
l > 'ii/ei s arrest , ihniglng oinhezzlo-
Chief Executive and Cabinet Present
at Final Services Procession l
Escorted by Cavalrymen to Lake
wood Cemetery.
Clovolnnd , July C. The body of
John Hay rests in bin family burying
gioiind , In a corner of Lukovlow ccm
etory. Around bin grave are the gran *
Ito monuments of men who have clone
strong things for Cleveland , for Ohio ,
and some of them for the nation
Five hundred feet to the west ol
where the great secretary llos la thu
memorial of James A. Gnrlleld , 200
feet to the north rises the monolith
of the Rockefeller family. Closer still
are the graves of the Otlses and Iho
Uuta. Most of these men were burlei !
with fuucral services for more elnb
orate thnn wns John Hay , certainly
none of them could have been interrei
with ciremony more simple. When
however , the years shall have cstab-
llshed their true perspective , thn
' I I * t I I
who was laid beside these men yea
terday wns fortunate In thnt ho BUT
passed most nnd equaled nil of them
In the scope nnd value of the serviced
he was enabled to render to his court
The services throughout were ad >
rnlrably conducted In most ext client
tnHtc , and from the arrival of Presl
dent Roosevelt In the morning until '
his departure In the afternoon brought
thu olllclal day to its close , not a
single untoward Incident was In evl
Mrs. Hay had expressed a desire
that the casket be not opened unless
President Roosexolt should express a
desire to gaze- upon the face of hU
secretary once more This was ex
plained to the proaldcnt at the tiain
and he at once expressed himselt as
unwilling to disturb the arrangements
already made. The president , vice
president nnd Governor Herrich
passed around to the head of the cas
ket , while In a Beml-clrclo around tha
hall Uood members of l\i \ pr'-seut
and ol lormor cabinets Six non-corn
missioned offlcerh of troop A then toofc
their places at the side of the caslet
Moved to Cemetery.
When the honorary pall bearcra
moved forward the casket was raised
by the cnvalryrnen and , followed b >
the members of the Hay family , the
president and members of the recop
tlon committee , It was homo alon ,
the hallway and out to the funeral
car nt the door. The snbors of th *
cnvalryrnen flashed In the sun as a sa
lute as the casket appeared In the
doorway nnd every hat In the gnat
nnd waiting crowd was removed The
members of the cabinet formed In
lines outsldo thr door and the eriskei
wns borne between them and placed
In the hearse The carriages of Iho
pall bearers then formed a line In nd
vance of the hearse and those of the
family , of President Roosevelt nnd ol
the committee followed on A few
sharp words of comin.ind. scu'ryiiii !
ami trampling of hoofs and the cav
alryrnon wheeled Into column und
passwl to the front of the cortege
There was no delay and the cavalry
men , moving at a quick trot , passed .
stmight south to Euclid avenue and ]
then duo csast to the cemetery , five
miles away.
After the services nt the grave Mrs.
Hay , with thw members of her family ,
returned to the residence of Samuel
Mather , while the president and hla
party , the carriage of the executive
surrounded by the hard worked mem
bers of the cavalry troop , went at a
rapid pace directly to bin train , which
he reached at about 1 o'clock. Aftoi
a short wait In the yards of the Penn
sylvanla railroad , the train started on ,
the ontlro party returning with him ,
except Secretary Metcalf , who will
remain In the vest.
Fourteen Bodice Are Recovered t
Naconn nnd Ten at MontHejue Mnny
Farm Houses Blown Away Wires
Are Down In All Directions.
Fort \Voith , Tex. , July 0 A tor
nndo which stiuck Texas In thu upper
edge of Montagu * ) county , coming from
the northeast and swinging far to the
ioitthoawt , caused the loan , It IB bo-
Ilex oil , of forty lives tnjuied n largo
number of people and did untold dam-
age1 to growing nopn and cnttlo For
tunately the toinndo ml ed the small
towns In the portion thmur.h which It
swept , hut It 7.lK7iiKKoil In Mich a wey
as to dike In the homes of ninny fiiim
ers nnd slo < k ialuti\s In the suction.
At Jnckshoio , the force of lht > wind
wns lonlllc The Bnptiht church and
twontv ether hiilldliiKsVOIP bluwn off
th' li foundation * nnd n number of
b.iildli j-'s lotnlly dot-tinyed Mrs
11 i\ls Cnlhoun wan hcriounly Injured
TinM Calhiiiin MM Thoinas Huiton
ami lloiuvVe8hcr and family weie
nl-o Inj nod
'I In wins nro down In nil directions
Illiil It Is dllllitllt In pot pintle iilniH
Hnconlli mod icpoiiH limn Munlngiia
me lo the elfecl thnt the list of killed
on Hiilt cic'ok , along which thu toina
do swept \\ltli spoflnl foice , will go ns
high us forty. A tollable mnn nt
Naconn , who hns been o\or the scene ,
SU\H thai lepoits weie lining received
of Iho dead when ho lofl then ! nnd ho
places the loss of llfo at sixty. Owing
to the- widely sopntiled homos nnd the
fact thnt In ninnj Instances wholn
families woto wiped out , details and
names nre hard to gnt.
Fourteen Dead at Montatjue.
Nacona , Tux. . July I ! . A tornndo
and thiindor ntoirn passed a f w rnllo.s
west nnd south of hero , killing four
teen person nnd Injuring runny others
nnd destroying n number of houses.
Thu latest icpoits trom the utorm
swept district glvo the following list
of dend Mis. C. C Shac kollord ,
Minnie Khnc kluford , daughter of R G
Shin klclord , MM S L Tumusnn ami
three children , Mrs Mtuy Limtor nnd
foul children , Cnlob Whlto , Mrs. Irn
Williams. Fiank , son of Sam RaUn
A child ot Mrs. Mary Luster Is be-
Moved to ho fatally Injured. Mnny
fni in houses were swept outli ely tr.ay
Tf.n Killed nt Montague.
nre us A result of a toinndo that
paused over Montngiio. They nro A
P. Karl , daughter nnd son , baby of
I > ) iwroiict Pillow , TomlliiHon family ,
conslstlne of husband , wife nnd four
children. Clnlbourno Whlto mny die.
Ilousna totally demolished. J. F.
Clark'rt dniR store , U. Y. Lunn's grocery -
ory Btoro , old bank building occupied (
by G. L. Alcorn , real estnte agent ;
Rowe haidwarfl Ktoro , flftcoii dwellings.
The tornado lasted perhaps thirty
minutes Hundreds of head of stock
In this vicinity were killed outright
by the wind.
People Driven From Their Homes In
Lower Part of the City.
Baltimore , July 0. An immunso
amount of damage , which cannot yet
even bo estimated , owing to Interrup
tion of communication by wire witli
the affected territory , was done In
Baltimore city and county by heavy
rains , culminating in n cloudburst In
the vicinity of Tlnionium. Tha Oieon
Spring , Western Run nnd Gunpowder
valley * sent torrents southward , and
through Jones' Falls , a Btieam run
nlng through the central portion of
this city , poured a flood of water Into
tills city , which was strongly sugges
| live of the memorable flood of 18G8.
Along the streams In the section of f
thn county Indicated , bridges , houses
and barns lmvc hnen washed away ,
live stock ban been drowned , railroad
tracks have boon destroyed and tell
graph and telephone lines have been
The first efforti of the Hood were
felt In this city after 8 o'clock , when
thn Roworo bugan discharging water
Into Harrlwin street , thn lowest In the
pRy , and upon which arn located many
dealers In second hand goods nnd poor
Hebrew and ether families. Thn In
flow of water to thn street from the
Falls la always a danger signal here
jnd at once there was a wild scramble
to get stocks of merchandise , house
hold effects and young and old mem-
tarn of families to places of safety.
Torpedo Boat Cut In Twain.
Berlin , July 0 The Kiel corn *
gpondent of the Loknl Anzlegor says
thnt the buttlnshlp Woerth rammed
the torpedo boat SI24 In the harbor
In two , and that three llrcmcn In the
holler room wcrs scklded to death by
escaping steam.
Cracker Causes Fatal Fire.
Seymour , la. , July 6 Thn five-year- "
old ken of Samuel Stiulllman of Sey
mour and the four-year-old son of
a neighbor , George Hillard , were
burned to death in n flro caused by
flrecrnckirc , which destroyed Squill-
I man's house.
Temperature for Twenty-four Hours ,
Forecast for Nebraska.
Condition of tlio wuathor an record-
id Tor tlio II ! hours ending ill 8 a. in.
oiluy :
Maxlniuin , 70
Minimum fit
\veni | ; < > lit !
I'dlal rainfall for inonlli 1)7 )
Total rainfall Tor your 2152
llaiotiHilnr 211 'JO '
Chicago , -Inly li. Tlio bulletin In-
cd liy tlio Chicago Htntlon of tlio
United Bliitou wuathor bureau thin
miming , jslvos tlio forecast for No-
naHlia IIH follows :
I'I ur tonight anil piohahly Friday.
Wainior woHt portion tonight
nesulta of the League Contests Played
Throughout theLand. .
National League-- Philadelphia , 7j
New York ! t IlinnUlyn , 0 ; Boston 7.
dm Inniill , ! ) . SI I/iuls , r > . Chicago ,
,1 ; IMIlRlnirt : , 8 American LOOKUP
Boston , 4. Philadelphia. U New Yoik.
I ; Washington. 8 CH'Volnnil. 0 ; Chi
cago. 1. lieliolt. 2 ; St. I.onlH. 1. West-
ew LOIIRUOOmalia 0 , Klonx CtlT
HPR MnliiPN. 7. SI Joseph. 1. Ccdo-
ntilo HpiitiKH 5 , Drnvor. 8.
Crctlltois Tile Pet.tlon In federal
Court at Topekn.
ToptKn , Knn , lnl > > < -Aflali * In tlio
falni ! ( < ol tin I list Nalluiiiil bank aj-
Biiuu'd n dlfloioi.i pl.nse wl. 'ii KaiiHii't
C'lty creditors petitioned tinUnltul
Stntps dMilit court to deelaro
Clinrlcn ,1. iJi\lln a bankrupt. Tlio pe
tition wiib nuide returnable on .Inly 20
mid Its effect IH to prevent any further
nttiichinonlH nf Dnvlln property unJ
to set aside H'nl estate valued ut $700.-
nee , wblfli .Mr Doxlln hud trnnsferp'il
lo Ihu failed liank. Tills action limn
reduces tlio banK'n assets , at least
tompmai liy , to Just that oxtunt The
action doi'H not nff < ut tlio llfo Insur
ance , which la In MID Devlin's name. ,
nnd which film Insists bo loft among
the iisse's of tlio bank.
Mr Onvlln'R lniilni < sa associates de-
clarn that bo la far from bolng a
cluro tbnt ho Is efar from b"tng n.
banlunpt , and still Insist the
bank will bo ennlik-d to pay d i for
dollar. Receiver Bradloy. who In
delving Into tlio books of the bnnk ,
announced that It would bo t'ti dny
before ho could mnlto a sir * in nt of
Its 'condition. Ho announced that it
was doubtful that the stato.vh < h hod
n half million dollar * In th" banu ,
woiilil bo consider1 ! a protein 1 < r'j t-
Itor. Governor H > < h s'ntod. la1 , r
the oXOi i'Jvp r , .Uj'1 v out I * "dsy con-
- the Hta'o . .
-or union u .1. us
Kelly In placing so much ot tl
money In one bank. Thre waa no
show of a run on any ot the other
Winter Wheat Harvest is V/ell Ad
vanced In the North.
Washington , July 0. The weather
bureaus weekly bulletin summarize *
crop conditions as follows ,
Coin li IH inuiln exirlleiit pro n-KS over
till1 Ri rut01 | mif of tin ; lulu lii-ll Hlld ex
cept in tinuppc'r .Missouri and lo . -r Ohio
' . v . uluio mini letnnlxl "ill TJI-
linn , I In- imp li tloiiti nnil well iiilvun. rd.
( ' IIH l > e u laid liy In Illliuli ,
Mlnxfiiiil und Kiiii.jn.
Winli-r w lie.11 liJMOit It well udrancrcl
In tin * unit hern pnitlnn of tliii crlntur wlirnt
bi-ll nnrl U | ir.K lli.illr ( InUlicil In lllli. i | ,
MUb'Hiil urn ! tiulrin KUIM.IN llnln iiai
imiHril Injuij to Krnln In Wiuuk In TCIIII ,
Tt.IJDIHM.-tl .lllll Kl'lltlll ' )
Hpilne lif-at hui nJvniiceil rapidly
tliruiiuli'int tli * xiilni | wlivat I'l'slun nd
coiillniii'H In priiinulns ooiKlItUin f ma
i ml. h'jwrnr , li iuiniteil | from th H , au-
urn portion and on Imvlmil ] In Mlnuenuca
turrp In a li'inl.'iii y tu lnil < ; p.
A Inn * orop of oati li Indicated In tha
pilinliiil | on I ( in ) Itn.liis flliilci , but fe/
mifi\oi.ililp rep'iili icspri'llnc 'III ' * oiop In-
liiK mt-lu-il HnrveHtlni ; ii In pincieii In
lljr low or Mldioiul and ountrnl M
cc'iicrnllr Indlrntt an opplu crop
mncli ln-lotv Ilif .1 vein no In all sections
C'oiiHlili-r.ililr linr uii.i ( Unused brilni
In Iowa , .NeliriiHUH and Tdinriiiee.
Santa Fe Fllea Answer.
Bttdnn , Kan. , July i ) . The Atchlson ,
Topeka and Santa Fe railroad filed
Its answer In Iho suit brought by tint
KnriMis Oil Producers' association ,
charging the road with conspiracy
with the Standard Oil company to
control freight rates on oil. The road
denied Iho contention of the oil pro-
ducern and nuts up tha statute of lim
itations UK a Itiithcr defense. Testi
mony in the cane will bo heard early
Adu. . Med Food Condemned ,
New Yo , , July U. Health Com-
miBMlonor Darlington reported that
l.OOl.L'ill pounds of adulterated food
wag diitectod and condemned by his
Inspectors In Now York city during
thn slnglo wock beginning Juno IS
This amount , he said , cquali d one-
fifth of all the adulterated food dis
co veifd In the year of 1904 Commis
sioner Darlington attiibute.s this In
crease mainly to higher efficiency of
the food Inspectors.
Mutineers May Qe Shot.
Odcflsa , Inly 0 Sixty-seven of tha
mutineers from the Georgl Pobledono-
Botz , Including the ringleaders , have
boon Imprisoned It IB expected thnt
all of thorn will bu shot. The city
continues under martial law. Some
of the regulations have been slightly
relaxed. It IB now possible to go to
any p rt of thn city or harbor without
a military