The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 30, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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    flOttFOLK NEWS : Fill DAI , JUNE 3 1905.
Flrtt Movlno Picture Show Given ,
Which Is Pronounced a Novel and
Entertaining Device N e b ra s k a
Corn Is Given Prominence.
Nebraska yesterday gave Iho first
of the houily movlng-plctuio enter
tainments which will ho n feature of
hur exhibit In the agricultural buildIng -
Ing throughout the ontlro Lowls nnd
Clark exposition. It In only ono of
n number of special fonlnros whlrh
will do much to draw ntlonllnn of
both easterner nud westerner at the
exposition of that slate.
Corn Is nnolhor. There arc some
wonders shown from thin product that
ninny would scarcely think possible.
Moat people are aware that starch If
n product of thin great cereal. No-
binska has 2C Jars , each filled with a
different product , and Including not
only lstni oh , but glucose , sugar of
Meveral varletlcp , syrups , OH | ! , gum
paste , nnd oven rubber. There nro In
nil R1 distinct varieties of corn shown
( n the exhibit , seine husked nnd some
uot. The oars form pillars or hang
In graceful clusters around the ox-
bllilt. Flvo Inindred bushels of the
"pens on n stick" nro thus represent
ed. All this In addition to 165 va
rieties of nntlvo and tame grasses ,
which go to ninko up the remainder
of the docorntlvo scheme.
Prize Steer.
Nebrnskix's livestock industry Is
represented by the mounted bide of
the steer Challenger , the huge animal
rnlscd on the University of Nebraska
experimental farm , which weighed
1730 pounds when only 2 years old.
It took the grand prize nt Chicago In
1003 , nnd sold for $449.80. or 2C n
hundred pounds. So much for bal
anced rations nnd proper feeding , say
The mnln portion of Nebraska's
npnco Is taken up with the pavilion ,
which la In reality the state headquar
ters for the Nebraska commission ,
visiting Nebrnsknns nnd sightseers.
Hero will bo found reception-room ,
for visitors , reading-room with the
Intcst newspapers from Nebraska ,
easy chnlrs nnd settees and all con
veniences for the comfort of visitors
The center of the building Is occu <
pled by u little theater seating more
than 100 persons , where , hourly , niov-
Ing-plctnro exhibitions nro given , Il
lustrating the resources of the state.
Ten sets of films are shown , each rep
resenting some Industry of Nebraska.
Ono depicts the llfo of the farmer
from early sowlng-tlmo through har
vesting , haying nnd orcharding to
corn picking. Another series repre
sents the cattle Industry. Others
Hhow cattle scenes on ranches In the
western part of the state , the growth
of alfalfa , the poultry and dairy life ,
the raising of sugar beets and manu
facture of the product Into sugar.
One of the most notable pictures Is
that of the late President McKlnloy
ttt the Trnns-Mlsslsslppi exposition nt
Oinnhn. This Is one of the very few
moving pictures of the Into President
Planning to Entertain.
The Nebraska commission Is plan
ning to entertain n great number of
visitors from the state during the
next few weeks. During the present
week more than 300 lumbermen will
nttend the exposition nnd bo enter-
nlned In the Nebraska theater. The
latter part of the month n largo num
ber of the delegates to the nntlonnl
good roads convention will arrive.
The delegates appointed by the gov
ernor of Nebrnskn for this conven
tion nre as follows : John Grant ,
George W. Craig , George L. Cnmpen ,
W. P. Freeman , Hon. William Ernst.
H. J. Burkett , Henry T. Clark , Major
T. S. Clarkson , R. G. Douglas , Hon. H.
M. Dietrich , H. G. Shedd , Hon. George
L. Loomls , Hon. William P. Warner ,
A. J. Webb , John A. Wakefield , W. A.
Apperson , L. A. Varner , H. M. Bush-
neil , L. C. Peters.
Early in July 500 representatives of
the various commercial clubs of the
state will nttend the exposition , nnd
will be properly entertained by the
Nebraska commission.
W. P. Warner , president of the Ne
brnskn commission , Mrs. Warner nnd
Secretary H. G. Shedd are now in
charge In the agricultural building.
Commissioner G. L. Loomls , vice-pres
ident , left for his homo last week.
William Jnuies Is superintendent of
the exhibit , while Executive Oillcer
George C. Shedd Is nlso in Portland ,
being- now convalescent at the Good
Samaritan hospital , where ho under
went an operation recently. Portland
Evening Telegram , Juno 13.
List of Those Who Attended the Ep-
worth League Conference.
Many of the delegates who were in
the city attending the conference of
the Epworth league , Norfolk district ,
left for their homes today.
Among delegates attending were :
A. L. HIsey , Leigh ; J. D. Elraore , Eth
el Schultz , Gertrude Trent , Dr. Sis-
BOH , Mrs. SIsson , Mrs. M. Scott , Mrs.
Baer , Mrs. Antles , all of Stnnton ; Al-
ina Barber , Thurston ; LHa Garwood ,
Eva Howarth , Mrs. M. Winebreuer ,
Randolph ; Sada Cnss , Harry Crellin ,
Kev. B. B. HoBrnan , Lyons ; C. H
Sterner , St , James : Blanche Shannon ,
HOMO Lewis , W. H. Wnrren , Creston ,
Maude Orothe , Kdlth Btlimon , Lulu
Grace Steele , Mlnln l owls , Mr
Wright , Mrs , Wright , of Wnyno ; J.
1) . Hhlek , Dakota City ; Algln Koehler.
draco Ellis , 13. F. Anlrum , Pllgor ; W.
( } . Fowler , Clementine lllgley , Hstel-
la Ijuitls , Decatur ; Sadie O. Taylor ,
Warnorvlllo ; I. 11. Weaver , llertbn A.
Neff. Mrs. Ida Ilnrtn , Wnkefield ;
Clyde Hyneiirson , J. M. Ilothwell ,
Mrs. Ilothwell. Mrs. W. 15. Taylor ,
Madison ; 1) . Laklns , C. Ollmer , Pollen -
en ; Mrs. O. 8. Grant. Allen ; Mrs. A.
L. Mlckel , Mr. Mlckel , Ponder ; C 8.
Hughes , Mrs. Hughes , Mrs. J. 11. Mol-
Ick , Carroll ; Edna Sharp. Ueemer ;
J. L. Phillips , Laurel ; Wllllnm Gorst ,
Homes of the following persoiiB In
Norfolk were given over to the en
tertaining of ono or more of the
guestB : J. W. Hansom , George
Sclnvenk , J. Koenlgsteln , H. L. Suy-
dor , I. M. Macy , Tllden , Homier , C. 13.
Doughty , llalloweg , C. Michael , W.
H. Johnson , C. F. Shaw , Goodrich ,
lllthel. A. O. lUm-n , Nov. J. F. Pouch-
or , William Darlington , Amerlno , C.
S. EvniiH. Sly , Tnnnehlll , Clay , Ad
ams. Oximin , M. C. Ilnzen , I. G. Wos-
tervelt , llrlggs , Mills , G. Kuhl.
Dutte 10-Anoka 0.
Anokn , Nub. , Juno iO. In a game
of baseball hero yesterday nftcrnon
Unite won by a score of 10 to 0. The
gnmo took ono hour nnd twenty min
utes. Black and Ford were Butto's
battery nnd Elwnngor nnd Green for
Anokn. Wright was umpire.
Drome Grass , Which Mats the Sand
Together and Grows Tall Enough
For Hay , Will Wonderfully Improve
the Sandy Lands of the State.
( From Tliur liiv'H IJnllv 1
Congressman M. P. Klnkald of
O'Neill , who represents the big Sixth
district In Washington , was In Nor
folk today on his way from Anokn to
Holt county. Ho had been north on
the nonestcol line for the purpose of
Inspecting the grasses which the gov
ernment has been starting In the
Sixth district by way of experiment
" \Vo nro very much Interested all
north of the Platte river in grasses , "
said the congressman. "The grass Is
n vital thing In our stock country. 1
advocate that all llesh Is really grass ,
for the cattle are made of grass nnd
wo eat meat. It Is therefore n vital
thing. Wo have been looking for n
grass which will grow on the sandy
lauds and make hay. Wo want It to
grow long , and our experiments thus
far have been moro than satisfactory.
Brome Grass Great Stuff.
"Tho nlfalfn has done very well. "
continued the congressman , "but
brome grass has done much better
and this alone Is going to make our
country 100 percent better than It
ever was before. The brome grass
mats the send together and grows
long , so that it develops into good
hay. Wo are moro than delighted
with it. "
Judge KlnlMld says , too , that
Is a good denl of nctlvlty In the Sixth
In the estnbllshlng of star mnll routes
and new postofllces along the routes.
The landofflces in the district , which
had to put on two extra clerks each
for the section home rush , nre still
doing n "land office" business , nnd
each now has one extra clerk.
A United States Wall Map ,
well adapted lor use In office , library
or school , substantially mounted , edg
es bound In cloth , printed In full col
ors , showing the United States , Alas
ka , Cuba nnd our Island possessions.
The original thirteen states , the Louis
iana purchase , the Oregon territory ,
etc. , are shown In outline , with dates
when territory was acquired , and oth
er valuable Information.
Sent to any address on receipt of
fifteen cents to cover postage , by B.
W. Knlskorn , P. T. M. , C. & N-W. R'y ,
Chicago :
Cuban Diarrhoea.
U. S. soldiers who served in Cuba
during the Spanish war know what
this disease is and that ordinary rem
edies have little moro effect than so
much water. Cuban diarrhoea Is al-
mogt ns severe and dangerous as n
mild attack of cholera. There Is one
remedy , however , that can always be
depended upon as will bo seen by the
following certificate from Mrs. Min
nie Jacobs of Houston , Texas : "I
hereby certify thnt Chamberlain's col
ic , cholera nnd diarrhoea remedy
cuied my husband of a severe attack
of Cuban diarrhoea , which he brought
home from Cuba. Wo had several
doctors but they did him no good.
One bottle of this remedy cured him ,
as our neighbors will testify. 1 thank
God for so valuable a medicine. " For
snlo by Leonard the druggist.
Wanted by manufacturing corpora
tion , energetic honest man to manage
branch office. Salary $125.00 monthly
and commission , minimum Investment
of $500 in Btock of company required.
Secretary , Box 401 , Madison , WIs.
Want nde telephoned to The News
up until 2 o'clock will get In that day's
Saturday Was n Day Long to be Re
membered by Verdlgre People.
Two Bands Vied With Each Other
In Making Music for the Occasion.
Verdlgre , Nob. , Juno 2(1. ( The 7 . C.
1) ) . J. lodge celebrated the twenty-sixth
milnlversnry of the organization of
their order Saturday. Largo crowds
were In town , Boino coming from quite
a distance. Lynch Bent by far the
largest delegation , accompanied by
their band. With our own band nnd
the Lynch bnnd there was no dearth of
music , each one seeming to vie with
the other to BCO which could got the
sweetest strains out of their Instru
Prof. B. Slrnck of the Iowa State
university delivered the principal address -
dress , which was replete with humor ,
wit nnd pathos , nnd wns greatly en
joyed by his Inrgo audience. The fes
tivities closed with a grand ball In
the oporn house.
Taken all in all Saturday will bo a
day long to bo remembered by Verdi-
gro and her visitors.
C. W. Lemont went to Wakefleld to
John Gray of Nnpor was In town
over night.
Hobert Reynolds went to WInside
this morning.
Claries Ulrlch of Pierce was In the
city over night.
C. S. Smith of Mndlson was In the
city this morning.
MlBB Jennie Brown Is visiting with
Miss Alma Garvln In the city.
Mrs. T. H. Gay of Belle Fourche ,
S. D. , was In the city thle morning.
Attorney nnd Mrs. H. P. Barnhart
of Pierce were In the city this morn
Miss Maude Tannehill expects to
leave soon for Portland , where she
will visit.
R. J. Kelly , II. F. Atkinson and E.
M. Colcmnn of Merna , Neb. , were In
the city over night.
Henry Thompson , P. Stanton , E.
Edens and H. J. Klerstead were Til-
den visitors In Norfolk yesterday.
Mrs. Ferdinand Haase and Mrs. Otto
Kuclow will go to Hot Springs tonight
for a three weeks' visit.
Will Parker of Boston Is In the
city , a guest at the homo of Dr. and
Mrs. C. S. Parker on Koenlgsteln av-
euuo. Other guests nt the home today
are Rev. J. J. Parker of Plalnvlew ,
and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hauser of
Fred Trenopohl paid his fine of $10
nnd costs Saturday.
Ewing , Stuart and Bassett will cel
ebrate the Fourth of July ,
13. J. Schoroggc is remodeling his
building on Norfolk avenue , fine new
callings being installed in the Troc-
Henry Hnase will bo able to cele
brate the Fourth In his new home on
North Seventh street , which is just
being finished.
The Story saloon building , occupied
by Emll Moeller , has been remodelled
on the interior , with new trlmmincs
and decorations.
C. D. Slmms has moved into his
new house on South Eighth street.
The small pox quarantine has been
removed from the home , after a siege
of several weeks.
A long strip has been filled on the
north side of Norfolk avenue , where
new cement walks will be built. A
large amount of filling has been done
also , around the Pacific hotel.
J. J. Kriss , brakeman on the Union
Pacific at Fremont , is under arrest
charged with manslnughter. It Is alleged
loged that he used unnecessary vlo
lence in getting Will McMnhon from
his train n week ago. McMahon was
run over and killed , and his father
has now taken up the case agaJns
A bunch of merry tramps enjoyed
a keg of beer in n grove northeast o
the city during the night until police
men arrived on the scene and arrest
ed four of them. Before daylight th
four were turned loose nnd orderec
out of town. At breakfast time the >
were seen nenr the river , cooking
juicy stenks for their enrly mornln
A baseball team from Stuart wll
bo In Norfolk on the Fourth to cros
bats with a team of this city. Th
Stuart boys are fast. Not long ag
they nlaved a 2-1 game with Valentin
which lasted through ten innings
They announced early In the seaso
that 'hey would play any team o
their > 'l e In the state. A warm con
test way be expected.
Ior the week before the Fourth , th
weather on tap over Sunday was no
ot the kind that Is calculated to mnk
men nnd girls hunt the ice cream am
lemonade stnnds on the shady side
of the streets. The weather , ho\\
ever , Is quite capnble of making
change that will come with all th
excess of heat and dust and swelte
that the most enjoyable fourth wou ]
Three Norfolk men had a peculla
experience on the excursion to Ch
cago. They started on the same train
for the windy city , but were in dif
ferent sleepers. They planned to be
together in Chicago. When , they
H-oke up in the morning they found
that their sleepers bad been separat
ed and pent into town on different
trains , It was four days before they
met , by mere accident , on the street.
After nearly two months of unin
terrupted labor on an nrteslon well nt
Fnlrfnx , S. D. , n flow of the best qual
ity of water has been struck at n
depth of 1.371 feet. Not only Is the
quality giKxl , but the flow Is inex-
hnustnblo. The well wns tested for
twenty-four hours by n pump which
drew out n barrel of water every min
ute , nnd the supply was not lowered
In the least. The wnter problem had
confronted Fnlrfnx for some time nnd
10 citizens nre naturally very hnppy
ver the result.
With the flood gntos In place nnd
10 mill running nights nnd Sundays
10 conditions for boating on the mill
Mind hnve been restored to the Ideal
ml n number of boating enthusiasts
re putting In hours of their Him re
mo on the strenm. Their numbers
vlll undoubtedly Inerenso ns the son-
on advances. When the hot days of
ummcr come the cooling shade and
efreshlng brce/es will tempt more to
10 Nortbfork. It Is noticeable that
10 people who nro now enjoying the
ffers of the stream ns n resort are
f a careful class , and there have
) een no accidents In recent years to
ampen their enthusiasm for a quiet
ow In canoe or skiff. It Is reported
mt there Is to be an added Induce-
lent to the Northfork's attraction this
ummer. It is stated thnt a launch
roni Fremont Is to be brought here
or the Fourth of July and will re
main during the balance of the season
f the business continues good.
F. F. Ware.
The following clipping from the
David City Banner concerns F. F.
Vnre. ono of Norfolk's new citizens :
F. F. Ware came In last Wednesday
veiling from Norfolk , and packed up
ils household goods for shipment to
hnt plnce , where he hns recently lo-
ated and engaged In the drug busl-
css. He hns also purchased a fine
esldencc property there. Mr. Ware
eturned to Norfolk on Friday even-
ig but Mrs. Ware visited with rel-
tlves at Surprise and Miss Ada and
Joy visited here until Tuesday , when
: ioy all departed for their new home.
Ir. Ware was engaged In the drug
business here for over ten years nnd
built up n large , prosperous business ,
nnd his numerous friends and custom-
rs very much regretted his retire-
lent from business in our city. Mr.
Vnre concluded to retire from bust-
ess nnd tnke n rest for the benefit of
ils health , but like all other energetic
usiness men he could not stay "re-
Ired. " He wns like a fish out of
vnter until ho was agnln locnted in
mslness. The many friends here of
Ir. Ware and his estimable family
vlsh them success in their new home.
Mr. Ware is now settled in his new
mnie , recently purchased on North
Ninth street. He says that he hopes
o treat the people fairly and to be
given a fair amount of patronage in
he drug business. He will have a
Irst class drug store in Norfolk ns
Bon ns he gets settled in the new
store , Koenlgstein's old stand , ami
vlll have for sale everything to be
ound In an up-to-date store.
Small Machine at Electric Light Sta
tion Cause of Fire Alarm.
An alarm of fire was turned in from
he power house of the Norfolk Elec-
ric Light and Power company Sun
lay morning , between S nnd 9 o'clock ,
two hose companies responding to
he call , but their services were not
required and they were ordered bacl.
o the engine house before they had
a chance to throw a stream of water
The excitement was caused by the
burning out of the armature of the
small auxiliary dynamo. The dyna
mo had been left In connection with
the day circuit and when the big dynamo
name at the mill was started there
was trouble. The little dynamo
was built to stand ten amperes of
electricity , but when the forty am
peres from the mill power were
connected the lightning sizzled around
the machine and took off everything
burnable thnt it could reach. A few
dippers of water stopped the burning
process , but not before the machine
had been badly damaged. The ce
ment floor and other fire proof ar
rangements at the lighting Btntion
prevented a spread of the trouble.
President Bullock of the company
estimates the damage at $500 , the dynamo
name ns It now stnnds hnvlng n vnlue
of not more thnn $10. It will require
n new machine to repair the loss.
Lowlands Around Brlstow are Under
Water In Many Places.
Bristow , Neb. , June 29. Special to
The Xows : Accompanied by a brisk
southwest wind , a heavy rain fell here
today. The Ponca creek has raised
about three feet , and the lowlands In
many places are covered with water.
J. K. Moore today puts into opera
tion his Frost concrete building bloclc
machine , recently installed. Mr.
Moore will use the first several hun
dred blocks in the construction of a
new residence , which will be begun
as soon as.the blocks can be turned
At the regular school board elec
tion , held here yesterday , Mr. J. F.
Larson , was elected treasurer , of this
district by a majority of 11 votes.
Entertain Kaffee Klatsch.
Mrs. Weatherby and Mrs. Warrlck
entertained the Kaffee Klatsch Satur
day with a 1 o'clock luncheon.
Work on the Casper Extension , to
Poison Creek on the Border of the
Shoshonc Reservation , Will Begin
Immediately Materials Enroute.
The contract for extending the
Northwestern railroad from Casper ,
Wyo. , to Poison Creek , a distance of
100 miles , hns been let to Klllpatrlck
llros & Collins of Beatrice nnd work
on the now line will begin Immediate
ly. The fact of the contract wns an
nounced yesterday , and undoes the
rumor that the building operations
would be given up on account of the
Burlington's departure from their
plans to build.
The building of the extension will
mean busy tracks on the Northwest
ern west of Norfolk. Already a con
siderable amount of material has been
hauled through here for the west.
The object of the extension Is to
reach the Shoshone reservation ,
which will be opened next year , and
to later on enter the reserve nnd
cross it.
M. Nichols of Foster IB in the city
on business.
Sheriff Frlsble of Neligh was In the
city over night.
Dr. J. H. Mackay made a profes
sional visit to Madison today.
M. M. Stannard nnd Ernest Korth
went to Madison today on business.
J. S. Peterson and Peter McKnow
of Verdel were In the city over night.
Anton Buchholz and C. F. Haase
went to Madison yesterday on busi
Miss Emma Schoregge left this
morning for St. Paul , Minn. , where
she will attend school.
Geo. W. Kitchens of Plalnvlew wns
In the city this morning on his way
to Sioux City to nttend a big horse
Mrs. W. N. Huso left yesterday for
Orange City , Iowa , to attend the wed
ding of her brother , Will Legget , to
W. H. Bucholz , who was here to
nttend the Rainbolt-Wellls wedding ,
returned today to his home in Oak
land , Cal.
Mrs. L. Austin of Tekamah , on her
way home from the Methodist mis
sionary meeting at Plalnvlew , stopped
off to visit her old friend and school
mate Mrs. C. E. Farley.
S. IT. McClary , who had been vis
iting his parents , Mr. and Mrs. .1. S.
AlcClary , left this morning for his
homo in California , where he has
charge of the night force in the big
gest sugar factory in the world. Mr.
McClary Is extensively interested in
a copper mine which will , it is be
lieved , pay out within a year , in which
case he will be made independently
Herman Miller , formerly of Nor
folk but recently of Colorado , Is in
the city visiting at the home of his
father and mother , Mr. and Mrs. H.
H. Miller. He has been In the sugar
business in Colorado but was com
pelled to leave that section of the
country on account of a severe attack
of rheumatism. He expects to leave
about August 1 for Wisconsin to work
in a factory there. He liked Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lodge , living on
rural route No. 4 , welcomed a bounc
ing baby boy to their home yesterday Tipton has severed his service
as rural carrier on route No. 1 and
John Cronk has assumed the duties of
the position.
Miss Annie McBrlde was a brides
maid at the Rainbolt-Wellls wedding
yesterday , her name having been
omitted from the published list.
The front of E. M. Zelsche's cigar
store hns been removed and is being
replaced with a plate glass front that
vill add to the attractiveness of the
tore nnd permit a better display of
The weather man has four days to
prepare things properly for the Fourth
of July celebrations scheduled to take
place throughout north Nebraska. As
none of the towns have planned to
celebrate with a carnival of Venice ,
warm and drying breezes and bril
liant sunshine would be the things
most In demand for putting the weath
er management to the good.
The wet weather has Induced the
'growth of large areas of wild barley
In Norfolk nnd vicinity , and it makes
a pretty sight , even though the grass
Is comparatively valueless for feed or
pasturage. With the sun glinting
from each of the millions of fine
beards and the wind gently waving
the grass , it does not require a wide
stretch of the Imagination to regard
it as ponds or lakes of water with the
waves chasing each other across the
Foliage on the trees is unusually
dense and vigorous this year nnd the
country with its Increasing accumu
lation of groves , shade trees and or
chards looks particularly lovely this
summer. The color of the leaves Is
a deep green where so often in years
past they have been yellowish or
blighted. With the crops showing
well over the hills and valleys there
is every inducement for country rides
nnd outing parties when the rains
will cease and the roads will get IB
condition to bo traveled.
Gow Bros , will occupy a suite of
rooms In the new addition which the
Citizens National bank is .to build at
the south end of the bank building.
The two rooms now occupied by the
Union Pacific Commercial agency will
bo made Into one large room and an
other room , yet to be built in the
now addition , will also be used by
Gow Bros. Mr. Clover , the commer
cial agent , will soon move out of this
building Into another , and Gow Bros ,
will change their location just ns soon
after the first of the month as pos
C. Lerum of Plalnvlew , who used to
carry mall between Norfolk nnd NIo-
brara thirty-four years ago. was In
the city yesterday enroute home from
Genoa , Neb. , whore ho had been at
tending n stock sale. Mr. Lerum Is
now In the fine stock business and
his just bought a fine Galloway bull ,
"Buford , " from W. O. Pugsloy & Sons
at Genoa. When Mr. Lerum carried
mall between Norfolk and Nlobrara
there was not a tree on the road ex
cepting just at Nlobrara where the
river ran. "It wns a desolate looking
country then , " said Mr. Lerum , "but
the trees have remodelled It complete
ly. You wouldn't know it was the
same spot of the earth. "
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. E. Ross , who have
just returned from their visit at To-
pekn , Kan. , and whose homo was en
tered by burglars during their ab
sence , found that nothing of great
vnlue had been stolen by the robbers.
They nre of the opinion that boys of
the neighborhood broke Into the house
as pins belonging to the engineers'
society were taken , and these would
never be taken by professional burg
lars. It will be remembered that this
house was entered about two weeks
ago , and was discovered to have been
robbed when the neighbors saw the
doors standing open. Mr. and Mrs.
Ross nre not sure that the burglary
was not committed on circus day , as
the crowds might have brought
thieves with them , but they are more
strongly of the opinion it was boys.
F. C. Holbert of Plainview is Presl-
dent and Thomas Harrison of Fos
ter Vice President of the Bank of
Foster Opens July 10.
The Bank of Foster lo the name ot
a new institution which will begin doIng -
Ing business at Foster , Pierce county ,
July 10. The bank has a capital stock
of $0,000. Officers are : F. C. Hol
bert , Plainview , president ; L. B. Nic
ola , Norfolk , cashier ; Thomas Harri
son , Foster , vice president. Frank
Lambert , John Hlavka , Thomas Harrison -
risen and James M. Burke of Foster ;
F. C. Holbert of Plainview and L. B.
Nicola of Norfolk are directors. f
Teething Babies.
Children when teething , especially
during the summer months , are more
or less subject to diarrhoea. This
can be controlled by giving Chamber
lain's colic , cholera and diarrhoea
remedy in sweetened water as direct
ed. For sale by Leonard the drug
Commissioner Hopes to Have it Ready
by July Fourth.
Commissioner Smith has a force of
men working on the First street
bridge below the Junction and states
that he hopes to have it ready for use
by the Fourth of July. The bridge
was damaged by the high waters of
the past two months and the destruc
tion has made necessary a large
amount of repair work. Other bridg
es are being placed in condition as
rapidly as possible.
Prof. Scott Is Married to Miss DeWltt.
Nellgh , Neb. , June 29. Special to
The News : The crowning event of
the season came here in the marriage
of G. Larkham Scott , director of mu
sic In Gates academy , and Miss Flos
sie DeWltt , youngest daughter of B.
W. DeWltt. The wedding occurred
In the Congregational church In the \
presence of nearly 300 Invited guests.
The orchestra created and Instructed
by Prof. Scott played the wedding"
march. Rev. Scott of Wlsner , father
of the groom , officiated. A reception
was held at the home of the bride's
parents after the ceremony. The
young couple will be at home here
after July 18. %
Miss Josie Rapp and Mr. Earle Dun
can were married at 8 o'clock yester
day morning In the home of the bride.
They will make their homo In Kansas
Anyone tending R nketch mid docrlptlon may
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llraocli URIC . C V \VwlilHKIuli ) , 1) , C