The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 30, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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4 THE NORFOLK NEWS : Fill DAY. JUNE 30 , 1905.
Wt N. HUM : ,
( KulHtilliiliril 1MT. ]
Hvrry lny i-xcrpt Bundiiy. Hy enr.
rlor i > r week , U > crntu , Itjr Norfolk
l > flnlomr rtcllvery , | > er yw r , $6.00. Uy
mnlt on rurnl route * unil nulMtln of
Norfolk , per yeiir. H.OO ,
\\1CICHI.V .MCWtujnimifAU
Tin * Now * . KutnWInJied. mi.
The Journii ) . KMiitillihed , 1S77.
nvcry Krlilny lly mull i > r year , 11.60.
Kntcwl nt ( ie jiontottlce nt Norfolk ,
Neb. its M'oonil cliicM mutter.
IMItorliil Oejmrtment.
No 2J IlunlnrM Oilier mill Job Hooinn ,
No St
Now In tlio time for n good , ripe
dtouth to light on Nebraska and re-
nmln for n few wcoltH. It would bo
It Iti to be hoped tlmt the sugar
war In Hawaii will Imvo effort sufll-
clent to lower the price of Hwceton-
Ing for tlio Amcrlcnu hotiBOwlfo
tliroiiRb tlio ennnlng nnd preserving
Since tlio supreme conit bnB Bixld
tbnt Nebraska must elect , Nebraska
an do It. It bns done It before and
can ngnln. Hut It wns thought tlmt
It bud evnded tbo responsibility of
coming to n decision.
While colleges nnd universities nro
htmy bestowing degrees \ipon Presl-
dent Roosevelt , tbclr combined notion
cannot equal In npproval or deslrn-
blllty the degrees that bnvo been con
ferred on the president by the great
American people. , , ,
The editor of the Stanton Register
In In fnvor of paying ir.0,000,000 . for
tbo Nebraska railroads. He has prob-
nbly Blzcd up tbo reputed earnings of
the Nebraska systems nnd concludes
that n year or two would pay the
utnto out on the proposition , and it
would hnvo n nice thing nnd no taxes
forever nfterwnrd , ns the story books
The Lincoln Stnr Bounds n warning
to the republicans of the Second dis
trict , declaring that danger lies In
the elzo of the republican majority of
the district which will "tend to lull
them Into listlesBness , to atrophy the
party organlratlon , to stay nt homo on
olectlon day when It is their duty to
go to the polls. " It would look nice
In the face of tbo record for the Second
end to go democratic this year in
the opinion of democrats and If there
In danger of It tbo republicans should
heed the warning of the Stnr and got
very busy.
An Iowa woman has come Into
prominence by refusing a legacy of
$30 000 because tho. conditions under
which It was given required n change
of her religious belief. Thirty thou-
nand Is n good price to pay for one's
religious convictions , but if they are
worth anything they are worth $30-
000 nnd more. To change the roll-
ylous views of those thoroughly con
vinced that one fnlth Is right , is tan
tamount to declaring for no religion
nt all. It must have been a tempta
tion , though , and more than one claim
ing n deep religious experience would
undoubtedly hnvo fallen.
Chief Justice Holcomb , who hand
ed down the opinion in the biennial
olectlon law case wns practically com
mitting official suicide in so doing ,
nnd the people will feel like approv
ing his position on the matter in
Bubordtnatlng personal interest to n
point of law. Ho retires from the
bunch because of the expiration of
liis term of office , nnd. has not de
clared himself R candidate for re
election. Even thqugh he desired the
office ngnln his party is too weak ,
Judging from nil the late returns to
ngnln elect him , and unless a power
itul "non-partisan" movement might
toe worked up he IB ns good ns out 01
It. Ills opinion , however , Is a nenl
testimonial to the fnct that the su
prbme court is entirely unprejudiced
and gives its decisions on the merits
of the case and the law ns they appear
to them.
Lord Kitchener fears that with the
Japanese conflict out of the way Rus
eln intends to turn Its nttention townrt
taking India from the British. He de
clares that British arrangements fo
defense nro "altogether obsolete nn
Ineffective , " but if Russia is led o
by such a statement it will probabl
live to regret. Surely the Englls
will not fail where the Japanese hnv
won such astonishingly largo success
cs. India is considerably better lo
cated for Russian operations than 1
Manchuria , but In resourcefulness am
fighting qualities generally the peopl
of the British empire may bo clnsse
ns of the best in the world. Regan
less of Lord IKtchener's expresslo
the military experts of the world wi
Tielieve that Russia will think twlc
before entering upon a campaign o
aggression with India ns the bono o
For a third time Mrs. Mary M
Hogers of Vermont has escaped th
hangman's noose by a narrow margin
and six months of life nave been o
Jfcrod her by the authorities. It seem
ulto probnbln , now , tbnt nho ncvor
vlll hnng. The Idea of hanging n
omnn IM repugnant to the men of n
ountry who Iny nome clnlm to chlv-
Iry to the fair BOX , nnd the proposal
o hnng Mrs. Rogers In Vermont IIHH
rought protests from every section } i '
f the United States. The hlwtory of ,
er brutal crime would Indicate that j ' !
ho rechly deserved the fate that the ! ,
ourtfl have decreed If nny woman |
vcr did , but Imprisonment for life
light bo n worse fate than the ono In
lore for her , nnd the heait of the
inn upon whom the duty of Btrntig-
lug n woman by tbo neck until dend
vould fall might well bo Justified In
nailing nt the responsibility of the
Mice. If In such canes women might
arry out the degree of the court
ml hnvo the nerve to do It , the of-
te against the chivalry of the
terncr sex might bo circumvented ,
ut It IH believed that them would he
pry few hangings of either sex If
IIP women bud the details of the ox-
cutlons to look after.
The'citizens of Dayton , Ohio , are
reparlug n welcome for John II. Pat-
ertton , the leading manufacturer of
hat town , who Is oxpccted home on
uly 11 from a trip around the world.
Ir. I'nttcrKnu's loyalty to hit ) homo
own , his Interest In the welfare of
ho people in bis employ nnd the In-
nonce ho line had on reforms In the
lanngcnient of the working clauses
iroughoiit the commercial world
Ivcs him honor nt homo tbnt cannot
o exceeded abroad. It IB proposed
bat every man , woman nnd child In
Dayton shall hnvo a shnro In the Paterson -
orson dny welcome and It is planned
o mnko It n testimonial such as few
icn have received. Honors hnvo
con repeatedly bestowed upon offl-
lals , politicians , nnny and naval ho-
ocs , but Dayton is attempting some-
ilng new In a rousing welcome to n
nptnln of Industry who line made
Imsulf n plnco In the hearts of his
ellow citizens. It Is seldom that such
testimonial has been planned for n
ommerclnl bustler , nnd It Is perhaps
s seldom that n grent Ifcnder In coin-
lorclnl activity has so endeared him-
elf to the people under him that such
demonstration would be their unan-
nous nnd spontaneous desire.
With the election this fall it is pos-
Iblo that the last remnant of the
islon wave that swept over Nebraska
111 have passed Into history. The
upremo Justice nnd the two retiring
egents of the university arc fusion-
sts , the last that remain In state of-
co , and it Is unlikely that they can
o ro-elcctod. or that any of tbolr par-
y faith will be chosen In Nebraska ,
'ho fusion parties rose Into promt-
lenco rapidly and as suddenly have
roppcd from control of affairs. A
ew years represents the Inlluenco
hey hnvo exerted nnd It has been an
verwhelmlng opinion that they have
ot come up to the mark they have
et In the mnttor of reforms. During
he time that there has been fusion
ho two parties to the deal have grnd-
ally lost Inlluenco until it Is doubt-
ul if both together can show the
trength of the weakest when the
chome wns first installed. It Is n
ecord tlmt cannot be pointed to with
> rlde , and some new plan must be
rled to afford formidable opposition
o the republicans who have constant-
y gained in strength through < jthe
ears that the fuslonists have been
oslng. Whether the two parties will
continue to fuse makes very little dif
ference to the republicans , In view of
he showing of fusion strength.
An Indiana young man who wns tor-
nnate in being n nephew of ono of
he rich Studebakers has recently
mule a double winning. His uncle
gave him a check for $5,000 on his
twenty-first birthday. His other and
better reward is a start In life without
the weight of either the tobacco or
liquor habit to drag him back. Years
ngo his uncle mndo the offer thnt if
he would nbstnln from intoxlcnnts
and narcotics until he became of age
a cash reward of the above amount
would be his. His uncle has done
him a service that cannot bo measured
in dollnrs nnd cents. Arriving nt the
age of twenty-one without the acqui
sition of these bad habits he would
bo worse than foolish to begin to ac
quire them now , and be is probably
rid of them for life. Not only will ho
bo saved the expense , wholly silly
and useless , of buying tobacco and
drinks , but ho will have gained moral
nnd physical strength beyond the com
putation of dollars and cents. Every
young man or boy may not have rich
uncles to offer them cash rewards for
shunning evil habits nnd vile , hut
they may ho certain of a bettor re
ward If they will heed ndvlco and ab
stain. None are more sincere In of
fering the abstemious life to the
young men and boys than those who
were "smart" in their youth and have
acquired something thnt they would
pay handsomely to be rid of when
they have come to an age of sense
and understanding. Ask any of them ,
hoys , if they think they have a good
thing , whether they be soaked with
whisky or nicotine.
Tim quentlon now before the ptnto
IB whom will yon hnvo for Biipreme
Judge ? I'lenBe do not nil speak ut
The French nnd Germans mny not bo
very nenr n wnr but they nro evident-
'ly fnr apart on n peaceful HCtlleinPiit
of their differences over the Moroccan
situation. If the dove of peace Is to
remain conceflHlons will ho required
from ono or both aides.
If those folloxvs who have objec
tions to tbo cznr'B government had
nrms nnd nmmunltlon It IB probable
that the cnr would hnvo trouble
enough right nt home to Influence him
o mnko terniB of pence with Japan
n the promptest manner possible.
How can It he expected that good
roads will come from a bail convention
Ilio the one nt Portland In which n
Ight of stupendous proportions de
veloped. It Is to he hoped thnt the
amount of good roads developed will
not depend upon the harmony of the
Tom Lawson IB to take the chnulnu-
qua lecture platform. Ills friends nnd
ndmlrerH have renson to be disap
pointed. It wns Buppoficd thnt ho
vould Btop at nohlilng less than the
annihilation of Wall street but he
cannot hope to do that from the lee-
uro platform.
With the number of Russian
wrecks thnt the Japanese have to
vork on it IB expected that the navy
of the little brown men will continue
o grow for some years to coino. It
vlll ho found , too , that the resurrect
ed Russian vessels will be much more
formidable In their hands than when
hey were manned by their enemy.
The democrats of the First district
impose to keep so quiet that the re
publicans will not know that they are
bore until after It hna happened , but
here nre other wnys of telling there
nro democrats around thnn by the
noise they mnke nnd they need not
10 nstonlshod If they find they hnvo
teen located before something dread
ful shnll have bnppened.
The Lake Shore road , after n trlnl
nt Its eighteen hour schedule between
Chicago nnd New York Jong enough
o Its former twenty-hour gait. Its
o Induce a fatal wreck , has returned
patrons will undoubtedly prefer to
ake two hours more In making the
rip than to run the risk of never
completing It during their life. The
game Is hardly worth the powder.
The do not propose to tie
ip their dogs of wnr until they hnve
the Russians safely ensconsod in a
leal for pence that promises success.
They have had nothing , thus far , to
llscourago them in their war opera-
Ions , nnd do not propose to lose by
'nlllng In too hastily In an agreement
o kiss nnd mnke up with an enemy
that hns proven treacherous in BOV-
ernl particulars.
The board of Indy managers of the
St. Louis exposition are credited with
'laving ' turned hack into the United
States treasury $2CCG7 of the $100-
000 alloted them. They evidently
neglected the champaign suppers ,
clam bakes and other media through
which mere men folks dispose of
plethoric surpluses. Few boards com
posed of men would ever have per
mitted it to happen.
The striking Polanders are again
adding to the czar's troubles , by in
sisting that they have rights which
the dukes , aristocrats and authorities
are bound to respect. At Lodz barri
cades and other revolutionary tactics
are employed and there is prospect
thnt the trouble will grow if the po
lice nnd soldiers do not soon succeed
In killing the worst offenders off , at
which they are making fair progress.
A New York woman sued her hus
band for divorce , alleging , among oth
er things , that he would not nccom
pany her to places of amusement nnd
entertnlnment. The judge trying the
cnse found thnt she was not cntitlec
I to divorce on nny such grounds am
j women who insist on dragging tirec
i husbands to church fairs and pink
teas are thereby warned thnt the bus
band bns some right thnt the wife Is
hound to respect.
j Senator Mitchell mny have had a
good partner , hut there are limits to
the confidences even between part
ners nnd the time may come when
the most faithful of them will be compelled
polled to tell what they know. When
, a man Is going wrong there is no one
to be trusted with his secrets , ant
, the one way to avoid trouble is to
keep on the side of right so far tha
a most trusted friend can have noth
Ing worth disclosing.
Another get-rlch-quick scheme ha
been nipped in the bud by the United
States postal authorities and a lot o
prospective victims should return
their thanks to a government thn
i goes as fnr ns it can in their protec
tlon. It really should not be neces
eury to have a guardian appointed t
see that people do not lose tbolr mon
cy on 11 fool venture , but until the
public IB convinced that companies
and corporations promising large re
turns on Hinnll Investments or other
wise offering something for nothing
are fraudulent In nlno cases out of
ten , It will be necessary to exercise
Tlgllance In tbo matter of specula-
Otnnhn Is feeling clever over nn in
crease of twenty-live per cent In its
hank clearings over ( lie period corresponding
pending with last week of a year ngo.
Lincoln nlso clnlrns to he on the move
orwnrd and the same spirit IB un-
oubtcdly In evidence In every small-
r town throughout the state. Nor-
oik IB among the places that nre
bowing a growth and Industry that
vould attract people looking for pro-
rcsslvo towns. City nnd farm prop-
ity In north Nebraska are of the
ind that bring wealth to fortunate
wneru nnd In u few years there will
e mnny to ndd their accumulation of
ortuuc to the general roll.
The Russians nre preparing for n
trcnuoiiB defense of Vladivostok , but
ioy will 11 nil It unavailing If the Jnps
oolde that they want that particular
ort and an armistice- docs not inter-
one to prevent their activities from
aklng effect. The Russians had time
ml did prepare a strong defense for
'ort Arthur , but it was unavailing
therwlse than to cause the Japanese
arger losses and compel them to take
longer time in reducing the do-
enses. So it will be with Vlndivo-
toli , with the added disadvantage of
ncklng a navy to nsslst the Russians
i a defense of the city and its en-
irons. The Russians might better
te preparing to evacuate , for evacu-
te they must if the Japs say so and
f the precedent established by the
ar is to be relied upon.
In a week the patriots , young , old
nd middle aged , will be doing their
mightiest to give the country to un-
orstand that they are happy over
he fact thnt the republic has safely
ompleted another yenr of its exist-
nee , nnd they will succeed beyond
11 doubt. If as mnny towns in other
arts of the country have made the
nine preparations to celebrate ns has
cen made in north Nebraska there
ill be one continuous roll of noise
nd enthusiasm across the continent
rom sunrise to sunset nnd there will
)0 joy and hnppiness in huge blocks.
Norfolk proposes to be in it with the
jest of them and there will be thou-
nnds of visitors who will appreciate
lielr celebration in a town thnt is
live to their entertainment and will
eave nothing undone that will add to
ilcnsnnt recollections of the day.
The president has decided that
Chinamen exempt from the operations
f the exclusion act must be given
air nnd courteous treatment by the
ort olllclnls of this country and it is
tins hoped to head off the movement
ooklng toward a boycott that has
teen , made by the Chinese guilds.
There nre good Chinese , as well as
oed immigrants from other nations
nd the president's action is subject
o the npproval of the people of the
ountry. The probability is that when
he Chinese become as advanced and
ducnted ns the Jnpaneoe there , will
be no further need of excluding them
and that they will be more desirable
ban other immigrants from Euro
pean and Asiatic countries. An iron
clad rule cannot be made to hold in
all cases and during all time.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications , as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There Is only one way to cure deaf
ness , and that is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness IB caused by an
inflamed condition of the mucous Un
Ing of the Eustachlan tube. When
ths tube is inflamed you have a rum
bling sound or Imperfect bearing , and
when it Is entirely closed , deafness is
the result , and unless the Inflamma
tion can be taken out and this tube
restored to its normal condition , hear
ing will be destroyed forever ; nine
cases out of ten are caused by ca
tarrh , which Is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous sur
We will give one hundred dollars
for nny case of deafness ( caused by
catarrh ) tbnt cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh euro. Send for circu
lars , free.
F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , O.
Sold by druggists' 75c.
Take Hall's family pills for constl
The Salve That Penetrates.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel salve pene
trates the pores of the skin , and bj
Its antiseptic , rublfoclent and healing
influence it subdues inflammation ant
cures bolls , burns , cuts , eczema , tet
ter , ringworm and all skin diseases
A specific for blind , bleeding , Itcblnt
and protruding piles. The origins
and genuine Witch Hazel salve is
made by E. C. DeWitt & Co. , nnd sold
by Asa K. Leonard.
Why suffer with your stomach , kid
neys and liver when Hollister'B Rock/
Mountain Tea will make you well ?
If taken this month , keeps you v/ell
all summer. 35 cent * , tea or tablets.
Tbo Klesau Drug Co.
The booming of the Fourth of July
cannon mny bring rain to break the
If Nebraska Is ever again drouth
Ktrlcken It will only be after several
oriBCCutlvo years of thorough drying
After Friday nt midnight It will be
llfflcult to obtnln a clgnrette In Ne-
brnskn without running counter to
he law. This gives about another
lay In which victims of the habit who
mvo the price may indulge their np-
letlte unless they hnvo a good supply
on hand.
June continues to show n temper-
ture under normal , but with July
nnd August to be heard from there
s no need of Immediately declaring
he crops down and out of It because
f Junq's untoward conduct In the
nntter of hustling the crops nlong
ownrd maturity.
The suicide of the bandmaster of
ho Alabama nnd his young bride the
other dny indicates that there nre
rucl partings In times of peace as
veil ns of wnr. The vessel hnd been
ordered to Aslntlc wnters nnd the
ouple could not endure the thought
f the long sepnratlon BO took their
own lives. It would seem like a great
government like the United States
might make it possible for its army
nd nnvy officers to have the company
f their wives in times of peace , when
liey so desired , or else forbid their
nnrrlage , If such a result is not pos-
In enforcing the Sunday closing law
nd shutting off the betting nt races
Governor Folk has certainly made en-
roles of those who admired him for
ils stand against other forms of graft
nd lawlessness , and it is being
earned that he is a reformer on no
ne line nloneand that be has n code
f moral principles to accord with his
ecord previous to being elected gov-
rnor. Some of those who are now
eing hurt do not like It and promise
hat he shall never again be govern-
r , nor hold any other prominent of-
ice in the state. Perhaps they have
he strength to carry out their con
victions on the subject. Anyway , it
s possible that Missouri will herself
iispose of the governor as a factor in
national politics before he has sue-
essfully entered the arena.
Three years ago on June 17 a na-
lonal irrigation law was Inaugurated
xnd the llrst steps toward reclaiming
he desert have now been made. In
he three years the irrigation fund
las increased until it is now $30,000-
000 and will continue to grow until
every irrigable foot of land in the
country is producing crops and pro-
Iding homes for the people. It is a
revolving fund , as at the end of ten
ears the settlers will have paid back
o the government the cost of provid-
ng them with watered farms and
he money paid back will go toward
he building of other projects for oth
er farmers. It Is a plan of most stu
pendous Import to the government and
his and the reforestizatlon of tim
bered lands will one day make the
west one of the richest countries on
he globe. In a few years , it is be
loved , the irrigation fund will have
reached $100,000,000 to be used in
providing the industrious farmers
with homes. The first project to be
completed by the government has just
been opened and many other projects
are under way. The benefit of the
'und is shown in the following appor
tionment among the states and terri
lories of the west and in a few years
it is expected that the immense irri
gation projects of Egypt and British
India will be duplicated if not exceed
ed in these states : Arizona , f3,000-
000 ; Arizona and California , joint pro
jects , $3,000,000 ; Colorado , $2,500,000 ;
Idaho , two projects , $2,600,000 ; Mon
tana , $1,900,000 ; Montana and North
Dakota , joint projects , $2,350,000 ; Ne
braska and Wyoming , joint projects ,
$5,750,000 ; Nevada , $2,740,000 ; New
Mexico , $280,000 ; Oregon , two pro
jects , $3,250,000 ; South Dakota , $2-
100,000. Some of the work at present
xmdertnken is preliminary and some
what experimental , but vast results
are certain to be attained in a feu
jears. It Is believed that the work
will have an Important effect on the
climate in the near future and It i
judged that in addition to the water
flowing through , the irrigation ditches
the territory cpncerned will expert
ence a largely increased natural rain
fall. Since the establishing of thi
homestead law there Is perhaps no
law that means more to the genera
public than this system of irrigation
inaugurated. Millions of acres that
will provide food and clothing for ml !
lens ; more of people w-lll be the out
come and it is ptoposed to Increase
the strength of the movement at an
e rly date.
The Chlldren'o Favorite.
For coughs , croup , whooping cough
etc. , One Minute Cough Cure is the
children's favorite. This IB because
it contains no opiate , is perfectly
harmless , tastes good and cures
Bold by Asa K. Leonard.
Maud Isn't 5 and 30 too old to hope
or any Improvement ? I should say
not. One just begins to live. Take L
lolllster's Rocky Mountain Ton. You ' "x.
will bo blooming fair nt CO. 35 cents ,
ca or tablets.
The Klesnu Drug Co.
Couldn't wake him If you snooK him
Bilious Bill the sleepy head ,
Jearly loved to lay a-bcd ;
Couldn't wake him If you shook him ;
When his slumbers overtook him.
Suddenly ho started wnklng
r.v'ry morn when dny wns breaking.
Whnt's this mnglc necromancer ?
Enrly Risers , Hint's the answer.
The famous little pills , Early Ris
ers , cure constipation , sick headache ,
biliousness , etc. . by their tonic effect
on the liver.
They never grlpo or
sicken , but Impart early rising ener-
? y. Good for children or adults Sol *
> y Asa K. Leonard.
If you own n dog , you hate to see
nether dog whip it.
Every mnrrled mnn hns the fnct
hrown up to him frequently.
Perhaps one reason every one loves
a little girl Is that Bhc will play with
icr doll and make no noise about it.
A girl clerk in a etore always
neaks over to the opposition store ,
it noon , to look at the stuff on special
Some people never carry a watcher
or the reason that It In much easier
o ask some one else to open his and
ind out the time.
An Atchlson woman admits that in
he past five years she has given six
men locks of her hair , nnd that no
wo were of the same color.
An Atchlson husband whose wife
; oes away and leaves him a good deal
B flirting a little during her absence.
Some people don't blame him much.
It is a woman's opinion that she IB
; oed enough when sbe is patient when
icr husband scolds ; that it is not ex-
tected of her to remove the cause of
its scolding.
We have received an invitation to
deliver a Fourth of July address. If
given permission to say Just what we
hink , with full protection guaran-
eed , we will accept. Americans have
o many fool notions that should be
controverted. These fool notions do
larm ; they are making us a race of
braggarts and Idlers. We know people
ple who regard faults as virtues ; their
nonsense has been accepted as wis-
lom and virtue so many years that
he cure will come hard.
Quality vs. Quantity.
Hard muscles and strong body do
not depend on the quantity of food
you eat , but on its perfect digestion
ind proper assimilation. When you
nke Kodol Dyspepsia cure your sys-
tern gets all the nourishment out of
all the food you eat. It digests what
you eat regardless of the condition
of the stomach and conveys the nut-
ng , sour stomach , etc. Kodol Dys-
rient properties to the blood and tis
sues. This builds up and strengthens
the entire system , overcomes and
cures indigestion , dyspepsia , belch-
pepsia Cure for what is sometimes
called America's national disease
dyspepsia is destined to eventually
work a wonderful and lasting benefit
o sufferers from this distressing and
mind harassing condition. Sold by
Asa K. Leonard.
If fortune disregards thy claim ,
Don't hang thy head In fear and
But marry the girl that you love best ;
Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea
will do the rest
The Klesau Drug Co.
If you are too fat it is because your food
turns to fat instead of muscle strength.
If you are too lean the fat producing food *
that you eat are not properly digested and
Lean , thin , stringy people do not hava
enough Pepsin in the stomach , while fat
people have too much Pepsin and not
enough Pancreatine.
Dyspepsia Cure
contains all the digestive juices that are
found in & healthy stomach , and in
exactly those proportions necessary to
enable the stomach and digestive organs
to digest and assimilate all foods that may
be eaten. Kodol is not only a perfect
digestant , but it Is a reconstructive , tis i
sue building tonic as well. Kodol cures ;
Indigestion , Dyspepsia , Sour Stomach ,
Heartburn , Palpitation of the Heart and
Constipation. You will like it.
Digests What You Eat
Rests the stomach , rebuilds the
tissues and gives firm flesh.
Dcllu bottlt holdi ! M
tlBH M ttieb M th *
UUljOr 0 cut ilu.
Bold by Asa K. Leonard.