The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 16, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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For the Next Three Months There
Will be Picnics. Trips and OutlnQS
Among Norfolk People Some Go
Enst and Some Go West This Year.
With todny. Juno Ifi , the summer
vacation HOIIKOU IB beginning In ear
nest and all trains are crowded with
people going and coming to cooling
retreats for their outings.
The northern Nebraska attorneys
nro still In camp at Nlobrnrn and nro
having a rare good time. Trains leav
ing Norfolk- each day carry now re
cruits to the camp. Many college stu
dents are arriving homo from ntu-
dent haunts , nnd will spend three
months In Norfolk. The Juno season
of weddings hns begun to bo respon
sible for many trips to different
Mnny people went to Sioux City to
dny for the big picnic. Some will
tnko advantage of the Chicago oxc.ur-
filon on some railroads of $5 for the
round trip , though the Northwestern
has not made the cut , preferring to
give regular passengers good service
every day. Lumber dealers from this
section , Including Messrs. Mlttolstndt
of Norfolk and Corroll of Plalnvlcw ,
nro In Portland.
The third nnd Fourth of July will
bo Rrcnt holidays In Norfolk , with
races nnd the celebration. The whole
week will bo given over to a carnival.
Roy Hlght Is In Sioux Clly today.
Claude Reed Is In Sioux City todny.
Guy Hesslngor of Tllden la In the
city todny.
Ray Menus ot Onltdalo was hero
over night.
A. 13. Remeudor of Plalnvlow was
In town today.
City Treasurer Schoreggo went to
Sioux City today.
William Smith went to Sioux Clly
on a morning train.
C. J. lllxson of Meadow Grove was
In Norfolk over night.
Mrs. August Bnimuiid wont to
Sioux City this morning.
James Gllden wns n passenger for
West Point this morning.
Mr. nnd Mrs. XV. II. Wagner of
Stnntou were In the city today.
Henry Krnsno of Fullerton Is visit
ing his son. H. KniHiio of this city.
Ira Hull left todny to nssumo hls
new duties In a drug store at Ponder.
Mrs. Kdeus of Fairfax. S. I ) . , IH
visiting nt tlio homo of Major nud
Mrs. E. H. Tracy.
Miss Aimlo MeHrido returned last
night from Kvnnston , 111. , where she
had boon attending Northwestern uni
versity during the winter.
Miss Florence Wlrt ot Fort Col-
,11ns , Col. , Is In the city for n visit
with friends. She Is todny n guest at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Tan-
Miss Lena Merrill of Carroll , Neb. ,
is a guest of Mrs. H. E. Owen on
North Twelfth street.
Deputy Sheriff W. C. Elloy and
daughter , Miss Pearl , were in town
yesterday from Madison.
C. A. Hubble and two daughters
Misses Lena nnd Gusslo of Pierce attended -
tended the show yestordny.
Otto Schrelblor , James Vail and Jo
seph Rynu were In the city yester
day from Pllgcr.
Mr. Schumncher nnd children of
Pllgcr visited nt the homo of Joseph
Schwartz during the day.
Miss Helen Bridge returned at noon
today from Lincoln whore she hns just
completed her second ycnr in the
stnte university.
Rev. nnd Mrs. J. P. Mueller will
leave Monday for a four weeks' trip
to Chicago nnd Canadian points.
They will go to Chicago nt first. Mr.
Mueller will attend a synod of his
churchmen at Detroit nnd Inter they
will go north.
Mrs. E. A. Garllchs ot Broken Bow ,
Neb. , is In the city for a visit nt the
home of her parents , Mr. and Mrs.
A. F. Tannehlll. Mrs. Garllchs will
bo hero for 11 vo or six weeks. Mr.
Garllchs , who Is well known in Nor
folk , Is Just now engaged In removing
from Broken Bow to North Platte ,
where he has been offered an In
creased salary ns music teacher. His
band won second prize at the Aksar-
ben festival last year
A meeting of Mosaic lodge No. 55 ,
A. F. nnd A. M. . will -bo held nt Ma
sonic hull tonight nt S o'clock.
John H. Jefferson hns been ap
pointed postmaster nt Osmond , In
Plerco county , vice Boyd S. Lecdom ,
The nnnunl commencement exer
cises of the Norfolk branch , Western
conservatory of Music , of which Mrs.
Corn A. Beels is teacher , are to be
held In the Methodist church tonight.
It Is expected that a large number
of Norfolk music lovers will attend
to see the class gradunto.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. N. Huso gave a
reception to a number of friends Inst
evening between the hours of 8 and
10 for Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Huso. Be-
aide the Norfolk members of the fam
ily , Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Losch of West
Point , parents of Mrs. N. A. Huso ,
were In the receiving line.
L. M. Leslie , n druggist from Wan-
sa , Knox county , was hit by a street
car at Fourteenth street and Capitol
avenue In Omaha and severely shak
en up. His Injuries consist of a
'it UK , uut painful I ut not fieri
otin hcraichi'i about Hithiad anil
arm * Lenlle cro * d the traeft from
behind n mmlbboutid cnr nnd wan hit
by one coming.Ilia . other way. Ho
\\IIH tnkcu to the police station until
ho roeovcrwd Millltslontly to walk
The NorllioHul Nobrawlm DlHlrlcl
nmnlon of the (1. A. It. will bo held
at Mondow Grove July II , 12. lit and
II. The htiHliitMM iiumlliiK of the mis
sion will be hold Wednesday morn
ing at 10 n. m. All posts will make
requisition on Iho qimrtormiiHlor at
Meadow drove for such louts as maybe
bo needed. I ) . C. Harrison , adjutant ,
nnd W. H. Wldaman , commander , In
a circular letter to the comrades ,
urge that nil turn out for the reunion
nnd make H Iho bout over held.
Fremont IH cheerful over Iho fact
that Iho connecting line bntwoen the
Burlington and Grenl Northern roadH
from Sioux City lo AHhland will pass
through that oily and a small boom
In properly nnd values Is expected.
The right of way men are now secur
ing abstracts of title to the property
needed by the company. The loca
tion of the depot has been ngreed
iiMii. | surveyors nro running lines and
things are generally looking bright
and cheerful to the people of Fremont
and vicinity.
After several dayH of hot and mil-
try weather , during which the weath
er did Its best to develop n thunder
and rainstorm It finally succeeded n
Its undertaking early this morning
and the rain poured down right en
ergetically for a few hours , tilling In
the supply that the lowering collars
and frog ponds have been losing. A
little molHturo to wet the surface of
the ground would prove beneficial ,
but more than enough hns now fnllon
for flint purpose and n return to the
wnrmth nnd Himshlno of the pnst few
days would not prove very acceptable.
The circus tlio other day somehow
gave the small boy that Fourth of
July inspiration that prompts him to
blow a nickel or two for dro crackers
or other nolso-mnklng dovlco tlint the
dealers are now placing on display ,
and for the succeeding days there
has been n popping of the squibs
about the city that will servo to re
mind the veterans of the tiring of
sentinels and the skirmishing of the
outpostH before the main engagement
which will take place during the
Fourth. The circus started the thing
going several days earlier In the sea-
sou than Is usual , but the small kid
mhy bo expected to maintain a more
or loss continuous performance un
til the grout holiday afrlvos.
The variety of estimates on the
sl/o of the crowd in the circus tent
here Tuesday afternoon Is n queer
proposition. One circus performer
n contortionist Informed Norfolk In
quirers that Iho tent sentod1,000 people
ple ; another stateil that Mfi.ond tick
ets were sold : the press agent gave
the number of spectators at the af
ternoon performance as 10,000. There
were said to be but 1,01 ! ) less In at
tendance hero at the afternoon per
formance than nt Omaha , nnd the
management wns pleased. I3d Ring-
ling wns with the circus here nnd the
manager , according to a performer ,
"llo's the man who says 'go. ' " rn-
marked the actor. "And if ho know
I were giving Inside Information , I'd
go tomorrow. Rlngllngs and Mr. Bai
ley own the show. They bought It
at auction last fall from Soils Broth
ers for ? K0,000 ! and have added $ I0.- !
000 to It. The show carries 700 to
SOO people all of the tlmo. Including
2.0 actors. There- are 2SOO reserved
seats. " The icserved seats sold at
50 cents each Instead of 25 , as stated
Justice Brewer Tells Them That They
May Yet See a Woman President.
Poiighkeepsle , N. Y. , Juno 15. No
; longer shall the small boy of the land
nlouo bo patted on the head nnd told
that some day he may sit In the whlto
house. Girls , cheer up. one of you
may bo presldentess of the United
States. This Is no summer day fan-
tnsy , for your Uncle David hns snld
It , nnd Uncle David Is an nssoclnto
justice of the federal supreme court ,
which knows everything.
Vassar girls fairly wont Into ecstn-
sles yesterday. Justice Brewer de
llvered the Phi Beta Kappa address
In the new chapel nt the college , nnd
some of the things ho told the stu
dents brought on Indications that the
magistrate might bo Hobsonlzed if ho
"You ewe to your country the duty
of serving it .with nil the advantages
of your education , " said the justice ,
"for who shall say that within the
next decade general suffrage shall
not bo extended to women , as It hns
In many states : who shall say that
before a gray hair shall come to your
heads n woman like Queen Victoria
shall not sit In the white house to
glorify this nntion ns Victoria glori
fied England ? In this land wo have
no privileged class nnd no one comes
to its opportunities by Inheritance.
While I sny this , I want to follow it
up by saying that you nro n privileged
class , for you have had the privilege
of a collegiate education. You have
had the happiness of reveling In po
etry and prose. Do not glvo yourself
entirely to the enjoyment of lltora
ture , leaving the republic to take care
of Itself.
"If Immigration continues at Its
present rate the time will como when
the question of a woman president
will become acute. I do not wish to
say that this danger Is nt hand now
I say It is possible. "
Place Will Soon Be Announced and
Armistice Arranged Probabilities ,
That the Plenipotentiaries Will
Meet-In Washington ,
Washington , Juno 15. Gradually
the negotiations for peace In the tar
cast are Hearing a focus. . The ona
point to which the energies of those
directly concerned In them now nro
being directed IB the choice of n place
for the holding of the conference of
the plenipotentiaries of the belligerent
powers. It lu known officially that
tin(30 ( cities now are under consldcru-
tlon by RiiHsIn and Japan. Those
cltleu named in the order of the like *
llhooil of their final selection are
Washington , The Hague and Geneva.
Thus far no decision hns boon reached.
Purls and l/ondon have been eliminat
ed ftoin the equation. It Is under-
ntood that the Russian government ob
jects to an Asiatic city , its preference
being for some ISuropuan capital. Aft
er objecting lo the holding of the con
ference In Purls , the Japanese govern
ment expressed a willingness to con
sider places which afforded adequate
facilities , although It Is assumed that
Japan's preference would bo some far
eastern city , practically within the
theater of war. Finally , however , the
selection seems to have narrowed
down to the three cities named. Ob
jections have boon made by the Japa
nese to The Hague , but it Is not be
lieved that these objections are funda
mental or unalterable. However , as
the situation now Is , Washington ap
pears to bo the city most likely to bo
An announcement of the selection
of the place of holding the conference
is expected within n few days. Thus
far President Roosevelt has acted
merely as an Intermediary between
Russia nnd Jnpnn In the conduct of
the negotiations regarding the selec
tion of n place of conference. Ho Is
In no sense of the term an arbiter In
the matter nnd , nt this tlmo , there is" "
no probability that ho will bo the nr-
biter. It is expected that Russia and
Japan will bo able to reach an agree
ment without the assistance of an ar
biter. Should a deadlock ensue n
condition that Is regarded as quite un
likely It Is not Improbable tlint the
president may be requested by the
two powers to nnmo the place of con-
After the selection of the place of
meeting of the plenipotentiaries , the
wo governments will nnmo those who
nro lo represent them nt the confer
ence. Then nn armistice between the
contending armies In the field will bo
arranged , nnd pending the nrrangc-
: nent of the peace conference , the
; rcat armies facing each other in Man
churia will Ho on their arms , waiting
the final signal from their govern
Denied There Is Anything Untoward
In Russia's Reply.
St. Petersburg , Juno 15. Every
'orelqn minister and ambassador now
in St. Petersburg attended a recep
tion given by Foreign Minister Lams-
dorf. Several diplomats wno dis
played some unnecessary nervousness
over the concluding clause of the Rus
sian foreign office's communication to
the Gazette ( saying the Imperial gov
ernment has "no objection in princi
ple" to the meeting of plenipoten
tiaries proposed by President Roosevelt
velt "If the Japanese government ex
presses a desire therefor" ) wore reas
sured after talking with the foreign
minister and learning tlint the com
munication did not reproduce the ex
act text of the note.
The foreign ottlco Is In constant
communication with Count Casstnl ,
the ambassador at Washington , but
beyond the statement that nothing
has been arranged. It vouchsafes no
Information. The chances of the meet
ing taking place In the Un' I States ,
however , seem to have vanished. If
Paris should not bo acceptable to Ja
pan , Russia Is disposed to the selec
tion of The Hague.
It Is understood that the first task
of the plenipotentiaries will be the
conclusion of n limited armistice.
This must come soon In order to avoid
a general engagement , which reports
from the front indicate that Field Mar
shal Oynmn Is already launching.
Rainy Season In Manchuria.
London. June 15. The Japanese
correspondent of the Dally Telegraph
at Mojl , Japan , says : "The rainy sea
son has started in Manchuria and the
mud In the roads Is knee deep , but
this will not interfere with military
operations , glnd tidings of which maybe
bo expected within a few days. '
Lowdcn.Heads Iowa Alumni.
Iowa City. In. , Juno 15. Colonel
Frank O. Lowdcn of Chicago was
elected president of the Iowa State
University Alumni association. At the
annual alumni banquet ho responded
to the toast , "Tho Relation of the
Alhmnl to the University. " Governor
Cummins also spoke.
Atkinson Items.
Atkinson , Neb. , June 1C. Special
to The News : Miss Abblo Robertson
and Raymond Grossman have returned
for the summer vacation from Bellevue -
vuo college , where they have .been In
attendance the past yonr Mr Cross-
limn IH the catcher for tlto 'Hollovuo
bane ball toiun.
Rev F. M. Sturdevant. of Tectim
soli , pastor of tlio Baptist cliurrh of
that place , spent a few days with IIB !
iwienla and friends hero , returned to
bin lionie todny. AVhllo here lie tilled
I ho pulpit In tlio M. K. clinrrh , In the
evening the morning service being
for nnd by tlio elilldri < i
II. K. Stnrdevunt left todny for Mil
waukee , where he goes as n delegate
to ( he Modern Woodmen of America ,
which conveneH In a few days at that
place. thlH being the great meeting of
this order for tlio present1 year
Tlio Hoynl Highlanders lodge of
this place oh.scrved tlio 11th as memo
rial day , and decorated the graves of
the past members , with beautiful cut
( lowers. The band led the proces
sion , with tlio drill team In full dress
uniform , and In tlio team n number of
ladles , followed by other members In
Miss Mlnnlo Millar , the lady who
has taught the grammar room , In our
high school for n number of years ,
nnd also engaged for the coming year ,
leaves for Portlnnd , todny to spend
the summer vacation , nnd to visit oth
er points of Interest In the west. She
has been very successful In her school
work , In the years she has taught , and
the well wishes of many follow her
W. A. Wheeler , who hns the ma
chinery for making the material for
building the Portland cement. Is Im
proving the main street of our town
by a collar laid In this content 25x75
feet , and will build two doors of this.
This will bo ( Ire proof , nnd a very
line building and n great Improvement
to the street.
The heat was very great today , and
In the evening n tlerco looking cloud
appeared In the northwest , which
came up quite rapidly , nnd about 5
o'clock the wind changed , nnd a fear
ful dust storm raged for about one
hour , then a very nice rain fell. The
barometer registered 2fUO.
Weekly Crop Bulletin.
Lincoln , Nob. , Juno 15. The Ne
braska division of the climate and
crop service gives the following con
ditions of crops In counties of north
Nebraska :
Boyd Smnll grain excellent ; winter -
tor wheat nnd rye heading ; corn back
ward , some of It thin stand ; good out
look for hay crop.
Cumlug Corn growing well - but
thin stand , ' cultivation begun : small
grain in Hue condition ; pastures good.
Dakota Corn backward but Is be
ing cultivated nnd growing rapidly.
Dlxon Winter wheat excellent ;
spring wheat nnd oats fair ; corn
small nnd much of It thin stand ;
strawberries ripening , good crop.
Holt Corn good stand and growing
well : alfalfa about ready to cut : grain
and grass doing well.
Knox Corn being cultivated , some
llelds very poor stand ; .some fields
disced nnd sown to millet ; pastures
Madison Replanted corn coming up
nicely , corn cultivation in progress ;
small grain making good progress.
Platte Wheat heading out nnd
looks line ; corn growing nicely , most
ly cultivated once , generally poor
stnnd ; fruit will be scarce.
Wayne Grass nnd potatoes fine ;
corn being cultivated.
Good Looking Head Gear on the Men
on the Street are on the Bum.
The straw hat shows which way the
rain flows today nil right. For there
are straw hhts on the street , as it
wore , and so is there rain. The hats
are not literally on the street , to be
gin with. They nro mostly on the
men on the street but Inter on they
indicate which way the wind blows
by going to the street. After the rnin
had struck them pretty nearly all
day , they were mostly on the bum.
Explosives , Except Fireworks Under
Police Supervision , Forbidden.
Chicago , Juno 15. The sale of toy
pistols and metal caps to children and
the discharge of cannon nnd firearms
nro expressly forbidden In the Fourth
of July proclamation issued by Mayor
It Is permitted to disqharge fire
works on the Fourth in streets , va
cant lots and public parks , under the
supervision of the police , between 5
a. m. and midnight. The mayor wish-
j es to lay special stress upon the pro
hibition of the discharge of firearms ,
and the police are instructed to bo
especially active In. arresting offend
Walker Denies Charge.
Minneapolis , June 15. T. 13. Walker ,
the millionaire lumberman , denies the
charge of L. 12. Aubrey , state mineral-
ogibt of California , that ho had ille
gally tiled on certain lands In north
ern California , and is of the opinion
that politics are back of the charges.
Master Mecsnlcs ! : Meet.
New York , June 15. The Railway
Master Mechanics' nssocintion and the
Mnstor Car Builders' nssoriatlon be
gan their convcntlc-n at Manhattan
beach with a combined attendance of
2,500. Technical subjects were dis
Airship Sails Across Lake.
Derlln , June 15. Count Zeppvlln has
constructed n now airship , with which
ho hns made a successful trial trip ,
sailing from Manzell , on the north
shore of Lake Constance , to Roman's
Horn , on the south shore of the lake ,
in three hours.
Calumet makes
light , digestible
wholesome food.
Only one heap
ing teaspoonful
is needed for one
quart of flour.
Barker May Not Hang.
Lincoln , Juno 14 There is n bare
possibility that Frank Barker will not
bo hanged In the penitentiary next
Friday After District Judge Holmes
had overruled the motion for the ap-
polntm nt of n special jury to pass
on the sarlty of the condemned man.
Barker's attorney announced that ho
wodld perfect an Immediate appeal to
the supreme court. If the supreme
court decides to listen to the appeal
n stay may be granted. Four physi
cians who examined Barker are di
vided in opinion , two declaring him
sane and two questioning his respon
Confederate Veterans' Train on South
ern Railroad Wrecked In Illinois.
Albion , 111. , June 14. Three per
sons were killed and twenty-nine In
jured In the wreck of an eustbound
passenger train on the Southern rail
road at Golden Gate , 111. The train
was a "cotton special , " carrying Con
federate veterans to the reunion at
Louisville , Ky While running at a
Bpeed of fifty miles an hour , the en-
pine struck a spread rail on a
trestle twenty feet high and the en-
pine and four cars were overturned
nnd fell to the bottom of the ravine.
The dead : J. J. Uhles , CSrecnwny ,
Ark. ; J D. Johnson , flieman , Prince
ton. Ind. ; Otto Graotz , engineer.
Princeton , Ind.
The train consisted of three Pull
mans and four coaches Two of the
sleepers were del ailed , but did not
leave the tiestle. The third sleeper
remained on the track. The most of
the injured were taken to Louisville.
Report of Secretary Morrison foi
Eight Months Shows One Hundree
and Ninety-eight Charters Issues
During That Period.
Scranton , Pa. , June 13. The oxecu
live council of the Federation ot La
bor opened its session here. Preslden
Gompers submitted a report of tin
organizing and lecturing tour whlel
he recently made through the west
recounting the growth of the organiza
tion nnd the splendid spirit of unitj
obtaining among ihe workmen of th <
country and their devotion to thi
trades union movement.
Secretary Morrison submitted hli
financial report for the night monthi
ending May 31. The balance on han < !
Oct. 1 , 1001 , was $103,01701 and tht
Income for the night months $121 ,
07403 , making a total of $ JJ4.ail.07
The expenditures were $ l48iC5.45 :
The report shows that $70,9'JI 52/hai
been received for per capita tax ol
one-half cent per member per month
One hundred and ninety charters wnn
Issued for the eight months. Then
are nov ; affiliated with the Americnt
Federation of Uibor 116 Internationa
trades unions. M state branches , M'
central labor unions , 1,013 local tradi
and federal labor unions , the 116 in
tornatlonal unions having approxl
mntely-225 local unions attached tc
This Time It Is Over Granting ot
Street Railway Franchises.
Philadelphia , June 13. The prlncl
pal developments in the local pollt
ical situation was the resignation ol
Samuel Sailer as assistant to the chlel
clerk in the office of the county com
mlssloners nnd the Issuing of an ordei
for HIP dismissal tomorrow of sixty
tive employes in the bureau of cltj
property nnd fourteen In the electrical
bureau. Their dismissal will mean i
saving to the city of more than $11 ,
000 n year. Mayor Weaver has an
other contest with the councils. This
time it is over the granting to the
Philadelphia Rapid Transit companj
of franchises to operate surface cars
on an additional 110 miles of street
without the city receiving any conv
ponsntlon. Two hills granting the
franchises were passed over the may
or's veto. The mayor hns had bllla
Introduced In the councils repeallni
the franchise bills.
A National Sulcm nnd Gallerlo *
Kcitptl For 10very tute.
Miss inna Komlosy , the Hungarian
flower painter , who cauie to Washing 1
ton some time ago under the jmtromup , ,
of the Austrian ambassador and Bd t
on ess Ilengelmuller and who returned
to Austria to bo with her royal pupil ,
the Archduchess Marie Thcrese , wns
much Impressed with art possibilities
of the national capital , says a Wash
ington dispatch to the Now York Trib
une. While In Washington she was en
thusiastic over what she called her
"big Idea , " and after her arrival in
Vienna she wrote of It to one of the
many friends she mndo hero nn fol
lows :
I have a biff Idea surh a bli ? Idta that
only the United States can hold It. It la
founded on different experiences In dif
ferent lands , and I will sketch It to you
In a. few words , which I hope you will bs
BO good us to approve. Rich peopl * from
every one of your forty-live statan must
put together some money oh. e. grtat
deal of money ! to form a capital that
must never bo touched. Then a perma
nent art building must be erected In beau
tiful Washington , and there must bo ex
hibitions evi'ry year.
Artl.its frqm all over the world must be
allowed to send one painting annually
free of duty. Each visitor on entering
the gallery will bo presented with a cata
logue free and will bu expected to check
off the forty-Pvc pointings that most
plcnso and icturn It at the door. Those
girty-flvc paintings having the greatest
number of approval checks will bo select
ed , one for each stnto.
By this method the pictures are select
ed by the public , and In the course of \ tl
time each state In the Union will own Its Hewn
own museum of art. The capital fund
will buy those forty-five paintings an
nually at a good pi Ice , but the bulk of
the money will not be paid to' the artists ,
but only the Interest of the amount ,
which will bo theirs for life. Say the urt-
1st Is a man. The widow will rccelvo the
Intetest. or his children , until they are
twent ; jcai" ? old , when the annuity will
cease and rt\ert to the capital fund.
That seems un Ideal scheme , but
whether It will ever be realized Is '
quite another story. Miss Komlosy's
father was n well known Hungarian
painter , and she has two brothers who
have attained distinction in tlio same
Delnwnre Dealer Tluix Hope * to
Avoid Lou * liy Breakage.
Hunting eggs in ail automobile Is a
new occupation for one Dover ( Del. )
farmer , lie is II. Uldgely Harrington ,
who recently took his first spin in an
autocar , says a Dover dispatch to the
Philadelphia Public Ledger. lie Is the
agent of several New York and Phila
delphia soda water dealers and big de
partment stores in the collection for
them of fresh eggs , the white egg be-
Jng ust'd altogether. In handling snch
large quantities ns 1'J.OOO dozens each
day Mr. Harrington usually experi
ences losses because fractious hones
will persist In either backing too h.ird ,
stopping too quickly or running off
with a wagon load of eggs. A tna-
chliie that w 111 le stopped by pneu
matic action , ho thinks , will facilitate
the egg hunting nnd egg handling busi
urmsti Mails Keieasea.
Singapore , Straits Settlements. June
14. The Russian auxiliary cruiser
Dnieper recently stopped the Dutch
Bt amer Flores. from Amsterdam for
Batavia. In the Straits of Malacca
nnd transferred to it forty-one of the
Chinese crew and the mails belonging
to the British senior St Kilda. from '
Hong Kong , captured bv the Dnieper ,
with contraband on board , and sunk
in the China sea The European offi
cers of the St KlWa returned here
on hoard the Dnieper.
Sentenced for Lrudlng Bomb Throwsr
Nice. France , June 14. Leon Mor-
tel , secretary of the local labcr ex-
change. was sentenced to three
months' Imprisonment for making a
speech applauding the throwing of
the bomb at King Alfonso as his maj
esty left the opera at , Parii , May 31 ,
v.3 being an aci of courage
Omaha , Juno 14. Captain W. O.
Klrkman of Nlobrara was sentenced
by th ceron-1 court-martial to a term
in the penitentiary and was dismissed
from the United States army. The
charges ngalnst Captain Klrkman
arose out of the scandal connected
with the suicide in this city ot the ,
wlfo of Lieutenant Chandler , a broth
er officer. The sentences will receive ' . <
the approval of the president and the *
eecretary of war , according to the un- I
demanding In local nrmy circles.
Office , Cotton Block , 'Phone Black 23.
Ke ldence 109 Nurtli Tenth Street , 'Phone 254