The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 16, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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    JHH * t fi f , 4. * _ * *
I'lIK NOM'OUx NKWS. KIU DA V , .JUNK 10 l : > ' 5
Strikes the Ground With Such Force
That His Skull Is Crushed An Op
eration Necessary to Save the Man's
IKiotn Mnmtny'H Dally I
August Bruckner , n prominent
fanner living three niul n Imlf miles
southeast of HosktiiH. was thrown
from his wagon Saturday ovpnlng ,
striking Ilio ground In such n manner
thnt his skull wns fracliiri'd. An op-
orntlnn to lift Ilio skull waa noces-
Mary , nnd It l HmuRlit'thnt ho will
Bruckner hnd lioon to Ilosklna diir-
IIIR the nftortioon , nnd iihout duak
atartod for hlH homo. Shortly after
lonvhiR town his tcnin IIPRIIII to run
nnd BOOH became uiimanngeablp. A
inllo east of town thorp IB n Hhort
turn In the rend nnd an the WIR : II
\viia slowed around this corner Mr.
Bruckner was thrown violently to the
ground. landliiK on hln head. Ho was
found a Hhort time nftorwardfl by
neighbors , who took him homo nnd
palled Dr. Dompstor. The doctor soon
discovered thnt hla Injury waa a HO-
iloiia one. and ho telephoned Dr. T' .
H. Sailor to come and aaalHt him.
The doctor drove over , mid It waa do-
cldod that an operation waa the only
thins that would Bnvo the man'a life.
Tlio head wns opened and the
cruahed honoa rained KO aa to rollovo
the pressure on the lirnln. When Dr.
Sailor loft the homo yealerduy morn
ing It was hclloved thnt Hruckner was
In n fair way to recover.
S. H. MoFarland will inako n trip
to Omaha tomorrow.
Mrs. .T. V. Loach of West Point Is
n guest ot Mva. W. N. Huso.
Dnrr Taft la enjoying n visit from
hla brother , II. K. Taft nud hrlde.
M. J. Wagner nnd wlfo nnd Mlaa
StorU of Crelghton wore down for
the circus.
Misses Sophia Watson and Lulu
Durland of Plnlnvlew are visiting Nor
folk frlenda.
Judge Jackson of Neigh chnperoned
n party of Nollgh young people to
the circus today.
Miss Palo Hurnlmm wont to Nollgh
today to bo hrldesmald at HIP wort-
dlnp of a friend lon\orrow.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Robertson are
entertaining nieces and nephews
from Madison for circus day.
Mrs. K. A. Oavllchs of Broken How
cnmo last night to visit her parents ,
Mr and Mrs. A. F. Tannohlll.
C II. Houston of Plulnvlow was In
the city this morning on his way to
Madison with a wedding party.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. T. Mntlly bnvo re
turned to innke Norfolk their home
after a stay of n year nnd a half at
Hot Springs , S. D.
Among the circus guests In town
were : C. A. Smith. Tllden ; W. T.
Parker , Tllden ; C. ' P. Montross. Hattie -
tie Creek ; Mrs. Kdward Tanner , Hattie -
tie Creek ; Miss O'Neill , Hattlo Crook ;
Owen O'Neill , Hattlo Crook ; L. U.
Prlchnrd , Meadow Grove ; C. D. Host ,
Hattlo Crook.
In your circus evcltoment do "not
for a moment lost sight ot the fact
that Norfolk has two days of line fun
In prospect for Ita neighbors and
friends on .Inly s and t. nnd thnt the
carnival company will llnlsh up that
week with n program of entertain-
The latest person of prominence to
Join the divorce colony at Sioux Kails
is Mrs.Vllltam Khluelnndcr Stewart ,
a society lender of New York , who
arrived In secret , registered In n secret -
crot hook In n largo hotel In order that
her name bo not known to the public ,
and who now plans to buy n cottage.
The .Norfolk Foundry & Manufac
turing company had a Imttury of Its
traction engines steamed up for the
day and they succeeded in attracting
considerable attention from thnt portion
tion of the circus crowd that has an
Interest In the whipping out of the
prospective crop of small grain for
the market.
S. C. Hassett of Gibbon has been
appointed to succeed the late R.V. .
Furnas of Hrownvllle ns the secre
tary of the state board of agriculture ,
nnd will at once open oillces in the
state house nt Lincoln. W. C. Cnley
of Crelghton has been appointed n
member of the state board of agricul
ture by President Mellor.
Miss Clnrn Degner , daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. AI. Degner , has Just sub
mitted to n very successful surgical
operation In Wibo Memorial hospital.
Omaha , for the removal of a sacomii
growth on the neck. Mr. and Mrs.
Dogner were both present for the op
eration , which was performed by Dr.
Jonas. Mr. Degner returned home
last night and Mrs. Degner will re
main In the hospital until her daugh
ter has fully recovered which will bo
soon , it Is believed.
R. H. Harris of Lynch , well known
in Norfolk , is the owner of ouo of
the finest hog farms in the great west
and is Just now shipping out enough
pure blooded animals to eastern
points , to give Nebras-ka a reputation
nation wide for the breed of its swine.
Duroc Jersey is the star animal on
the Held and Minerva C II 3102S nnd
Red Perfection II 32740 are good
ones. Liberty Boy is also a winner.
Other famous beasts there are Crltn-
non Hell. HOU of Itoyorofllp ; Ponca
Valley Queen ; Queen of the Reda.
One nnltual wna nhlppod Innt week
to C' W. Cuff of Iowa for $100. In
teen HIP shipments nmoiintod to $2.-
see and thin year thug far they have
amnunted to $1,100.
Norfolk IH today Riven over ( n clr-
ens enjoyment nnd UN usual where
thorp In any large event of the kind ,
circus nnd olrotin thoughts are about
the only thing stirring In a IICWH
way. The modern eliciiH IH becoming
HO orderly that lights , hold-up * nud
other fondues are being eliminated
ns nccompnnylng effects nud the
newspaper Is therefore compelled to
make most of the circus nnd leave
Ilic development of real no wo stories
to the other days of HIP week.
The annual atenllng of Mowers by
the Moral thieves of Norfolk has be
gun nnd promises this yonr to bo
worse thnn ever unless Home move
la made on the part of the citizens
to atop them. There nro now ninny
very beautiful beds of peonies nhout
Hi/ * city and these are being nightly
divested of their tributes by the un
scrupulous youths nnd young men
who put In many hours nt the thiev
ery. A baud of these Mower robbers
last night visited the west aide and
plucked ninny gnrdons entirely. They
were heard at 1 o'clock nnd the names
of nt leant some of the parly were He-
cured. This la not the Ilrat offense
In Norfolk as there have been sim
ilar cases from year to year. A num
ber of youha ! who stole Mowers last
week wore seen and nro known. Ar
rests will likely follow.
The fate of the last proposed rail-
real connecting Norfolk nnd Ynnkton
RppiiiH to hnvo been definitely deter
mined by the federal court In Omaha
which has convicted II. Leon Miller
of Oak , this state , of sending obscene
mntter through the mulls nnd son-
teneed him to pay n fine of flflO nnd
spend a year nnd one day In the fed-
ernl penitentInry nt Sioux Falls , S.
I ) . Miller waa president nnd general
promoter of the rnllrond thnt wns to
build from Ynnkton to Norfolk nnd
the south , but ns there la no probnbll-
Ity that ho will bo able to "Interest
eastern capitalists" In his scheme
during hla term of Incarceration , It la
Miilto prolmblo that the matter will
bo dropped or else pnss Into other
hnnds. The particular offense of
which Miller wna convicted wns send
ing whnt purported to be n copy of
a letter sent by the girl's father to
Mlllor's wife , making Improper pro
pjosnls to her and accompanying HIP
letter was an equally suggestive let
ter to the girl Inviting her to visit
him nt Ouinhn. The young woman
Immediately turned over the corres
pondence to her father. The result
was that the father , a Mr. Turner ,
came to Omaha , turned over HIP let
ter , to the postolllcp inspector , and an
Investigation resulted In Miller's ar
rest nnd conviction. It being conclu
sively .shown to the sntlafnctlon of
the federal Jury that Miller had himself -
self originated the alleged letter of
Turner ns n menus to assist him In
securing n divorce from his wlfo nud
thus ciinble him to cnrry on n llnson
with the girl.
Jews Fire o" the Soldiers.
Wnr aw hiiif 14-The oulbicak of
i.i Hii.stli"\sk during which
acionllim in r < pori. nihny parsons
were li'lled ' or woim'U'O oipliiMcd in
n coiifl" ! M'twc'pji , l \vs nnd iirmy re
serve men bout.d foi 'ho fm ea" i
The Botdc : > r < ! nr < - ynl-l to huvo IcjotM
| irovlfti : s'ore ' ri.i | uows ) In ( ! c
fbiidiiii : ttrt properv ) nin nlce'l to
hsvo flr'ri on th < - who rtiturtit-'l
j 'h ' * fire ' 11 HA\n Is NOW otcupu-1
b ) tr.o rr.ll"niy
Russian Attacks Repulsed.
Toklo. Juno H It is olllcially re
ported that on Juno 11 some mixed
columns of Russian troops attacked In
the vicinities of Ylngocheng , Erhchip-
llpao and Shufnngtai AH the attacks
v-re repulsed Losses nro not stated
ueaps From Ends Bridge.
Tit. Ixjuis. Juno 14 Eluding the
grasp of several persons who at
tempted to prevent Ms action , an un
fdi nil lied man leaped from Ends
bridge Into the Mississippi river The
' body h : s Jiot been recovered
Til' I'Voin H Ni-riiiiin ,
i On a recent Sunday Dr. Washington
! Gladden of Columbus. O. . outlined In
I au evening sermon \\lint bo would do
I with a million dollars If he had It ,
I says n Co.umbu.s ill-patch. Amoii
I other projects , ho said ho would put
i about ? : tOO.OOO of It in model tone-
, incut houses for the use of working
! people , to In * modern In every way ami
| to bo routed at rates that would not
, not more than 4 per cent ou the Invest
ment. President W. R Itunlull of the
I State Savings and Tnut company an-
I nounced the other day that he bail n
I wealthy client who was Improved with
the suggestion and authorized tlu stntc-
ment that as soon ns Dr. Gladden
named his trustees ho would place the
necessary fundnt their disposal
V llloKi-niililrnl Dli-tloiiiir- .
One of the mo-,1 helpful books to keep
upon your table , ready to bo consulted
as jou ivail oUiiv liooUs , is a biograph
ical dictionary. Then , when you come
to some historical character about
whom your knowledge Is a little faded.
It will reiniUv but a moment to refresh
your memory and make your reading
more Intelligent You have a right to
the acquaintance of these distinguished
nit'ii and women nnd should keep up nt
least friendly relations with them , if
for no other reason thnn In gratitude
for what they have done to make your
Ufo pleasant. St. Nicholas.
For Rent.
Hosklns , Neb , hotel. Good locaUon ,
Carl Manthles ,
Listened to by an Interested and Ap
preciative Audience Music Is the
Universal Language In , the Babel of
World's Voices.
( From Monilny'M Dully. )
The baccalaureate sermon to the
grnduntoM of the Western Conacrvn-
tory of Mualc , wna given by Rev. J.
' . Poucher Inat ovenlng nt the M. 10.
hurch before mi nppreclntlvo nudl-
once. Mr. Pouchor look for hla sub
ject "The Ministry of Mualo. " the fol-
owing being n synopsis of hla re
marks :
"Tho word music la derived from
: ho innsoa who were supposed to pro-
aide over the arts nnd sciences. Mu
sic Is the nrt of expressing thought or
emotion through the medium of sound
nnd Is not within the province of
lltornture. of painting , of sculpture ,
) f acting or of architecture. The mu
sician Is a poet for he expresses
thought nnd feeling through the me-
Hum of highly excited imagination.
Music Is the 'universal language , ' for
In the babel of the world's voices the
true mualcinn cnn mnko himself un-
lerstood. There nro three atngoa In
the development of mualcnl Instru-
iienta. First Instruments of percus
sion , then the wind Instruments nnd
finally the string. The piano Is n
comhlnntlon of the percuaalon and
the siting Instruments
"Mualc haa a ministry. The true
musician can never take for a motto
thnt used by Anne Holeyn : 'Mo nnd
Mine. ' If the muaicinn doea not use
the talent It Is taken away from him
and given to another. Frnncla Shep-
nrd lu talking to n mothers' meeting
anld : 'A complete chnngo can be
wrought In a child's character by
forming now emotional hnblts In him
through plnylng on the pinno. It is
n stimulus to education. A child cnn
do better work with books If ho will
study three hours nnd prnctlco music
the fourth than If ho puts the whole
four hours ou study. '
"The first song was n war song.
riibnl-Cnin the sword nmkcs nnd .In-
bnl the minstrel were half brothers. A
bugle for the charge and a minstrel
for the victory so have earth's battles
been won. The sword of Joshua is
not more potent than the timbrel of
Miriam. Achilles without Homer
would never have been heroic Powerless -
erloss the army thnt has no pibroch.
Reckon the cause dead that can In
spire no song. WrltP dpfcnt on the
Lord's banners when you hush the
hymn of the church. The ago that
gives birth to grand oratorios is a
progressive age. When the roll of
the greatest preachers have been
called perhaps the mightiest will be
those who never graced n platform
but sent some fugitive song to reach
hearts. The tide of battles has been
turned by the use of music. Great
Hrltaln had her Nelsons nnd Welling
tons but they did not win glory for
Unglnnd so much ns did the man who
composed the music for "God Save
the King. " Germany hnd her Fred
erick William nud her Prince His-
mnrck but her battle have been won
to the music of "The Watch on the
Rhino. " To the superb swing of the
"Mnrsellnlse Ye sona of men wake
to freedom. " Nnpoleon's soldiers cut
the Icy barriers of the Alps nnd mndo
a path to'tho ' conquest of Italy. Gus-
tavus Adolphus had his soldiers sing
"Kin feste burg 1st unser Gott. "
Americans respond gloriously to the
strnlns of "The Spar Spangled Han-
nor. " The power of music Is as great
In Christian warfare. Lot me wrlto
the hymns of the church nnd t care
not who makes her creeds Is a true
paraphrase of a familiar proverb.
Harmony with God Is the only true
melody of the worltl. Sin Is discord.
Holiness la harmony. Earth makes
noises. Heaven makes music. "
No Action In Chicago Strike.
Chicago. Juno 1U. The teamsters
strike has cotuo to the stage whore It
will die a natural death unless new
life Is Injected Into it by the strikers
During the past twenty-four hours
nothing of any importance nas devel
oped , neither side having made anj
aggressive move. According to tin
employers involved in the trouble ,
they have succeeded In getting theli
business almost bnek to normal con
ditions The teamsters are doing ab
solutely nothing in the strike , not a
move being made either for peace 01
a spread of the difficulty.
Pennsylvania's 18-Hour Train.
New York , June 13. The first eastbound -
bound train r.f the Pennsylvania's new
elghtcen-hour service between New
York and Chicago arrived In Jersey
City three minutes ahead of schedule
time. The running time of the train
from Chicago to Jersey City was sev
enteen hours and thirty-seven mln-
utos. The engineer of the train said
on arriving that a short distance east
of Hobart , Ind. , the train covered a
mile In thirty-five seconds.
"I can't got a girl , " cries the de
spairing housekeeper. A want ad In
The News gets the gin , restores sun
shine in her soul , cheerfulness in her
home nnd happiness In her husband
and children , News want nda are
great stud. If used.
Do you want to rent your hotiso ?
Offer It through News want ads , nnd
you will probably strike the person
who wnnts to rent It. A News wnnt
nd Is more economical than losing
To The Public.
Wo have located In Norfolk , having
purchased what Is known as the
"Koenlgsteln Pharmacy , " nnd wo In
tend to make this our future home ,
having purchased residence property
also. We hope by fair dealing nnd
gcncroiiH treatment to retnln the for
mer pntroiiH of the Institution nnd to
mnko many now friends , as well. We
nro hero to stay and wo promise the
best of treatment to nil. We solicit
n share of yonr drug husinoas.
F. F. Ware & Son.
ii nnybouVy haa any harness repair
ing to do , let him bring It In before
ho spring season begins. Paul Nerd
Quarts of Cocaine Were Used in Re
lieving His Distress and the Tooth
Was Not Extracted Until the Brute
Was Loaded on His Car.
WednesUny'M Unlly.1
John , one of the mammoth trained
elephants of the Foropaugh-Sclls
show , was relieved of an aching mol-
; vr , six Inches across , between the
line ho waa loaded in the car nt
Omaha and unloaded in Norfolk this
morning. If the tooth could not
nave been extracted It is probable
that the mammoth beast would have
lieon driven mad and would have to
10 killed , meaning a loss of about $ S-
000 to the management of the circus.
John Is one of the original troupe of
eight elephants trained by Adam
Forepaugh , jr. , and was regarded as
so valuable 'that John Paterson , the
distinguished veterinarian and animal
surgeon of New York city , who has
performed a number of Important op
erations on the animals of the Xoo
at Central Park , was summoned to
take the case. For several weeks
John has been suffering from the
toothache and quarts of cocaine have
boon iibod lo assuage his sufferings.
An attempt was made to extract
the tooth on' the grounds in Omaha ,
but tliG.tUiilnml broke loose fiom the
bunds thnt held him and cieatcd a
small panic before he was again sub
The ponderous animal , blind with
pain , hroKo from his keepers before
the operation , and In charging down
the street he finally struck a wire
cable , which served as a guy rope to
brace a heavy telephone pole , a block
onfat oC the Show grounds. The cable
was anchored to a short post , and
when the elephant struck the twisted
wire the post was torn from the
The cumbrous gallop of the beast
was abruptly stopped. He tripped
upon the wire and toppled over upon
his head and side. By the force of
his fall ho was temporarily stunned
and while he lay there , with heaving
sides and a froth of blood oozing from
his mouth , three keepers made quick
work in putting chained restraints
upon him.
He was then taken back to the
grounds and preparations made for
extracting the tooth.
The terrible trumpetings and vi
brating walls of the beast were finally
quieted after n large quantity of co
caine had been Injected Into his jaw.
As he lay upon the ground ho was
fettered securely to stakes. His
mouth was pried open with a wedge ,
which was operated upon the princi
ple of n jackacrew.
Dr. Paterson , with sleeves rolled
above his elbows and armed with a
long , slender knife , which was as
keen as a razor blade , cut deep Into
the gum about the diseased tooth. In
doing so ho must have struck an exposed -
posed nerve , for , suddenly , the ele
phant bellowed with such force that
the cordage creaked aoout his body.
He tried to rlso up , but could not.
Then panic slezed upon him. Ho
writhed like n human being , nnd sud
denly there wns n fclnnk of n chain ,
parting with a vibration like the
stroke of a bell.
The beast now heaved more terribly
and presently some of the heavy ropes
snapped asunder. With a supreme
effort the elephant rolled completely
over and regained his feet. With his
trunk curved outwitrd In the form of
the letter S he again bellowed forth
another trumpeting cry and went
charging through the sldowall of the
tent. Ills hindquarters struck the
wheel of the tiger cage and knocked
It over and soon the entire animal
tent was n walling chorus of wlerd
In the afternoon the elephnnt's suf
fering lind dccrensed to such n de
gree thnt ho was apparently as calm
as ever , although the flow of blood
had not completely stopped.
Wanted by manufacturing corpora
tion , energetic honest man to manage
branch office. Salary $125.00 monthly
and commission , minimum investment
of $500 in stock of company required.
Secretary , Box 401 , Madison , Wis.
Try our New York buckwheat flour.
Feed store , Pacific block.
Long Pine Passenger Was Filled to
Overflowing and Had to Lock Doors
Before Battle Creek Returned for
Others There Later.
"Krnm Tilesilnv's Dally. }
The circus day dawned hot and
clear , an ideal circus day at the out
set. It was early today estimated
that more people would be In Norfolk ,
this nftornoon thnn the city hns seen'
In many years.
Morning trains Into Norfolk , dou
bled In size , drew thousands of people
Into the city from the Donesteel nnd
the Long Pine lines , nnd others dur
ing the day nnd last night brought
othusands more from the west , the
Madison line , the Fremont line and
the Sioux City territory , although the
crowds from the Sioux City direction
were not so largo on account of the
appearance of the circus at thnt plnce
The nonestcel passenger train
brought seven coaches Into Norfolk ,
all packed full to the platforms , nnd
the early train from the west brought
so many people that the train could
not nccommodnto them nil In ono trip.
The coaches were completely filled
before the train reached Rattle Creek
and had to return to that town to
get those who could not bo accommo
dated on the first load. It was esti
mated thnt 100 came from Tllden , sev
enty-five from Meadow Grove and an
other 100 or 150 by train from Battle
Creek , while many drove from all
Last night's main line Northwest
ern from the east brought many people
ple from Pllger and Stanton , who re
mained over two nights to see the
circus. "We only live once , " re
marked ono woman on the train , "and
we might as well see the circus > vhen
It comes around. "
13y 8 o'clock this morning all side
streets In Norfolk were lined for
blocks with the wagons of people
ivho had driven In early for the big
how. Livery stables did a big busi
Ituslness houses In town thnt hnd
contracts for selling provisions to the
Ircus people , did an over time busi-
less all night , manv of them hnvlnc
o work during the dark hours In
order to get ready those things which
bo circus hnd bought. Amonc the
ilg orders were for meats , broad , hay
and the like.
The busiest place in town this
morning was the show ground in the
vicinity of the breakfast tent , where
a meal for a thousand people was pre
pared out of doors in a very few min
ites. .
Norfolk hotels nnd restaurants
made extra arrangements for feeding
the multitude todny , and they found
thnt their plans were none too elab
orate . The fi o'clock trains this mornIng -
Ing pulled In with thousands of
strangers and they were all hungry ,
apparently , so that the first rush of
the day for the people serving meals
came early In the morning and there
was not much of a let up at any time
during the day. The Bonesteel
branch , the main lines from the west
and the east and the M. & O. poured
crowds Into the city , while the Union
Pacific last night was extra heavily
loaded and carried additional coach
Chief of Police Jim Hay had two
extra men , William Beswick and H.
Hollyfleld , on the force this morning
In anticipation of the throngs of the
circus day , and was not nt nil sure
that that would bo enough to protect
the people. In case more men were
needed he had made arrangements to
swear In other deputies pt onco. The
crowd of circus people , liowevor , were
a clean looking lot for a circus crowd
Livery Stables So Full That Horses
are Turned Away.
The circus day crowds who came
in buggies and wagons were so large
that before noon the livery stables
were more than filled. Not only were
the stalls filled , but every available
inch of floor space was taken up with
horses that were tied to the floor.
Man at the Dining Tent Door Never
Saw a Performance Yet.
The circus Is so divided and sub
divided Into various distinct depart
ments that the man In the cook ten
knows little or nothing about the In
side of the show tent , and not hal
so much as the general public. The
ticket taker at the dining tent In the
Foropaugh-Sells show was asked In
regard to the location of the pen >
tent. "Don't know , " h * > said. "I 'tern
to my business , the other department
"tend to tholr's. I have never evei
seen the show. "
New Firm of Practitioners.
Dr. A. Bear lias associated will
him In his largo Norfolk practice Dr
Walter Pllger , who has recently grad
uated from the Crelghton medical college
lego at Omaha and hns been given a
license to practice by the state exam
Ining board. Dr. Pllgor Is strictly a
Norfolk product , has a largo acquaint
anceshlp In the city and has diligent
ly applied himself to his professlona
studies so that under the very favor
bio circumstances he has acquired
iu will be able to materially assist
ho now firm of practitioners In caring
or Its practice nnd extending It Into
ow fields. Dr Dear Is a pioneer
mong Norfolk physicians and stir-
; eons and has nrrlvcd nt that time In
Ifo nnd flnnnclnl Independence when
young mnn will be of advantage In
cllcvlng him of long hours nnd dls-
nnt calls , so thnt the now firm should
10 admirably adapted to continue the
vork with advantage to each.
Business Men Having Fourth of July
Celebration In Charge ,
A meeting of the Fourth "of July
executive committee will bo held at
ho oMlce of the secretary of the Com-
norclal club tonight nt 8 o'clock. The
iffnlrs of the celebration nro going on
veil nnd with the hearty co-operation
f all of the merchants the' best celo-
iratlon of a Fourth of July over
inown In Norfolk Is assured.
Dr. Charles A. McKim and Miss Mary
Matrau are Married Dr. William
F. Jone and Miss Martha McNIsh
are Married Kept Secret.
[ From WoilncFdnv's Dally. ]
A double wedding which came aa
i complete surprise to the friends
of the four contracting parties took
ilace in Trinity church at 8 o'clock
this morning when two Norfolk girls
of prominence became the brides of
two professional men well known
hroughout Nebraska and especially
.hroughout northern Nebraska. Miss
Mary Matrau of this city was married
to Dr. Charles A. McKIm , soon to
eave Norfolk for Lincoln , and Miss
Martha McNIsh was married to Dr.
William F. Jones , of McCook , Neb. ,
'ormerly of this place.
The marriage ceremonies were un-
innounced previously and save for '
cleverness on the part of members of
the Trinity Social guild , of which
! ioth brides are members , there might
liave been little known of the affair
until the bridal parties had left town
on noon trains. Learning , liowever ,
a few days ago of the prospective
weddings , girls of the guild had
[ ilannert to bo present at 10 o'clock
this morning , when the taking of the
vows were first scheduled. Later the
hour was changed to 8 o'clock , in or
der to defeat the purpose of the guild
members , but the shifting of the hour
merely whetted the enthusiasm of the
friends and when the two bridal par
ties arrived In carriages at the church
door soon after dawn todny , a dozen
young Indies were in nnxlous waiting.
"Now that you are here , " romnrked
one of the brides , "you might just as
well come In nnd see the execution , "
and the little crowd of friends en
tered the church to witness the two ,
The. rector , Rev. J. C. S. Wellls ,
performed the two pretty nnd im
pressive ceremonies that united the
two young couples In holy wedlock.
There were present , besides the guild
members , the immedinte family of
Miss Matrnu , her parents , Mr. and
Mrs. H. C. Matrau and her sisters ; j
and intimate friends of Miss McNIsh , ' f
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Koenigsteln. Miss ' ' f
Metta Koenigsteln , Dr. R. A. Mittol-
stadt and Mr. and Mrs. Turner. Miss
Koenlgsteln beautifully played the
wedding march.
Miss Matrau , daughter In ono of
the most prominent of Norfolk's fam
ilies and herself a favorite in social
circles , has lived her life In Norfolk
and has hundreds of friends who wish
her well. She has been a teacher In
the Norfolk public schools , and an
especially efficient teacher , too.
Miss McNIsh has made Norfolk her
home for n number of years , during
which time she has made a great
many warm friends who will regret
her departure from Norfolk. Her fa
ther and mother reside near Fromon-
but were unable to be present this
morning. Miss McNIsh Is clover to
n degree and will be missed in the
younger soclnl set.
Dr. Chnrlps A. McKIm , who hns re
sided In Norfolk for many years , Is
n veterinary surgeon of unusual abil
ity , having recently been appointed ,
without solicitation , to the office ot M
state veterinarian. He has built up M
a very largo practice throughout
northern Nebraska and has many
business ns well as social friends not
only In Norfolk but throughout the
Dr. William F. Jones , United States
veterinarian , formerly throughout the
northwest with Norfolk as his head
quarters. Is now located at McCook.
Ills residence here was brief but durIng -
Ing his stay in Norfolk IIP made many
hearty friends for himself.
Dr. and Mrs. McKIm left on n noon
train for Sallna , Kansas , whore they
will visit with the brother of the
groom , Dean William McKIm , for a
shoit time before locating In Lincoln ,
where they will bo nt homo after the
flrst of July. Mrs. McKIm wns
gowned for the ceremony In a beau
tiful brown traveling suit.
Dr. and Mrs. Jones left on n noon
train for the west , nnd will visit the
Pnciflc coast , Including California , be
fore settling nt McCook Mrs. Jones
was married In n. handsome
away gown of blue