Powder Is duo lo Its Perfect Quality and Moderate Price Used in Millions of Homes g II art wns luirt short time. n town who ar and that is collar up a Monday from ho Henry Fuchs Lot. wns observed hero the G. A. R. post nnd 5corating the graves In i. There was no extra awfully rainy day last still we can boast of ty , namely : there was 'it ' one , born to Mr. nnd Innsen , and a daughter , 1 , was welcomed at the 'r. and Mrs. . Joseph Kcrbcl. Wltzlgniau , assistant cash- Valley bank , returned Sun- a two weeks' visit at Clln- frther points in Iowa , lorex and W E. Kilbuni were tnrday from Meadow Grove. , of Gotlelb Henseleit bid Monday afternoon at the L'an clunch and the remains laid to t'est at the Lutheran cem- OlRFOLK TVJ Occupying the Higliesi Plane Possible to Big Circus Creation tS BROS. SHOWS ilest Gathering of rs ver s n It is not thrtf prominent acts . t nlire asprcaion of , Human Achievement Rtnoanfd Ftttures selected ie to make this the it io Thi "Jorli His Eur In old b II Same Us later , act 1. School orchestra. Miss Rosella Cole , on of diplomas , Dr P. II. Homage to Heroes.v worth. Nob. , May 31. Special News : As rain has-bten fall- past week hero the ground the G. A. R. nnd W imlttees to go to rlos and deco- Idlers during "PANAMA" SPECTACLE .lc Veilrl\vlniiDnne CAt T. Vv'iBo'5 'lUAit-s.-D SEALS TW"O TROUPCS OP ACTING P O L. A R W O JS O C S THE AURORA ZOUAVES SXXT fii . _ _ _ - TOA ! IDC Stnrtllnjr Gquoatrlnn Son.intlon : 1 KVJUrCi T(1E UTCST AND GREATEST OF RIDISQ EXPLOITS SS PROSPER > PfcI F\ / " * If OI T C1 oJOO Performers Chen 6 = FOLD CIRCUS ' ' " - i'v.'hTA.r- BESIDES EVERY STRANGE , CURIOUS , COSTLY CREA TURE KNOWN TO ZOOLOGY THE LARGEST MENAGERIE IN ALL THE WORLD Mammoth African and ZEFFA Huge-Tusked. Giant - Enrcd kand Three Big Herds of Wisest Acting Oleplumts In the Most [ HINQ SHOW OF ELEPHANT SAGACITY EVER SEEN etory south of town. The altendanco " was very large. A $1,000 Baptist church Is undo' Distinction on John Ott's farm In HLthland precinct. hursday is Ascension day nnd It l le observed In the Catholic and r oiin hurchcs. The latter alpu Holy communion services . ! ? ' 't f Werner was up to Meadow days In the interest of Ilengstler Bros' . Implement business. Twenty-five car loads of hogs and cattle , a special train , were shipped from this station to Omaha Tuesday. W. A. Sutherland Is painting all the buildings on P. S. Wright's farm south of town. Zac Cox \\as up to Stuart last week for a visit with his family. They are .running a cattle ranch there now and as soon as Mr. Cox can dispose of his property here he will Join his family. "Wm. Hawkins was here Friday on business from Meadow Grove. The outside walls of the Valley bank building are repaired partly with cement this week and then the bricks will he painted. Miss Martha Hedman , who is an employe at the Insane asylum at Lin coln , Is he.re on a visit with her pa rents , Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hedman. OST E O PAT HY DR. O. R. MEREDITH Office and Residence , 109 Karth Tenth Street. . , 254. The Grandest pin Longest , Richest IJW Most Gorgeous | tj Free Street B II Every Morning at 10 O'Clock , OBE FIFTY-CENT TICKET ADMITS TO' EVERYTHING. CHILDREN UNDER TWELVE YEARS. HALF-PRICE. TWO , COMPLETE EXHIBITIONS DAILY DOORS OPES AT I 00 AND 7.00 P. II PERFORMANCESJJEGlNAT.OO.AHn 800 P. JL seats ana aannssion tickets can bo secureu on Show Day at Keonigstoin's and Alain streets , at the same price charged on the show grounds.