m ; H ' \in \ IN aw a. MAY MI THE NORFOLK NEWS : FH1DA Y.MAY 10. 1905. THE NORFOLK NEWS W. N. HUSK , Pubtlitirr. DAILY. tKltnlillMied 1087. ] nvrry,0ny except Himdny. lly cnr- rlcr per week , 16 cent * . lly Norfolk pOBtoltlco delivery , per yenr ( 10.00 , lly mull nn rnnvl routen nnd outside of Norfolk , per year , > 3,00. WKISKI.Y M\VN-JODU.\AI The News , KMnlillMicil , 1K81. Tlio Journnl , Kutulillnhoil , 1877. Every Friday , lly mull per year , Sl.CO. Hntereil nt the poMofriec nt Norfolk , Ncli. , ns second cluon mntter. Telephone ! ISMItorlnl Department , No. 22. HuslncBs Olllce ntul Joli llooins , No. 322. And the .luno Hoods linvo not yet registered In. A pchooner rigged corn planter nnil screw propeller stirring plow might find a market In noith Nebraska. Tnft Is proving himself big enough In every way to 1111 tlio executive clmlr. H May docs not reform before Me morial day the old Boldlor vote will be against lier. Captain Hobson Is becoming solllRb cnongb to want one , all bis own. He Is BOOH to be married. Tlio spring bos not thus far given cause to envy tbe Iceman bis posi tion. The coal dealer continues to bo it. There IB evidently danger In being nn Ohio banker. Ten of them arc behind the bars of the state peniten tiary. Una Field Marshal Oyama miscalcu lated on tlio date bo Intended to oc cupy Harbin , or was bo merely mis quoted ? Nan Patterson Is now free nnd the public la free from rending the stuff that has emanated from the show girl's trial. It is getting to bo n safe bet that Ncbraflkn will bettor than furnish the molBturo necessary for the develop ment ol the crops. Tlio fellow who could stir up a hot wind and dust storm in Nebraska might get a Job by applying to the people of this state. Jupiter Pluvlus has things so scien tifically arranged In Nebraska tlmtho can this spring squeeze n very re- Bpcctnbly-sized shower from the clear sky. Nan will now probably proceed to gather in the results'of the advertis ing she has received. The manner in which she will collect , If yet to bo chosen , Uns not been announced , Business men as well as builders and farmers would bo thankful If May should put forward a spell of weath er bearing a somewhat closer rcsom- bianco to summer. Juno roses nnd Juno brides will not have n fair chance unless the weather man can recover the fair weather combination that seems to have been mislaid. King Edward has Installed an Amer ican type-writer , but so far no word of protest has been beard from Queen Alexandria. Walt till the time comes for buying ribbons. Great Britain is not particularly anxious to get Into.a row with Franco and is doing all in her power to head off the trouble that seems to be com ing from the far east. May does not appear to bo offering the prolific and pestlfcroua house tiles and mosqultos any advantages this year. They may be expected to make up for It later In the season. General Wood and Chief Pala arc creating a very effective little side dl version from the main circus while Oyama and Llnevltch are spitting on their hands and getting ready for the main event Mr. Rockefeller cannot hope to re move the taint from his money by encouraging the churches to follow his example and consolidate. It Is quite a different proposition thougl : similar. May is very seriously injuring he reputation in Nebraska nnd with only eighteen days of the month remaining she should take a brace nnd grab few opportunities for honor left be fore June demands to bo heard. It is now said that the Jnpanes movement against the Russians inth , far cast was a mere feint to ascertain the strength of the outposts of th enemy. They arc entitled to try again in the near future and deliver a blow in the solar plexus. An Iowa tornado twisted and spll into kindling wood a church name "Harmony. " If there was as mud wrangling and Jangling in the churc ! as usual where they are named fo peace , harmony , or brotherly love , th' ' itonn liliiR waH perhaps fully justified n laying low the building. If the weatbor experienced this print ; has HH dlHndvantngofl It also IIIH advantage. The spring poet who IIH been able to tune his lyre and nut ho machinery going at the usual rate : hls year Is as rare as a four-logged winter. it IB said that the health of John ) . Rockefeller , Jr. , IB breaking down , 'crimps ' his father may be compelled 0 force hlfl "tainted" wealth upon 'harltablo ' Institutions unless hlHhelrH manage to maintain better health and IHIH outllvo the oil king. The Chicago strike situation may m quieting somewhat , but It Is evi dent that the matter Is not yet down ! o the basis that the department itorcfl nnd other largo employers would llko to huvo It. There IB a lot : o bo desired on their part. Mayor Friday has taken the first stop toward llxlng the gulch and It B a probability that by the time the floods come down from the hills next Reason they will find their way to ho river without passing through one if the best residence sectlonH of tlio : lty. Norfolk should got In line for a do nation for n public library from Andrew - drew Carncglo before bis funds for : hls purpose nro completely exhausted , iloldrego , a town of 3,000 people , him lust tapped the steel magnate's barrel 'or $7,000 for such a purpose. The railroad managers are confident : hat the attempt of the government to control railroad rates would prcoipl- nto n terrible panic. It IB possible. 'ho ' government will concede to the magnates the power of creating such 1 calamity should they deem the conn- ry deserving of such a punishment. The Russians have ceased to fear ho resultH from rioting on Easter and y days , and the line of fear has lieen set up another notch now nnd ilaccd nt "Red" Sunday. They seem ; o draw enough real trouble without .ntlclpatlng the disaster that some lollday may bring upon them. The rumor that Nebraska farmers , ro tearing the rails from the rail- oad tracks to weight down the corn hey have planted Is utterly without 'oundatlon. This Is on nn equality vlth the story that each kernel has cen provided with a life preserver nil will bo permitted to shift for tsclf. It Is said that the talk of running resident Roosevelt for another term irlgitmted down In Texas. This might 10 taken to mean that the Iono Star tate was ashamed of the company ho was In last year nnd wants one ; nero chance to show that the right lilug can , In time , ho done , even In Texas. Mr. Bryan approves of the action of ho Iroquols club of Chicago In enter- alnlng the president and likewise nkcs a stand In favor of the presl dent's views on the matter of rail road rates. The last days of the re public cannot be In sight when great [ inlltlcal lenders will express hnrmo- : ilous views on the same subject. With the retirement of Jeffries from the prize ring It Is up to some of the minor pugilists who have been afraid of the big champion to put up claims for the championship and prepare to defend the title , and some heavy fight ing In the heavyweight class Is to be anticipated by those who delight In the amusement furnished by the ring. The farmers of the country can af ford to feel n certain pride in the fact that New York state Is out with an appeal for more tillers of the soil. It Is n certain sort of evidence that the farmer Is rapidly approaching the state where he can eclipse In power and prosperity the wealth representei' ' on Wall street. The pro-convention fight in the Sec oud congressional district Is rapidly assuming shape that gives some fore taste of the battle that is to follow Campaign-hungry politicians may b expected to keep their gaze in tha direction until after the supreme cour will say whether or not they can hav a fight of their own in other parts o if the commonwealth. The French railway men who hav been attending the international rai way congress express their delight I everything American that they have seen , but they have not yet said that they would pull up their railroads nnd transfer them to this country. Until they do the Americans will bo in clined to take their "taffy" with sev eral grains of salt. Mr. Bryan almost half way took the stump for President Roosevelt last year , but if the president ran In and had his railroad rate platform to too stand upon , while someone like Judge ; Parker took democratic nomination , it would not bo astonishing If the former leader of democracy should ho for him without reservation when thonoxt national context IB pulled off. In response to the charge that Franco linn been violating the neutral ity laws , that country declares that Japan and the United States are oth ers In the mtino boat. It Is claimed that .Inpan'B IIBC of Philippine waters Is an had as Russia's maneuvers on the coast of Cocbln-Chlna. Perhaps Franco would like to walk out Into the alley and Hay it to Uncle Sam's face. Jninefl .1. Jeffries Is ex-champion In the pugilistic world. RhcunmtlHin , with malaria ns ( miner , has met him and put him out In a few roundB. So badly IIHH the fighter boon punished that ho announces his retirement from the stage along with that from the prlzo ring. He will fight no more un less , perchance , ho IB able to train up and successfully meet the present champion again and put him out. The Blurting of the trans-Atlantic yacht race has sot Sir Thorns Llpton to thinking altout that American cup ngaln nnd ho pronounces as absurd tlio assertion that he has given up the fight for the trophy. Ho says that ho will BOOH have a design In hand which ho hopes will bo preliminary to thobulldlng of n winning boat. Ho expects to keep after it ns long as ' he lives nnd his enthusiasm seems to wnrrant the belief that he will provide In his will for the construction of fu ture cup racers. There Is at least one Colorado wo man who does not fully appreciate the advantages offered her sex through the granting of suffrage. She was summoned to servo on a Jury In n di vorce case but Ignored the writs nnd was finally arrested and hi ought Into court where she was immediately elected by her fellow Jurors as fore man of the tribunal. The pleasure of serving on Juries nnd working out poll tax should bo the shard of all who are granted the right to vote. According to the testimony before the Interstate commerce commission at Chicago , at least one member of the packing house combine has ar ranged to promptly steer clear of the commissioners' power through a se cret telegraph code that can put their people on guard and head off any thing that Is likely to prove damaging to their Interests. The testimony of the stenographer at the recent sitting of the commission IB interesting , if it docs not prove effective In showing up the methods of the trusts. Women who have succeeded in growing out the hair on their heads that was banged a few years ago will bo interested , no doubt , to learn that along with hoop skirts , It Is decreed from certnln fashionable quarters that bangs nnd curls nro to soon be nil the rage. The now style of dressing the hair Is called the "poodle dog ef fect , " but that will not deter some of the followers of fashion from coming as near to the poodle dog look as pos- slble , provided only that it Is the fashion. The fact that President Roosevelt was entertained by the strongest dem- ocrntlc organization of Chicago and that the president responded with the same spirit that characterized the In- vltatlon may or may not Indicate that the two had similar political views and Inclinations , but it nt least means that there are democrats and repub licans who are broad enough and gen erous enough to at times subordinate their political differences and meet on terms of friendship nnd equality. The people of the country are gradually approaching a higher plane nnd bet ter understanding of one another , nnd the time may come when men of all political parties will , even In the midst of n campaign be inclined to treat their opponents with fairness nnd courtesy. New York claims to have It straight that Governor Mickey Is about to sum mon the state legislature in special session to consider n freight rate bill. Nebraska is , of course , as anxious as other states to receive Justice In the matter of freight rates , but It Is not ns Impatient ns the New Yorkers ap pear to believe. The matter can rest until congress decides what it will attempt to accomplish In the matter nnd the regular session of the legis lature will come in time sufficient to prevent the railroads from getting a corner on all the wealth of the state. It certainly cannot bo what would bo called n picnic exactly for the pres ident to take n trip out through the country nnd meet tbo demands of his constituents. On the route the people are out long bcforo the dawn to in slst on catching a glimpse of the executive ecutivo , and nt night they are up until the \ree sma' hours for the same pur pose , so that ho would not bo per mitted to sleep at all if his clamoring admirers had their way. President Roosevelt's record in Chicago is un doubtedly n fair sample of his stren uous existence on the road. Out of twelve hours and n half In that city tlm president put In cloven nnd a half hours In entertaining nnd being entertained. One luncheon , three re ceptions , one banquet , four carriage rides and n conference with labor lenders was the program ho had dished up to him In tbo windy city. John N. Baldwin , Burlington legal advisor , has Informed the Intornatlon- nl railway congress that no legislation on the rnto question Is demanded from the west. Mr. Baldwin should return long enough to place his ear to the ground nnd learn what the west demands on this subject. It Is safe to bellevo that about nine out of ten people will consider that the Honor able Mr. Baldwin has cither delib erately fibbed to the congress , or that he Is remarkably Ignorant on a sub ject he pretends to nuthorltntlvely dis cuss. If It was not for the fact that Ne braska has extra good underpinning the millions of tons of water that have been soaked Into Its soil nnd that are held In the depressions of Its surface might well bo calculated to sink the commonwealth out of sight. If the stnte could now bo picked tip nnd wrung llko a dish rag It Is possible that n lake Michigan would bo squeezed from it. It is not desired that the stnte should be treated In that manner , but the weather man might at least hang it out to dry for a few days. If any easterner can doubt that "drouth-stricken" Nebraska can be flooded It would be almost worth their transportation out here to convince them that they are both pig headed and foolish. During the past decnde Nebraska has had more flood than drouth nnd the records are In hand to prove that neither extreme has been injurious to Its crop-producing qual ities. In spite of every adverse clr- cumstnnco the corn and the wheat and oats , not to mention the swine and kino , have been making prosper ity records that have created bank accounts , big of girth nnd tall of stature. The fraternities and churches have taken an advance step for the caring of consumptives by-establishing nsnn- Itnrium nt Las Vegas , Now Mexico , for the especial treatment of tbe great white plague. Ten thousand acres of land have been given by the city and a million dollars is the contribution of the Santa Fe railroad toward the en terprise. The fraternities nnd church es nro to keep up the expenses and maintain the patients at the sanitari um. It Is expected to bo able to ac commodate 5,000 patients by next fall. The . number will be Increased as rap idly as funds can be raised to provide for their care. It is n highly com mendable ' scheme and will doubtless prove the most worthy movement the \sorld has ever seen. Rockefeller Is now said to be in favor f of a church trust , and thinks that t religion nnd Christianity would be benefited materially by doing away with creeds and dogmas and getting fewer fr nnd better church organizations. r There are ninny reasons to suppose that t if this way of combining is good for j business It will benefit religious endeavors. In small towns , particu larly j that could support one church and do it well , it hampers the work .o have three or four half-supported jhurches , and with frequently no pas- : ors. It has been an era when every person or clique In a church having a grievance withdraws and forms a new society with the result that neither they nor the original society prospers. The fact that the Presbyterians , Bap tists and other denominations are get ting together would Indicate that Mr. Rockefeller is not entirely original in his ideas , and with this sentiment working it is perhaps a mere matter of time when not only the different Presbyetrlan and Baptist churches , but the various denominations will get together in one body and make of themselves a strong and enduring body. How's This ? I We offer one hundred dollars re ward for any case of catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , O. We , the undersigned , have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years , and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions , and fl- nanclally able to carry out any obli gations made by his firm. Waldlng , KInnan & Marvin , Wholesale druggists , Toledo , O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter nally , acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent free. Price , 75c per bottle. Sold by nil druggists. Take Hall's family pills for const ! pation. Not a cent wanted , unless you are cured. If you are sick nnd ailing , take Hollleter's Rocky Mountain Tea. A great blessing to the human family Makes you well keeps you well. 3E cents , tea or tablets. The Klesnu Drug Co. What north Nebraska needs more than an irrigation scheme is to have good drainage opened to relieve the Hood situation. There Is enough wa ter backed up nt the present time to effectually water several drouth Btrlck- on states for a month or two. While disagreeable , It Is a condition that haw existed for several years and the sec tions nffectod have continued to reg ister In with bumper crops. There nppenrs on the scenp a rail road man who not only stands with the president nnd the people but de sires nothing hut justice In the mntter of rates. His name Is A. B. Stlckncy of the Great Western , and his state ment Is In pleasing contrast to the selfish tactics of some of his asso ciates. He has filed with the sena torial committee n statement In favor of giving the Intcrstnte commerce com mission the power to fix rates , and says that the commission would bo the most satisfactory arbiter possible. Speaking of rebates , be says that "since the injunctions the traffic di rectors have stopped paying rebates on grain shipments , but in lieu thereof have paid elevator fees , which Is an other way of giving rebates. " A gov ernment commission , he says , would bo untrnmmoled by competition or a desire to secure tonnage for any par ticular line nnd could frame an equit able schedule. The people have faith that there are other railroad men like Mr. Stlckney but they have not yet appeared , and until they do Mr. Stlck ney will stand high In their estima tion. They might all find it to their advantage to stand for the Stlckney principles and do ns he has done. The more just men the railroads can disclose , the more generous will be heir treatment by the public. There Is no surprise on the part of quite n number of people that Secre- ary of the Navy Morton should sud denly decide that railroad work is more congenial than holding a portfolio - folio in President Roosevelt's cabinet : eon after the return of the executive rom his hunting trip. The views he lias expressed on the railroad rate sit- lation seem to have been ample ex cuse for his retirement. Nebraska would have been pelased immensely f it had been found that President Roosevelt had a firm supporter on rail- oad rates and other questions In the person of Mr. Morton , but If he could not itbido by the president's program the state is interested enough in that position to desire to have him retire. The state superintendent's office has undertaken to encourage the school children of Nebraska in agriculture and nature studies by offering prizes to be awarded in January for the best results from the planting of seed corn provided from the office. Each pupil s provided with 500 kernels when he makes his desire known of entering the contest and from this planting the judges are to make their decision In January. The quality of the seed be ing the same , it will depend on the soil , the rainfall , the amount of cul tivation and judgment of the planter to bring the best results. The result of the contest will be eagerly awaited , and the prizes are said to be well worth trying for. The greatest joke yet sprung on the senatorial Investigating commit tee that is inquiring into the freight rate business Is the testimony that is being given by shippers who have been favored through the discrimina tions against which the president and the people have registered their em phatic protests. They give it out that the present arrangement is strict ly satisfactory and that they wouldn't have a change for the world. Com ing from shippers , the railroad people ple are confident that It will have a satisfactory effect on the public , but they are not as easily bamboozled as might be supposed. It Is to be ex pected that the shipper who has been favored above his fellows will object to a change of program. He is able to do business that his competitor caqnot touch and his power and wealth have been increasing because of his advantages in the field. He has been taking the business and the profits that should have gone to ri vals if there was equality and justice in the matter of rates. These fellows now assume to speak for all the ship pers ic their section of country and demand that the present rates be maintained. The senatorial commit- mitteo seems inclined to take this tes timony at its face value and accept it as representing the sentiment of the shipper in general , but the public has quite a different conception of the matter and will not deliver Judgment on any such testimony. They would much prefer the statements made by the railroad men themselves , who , at least have no covert motive in de manding conservatism. Strictly Genuine. Most of tbe patent medicine testimonials menials are probably genuine. The following notice recently appeared in the Atcblson ( Kan. ) Globe : "Joe Tack , a well known engineer , running on tbe Missouri Pacific between Wichita nnd Klown , lately appeared in a big one , with a picture , and whoa ho was In this office today , wo nskod him about It Ho says ho had terrific pains In his stomach , nnd thought ho I had cnncor. His druggist recommend ed Kodol nnd ho says It cured him. Ho recommended It to others , who wcro also cured. " Kodol Dyspepsia euro digests what you cat and cures nil stomach troubles. Just ns surely as the sun shines your stomach can bo brought back to its originally pure condition nnd life sweetened by this lasting nnd truly the greatest digest- nnt known. Sold by Asn K. Leonard. Bilious Bill was getting bloated , And his tongue was muchly coated. Patent "tonics" wouldn't euro him , Companies would not insure him. All his friends were badly frightened , But their spirits were soon lightened , For Bill said and they believed him , Early Riser pills relieved him. The famous little pills "Early Ris ers" euro constipation , sick headache , biliousness , etc. , by their tonic effect on the liver. They never gripe or sicken , but impart early rising energy. Good for children or adults. Sold by Asa K. Leonard. Where are you sick ? Headache , foul-tongue , no appetite , lack energy , pain in your stomach , constipation ? Holllstor's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well nnd keep you well. 35 cents. The Klesau Drug Co. ATCHISON GLOBE SIGHTS. " " " You no longer see women wearing garments of hideous colors , the men monopolizing all those shades In their sweaters. When big sister takes a music les son the other children in the family arc compelled to maintain a silence that is so deep it is almost religious. Jnventors keep fooling with airships , submarine boats , etc. , when nil the time an umbrella stay which will not rust out remains undiscovered. If a lodge woman Is a good manag er ' , she can travel at the expense of the ' lodge as easily as a traveling man can travel at the expense of the house. " The length of every marriage en gagement indicates that the man pro poses before he has any money saved and the girl has to/wait till he saves it. V One of the very prettiest girls In -A"1 . town lives in West Atchison , and , as „ usual , she has a homely sister who Is * ' I twice ns proficient in sensible things and twice as valuable to the family. Don't harbor a grudge. The first thing you know It will have taken root nnd you can't ge rid of it. More tragedies are due to an old grudge than to anything else In the world. When a young man walking on the street with his girl changes at every turn so that he has the outside of the walk , she thinks "What a noble pro tector he will be to the lucky woman who gets him. " We can toleiate the man who gets drunk in the evening occasionally , and who works as usual the next day , al though suffering intensely from bust head. But the man who gets drunk in the morning and stays drunk three or four days , and seems to enjoy every moment of his debauch , wearies us to the point of desperation. I Time Tried and Merit Proven. One Minute Cough cure is right on time when it comes to curing coughs , croup , whooping cough , etc. It is perfectly harmless , pleasant to take and Is the children's favorite cough syrup. Asa K. Leonard. Beautify your complexion with little cost. If you wish a smooth , clear , cream-like complexion , rosy cheeks , laughing eyes , take Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea , greatest beautlfier known. 35 cents. The Kiesau Drug Co. Hot Weather Piles. Persons afflicted with piles should be careful at this season of the year. Hot weather nnd bad drinking water contribute to the conditions which make piles moro painful and danger ous. DeWltt's Witch Hazel salve stops tbe pain , draws out the sore ness and cures. Get the genuine , bearing the name of E. C. DeWitt & Co. Asa K. Leonard. As an advertising medium The News-Journal is unexcelled in Its tor- I ritory. < -iV DeWITT'S WITCH HAZEL SALVE TXIE ORIGINAL Y A Well Known CUT * for Pfles. ' Cures obstinate sores , chapped kaud * . o tema , skin diseases. Make * burns and ecaldj painless. Wo could not Improv * UM quality if paid double tha prico. Th best salr * that experience can product or that mooty can buy. Cures Piles Permanently DeWltt's Is the original and enry BUT * and genuine Witch Hazel Salv * mad * . Look fet the name DeWIT on every box. AM ethan We counterfeit iKcrAiioir K , C , D W17T * CO. , CUICAOOW Bold by Asa K Leonard.