TiTil/A l. M/l.4. IS , 1 V0. THE NORFOLK NEWS W. N. HUSK , rublUttrr. DAILY. Kvcry dny except Bundnr. y jnf- tier rcr week. 1ft cent. , lly NorfolU postomce delivery , per yenr , 18.00. lly nmll on rural route * nnd outBliio or Norfolk , per yenr , 18.00. WUKKI.V M3W-JOtmNAI Til * No\\i , KMnbllMieO. 1881. The Journal , KMnbUMied , 1877. Every Frlilny. Hy mnl > Pr ymr , 11.60. Entered nt the pnstomoo nt Norfolk , Neli. , IVB econd claim mutton Telephoneii ! Editorial D'P rtnient. No 22. UunlntM Dolce nnd Jon lloomii , No. 322. _ You niny not become n millionaire , but you may be Just J\H hnppy by owning n homo In north l4obrnnkn. If tbo polltlclnns of Nebraska cnn not Kot nctlvo In their proper Hpboro thlB year , they mlRbt nt leant Ret In n few bUBy moments this spring nt digging tlnntlellotis. The BtntCH surrounding Nebraska nhcnild provide themselves with warm nlr furnnceR to melt the snow luinkH no that these cold waves might be kept from trending on Nobrnskn'H mild spring nnd Hummer ellmnto. Since the JurlcH empnnnolled cnnnot neem to succeed lu romovlng Nun Pattcrfion from the public eye It IH up to the public to tnko the few blinks thnt will dislodge her. She bus not proven title to n permnnont plnco In news BensntlonB nnd something now should bo immediately substituted. The decision of the government to reduce rntes on the Pnnnmn railroad IB In line with the desire of the nd- ministration thnt there should lie nn equalizing of freight tnrlffs tlfrough- out the country and after Inking tbla Btep the ndmlnlatratlon nmy proceed with Us program without four of n charge of Inconsistency. The Blight touches of whirling wind "that has visited Nebraska In the paat week Is evidence that ngaln Kansas has permitted some of her friends to get over the line. With Kansas cyClones - Clones , South Dakota blizzards , Min nesota cold waves nnd const wetness crowding Into this state the people claim nn emphatic right to protest. Nebraska has hnd a little chill nnd a slight touch of frost , but the people hero may have renson to tbnnk their good fortune thnt they do not reside In North Dakota , Montana or Manito ba , where for several days past the locomotives have been compelled to wear snow plows In order to make their wny over the tracks. There Is n possibility thnt Secre tary Loeb niny have to vlBlt In Omaha for a while , whether President Roosevelt - velt does or not. Miss Wood has had Issued a summons for the president's private secretary and oven the * secre tary of the president Is not powerful enough to defy a court's mandate. If , therefore , the court wants him nnd ho appears In Nebraska ho is not likely to get out ngaln without the proper proceeding nt law. The trust's crown continue to rest uneasy In Kansas , where a member of the grain dealers' association has been sentenced to ninety days In jail for the violation of the state's anti trust law. John D. Rockefeller , whoso combination In oil Is being assailed In the Sunflower state , will do well to keep his personality out of Kansas until there Is a considerable change 1 In sentiment if not in the law. With the price of wheat taking a downward slide , corn is of the ap ' parent purpose of keeping matters on the market even nnd has been going up some. The bulls will not greatly elevate the price until the first of the new , crop has appeared above the sur face of the grdund to be killed off by ' latei > frosts , grasshoppers or other nl- lies of the boosters. Then the price [ . will be put on the teeter board with wheat. With the Norfolk commercial club ibn on the program for better roads In , out and around Norfolk , Mayor Frl- day advocating the control of Corpo ration gulch nnd the two together working for the glittering of the business siry ness streets of the city , there Is very likely to he something of advantage accomplished for the city along these lines of endeavor. The people have long desired these Improvements nnd will he found supporting the efforts of both in every wny In their power. It seems quite definitely certain that Pat Crowe has at last appeared on the scene of his alleged crime nnd that ho may decide to give himself up If the courts nnd officers nre willing to concede certain points that ho deems to his advantage. If Pat has been out for advertising that would give him a certain place In the world he may well consider that he has achieved success and should he In de mand by dime museum managers If not having to do with theatricals or literature. The battleship Maine Is to be raised cde from Havana harbor and the move- able pnrtB of the vexnel are to bo con verted Into souvenirs nnd sold It IB possible for the promoters of the Bchomo to make a fortune from the undertaking If they work It right Americana love Houvenlrfl , but It would Heein that tbo Klmplcst wny of BntlB- fylijg the demand would bo to work up any old vessel for the purpose. There IH likely to bo no trndo murk blown Into the material of which the Maine Is constructed thnt would des ignate It from thnt of nny other ves sel IIH far HB the people of the Inte rior , nt least , nre concerned. Cnllfornln has figured out thnt HB tourist biiBlnexB nlono Inst year amounted to inoro than $18,000,000 , nnd nnother prosperous yonr IB In Bight for the people who enter to theBO travelers. In nddltlon the rail roads have reaped a nice harvest from the hufilnesB and other Interests have secured a Bharo. California Is of course to bo congratulated In the premises , but when the people under- Bland nil the desirable features of nn outing In Nebrnska It Is not unlikely thnt some of this business will be bended off right here , nnd It would cer tainly bo much cheaper for the tour- IstB to stop half way to the Golden Gate. Mayor Friday has spoken out em- phntlcnlly regnrdlng the control of the Corporation gulch floods that sweep through Norfolk several times a year doing damngo to streets , side walks , lawna and gardens , and It Is to bo hoped that under his ndmlnlstra- tlon something of a permanent nnd effective nnturo mny bo done to chnngo the situation. The mayor rightly nsBiimes that the property own ers Immediately nffectcd nnd the pub lic nt Inrgo ns fnr ns the expense of keeping up the ntrccts nnd sidewalks Is concerned , nro tired of this con tinual drain nnd regnrdless of the more money paving , would bo glad to have the destructive Hoods confined to their natural channel. Likewise Is ho right on the matter of nt least gut tering the main business streets. Many would prefer to have them pnvcd but If this cnnnot ho done the putting In of gutters would be most ncceptnblo nnd the thoroughfares greatly Improved. These nro mat ters on which tbo council mny con tribute to their popularity by follow ing the mayor's suggestions , and the Improvements should ho early under taken thnt they mny be completed this summer. The Chicago Chronicle figures that In u very few years John D. Rocke feller's wealth will reach the billion mark , nnd thnt ho will bo the first billionaire In the world , having the largest Income of nny one man In the world. The Chronicle finds thnt the Income of the czar of Russia , $12,000,000 ; the emperor of Germany , $1,000,000 ; the emperor of Austrln- llungnry , $ .875,000 ; the King ofEng . land , $2,225,000 ; and the king of . Spain , $2,000,000 , combined , would not equal that of plain John Rockefel ler , citizen of the United States. The Rockefeller wealth was given at $5- 000 In 1805. nnd the billion dollar ac- cumulntlon hns come from thnt mod est stnrt. It Is estimated that the In dustries and enterprises controlled by the oil king are capitalized nt more than $5,000.006,000. While tbero Is a decided sentiment ngninst Mr. Rockefeller - efeller nnd his methods , nnd the peo- pie of the entire country somewhat fear the power that one man may thus control , there is some reason for pride In the thought that America possess es such a financier and thnt the greatest - est country in many things should produce a mnn of his genius and his wealth , but the greatest renson for pride is the fact thnt In this country should It be possible through the cnre ful management of Its resources , for one man in an ordinary life time to win such wonderful results. In no other country is it possible now nor has it ever been possible , and , further - more. In no other country of the world can the ordinary people show equal ile wealth and independence. Despite [ Mr. Rockefeller's vast accumulation there are abundant opportunities for others and n chance for all to live. How's This ? We offer one hundred dollars re ward for nny case of catarrh thnt can- not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , O. We , the undersigned , have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years , and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions , and fi nancially able to carry but nny obli gations made by his firm. Waldlng , Kinnan & Marvin , Wholesale druggists , Toledo , O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter nally , acting directly upon the blood nnd mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price , 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's family pills for consti pation. Obstinate constipation , Indigestion and stomach disorders are permanent ly and positively cured by taking Hoi- lister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents , tea or tablets. The Klesau Drug Co.- President Roosevelt mny now qon Blder bis western trip complete. He hnB visited Nebraska. The fellow must have Been Nebras ka who coined the expression that It never rnlns but It pours. 1)111 ) Rudolph IB another who will commit | no more murders , nnd the world ( ] mny be better off whether ho IB or not. The Jnpa nro almost In n mood to turn their attention to the French nf- tor they have permanently disposed of the Russians. Tbo cyclone seems to hnvo a deter initiation to wlpo out anything with the name of KaiiBnfl to it oven though It finds It In MlBBourl. It IB possible thnt the Russians nre to bo smashed nil nlOng the line nt the next battle. Oynmn nnd Togo are both showing signs of activity. Nebraska City IB to celebrate the Fourth of Jiily , nnd the order of Eagles nt thnt plnco nro the ones who will give the proper twist to the nntionnl bird's tall. The president having finished with the Colorado bonr , the bears In other parts of the country are entitled to take to the woods and stay there un til danger Is past. Jim Jeffries Is fully competent to Instruct Jimmy Urltt regarding his recent ' acquisition nnd the champion heavyweight's opinion Is thnt he hns got nothing worth while. It Is evident thnt the ditch builder is ngnln to bo In more demand In Ne braska this spring than the rainmaker. The soaking of the soil to overllowlng is again being accomplished. Pat Crowe arrived on the scene just In time to prevent n semblnnce of im patience on the pnrt of the rending public becnuse of the long wnlt be tween nets in the war of the far east. Nebraska relic fiends should 1m- prove their opportunity and lay In a collection of cigarettes , stubs and pa pers , becnuse this form of weed is scheduled to pass into history on the first of July. July.'b The fact that the stnte pnys Its normnl school principals n better sal- nry thnn It does Its superintendent of public Instruction might he consid ered likely to mnke an Inferior posi tion of the Inrger office. Meanwhile the politicians in the First congressional district will be expected to hold the boards until the supreme court hns come to a deci sion regarding the constitutionality of the biennial election law. President Roosevelt's assertion will not bo questioned by nny Nebraska ! ) If ho declares that this Is the best and most promising stnto he hns yet en tered during bis western trip. In- habitants of other states might , how ever , rise to object. The Omaha chief of police contin i- ues to have nn ambition that only the bagging of Pnt Crowe will satisfy and if Pnt will kindly consent to not only visit Omnhn but walk into police head ; quarters , one Mr. Donohue will con sider it as n very great favor. Council Bluffs is Inclined to dis credit the Pnt Crowe story , and to match it hns discovered Eddie Ross there nnd one of the newspapers of Omnhn's rival town has given him an interview. It Is Omnha's turn , and it cnn be expected to disclose exactly who struck Billy Patterson. The popular election of normal school principals will receive a con siderable Impetus if the state board is not soon successful in breaking the deadlock that now appears to have tied its deliberations. The vote , of the seventh member of the board ap pears to be an imperative necessity. An Ohio woman has applied to the governor of that state for permission to wear trousers , and the adjutant gen eral proposes to amend the laws so that she may. She should first have the consent of the governor of her household nnd if he consents it would be a secondary matter to the state's executive. If you think that you nre having a hard time standing up for Nebras ka this spring you should try It in some other state a day or two , and you would find that the Nebrnska brand was the best In the bunch. Just imagine the advantages of this over a South Dakota snow drift and take a brace on your knees If they have begun to wobble. The Russian officials have again reached the point where they express "confidence. " This is usually nn om inous symptom In this war , as nil the Russian disasters have closely fol lowed expressions of confidence on the part of the officials. There would bo Jess disappointment , It would seem , if there should be apprehension of defeat , until after the battle has been fought. The senate will soon bo compelled to show some results from Its pro gram of Investigation every time the people present cbnrgcfl agnliiBt the railroads or other corporations If It Is to continue in favor with the pub lie The people cnn bo stood off nnd misled for n considerable time , but their patience will break some dny nnd . they will Insist on less Investlgnfn tlon and more nnd greater accom plishment In bringing jiiHtlco to the public. While the nnvnl forcen of Russia nnd Japan nre giving no Indication of nn nppronchlng fight , It Is very evident , dent . thnt there will be something do ing on Innd In a very Hhort time ns th < Jnpa nro crowding forward and an disastrous defent of the HUH- slant ! IB rather to be expected. If Togo IB too bnshful to push himself to the center of the war stage , Oynma secniH to be quite willing to come on ngnln nnd resume bis Interrupted drnmn. "Jimmy" Brltt mny have secured something worth having when he won the lightweight championship of the world , hut the young man who hns nn eye to success nnd knows what the general results of the championships are , mny bo perfectly justified in striving for some much more humble position In business , literature or pro fession. The level bended youth who hns n position nt a fair snlary sur rounded by his fnmlly nnd friends would not exchange with Brltt or nny other pug. Kansas seems to have been a little slow In cornering .ill the honors to hiSi accrued from a fight ngninst the Standard Oil monopoly nnd has per mitted Illinois to get under the cnn- , vns nnd tnke the mnln nctors In the show. However , there nre things to be done yet If the trust Is to be plnced out of business sufficiently to give the ir a chance. Until there Is ample chance for every mnn having an ! oil well on his land to do busi ness in the oil market , there will be something for the trust breakers to . do. Another primer on forestry has just been Issued by the government , thnt should be in the hands of those inter ested In tree planting nnd lumbering. One of the points emphasized in the work nre the returns from Intelligent tree plnntlng. A grove In Minnesota ify shown that was planted seventeen years ago nt n cost of $04.15 per acre. The timber now standing Is estimated to bo worth ? 184 per acre. A profit of more than $400 per ncre In seven teen years , with no cnre required in thnt time woith mentioning , should appeal to anyone looking for profitable - able use of Innd as n very consider- nble . Inducement to plant trees , nnd keep on plnntlng them. A Boston woman has objected em phatically to the motto which has been painted on the training ship Hartford , formerly Admiral Farrngut's flagship. The commander's famous naval excla mation , "Damn the torpedoes ; go abend ! ' Is there for the Inspiration of the cndets nnd the sensitive Boston mntron's code of morals hns been shocked. A substitute has been of- fered for her consideration , In the following language : "Permit me to : request that no attention be bestowed ! upon those submarine instruments of whose concatennted explosive tenden cies we have recently been given an exhibition. Pray proceed as expedl- tiously ns may be deemed advisable under the circumstances to which our attention has adverted. " . . Candidntes for governor are multi plying fast up In the northern and central part of the state. Judge W. M , Robertson of Madison and State Senator A. E. Cady of Howard county seem to enjoy the favor of the rank and file , Lieutenant Governor McGil- ! ton of. Omaha tannounced his can didacy before the legislature ad journed , and so did Spenker George L. Rouse of Hnll county , In conversa tion with his faithful friends. Other lightning rods are being erected , both north and south of the Plntte river , nnd the gubernntorlal race track promises to be thronged by repub licans who believe that a nomination will be equivalent to an eleotlon. There will be no dearth of good men , but it is not difficult to perceive that the aspirations of one may cross the wires of another. State Journal. There's no beauty In all the land That can with her face compare , Her lips are red , her eyes nre bright , She takes Rocky Mountain at night. The Klesau Drug Co. Hot Weather Piles. Persons afflicted with piles should 1 bo careful at this season of the year. Hot weather and bad drinking water ef contribute to the conditions which make piles more painful and danger ! ous. DeWHt's Witch Hazel salve stops the pain , draws out the sore ness and cures. Get the genuine , bearing the name of E. C. DeWltt & Co. Asa K. Leonard. Nebraska Is a trifle damp for any drouth stories to bo accredited by residents of the stnto , If the wetness prevents you from planting ] corn , you mny nt least ad mire the growing stunt thnt the wheat nnd rye nro putting forth. The Simple Life nnd Equitable Lifeffl nre not contemporaneous literary works ns some people might supposeun from n rending of the titles. It Is up to Mr. Brynn to show In this dny of money with n taint that the contribution from Grover Clove- Innd to the college nt Hastings. Is n fit subject for scrutiny. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ It hns been possible In the I loch cnso to hnvo n wife nppcnr In court ngninst her busbnnd. The court prob ably declined the responsibility of 'checking off the wives of the mnn that might appear to offer testimony. The Intest crop report stntes thnt fruit men nre plensed with the outlook - look , nnd It hns been but a few days . since nil the fruit was reported killed. Another killing or two mny be ex pected before the hnrvest. The civil service In Washington is getting down to a system. Hereafter : . It will be Impossible for a person to get a position ns charwoman without taking an examination and having the proper credcntlnls to show for It. Booker Washington gives it out ns an orlglnnl thought that the way to touch a white mnn is In the kitchen. The number of colored cooks In the country ( Is proof that numbers of his race have discovered that some time ago. Unless Mr. Schwab Is able to supm ply Russia with n few Deweys , Schleys nnd men behind the gains It mny be difficult for him to prove that the ves sels he has contracted to furnish the czar will be twenty per cent stronger thnn nny now afloat. Some of the leading state papers are discovering that there is a demand on the part of the republicans -that broader and better men be chosen to represent Nebrnska where statesmen nre required. The public has been . inclined that wny for yenrs. Perhaps Togo has merely been waitIng - Ing for that juncture of Russian boats thnt he may be nble to tnko them nil in a bunch and mnke such a clean sweep that the czar will have no fur ther excuse for prolonging the fight as far as the navy Is concerned. A man has said that it would take 200 years to build the Panama canal. It is possible that he might win out as a prognostlcntor if the French were to have been given the contract , but with Uncle Sam as the proprietor and Theodore Roosevelt as the overseer of . the contract , he is entitled to miss it by something more than a century. Confirmed smokers of the pipe are entitled to raise n monument or erect a statue of H. Rider Haggard , the Eng lish author , who declares that to J4O11 flIllll\Jl 1 > JJVJ \ < ( V. 1 (1 * 9 1,11 IV I. l\J be the only proper medium for the enjoyment - joyment of the weed. Smokers iif iff cigars and cigarettes and devotees of the plug are quite likely , however , to maintain their own opinion on the subject. : Because Norfolk now has an active commercial club it does not mean that every other citizen desiring the prog ress of the city can close his eyes and sweetly slumber while the club is looking to the work of advancement. It is just as much Incumbent upon every citizen to do all In his power for the development of Norfolk as it ever was and the more who work and the harder they work the better and quicker will the results be shown. If the scrap among the leading rail road magnates for transcontinental tonnage does not mean that It Is the most profitable business and capable len of large development , the average on- looker is about to miss his guess. Never has there been such a contest for the through passenger and freight business between the two coasts , and ide those who are looking into the future for the reason , believe that it is in and of the trans-Pacific trade with If the far east. It is quite apparent that one of two things are certain to hap pen in the not very dlstnnt future. Either some of the leading mngnntes will secure such power that they nro able to defy all competitors for the business or there will be a number of extensions to the coast of roads that will Insist on a share of the ton nage and passenger business coming from that direction. The fight will be watched with Interest by those recog- nlzlng that there is a great field for railroad development beyond the Rocky mountains , There are signs that the democratic party is attempting to get back to the people , but it is taking a peculiar and unpopular way of getting there. For Instance , the Franklin Sentinel sends up n wall bccauso a cottngo thnt could have been built five or six years ago for $1,000 , will now cost from $1,200 to $1ROO to build , yet If tin Sentinel would canvass the country tn It would find thnt eight or ten of I such cottngca nro now building where 'S there ' was one building five or six years ngo , Indicating thnt people have money to build now who did not hnvo . . It then. Then who should bo more entitled to make n profit thnn the builders of cottnges of a few yenrs ngo. None of them nro probably over burdened with wealth , nnd the av erage of them hnvo built them for homes nnd hnvo rensons for selling If their property Is on the mnrkct that will ndd to the evidences of prosper ous conditions. If the democracy Is to get bnck to the people it will bo compelled to pursue a more popular i * l ( course thnn thnt tnken by tbo Sen- - tlnel. | Strictly Genuine. Most of the patent medicine testimonials menials are probably genuine. The following notlco recently appeared In the Atchison ( Kan. ) Globe : "Joo Tack , a well known engineer , running erin the Missouri Pacific between orW Wichita and Klowa , lately appeared in a big one , with a picture , and when ho was in this office today , we naked 1 him about It Ho says ho had terrific } pains In his stomach , and thought ho ' had cancer. His druggist recommend ed Kodol and he eays It cured him. Ho recommended it to others , who were also cured. " Kodol Dyspepsia cure digests what you eat and cures all stomach troubles. Just as surely ns the sun shines your stomach can bo brought back to its originally pure condition and life sweetened by this lasting and truly the greatest digest- ant known. Sold by Asa K. Leonard. Baby sleeps and grows while mam my rests if Holllster's Rocky Moun tain Tea is given. It is the greatest baby ' medicine ever offered loving mothers. 35 cents , tea or tablets. The Klesau Drug Co. ATCHISON GLOBE SIGHTS. People flirt with trouble too much. Don't put on every shoe that fits you. \ An Atchison woman who sews is so industrious that she takes her sewing to lodge with her. John D. Rockefeller pensions his horses in their old age and lets them _ > rest. He is not so considerate of him- ' self. If a man's business obligations were never any more serious than n wo man's social engagements , he 'would be In clover. We would like to know under what heading the "clinging drapery" met in novels would come in n dry goods store ; calico , half wool and half cot ton , or what ? There Is a good deal of excitement in South Atchison. A girl in that part I of town was seized with an ambition ! to become an actress , and her father ' spanked it out of her. I An Atchison man who Is naturally very cross , is trying to be good natured - ' tured , having heard that good nature i will enable him to live longer. His attempts to be good natured are about 't the funniest performances in town. , A reporter said to a woman today : "Anything new ? " She replied. "You don't hear much that Is new when X you are at home , keeping house. " 9 For the matter of that , you don't hear much that is new when you are look ing for It on the streets. Bilious Bill was getting bloated , And his tongue was muchly coated. Patent "tonics" wouldn't cure him , Companies would not Insure him. All his friends were badly frightened. But ] their spirits were soon lightened , For Bill said and they believed him , Early Riser pills relieved him. The famous little pills "Earlyi Ris ers" cure constipation , sick headache , biliousness , etc. , by their tonic effect on the liver. They never gripe or sicken , but Impart early rising energy. Good for children or adults. Sold by- Asa K. Leonard. Time Tried and Merit Proven. One Minute Cough cure is right on time when It comes to curing coughs , croup , whooping cough , etc. It Is perfectly harmless , pleasant to take and is the children's favorite cough syrup. Asa K. Leonard. De WITT'S WITCH HAZEL SALVE THE ORIGINAL A Well Known Cure for Pflet. Curei obstinate aorear , ehappad kudu , v > _ xema , akin dlseasei. Make * burna and fcalda x painleai. We could not Improve tb uallt * If paid double the price. Th best aalr that experience can produce or thai mono * can buy. Cures Piles Permanently DeWltt's Is the original and only pure end Cenulne Witch Hazel Salvtmad * . L okfo the name DsWJT on every bo . All othiro Are counterfeit. . f , . > A * D T B. C. D WTVr A CO. , CUICAQO. Sold by Asa K. Leonard.