THE NOR.FOLK NEWS W. N , HUM : ! I'ublUlirr , 18S7. ] Kvcry dny except BunOny Hy cur- rlr > r per weok. 16 cent * . Hy Norfolk juintomco delivery , per yenr , Jfi.op. Hy mnll on mnU route * mill outtililo of Norfolk , per yenr , J3.00. WliKKI.Y MJ\\ > . .IOIIIINAI Tlio Now * , KntnlillKlirtl. 1881. The Jntirnnl , KutntiHMiett , 1R77. Kvory Frhlny. Hy mull per yenr , 11.60. Hntprctl nt tlio pnMolllro i < t Norfolk , NrV > . , IIB Mtcotiil clnun mtitter. Telephone * ! IMIlorlnl Department. No 22. lltixliiPKR Olllce niul Jot ) HonuiH , No. 922. _ fS llnvlng a your without politics. No- brnska will devote \wr \ tlino to busi ness expansion. Tlio wlno Nebraska clll/tm IH jmrtln- Inrly noted for tlio miinnor In which ho stays by the ulnto. NubrasKanH nro beginning to'olf - servo evidences of the huniimr crops thnt will bo harvoated In the Htato thin fall. If NobrnskauH bnvo done their duty the Htuto hns been benonted KOIIIO nilllloiiH of dollnrB through the ob- Borvnnco of Arbor dny. "llluobonrd" Hoch speaks for a flor- man jury , but that cnnnot save him. No nntlonnllty la nioro ready and will ing to pnnlRh vIolatorB of law than tlio Germans. Nnn Patterson failed to guess It on previous occasions nnd It Is justprob- nhlo that she la prejudiced this tlino when nho says that Hho will go frco nt tlio end of the trial. Norfolk IH feeling sorno lllio prog ress , herself , thank you , and them Is n good healthy commercial club now In the field to forward that de cidedly optimistic Inclination. With Raster Sunday safely past , It Is duo to the people of Nebraska that the weather tnko a turn and glvo some of that spring brand for which the state has become famous In years that nro passed. At the rate cement walks nro beIng - Ing laid In Norfolk the tlmo Is not far distant when boards , planks and even brick In the construction of path ways for pedestrians are unknown quantities. Slnro the Russians are permitted to visit nn Indefinite length nt a French port the Japanese nro about to see what kind of hosts the Amer icans will prove on a visit to the port of Manila. The wait for that RojoHtvensky- Togo scrap may be growing soiuowhat monotonous , but the world Is advised to bo patient as 'It Is promised that when the event Is pulled off It will bo well worth hearing about. There are but two months loft In which the cigarette fiends of Nebras ka may enjoy that form of narcotic nnd some of thorn would bo doing the right thing In toning down their ap petites to the quitting point. Another editor , J. C. Sprecher of the Schuylor Free Lance , has not been convicted of llb'cl , nnd It Is qulto evident thnt the person who starts a suit for damages on this point must have n case In order to be In the win ning. . Japan Is nt present Interested In finding out how much further France's Interpretation of neutrality laws will permit her to go in favoring the bel ligerent Russians. An early settle ment of this point will oblige the lit tle brown men. It is said thnt the season of the million dollar rain Is at hand. It is possible thnt the rain will soon ho recorded that will place the million dollar account on the wrong sldo of the ledger. The flood senson will no doubt assert Itself during the coming two months. Nqrth Nebraska got much rain nnd n little freeze out of the storm that swept down from the north the other day. Other localities seem to hnvo secured llttlo rain nnd much freeze from the same source , In which It Is ngnln shown that north Nebraska is particularly favored by tlio weather. A Wayne mnn hns n pure bred cow whoso Increase has netted him some thing llko $2,200 , not to mention the milk and butter she has contributed to the support of the family. Further argument thnt fine stock Is a resource equal to n gold mine should not be required by the average Nebraska farmer. Blxby comes forward with the sug gestion thnt instead of chloroforming people who have passed the sixty-year mark , the government should pension them. Blxby hns numerous friends in Nebraska who have always credit ed him with greater common sense than they could ever concede to Prof. OEslcr. Good Friday was not good for plant ing * potatoes as it is alleged to have bcon Intended by expert growers of the Hpud The soil was too w.ot nnd the day slnrtud In too cold for the working In of the sliced need. Tim potato grower will have to take his clinncrn on getting bin crop In follow ing the lucky ilny. It IH being qulto conclusively demon- si rated that most of the got-rlch-qulck Hi'liiimcH work to tlio advantage of the promoterH and iiianlpulntorR whllo to the Investor they mean got-poor-qulck. Legitimate Investments In Norfolk and north Nebraska properties mo much bettor. They are slower In bringing resultH , but nioro sure. A Kaunas girl IH said to have of fered to Iriulo her brother to lie hung In plum of Hill Rudolph , sentenced to bo hung In Missouri for the mur der of n dolectlvo. Should governors consent to such exchanges It In like ly that a number of wlven In the country would have husbands to of fer ns Mihstltutcs. Sioux City hitH great hopeH that the ( Srent Northern extension to Ashland will prove of decided advantage In Its efforts to draw trade from the Omnhn territory. The line IB cutting In pret ty close to Omaha but It IB possible that the Nebraska metropolis will en deavor to care for her own In spite of the threatened competition. After Commissioner Garflold geta through looking around Kansas ho In tends to take n trip Into Missouri to see how the Standard Oil octopUn is behaving In that state. Whllo ho Is about It ho might visit Nebraska and a number of other western states through which the trail of the mon- Rlor Is said to bo clearly marked. There IB no probability that any Norfolk boys will attempt to hnvo a good time nt setting the property of someone else on Ilro. Not right nwny at least. The crime'of ' arson IH n se rious matter when it Is brought to the attention of n court nnd It will bo nppreclntcd thnt the excitement of starting a flro Is more thnn offset by the punishment meted out to violat ors of the law. The daughters of the revolution have certainly Inherited some political genius from their forebears , If the re sults of the annual election of officers may bo taken an an Indication. Things wore decidedly lively when It came to taking "n vote for president of the organization nnd there was wire pulling thnt might easily hnvo termi nated In hair pulling according to the accounts of the session. The Omnhn Trndo Exhibit recently proved an additional Ho against a cat- Kloguo house thnt ndvortlsed thnt Its furnfhiro was manufactured at Grand Rapids , Mich. , which hns acquired n fnmo In turning out excellent work. It Is only ono of the ninny lies proven ngnlnst these catalogue houses thnt people nro sometimes too ready to be- Hove. It Is n snfo guess as a general rule that the goods offered by the lo cal denier are about 100 per cent bet ter than that advertised by the city catalogue house or department store. Since the state has placed n duty on wolf scalps why should It not car ry the Idea a llttlo further and buy up the out worms or hesslan Illes or chinch bugs or other such creatures that do more damage In n single sea son than the wolves of the stnto could accomplish In n decade. The farmers and those directly Interested In the prosperity of the farmer should undertake to see thnt their crops and stock are reasonably protected with out the aid of the state In offering bounties. Besides It Is probable thnt where one really destructive wolf Is paid for by the stnte , sovernl nro bought up thnt have been raised sole ly for the purpose of gathering in the bounty. Every Indication Is for unusunl ac tivity In the building of railroads throughout the west this summer nnd If half of the projected lines nnd bet terments go through there will be prosperous conditions for n Inrge num ber of people who nro directly or In directly benefited by the work of rail road building. It Is a pleasing Indira- tlon that such Inrgo interests ns the rnilroad companies , are becoming In terested In the west , and It may bo the beginning of a movement thnt will gridiron with steel and open up a largo section of country that has here tofore been comparatively remote from the world of commerce and and activity. It will bo noticed by a glance at the map that while the Unit , ed States east of the Missouri river Is a network of railroad lines , west of that stream , with the exception of Nebraska nnd Kansna nnd states south , there nro vnst areas untouched by railway lines and to give these lo calities such facilities ns they require for development will mean the expen diture of millions of dollars and the building of thousands of miles of line. The population is rapidly pushing westward , but a full development will never bo attained until the building of railroads is much further advanced. Those two fleets nro almost as dif ficult to locate nn Pnt Crowe. Still people will continue to piny the stock markets nnd lose their money. Farmers will soon bo tempted to equip their corn planters with rud ders and snlls. May Is almost at hand , but comes In night with no itoaltlve guarantee of hotter things In the weather Hue. There IB no Incentive offered by tills weather to make preparations for the celebration of the Fourth of July. In the meantime another plot for killing the czar has been unfolded and the plans of the plotterB frus trated. It would bo n matter of justice to the nvorngo householder for Hour to follow suit and take a tumble Into the abysR thnt has Hwnllowcd up the price of wheat. If the Kqultnblo wants a receiver It should bo given ono , nlso a guardian to keep It out of the public prints , where Itn tioiiblcs have been suffi ciently elaborated upon. Rojcstvensky IH snld to bo out where Togo can got at him and it IB expected that something decidedly Important will soon bo happening In the waters of the fnr cnst. Need It be wondered nt thnt the people nro suspicious of the trusts nnd capitalists when they are sometimes detected In such acts as Ranker Blgc- low of Mllwaukc pleads guilty to. The averngo fanner IB not greatly concerned by the tumble In the price of wheat. Ho has undoubtedly long since turned over his crop to the spec ulator , who will be the one to suffer. The movements on the checker board of the far east where the Jap and Russian navies are sparring for an opening IB getting somewhat be wildering and the contest long drawn out. Any easterner who still thinks Ne braska a dried up state shoulh bo In vited to lint , on bis gum boots and como wltK his mackintosh nnd um brella nnd nscortnln for himself that there Is no whit of truth In the Im pression ho entertains. If there Is a lingering suspicion In the minds of any Nohrnsknn that this stnte was once reputed to bo drouth stricken It Is so thoroughly water logged nnd so deep under the surface that It would require a deep water diver with an exceedingly powerful microscope to locate and bring It to tlio surface. If the president of the American Rankers' association would do such a thing , It Is rather n mnttcr of sur prise that fewer smaller bankers have been found derelict , still there Is ev ery reason to believe that there are as many big black rascals as smaller ones , and If anything the smaller ones may bo more honorable. The entire country will mourn with the theatrical world over the loss of Joseph Jefferson , who has so long been known behind the footlights , principally In the character of Rip Van Winkle. The veneration for the aged actor was not alone confined to stage folk , but in other walks of life ho wns well known nnd will be sin cerely missed. Thnt some of the people can expect to have the government suppress the trusts while they nre contributing to them with all their ability by mak ing purchases from the department stores and cntnlogue houses thnt could as well or bettor bo bought nt home is proof of serious inconsisten cy. And there are many of just that caliber in the west. So great has been the sentiment aroused against patent medicines con- tnlnlng alcohol thnt the proprietors who can are now advertising "no al cohol" as a feature of their remedies as an Inducement to the sick and nil- ing. Those who prefer a little nip in theirs nro going it strong on the brands thnt hnvo been played up by the temperance sentiment. Either way , it seems , there hns been good advertisement for the medicines. The people of Poland are still strongly inclined to assist in stirring up trouble for the czar , and they will assuredly succeed If they continue their efforts along the lines they have started. There will bo very llttlo left of the Russian empire in the end If all parties and governments succeed In getting what they deem their rights and revenges. It is apparent that a new policy will need to prevail if the czar hopes to head oft the fatal day. Now the future of Iftissla is said to bo hinging on the outcome of the approaching preaching naval battle. It has been noticed that the hinging place has been changed several times since the war commenced , and that the future of the czar's country Is still undecid ed , AH long as the emperor and his nobles have control of the force nec essary to keep the people In subjuga tion It Is not probable that the coun try's future will depend on what nmy happen In the conflict with Japan. Norfolk lias hnd commercial clubs , but It possesses ono now , orgnnlzed on business principles with lending men of the business town to the fore who may well be expected to mnko It n permanent , active factor In the upbuilding of the city. Progress will be adopted ns the watchword of the organization nnd there will bo devel opment whore there Is anything to develop thnt will add to the best In terest B of Norfolk. Wnlkor D. nines , formerly of the l.oulsvlllo nnd Nashville , argues be fore the senate committee that the present laws and present commission Is amply sutllclcnt to correct nil abuses by the railroads. Naturally Iho railroads would be pleased to leave well enough alone , but some how the people , headed by the presi dent , have It fixed In their minds thnt there could be Improvements nnd the decision of the senate committee will not materially niter thnt conviction. Another record bunch of Immi grants has arrived in America and the attempt to break the record on new arrivals from foreign countries Is continuing with unabated vigor. There Is wealth nnd opportunity awnltlng these foreigners nnd It will tnko years for the country to bo oversupplied - supplied In the matter of population , so that all who may desire a home hero will bo free to come , provided only that they will agree In time to become good Amorlcnn citizens with n tendency toward the uplifting of the country. The throne of the sultnn of Turkey Is now snld to be In jeopnrdy becnuse of the rebellion In Arnbln. There might bo worse things happen to Tur key and the civilization advancement of Europe and Asia thnn a change of government In Turkey. The sultan hns persistently refused to admit re fining influences to his country and n government that would not only admit but encourage' the best that civilization 1ms to offer would mean a great deal to the entire world. Tlio Turks nnd the Russians have been tlio slowest to conform to modern Ideals and n change of governmental Influences In both instances might be just what Is required. Thomas Jefferson has ngalu been forced to take views on political ques- tlons which ho was never known to hold during his life. It seems par ticularly fortunate that the democrats should possess a lender who is so dead that he cnnnot refuse to endorse any policy thnt the pnrty may choose to favor. If he hnd been alive tlieso several campaigns past he might hnvo had objections to shouldering re sponsibility for the issues thnt have been thrust upon him , but it Is just ns certain that dead men may be safe ly credited with urging particular re forms as that they tell no tales. Therefore as long as Mr. Jefferson remains dead ho may bo expected to do and say things for his party that living leaders cannot give the required force and impetus. The Union Pacific Railway com pany Is said to be pleased with its experiment in the running of a gaso line .motor car , and announces its In tention of building more of the same character. It has Inaugurated a new Idea that should result In decided ad vantage to the people living along its lines. Where there is a demand for passenger nnd mail service on branch lines where It will not pay t& opernte trains this single gasoline car should answer the demands of patrons in an effectual manner nnd it is probable that the motor car service of the rail roads In the near future will become an Important department. One freight train a day and several motor cnrs would give numerous branches a service such as they do not now re ceive and one thnt the compnnles cnn afford to give. Some Americans like to figure out the probable effect if Great Britain , the United States and Japnn should form nn nlllnnce. Grent Britain is' the ruling Influence in Europe , In the western hemisphere the United States certnlnly has no rival and In Asia the Jnpanese are proving their ability to rule the situation regardless of the wishes of others. This would certain ly bo a trinity to rule the world , but It hardly seems necessary to mnke such an alliance , each demonstrating Its power to care for Its own individ ual interests wherever threatened , and this country particularly has proven nblo to paddle its own cnnoe in matters of world interest. Not only docs it lack competition in this section of the world , but no nation has ever successfully demonstrated that it had business on this side of the pond when the Yankees have or dered it to keep hands off. The "oldest Inhabitant" will soon bo the only ono to prove that there was over a drouth In Nebraska. It will bo found that it Is not yet too Into to plnnt a tree If you have been negligent of your Arbor day ob servance. People are almost forgetting who Is In command of the armies In the far east , so silent are the corres pondents In that part of the world. It is now positively announced that there will bo no battle between Ho- jestvensky and Togo until the oppos ing squadron Is sighted by ono or the other of them. A naval expert says that the Rus sian fleet will have to pass to the right or to the left of the Jap squad- ran , but a correspondent thinks it may try to go through it In which event It will go under. The czar has announced that he places confidence In Admiral Rojest- vensky. The cznr hns so often of late been the victim of misplaced con fidence that another instance is not likely to drive him to absolute despair. It hns been quite a while now since there hnvo been rumors of a peace movement from the far east , and yet for all that , as far as can bo ascer tained things are ns peaceable in that section of the world as In any other pnrt. The First district hns undertaken quite n contract to entertain the entire - tire people of Nebraska with their contest for congressman to succeed Senator Burkett in a year when there nro no other contests on the program , but it is starting In with fair evidence of success. The newspapers nre making much sport over Edward Atkinson's sug gestion thnt a womnn should bo able to dress on the meager allowance of $05 a year , and yet every editor of them undoubtedly knows women who would consider half of that amount a liberal allowance for dress. When It comes to summing up the extravagance of the Amerlcnn people in purchasing drinks , the amount spent for coffee , $81,000,000 , should occupy no unimportant place in the arraignment. From this amount It Is said that 1,350,000,000 gallons of the breakfast beverage may be brewed. Colorado should hurry a little ; Texas has registered in with a shootIng - Ing now In which three men were killed , and over a temperance issue nt that. Kentucky hns not been heard from for some time , either , on the mntter of pre-eminence where it comes to littering the ground wltl blood. General Coxey hns missed out. He went too strong , on republican pros parity for his means and as a consequence quence Is bankrupt. It will be some time , however , before he cnn tnke a fresh start by leading another army of the unemployed onto Washington From nil accounts no such nrmy couh be raised nt the present time. President Roosevelt should soon re turn to civilization and give the pee pie something worth talking nnd thinking about. The impression might readily be formed that the Americnn people have gone out on a holiday vacation , so dull is the coun try since the president has gone into his voluntary exile. Something lively and interesting from the national cap ital has not been known since the president left. Beware of Ointments tor Catarrh that contain mercury , as mercury will sure ly destroy the sense of smell and com pletely derange the whole system when entering It throuch the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never bo used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians , as the damage they do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure , manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , 0. , contains no mercury , and is taken Internally , actIng - Ing directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. In buyIng - Ing Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken Internally and made in Toledo , Ohio , by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by druggists. Price , 75c. per bottle. Take Hall's family pills for consti pation. Makes digestion nnd assimilation perfect. Makes new red blood and bone. That's what Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea w.111 do. A tonic for the sick nnd weak. 35 cents. Tea or tnblets. The Klesau Drug Co. The Right Name Is DeWItt DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cools , soothes and heals cuts , burns , bolls , bruises , piles nnd all * skin diseases. K. E. Zlckefoose , Adolph , W. Va.t says : "My little daughter had white swelling BO bad that piece after piece of bone worked out of. her leg. De- Wltt'B Witch Hazel cured her. " It is the most wonderful healing salve In the world. Beware of counterfeits , Sold by Asa K. Leonard. Forget About Your Stomach , If y ur digestion IB bad the vital organs of your body nro not fed and nourished as they should be. They grow weak and Invite disease. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you oat , urcs Indigestion and all stomach trou- ) les. You forget you have a stomach rom the very day-you begin taking t. This Is because It gets a rest re cuperates and gradually grows no strong and healthy that It troubles you no more. E. L. Babcock , Amherst , Minn. , says : "I have taken n great many remedies for Indigestion but mve found nothing equnl to Kodol Djspepsla Cure. " Kodol digests what ou eat , cures Indigestion , dyspepsia , sour stomach , belching , heartburn nnd nil stomnch troubles. Its preparation s the result of many years of re search. Sold by Asa K. Leonard. Tired out , worn out woman cannot sleep , ent or work ; seems ns if she vould fly to pieces. Holllstor's Rocky Mountain Tea makes strong nerves nnd rich red blood. 35 cents , tea or tablets. The Klesnu Drug Co. VIOLATE LAW EVERY DAY. Railroads Make no Pretense of Obey ing Provisions of Sherman Act. Chicag . April 2 Walter Well- man , In a Washington special to the Record-Herald , says : That all the railroads of the United i States violate the Sherman anti-trust aw almost every day In the year wns the somewhnt stnrtllng admission made by n prominent railroad man before the senate Interstate commerce committee last week. This violation consists of combina tions between competing roads In the making of rntes to common points. It Is not denied that this Joint rate- mnking Is "comblnntlon In restraint of trade , " but It Is not probable the government will attempt to prose cute the railroads. If it were to dose so , it would soon have Its hands full of litigation. The railroad managers claim It Is impossible to do business nt all without such technical violation of the statutes. Victor Morawetz , general counsel for the Atchlson , told the senate com mittee that common carriers had been permitted to arrange among them- selves for the making and for the preservation of reasonable rates. He does not advocate pool-making , pure and simple , nor did ho want the rail roads to bo permitted to enter into binding agreements ; but that they be allowed to hnvo meetings .and discuss what would be a proper rate and to put the rate Into effect without sub jecting themselves to possible prosecution - cution under the Sherman anti-trust laws. Senator Dolllver Inquired how the railroads managed this now , nnd Mr. Morewetz replied that they do It not withstanding the Sherman net. He added : "It would be Impossible to work under the Shermnn net unless the cnrrlors got together from time to time to discuss the subject of rates and fix schedules of rates to be put in force by all the parties who are Interested. " , Senator Dolllver asked if the courts had not enjoined thnt sort of thing. Mr. Morawetz said there wns no agreement - ment on the part of the carriers. There was simply nn interchange of ideas , ending in a common under standing. "It may be said with a great deal of force , " he continued , "that while it is not a contract it is a combina tion. " "Thnt Is prohibited by law , " inter jected Senator Elkins. "If that is violating the law , " de clared Mr. Morawetz , "then It would be impossible trc ) observe the law without producing chaos. It would be absolutely impossible to make schedules of rates and have any sort of uniformity of action in this coun try if the representatives of the car riers cannot get together and talk of the matter. " The railroads would like to have the statutes changed. They fear that some day we may have an administra tion that will insist on enforcing the law to the letter. A Tried and True Friend. One Minute Cough Cure contains not an atom of any harmful drug , and It has been curing coughs , colds , croup and whooping cough so long that It has proven itself to be a tried and true friend to the many who use It. Mrs. Gertrude E. Fenner , Marlon , Ind. , says : "Coughing and straining so weakened me that I ruu down In weight from 148 to 92 pounds. After trying a number of remedies to no avail , One Minute Cough Cure entire ly cured me. " Sold by Asa K Leon- ard. ard.De WITT'S WITCH HAZEL SALVE THE ORIGINAL A Well Known Cure fop Piles. / Cures obstinate cores , chapped lunda , w HB rema , akin diseases. Makes burna and acalda T painless. We oould not Improve the quality if paid double the price. Th beat salve that experience can produce or that money can buy. Cures Piles Permanently DeWW's la the original and only pure and tenul no Witch Hazel Salve made. Look foi the name DtV/ITT on every box. All otben Ue--untert < - X. C. D WITT A CO. , CHICAGO. Sold by Asa K. Leonard.