The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 07, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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    I'llli NOKPUliK NKWHtlllHAi ! , AI'llll. I \ ' . iti 6ST1
Last Year Was a Good Fruit Season ,
and Each Succeeding Year Promises
to be Better Orchards Come Into
Bearing In a Few Years.
Although Arhor day Is two weeks
In the future the tree planters of the
Tree Planters' state are Rotting busy
and the men with the trees to Hell arc
doing more business than a ward heel-
cr during a municipal campaign. In
addition to the big orders being han
dled by the local nurserymen , this Is a
big distributing point for foreign com
panies and agents arc here with car
loads of trees to bo distributed
throughout the towns and country and
arc malting deliveries to numerous
fanners who are starting orchards ,
groves and windbreaks.
The country Is running stronger to
fruit than ever before. It has been
proven that fnilt of all kinds will do
well In this section of the state , and
that orchards will hear moio quickly
here than In eastern states. Orchnrna
that were planted three to live years
ago , bore abundantb last season and
It will be but a few years when many
farmers will have a steady source of
Income from their fruit trees , vhlch
require a. minimum of care and pro
duce a maximum of enjoyment in the
possession of an abundance of good
Trees that do well In this latitude In
any- part of the country have been
found to do well here. Considerable
care Is required to give them a right
start , but after the start is made there
Is very little care required to maintain
productive orchards that will grow ap
ples of all kinds , plums and cherries
In abundancci
Last year was an exceedingly good
cherry season and hundreds of bush
els of , this fruit was raised and mar
keted with profit to the orchardlsts.
It was a good apple year also , but the
mistake seems to have been made of
planting apples of early varieties , only ,
the market being swamped with this
perishable fruit , while of the winter
varieties the shipments continue to
be made from the east. More of the
later varieties are being planted , how
ever , and In a few years there will be
an abundance of these as well.
The advice of those who have made
a success of orcharding in this sec
tion of the country , both regarding
viirietles and methods of planting is
well worth considering by the Inexpe
rienced , and with this advice it should
be easy to advance this portion of Ne
braska in the fruit production line.
P. M. 3011017 was in the city from
-Vir Pierce.
Mary Centers of Nellgh visited In
the city.
G. Hellgren was in Norfolk from
R , M. Cole was here Tuesday from
O. E. Lewis was down from Mead
ow Grove.
Murdemanx Hold was in the ci'y
.Tuesday rfom Leigh.
E. P. Wentlierby made a business
trip to Nellgh yesterday.
W. C. Irish and Nels Oleson were
Norfolk visitors from Genoa.
Mr. Dowling of Madison is a guest
at the home of Peter Darnes , jr.
Miss Otclia Pilger went to Pierce
yesterday to vibit friends and the
Mrs. E. D. Hall and two daughters
arc visiting with friends in Omaha
this week.
W. F. Southwell and Miss M. Grey
Southwell were city visitors Tuesday
from Laurel.
Misses Mamie "Wilson and Ethel
Williams of Nlobrara were Tuesday
'visitors in Norfolk.
Mrs. J. C. Spellman Is home from
Fremont , where she was visiting
friends for a week.
Mrs. A. Dreyden left this morning
for Missouri Valley for a visit with
her parents and friends.
E. C. Harris , banker and ex-railroad
man of Chadron , passed through the
city last night on bis way home from
F. Remender , Otto Kamrath , Sher
iff Clements , J. R. Carter , and I. P.
Emmons were In the city yesterday
from Madison.
Mrs. Sldern Has just returned fiom
Stanton , where she went to attend the
funeral of her mother , Mrs. A. Son-
R. F. Kloke , a West Point bank
president , passed through Norfolk at
noon enroll to to Plalnvlew , where ho
went on a business trip.
Mrs. II. B. Thomas loft at noon to
day , accompanied by Dr. H. T. Holden ,
for Omaha , where she will bo operat
ed upon In Clarkson hospital by Dr.
J. E. Summers , Jr. , for gall stones.
Mrs. Farley and son have returned
from a visit to their ranch teli miles
from Plalnvlew. Enrouto home thef
sold one of their horses and came In
with the other at the side of the
The Bonny Briar hustlers will moot
with Mrs. Edwards tomorrow afternoon -
, noon at 2:30 : .o'clock sharp. A good
attendance Is desired.
.The Ladles Guild of Trinity church
will meet with Mrs. Asa K. Leonaid
tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock.
A good attendance is desired.
The street commissioner has under
taken the annual spring cleaning out
of the main street ditches to place
them In readiness for the carrying off
of the surplus water of the sprint ; and
T. II. Slattery , formerly onf of the
force at the Norfolk hospital for the
Insane , has arrived with his family
In Norfolk from Lincoln and will have
chargi ! of the laundry at the Institu
tion as soon as It has been shaped for
There arc an unusually largo num
ber of carpenters and builders In the
city this season , but with : i < e num
bers of now houses going up and the
Improvements being made they are
being kept very busy and tinpioba -
blllty Is that they vlll continue busy
throughout the building seaum
The ladles of The Heights who yes
terday spent the afternoon at the
home nf Mrs. T. .1. Morrow , present
ed Mrs. Morrow with a set of very
handsome solid silver spoons as a
token of their esteem by which she
may remember her friends In Norfolk ,
after she has moved to the Pacific
The board of public lands and build
ings are expected In Norfolk on anv
train now to Inspect the buili'.ings dtsi
completed at the Nebraska Mate bos-
pUal for the Insane here , befoie nc
ceptlng them from the contractors.
Dr. Alden will go to Lincoln as noon
as this has been done and will bring
up a Hcnro of patients.
The village election at Atkinson was
hotly contested , nearly I'OO votes no-
Ing cast. There was no particular is
sue except a light for control of mu
nicipal affairs , the personnel of the
board being the main factor. The suc
cessful candidates were Nelson ,1. Ful
ler , elected for third term : Dr.V. . J
Douglas , and Moses Campbell
The hook and ladder comp-my he'd
a mooting last night. A committee
from this company was chosen to ap
pear at the meeting of the cit\ council
tonight for the purpose of requesting
a half dozen now rubber con lor the
hooks members. The company now
has no rubber coats , the last two vhat
they owned having been stolen during
the Hie at the cold storage some time
With the mercury Indicating ten to
twelve degrees below the freezing
point each night there Is every Indi
cation that April needs some fixing
to come under the requirements of a
spring month. Garden truck that has
been planted for a week has had no
encouragement to appear above the
surface and it Is much better that it
does not as long as these frosty , frc'e/-
Ing nights continue.
Next week the annual election in
the Norfolk fire department will be
held. It Is said tht't cm iderable ir-
terest hrs already developed In the
contest for f hl fshlp , R. H. Reynolds ,
S. R. McFarland and H. W. Winter
being mentioned prominently as can
didates to succeed Chief Kern , who is
reported to have declared hnt he will
noc accept another election to the of
fice. Every company has Its candi
dates for offices and a lively meeting
is anticipated.
Adjutant General A. S. Dnggett of
Governor Mickey's staff , was here over
night on business connected with the
future of company L , N. N. G. , which
it is said is to be mustered out. G < jn
oral Dagiott Is an experienced mill
tary man and a gentleman of pleasing
manners and loaded with interesting
reminiscences. Ho was with the
United States troops at Pekin during
the I3oxer uprising and bis conversa
tion concerning that interesting epoch
is wonderfully entertaining. He has
acquiied considerable reputation a a
lectmer am' his fund of information
and anecdotes has entertained many
audiences as well as private hearer- *
As August Karo and his men were
driving a bunch of cattle through the
eastern part of the city a big anhral
broke from the bunch and made a
desperate dash for liberty. He was
corneied on the bank of the mill race
and with an action illustrative of Pat
rick Henry's "Give me liberty or g've '
me death , " he plunged boldly Into The
mill race and It was the opinion of on
lookers that he had chosen death ? .s
the water was deep , the bank steep
and the footing precarious , but by his
own efforts ho finally succeeded In
emerging from the cold bath and af
terward proved more docile and con
tent to assume the environment that
had been chosen for him.
Kansas City Horse Comes to Use Nor
folk Track.
Reuben W. , with a trotting record
of 2:18 : , has been shipped here from
Kansas City , Mo. , to work out on the
Norfolk track.
This horse won the majority of the
2:22 : trots on the Nebraska circuit last
season and was a good horse in all
the races I'or which he was entered.
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for at the postofllco at Norfolk , Neb. ,
April 5 , 1903 :
Jacob Latsfeln , Roy Murphy , Henry
A. Miller.
If not called for In fifteen days will
be sent to the dead letter office.
Parties calling for any of the above
please say "advertised. "
John R. Hays , P. M.
Sleuth Agency Men Search Cities and
Country for New Evidence.
Now-Ulm , Minn , April 5. Detec
tive Chandler , accompanied by two
other employes of the Thlel agency In
St. Paul , arrived In Now Ulra yester
day afternoon. He Is retained by the
defense In the Koch murder cane- and
has made frequent trips to this city ,
necurlng additional evidence for I ho
trial In Mankato.
Chandler and his assistants wcr
driven ever the road between this city
and Mankato to Investigate as to the
coat and trousers picked up by a
farmer n few miles south of this city
the morning after the murder. Tlio
fanner who found the articles nay * *
they were lying by the roadside and
had the appearance of having been
thrown away by Homo ono traveling
along the highway.
The theory advanced Is that the
murderer escaped from the nut hurl
ties the evening of tlio crlmo and
boarded a freight train at some of the
smaller stations between this city mill
Mankato. In fact , a stranger was seen
the following morning after the murdu
in the ralltoad yards at Maukato. and
It Is known that ho rode a freight train
from this city. He was not appro
bonded and the defense Is working
upon the theory that ho might have
been the murderer. Chandler and bis
assistants will remain In New Ulin
and vicinity several days.
A United States Wall Mnp ,
well adapted for use In office , library
or school , substantially mounted , edg
es bound In cloth , printed In full col
ors , showing the United States , Alas
ka , Cuba and our Island possessions.
The original thirteen states , the Louis
iana purchase , the Oregon territory ,
etc. , are shown In outline , with dates
when territory was acquired , and oth
er valuable information.
Sent to any address on receipt of
fifteen cents to cover postage , by B.
W. Knlskern , P. T. M. , C. & N-W. R'y. ,
Very Low Excursion Rates to Snn
Francisco and Los Angeles.
Via the Northwestern line , will bo In
effect from all stations April 10 to 14 ,
Inclusive , with favorable return lim
its , on account of meeting Woodmen
of the World. Two fast trains to Cal
ifornia daily. "Tho Overland Limit
ed" ( electric lighted throughout ) , less
than three days en route. Another
fast train is "The California Express"
with drawing room and tourist sleep
ing cars. For rates , tickets , etc. , ap
ply to agents Chicago & Northwest
ern R'y.
Want ads telephoned to The News
up until 2 o'clock will get In that day's
Bi-ennlal Elections Law.
The biennial elections law has been
approved by Governor Mickey , and It
will now become a law , pending a test
of its constitutionality in the supreme
court. While the law has many ad
vocates in the state , it has some fierce
opponents , among them being Editor
Rosewater of the Omaha Bee. It Is
contended that-the law Is contrary to
the letter and spirit of the constitution ,
which provides for a state election
every year. A warm fight will be put
up by those opposed , before It will bo
allowed to become effective.
IT anybody hab any harness repair
ing to do , let him bring It In before
the spring season begins. Paul Nord-
Try a News want ad.
The Right Name Is DeWltt.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo cools ,
soothes and heals cuts , burns , bolls ,
bruises , piles and all skin dls < ui ! ° s.
K. E. Xickofoose , Adolph , W. Va
says : "My little daughter had white
swelling so bad that piece after piece i
of bone worked out of her leg. De-
Witt's Witch Hazel salve cured her"
It is the most wonderful healing salvo '
In the world. Beware of counterfeits. I
Sold by Asa K. Leonard.
Feel tired , no appetite , cannot sleep ,
work or eat ? That's spring tiredness
and will disappear .at once if you take
Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea this
month. 35 cents , tea or tablets.
The Klesau Drug Co.
A Tried and True Friend.
One Minute Cough Cure contains
not an atom of any harmful drug , and
It has been curing coughs , colds ,
croup and whooping cough so long
that it has proven Itself to be a tried
and true friend to the many who use
it. Mrs. Gertrude E. Fenner , Marlon ,
Ind. , says : "Coughing and straining
so weakened mo that I run down in
weight from 148 to 02 pounds. After
trying a number of remedies to no
avail , One Minute Cough Cure entire
ly cured me. " Sold by Asa K Leon
OroginaU-d in Minnesota. It has been
bearing good crops of apples for the
last four years In northern Nebraska ,
but there have been only a few trees
of this variety planted. It Is a fine
large apple , color green ; rich acid ;
good cooking ; excellent for eating ;
belter in every respect than the Now
York Greening. It is a winter apple ,
good from November till May. If you
have a vacant place In your orchard ,
fill in with the Northwestern Green
ing. If you plant a new orchard , plant
one-third or one-half of It with the
Northwestern Greening. It Is so good
In quality it will always sell for $1.00
per bushel. If you want trees of this
veriety to plant , call at Norfolk nur
sery or address D. D. Hammond , Nor
folk , Neb.
The Wonderful feast
If you want
to make
that is
YmiKt Koum IB HIP T II
Unit look Hut Kim I ( Jrnml
1'rl/o t thoHt I.UIIIH Dipo-
Illun Sulil lit nil Knx'oin
at ! i I > | H. it imcluiKC enough
for 4(1 ( Inuvi'H Hriicl n poMnl
cnnl for our now llliinlmli'il
book " ( looil llri-uU : How to
Malio 11. "
lowest Rilit
W , J , GOW & BRO ,
Monty on Hand
She Has Cured Thousands
Practicing Aleopathy , Home
opathy , Electric and ( ! en-
eral Medicine.
Will , by request , visit profesloiiallj
returning every four weeks. Consult
her while the opportunity IB at hand.
DR. CALDWELL , llmltn her practlc *
to the special treatment of dUeaaea of
the eye , ear , noes , throat , lungs , female
diseases , diseases of children and all
chronic , nervous and surgical diseases
of a curable nature Early consump
tion , bronchitis , bronchial catarrh ,
chronic catarrh , headurhe. constipa
tion , stomach and bowel troubles ,
rheumatism , neuralgia , nclatlca , kidney
diseases , Brlght's disease , dl&eases of
the liver and bladder , dizilness , ner
vousness , Indigestion , obtslty. Inter
rupted nutrition , slow growth in child
ren , and all wanting diseases In adults ,
nerormatlcH. club feet , curvature of
the spine , diseases of the brain , par
alysis , heart disease , dropsy , swelling
of the limbs , stricture , open sores ,
pain In the bones , granular enlarge
ments and all long standing dlseasei
properly treated.
IlIiHxl and Sklu DlnrnncN.
Pimples , lilotcl.cs. eruptions , liver
spots , fulling of the hair , bad com
plexion , eczema , thront ulcerx , bone
palriH , bladder troubles , weak buck ,
burning urine , passing urine too often.
The effects of constitutional Hlcknem
or the taking of too much Injurious
medicine recclveH searching treatment ,
prompt relief and a cure for life.
Diseases-of women. Irregular mens
truation , falling of the womb , bearing
down pains , female displacements , lack
of sexual tone. Leucorrhea , sterility
or bnrreness , consult Dr. Caldwell and
ho will show them the cause of their
trouble and the way to become cured.
CnnrerN , ( Jollrr , I'lxtiiln , I'llr *
and enlarged glands treated with th
subcutaneous Injection method , abso
lutely without pain and without the
IOHB of n drop of blood , is one of her
own discoveries and Is really the most
scientific method of this advanced age.
Dr. Caldwell has practiced her profes
sion In some of the largest hotpltali
throughout the country. She has no
superior In the treating and diagnosing
of diseases , deformities , etc. Bhe hai
lately opened an olllro In Omaha , Ne
braska , where she will spend a portion
tion of each week treating her many
patients. No Incurable cases accepted
for treatment. Consultation , examina
tion and advice , one dollar to the
Chicago , 111
Address all nail to Ilao Bulldlr
Omaha , Neb.
We ncll flour , nil nioal , mill food ,
stock nnd poultry mippllcn. Flour nnd
Komi ntoro , Pacific block ,
A Destructive Fire ,
To draw tlio IIro out of u burn , or
heal n out without leaving a itcur , UHO
DoWltt'H Witch Hajrol milvo. A npo-
oltlo for piles , ( lot the genuine. .1
\i. \ Tilcltor , editor of tlio llnnnnnlrnr ,
Centre , Ala. , writes : "I Imvo
DoWltt'n Wltnh Hazel milvo In my
fnmlly for pllon , ctitn nnd burns. It
In the best nnlva on the market. Er-
ory family nlinuld hoop It on haud , "
Sold by Ana K. Leonard.
A little want ad , which IH ri'/nl / by
Hovcral IhnuHand porsoim c-vriry diy : ,
may bring JUH ! what you want. Ono
cent a word IH not ton expcnulvo to
try It.
and Colonists
To Missoiiii , Kansas. Texas , Arkansas. Indian and
Oklahoma Territories K\ery Is * and Jtd Tuesdays
SH'clnl | OMO way colonist rntimto above polutH on Mnruli 'Jlnl , nnd to : !
ninth in Colorado mid l.ouiHlana.
One Fare for the Round Trip , Plus $2 tl * l
Final Limit of Tickets 'Jl Days $ I
: ;
> Mopovcisill ln > allowed \\itlilnu iiniihll limit of ir > daVH going' Ht t
: utter iiachlng llrst bomoM > cl.i < rN' point en unite. !
. ; . I''or tuitbiT intoniiatioii or Land 1'amiihlcin , l''nldi ' > iH , Maps , (1)0 ( ) , , * !
: | : ailitfi'f-s any ngi nt of tlir company , or
Past * , anil Ticket A cnt. Trnv. Pass. Aent. | |
Cuba Florida
New Orleans
Tourist tickets now on sale to the resorts of the
south and southeast at greatly reduced rates. Liberal
stopovers allowed. The
With its handsomely equipped trains oilers exceptional
facilities for reaching the Sunny South.
_ For particulars and copy of illustrated booklets ,
giving detailed information about JCuba , Florida and
New Orleans , write
W. II. lilt ILL ,
1) . P. A. 111. Cent. | { . 1 , ' . Omaha , Neb.
Protected by
Block Signals
The liiM railuain America to adopt the
absolute IJIock System in the operation of
all trains uas tIIP
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul Ry-
The St. Paul Head was ( ho first railway to
light its trains by electricity. The St. Paul
Head was also the first to adopt Hie steam-
heating system.
Through daily trains to Chicago from all
points on the main line of the Union
Pacific Hailroad. For time table and
special rates see Union Pacific agent , or
F , A , NASH , Genl Western Agent , 1524 Farnam St ,
If yon are thinking of a
' unto and let us tell yon best rates , time , ronto and
send marked time tables.
This saves you worry , annoyance and makes you
feel at homo all the way.
Call Wabash City Office , 11501 Karnam St. , or ad
G. A. P. 1) ) . Wabnsh R. It ,
Omaha , Nobr.