The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 07, 1905, Image 1

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Enroute to the Cemetery for the Pur
pose of Decorating the Graves of
Her Husband and Daughter , Mrs.
Woodward Suddenly Succumbs.
AhiBWortli , Neb. , April 6 Sppclal
to The News : Feebly walking fioin
her little homo toward the cemetery
in which lay the remains of her bus-
bund and of her daughter , Mrs. Wood
ward of this place , sixty > ears old ,
carrying llowors in her nnns with
which to decorate those two graves ,
was suddenly slezcdvlth a pain in
her breast , was taken homo by a
neighbor and succumbed within a few
Mrs. Woodward leaves a daughter
nnd three sons to survive her. Shu
kept house for her sou-ln-law , Post-
mastcr Short , in whoso absunco nt
Omaha and in the absence of her
daughters , the 'uncial arrangement
could not at one Ax , made.
Portlanu ' ' /b i >
Lincoln , April cj.- 7'A/Mtckoy
appointed II. G. Slioi'd t.
lormer Senator Warner
City to bo members cl the cotnii. J' i
to.look after the Nebraska exhibit nt
the Portland exposition. The rinmln-
ing place on the commission lie has
tendered George L. Looniis of Fre
mont , but thu latter has not yet ac
License by One Vote.
Alru worth , Neb. , April C. Special
to The News : City election passed
oft quietly here , the only Issue being
license or no license and license won
by a majority of one vote.
Election at Spencer.
Spencer , Neb. , April G. Special to
The News : Spencer had a quiet elec
tion although there were two tickets
In the ring. F. W. Woods , James My
ers and Robert Lynn were elected.
Work on the water system is pro
gressing lively and 200 feet of mains
were laid today.
Farmers are very busy in the field
Tlieie has been plenty ol rain.
Several new houses are going up.
Many are using the mnnufactmed ce
ment stone for foundations.
The board of education elected all
of the teachers and are going to In
stall two more.
There ib a rumor of a brick school
Clerk of the Court Kloke spent last
week at Butte.
Wedding at Spencer.
Spencer , Neb. , April C. John
Barnes. , local manager of the Nye ,
Schneider company and Miss Mar
guerite Bra'fleld , da ighter ot Mr. &ntl
Mrs. N. Braslield of Spencer , i-'red
Barnes , brother of the groom was best
man , and Miss Myril Brasfield , sister
of the bride , was muid-of-honor.
Convlcttd Murderer of His Brother
and SIster-in-Law Must Hang.
Lincoln. Api.l C Unless the so\
ernor iutertuies Frank HarKer. the
Webster ec'iintj muuluter will be
hanged at the state peniivnilur } Fn
day , Juna Id Tlm Mipu-me tourt
afttrmed the decision ot the Webster
county district court , before which
Baike.r v as tried lefiibliiK to inlet
fere in the carrying out of the sen
tence. Barker , who ih but twenty
three yeaia of age , mmdeied his
brother , Dan Darker , and his Blster-ln
law , Alice HaiUer , neni Red Cloud ,
F b 1 1'JIM , that he might betome
possehsed o > the house , property and
farm and marry Mian Lizzie Rlnkle *
young woman of Red Cloud , who had
promised to betome his wifs as soon
as he had piocured a hou.o to take
her to ,
Killed In Duel Near Berlin.
Berlin April i. - Krnll Zlpp lltz a
wealthy planter ol German Southwesl
Africa , who was a elf-legate appointed
to arrange with the government for
compensation to German settlers as
the result of damnse sustained on
account of the native insurrection
was killed In a. duel by Kranz von
Cobllnskl , an official of the Borslic
machinery works. The duel took
place at noon in Tngel forest , a few
miles from Berlin. Klppelltz fell at
the first discharge , with a bullet
through his stomach. The men , It Is
said , quarreled over politics.
Sister of General Grant Dead.
Orange , N. J. , April . Mrs , Mary
Grant Cramer , sister of the late Presl
dent U. S. Grant , and widow of Dr
U. J. Cramer , wan found dead In bed
at the home of her sister , Mrs. Vlr
glnla Grant Corbln , In East Orange
Mrs. Cramer rstlred In apparent good
Forest Fires in Pennsylvania ,
Gettysburg , Pa. , April S. Forest
urea burning over an area of thou
sands of acres have started in the
south mountains , tbe line of fire or
tending a dlstanqe ot thrse miles
The destruction of valuable timber Is
Continuance Granted Until Monday
and Bond Fixed at $2,003.
Cincinnati , April . The hnbeurt
corpiu hcAiInt ; of J. Morgan Srruih
and wife , arrt-sied hero last \\cek and
bold under K Nuvt York Indictment lor
conspiracy with Nan Puttcison to ex
tort moliey from Cuutuir Yuuiiu , the
bookmaker , was again adjourned unul
uuxt Monday. When thu Smiths wete
presented liofuro tha court Prokuculor
Rullson aAked for a contlnuai\cc \ un
til Monda > , as the state was not yt-t
ready to piorccd and would like to
have that ninth tlmc > for piepaiatlon.
The court llxed ball ut $ i,000 ; iu each
Baruch Buys Selby Smelting Plant.
Now York , April 6. The report that
John Hays Hammond , aotlni ; for the
GiiKcenliolms , bad purchased the Sel
by BrnoltlnK nnd Lead works Is denied
by Bernard M. Bnruch of this city.
Mr. Baruch fctalns that he has bought
the Selby plant together with other
western smelting winks , for a combi
nation which Includes himself and aa-
3oes Not Recognize Interests of
France as Paramount In That Coun
try Will Protect Interests of All
Trading Nations.
Washington , April 6. Germany
cl arly outlined to the United States
ler Moroccan policy. Acting under
nstructions from Berlin , Baron Hpeck
Ton Stcrnberg , the German ambassa
dor , called at the war department and
eft with Secretary Taft a memoran
dum to this effect :
"Germany stands for the 'open door'
m llorocco , as in the far east , and for
.he preservation of the status quo and
for the safeguarding of tha commer
cial nnd trade interests , not only of
Germany , but of all trading nations of
the world. "
Secretary Taft , without committing
: hls government on the subject ,
.hanked the ambassador and promptly
'orwarded the memorandum to Presi
dent Roosevelt. Germany makes no
mention of Franco In the memoran
dum nor does she request an cxpies-
ulon of views by the United States.
This Information has been conveyed
to the United States because of the
sensational reports abroad about Ger
many's attitude.
In diplomatic circles the significance
of r.prmam's frank avowal at W.-Oi-
IllfclWIIH 14 1
not under-estimated ariiL > thn Incident
has attracted all the more attention
because of Its occurrence on the dav
on which the Wafchiugton govcinment
officially disclosed the Initial role
played by Krnporor William in the ex
changes of the powers last year re
garding Chinese neutrality in the far
eastern war Some diplomats believe
the object of the German representa
tions at this time Is to evoke from
Washington a similar avowal of ad
her < nce to the "open door" policy m
Czar Is Said to Be Only One Favoring
Continuation of War.
Berlin , April fi. Peace at aji early
date is regarded as probable by the
German embassy at St. Petersbuig.
the Associated PressIs Informed , and
in consequence of dispatches received
from there by the government during
the last three days this opinion ell
culates In official circles for the nrst
time since the war began. The Rus
sian emperor , It is true , has not yet
decided for peace , but the grand dukes
and all other members of the court
who have access to the emperor are
for peace. His majesty Is described
in the gossip that goes about here as
standing alone The considerations
that Etill delay his decision are per
sonal ones , he feeling that his reign is
a failure If Rus la does not win the
viar and that his prestige as a isovcr
elen will be IOHI at home and in for
eign countries , but he cannot yet
bring himself to speak the word that
will set peace negotiations in motion
Disorders In the Caucasus.
St. Petersburg , April 6. Official
advlcns report contlnuod disorders in
the Caucasus. Within the past week
peananU have looted and burned pub
lie offk s In many villages in the Gore
district , sacked schools and private
estates , cutting down trees and threat
ening to kill the police if they Inter
fertd , and forced priests to go with
them and take an oath of solidarity
witk their cause. Similar , but less
serious , disorders are reported to have
taken place In the Tittia dUtrlct. At
Klshlnetf an unsuccessful attempt was
made to aisasatuato Assistant Police
Commissioner Klrllghl.
Attacks on Police More Frequent.
London. April 6. The Times' correspondent -
respondent at St. Petersburg ctates
that attacks on the police are becom
ing so frequent that a secret circular
bas bean issued forbidding their men
tion If the victim Is of lower rank
than assUtant police Blaster.
Fire Has Been Started Evidently With
Incendiary Purpose In a College of
the South All Efforts to Discover
Guilty Parties Fall.
Lexington , Ky. . April ( i Flu- at
tempts to burn the hall of the ' ; ltt'n
dormitory of Gcorgolcmn. Ky. , college
logo , the largest Baptist Institution In
the south , have just coino to light
The tire was first started with the up
parent Intention of dostroyliij. ' the
buildings. Kvcry effort to discover
the Identity of the Incendiary him met
with failure. The college 'iti'hnilllos
believe t'rnt ' one of the Greek students
did it , and the building Is new being
watched nightly. Detective's ha\o
been sent for and guards have been
placed on all llnors o the IIPII.
Kvory girl In the college was liikon
before the faoultv. sworn and epics
tlonecl without results. !
Son of a Kansas Congressman Fatally
Hurt at Lexington.
Lexington. Ky. , April 0. William O
Hettls , a student at the Kentucky
state college , was found dying on the
sidewalk near the dormitory of that
Institution and In an unconscious con
dltlon. Ills recovery Is consldeied
doubtful. lie was formerly on the
editorial staff of the Kansas City Slur
The cause of the young man's Inju
ries Is yet unknown , but It Is believed
that he had been assaulted.
Kansas City , April C. William G
Hettls Is the son of F. Mason Heltls ,
representative In congress fiom the
Second Kansas district and who re
sides in this city. A special from
Lexington Fa > s that Hettls was In
jured by J. F. Wallace , n fellow stu
Four Men Wounded In West Virginia
at Riot Over Ballots.
Hnntlngton , W. Va. , April (5. ( In an
election riot here today Policeman
Hey Hull was shot and fatally wound
ed , Deputy Sheriff .leiemlah AilK'ns. '
Policeman Hurt Foster anil Deputy
Sheriff Enos Uayless were slightly
wounded The two deputy shoilffs
are In jail.
Belgian Creditors Want Cash.
AII Domingo , April 6. The Bel
gian crcdltois of San Domingo havr
J/l t t II * I. It it llllfj'Wailll'li tVS 1 4 jaiUV *
Monk- and Ami-lie an Minister Dawson -
son Ur the rnonfiv payment ol $ li5
0'U ' to the Belgians , Intimating that
then they would favor the debt ai
rangernent being concluded. It Is ex
pected that the situation will remain
unaltered until the United States
takes final action regarding tht pcnd.-
lug convention
Double Hanging In Tennessee.
Nashville , Tenn , April 6. Andrew
Hlbbett and James HdmJder , negroes ,
were hanged together In the jail yard
here. Sehndder murdered his three
year-old crippled son and Hlbbett
killed his mother-in-law. Both men
gant ; "Old Time Religion" just be/ore
U drop fell.
Senator O. H. Platt III.
Washington , Conn. , Apill 8. Unit
ed' States Senator Orville H Platt Is
111 at blh hummer residence here suf
fering from an attack of bronchial
Forces of the Mikado are Advancing
on the Russians and Taking Pos
session of Seme of the Towns Held
by the Enemy.
Toklo , April C. Imp rifll Auny
Headquarters In the field , O.MUIIU Re
porting April < 5 : "Part of our Kar-
yuan force engaged in decoying the
enemy , occupied DiigUHhu , eight miles
northeast of Mienhuaghieh , on the af-
temoon ofprll 1. "
Miss Lillian Wright of Kansas City
Suicides Away From Home ,
lloldcn , Mo. , April C. Miss Lillian
Wilght of Kansas City died here to
day as the result of a self-inflicted
wound caused by a bullet. Miss
Wright had been studying photogrn <
phy at Kansas City and was hero visit
ing Mrs. May Tevls. While at the
Tevls borne she went to the1 barn and
shot herself , She was despondent.
Miss Wright was the daughter of R.
r. Wright of Dodge City , Kan. , and
was married several ycnra uo but
secured a' divorce- and resumed her
maiden name. Her health had been
III lately.
Senator Burton to Resign.
Abllcnt ) , Kan. , April -Uuitator J.
H. Hurton will resign bin seat as
United States senator In uhort tltno ,
according to Infouuntlon r.lven out
by onu of his clixu pursoiml frUnds
here. After he was convicted and
pending hla appeal to the supreme
court ho could not resign for fear It
would be taken as ivn Adinlualon of
guilt. Thu supreme court rcvortod
flie eusu and Mm ton now Hlunds IM
Innocent until convicted RKulu He
bollrvtvs this IB a good lliuu to with
dian fiom the nenatr.
Judge Jaeger Indicted.
Knnluik. In. , AptII t ! . Judfic JitOKcr ,
proptietor of the defunct ConiinoroUl
Natlonul bank , which fallod liar * laut
Febiuary , was Indicted by the district
couit itrjnd juryhern o * throa counts
for fraudulent hanking H has buen
unable to ralit * the bond ot $ B,000 re-
qtihed and It uow In the county Jll
Judge Jaecer has for many years b an
one of tUo promlnrnt cltlxenn ol Kno
kuk He ban beru rounty judge , coun
4y auditor and mayor It * It uow over
seventy ream of us *
Treatment of Retailers by Meat
Packers Inquired Into Testimony
Taken Regarding Methods of Buy-
era ef Live Stock.
Chicago , Apiil tf.-Prices paid for
live tock by thu paikuib , alleged rebates -
bates giantcd the unekuia by tallioadn
for tlie baudllng of thu mine and the
riTate avuounu of nom of thu pack-
lug COUCOIIH ate to bu chmtily In
quired into wlthlu th next frn days
ky the fedeial grund juiy , which la
( Teetigatlug the builueiis affairs of
tke so-called beef tmnt. Anolhor
phase of th queitlon of the combina
tion of certain of the pa < ker * In viola
tion of the Sherman anil trust law and
Judge OroHsciip's Injunction , which Ute
to be Inquired Into , U tliw pi Ice paid
by wholesale dealeis to the packets
for meats. Wllneybi-s who can clve
the Jiirorn detailed nnd act-mate In
formation along these linen luive buen
subpoenaed and appealed HI the In-
TtHtlKatlon Some of these witnesses
testified and , although they icliisod to
make public what they told the Juiy ,
it Is HHld a luue amount of duta vain
able to the government WIIB seemed
from them.
James A. Hnrrctt , a wholesale ment
dealer at Men 111 , Win. , was onu of the
wltnennr who tratllled. He Is Kn1d to
have explained to the jurors the nl-
legr-d hardshlph jdHi > d upon the HDIRII
me t dealer by the packing ( OiiteniH.
He nxplnlned In dfliii ) the piUes paid
the ackeiH by the wholesaU'r .Mr
Barrett WHS followed hv Samuel ( liob
innehelmnr. a cattle buvcr for
Schwarr.chlld < t Siil/brrrer , who Is
said to have tr tin d conccinlnK thn
price paid for live stock by the pa < k-
ere Pntilck Cui < sld > tiitfflc nuinag' ' !
for the National Packing company ,
testified coneerii'nn the cost to the
raiser of shipping cattle and th Ar
rangements the pnikers have with the
railroads for handling llvr stock and
rtreeseri meatn. Altogether ten wit
nesses were heard.
President of Equitable Life Accused
of Acts of Bad Faith.
New Yoik , April b The course
whkh the Hyde fortes will purmiu In
today's hpetlal meeting of the Kqulla-
ble Life Asbiuaiu'e society's affairs
was foretasted In a statement given
out by one of Mr Hyde's frlendi The
statement asHerls that Mr. Alexander
will be called upon to explain to the
directors why he * ena letter re
questing tha commissioner of Insur
ance to make an Investigation of the
society without having informed thu
executive tonYmlttet and that he will
also be called upon to explain "his
conduct In nsnalling the personal In
tegrlty of hln associate , JanifR Hafn
Hyde , the vice piesldent ; Jacob H
Schlff nnd K H Hanlinan directors
of the society , and cauMng the publi
cation of matter derogatory to them. "
Liberal Candidate Elected.
London , April 6. The most striking
oveiturning of a Unionist majority
amoDg the numerous recent defeats
In by-election * was recorded at
Brighton , when Herald I.oder ( Union
ist ) , recently appointed Junior lord of
the treasury , wag defeated by 1C VII-
llers ( Liberal ) Viillei * ' majority
was 817. The Conservative majority
at Hrlghlon In the past twenty years
was never less than 2,000 I.odcr
was xepklnc re-election at this tlmp on
his appointment as junior lord of the
treasury. The election turned almost
altogether on the fiscal question
Disaster Due to Powder Expleslen.
Xelgler , Ifl. , April 6. The coroner's
jury IB Its verJtct holds that tbe forty-
three men who lost their lives In the
Letter coal mines Uontiay , April 3 ,
were ktlltd by afterdamp , du to an
explosion of powder , caused by parties
uaknown. The belief Is expressed
that the mine was In a BooJ and safe
working condition so far at fas was
Enthusiasm Is Shown by Crowds In
Kansas and Indian Territory Tell *
People of Muskooo ( | They Will Have
Statehood Within Year.
Austin. Texan , April fi The wel
come which TOXIIH has given to Prenl-
dent Roosevelt has been quite In keep
Ing with that of Kentucky and the
ndhin Terillory , noisy as human
voices , steam whistles and guns and
invllH anil plain dynamite bliiiilH could
iiiako It and as cot dial In words as In
> ther inmilfoHtiiMoriH of patriotic lov
rho presldcMit spoke at Wnco ami at
mo or two mnall towns eu route to
lie capita ! At T > ! cr , Governor I .nil
nun and a committee rcucsonllng | ( lie
Klnte Icglslnluio lolneil Iho president
mil welcoiuod him to TC.XIIH. The
governor , a dotiioeial miido bin Hpeeeh
to the president a tilbuto to Mr. Itooso
veil's diitnocratle ciialtllc | < H
Amid tin1 thunder of camion , the
Hc-rocch of whistles and the shoulr of
thousands of people , the picHldont
rolled Into the1 station hoici today at
! ( o'clock n. m The ontlro clly In
c-laborntely decorated. The prt < sldonl
was t-Hcorted to n park whoio hiMipoko
to mi Immense ciowd The park wmt
logolhor too Hiiiull to iiccoiuiiiodiilo
the people who wnnted to listen to the
president. Ho received a gioat ova
The special train reached Aunt In
early this afternoon The clly was a
mass of hunting and lings Ir. honor
of thn distinguished guest The ordi
nary population of the capital cltv ,
with hundreds of visitors from other
purls of the state , was massed along
the streets anil avenues from the rail
road fllatlon to the state cnpllol , where
llio president spoke to the two branch
es of the legislature met In Joint ses
A military escort was In waiting at
Iho station to roeolvo the president on
his arrival In Iho city The nipvor
and the members of the reception
committee greeted tin1 pioHldcnt nnd
his pnrlv when they alighted from the-
train , accompanied bv Governor Lrin-
ham and stuff Nonrlv ovorv regi
ment of the Texas National Guard was
ropioHoi-lod In the military procession
to Iho cnpltol All along the route' '
the nlclownlhs , windows , doors and
oven the roofs of business IIOIIHOH and
residences were crowded with spec
tators who cheered enthusiastically an
the chief executive of tire nation
tinssed At the canltol President
HooHovolt was escorted to the hall ol
roproHonlnlivoH , nnd after a bilef ad
dre s ( o the mombeis and the bun
ilrc-ds of privileged vIMIorH who tilled
the gnllerles ho proceeded to n slnrrd
erected nt the main entrance of the
apltol building Aloimwhllo thobiimls
plaxed patriotic nlrs The president
was Introduced bv fiovornor Lung-
bam and he spoke for llfteen minutes ,
hN remnrks being frequently Inter
rupted bv applause
A pleasing feature of the chiv's pie
giam was furnished by the thonsnncH
) f school children of the cltv who
wc > ro manned mound Travis park and
joined In singing "America" and wav
ing flags as the president made his
Rough Riders Prepare Greeting.
San Antonio , Texas. April ( ' Piosl-
dent Hoosovoltlll spopil tomorrow In
Sun Antonio and elaborate ; urange-
inents have been riindo for his recep
tion and entertainment He comes to
attend the annual reunion of his reg
iment of Rough Riders and to the
members of that famous org.inl/atlon
have been left the plans for his en
tertainment. The members of his old
command have gathorei , ! here from
Texas , Oklahoma , Arbonn , New Mexico
ice , Colorado , Kansas and other states
and territories It \\lll bo as their
former leader in camp and on the
field that the president v > lll mingle
with his old comrades , and not In hlh
capacity of chief executive of the na
tion In accordance with his expressed -
pressed wish all formalities will bo
dispensed with and the president w
spend the d.iy in lunonlng acqimint-
anct'b and exchanging reminiscences
of the da > of ' 08 A program of
sports has been prepared , there will
bo a reunion dinner and probably one
address from the president
In anticipation of the coming of Hit
distinguished guest Sin : Antonio 1ms
put on gala attire and tr ) * streets are
crowded with visitors from far and
President In Dallas.
Dallas. T x. , April t ! Prenidenc
Roiuevcll IK uow ( bo gutihl of Uie >
Ixirit * Star ute. The hp < * < lal ui i
bearing the picfcldenl and his IMUI >
arriv d In lullna piumptly ai .1
o clock last nitht Retuptfon
tees were In attendauLe when the
train rolled Into the di/pot / and ilit
chief executive wag driven tluongl
the gtreetn to a public stand near the
Orlontal hotel , vlieio he dolUered an
address Tbo Rtieutu wuro dunsuly
packed with citizens and vlsltou and
the reception accorded the president
was nothlnc short of & continuous
oration. After delivering his speocu
the president and party attended i
dinner at the Oriental hotel , tendered
roinpcrnture for Twenty-four Hours.
Forecast for Nebraska ,
Condition of tlio wouthur IIH ruconl- ,
'it Tor the lt ! huim ending at 8 a. in.
oday :
Maximum 53f
Mlnliiitiin 20
\ vnruio ' >
laromolor . .29.71
Chicane ) , April il The bulletin Is-
Hiiuil My the Chicago ntntlon of ttio . ( ,
Inlloil Status weather bureau thin V
Horning , Klvon the forecast for No-
iriiHUa as follown :
Fair toiilujit and Friday. Rising
liy the cltlreiiH of DnlliiH. Ilia triln
If ft foiaco , Austin nnil San Antonio
at 5.40 o'clock llilH moniliikt ,
\VhiMi Mavor llrynni 'I' . IJniry of
Dalian llnlshud lili address of woleoiiin
nd Inlioduiiliin. I'rcsldont RooHUVitlt
addicxHcd lln > KiithcilriK as follows
Recpoii&e of the President ,
"Mi. Mut > r , und You , My Follow
AmcilciiiiH It hiix been Indeed a
euHiue foi nii > to eonm today within
the limits of youi mighty und bo nut I
fill ntulo Thin alletnoon I luvu been
HHltig thioiiKh a veritable garden of
tlitt Iold und It Is oulv a foxr week *
hue Unit I did my | i.ul In the Ktowtli
line when I HlKned I lie hill under
which the 'I'llnlly rhor will bo lin
pnncil. ( Wild chei-is. ) And I win
mighty glad to do II ( yrlln ) , for t
think thul we Amcilcunn have Inarnud
the leHKOii that whatever IH good for
coma or us IH good for nil. And I can ,
In a mime , claim to ho , by blood nt
lentil , n typical pionldont , Tor I am
half Boiilhcriiitr. liulf nnrthernnr. [
was benn In tlm cant and I barn a.
grout deul of the weHl In my spirit
( Cheeis. ) The civil wur has left you
as a hiiiltagn or honor not rneroly tlm
memory of mighty donds done In It.
alike by thn inrn or the north nnd tip
men of the Month ; It bun left us as an.
Usplrallou the way In which
man , when the war was through , re
turned to the cullliiRS of peuco anil
wrought In pence uicceHs exactly at
they wrought It out In war. "
After urging the people to brine up
chlldron with thu Ide * that they
bear hardship , ha Huld. "What would
you all have been lit for , you men who
fought In the civil war , If you bad been ,
tialned up t believe that If you met
a dlniculty the proper thine was to
lay down or run away ; and you don't
like , do you , for an occasionally fool-
lib father-anil I nin worry to Bay , an
occasionally foollnh mother to brine
up the boy or the girl on the theory
that all that In necessary IB to liars
an eiuy time and to dodge difficulties
A couple of yearn ago I went from
the Atlantic to the PaciDc. Th
fundamental fact , and a mighty pleas
ant fact , Is that wherever you find
the average Amur-lean , the average
American IH a pielly good man. It fa
the gieat fundamental fact of our na
tional lire I shall go avray a stronger
and a better Arnoilcaa for bavin *
been In thin state of strong and good
Americans I thank you. "
Cuest of Honor at Banquet.
Thr piexldent wax tbe guest of
loner at a banquet at which covers
were laid for 3UO. The president
made a tharac t'-rlstlc speech In which ,
le CJ.VH a definition or what he meant
jy the expression or a "square deal
for all' His definition was received
with great appUuse , the demonstra
tion lasting ; for suveral minutes. Later
tie was presented with a loving cup
tiy the tltl7f ii8 of Dallas Just before
the banquet wan over , formur Gov
ernor J S HORC , In response to calh ,
cot up und made a speech , in which
be warmly commanded the president
for his policy In the Panama canal
matter and the Northern Securities
CJHC. At the conclusion of Governor
HOKK'H epeetli , Prasldent Koosevelt
left hlb tlulr aud , walking over to
Governor Hoge , shook bands with
him and warmly commended him
Governor Hogg had said In his speech
that he wanted the president to under
stand that the people of Texaa had
not Miuhbed him for his action In the
Panama canal matter , notwithstanding
tbe polity of certain southern senators.
In Kansas and Indian Territory.
At eteivtutiuii iti Kansas large
and riitliu in-tlc crowds were In at
tendance , a | ) bent on seeing and , if
poxxlble heailiiK the chief executive
At Yfnita I T a short stop was
nude and 'h * president briefly ad
deseed a large crowd When Adrako-
f-e wan rea < hed fnllv 10 UUO peopl *
siirroundeil the railroad station A
stand , draped ru the national colors ,
had hnen elected nearby and
the pir > sr < iin did not call for a
here ike pieneut | yielded to the loud
acclaim < * ( the penple and nscortii
bv a comrnlitee which boardnd hd
train made a hricf address His sub
( sit w s S'atehood , ' sad enthuila-t
tic applause greeted his utterance
that the Indian territory would adJ
its itar to th csuxy ot states within
a > e r
Rii ! f upeec hes were made at South
Me M , rer. Atoka Caddo and Durant
sMcr which the train crossed the UU
line into Texas.
Drought In Andalusia.
Madrid. April G. Owing to an ex
treme dioiisht all field work In An
dalusia hiis been suspended for a con
siderable time and crops are threat
ened with total destruction. The cost
of necessaries of life has risen to ex
orbitant figures. The municipal au
thorities have done their utmost to
alleviate the distress , but the funds at
taelr disposal will soon be exhausted.