The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 31, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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    I 1 1 i j it M i I , I 11.1 1'ri I , .11.1 itv ii ill , i a\ju ,
Discharged Employe Kidnaps n 7-
Year-Old Doy nnd Forces the Little
Fellow to Lie Out of Doom nil
Night Sends Him Back Next Dny.
Local police recently received In
HtmrtloitH from Sheriff King of Stanton -
ton to In1 on ( ho lookout for a butcher
who , In dealing vengeance to his for
mer employer for having IHWII dis
charged , was said ( o have kidnapped
tlio 7-yonr-old HOII of the Slnnloti mar
ket man. Jjitor It WIIH reported that
tlio follow had been captured about
four miles west of Stanton , Iho hey
recovered and the alleged kidnapper
lodged In Jail.
Names of the parlies worn not so-
sured by the olllcors here , tlunigh tlio
Htory , IIH told by Olllcor I'llger , | H IIH
follows :
Kept Doy Out All Night.
The Journeyman butcher , who IH reported -
ported to bo rather a tilniplo minded
person , WIIH discharged by the Stanton -
ton shop keeper during the aftornoon.
Very Indignant and angry , ho swore
vengeance for losing bin Job and nt
nlfht tlmo the small son of the incut
market proprietor disappeared. The
sheriff notified olllcorit of all surround
ing towns and a search was at once
Instituted out of Stanlon. The llttlo
follow , It IB nald , WIIH forced to nloop
all night out along ( ho liunln ; of the
Klkhorn rlvor and next day , when
the wayward biitchor became frightened -
onod , ho nont the boy back toward
( own whllo ho , hlmttolf , wont In nn-
other direction. Later bo WIIH appre
hended anil lodged In the Stanton
New Catholic Dell Will be Heard For
Ten Miles.
Spencer , Nob. , March 21. Special
to The NOWH : At the town CIUICIIH
l < \ W. Woods , Kobort Kynn and .lames
Myom were nominated for the town
Several buildings nro going l > In
the city. All are residence property.
The waterworks are progressing
slowly , although ( hey expect to have
them In within a month. They only
have to lay plpea.
Thin warm weather has liiHtllled a
fever Into all to clean and prepare to
beautify their places.
Owing to the warm weather , roads
nro very heavy HO ( hut hardly a buggy
can bo drawn ever ( hem.
Prof. Hcuel has been ro-olocted su
perintendent of the schools.
St. Mary's church has received from
one of Its members a 1,000 pound boll.
It will bo put In the tower as soon as
possible. It Is the opinion that It will
bo heard for ten miles.
Sanford Parker Is down at Lincoln.
1) . Jackson was over from Oakland
llnrry Heed was ever from Madison
A. ( J. .lohnson was over from NVnko-
flold yesterday.
Mrs. Carelln Is In the city today
from Bone-stool.
.1. P. Hanson was In the city yester
day from Hoone.
H. H. Stocking was In town yester
day from O'Neill.
Perry 0. Harris of Tllden was In
the city yesterday.
H. S. Smith was In the city yester
day from Madison.
\V. 1. Blaln was In Norfolk yester
day fiom Schuyler.
11. 11. Reynolds was In Fremont yes
terday on business.
I.ouls Kggort was In the city yester
day fiom Illoomllohl. |
.las. K. Korth was In the city yes
terda.x from Humphrey
Peler .lohn came down from Crolgh
ton on the eaily train.
BiiuKcr A. H. Hohanon was In the
city today from Oakdale.
P. Stafford made a round trip to
Scribner jostonlay afternoon.
II. Maudlin/ was in the city from
Pierce on business yesterday. ,
A. 14. Huble , horse buyer of Crolgh-
ton. is in the city on business. |
.lohn Kreythaler retuined last oven-j j
Ing fiom a huslnoM : trip ti < Omaha. ;
Mr. and Mrs. (5. C. Warren of Tildon ;
were shopping In the city > ostorday.
.lames Uyan. Chas f ! . Crook and I
Geo. C. KOUM > of Meadow Grove were ,
in the elly yesterday. j
Court Reporter \V. H. Powers
in the city yesterday on Ills way home j
to Nojigh from Madison. I
Superintendent Reynolds returned
last night from a trip over the South i
Platte branches of the Northwestern.
James Ho oborough anf .1. T. CSreen
were in the city this morning on their
way homo to illdei. from a trip to
W. H. Hayes of lender , Wyo. , who
has been visiting at the homo of Col.
S. W. Hayes and J. S. McClary. leaves
for Wyoming tonight.
W. N. Huso returned last night
from Kxcelsior Springs , Mo. , where
ho had been for a little uioro than two
weeks. Ho feels very much benefited
by the waters of the springs.
Ahlmaun & Son Instead of Ahlmanu
Bros , own the new automobile.
J. D. Larabco of Norfolk Is prepar
ing to move to his claim on the Rose
bud reservation next week. Mr.
abee will live just flvo miles west of
The funeral of Mrs. Frank Lamb
held yesterday afternoon \\iw largely
attended , ( hero being thirty memhcrH
of Iho Modern Itrollierhood of Amor-
Ira In lino.
MI-H , Mary A. l.alky. grand chief
of honor In hlo Degree of Honor lodge
for ( ho Jurisdiction of NohniHka , In In
Norfolk. Mrfl. Latky linn vlHltod Nor
folk buforn and IH well knowi ) among
lodge members hero.
The mud IIIIH dried milllelonlly ( o
leave a track of HOIIIO width In the
cdiitcr of ( bo Hlreet over which It In
possible to drive without Hi raining
the gear or Htalllng tlio hows.
Another froHly moriiliig WIIH on Iho
lupin for north Nebraska today , but
tin * temperature IH gradually Improv
ing during ( he day and It IH hopeful
that ( here will soon be all the advant-
agcH and onJoymontH of spring to add
to the pleasure of having a home In
The Union Pacific company ban a
force of men at woik coiiHlruclliig a
platform for the unloading of heavy
vehlcleH and machinery at Iho end
of a Htub Hide track on Mudliion av
enue near ( ho Ilraasch coal yardii , and
nearly opposite the Northwestern plat
form , built for the same purpose.
The delivery team of the Thlem
moat market evidently enjoyed their
HU | ) | yesterday and tried another IhlH
morning on North Tenth Htreet. They
dashed to the ( op of the Htandplpo
bill and back down again , being
caught on the return trip. No dam
age WIIH done and no free distribution
of mealH took place IIB the wagon had
not yet been loaded.
Members of the missionary society
of the Methodist chinch and of the
olllclal board , called at the homo of
Dr. and Mrs. R M. Slssou last evening
to convoy tholr regrets nt the depar
ture of the family from Norfolk for
Stanton. They took their suppers nnd
enjoyed the evening very thoroughly.
Mrs. Slsson was given a souvenir
Hpoon IIH a mark of appreciation of
her efforts In behalf of the missionary
Last evening was a good one for
Iho migration of geese and ducks and
thousands of these birds were seen
coursing ( heir way north high In the
other nbovo the city. Ono Hock that
was noted appeared to Hiring out a
mlle In length and must have consist
ed of Hoveral hundreds of birds. Tholr
formations , with the sun shining on
thetrb roast H , presented a beautiful
picture , and they were watched out of
sight by numbers of Norfolk people.
A tin box has been fmmd in a corn
Held near Norfolk and sent to Omaha
for Identification. It Is supposed to
have been Iho box that contained so-
entitles stolen from the law olllco of
Klloklngor Bros , nt Omaha recently ,
the papers concerning the Saar es
( ate being among the securities. The
box was empty but was sent to Oma
ha by express with ( ho Idea that It
might form a eluo to Iho person or
persons who stole the papers. Near
the box was the remains of a lunch
( hat had been purchased In a Norfolk
Land Commissioner II. M Raton
was hero yesterday morning and put
the olllelal stamp of approval on the
new management for the Norfolk hos
pital for the Insane. Custodian ] . \V.
Speck , who has had charge of the
buildings and grounds- since the ( Ire ,
was checked out and Superintendent .1.
M. Alden was Installed In his ollico ,
the new superintendent accompany
ing the land commissioner to Lincoln
to attend to necessary business and
forms at tl.nt end of the lino. Dr.
Alden announces the appointment of
. .looVllos as supervisor of the hospi
The Northwestern -railroad buildIngs -
Ings and yards at South Norfolk are
now bathed In electricity , many new
lights having been Installed along the
station and eating house platforms
I and about the buildings which are
used as headquarters for General Man
ager Hughes and Superintendent Rey
nolds. A tower on First street , also
brilliantly lighted , throws whiteness
out Into the darkness for a long dis
tance and acts as a good caution to
drivers of teams crossing the tracks
at that point. As lias been before
stated , all of the switches are now
lighted by electricity. j
O'Neill Frontier : Receiver Illglln [
says he has hopes now of paying out ,
a larger percentage on the deposits
than when he took charge of the de- |
fund Klkhorn Valley bank's affairs |
some months ago and expects In the
not distant future to be able to pay
off at lonM a small portion of the de-
posits. The sale oY ( he banking house
and fixtures , which brought in nearly
$1.000 cash , has been followed by
more cash In the way of notes being
paid off. He is not able to say yet
what they will reall/e on the bank's
biggest piece of security , which Is
a second mortgage on a section of
land In the northeast part of the conn-
One of the most delightful little
dlnher parties yet given among the
younger set of Norfolk folk , was that
at which Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Gentle
entertained a very few friends last
night in honor of Miss Kllzabeth
Sharpless , who is soon to leave the
city. The guests wore seated at one
long table in the pretty homo and the
dinner was served In dainty courses.
Toasts were later responded to , ex
pressing regret nt the departure of
Miss Sharpless who , in bidding her
friends farewell , remarked wittily that
her new homo would bo on the shore
of Lake Superior nnd that she would
bo glad to see nny of them drop In
at nnytlmo. Cards followed during
the evening , " 500" being the feature.
Try our Now York buckwheat flour.
Feed store , Pacific block.
Judge Wootover Promptly Sends Him
Over the Road One Year For John
Guyton , Who Was Captured Out
West Record for Drown County.
Alnsworth , Nob. , March 5. Special
lo The News : The quickest Job of
ofllolal work ever done In Drown coun
ty was accomplished when the sheriff
arrived with John Guyton on Monday
morning , charged with horse stealing.
Judge Wcstovor arrived nt 8 o'clock
at night , the prisoner pleaded guilty
and was Hoiitouccd to one year In the
penitentiary. The man Is now at Lin
coln behind the bars.
C. C. Warner Has Deen Elected Dep
uty County Treasurer.
Hut to , Nob. , March 21. Special to
The Newn : Ala meet Ing of the board
of Hiiporvlsors of Itoyd county , C. C.
Warner , formerly amtlHtunt cashier
with the Hank of Hutte , before Its sale
to the Hank of Hoyd County , WIIH ap
pointed deputy county treasurer.
0. F. Mrown , formerly cashier of
Iho Dank of Hutto , loft last evening
for Lincoln on n business trip. There
was belief that Mr. Drown would leave
Hutte , but ho nays ho intends to stay
hero as partner of John normally , In
the hog buying business.
At last ( ho rain and snow have dis
appeared but have loft roads very
muddy. With the strong wind of yesterday -
torday good roads nro expected again
soon. Mr. Jghnson nnd Mr. Gardner
of Gregory , S. D. , are hero preparing
for the transportation of the bank
fixtures of the Hank of Hoyd County
to that place. The latter bank In-
Stalin now llxtures hero soon. They
report that Gregory IH booming.
Some Interest In the Trial at Center.
Case Is Appealed.
At Center , Nob. , the county scat of
Knox county , considerable Interest
has attached this week to the case In
which Dr. H. II. Chedeck charged Vac
Novak , J. Kalal and V. Hradsky with
assault and battery. Novak and Kalal
were found guilty and Hradsky dis
missed , the former twoFaScaught edE
missed. The two former have appcald
the case. ,
The trouble arose last Saturday
night about midnight when the de
fendants are said to have appeared at
the olllco of the physician In lighting
mood. The physician poured cold
water over one of them and later was
assaulted. The case then went to
the court.
Both Sides Collect New Evidence for
Second Trial at Mnnknto.
New Him , Minn. , March 21. The
second trial of Dr. George H. Koch
for the murder of Dr. Louis A. Gel'
hardt. will commence In Mankato on
April t'.l , and meanwhile the defense
and state are busy preparing their
In the past week the defense has
omployei1 additional detectives In this
city and Mankato for the purpose of
securing evidence which it believes
will free Dr. Koch. Fresh evidence
against another man , not connecti'd
with the prlmo heretofore , will be ad
vanced by the defense at the new
trial. Senator Somerville spent two
days In Mankalo In consultation with
Pfan Sr Pfan of that city , attorneys
engaged by the defense to take charge
of its Interests in that section.
The state's attorneys are also busy
and nlllrm that additional Incriminat
ing evidence will be obtained against
the defendant. Albert Pfaender was
In St. Paul several days In conference
with General Childs in the interest of
the state.
Neither the state nor defense has in
( ( mated what Its course will be at the
new ( rial , but it is known that three
detectives , who have beetHn New IMm
and Mankato several weeks , have
been collecting evidence in an en
tirely new Held.
Mrs. n. C. Gentle is very 111.
F.d. Frlcke was over from Madison
Algol Johnson of Wansa was In the
city Saturday.
J. A. Ulce was In the city from
Ptorco Saturday
O. S. Hansen of Nellgh Is In the city
today on business.
Gilbert Hansen was In the city Sun
day from Honesteel.
Will Thompson vas In the city Sit- :
nrday from Madison.
James Fox was a Norfolk Sunday
visitor from BoncsteoJ.
Kmlly II. Sutley was in Norfolk Sat
urday from Columbus.
Senator J. J. Williams of Wayne
was In Norfolk Sunday.
Uosolla Harrison of Meadow Gro.-e
was In Norfolk Saturday.
" \Vm. Host was a Sunday visitor ( o
Norfolk from the county scat.
Mrs. John Drobert of Pierce visited
nl Norfolk Saturday and Sundav.
Dr. P. II. Salter was in Verdlgro
yesterday on professional business.
Otto Schnublo and J. II. Vail were
Sunday visitors In Norfolk from P. '
Miss Inez Kyner left for Omaha this
morning to visit relatives for a few
wnokfl ,
Miss IJnrharn Tiiwnoy of Plorco Is
In tlio city visiting her sister , Misn
Dan Murphy wan In Norfolk from
Omaha on Saturday , visiting with old
friends and looking after property In-
MHH ) Kclim Durland of Plalnvlow IB
In the city this week to visit relatives
and attend the jncotlng of the teach
ers association.
Mrs. HiiHh nnd llttlo daughter
stopped ever In Norfolk to do some
shopping on their way home to Plaln
vlow from Meadow Grove.
Mrs. Frank lOniory left yesterday
morning for her now homo In Pitts-
burg , She WIIH accompanied as far
as Nebraska City by her mother , Mrs.
Herman Gorcckc , who will visit nt
thojiomo of Mr , nnd Mrs. A. N. Gc-
recko for n few days ,
Miss Foyorherm of Stanton Is a new
student at the Norfolk business col-
Mrs. A. J. Durland entertained
Heights ladles at 1 o'clock luncheon
MTH. David Slgnor has almost com
pletely recovered from her recent at
tack of sickness.
The blackbirds nnd the martens are
the latest hnrbngers of spring to put
In an appearance In north Nebraska.
John Stafford , who has been so se
riously 111 nt Scribner , Is Improving
.steadily and was permitted to sit up
for an hour yesterday , for the first
Grand Chief of Honor Mary A. Lat
hy was In tNorfok ! Saturday night to
attend the meeting of the local lodge
of Degree of Honor , and a largo num
ber of members were present. After
the regular order of business , refresh
ments wore served and a pleasant so
cial session held.
John L. Pierce , formerly of Norfolk
but now insurance commissioner In
the otllco of the Nebraska state aud
itor , arrived in the city yesterday en-
route to the western part of the state
on business and remained here , visitIng -
Ing former acquaintances and friends ,
until noon today.
A story published In the Omaha
Dally News yesterday to the effect
that Dr. F. M. Slsson , presiding older
of this district , had resigned his posi
tion to accept a pastorate at Stanton ,
Is entirely unfounded and untrue. Dr.
Slsson will move to Stanton , but mere
ly as a change In his headquarters.
With a temperature of seventy-live
degrees above zero , the closing days
of March certainly might be said to
resemble the pacific disposition of
tlio gentle lamb and the maximum
recorded yesterday was seventy-live
degrees. The minimum for the day
was forty-eight. The barometer is
low , 20.30 , Indicating possibility of
rain or cloudy weather. March winds
today blew with force.
At the regular meeting of Elks hold
In their lodge room Saturday evening ,
the following officers for the ensuing
year were elected : Hurt Mapes , ex
alted ruler ; R. IT. Tracy , esteemed
leading knight ; M. D. Tyler , esteemed
loyal knight ; 0. S. Parker , esteemed
lecturing knight ; Otto Tappert , tyler ;
C. R. Hurnham. treasurer ; C. P. Par
ish , trustee ; Past Rxalted Ruler P. H.
Salter , delegate to grand lodge nt Huf-
falo next fall ; Past Rxalted Ruler W.
M , Robertson , alternate.
A. H. Klesau was nominated at the
Third ward republican caucus on Sat
urday night , held at the office of
Mapes Ilax.en , for the purpose of
filling vacancy on the ticket caused by
the declination of George A. Daven
port. The caucus was largely attend
ed. R. A. Hullock was present and
addressed the meeting briefly , explain
ing the rumors circulated to the effect
that he was against Mr. Klesau were
unfounded and that ho expects and
intends ( o support Mr. Klewui. He
then nominated Mr. Kiesau for the
position and the choince was unani
Captain Cronin's servant. Maxwell.
colored , committed suicide Friday
morning at Fort Niobrara. by hanging
himself. Maxwell got up as usual In
the morning , built the tires , rapped
on the door of Mary , the colored cook ,
saying : "Goodby , Mary , I'm going
to kill myself. " He then walked away
and was found live minutes later in
the woodshed , his body dangling from
j the rafters. Maxwell had piled trunks
I and boxes up in such a mannei * as to
make a platform , and upon this he
had climbed , while he put the rope
around the rafter , afterwards kicking
the platform from under him. Ife was
dead when found. No cause is given
for the deed.
Frank Eidel and Norman Pfunder Each
Hurt But Not Seriously.
Two Northwestern railroad men
sustained Injuries whllo working last
night , neither of which Is serious In
uaturo but both of which were ex
ceedingly painful.
Frank Eidel , a switchman , fell from
the side of a freight car and Injured
an arm badly besides crushing the
ends of his fingers.
Norman Pfunder , a brakeman on a
freight train running between Nor
folk and Ixng Pine , was strack on
the head at Intnan .with a huge chunk
of coal , sustaining painful injuries.
Besides these two brakemen , Brakemen -
men Boymer Is laid up with two bad
legs and Conductor Dolan with a
caved-ln side at South Norfolk. All
are getting along nicely.
People having time to read Is It not
pertinent that the men with merchan
dise to sell should have their adver
tisements before the people ?
Waters are Subsiding and the Drldge
Gang Will Complete Its Work on
the Structure Today Damage ay
Rise Not Large.
The Union Pacific bridge across the
Elkhoni has been made mifo by the
bridge men nnd Is again being crossed
by the traliiH of that line between this
city nnd Columlnm. The pile driver
and force of workmen had the shaky
timbers braced or replaced so that
their work train came up on It ycstor-
doy , about noon , nnd Immediately af
terward the passenger loft for the
south , returning at the usual time last
night. This morning the bridge men
resumed tholr work and expect to
have the structure permanently re
paired by tonight so that they can
leave for headquarters.
For the last several years the Un
ion Pncllic people have had consider
able trouble with their bridge across
the Klkhorn. The river changed its
channel , making n bridge necessary
and a handsome steel structure was
erected. Since then the current of the
river has almost worked Its way out
from under the now bridge.
The worst of the rlso Is evidently
passed and the water Is falling. The
Hood resulted in no large damage to
railroad , county or farm property , al
though the gurgling current ate into
the banks at places and gave Indica
tion of what might have happened had
there been a greater or more pro
longed Hood.
A Statement.
The following article appeared in
The News of date March 22 , 1905 :
"G. W. Rvans has won the case of
Conloy vs. Rvans In district court , ap
pealed from the county court , _ Con
loy sued Rvans to recover $600 com
mission on a hind deal. The point of
law on which the case was decided ,
was to the effect that the contract had
expired' before Conloy secured n buy
er. When a buyer was brought to
the place , Rvans had determined not
to sell. Then Couley sued for com
mission alleged to bodue. . Judge
Hoyd threw the case out of court.
M. H. Foster was attorney for Evans. "
I desire to say In reply to this that
the facts are , this ease was dismissed
by the district court on the ground
that while the original contract be
tween myself and Mr. Rvans was in
writing , it had expired , and the court
held that an extension of time could
not be done by parole agreement.
There was no evidence submitted. He-
fore I started the action I unlerUood
that it was questionable whether or
not the court would hold such an ex
tension good , anil us to whether or
j not I shall ever be able to collect any
thing from Mr. Rvans in this case is
i yet to be determined , but whether I
| do or not , the decision does not
change the moral obligation of Mr.
Rvans nor his conduct In this matter
nnd In order that the public may know
the facts I have the following affi
davits from reliable men :
One from B. R. Reed to the effect
that he was present , while Rvans orally
extended the time of sale , nnd agreed
to pay $000.00.
One from the buyer to the effect
that Rvans offered him a $100 in
ducement to not close the deal then ,
and he , Evans , would let him have
farm later by first deeding it to Mr.
And one from Geo. Williams to the
effect that Rvans told him. after I sued
him , that he did give Conley further
time , but that Conloy did not make
him sign contract over again.
I could produce many others.
It might appear to some that $000
is a large commission for the sale of
one farm , but if It is too large a com
pensation , then it was too much for
Mr. Rvans to offer , and the reason of
this contract was on account of the
poor crops In that vicinity and for
that reason It was very hard to sell
the land and an agent was apt to lose
his customers by taking them In ( bat
direction. J. II. Conley.
A Follower of Grip.
Many persons find themselves af
fected with a persistent cough after
an attack of the grip. As this cough
can bo promptly cured by the use of
Chamberlain's Cough Ilemedy It
should not bo allowed to run on until
It becomes troublesome. For sale by
f.ponard the dniggist.
Battle Creek.
Geo. W. Ix > Rey reports that he has
lately lost two valuable horses from
some disease that he is unable to di
Judge Bates of Madison has sold
his house here , south of the Catholic
church , to Jack Hengatler of Meadow
Grove , who will move down hero soon
The consideration was $1,150.
John McKeever of Tllden visited
several days this week at the home
of John Richardson , north of the
The silver cornet band has reorga
Matt Doyle of Kcd Cloud visited
with his brother , Win. Doyle , the first
of the week.
Two tickets will bo In the field at
the next village election. Danford
Taylor and Peter Neuwcrk on the cit
ticket nnd C. 13. Hanson nnd
Rmll MorU on the peoples ticket. AH
four arc very reputable citizens. Joa.
Severn nnd C. A. Probst nro retiring
from the board.
Xac. Cox returned Tuesday from a
week's visit nt Long Pino. t , '
W. F. Brown has moved to his C40 \
note homestead near Newport , In Hock
There Is a great deal of sickness
here at the present time.
A son was born to Mr. nnd Mrs.
Win. Blerman Monday morning.
Undo Philip Deck , well known
throughout the county , attained the
ago of eighty-three years last Satur
day. Ho Is a lively old man nnd none
were more enthusiastic than ho on
St. Patrick's day Just one day too
soon for his birthday celebration.
W. II. Avery , brother of Miss Gall
Avery who has been sick with ap I
pendicitis , was down from Tllden the '
first of the week. f'a
A. D. Wllborgor of Anokn visited
relatives here Wednesday.
Former Northwestern Official Suc
cumbs at Fremont Today.
Superintendent C. H. Reynolds of
the Northwestern , received word this
morning from Fremont of the death
of former Superintendent Mahannaat
that place. Mr. Mahanna had not
been well for a long time. Nd details
of his death or of the funeral have yet
been received.
Morris/ Mayer is in the city from
Albion. Mr. Mayor had not been in
Norfolk for a number of years and has
just come to Nebraska to mnko his
homo here again. Ho was at onetime
among the most prominent business
men In the city. He is a guest at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. D. Baum.
Bruce McNeil , who had been here
from the Omaha reservation , has de
cided to make his homo here.
Passed With the Emergency Clause
and Will be at Once Available.
Beautifying the Grounds and Other
Improvements Contemplated.
The Nebraska state senate has . ' ( I
passed house roll No. 20 , by Rich
ardson , appropriating $35,000 for the
rebuilding of the west wing of the
Norfolk hospital for the Insane , beau
tifying the grounds at the hospital and
making other required Improvements.
The bill Is passed with the emergen
cy clause and the amount of money
appropriated will be Immediately
available after Governor Mickey has
! approved the measure.
, This Is the bill that Norfolk and'
, north Nebraska have been particular
ly interested in during the present
session anil its passage furnished as
surance that there will be further
building activity at the hospital dur
ing the coming summer.
Disorderly Conduct.
M. C. McFalen who comes from up
the .country , was this morning as
sessed a flue which with the costs
amounted to $ in.lO by Judge Hayes
on the charge of being drunk and dis
Celebrate Birthday.
A large company of the women
friends of Mrs. August Brummund
called at her home on Madison avenue
yesterday afternoon nnd assisted her
in the happy celebration of her birth
day anniversary. Social conversation
and the serving of refreshments tilled
In a delightful afternoon.
Runaway Accident of Market Wagon
Hurls Packages About.
A runaway out the muddy track of
Ka&t Norfolk avenue today c.xused
meats to bp glvon free distribution
from the wagon of the Thlem market.
The heavy roads effected a break in
the wagon and the team dashed away ,
free of the wheels. WKen last seen
they were running eastward , out of
the city.
Steele In Western eLague.
Steele , the well known ball player
in this section of Nebraska , has signed
with the DCS Molnes team of the
Western league for the season. He
was a member of the team here that
was captained by Joe Wilklns , and
from hero went to Crelghton for a
season with that club
. . . . . COPYRIGHTS Ac.
Anron sending a iketrli and < 1f erintlon roar
Qtilcklr ascertain nur opinion free whether an
liiTftiitlnn IsprobablrpHtenliihlp rummiinlra-
tlnnsttrlrtlrcoiiadentlal. HANDBOOK on I'alenu
tern Iren. Ol < le t auencjr lor nciiruift patrntt.
I'ulema taken tbrnugh .Munu i Co. rvcolre
tprrfat notUt , rlthout clmrue , In the
Scientific American ,
A handMmelr Illustrated weeklr. I.nrgeot rlr.
culatlun of any nclentlUo journal. T rms. f.1 a
Timr : four months , fU Bold by all newsiinalern.
MUNN&Co,3B'B-d- ' York
llrancn Office. CS K U W.iblnmon. I ) . C.
, .