The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 31, 1905, Image 3

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Program for the Evening In Which the
High Schools Will Contest for the
Honors of Northern Nebraska In
Three Classes of the Art.
Twenty cities niul towns of north
Nebraska have arranged to partici
pate In the declamatory contest to beheld
hold In Norfolk Wednesday night of
this week In connection with the an
nual session of the North Nebraska
Teachers' association. The contest
ants have been chosen through the lo
cal contests and the probability Is that
each contestant will be accompanied
by a largo delegation of their local
people to glvo ( hem loyal support In
. their efforts to win the prizes and bo
prepared to participate In the state
Many of the contestants are expect
ed hero early In the day and the after
noon will bo devoted to rehearsals of
their parts. Not all of the contest-
nuts have given the committee their
'subjects , but the program up to this
tltno Is as follows :
Oratorical Class.
"Mark Anthony's Funeral Oration , "
Earl Fohllman , Becnier.
"Supposed Speech of Regulus to the
Carthaginians , " Ralph Graham , North
"Sergeant Prentiss * First Plea , " Guy
Lane , "VVIsner.
"Death Bed of Benedict Arnold , "
Lola LIntecum , Norfolk.
"A Revolutionary Exhortation , " Liz
zie- Patterson , Cedar Rapids.
"Patrick Henry In the Convention
of Delegates , " Harry L. Thompson ,
West Point.
Dramatic Class.
"Ole Mlstis , " Florence Coates , Pon-
"Searching for the Slain , " Julia Den
nis , Spencer.
"Glaucus In the Arena , " Claire FIch-
tor , Norfolk.
"The Polish Boy , " May Farley , Lau
"Where- Annette , " Lulu Moore ,
"From a Far Country , " Florence II.
Pruyn , Schuylor.
"The Octoroon , " N. Rose Rasmus-
son , Columbus.
"The Doom of Claudius and Cyn
thia , " Jessie Ross , Scrlbner. '
Humorous Cless.
"She Would bo a Mason , " Edna Berger -
ger , Long Pine.
"Darius Green and Ills Flying Ma
chine , " Phoebe Scott , ' Atkinson.
"Kentucky Philosophy , " Lodormia
SmiVh , Albion.
Announcement of decision of the
The annual business meeting of the
dramatic association is announced to
be held at the Oxnarrt at 5 o'clock in
the afternoon of Wednesday.
Delights of Colorado's Winter Climate
After spending ten days at the.Al
bany , Instead of two , as he had origin
ally planned , Dr. R. G. Floyd of Eu
reka Springs , Ark. , left last evening ,
with his bride for California , where he
expects to remain two days instead of
ten. This upsetting of Dr. Floyd's
plans is due entirely to the delights
of Colorado's winter climate.
"I cannot understand why your people
ple have been so slow in coming to a
full realization of the possibilities of
Colorado as a winter resort , " declared
the doctor , who Is not only president
of the commercial club of Eureka
Springs , Jiut also at the head of the
Odd Fellows of Arkansas. "Why , you
simply have all these advertised 'win
ter resorts' nailed to the mast ! "
An attack of croup can be warded
off by giving Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy promptly at the first Indica
tion of the approach of the disease.
For sale by Leonard the druggist.
Washington Post Spurns Claim That
Bunch Were Businessmen.
Washington , March 27. In dailies
of March 17 , under the heading "Black
HJlls Men are Not Pleased. " was a
dispatch from Dead wood. S. D. , in
which tegret was oxprt'Hscd tint the
wast had not taken the cowboy cavnl-
rack at the Inauguration for what It
was Intended to be. This dispatch
has fallen under the eyp of the funny
man of the Washington Post's edito
rial page , who devotes some attention
to it. Under the heading , "Seth Knl-
lock's Pilgrims , " he says :
A mean and Injurious critic in thn
Black Hills protests against the ef
fect of Captain Seth Bullock's cow
boy expedition to Washington.Ve
are told that the eastern press ftitlre-
ly mistook the real purpose of the
trip , which was to "advertise the west
ern country In the east for financial
betterment. " Eastern people , having
failed to grasp the occult purpose ot
the display , Judged It by appearances
and at once set down the Black Hills
as the "Jumplng-off place , " greatly to
the Injury of that sophisticated com
. "Tho Deadwood critic Insists that
the cowboys wore not cowboys at all ,
but /wealthy / lumbermen , county com-
mlBnloner.1 , railway contractor ! and
newspaper men , who wont for hit' l
ness , ' The eastern public , having en
tirely failed to grasp thin fact , lllnck
Hlllfl people are now said to bo won
dering whether the Seth Bullock fp -
dltlon has douo the country any
good. ' "
This Is unquestionably the sour ,
malicious outburst of an eastern tenderfeet -
derfoot whoso soul Is bent on fliinnclut
betterment. It doow not represent the
sentiment of the people of the lllnck
Hills. There Is a crafty romniorclnl-
Ism about It , a cold , sorpont-llko cun
ning , which Is entirely foreign t" the
west. It IH an effort to discredit Seth
Uullock's famous pllgrlmago and to
disillusionize the tlioiiHsniilH of com
mon people who saw the wild caval
cade dash down Capitol hill and swing
past the delighted occupant of the
white house In a red blur of color and
"Has Seth Bullock donp the country
any good ? " The question Is foolish.
What would the Inauguration have
been If It had consisted merely of reg
ular troops , llttlo brown mice from
the Philippines , and a few thousand
conimonpluoo fat , Hllk-hattod marchIng -
Ing clubs from Newark and Columbus ?
What If there had boon no cowboys ,
with horrid , bristling "chaps , " with
blazing neckerchiefs and pronged mus
taches , waving overgrown sombreros
and jabbing peevishness and uncer
tainty Into the whito-eyod and trucu
lent broncho ? Those cowboys wore
the whole show , the salt of the occa
sion. "Wealthy lumbermen , county
commissioners , railway contractors
and newspaper men. " Bah ! These
cowboys wore fierce , wild untamed
denizens of the Jumplug-off place , every -
ery man of them a. breaker of herds
and horses , Individually heroes and
daredevils , and collectively Teddy's
Terrors. Wo refuse to bo disillusion
Gregory County Boy Gives- Illinois
.Athlete Hard Rub for $60.
Fairfax , S. D. , Marcli 28. Special to
The News : Quito on enthusiastic
footrace was pulled off yesterday be
tween Joe Piper , who has been a res
ident of this county since boyhood and
who is one of the leading athletes of
the community , against John Richard
son of Dlxon , 111. , and who was In
chiirgo of the gymnasium of the high
school for some years at that place.
It was a fifty-yard hash for $00 a side
and considerable betting was done on
the side. The race was won by Rlcli-
urdHon in a narrow margin.
Bendle County Court Session at Huron
Starts , n Big Sensation.
Huron , S. D. , March 28. Judge Gaf-
fey , sitting for Judge Whiting In cir
cuit court bcre , , this morning advised
the grand jury that evidence had been
discovered charging C. A. Kclley ,
state's attorney , with forgery of deeds
to certain real estate. Kelley wn sus
pended from ollicc and T. F. Null ap
pointed In his place , pending Investi
gation of the charges.
Brown County Fair Officials Chosen
for Another Year.
Ainsworth , Neb. , March 28 Special
to The News : The Brown County Ag
ricultural association mot in the Star-
Journal ollico and elected the follow
ing officers for the ensuing year :
President , W. 11. Peel ; ; vice president.
,1 W. Oalver ; treasurer , .1. B. Flnney ;
secretary , C. W. Potter The date for
the coming fair has been set at Sep
tember 2S , 29 and 30.
Dr. Fletcher M. Sisson of Norfolk , Pre
siding Elder of the Methodist Church
In This District , Was Today Ap
pointed Chaplain.
Dr. Fletcher M. Sisson of this city ,
presiding elder of the Norfolk district ,
.Methodist church , received this mornIng -
Ing an appointment from Adjutant
General .1. H. Culver , over the order
of Governor Mickey , as chaplain of
the First Nebraska regiment , with the
rank of captain. The appointment
was made through the recommenda
tion of Col. J. A. Stark , commanding
olllcer of the First Nebraska. Dr. Sis-
son'a friends here are delighted with
this recognition of his merit and abil
ity and of his standing in Nebraska.
The appointment of Dr. Sisson took
effect March 20.
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for at the postoftlce at Norfolk , Neb. ,
March 28 , 1905 :
Miss Emma Cambill , A. G. Cobb ,
Thomas Daggett , Mrs. Lundy Dolnes ,
Miss Camllle Evans , Harm Feldman ,
Cornlo Fornette , N. K. Howard , Miss
Robio Hart , S. D. Holmes , J. E. Hop
kins , Jack Jatcs , A. B. Jackson , Miss
Mlnnlo Seehosc , Leo Vroinan , Mrs. F.
A. Wanrick.
If not called for In fifteen days -will
bo sent to the dead letter office.
Parties calling for any of the above
please say "advertised. "
John R. Hays , P. M.
Albano't Slurp Bow 1 ears Great Hola
in Its Side Oil Entrance to Halifax
Harbor Schooner Turns Turtle and
Crew Probably Drowned.
llitllfnx , March 27 The two ocean
fituiimois , thu I'arlbluu und ( lie Alba-
novlloso I.Sill ) paRKrnuuib weieaavrd
from possible dtmih at su.i after tlio
collision between llio two vosbola nlT
the harbor's mouth Siitunluby a
thrlllliiK ( Utucn-mllu itu'o for Nlialluw
water , show plainly how set Ions was
thu accldiiiit , thu 1'iirlsiuu ic.HtuiK on
bottom HI her dock and thu Alliauo'n
forepimk bnlnu full of walor. The
I'arlsmii , which came up thu liuilior
with a ruplBlt liolo in her sturhuiird
ildo from Ibo Altiano's sharp bow ,
Oiled ctmluHlly during tbo night und
t duTrn tier ongmn luom hud h < ! t > ii
flooded nud her Drug oxIIUKUlghod ,
thu lowut deck wap awash and her
kbtil rested on the mud. A largo pnit
of her cargo has boon ilaiiinRcU bv
water , but the bulk of thu mall , con-
slstliiK of 400 bat-kit , was rocovoiej in
ft dry condition. The wtatcir cuts of
the two commanders of the vn&nrle n
to the probiiblu rauso of the collision
are conflii-ting and the courts will U < *
Invoked to place the rcspotiBiblllj
ProceedIngn hare been hcKun In the
admiralty court against thc > llnintiiiii-
American company , owner of thr Al-
bane , and that steamer was libelled
for $150.000 damapos , In bphalf of .T.
and A. Allen , owners of the ParM.m
A counter suit will lie brought by tint
Garmuu comptny.
Crew Given Up for Lost.
Astoria , Oio. , March 27. The lum
ber laden schooner C. A. Klose , which
was abandoned scvoial days ago whllo
en route fiom Vancouver to Sau Finn-
Cisco , turned turllo and wont aslioro
come tlmo ( lining lhe"rniiht at ICuKl
brook. There is every likelihood of
her going to pieces. Of the schooner's
master. Captain Wagner , and the crew
no word hns been heaid No hopn Is
expressed that they have been saved.
One Person Killed and Another One
Seriously Hurt as a Result.
Kaht St. Louis , 111. , March 27. One
peison wan Killed , olio beiiouMy in
jured und four escaped unhurt in an
elevator u ident in the hovinylou
building. The elevator became un
manageable whllo descending and
dropped from the first Hour to the
bafacnitnit. It as suddenly rose Hjjain
to the fifth floor and then plunged to
ward the bottom. " The jerk bmh
one of the heavy counterweights ,
which crabbed through the top of Ilir
car. BlriUnitf llMinnn Unglor and I
crushing him so seriously talit I i
died an hour later .lames Duller v.dn ,
seriously i"luied The oilier past. < "
gers In the car \\ere uiihuit
Two Killed In Freight Wreok.
Wilmington. n.i. . Miirch 27. Two
men were killed and another was in
jured In a > freight wietk on the Haiti-
more and Ohio railroad ut Slaulon.
The dead are Binkemaii Chirlcfi
Shew budge and Flioman Walter O S.
Hunt. Tlie injuied man is William
Weaver , engineer , who I > In the hos
pital In a serious condition The
freight tiain stopped at n water tower
and was run inlo by a real train A
caboose and several cars of the
freight train were demolished.
Fatal Auto Accident at Lo Angeles.
Los Angeles Cal . March l7 ! In an
automobile accident at Holywood , a
Miburb , Mrs Shut man Pea e was in
stantly killed and Sherman Pease , her
mislMiid. seriously injured. Two otl1-
er occupants of the car , Mr and Mrs.
D E Welcome , sustained slight in
juries. The auloninhllu was struck
by an elertiic car at the crossing
while running at full speed
Violent Storm In Oklahoma ,
Outiirle. Okla. , March 27. Violent
itoniu throughout iho territory uav
resulted in four deaths and numer
ous Injuries to otbeis
Tho' dead : IK-ap R Richmond ,
Job n Thomas , V.lleil by lightning near
Watunga , dunes U Schoonlrer ,
killed by liuhining t Naw Foatber '
Foid , Orvilie Pemberton , drowned
neai Kaw City.
Confesses to. Wrecking Train.
Marenfiu , la. Ma lib 27 Krlik Kut-
ilobtu , aged twenty-four , wbo h s
been two years lu ibis country , li un
der arrest here Ho confessed to
wrecking the Rork Island train t
Humrstead .No iiiotlv * is known.
Eight Soldier * Killed by Landslide.
Seinlin , Hungary , March 27. A
treat landslide occulted hero. A
iQuadion of soldlurs , wbo went to the
rescue of t buried woman , suffered ttr
varelr , elcbt of their number being
killed .ud nineteen Injured.
Russian Squadron Sails Southward.
Sueu , March 27. Tke whole of Vice
Admiral NeboeatoB'a squadron Las
lulled southward.
aovernor Elrod Grants Pardon ,
Plerro , S D. , March 27. Governor
Blrod , on recommendation of tbe
board of pardons , granted a pardon
to William Waters , etntenced from
Turner county , on a charge of man-
ilaufttter In tbe first decree.
Expect Much In Testimony of Ar
mour's New York Man.
Chicago. Man h I'S luvestiKitllon of
the 'beef trust x\an rc.mimcd by Iht
federal Krutid Jury. The gram ) Jur >
will have for additional advlHcr from
now on AsNlstiiui Dlstilct Attoinoy
Goodman of Chicago , , lmlgo Maxtor ot
Omaha huvltiK i etui tied home. It In
said thu Imiulry IB likely to hint two
months loiiitor. It It declared that
whun thu government hnn flnltihed Itn
Investigation Into the packing Indus
try It pliuiH to take up rallumdn and
private cur linos.
J. 1C. Shields of Now York city ,
formerly an cmployu of Armour &
Co. , occupied moHt of the time of the
Jury. It trumiplred ( hut most of
the toHtlmony previously taken by
the grand Jury servos only an n schoolIng -
Ing : In regard to the llvo stock und
the intuit Inisluo.iH in grnoral. IICRtn-
nlng todny , It in ritiuoreii , under the
oloBit voll of seorocy , fartn that will
prove of valun in reaching a conclu-
Rlon will bi > given to thn grand Jury.
Mr , Shields linn bcnn guarded rlosoly
by secret service oflleorn slnco bin nr-
rlral from New York. It li nald that
Bhleldn underwent n neverc rriinH-ox
nmlnutlon by IllHlrlrt Attorney 0. H
Morrison , who has charge of the In
Party Lines Discarded In Many Cities
and Towns for Local Issued.
DCS Mnlnus , March 28. Municipal
elections were huld In many cities and
towns of lovru. 1'iuly Hues woto for
the moht part dUcurdod and the eluc-
HOUB wor doi'lded on purely local Is
sues , paoplo's und citizens' tlckctn fro-
Qiiontly lepludng tbose of the utand-
urd political jiarllca. Allhough fru
qiienlly hotly ( ontt'Hted , the eluetlonu
wore for thn moht part ( pilot , only two
possible contests lioln reported , ono
lu Ollumwa , wbero a volinu niHchluo
la one ward tailed to work , and the
oilier In Mount Vernon , whera It IH
likely that thu defeated candidate for
mayor will challenge Iho votes of a
number of btiiduiiiB who cast their
ballots. At Ion a C'lty the Ooinocratn
elected their ontlro dty ticket , Includ
ing ox-Staio Senator ( leorgo W. Bull
aa mayor. Thu new couiicll Rtauda
six rtepubllcaiiH and four democrats.
Bays He and Aunt Went to Buffalo ,
Where She Disappeared.
Chicago , March 2X. The lliHl ap
parently iidciiiaie | explanation ol thu
m.Vhlci ioiin disappearance ol the hey ,
Frank Klj Rogers , and lila aunt , MlBH
Florence Kly , four years ago at
ICvuiihton , wu.s inado to il lopreBcnla-
tlvu of the ASKOI luted I'H'HB by .lames
C. Rogers , father of I he hoy. Though
slnie | ! and KtrHlKlillorwnrd , llio truth
of the mybicr.v , uicordlrig to Mr. HORj j i
ers , IH ijtrMiiger than the many faucl- I
ful Btorles Hint have been written I
about the case , ulilili In Chicago linn i
excited n.s much Interust as the colu- i
brated Ch.iille lioss ease in Philadel
phia. Hcpljing to ( | ueslliiihi as to the
boy's return , Mr. lloxeis said : "At
the time of thu illMuppeuranco my son.
Frank , like many hey * of hlii age , wus
flred with a dculre to run away liom
homo und sc-e life tot. himself. Ills
mini , u huD'eicr liom melancholia , was
about to IIP ] ) ( by us in a tiuulla-
rium , a ptoceedliiK to which khc
stioiiKly objected. AH a re.Milt of
thehe c'ireiimstani'es. the two left
home together and went to Buffalo.
There they separated , Miss Kly en
tering a large .store , apparently to do
BOiiif hhoppliiK. and leaving Frank out-
side. Sin * had previously given him
a small sum of money. From that
tlmo until now FianV has- not seen
MI8B Kly and neither ho nor we know
her whereabouts. Frank , following
out his Ideas of seeing life , made a
living as best he could and han finally
returned horn * after many vlclssl-1
tudcs. Thin Is the explanation of the
mystery as learned by me fiom my
aon , and In apparently the truth. "
Ask Johnion to Prove Charges ,
Cleveland , Manb 28.Tb city
council adopted a reholutlon calllnc
upon Mayor .Johnson to take his re
cent cliHi'KOB of biibery to probate
court or thu grand jury and ptore
them or in the event ol hln not belnr'
able to do so. inakr an apology to the
memheis of the body whom he hai
accused. The ma > or said he would
tblnk the matter over.
French Are Awaiting Court.
ParU , Manh 2 $ The French for
eign ufHc renewb Its , assurances that
nothlug has be n undeitakun here rel
ative to pcHfs negotiations. The
Venezuelan Ft HUH Is unaltered , the
officials hera taking the view tbat no
action will be taken until the Caracas i '
court dfddeh thu questions pending lu
regard to tbf ronce.fiblon of the French
Cable company.
Says Gift Was Unsolicited. j I
Boston , March 28. In an Interview,1
Dr. James h. Ilaiton , secretary of the
American board of commissioners for
missions , declared tbat tbe proposed
gift of (100,000 by John D. Rockefeller
to the hoard , which h ; | < caused wide
discussion , was unsolicited and spon
taneous , originating In an Impulse of
Ur. Rockefeller to further the work
of tbe board.
Russell Sage's Condition Serious.
New York , March 28. The condi
tion of Russell Sage , who has boon
confined to his home for some time ,
I * much more serious than bai been
reported. His physician visits him
daily and say * he bas a good chance
for recovery.
From Every Look and Act , It In Evi
dent That the Teachero Hnven't
Grown Any Older Than They Were
When They Visited Norfolk Lant.
The Helmut imi'imui of northern Ne
Iminkii took charge of Norfolli thin
morulnr and every Iriiln that IIIIH nr
rived nil day IOIIK brought iicoreH mid
tu'oroH nf them to tin ) city In attend
the annual convention of their IIHHO
elation which will he held here dur
III ) ; Iho next Ihreo of | | IH | week
HprliiK vneatloiiH which have lieiiiii ;
lu the nchoolH of the tilute. and which lu Norfolk today , have peruiH
ted the leacheni to leave their dutleH
with hookH at homo and eomo to Nor
folk for u rljht ROOI ! time all week.
Kettlnr ; lielher | ; and llneiilni ! ; to the
many liiHlructlve paperx uinl Iccim-cn
which will hold forlli.
Norfolk hati entertained thcnc 'telf
aame tcnchein hofore , and KIICH\H how
to appreciate them when they come
hack. Not for several years. It In true ,
have they anneiiil > led in tlijn cily lor
I heir couveiillon , l''reiuont and Colum
bun liavltiK had tutiiti at II , but llu-v
nil feel at home lu Norfolk JUKI the
name and Norfolk fcclH an though It
knew them before they over ariUcd
Many IIOMICH In the city have thi'oun
iijien their ( loom to the teiichei'H , und
many otheru of them are Htuppliu ; at
Iho hotelH of the city. The weather
of today IUIH been better thnii II { , ' u-
01 ally IH wlinn the loachem arrive , HO
there may bo tiome hope yet that the
entire week will not bo ono of eon-
Hlautoom. / ! .
I'lio He.sHiotiH beKin thin nftenioon
and tonight the declamatory context ,
In which twenty m-hoolH of all ever
thin Heel Ion of the Httilo tire ruprcMcnt-
< > d , will hold I he hoanlH. 'I'ho HCHHOIIH |
will continue tomorrow , both morning
and iifteiiKion , with mi enlertaliimenl
touiorrow nielli. On Friday Iho name
Hort of program will bu followed , the
event ending Friday nlKht In time for
i he leneherH to return to their homen
on Saturday If they ehoone.
The Hchool iiin'mii held sway today
I'verywlieio about town. The potent
topic which K reeled Ihn cltl/.on fiom
wlierever he iiiiKhl bo , had to do with
Iho ( etching Hchool ma-'am. They look
jusl about ( IH they did several yearn
HKOthero mo , in fnct , no Hlgim of
their having thrown any rdder during
their abMonee from NorColU. Tlieynre
HIll ! the Kiime iligiilflod crowd , with
little clicks nf Ihelivown for paHHltiR
awny the time. Their loohH Hhowtlitit
they have leen wnrkltif ; hard all win-
lor and that they need a rent , for
Kchool toacheiH , If any chiHa of work-
ors , : ire oulitled to nil of the rent they
can KO | out of life ,
f'ontoHlaiilH have been arriving all
day lor the declamatory entertain
ment tonlKht and It IH Raid that the
compelItlon will he. so fierce that In-
torost will not la for a minute
throughout the pie nim.
The ineethiKB , both day and oven-
IllK. will lie held In the M. K.'church '
The local commlltee believed It had
Hoeunid the Auditorium for the even-
\I\K \ \ meetings , hut the arrantemenl
IIIIH fallen through , and all meutln s
will bo held lu the M. K. church. Su
perintendent O'Connor IK aulhorlt >
for the Ktittenient that he hlied the
Auditorium from Iho local manager
I for three evening for $ ( ! 0 , or $ 'JO an
I ovenliiK. When the matter wc-iit to
the Sioux City manager ho stated that
a Hhakespeaiean play WJIH booked in
' th house lor I'rlday eveninj ; . and
j I asked Unit the teachers make that a
| i part of their iiro ram tor the week
| When he was Informed that the teach
I I'l-K1 proKram was coinpleto , includliiK
Friday niuhl , ho replied that the house
was taken for Thursday nl ht also ,
i j but biter said that this date might be
! cancelled for $ rj < > . U appears that Iho
i company that WIIK coming hero , lenrn-
Int ; thii Hituntlon , cancelled the date
[ of UK own accord , then the house was
i offered to the teachers for two nights
I at $120. This W H way beyond the
' capacity of Mio touchers to pay , nnd
they then said they would'take the
' house for tonight , supposing of course
Unit Iho price of $ L'0 originally made
would hold Rood Yes-torday , however ,
' the local committee was iiitltiid ( , ! that
the house for tonisht would cost $50.
nnd they very piomptly concluded to
eliminate the opera house from their
calculations altogether and transfer
their meotiiiKS to the church.
This kind of treatment of Norfolk
people does not K ° far toward popu-
larl/.InK the Auditorium. The teach-
orti are Norfolk's guests and the city
Is anxious to have them well pleased
and well treated during their visit
hero , fie that what might have been
done by the management of the house
to assist In entertaining the visitors
would have been taken by the people
of the city as a personal favor. Hut
evidently the management does not
care for the good will of the people
of this city. The price of $20 a night
originally agreed upon between the
local manager and the commltee Is
the regular price charged for the use
of the house , the nmtor to pay in ad
dition the cost of lighting , heating
and for Janitor services.
It Is economy to use want ads If you
have anything to soil , exchange or
give away ; or If , on the other hand ,
you want to rent , buy of borrow.
of the
is due to
It makes
from any
i *
Yniint POIUII In llio yniiRt
thnl took thn h'lrHl ( iriinil
I'ri/tt ul lln < St. I , mil * Kx-
IIONII Ion , Mini IN mild hv "II
uriH'iTH ut fnn | nirlii4o- |
i'iioii > ; h for liiliiiui'N. Our
book "Oouil llruud" fmr.
Lowesl Rales
E W , J , GOW & BRO , I
Money on Hand
She Has Cured Thousands
IViicUriiitf Aloopjtl.liy , Homo
opjilhy , I'llcclric ' and ( Ifii-
( M'ill Mliri ( ( | | ( > .
Will , by refjuest , visit profcHiouallj
nliiK' eNery four weeKs. Consult
her while tli opiiortuiiity l at hand.
OK. CAI.IVKlt , limit * tier practice
to thr upei ml trrutnicnt of dlieasea of
the ey * . cur , noxt. thront , luticn , feraal *
dlhrxheii , ( llNrnte * of fhlldren und all
cliionlc. nervoiiB jnd mrelcul dli ai i
of it. curable nature Karly consump
tion , bronchitis , bronchial catarrh ,
chronic CHtarrh , lieadaclie. conitlpa-
tlon. stomach rid borrel trouble * ,
rlirilinwtHin. nctiralilu , nclntlca , kldner
( ll. r.i > rx. Hrlcht .1 Ui-ra e. dlseaMcs of
tlie ll\er and hludder , dUiln
i , n r-
vousnchx. Indigestion , obesity. Inter
rupted nutrition , ilow sro : vtli in child
ren , * nd Jll wiBtlne diseases In adult * ,
deformities , flub feet , curvulure of
the spine. dl en.i * ! ( of tlie brain , par-
ly li. heart dHeaxe dropny. snelllnx
of the llmbr stricture
open lore * ,
pain In the bones civnuljir cnlarKe *
merits and all lone standing dlieaeee
properly treated
Illuud "d * Mn lllrM * < . > .
I'lniplei. blotdieM. eruption * llrer
ipoti. falling of the hulr bad com
plexlon. eczema , throat nlc'or.1 bone
pain * bladder troubles weak back ,
IiinnlriK mine. pabnliiK urliiR too often
The FfTiK't * of oonstltutlonal slckne * *
or the taklnc of too mur-h tnjurlou *
medicine iecelve searchlnc treatment ,
prompt relief und ti cure for life
I > l ei ; ! e of women. IrrpRiiJnr mem-
triintlon falllne of the womb , beartnc
down p.i I UN. female displacements , lack
of spxual tone l.eiH'orrhea , sterility
or barienesK consult Dr Culdwell and
ihe will Hhow them the iauntof their
troutile und the way to bucorne cured
Cniicrm. ( iollrr. rixtulii , I'llrn
and enlarKed Kliuid ? treated with th *
Hiihcutaneu'ix ' Injection method abso
lutely without p.iIn und without th
In."a of n drop of blood If * one of hel
own discoveries and Is really the most
scientific- method of this advanced age
Dr Caldwell hay pra > tlced her profes
sion In fonie ot tb- largest hoipltal *
throughout ti mtry She h s no
.superior In the iipntiup HH t < lluRnc lnK
of illseases deformities , etc She ha
lately opened an olllce In Omaha , Ne
braska , where she will spend a per
tion of each week treating her many
patients. No Incurable cases accepted
for treatment. Consultation , examina
tion and advice , one dollar to those
Chicago. 0' '
Addres * al ) nail to B3O Balldl' -
Oroaba. N b-