The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 17, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE NORFOLK NtiWS : FRIDAY , MAIUJH 17 , 11)05. )
Wt N. HUSK , rubllniirr.
( RMnhllHhnil 18R7. )
JEvery Any except Buiulay. Ily cnr-
tlr perv ck , 16 contn , Ily Norfolk
PoMoillcn delivery , per yenr , $ ( t.OO. Hy
mnll on rural route * and outnlilo of
Norfolk , per yenr , 13.00 ,
The Now * , UMnlillBheil. 1081 ,
Tli Journnl , Kututillnlieil , 1877.
Kvery Krlilay. Hy mall per year , 11,60.
HntereO nt the pootolllro nt Norfolk ,
Neb. , an ruoond oliiim matter.
Telephonic. Kdltorliil Popartment ,
No , 22. llUBlncHN Olllco anil Jolt Uooinn ,
No. azt.
Field Marshal Oynma doesn't ronlly
look Hku ho could.
I'orlmpa St. I'leorshurg win not al
together sorry tlmt. now from Muk-
don hail boon cut off.
An Indignant people would 1IU" to
encounter thu iniin who lately n-mlo
tlio assertion tlmt spring wan iiclimllv
Tlio Russians nro putting H bravo
front on the nmttor , but tlioro ' micli
n. thing nfl being urlinlnully ami fool-
islily ( stubborn.
KuiopntUIn IK certainly having nil
the opportunity lie might desire for
proving himself a muster In thu art
ot ret rout
A song of the sunny south would
ngnln liuvo redeeming qualities nnrt
might bo sprung In Nebraska without
fear of violence.
Omaha Is objecting to bolng
upon and recently several men Imvo
been arrested on the cluirgo of violating
lating the spitting ordinance.
If Russia had only saved those men
and fortunes In promoting the Intel
lectuality of her peaplo they might
liavo afforded to shove Manchuria Into
the sea.
Snow at this tlmo of year Is not en
titled to bo termed beautiful , not by
any manner of means. Green grass
and budding trees would loolc much
more artistic.
There are , then , t vo sides to this
question as well as others. An Obor-
llu doctor thinks that a man should
bo able to live a happy and useful
life for ino years.
Before attempting to imitate RUB-
Ela's luring process the armies of the
future will bo willing to fight like the
devil. It Is not a method of tactics
that wHl appeal to the average mili
tary man.
The most discouraging feature of
the great battle In tlvo far east wns
the fact that while It was carnival
week for the Russians all the coh >
brating appears to have taken place
In Japan.
The Irish InJlst that the Japanese
field marshal has fully qualltled him
self to wear his name O'Yama If ho
BO desires. He has the fighting qual
ities that wlft place him easily In
that class.
A good many readers arc Jhanhlng
their lucky stars that the Chadwlck
case Is. about at an end. The case
has not been nearly so exciting as
the first news of the financial opera
tions of the Cleveland woman.
Governor Hoch could probably get
a job from John D. Rockefeller any
time ho desires one. A man who can
do such strenuous work In opposition
would certainly bo a powerful factor
for his employer If on the rolls of the
company instead of against IL
A Seattle Judge has decreed that a
man Is Justified In Jilting a woman
when ho finds that she is afflicted with
tuberculosis. It Is a cruel decision ,
hut science will undoubtedly support
the Judge , while only honor and true
affection are left to do battle for the
There has been several days now
that the sun has not been'visible to
the people of Nebraska and they are
therefore In doubt whether or' not
the spots are again In operation and
causing all this unseasonable acting
on the part of the weather.
"It snows ! " cried the school boy ,
but the way ho cried It at this season
of the year could not for a moment
bo considered to moan that It was
with enthusiasm. It Is the season for
"keeps" and "funs" and base ball and
the Enow is not at all an essential
concomitant of these pursuits.
An Oregon man shot another to get
his llfo Insurance , but the wound was
not fatal , and the man. who did the
shooting was mad because Ills Intend-
eu vlc'Jm ' refused to declare to the
police that he Intended au'.clde Some
folks never know when they have
reached the limit In requesting favors.
The world would rather like to
know what Christmas dinner Kuto-
patkln hr d reference to when he said
ho would oat that holiday feast In To-
) ( lo. Ho might cat nome ChrlstmaH
dinner there If ho lives long onour.h ,
but the prospcctH arc not favorable
that ho will make good by next Christ
mas , iinloftfl ho does no as a Japanese
prlHonor of war.
The KaiiHiuiH Imvo another com
plaint to make to 1'rcHldont ROOHO-
volt and that la against the oil-carry-
Ing railroad linen. If the president
over llndH tlmo hanging heavily on
his handH all ho will need to do IH to
PIIHH thn word along to Kansas and
that Hlato mny ho relied upon to dig
up Komothlng that they consider wor
thy of his Immediate and unqualified
The HuHHlans are not to ho forced
to do anything against their will. It
Is now claimed that they Imvo In-
( ended all the tlmo in ovneiinto Man-
rhurln , and the more matter of bolng
hurried wimowlmt by the aggressive
Japanese IH of IncoiiRcquoutnl ilotnll.
If they had anticipated necessity , however -
over , they might have retired with
eouHldornhly greater grace , and with
moro and hot lor mini , withal.
Senator llurkott proposes to estab
lish liliiiHolf In Washington and main
tain the reputation of the state ho
represents. Ho has purchased a ? ! ? ,
r.OO homo and his constituents will
undertake to bollovo that ho did so
for tholr especial benefit any tlmo
they happen to bo In the capllol city ,
at least until they have the do r
Hlammcd In tholr faces or the bullo1 *
shown thorn out through the transom.
The extent of the Japanese victory
over Kuropatkln was shown In Satur
day's dispatches when St. Petersburg
reported that 300 guns had been tak
en by the Japanese , 00,000 Russians
wore prisoners of war , and 00,000
others had boon killed or wounded
during the Mukden engagement ThlH
must mean that at least half of Ku-
ropatkln's force have been Votlred
from action , and the victorious .lap-
anoso may bo expected to easily over
come the rmealnlng forces If they
can keep up with the retreating pro-
If Kuropatkln has managed to cs
capo the Japanese cells with a portion
tion of ills army It may bo depended
upon that the dogged little brown
men will follow and harass him until
ho Is compelled to turn In his tracks
and glvo them another battle without
tlmo' for proper preparation and this
will glvo the main body of the Jap
anese tlmo to catch up with the floe-
Ing'Russians and complete the disas
ter of Mukden.
A Hamburg restaurant keeper has >
started a suit to recoior a pearl val-
nod at $70(1 ( which i\ lady customer got
between her tooth when eating oy
sters. Tlioro are some Interesting
ixmlhilltlcs In tlio case. Suppose the
court decides that the pearl really
belongs to the restaurant keeper ,
wouldn't the customer have had a
suit for damages against the propri
etor for permitting his Jewels In the
food to the damage of her molars ?
Thou suppose she had swallowed the
pearl , would ho Imvo still held tltlo
to the stone and been subject for
damngos for a case of Indigestion ?
The finding of the court In either
event will have much to commend It
for an Interesting caso.
A remarkable fact In connection
with the recent battle between the
forces of Oynnm and Kuropatkln Is
that while many of the Japanese sol
diers had been without food for forty-
eight hours preceding the fall of Muk
den , they worked and fought with a
will and determination , because Gen
eral Oyama had promised that on
Friday the largo store of supplies held
by the Russians at Mukden should
fall Into their hands and then they
could eat to satiety. They had Infinite -
finite confidence that tholr leader
could carry out his promise and the
fact that ho did on the date agreed
upon , that Mukden actually came Into
their possession on Friday , will mate ,
rlally strengthen tholr confidence in
their leader.
State of Ohio , City of Toledo , Lucas
County , ss. :
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
he Is Eenlor partner of the firm of F.
J. Cheney & Co. , doing business In
the city of Toledo , county and state
aforesaid , and that said firm will pi *
the sum of one hundred dollars for
each and every case ot catarrh that
cannot bo cured by the use of Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed
In my .presence , this Cth day of December -
comber , 18SC. A. W. Gleason ,
( seal ) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter
nally , and nets directly on tho-blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Send for testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , O.
Sold by all druggists , 75c.
Take Hall's family pills for consti
Paris roporta a practical remedy for
the treatment of leprosy , but It will
be dangerous to come Into contact
with the disease until It has been
definitely determined that the treat
ment In effective. . Many alleged
curoH Imvo been reported from Paris
that do not stand the test ,
Tlioro Is liable to bo another wait
In the war events of the far east dur
ing which Togo and Rojcstvoiwky
might hurry on the Hinge and hold
It with a naval specialty If they would ,
but the reports are that the Russian
naval commander and his squadrons
are to ho recalled and there will bo
nothing for the people to do but wait
for the final clash between Kuropat-
kin and Oyama.
Minnesota Is almost too good. It
propoHcn to UHO a bottle of Mlunohn-
1m water for the christening , of the
hallloflhlp named for the state , In
stead of wlno an Is the custom. Ne
braska , oven with Governor Mickey
and his daughter concerned , was not
that plcayunlsh , though It hail Suit
crook to draw upon If desired for
liquid that would fill n bottle as well
: IH the Kails of Mlniiehaha.
Wlmlovor may have been the re
sult of the LawHon crusade , It Is evi
dent that his action has not resulted
In creating a boar movement on the
part of seats In the Block exchange.
OHO of these ban recently sold for
fSU.OOO which IH the highest price
ever before recorded on such a deal.
If the LnwHon crusade IH to have real
effect , there should bo evidence of It
In the fact that seats on 'change are
going begging.
A London publication learns that
nome of the Russian terrorists have
been released on the condition that
they proceed1 to Japan and do away
with the mikado. Such n promise
might bo moro easily given than kept.
During all this war excitement It baa
not OHCO been reported htat the life
of the emperor of Japan was In dan
ger , and It may bo found that Japan
Is not as handy a country for the work
of the terrorist as Is Russia.
The czar has talked bravely about
recruiting and equipping an army of
a million men to send Into Manchuria
and wtest a victory from the winning
Japanese , but there Is evidence that
It has been mostly talk. It Is not be
lieved possible that ho can draft ami
equip such an army without seriously
endangering conditions at home. The
people at homo arc all for peace and
to got an army capable of defeating
the Japs would bo an Herculean task ,
if not an impossibility.
Oyama reports , among other things
captured from the Russians , twenty-
three Chinese wagon loads of maps.
If this Is not an error the civilized
world Is entitled to wonder what In
the name of common sense. Kuropat
kln was doing with so many maps.
There Is chance for tlwi suspicion
that he has taken all his time In light
ing out his battles on paper and It
loft him no opportunity for the real
thing. The Japs , however , have loft
nothing lacking In this direction , and
between them the war 7.0110 has been
very effectually covered.
Now York papers are fearful that
the president's policy will result in a
splitting of the party. Any time the
party cannot stand for the welfare
of the general public on any Import
ant question It Is high time that It
should bo split wide open , and If It
does split the followers and admirers
of Roosevelt can reasonably expect
a rush of recruits from other parties
that will make it as formidable as It
ever was In its life. The best of It
Is that It should be demonstrated that
a man of Roosevelt's mind and power
should como out of New York , where
Wall street Is supposed to control
all of the leaders.
AJieef packer , not in the combine ,
rises to take exceptions to the report
of Commissioner GarflehV that there
Is only a profit of ninety-nine cents
from the slaughter of a beef. He
thinks that Iho report might nt least
have made it an ever dollar. Ho says
that his experience has demonstrated
that there is a profit of at least ? 5 to
$ S profit per carcass for an ordinary
butcher who has no means for using
up the blood , hair , horns , hoofs and
bones for making a profit. All of
these leave-overs nro converted Into
money by the packing trust and It Is
alleged by tlio same authority that
from this source the packers secure
sufficient to pay them for handling
the cattle. This sounds very plaus
ible , but for the fact that the packers
might bo able to prove that the butch
ers get the same profit from cutting
up the carcasses they sell that they
would from slaughtering and dressing
their own uuimr.13. Still the pccplo
will be willing to concede that the
butcher Is about as near right with
his estimate as the commissioner.
March has almost two weeks left
In which to remove the bad tastu from
the mouths of the people.
J , Plorpont Morgan Is about to take
a cruise In his private yacht. The re
port Is not confirmed that all the sail
ing Is to bo done In watered stocks.
Since Kuropatkln has again failed ,
why should not the czar expect Ro-
JoHtvcnsky to do something for his
country ?
After a week of Lent can you still
manage to endure the sackcloth and
nshes that the season Is supposed to
enforce ?
Franco Is convinced , with the rest
of the civilized world , that Its friend.
Russia , has had plenty , and that It Is
tlmo to quit.
Mrs. Chadwlck proposes to remain
In'tho public'eye , nt least until there
Is a decision on the merits of her case
from n higher court.
March has about two weeks In
which to provo to the people of Ne
braska that the month Is not entirely
ruled by the lion-like qualities of the
Oyama will at once attempt to pull
the strings that will wind up Tie pass
In a trap such as ho bad planned Muk
den to bo and Kuropatkln might wise
ly proceed to Harbin while the road
Is clear.
The democrats of Iowa are to hold
n .loffersonlnn banquet In Dos Molnos
on April 1. It will be difficult for them
ti draw a crowd. Most of them had
nil the April fooling they wanted last
There are people who would take
the job of cutting buttons from bones
and using the other leavings from
slaughtered animals In making mar
ketable products awny from the pack
ers , thus robbing them from their only
acknowledged source of profit. This
would bo cruel , Indeed.
The Wall street magnates are re
ported to bo retiring to Europe for
their annual vacations and a season
of rest and recreation. Tom Lawson
has not yet Intimated that he expects
to follow their example hut may
decide to remain and make mutton of
the lambs while the wolves are away.
There are those who argue that
this is the season of greatest profit
for the meat trust as It will not bo
expected to sell as much meat as us
ual during lent. It has proven to
Commissioner Garfield that it is in
a losing business , ami Its losses should
bo materially reduced during the sea
son of fast.
Count Cassini , along with a
number of Russian nobles and offi
cials , has boon viewing the situation
at long range. Perhaps If he was
nearer the Japanese guns and bayo
nets ho would decide with General
Stoessel , that discretion Is the better
part of valor. It Is easy to tell what
should bo done at a safe distance , but
Kuropatkin has been given the renll >
dlllicult Job of doing it.
Life is getting strenuous for the
Standard Oil pipe laying force in Kan
sas , thelrv most recent experience be
ing with a farmer and hls ( friends
who armed themselves with shotguns
and demanded that they cease worker
or como to the front with more mon
ey. It Is possible that Mr. Rocke
feller will yet bo forced to blacklist
Kansas. Each day seems capable of
developing conditions that are not
favorable to the oil trust king.
There are again in evidence those
who argue that a late spring Is the
real thing after all , as it holds the
buds of the fruit trees back until it
will be safe for them to blossom with
out running the risk of a nipping
frost. Reasons can be argued for al
most any disagreeable circumstance
and this weather requires as much
of an apology as anything that has
struck Nebraska recently , therefore
people should not be backward about
making excuses for It
If the legislature Is to accomplish
all that Its ardent friends have de
sired It will not bo given opportunity
to permit the grass to grow under Its
feet during the next short while.
There Is bustriess to keep It hitting
the high places between now and the
tlmo fixed by law when the salary of
the members shall cease. There are
many laws that n large number of
people hoped to see adopted , but the
prospects now are that many of them
will die before they begin to breathe.
People In whom there Is s , streak
of Justice will , In vlevr of the more
recent developments , bo willing to
forglvo the Now Chwang correspon
dent for many of the pipe dreams that
have como over his signature. Dur
ing the recent lively engagement ho
was in first with the accounts of the
battle and the events have proven
that ho was hitting right In and around
the bull's eye for truth nt every shot.
Perhaps the difference In the account
from that source might bo credited
In part to the occupation of Port Ar
thur by the Japanese.
Henry Watteraon Is having the
time of his llfo In Europe. Among
other curiosities ho encountered a
Pnrls cabman , who dcnmndcd of him
ten francs for1 a drive. The colonel
offered six. which were Indignantly
refused. Ho then summoned a po
liceman and was advised to pay the
fnro asked. Mr. Wattorson still de
clined and went to his train. Thp
cabman rushed nfterwnrd and agreed
on the six franc faro and after It had
been given the oycs of Watterson's
fellow passengers opened wide with
surprise nt his generosity , declaring
that three francs would have been
plenty for the service , and moro than
the legal fare. It Is evident that Mr.
Wnttorson Is not yet as thoroughly
familiar with French character nq the
Arbor day , April 22nd , Is not so
far awny that you can afford to Ig
nore the desirability of planting trees
this spring , altogether , at this time.
It Is the tree planters who have done
moro thnn any other ono Inlluenco
to make Nebraska what It Is , and tlmt
Inlluenco will bo moro potent ns the
yenrs pass. The tree plnnters have
done much to change the climatic
conditions of the state to the advant
age of the people ; they have made It
a beautiful state and they have given
the people of the present and the
future sources for supplies of lum
ber , posts and fuel. The present con
dition Is duo to the pioneers , but the
people of today have their obliga
tions to the future to bo fulfilled. It
is not nearly as difficult to grow trees
planted now nnd they need little more
cnro than the digging of a hole and
the covering of the roots. Orchard
and shade trees that would not grow
at all thirty years ago now flourish
with little or no care and therefore
scant excuse Is offered those who fail
to plant orchards for fruit and forest
trees for shade and ornamentation.
The coming Arbor day should be gen
erally observed.
The springing of n "citizens" move
ment In Norfolk this campaign Is not
thoroughly understood by the mass of
the voters and the full meaning of
the move may not be disclosed untU
after the campaign is uu'der full head
way and perhaps not then. What the
"citizens" want that the two parties
already In the field have not been able
and willing to provide In the way of
municipal government Is not fully un
derstood. There Is certainly n > t a
demand that the citizens arise In tlieiii
might and demand a betUr city and
a more strict enforct'ment of fie laws
nnd ordinances , neither is there a.y
crying demand from the public that
the town be again thrown wldo open
ami as for the national policies of the
republicans and democrats breaking
Into peaceful Norfolk nnd creating tur
moil nnd strife that it would require
a citizens movement to counteract ,
there is no evidence that the 'people
of Norfolk nro thus threatened. Tluro
is then but one theory to account for
the citizens movement and that is
that there is politics behind It. vThe
republicans are not standing iu need
ot a side partner nnd the one logical
conclusion that can be arrived at is
tlmt it is a democratic move. It Is
asserted by a leader of the movement
that It is desired to rid office of some
chronic seekers after political prefer
ment , but there appears to be no
demand for such a reform. The
offices have been well administered
There Is not a serious demand for of
flee by citizens , chronic seekers or
otherwise , that cannot be provided for
at the party conventions , and the citl
movement is likely to accomplisl
nothing more than to keep the result
of the campaign In &ome doubt. The
democrats may need the aid of a cltl
zens movement , but the republican
leaders assert that they do not fear
it and If there Is any satisfaction to
the prime movers they will probably
bo permitted to urge the claims of
their party without protest froir e'th-
or side. If It will "ginger up" the
campaign it may not be consldeied nn
entire loss of time or energy.
A spring tonic that makes rich ,
red blood. Brings strength , health
and happiness to the \vholo family.
Nothing equals Holllster's Rocky
Mountain Ten as a spring tonic. 35
cents. The Klesau Drug Co.
A Dinner Invitation.
After a hearty meal a dose of Kodol
Dyspesla Cure will prevent nn attack
of Indigestion. Kodol Is a thorough
dlgcstant and a guaranteed euro for
indigestion , dyspepsia , gas on the
stomach , sour risings , bad breath and
all stomach troubles. N. Watklns ,
Lesbus , Ky. , says : "I can testify to
the efficacy of Kodol In the cure of
stomach trouble. I was afflicted with
stomach trouble for fifteen years and
Imvo taken six bottles of your Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure , which entirely cured
me. The six bottles wore worth $1-
000 to mo. " Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
will digest any quantity of all the
wholesome food you want to oat while
your stomach takes a rest recupe
rates and grows strong. This wonder
ful preparation is Justly entitled to
all of its many remarkable cures.
Sold by Asa K. Leonard.
A bracing spring tonic. Cures all
spring disorders. Makes red blood ,
hoiio and muscle. A wonderful rem
edy for making sick people well. Hoi-
lister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35
cents , tea or tablets.
The Klesau Drug Co. r
Pleasant and Harmless.
Don't drug the stomach to cure n
cough. One Minute Cough Cure cuts
ho mucus , draws the Inflammation
out of-tho throat , lungs and bronchial
ubes , heals , soothes and cures. A
quick euro for croup and whooping
cough. One Mlnuto Cough Cure ro-
loves a cough In ono mlnuto because
t acts first on the mucous membrane
right whore the cough troubles In
he throat or deepseated on the lungs.
Sold by Asa K. Leonard.
Colds cause congestion and cos-
Iveness. Fluids which -should pass
through the bowels and kidneys are
secreted by the nose and throat. Hoi-
Ister's Rocky Mountain Tea will pos-
lively cure. 35 cents.
The Klesau Drug Co.
By the Tonic Route.
The pills that act as a tonic , and
not ns n drastic purge , nro DoWtlt's
Little Early Risers. They cure headache -
ache , constipation , biliousness , etc.
Early Risers are small , easy to take
and easy to act a safe pill. Mack
Hamilton , hotel clerk at Valley City ,
N. D. , says : "Two bottles cured me
of chronic constipation. " Sold by Asa
K. Leonard.
It Is mighty easy to go to'the dogs.
Better watch yourself.
When a man has two sons as tall"
as he Is , It is a sign of age. -
It Is very easy for n girl to "be a
belle of a town , In the telegraph/
Did you ever notice with two sis
ters that one Is always nicer than the
other ?
A man can feel In his pockets at
any time and bring out a little ball
of fuz.
A young thing in Atchlson all Ivit
makes a face when a married man
speaks to her. ,
If you must own a fancy dog , don't
get a fancy ono that will attunct par
ticular attention to you.
An ovorbearimg Atchison man not
only makes her attend his church , but
she must patronize his doctor.
AVe claim that when the children
have their noses flattened against the
pane watching for father to come
home , it is n good sign ; he's good to
An AtchlRon man married off his
three daughters , and finally when a
son got married , and found all It cost
him was a $10 cut glass dish for a
present , he had so many fits he wns
unable to go to the wedding.
A man recently began swearing In
an Atchlson saloon. "Look hero , " the
proprietor said , "you will have to cut
out that profanity. Suppose a lady
were to como In after a drink ; how
would your swearing sound ? "
They say a negro approached Jim
Orr today , and said : "Mr. Orr , they
say you say you don't want any negro
to vote for you. " To which Mr. Orr
replied : "If you were running for
mayor , would you say that ? " The
negro said he wouldn't "Well , then , "
Mr. Orr continued , "don't you think I
have as much sense as you hove ? "
Monogram Designs.
New , original designs In monograms
for correspondence stationery. Very
late and artistic. Sample sketches
will bo made without charge , for the v
approval of exacting persons who desire - w
sire this sort of work. THE NEWS.
A Well Known Cure for Piles.
Cures obstinate sores , chipped hands , eo
zema , skin diseases. Makes burns and icalda
painless. We could not Improve the quality
If paid double the price. The beat lalva
that experience can produce or that money
can buy.
Cures Piles Permanently
DeWui's Is thr original and only pure and
genuine Vitch Hel Salve made. Look for
the napDeWI"V on every box. All othen
aiecounitVM , RRrAF1Diy
dold by AUU K. L.I.UU.IIU.