NORFOLK WEEKLY EWSJOURNAL. * VMM * . , , , , , NOHKOl.K NKUHASIvA I'MUDAY ' MA1UUI 17 IHOft [ d OYAMA IS STRIKING A DLOW AT THE DEFEATED RUSSIAN ARMY. KUROPATKIN IS IN TIGHTEST CORNER YET MUST CUT HIS WAY OUT OR SURRENDER. A MOST DESPERATE BATTLE IS N OW RAGING NORTH'OF TIE PASS The Outcome of Which , If the Japanese Succeed In Crossing Kuropatkln's Rear , Must Mean Utter Crushing of Russian Forces Oyama's Move Tuesday Was Feigning. Toklo , March 16. The Japanese oc cupied Tie pass at midnight March 15. Details of the occupation have not yet been received. The Japanese are In hot pursuit of the Russians. Tokio , March 1C. The Japanese oc cupied Sengklnjang , sl'ated ; eighty miles east of Mukden. > r"lo ' ' ' 'I "to St. Petersburg , March 1C. from the front la again very serious. Oyama Is striking a blow at the de feated Russian army. In splto of the exhaustion of bis forces , after a long twelve days' struggle , ho lias been able to organize a fresh turning move ment. Tuesday's attack upon the Russian advances at Fan river , It Is now ev ident , was only a feint while the Jap anese columns -were being worked around to get a position to fall upon the Russians. A dispatch to the Associated Press from Auntokup , eight miles north of Tie pass , dated March. 15 , says that a desperate battle Is raging. Kuropatkln Taken by Surprise. That Kuropatkln was taken by sur prise is a fair inference from the man ner In which , Tuesday night , ho aban doned his position , leaving so hurried ly that he was obliged again to burn his stores. With the Japanese In pursuit be hind the Russian army at Tie pass , Kuropatkln's position Is extremely critical. Once the Japanese are across his rear In force , Kuropatkln would have to cut his way out or surrender. New Chwang , Marrh Iti. The Japa nese occupied Tie pass Wednesday midnight. St. Petersburg , March IB. Flanking tactics by the Japanese apparently are in piogiess again , the Assoclat , d Press correspondent , who leinatns at Tie Pass ; telegraphing that General Mlstchenko on March 14 briskly engaged a Japanese force on the Rus Elan right. It is possible that the attacking force was a Japanese col- nmn which disappeared from observa tlon during the battle of Mukden. The Japanese do not appear to have renewed the frontal attack , the'flemon- stratlon on Tuesday having shown that the Russian" were prepared to make a determined resistance. The censor's office has already been removed to Santoupe , a point eight ' miles north of Tie pass , and there are Intimations that It may soon be estab ll'shed even farther north The As sociated Press correspondent though Baying nothing regarding the commls aarlat arrangements for the troops declares that the newspaper corre spondents have practically been tarved out 6f Tie pass. This may perhaps be'an Indication of the amount of food available for the army Immense quantities of which were de- ' Btroyed at Mukden , where practically the entire reserve commissariat had b en accumulated. According to Chinese reports , the covernor of Mukden gave a banquet In honor of the Japanese generals aft er their triumphal entrance Into ti city , and a Russian journalist wire. * that owing to the occupation of Hut- den by the Japanese , Russia's pres tige with the Chlnesa has been utter ly destroyed. He say * even tri umphant victory would not restore Russia to the place In the estimation of tha Chinese which she heTH a. year ago. ago.It It IB rumored that an order for an other general mobilization Is being ; prepared and that a new army will be forwarded to Manchuria as fast as possible by railway and summer steamer service. JAP WARSHIPSJT SINGAPORE Squadron of Twenty-two Vessels After Russian S'econd Pacific Squadron. Ivondon , March 1C. A steamer ar riving at Bingaporo reports having passed a squadron of twenty-two Japanese aneso warships about twenty miles east of the entrance to the straits of Malacca. Two Japanese cruisers and two auxiliary cruisers previously ar rived at Singapore. Presumably thcsa vessels are on their way westward In search of tha Russian second Pacific squadron , last reported In Madagas car waters. The appearance of Admiral Togo's fleet In the track that would he use'd in any attempt by Admiral Rojestven- eky to make for Vladivostok is the most Interesting news of the day. Ac cording to the Dally Mall's correspond ent at Singapore , who visited the- ths officers wore unusually retl- n'wo Jalancso omcera landed ii0' iferred with the Japanese con- ul and It was understood by the cor respondent that the squadron would hortly sail again , as It required noth- UB. The presumption here Is that Ad miral Togo acquired some Information concerning Rojcstvcnsky's Intended movements. So far as known In I/indon Rojest- vensky's squadron Is still off the coast of Madagascar , but as the Ice In 'the jarbor of Vladivostok Is probably Ue- ginning to give , the Russian admiral must soon make a decision whether o dash for Vladivostok or return to [ Russia. Naval experts here belief * kat Togo will not come much farther n quest of the Baltic squadron , on the ground that ho cannot afford to run unnecessary risks. No further news bus been received of the fighting on the Tan river and llttlo Importance Is attached to tbls Isolated repulse of the Japanese. The London papers continue In the belief that to all intents and purposes the campaign Is closed , that It will bo next to Impossible for Russia to put a new army In the field , anil that the talk of doing so Is mere- bluff , Intend ed to Influence the inevitable negotia tion of peace terms. It is also TTe- lleved that the French govt-rnment has utilized the financial lever to con vey to Russia her view that It Is the proper course to seek to arrange terms The rumor persists that Rtis 'a ' has acquainted France with her willingness to discuss terms , but not on the basis of an Indemnity , which Russia contends would ruin her pres tlge. claiming that she would rather continue the war than submit to such a demand. Battle Near Tie Pass. Eantoupu , March 16. A satlgulnar : combat occurred ou March 14 on the center advanced line of the Russian army , eight miles south of Tie pass The Russians repulsed the attack and eren made a small advance through a thousand corpses of Japanese and MtvanclKg a large force on the rlgh link , where General Miatcnenka who has taken command of his detachment tachment , though his wound lias no yet healed , is holding the Japunusu Ii check. The Russian troops have re gained their noiinal spirits and cheerfully. It is rumored thai Chi nese killed eighty lon-Uuers In MnK den after the Russian evacuation ol that place Including , It Is said , cor respondent Richard II. Kittle of the Chicago Daily News NO CHOICE TODApTMISSOURI Cockrejl Develops Great Strength , But .Three Ballots aFII. Jefferson. City , Mo. , March 10. Three Ineffectual ballots were taken today for senator. The supporters ol Nitidrliigbuuij returned to him. Thu lirtit ballot showed decided strength for F. M. . Cuckrell. Thu Hist ballot : Cockrull 80 ; Nlud- ringhauyUU ; Pvttijohn 18 ; Parker u ; Warutir L'v ; Bartholdt 1 ; Speucer 1 ; necessary to choice 80. zFrisby changed from Niudringhauu to Pettljohn. Second ballot : Cockrell 81 ; Nlud- ringhaus 59 ; Pettljohn 12 ; Parker 12 ; Warner 1 ; Kerens U ; Spencer 1 ; nec essary to choice 87. Third ballot : Niedringhaus 58 ; Cockrell 81 ; Parker 13 ; Pettljohn 1 ; Spencer I ; Kerens 1C ; Harrington 1 ; Warner 1 ; necessary to choice 87. Important Deal In Pig Iron. Cleveland , Munh 1U. Thu Leader says : "A ttuiibUciKm of Immense im portance Is just about to bu put through by the Bessemer Pig Iron as- aociutlon. Thu bale of over 100,000 tons of Uesemer pig Iron Is about to bo closed , entailing delivery through the remainder of this year ami the first half of 1906. This transaction Is considered one of the most vital pieces of Industrial news of the past six months. rtAN AND TWO CHILDREN IN DOYD AND HOLT COUNTIES. N SNOW STORM FIVE HOURS Mr. Brown and the Two Children of William Wilson , Enrouto to the Home of Dick Wilson , Become Lost and Searching Parties Start , Redburg , Nob. , March IC.Speclal .o The Nuws : liutwoun Sunday night ud Monday morning the northern orllon of Holt county and the tenth- rn part of Hoyd county wore thrown nto intontto oxcltomont ever the din- ppearanco of a mail and two chll- run , who had started from ono farm .o another lu a miowsturm and who , aving lost their way in the blinding light on the pralrlo , wuru out for Iho lours , wandering aimlessly about , bu- 'oro they tlnally dlscovorud a llttlo , 'ulhnv light which cut out a square u the blackness and which brought horn to a spot just thruo miles t'loin liulr starling point. Suarchlng par , ios wuro formed quickly lu the task of rescuing tno lost man and uhlldion. The man was Mr. LJrown , of Boyd county , who had buun visiting at thu lomo of William Wilson in nortbuin Holt county. Accoinpaniud by the sou und daughter of Air. Wilson , ( Juy uul Fay , iigud ton and Lwuho , ho tjtiirtud out ut night unroutu to the ionic of Dluk Wilson , thu children u .tnclo. Losing bin way in thu snow storm , Air. Brown drove back and forth for no long a tlmo that itaa foarud surlous accident might lm\o overtaken him. Telephone lines , which thread the whole country , wuro kept busy with Inquiries of unxlouu friunds until , alter tor midnight , thu trio was located. DRAWN INTO CORNSHELLER. Wisner Man Seriously Hurt When Mil tens Catch in Feeder. Winner , Nub. , Alarch 15. Special to The Nuws : Alntt Hanson , u tann er living six miles southwest ofVla ne r , was seriously hurt while shelling corn. Ills mittens were caught In the feeder and diow nearly his whole urm Into the machine. Mrs. Dr. Morse attended him. One of the lingers was amputated but It is thought the rest of his arm will be saved. Ho had not slept for two nights previous to the accident on account of a barb wire scratch ou this same hand , which maj indicate that the blood was In had shape and complicate matters some what. BROUGHT BACK TO OAKDALE. Will Priestly , Who Died Suddenly , Was Burled Today. Oakdale , Neb. , March lii. Special to The News : Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Priestly returned yesterday afternoon from Phoenix , Arin. , bringing the r - mains of their son , Will , who dioil HUldc-ily ( last Thursday night. They hud been at Phoenix since before the holidays. Funeral services woic hold held lit 2 o'clock this afternoon. Had Changed Grips. Wisner , Neb. , March 1G. Special to The News : A drummer representing an Omaha optical linn was surprised here yesterday when .he went to show his samples. He found that Instead of lenses and gold spectacles he had a grip filled with ladles' clothing. Grips had boon phanged at Norfolk yesterday. Wisner Postmaster. Wlsnor , Neb. , March 15. Special to The News : Frank C. Kvuns has re ceived his appointment as postmaster at Wisner. Conductor Fatally Injured. Lexington , Neb. , March 16. Owing to a rear-end collision of two freight trains at Orerton all enstbound trains were detained here for several hours. Conductor M. J. Herln was brought kere for treatmentt as was J. E. Costello - tello , the brakcman. Both were taken to Omaha No hopes are entertained for th recovery of Herln , but Cos- ttllo's Injuries , though Sever * , ar not erioui. Th wreck was a mass of flsranr and a tejnporary track was madr- Around It to permit traffic to proceed. Stiles for Head Consul. Omaha , March 16 About 173 dele gates were In attendance at the morn * Ing meeting of the head camp juris diction A. The entire forenoon was devoted to the election of officer * for the ensuing two years , which resulted as follows : Karle R Stiles of Omaha , head consul ; J. W. I.ecrone of Ken- nard , Neb. , advlhcr ; J D. F. Dudley of Arkansas City , iKati. , banker ; N. II. Wolff of Topeka. Kan. , clerk ; H. M. Cole of Crete , Neb. , escort ; J. I * Hotichln of Omaha. Neb. , watchman ; C. Q. PrUcbman of Crete , Neb. , escort. Union-Pacific Corn Special. Omaha , March 1C. The Union Pa- clflc corn education special left Lin coln this morning and will run three days , closing the Intlnerary Saturday evening nt Kearney. The train will top nt most of the stations on the main line hranclicn. Alfred Darlow , advertising manager of tlio Union Pa cific , will hnvo dinrKu of the train , Professors l.yoiiH , Avtiry , Burnett and Cutler of the agricultural department of the Nebraska university will give ccliircs and demonstrations , The stnto press In well roprasented by a corps of newspaper mini. McGrew-Harrls Wedding. niooniliiKlon. Nob. , Match 16. Tha marriage omirn'd note of Miss Kdlth Petrl Miic\v ( daughter of Iho prnsl- dent of tln > Itiooinlngion Huto hunk , and Cllffoid 1C llimln , a slate keiiiktor of Sunnier , Omaha's Mayor Take * * Urld . Phoenix. AnMimh Hi.Finnic 18. Mouros , mayor ot Omaha , and MfTis Mary U. Malutirt , also of Omaha , were married heiu. Mr. Moore * tha winter In Phounlx. HARD FIGHT WITH BANK ROBBER Man Named Davis Shoots Town Mar shal In Dattlo Today. ArUniiRiiH City , March It ! . A man ving the niuiio of JiinioH DuvlH , want- I'd for alluded complicity In the rob- lory of a hank at Rcnfrow , Okla. , March 10 , WHH nrroHtod here today nflcr a doRpe-nito HlniKKlo with olll- corn In which ho Hhot City MiifHhnl Soylor. The wound IH not norlous. DiuisVIH located In a building on Main Htieot InHl night. An attempt to nrroat him at that tlmo by a do/.uu men wna iiiiHiiccuHHful , DuvlH driving thorn back at thu point of two rovolv pfs. Soylor wan Blow In retreating 'iiul wan flliol by I bo nlloRoil bunk robber bor In the Hhoiihlor. Davla had boon bail-loading lilB room and Iho olllcorH laid siege till daylight , when they forced nn entrance to thu hulldlui ; uul arrcHtod tholr man. BLOCK ON THE PIPE LINE _ County Commissioners Refuse Stan dard Oil Permission to Build. Poorla , March 1C. The Pralrlo OH and (3iiB company IIIIH boon refused permission by the board of miporvln orH to lay the plpo line projected from KaiiHiis City to Indiana through this county. COPPER KING IS DEAD. Meyer Guggenheim Succumbs to Pneu monia In Florida. Omaha , March 1C. A dispatch from Palm Beach , Fin. , loportB the doutl of Meyer CiiiBgcnholm , the copper cup ItallHt. Ho succumbed to pneumonia Ho was fovcnty-oight yearn of ago. , LONGER LIFE FOR CONVICTS Negro Man and W'-.ite ' Woman Given Chance to AppeajIn Court. Ilarils'iuri ' ; Pa. , March Pi Tha Peiiiiyhn..a : auiiieini' couit having decided to send the case of Samuel Greason , colored , under HcnM-nce of death In Reading for thn ni'inlrr of John Kdwurds In 1901 , back to the Berks county court , the hoard of pa' dons granted a ( ontimrinio in hN case and nlso In that of Mrs Kate Kdwaids , white , who Is also con diMimcd to death for thu same crime. At the Fflnunry sc.ssion of ihe pardon board the condemned coup ! " weie re prieved until ten days al'lt'ithe pres ent meeting of the board , HO that the attorneys could again taUn the case of Greason before the mipicmc court The decision of the board acts as a stay , pending the disposal of the case by the Berks county court. Farrls and Smith Again Indicted. Jefferson City , Mo. , Match 10 The Cole county trand ; jury , whTtli was ordered by .Judge Martin to invent ! gate charges of legislative bribery , re ' turned Indictments against State Sen i- ators Frank II. Farrls and Charles A. Smith on charges of accepting bribes of | 100 each from Daniel J. Kelly , legislative agent of the baking pow der trust , for defeating the alum bill In the legislature of 1901. Former Governor John A. Lee , who is at pres ent residing In Chicago , was Indicted upon a charge of perjury In connec tion with tin- alum deal. ' The rea son for the Indictments against Farrls and Smith Is that , In tha opinion of Attorney General Hadley , th' Indict ments under which they are now awaltinit trial are defectlro. Italy to Fortify Frontier. Tlenna , March 16. The report frona Rome that the Italian war ministry proposed to ask the chamber of depu ties for HO.000,000 to fortify th east- am and northern frontiers of Italy , was reiterated and caused consider able comment In Vienna , where It was taken as rlienc of Italy's grow ing distrust of Austria and was char acterized as the Indirect result of the weakening of Russian power In the far east and the consequent loss of Russian Influence In the Balkan pen- lasiila. Whitman on Trial. Buffalo , Match 16 , The Jury In the case of Alonzo Whitman wassecured and his trial on a charge of larceny begun. Mr. Southard of the City Na tional bank of Hudion was' the only witness called. Boothman , who -was Indicted on a similar charge , will be the stkte's star witness , it I * tald , SENATE WILL PROBABLY ALLOW PROTOCOL TO LAPSE , CULLOM PROPOSES COMMISSION Final Effort Will Do Mada to Secure Support of Enough Democrats to Make Majority Debat * In the Sen ate Proceed * . Wabhlnetoii , Match -Itepubllcan loader * of thu nonnlu aio till at SPA respecting tlio action advisable to take In regard ( o the Santo Domingo treaty. Recognizing that tlio Domo- crata control more than ono-tlilrd of the votes and that two-third * are re quired to ratify the convention , the Bonllmcnt of ( he Republican loaders Is that tlio treaty should ho with drawn by tlio prosldout , Ou thin sub ject Iho senate and the prosldent do not agroc , and the Idea pi.jvall.4 that after one or two dn.VH nioro of Incon- seqiiontlal debate the special ucunlon of the KoiiHto will bn allowed to ad journ without ditto und ( ho treaty lapte. Hut ihlH pluii IH not popular In the HoiuilH und u way to avoid It In being sought. Ono alternative , which In the dis cussion concerning It wan termed merely an excuse for Inaction. Is that Senator Cjillom should offer a resolu tion directing the president to appoint a commission to mnko an Investiga tion of the Santo Domingo debt and other questions Involved In the pro tocol. This plan W H uBift'd on ten tntlvely ns the piogram most deslr able under existing condition espo clally a's It In bullovud that such a rosoltitlon could be adopted without debate. No decision was reached which may not ho changed , however , and otbor plans have been suggcstud or arc brewing. Senator Norlands offered a resolu tlon culling on tlio president to for ward to the senate certain Informa tlon believed to bo In possession of the state dopurtment In relation to Santo Domingo affairs. It was whin pered that If the resolution worn adopted nnd the Democrats felt that If all tlio Information oblnlnablo would bo given , three or four Demo cratic voten might result. This would ratify the treaty. The minor ity party , on tlio other hand , took t. . . position that no Information could ho forthcoming which would change the principle Involved In the treaty and that It Is Idle for the Republican * to hope for aid from that sldo. The rcso lutlon nevei iholons remains undls posed of nnd there was talk among Republican lemlfMa of adopting It an- ' putting It to a tent as a vole getter Among those who talked for Ihi treaty were Senators Spooner Ilev burn P'ntt ( f'ntin. ) nnd Fulton , while thrw oppo 'l fn It w r < > Senator' McPlearv. Morgan , l'nlbor on. New lands , Mallorv. Clay nnd Halley. FRAZIER TO SUCCEED BATE Governor of Tennesiee Caucu * Noml nee for United States Senator. Nashville , Tumi. . March 16. Gov ernor .lames Ii. l-"ra/.ler was nominated for United States senator by the Democratic caucus of the state legls lature. The vote wan by acclamation no other name bolng presented to the caucus. Govoinor Frny.ler's oleUIot Is assured , as the legislature is vcr > largely Democratic. He w.111 succeed the late Senator William B. Bate who was himself elected by the pres ent legislature and therefore practlc ally has a full senatorial term before him. Tuesday , March 21 , Is the day set for the formal election by th Joint assembly. Governor Frazler wll be succeeded In the guhornalorla chair by John I Cox of Sullivan coun ty , tke present speaker of the senate Lading Casea Indefinitely Postponec Washington , Marcii 16. The hear Ing hofora the Interstate commerc ommlfeslon of the uniform bill of lad lag cases , which was set for Marc 22 in Washington , has been Indefinite ly postponed upon a stipulation slgne by the chairman of the uniform bll of lading committee and counsel rep resenting numerous petitioning shl ] pars and commercial organlzattoa Tha stipulation provide * that ( lie ol bill * of lading prescribed In officla classification No. 25 shall be uic pending the Investigation and a rapor by a joint committee of tea , com poifd of five representative * of th slippers aid flva repraiantatlva * o tk * railroads. laze on Steamer Wlldtnfel * . Boston , March lt > . A tkreatenln tre , which broke out on the Hans Use tteamer Wlldenfels of Bremen cauied damage to Its cargo estimate at 150,000 and for thre hours kept large division of tha flre department throwing water. In addition to tke damage to the cargo , many of her plates warped and her compartment walls were damaged. The WiUenfels carried a general cargo valued at 11,080,000. Double Tragedy at Sedalla. Sedalia , Mo. March 16. Edward Heurman. a bartender , shot and killed Ruby Burton , a notorious character , and then ( hot and killed himself. Heurrnaa and tb wsiuia aad bttm drinkiai. THE CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Temperature for Twenty-four Houn. Forecast for Nebraska , Condition of tlio woutlior ail recorded - od for thu ZItouru oiidltiK nt 8 a. m. loduy : Miixlinuin 41 Mliiliuum 33 Avonu'.o 37 Precipitation 42 Totul iirculiiltittloii ftr tlio month .77 lluromotur 30.0 * Chicago , March 1C. Tlio bulletin In- Htiod by tlio Chicago ntutlon of th Unllod Btnton weather liuronti this lornlnir , iilvcm tlio forecast for No- raaka nn follows : Hal 11 tonight nnd Friday. Wuruior orlhwoHt portion tonight. FUNERAL OF MRS , STANFORD Steamer Alameda Sails for San Fran clico With Body. Honolulu , March IS. The remain ! of Mm Jam ; l.uthinp Smnfurd , wun died ai Uui MIMIU liulul heio oil till night of I'VJ. ' ! . wi-io omoiic.d from ho undoi taking Ui.ulillHlinn.-iil. wucio they liavu lulu blneo tliu moialnc to I owing her death , to lliu COIIKIOKU. llonal Central Union chinch by otll child of tlio pollco department , othci terrltotlul ollUmkj. a Urge nuuibor ol cllUoim und tlio following pallbearers- David Starr Jordan , president of Btuti' ford university ; Timothy J. Hopkltn , nieinbor of Iho boiml < if truatoua ol tlio university , and ( Jovornor Cartur , QU well uu by many graduates of tha unlvorulty residing In Honolulu. Thu chuit'li , which In one of lh rfiCBt In Honolulu , < NUH crowdud The uorvlcefi wore opened by the llor \V. M. Klncald and tlio Kplaconat burial service wan rcud by Ltlahoj lleHtarlck. Hor. Mr. Klncald , In his prayer , paid an oloiiuunt tribute to the 11(4 ( of Mm. Stanford anil inudo mauy refer nceB to tha grout things nhc haa doni for the catuo of education , th ad TBiicoinont of civilization uud the up lifting of humanity. At the conclusion of the scrvlc * th cortngo proceeded to the wharf , whuro there wag an Initnenso gatherIng - Ing of pooph ) . The remains wera placed on bonrd the strainer Alameda through the pott Tlio Ahunodiv then left the wharf and began her voyag to San Fiancluto. Army Man Make * Suicidal Dash. Vancouver Itairncky , March 16. Lieutenant Francis lloouo , who was ordered discharged from the United Btntes army on the charges of desor tlon , absence without leavo. nonpay mcnt of debts and conduct unbecom Ing an olllcor , made a dnsh from his sunn'with UH'.lhern'w suicidal Intent , It Is reported , and before recaptured was shot and probably fatally Injureil Boone was being c-onihu toil from tin guard house ( o the Rnrrlson hospital when , without warning , he broke away and started to run. He was or dorcil to halt , but pnld no attention to the command nnd the guards opened fire. One bullfit out of th five fired nt the prisoner took effect IB the head. Another broke his collar bone. Boone rose to the ofllco of lieu tenant from the ranks. He Is said to belong to a wc 'thy New York family And has n. wife and children IB Sao FrancUco. Police Raid Women Gamblers. Now York , March 1G. The police raided u pool room and gambling house In Forty-second street , which , they declare , was patronized almost cxrluhlvfly by wives of wealthy New YorU-rs The evidence was obtained by a woman detective The allegoH pool loom was located In a fashionable apaitmeni hou f : . The police had to break down two doors to reach tba room. Their end mice was followed by a scene of wild excitement , the worn n , mobt of whom were gathered around a roulette table , screaming and attempting to escape by the windows dews and doors. After they had given their names and addresses the woman were allowed to go. Deposition In Santa Fe Case , Chanute , Kan. , March 1G. The tak ing of depositions In the still of tha itate against tb Atch.son. Topeks and Santa Fe and other railroads for utter was rt'fciimed here. The rail road law > ers > objected to the hearing B the ground of intumclency of no- tic * , but Mr. Moneit went ahead. Th firit witness wat Foster AlUn. gen eral manager for I. N. Knapp. Allen began by explaining how Knapp built p a large business In fuel oil in Ksncak Okr , Omaha and other polnti Independently of the Prairie Oil and Gis company and how the continued advance In ralt-s forced him to an alli ance with the Standard company. Steer Stampede at Alton. Alton. 111. . March Iti. For two dayi Alton has been In the throes of a tnad < deiind steer stampede through the busltiHSb streets and Harry Holllday a boy who endeavored to deliver tha steers. to a butcher , was badly In jured in the melea. A drove of seven steers tooK lrliit ! and ran at large through the town. Four were finally captuied. but three continued to roam through the afreets , doing damage to property. Pursuers only served to render them more terror stricken. Stveral citizens have had narrow es capes from Injury. The steers fled to tha outskirts and men witk rifles KtOLI