The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 24, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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    THIS NUKj-OMC X1CWS ; FK1DAY. I'MMUU MY ! 2-1 111" . * . .
Government Records Kept by Dr. P.
H. Salter In Norfolk Show That This
Year's Cold Began Two Days Ear
lier and Lasted Two Days Later.
While it has been populatly sup-
[ v \ " posed thai the roconl sovetoly cold
' > enap of woalher waH the worsl thai
had boon known in the wesl in many
ways for twenty odd yonis , figures
on the government weather recotds
maintained by Dr P. H Salter In
this city show that the winter of 1890
was just as severe and thai It coveted
almost the Identical days during which
the present biller period existed. The
frigidity of this year began two days
earlier and continued two days later
than thai of 18f > 9 , Ihus making a
slretch of four davs longer
A tabulallon of the flgntes show the
following maximum and minimum
temperatures for the compaiativo
days of the twp years.
Minimum Records This Year.
Minimum for 1905 : January 21 ,
10 ; January 25 , 2G ; January 2C.
4 ; January 27 , 2 ; January 28 , 4 ;
January 29 , 4 ; January 30 , 9 ; Jan
uary 31 , 13 ; February 1 , 19 ; February -
ruary 2 , 35 ; February 3 , 18 ; Feb
ruary 4 , 27 ; February 5 , 5 ; Feb
ruary C , 25 ; February 7 , IS ; Feb
ruary S , 0 ; February 9 , 10 ; February
10 , 23 ; Febniary 11 , 8 ; February
12 , 22 ; February n , 29 ; Februaiy
It , 3 ; February 15 , 12.
Minimum Records In 1899.
Minimum for 1890 : January 20,0 ;
January 27 , 10 ; January 28 , 0 :
January 29 , 1C ; January 30 , 21 ;
January 31 , 12 ; February 1 , 4 ;
Febniary 2 , 12 ; February 3 , 8 ;
February 4 , 24 ; February 5 , 21 ;
Febniary C , 18 ; February 7 , 12 ;
February 8 , 20 ; February 9 , 32 ;
February 10 , II ; February 11 , 35 ;
February 12 , r 30 ; February 13 , 11.
, Maximum for This Year.
The maximum degrees fiom Janu
ary 24 to February 15 this year ran :
3 , 5. 24 , 32 , 13 , 12 , IS , 14 , S , S ,
3 , 0 , 3 , 15 , 20 , 12 , 0 , 0 , 10 , 10 , 30 ,
Maxlmums in 1899.
The maximum weather for the days
between January 2C and Febtuary 13 ,
1899 , ran as follows : 44 , S , 35 , 4 ,
23 , 0 , 14 , 5 , 4 , 2 , 1 , 12 , 12 , S , 22 ,
3 , 1 , 19 , 10.
It will be seen from the figures thai
Ihe lowesl record in each jear was
thirty-five degrees below 7ero and
that the period this year contained
four days of zero or above for a min
imum , while thai of 1899 never gel
to warm.
A Committee on Constitution Was Ap
pointed Tilden , Nellgh , Stanton ,
Pilger , Wisner , West Point , Scrib-
ner and Norfolk In the League.
At a meeting of haseball enthusi
asts from northern Nebraska points
held at the office of Chairman W. W.
Roberts in this city last night , it was
determined to form an eight-team
league consisting of clubs from Stanton -
ton , Pilger , Wisner , West Point , Scrib-
ner , Tilden , Nellgh and Norfolk , and
to call the organization , "The Elkhorn
Valley Baseball League. "
A committee of four , composed of
C. A Smith of Tilden , Al Pont of
Stanton , J. W. Stewart of Wisner , and
John Neligh of West Point was ap
pointed to draft a constitution and to
meeti n the office of Mr. Pont at Stanton -
ton at 3 o'clock on the afternoon of
March 5 for the puipose of its adop
tion. The committee was Instructed
to secure a copy of the by-laws of the
Western league.
Enthusiastic fans from Wisner and
West Point were here In full foice , all
heartily in favor of the formation of
the proposed league. It was decided
at the meeting to extend an invitation
to Nellgh to join the aggregation.
It will , of course , depend now unon
each individual town ns to whether
or not the single teams shall be 01-
pani/.ed but the idea seemed to pre
vail at the meeting that , with the
proper effort In each place and with
the right support from the business
men of each town , the organization
will be possible without any ( Joubt.
It will bo seen from the schedule
that the teams which are now consid
ered are from towns on the main line
of the Chicago fc Northwestern rail
way and that , therefore , the name
"Elkhorn Valley league" is literally
Monogram Designs.
New , original designs In monograms
for correspondence stationery. Very
late and artistic. Sample sketches
will be made without charge , for the
approval of exacting persons who de
sire this sort of work THE NEWS.
Cady Objected to Tabling and Senate
Removes Postponement.
Lincoln , Neb. , Fob. 18. Angry pro
tents ever the summuiy sldetracKIng
of the binding twine fnctoiy bill led
to n lesclsHlon of yesterday's notion
by the senate Soon niter the semte
met Cady lose and moved to ront'Ct
the Join mil of > ostotday. and after n
ptolonged discussion all reference to
the postponement of the measure was
expunged Cady said It was simply
a pollto way of murdering the bill.
Ho exonerated Senator Sheldon , who
was not piescnt , sa\lng that his mo
tives \\eie good but his methods bud
Ho wanted to bo placed on record as
opposed to such a method of dispos
ing of Impoitant legislation.
The senate passed Dlmery's bill in
dousing the saluiles of the two chlof
deputy game waidens $200 and $ 'Juo
respectively ; but Wood's bill to do-
rioaso the salaries of state bank ex-
amlneis fiom $1,800 to $1,500 was lost
The house Is lorn up over rniliond
rate legislation. The Foster bill to
scale all state rates 10 per cent is
being hind fought by the lobby , audit
Is charged by members that the nil-
loads are back of the effort to create
a commission. The strength of the
Foster bill lies In the fact that it
takes lates made by experts as a
basis , and scales them , leaving it a
question of only as to whether the
tcvenuos would stand Mich a rutnot
whether each one is a reasonable one
Unique and Strangely Tragic Fate
Which Befell the Purring Pet of a
Little 5-Year-Old Girl at West Point.
Was Washed Out Like 3 Towel.
West Point , Neb. , Feb. 18 Bathed
to deatli in the lamlly washing ma
chine was the unique and strangely
tiagic fate which befell a little white
kitten at the hands of its devoted mlb-
tiess , 3-year old Lena Casey.
The kitten had been o'ut in the
snowdrifts and returned indoors with
a quaitet of slightly soiled little feet.
Slezing her pet in her arms , Lena ca
ressingly informed the creature that
it must have a bath straightway and
that the family washing machine
would be used as the mobt effectual
means of cleanliness.
"You're foots are very black , Kitty , "
she said to her affectionate playmate
and best friend in the world "And
I think they ought to De washed off
Now you must be a good kitten and
get into the wash-machine that's
jour bath tub , Kitty without a wlum
per. "
Accordingly the purring pet was
lifted gently into the inner recesses of
the Monday morning machinery of
the household , and locked llgbtl > in ,
after it had been given a tender fare
well stroke from the diminuthe , toft
white hand of the kitten laundress
Then the wheels began to grind and
shortly after the lid was opened
Dashing her fingers down to clutch
her kitten clean , little Lena was horror
ror stricken to find its form limp and
lifeless and Its eyes shut tightly. She
sobbed later as though her little heart
would break , when she found that the
pufesy was really dead. The bathed-
to-death pet was buried in the back
The little girl is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Casey. Mr Casey
is salesman In a general merchandise
store here.
Fred W. Dlprick and Miss Rosa J.
Tlkassky Married Today.
Verdigre , Neb. , Feb. 21 Sppclal to
The News : One of the most notable
weddings that has occurred in the. vi
cinity of Verdigre In many'a long day
was celebrated here at 10 o'clock this
morning when Miss Rosa J. Tlkassky ,
daughter of Judge Tlkassky of Verdi
gre , was united In the holy bondb of
matrimony to Mr. Fred W. Dlprick of
Battle Creek , Neb. , Rev. Father Til-
Inch officiating.
The young couple are among the
most prominent people anywhere in
this territory nnd the wedding was.
cause for a great colegratlon by their
many friends in Verdigre and here
The Grip.
"Before we can sympathize with
others , we miiht have buffered our
selves. " No one can defccribe to you
the suffering attending a nattack of
the grip , unless you ha\e had the ac
tual experience. There is probably
no disease that causes to much phys
ical and mental agony , or which to
successfullly defies medical aid. All
danger from the grip , however , may
ho avoided by the prompt ute of
Chamberlain's Cough remedy. Among
thotens , of thousands who have used
this remedy , not one case has ever
been reported that has resulted In
pneumonia or that has not recovered.
Tor sale by oLonard the druggist.
Repairing neatest , tiest , cheapest.
Paul Nordwig , harness man.
Testimony Wns Given by State Trea
surer Mortcnscn and State Architect
James Tyler Regarding the Con
struction of the Buildings.
The expondltuio of the Norfolk asy
lum appiopilatlon of two yoms ago
was the subject of Investigation by
the house committee appointed uitdoi
the .lonort icsoliitlon. llopioaontatlvoH
Jones , McAllister mid llowo'spenl ' the
gteat pottlon of the day listening to
testimony nnd considering the pies
lions piesonted. Mr Jones -wlHhos to
come to Not folk and make an Insp.'c
tlon of the piomlses whllo the teiualii
Ing mombots of the commit too think
this Is baidly nocessaty 11 Mr. JOIIOH
Insists , It is likol.v the trip will ho
made , as ho is the minority momlx"-
of the committee , and Ihoio Is no Us
position to stlllo the liivcHllgatlon in
an > respect.
Testimony was ghcn by Slate Tron
sin or Peter Mottonson , who was a
member of the slate boaid of public
lands ami buildings that expended the
$ inonoo appropilatlon ; Foiinor Allot
nov Cionotal Pi out , Foiinor Socrolmv
of State 0V Mmsh , and Slate Aicltl
tcct James TMor , jr
These gentlemen gave their reasons
for expending the money at Norfolk
In building tlnoo cottages and an ad
ministration building. The conditions
after the lire were explained and the
situation as U then confiontcd the
state boaid was reviewod.
It appeared fiom the testimony , ac
cording to the statement of ono meni-
Ijoi of the committee , that the state
board expended the money the legisla
ture appiopriatod In a manner voiy
cieditable to the stale They used
some of the material In the old build
ing for the now stritclutoH nnd acted
according to their host judgment In
planning the now buildings. The mem
bers examined adhoiod to the conten
tion that they had oboved the law and
the whole case seemed to resolve It
self into Iho qitoslion whether Ihoy
had a right lo cxeroiso the latllude
they did , and whether or not the work
is repairing or lobuilding In the sense
used In the statute.
State Architect Tjlor was piosent
to give information to the committee
as to what had been done at Norfolk
Ho explained that while the buildings
present a fine appearance , the state
was enabled to secure this at a reason
able figure. Some of the rooms are
finished In a wood resembling mahog
any. As a matter of fact , the wood
is an ordinary kind stained. Some
imitation marble or onyx In the admin
istration building cieates an excellent
Impression upon the visitor , but Is
not excessively expensive. Mr. Tyler
explained the system of constinctlon
followed He was one of the party
of state officers who visited Illinois
Institutions to secure ideas for the
new buildings Ho said the cottage
system was evidently the best one to
follow It ga\e more room than could
ha\e been secured by building up the
portion of the binned building thai
would have been available and the
patients can receive better trealinent.
The experts In insanity almost unani
mously recommend the cottage sys
The Mineral Showing at a Depth of
140 Feet Is Very Encouraging.
Norfolk stockholders In the Blanche
Copper Mining company of which H
E Owen of this city Is president , will
be pleased to know that progress Is
being made in the work of developing
the property , and learn of the good
showing in deposits thai are being
made. The following from the Her
ald of Grand Encampment , Wyoming ,
of February 10 , shows the results of
the mining operations up to thai date :
"The two-compartment shaft on the
property of the Blanche Copper min
ing company has a very encouraging
showing of mineral at Its present
depth of 140 feet At a depth of about
120 feet the formation began to change
and the last fifteen feet of work has
been in a bard formation which Is now
badly broken up Seams of oxidised
material , talc and quartz cross the
bhaft at all angles , and along the
seams are la > ers of a/urlte copper
while considerable copper glance is
pre ent here and there.
"The shaft Is not/In vein material at
present , but the presence of copper
and the broken condition of the
ground indicate thai It Is only a mal
ter of pinking or crosscuttlng to bring
the workings into oro. The maferla
in the shaft Is a mixture of gianlto
diorite , porphyry and quart/ .
"AH. . Crow , who is superintending
the work , says that it IB the Inlonllon
of the management to sink to a doptl
of 200 feet before exploring the groum
with a crosscut. With thai doplh ho
Is confident that there will bo some
thing of interest to report to Blanche
stockholders. The prosonl showing
he pays , is the hesl that ho has had In
the shaft , and he feels much enconr
aged. G F. Hlnton , who is now at the
Blanche , and S. W. Tnnnohlll , superintendent
intondent at the Now Rambler , thlnl
that the Blanche is the making of a
good properly. "
After Her Tragic End Homo Catches
Fire and Is Destroyed.
According to the Anoka lloiahl of
his week , u little child of O. A ( Jani
tor , who H\cd south of Sponeor In
lolt county , wns but nod to Mouth
whllo the patents \\oto away fiom
mine and after her tiagle end the
louse caught lire and NMIH completely
loHtioyod. The patent * wont to Spoil-
cer , leaving the chlldtcn nt homo to
ook after things The clothing of
ho child hoomno aflame llor luolli-
MS managed to extinguish the hliwo
flor n Htiuggle and can led the but tied
mby to a nolghhoilng home whotc
ho aftorwmdfi NUceuiuhod to her lit-
itilcH. From tlio smouldering bits of
lothlng which had hi on left at the
IOUHO , tho. building caught II IP and
mi nod to the giound The fmnlly
out oveiylhlng oxot ptlng the clothing
In v woto at the time
Madison county to prepare for desir
able position in Gent. Mall service.
Salary $800. Rapid promotion to
' 1500. Splendid opportunity. Ad-
Address Box One , Cedar Haplds , In.
As an advertising medium The
News-Journal Is unexcelled In Its tor-
Try our Now York buc ) wheat Hour ,
'cod store , Pacific Mock
A Telegram From the Sheriff of Deadwood -
wood , S. D. , Yesterday Brought
Quick Returns When Chief Larkln
Stopped Harry Dodge.
When the Deadwood Chicago paw-
songon tialn airi\ed In Noifolk > os
01 day at noon from the west and the
nultitude of travelers rushed out ot
the cars for Iho lunch loom at South
s'nifolh , one joung man among them
walked deliberately into the arms of
Chief of Police Larkln and ban been ,
is a losult , in a steel cage' at the city
iall ever since.
"Anest and hold Harry Dodge , on
eastbound passenger , destination Nor
folk Have wan ant foi his attest on
chat go of obtaining monoj under falho
pi oleum's" This was the text of a
eng message , giving also a descrip
tion of the fellow , which came from
Deadwood's sheiiff shortly befote
noon. An hour afterward Chief Larkin -
kin wired back that he had the man.
Another message rarne from Deadwood -
wood , asking whether or not the pris
oner would return to Deadwood with
out requisition papers. Dodge said
that ho would and the sheriff Iclt
Deadwood last night for this city , at-
living at noon today. '
The details Of the crime with which
the young man is charged , have not
liecn received.
Northern Nebraska Enthusiasts Will
Try to Organize.
North Nebraska baseball enthusi
asts will moot in Norfolk again to
night for the purpose of discussing
the possibilities of a league In this
section of the country The meeting
will be held at the office of W W
Roberts at 8 o'clock and all Norfolk
fans are urgently requested to attend
the meeting Secretary Pont of Stun-
ton says that there will he a latge
delegation present from other towns.
Telephone messages this morning dis
closed the fact that a number of fans
have started for Norfolk and will been
on hand.
Concerning the prospects of the
league , the West Point Republican
Since that time , West Point has re
ceived an Invitation to be present at
the meeting , and In all probability ,
such well-known enthusiasts as Harry
Howarth , Will McDonald , Will Nellgh
and Frank Sharrar will be in attend
The Republican believes the project
to he a feasible one It believes , fur
ther , that this town will support good
league ball to a very reasonable ex
tent. Working under stringent rules
and with league umpires , there will
bo little chance for rowdvlsm and dir
ty ball playing. An organisation made
up of clubs from Crc-ighton , Wayne ,
Norfolk , Nellgh , Madison , Stanton ,
Wlsnor and West Point would bo fair
ly compact and might be able to
weather the financial gale. It goes
without fjaylng that , in order to do
this , it will bo necessary to place the
salary limit at the minimum and to
gi\o every encouragement to amateur
players. Too much professionalism
will kill the sport and local players
should ho given the preference and
utill/ed wherever possible. The Re
publican would like to toe a move of
this kind succeed and it heartily pulls
its thumbs for the success of the pro
A number of other papers suggest
ideas. At Plalnvlew the thought Is
expressed that a high school league
might bo more inexpensively operated
and that interest would not lag , as
long as the boys were all amateurs.
Pecking Into Genrlno of Revolving
Corn Grinder , the Little Fellow Is
Struck by the Sweep , Head Citishcd
Flat nnd Death Instantaneous.
Cinlghton , Noli , Fob. 21. Special
to The NcwH- The I year old mm of |
County Clotk IttidotiHan killed In a
liottlblo manner on the fmnlly farm
Jilt teen miles noitbcast of lllonmllcld
[ oilay , by having hlH head ciushcd tea
a jelly In n corn gtlndor.
A farm hand wan tunning Iho gilnd
tig machine by hoinopowoi when tbo
ltd came up to watch Iho machine
When the mini lompoiarlly wnnt Into
the giaiiniy to got more coin , the hid
apptoachcd the gilnder , stood up on
tlploo nnd peeked over Into the gear
ing. The swoop HNMiug mound , pimhod
liln head against the pillar of the
fiamo mid ciushod It Hat. Month wa
Instantaneous The county clerk WIIH
notified linmedlaloly by telephone. It
Is a torrlblo blow to Mr. HiideiiH and
his oldoHt son. Mr lindens IB count v
clerk of KIIOK county , mid was at
Center when the hey was klllod.
Whole County Sympathizes.
The llttlo follow'H death ban caused
sincere sympathy all ever thlH county ,
where the father IH well known and
well liked by his fellowmen.
Mr. lindens had loft his baby boy
plajlng cheerfully and happily at homo
and to iclurn only to find tlm chlld'n
head mangled bovond tecogiillloii in
dlsticsslng to a dogrco
The grinder was one of Iho typo of
machines which chop up coin , cobs
and all.
It was duo to tbooiv perfectly de
veloped telephone HOI vice In this coun
ty , whoio Manager Thomson hau
btought tbo service to a splendid point ,
that Mr. Rudcns was able to loam of
the sad accident within a voty few
minutes after It had happened
But It Finally Got to the Proper Par-
tics in Norfolk.
Among the queer InoldonlR In life
which mo mot in ovoty day woik pot-
haps no place BOOS so maiiv phanos ns
Hie man behind the gonoiai dollvnry
window In thepostolllco A loiter
which bo.irs an addiess unique In the
annals of the Noifolk olllco arrived
today and was , thtoiigh the Hhrowd
woik of the postofllco olllclals , deliv
ered to the piopor recipient. The ad-
dioss road :
"To the Lady Who Runs tbo Hotel
Clost Southwest to the Noith Depot
and H.IH a Coloiod Oltl to Help HorDe
Do the Woik , Norfolk , Neb. "
Clotk Jonas delivered the message
to the woman for whom it was Intend
ed , and she gave him the envelope as
a soiuonli
This Is the season or the year
when people have ample opportunity
to road It Is the time when those
interested In the latest current events
should place their names on The
News' Hat
Old Settler In Mndlnon County Pasties
Awny at Unttlr Creek.
Italtlo ( 'took , Nub. Fob 20. Spoulul
to Tim NOWM , MIM Com ml Weiner ,
'HI- ' , dlod IICKI Ihli * iniiiiiliig nl Kll : ! )
o'clock alloi'ii | lVoeaiM1 lingering
HlnoHH of iliopny. Him had Ihcil lit
.MiidlHon count } luonlj HONOII .U-IIIH ,
having como hoc wllh her 1mnlmntl
fiom ,1'lilladolplilii and located on a
fin in Noiillnu'nl of I In 11 to Cicclc. She
wan Hlxl } thtoo joaiH dl ago. Slio
IOIUOH mi iiKi'il himlmud , llvo iioiiHmtd
l\so ilaiiKhioiH. The oldoHl dailght'.r ,
Mm I'ml 1M , dlod Hi'vctiil you IB ago.
I'mii'inl in inim-mc'iilM him- not boon
The Committee Representing the Orig
inal Donorn to the Institution to
Omnha Today to Confer With the
Company's Rcpi cncntntlveo
The liulldlngH , bolloiM mid land , 210
IICIOH In total , cnmicclod with the
plant lliai hud foiinciJy boon opoiatod
In thin city by ( ho Aincilciin lleot
Siigm company , will bo timiHforied
loiliiy , It IH thniiglil , to Ilio oiiglnal
donoiH of Notlolk who conlrlbulcd
$150,000 MH a hnmiH to the liiHtltutlon
tlililoen ycats ago The piopoity
which IH about to ho deeded hack to
Noifolk ell I/ens IH valued at about
? 100ono , and no money consideration
IH iccolvotl by the sugar company In
The coinnilllco toptoHonllng the
donoiH , A ,1 Hut land , Dr. A Hour and
II. A' I'asowalk. logolhor wllh Manag
er .1. N Itiiiidlck of Iho fiiclorv , went
to Omaha on mi early train thlH mom-
Ing to cnnlor with Ooiioral Maiideison ,
nltoinoy lor the Hiigur people , and
Cionoral Manager llowo of the com-
Iiany , In icgaid to the llnal tiaiiBfur.
H Is bollovcd , thorcforo , In Noifolk
that the deal will bo brought to an
end and all association with the sugar
company no\eiod HO far an buslncfiH
lolatloiiH aio concuinud , bofoio to
Yesteiday aUoinoon the cominlUco
which today wont to Omaha , diovolo
the migar factory and Inspected the
bulldlngH , llndlng everything In good
shiipo for transfer. The work of dis
mantling the factoiy has been roin-
plotod and no more migar could posl- '
bly be inniinfaclniud today In nortlinrn
William Wnchlcr will take notice ,
that on the ICth day of January , 1905 ,
K. W. Hayes , a Justice of the peace
of Norfolk precinct , Madison county ,
Nebiaska , Issued an order of attach
ment for the sum of $5000 In an ac
tion pending bofoio lilrn , wherein
James 11. Conloy | H plaintiff , and Wil
liam Wachtcr Is defendant , that prop-
01 ty of the defendant , consisting-of
money has been attached under said
order Said cause was continued to
the 4th day of March , 1905 , at 1 o'clock
p. in.
Noifolkob , Ian 20. 1905
James II. Conlov
tElm and Ash.
ate the hardiest , longest liv
ing ttces , and ate the best shade trees
for the street or paik. A fine lot of
10 and 12 foot ttoes for sale
Cottonwood , box elder anil ash tree
seedling. Hose bushes and otnament-
al shrubs.
Aspaiagus ls > so easily grown and
such a large quantity is produced on
a small amount of ground that e\ory
garden should contain a bed A bed
10 foot square requiring . " 0 plants will
gho an abundant supply for any ordi
nary family. April and May is the
best time to plant. Wo have the larg
est and best flavored variety.
Delicious Strawberries.
Most everybody likes strawberries
and they are the most easily grown of
any kind of fruit ns well as the most
healthful and delicious nnd they bear
a full crop of fruit the next year after
planting. From 300 to 500 plants make
a good sized bed planted 1 foot bv
throe feet. Wo have the biggest self-
fertilizing kinds.
Sweet Prune Plum.
September 1 , 1903 , three bushels of
plums were picked from one five-year-
old tree in D. D. Hammond's orchard
of Sweet Prune plums. The tree com
menced to bear two years after plantIng -
Ing and Is bearing every year. It is
the only Prune plum that has been a
success with mo and I have tried
many kinds. It stood the dry years ,
1893 and 1891 , and the hard winter of
1899 and bore fruit the following sea
son. It Is a grand success for North
eastern Nebraska. It is a dark purple
in color , large sl/e , skin can be easily
removed and can be pitted like a
free stone peach. The\ are excellent
for canning and ptesorves and are so
sweet that iho\ requite very little
sugar. I sold this plum at $2 50 to
$3.00 a bushel the past season when
other vailetles of fcour plums were
selling for 75 cents to $1 Oo a bushel.
It has taken flist premium at several
falls , a premium at the Lincoln state
fair , and limbs and branches loaded
with plums , shipped to the Pan-Amer
ican exposition at Buffalo , New York ,
wore shown in the Nobrasak fruit ex
hibit that took ono of the gold medals.
I also recehod an honoiablo mention
diploma on this plum from the Pan-
American exposition. Wo believe this
pltun has more good qualities , and is
the best plum in existence for this
whole northwestern country. If you
plant some of these trees yon will bo
well paid.
Wo have a choice fine lot of five to
six feet trees to sell for the spring
of 1)05. ! ) These trees wore grown from
grafts cut off thc o hearing treps that
bore these plnms , and they will bear
fruit at two or three years old if
planted and are snro to bo genuine.
If you want some of these trees send
your order early and got the host plum
in existence. Trees flvo to six feet
$1.25 each ; $12.00 per dozen.
$6 trees for $6.00. The only way you
can be sure of getting this plum true
to name grafted from my bearing trees
Is to send your order direct to me.
Trees delivered free to any railroad
town. Call at Norfolk Nursery , or nd
dress ,
E. D Hammond , Norfolk , Neb.