The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 24, 1905, Image 6

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The Dill Which Was Introduced for
the Legislature's Consideration on
the Proposition of n Dlndlno Twine
Plant , IB Laid Over.
Lincoln. Noli. . Feb. 17. The bind-
Inn twine plant which ( lie farmers of
lliu state \vnnt. iniiHt will I ( III after
the flonato ImR llnnlly paused upon the
general appropriation bills. Tho2moaH-
lire passed the house HOIIIO tlnio ago ,
lint \vhon It onino up In the senate
Sheldon inovoil Hint consideration of
It wall until after the general appro
priation bills are paHHOil. This car-
rloil , niiit frlcinlH of the inoaHiiro re
gard It as practically dead.
The senate spoilt. Iho greater part
of the morning passing lilllH , among
thoin those : PormlltliiK a wife to
testify against hrr husband In deser
tion OUHOH : preventing county olllclals
from expending funds In excess of
minis actually avallahlo ; anllmrb.InK
the suspension of Hie sentence of a
husband or parent convicted of do-
Hortlon by Iho giving of u h.ond for
The Monalo la considering In com
mit too of the whole Iho CIITen bill to
allow cnndoninatlon of prlvalo prop
erty for Irrigation purposes. The hill
la backed by a number of western Ir-
rlgatlonlstsvlio bavo boon victims
of the extortion of private companies.
In committee of the whole the house
recommended for passage the .lunldii
antl-tniRt bill , emasculated so that. It
down not lilt , the ralhvayH or anything
hut the moat IniHt.
Jilted Girl nt Columbus Stops Wed
Columbus , Neb. , Feb. 17. .liwt an
bo bad secured a HCOIIHO tovod the
woman of his choice Anton llo'rovlck
Htood face to face with the sheriff and
was given notice that ho IH defendant
In a breach of promise unit for $8,000.
The prospective bridegroom was
Just leaving the courthouse with the
marriage license to wed Miss An-
tonlri Xuroskl of thin place , wrapped
ii ) ) In hlH cout pocket. The breach of
promise milt was made upon com
plaint of Mlfi3 Theresa C/.uby of the
same town. And now Anton Is out
In the cold , waiting ; for the result.
Miss C/nlm called at the ollleo of
the comity judge earlier In the week
to ask If Anton had tried to souuro
license to marry any other girl. An
ton hadn't. Miss C/.ubti then request
ed the Judge to refuse to grant a li
cense to the young man which , of
course , Was Impossible. At an attor
ney's suggestion suit was tiled and
the sheriff stepped In at the proper
moment. The disappointed girl dis
played a diamond ring and a hnncli
of letters as tokens of the undying
affection of her one-tinio lover. She
alleges that be proposed marriage and
was accepted and that she remained
single on that account. When she
asked him to keep good his pledge , ho
refused to marry , she asserts thai
Anton's fath'er was to bliime and the
parent Is made joint defendant In the
To Appear In Norfolk Soon In New
Play , "Her Lord and Master. "
Norfolk people who had the pleas
ure of seeing Miss Helen Grantloy
some seasons ago In the "Taming of
the Shrew" with Chas. n llanford
will be pleased to learn that she Is
to appear at the Auditorium again
soon In the new and successful play ,
"Her Lp'rd and Master. "
Miss Orantley Is a Nebraska ac
tress , having gone on the stage from
Omaha. She Is beautiful and clever
and It Is anticipated that she will dup
licate her former success on her com
ing visit to Norfolk.
.T. M. Smith was over from Madison.
K. S. Heaty was a Norfolk visitor
from Blair.
Mrs. Olla Wllhito of Gordon Is in
Norfolk today.
T. J. Rechmon was a Norfolk visit
or from Crelgbton.
Edw. Flanagan was In the city from
Fnlrhnry yesterday.
J. T. Schocker was in Norfolk yes
terday from Madison.
Mrs. Frank Davis' has been on the
sick list for some time.
Mlle Warren was In the city yes
terday from Croigbton.
Chns. Follz was a Norfolk visitor
yesterday from Spencer.
Hcv. Mr. Hnflns of 1'lerco was In
the city yesterday yesterday.
Mrs. Richards of Meadow Orovo
was a Norfolk visitor yesterday.
A. F. Tannehlll made n stock ship
ment to South Omaha yesterday.
Rev. and Mrs. Brnenor of Hnrtar
wore shopping In Norfolk yesterday.
B. Aronson. J. Wacek and \V. T.
Wallace tire in the city from Fremont.
Miss Leo Halo was down from Rnt-
tie Creek yesterday doing some shopping
ping- .
A Jolly bobsled party enjoyed n trip
to the Rlx borne , northeast of the city ,
in last night's moonlight. A pleasant
( nullingun apwuii mu ium.
MJHS Margaretto Dunn cnmo down
from Pierce on the early morning
( ' . T. C. Lnllloh of Fremont In In
Iho city to look after bin local Hour
and feed biislneMs.
Mr. and Mrs. William Wagner have
nitnrned from a two months' visit
with relatives and mends In northern
W. A. lemon- won n Jury ratio In
court yoMlordav aimliiM I'alrlck of
of Omaha.
The town of llryant In Ilamlln
county , S. 1) . , suffered the most ills-
autrotiH lire In HH history , practically
every hulldlni ; In tljo principal busi
ness block being destroyed.
The Woman's club will meet In the
Congregational nhnich parlors Mon
day nfloi'iioon at liIO. : ! AH there Is
htiFdncHH of Importance to come before -
fore the club , u full attendance Is de
MlHH Loroono ( low , daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. W. .1. ( low , was seven years
old yesterday and a largo company
of little were Invited In to
help celebrate the ovenl. A most
delightful afternoon wan Hpent
Vera Hall , an Inmate of a report on
the row , was caught In disorderly
conduct within the city llmltn yn-iler-
day and jailed. She was lined $10.10
In court. Vera was drinking In a oa-
loan when arrested. Hho lias been
In court iiovoral linn's lioioro.
Herman Itadenx was lined yester
day $10.10 for being drunk and disor
derly. Herman Is on Iho water wag
on now , having a diet of broad and
water In Jail. A fellow named Qulinni
was also arrested , and fined $10.10.
The three bridge timber thieves have
been released , each having paid his
lino. '
A had list light between two young
men behind a pool hall on Norfolk
avonno yesterday brought police olll-
cerH ( o the scene. One was a coun
try youth , I bo other a Norfolk la" .
The rural lighter was taken to the
police station , his bleedhi ; : nose
bathed and then sent homeward
horseback. No arrests were made.
The marriage of Willis Kelly and
Miss Jennie Ehlo took place at the
home of the bride's parents , Mr. , nnd
Mrs. Charles Hide , North First street ,
last night nt 8 O'clock. Rev. .1. II. Clay
officiating. Mr. Kelly Is a telegraph
operator nnd has been employed In
the Northwestern olllces nt. South
Norfolk for some time , llo goes from
hero to Hlair.
Old Lady Illno .lay Is still In town
and probably Intends to stay until the
weather Is warm and balmy. She Is
growing quite nervous , however , about
the condition of her larder and this
morning she appeared on the busi
ness part of Main street , scolding and
chattering in her well-known bold
faced way. shaking her topknot nt
Mrs. Sparrow , who , bolder than she
In spite of her menacing voice , was
down In the doorways picking up the
hits of sweepings that contained the
nutriment required for bor bodily
welfare , lloth visitors would undoubt
edly appreciate the thoughtfiilnessof
the specimen of genus homo who
would place handily a scrap of pro
vender that could be approached read
ily and without fear and trembling ,
by Mrs. Jay as well as Mrs. Sparrow ,
when the latter ami her neighbors do
not object. This. too. was one of the
mornings that Mrs. Jay was glad she
did not fohnv her colony to the south.
It breathed of spring and the clearing
away of the snow when she could
wax fat on the morsels uncovered.
Try a News want ad.
J. W. Barr of Alnsworth Left Destitute
by a Noon Day Blaze.
Alnsworth , Nob. . Feb. 21. The
home of Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Rarr , who
live four miles south of here on the
farm of U. K. Alder , was burned to
the ground with Its contents , only
an organ and a part of the family
clothing being saved. The tire oc
curred during the noon hour while
Mrs. Uarr was preparing dinner and
Is Supposed to have caught from a de
fective flue. The members of the fam
ily were absent.
Mr. Uarr Is n poor man with u large
family and this loss leaves them prac
tically destitute. He Is a farmer , but
had been teaching school In bis homo
district to tide his family over the
Harbinger of Spring Shows up In
One of the very earliest robins of
the season perched on a tall cottonwood -
wood tree In Norfolk this morning
and stood up for Nebraska by pouring
forth his very sweetest and choicest
odes to spring. This , on the 21st of
February and a full month before
spring Is scheduled by the almanac tote
to arrive. Is a splendid testimonial to
the behavior of February , which after
giving a tall Illustration of what It is
able to do In a zero way during the
earlier part of the month , has ohns < > n
to break the record with summer bal-
mlness In the latter half.
With this example obfore them the
people can afford , in the language of
Blxby , to don their gum boots and
continue to stand np for Nebraska.
People having time to read la It not
pertinent that the men with merchan
dise to sell should have their adver
tisements before the people ?
Within n Week the Norfolk Plant
Which Ran for Thirteen Years , Will
be Abandoned Transfer of Proper
ty to Come This Week.
Work on the dismantling of the
Norfolk boot sugar factory IH prac
tically at an end nnd every wheel that
formerly turned In the plant at thin
point IIIIH boon shipped to I .a mar , Col.
This week the masons are busy patch
ing up the holes In the buildings which
were made by gelling the machinery
out. Within a week It Is estimated
that everything will bo finished and
the place abandoned.
The property has riot yet been trans
ferred by the American Hoot Sugar
people to Iho committee and donors ,
lint this will ho done shortly.
II. Iteckgancr of Hrlstow was In Iho
city Sunday.
A. M. Day was In the city Sunday
from Osmond.
Ford. A. Schulof Plorco was In the
city yesterday.
Win. Malthlesen of West I'olnt was
In the city Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Anllsdel of Til-
don were In the city.
1C. II. Kntrom was n Sunday visitor
In Norfolk from Hullo. '
Mrs. W. 0. Drown of Hazllo Mills
was a Norfolk visitor this morning.
Miss Molllo Hunch of Hattlo Greek
was shopping In Norfolk yesterday.
Arthur I'ilgor of Madison visited
with Norfolk relatives over Sunday.
Hud DItman nnd Roy Hopper were
Norfolk visitors yesterday from Stan-
Chas. S. Hoscnlt and R. R. Soverns
were In the city yesterday from Fos
John K. Owen nnd Ed. Owen of
Wayne were Sunday visitors in Nor
Misses Clara Urneggomann and Fay
Wldamnn went to Pierce Saturday to
attend Institute.
George Winters , Hoyd P. Gatnbrlol
and Soph A. Hoyson of Madison were
In the city yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hoffman of
Tlldon visited over Sunday nt the
Twlss homo In this city.
Ernst Fonsko , living four miles west
of town , welcomed a now daughter to
bis homo Saturday morning.
Editor J. S. Jackson of the Crelgh-
ton Courier arrived In Norfolk on the
early train this morning to attend to
business matters.
Vorn Walton has arrived In the city
from Walnut , Iowa , for a visit with
his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Walton
at their homo on Madison avenue.
II. J. Hlllcrbcck and daughter of
Osmond , were In the city yesterday
onronto to Humphrey whore his
daughter Is very seriously 111 with
Gcorgo McCombs , formerly In busi
ness here but now of Omaha , Is In the
city visiting friends.
Mrs. Wllhlt of Gordon was In the
city Saturday. She stopped over on
her way home from a visit with rel
atives at Pierce.
Miss Laura Buckendorf left this
morning for St. Joe , Mo. , where she
will learn the coming styles in spring
millinery trimming.
Mrs. J. N. Hundick and children re
turned last night from Washington
whore she had been visiting her moth
er. Mr. Hundick met them In Omaha.
Miss Dorothy Salter accompanied him
to Omaha and returned with the Hun
dick children. Mr. Hnndlck reports
having mot E. C. Howe , general man
ager for the American Beet Sugar
company , who had been 111 a week In
Chicago. Mr. Howe was caught forty
hours In a snowbound train , in which
the coach froze np anil the plpos
The freshmen of the Norfolk high
school to the number of forty-two enjoyed -
joyed a pleasant class party Friday
evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
12. L. Loucks. They report having had
a splendid time.
Ernest Hartman was arrested Sat-
nrdey night and spent Sunday In jail
on a charge of being drunk nnd disor
derly. Ho was brought before the
court this morning , roundly lectured
and assessed a fine. >
F. W. Harder , having received set
tlement for his fire loss of n week ago ,
will ro-opon his saloon in n building
that wil bo temporarily built on the
site of the burned restaurant. As soon
ns spring opens a new building will
go In.
Mr. nnd Mrs. George D. Hntterfield
entertained the Team Whist club In
a novel manner Saturday night. The
members were treated to n bobsled
drive over the city until 0 o'clock
when they all returned to the Butter-
Held homo on Norfolk nvonno for sup
Harold Cole is home from Stanton ,
where ho Is employed In n bank , and
has been quarantined at the home of
his mother at the corner of Norfolk
avenue and Tenth street. The rear
part of the house is alone quarantined ,
the forepart being free from the red
As a result of the sunshine of yes
terday and the warming weather ,
were transformed Into running
streams and little rivulets went roll
ing down ( ho avenues toward the east
ern end of the city. In several spots
there were good sized pools formed as
a result of the flow.
The work of clearing away the
wreckage and rubbish of ( he burned
Turf Exchange saloon and restaurant
ban commenced nnd It Is understood
that the work of rebuilding will be
undertaken as soon an the weather
will permit. A handsome brick block
will doubtless takn the place of the
burned frame structures.
Frank Masslck was given a farewell
party at ms homo on South Eighth
street Saturday night. lie expects to
leave tomorrow for La mar , Col. , where
ho will bo employed In the now sugar
factory which Is being built there and
Into which the machinery shipped
from Norfolk Is being Installed. Mr.
Masslck has been In the Norfolk plant
for a number of years.
The boys and girls have n chnnco
during a portion of the day to again
put their skates Into uso. The block
ing of drainage channels with snow
and Ice and the molting of the snow
banks creak ; numerous ponds that
during the night are covered with a
smooth coating of Ice and afford good
sport , for the youngsters until the nun
hltos Into Iho surface later In the day.
Miss Faith Johnson was hostess at
a party In the homo of her parents ,
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Johnson , Satur
day afternoon. A largo number of
111 tie folk enjoyed Iho fun with unique
games and enjoyed also the dainty re
freshments that were served. Cute
little pasteboard hatchets served ns
favors for the afternoon , within the
handles of which were bits of history
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Blakcman and
Mr. and Mrs. Lndwlg Koeiilgsleln will
entertain this week at three different
social affairs. On Tuesday night at
6:110 : the fi-st party of friends are In
vited. The second function comes on
Wednesday evening and n number of
ladles will bo entertained on the fol
lowing afternoon. The parties will all
bo given In the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Coasting on Dexter's hill proved rare
sport up until Saturday night for a
few. The track leads from Eleventh
street to Seventh , with several curves ,
maklng < a distance of about five blocks
through which the long racing sleds
speed with the swiftness of lightning.
Danger at guiding the long racing
hobs through a narrow gate but in
creases the sport. The rising genera
tion , however , has had so little trainIng -
Ing of late years In the coasting stunt
that the hill was not crowded this sea
son as of old.
The slolghlng-Is at nn end. The
sun killed It. With one backhanded
stroke It dlew the sloigher's path of
snow yesterday afternoon nnd there'll
bo no more this winter. A large num
ber of the streets in town have lost
almost all of the traces of a snowfall
and are as bare from whiteness as on
a hot September afternoon. The hob
runners that had been fastened to the
vehicles of all sorts and shapes , have
been taken off nnd relegated once
more to the hayloft , while freshly
oiled wheels have been spun on again.
The epidemic of la grippe continues
with unabated fury In Norfolk and
there Is today scarcely a home In the
city In which some one or more mem
bers of the family have not been or
are not , afflicted with this dreaded
aching. Doctors report that people
are 111 with the attack literally by the
hundreds. It Is just bad enough to
make the patient feel the limit In
meanness and yet not severe enough
to be given the sympathy that real
Illness ought to have. The germs
scorn to have spread considerably dur
ing the past week.
A few letters of the alphabet are
frequently of inestimable value , and
the editor of the Madison Star-Mail was
last week one of the men who would
give considerable to have a few little
type In the place they were calculated
by the editor to go. In an article on
the finances of the county the editor
Intended to say that "the county roads
are In bad shape , " but the compositor
made "roads" ( nto "records" and the
proofreader let It go at that , the con
sequence being that quite a serious
statement was made from one Intend
ed to bo n nominal complaint. Mr.
Donovan has taken prompt measures
to correct the Impression that the
article conveys In a portion of his ed
It Is springtime , for fair. The gold
en sun came up over the eastern hill
tops this morning like a gilded sum
mer's day. The air is crisp and sweet
and fresh , just balmy enough to drink
In with long , deep breathing , and fra
grant enough to remind the inhabi
tants of the northwest that there Is
no place like home , after all. It has
made many a man forget the troubles
of the severely cold three-weeks which
passed not long ago , and has revived
hope that the robins may some time
sing again. In fact they can almost
be heard singing today , in the far
away south , and It seems , from their
coming constantly nearer nnd nearer ,
that they are flying this way. The
groundhog , after all , may have been
mistaken. Perhaps the winter winds
are done right now , the gardening sea
son Is at hand. At all events the wild
geese flying northward will be
watched for with eager eyes by the
small boy who has no gun nnd by the
bigger men who have boon paying
coal bills , from now on.
Because the Audience at the Opera
House Believed That the Fire Alarm
Indicated a Blaze in the Theatre
Building , They Were Frightened.
West Point , Neb. , Feb. 17. Special
to The News : A theatre panic In the
opera house hero was narrowly avert
ed when nn alarm of tire was given
In the town on account of a blaze In
the homo of Jim Larson. The Idea
prevailed In the opera house , where
a largo audience was seated watching
the performance of the Andrews Op
era company , that the ( Ire which
brought on the alarm was In the thea
tre building , and a rush wad made by
some for the doors. Fortunately the
frenzy was quieted before any dam
age was done and no one was hurt.
The home of Mr. Larson , which
caught lire at about 9 o'clock , was en
tirely destroyed and but Ilttlo of the
furniture was saved. An explosion In
the kitchen Is supposed to have been
the cause.
J. Hrooker was over from Wlnsldo
Jos Klnse of Stanton was In the
city yesterday.
Miss'.Emma Melchor visited In Ha-
dar yesterday.
O. A. Danlelsoii was In the city
from Center.
13. P. Woathcrby wont to Columbus
on business.-
C. E. Wright was a Sunday visitor
to Norfolk from Oakdalo.
Gco. C. Stevenson of Madison was
a Sunday visitor In Norfolk.
A. H. Holmes of Foster was a vis
itor to Norfolk this morning.
C. G. Whipplo came down from Nio-
brnrn on the early train this morning.
Fred Remcnder came down from
Plalnvlew on the early train this morn
Herman Martin of Hosklns has just
returned from Germany. This Is the
third trip he has made to the father
land since he lived In this country ,
which is about twenty-five years.
E. S. Leahy was over from Wayne
Hen Smldt was here yesterday from
West Point.
O. Haasch was In town yesterday
from Scrlbner.
W. T. Wallace was up from Fre
mont yesterday.
Mrs. Carry Lucke was down from
Hosklns yesterday.
Chan Collins was in the city yester
day from Fullerton.
John Dolan of Sioux City , Iowa , was
In the city yesterday.
Midge Bayer was a Norfolk visitor
yesterday from Wayne.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Dewey of Tilden
were in the city today.
F. W. Melcher of \ \ est Point was a
Norfolk visitor yesterday.
Barney E. Smith of Lynch was a
Norfolk visitor yesterday.
Julius Tliandll was a Norfolk visit
or yesterday from Ewlng.
Samuel Freemont of Decatur was a
visitor In Norfolk yesterday.
OH Inspector E. C. Burns of Scrlb
ner was In the city yesterday.
J. W. Kovnlok of Battle Creek had
business In Norfolk yesterday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J. Reavis of Plain-
view were in Norfolk yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Dewey came
down from Nellgh on the early train
this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Zlcmer and family
of Hosklns were shopping in Norfolk
Mrs. L. C. Taylor has returned from
a visit with relatives and friends at
Harlan and Avoca , Iowa.
Mrs. Pohlman and daughter of Stanton -
ton were In the city yesterday visiting
friends and doing some shopping.
The Wednesday club will meet with
Mrs. John R. Hays tomorrow after
noon at 3 o'clock.
O. S. Christian , a prominent Madi
son stockman , had his left hand man
gled In the gearing of a feed mill.
His thumb had to be amputated at the
wrist joint nnd the tip of his Index
finger was removed.
Jack O'Brien , a farmhand who
worked at Hornlck , Iowa , has disap
peared and no trace of him can be
found. Ho left the place January 1.
He has a brother living at Madison ,
Neb. He had not been heard from at
Madison. '
Henry Hurst , landlord of the Prince
hotel at Madison , who has been acting
strangely for some time , has been
taken to Lincoln whore he has been
placed in a private sanitarium for
treatment. His wife nnd one of his
brothers accompanied him to that
The combined action of the sun and
the sliovel has succeeded In making
a large number of the sidewalks of
the city In passable condition , hut
there are a number of crossings that
could bo materially Improved as a
means of accommodation to pedes
Eva Loomer , a Chndron girl of 1'5 ,
had a novel , but not pleasant experi
ence. She was sitting near the stove
and a celluloid comb which she was
wearing in her hair started to blaze ,
burning about a quarter of her abun-
ered by a cool-headed member ot the
Charles IMrlch of Pierce transacted
business In Norfolk.
In spite of the fact that the snow
has been disappearing rapidly during
the past few days , there Is no Indica
tion of high water in the Northfork
river at this place. The current Is
confined under a layer of a foot or
two of Ice and all the water In the
stream Is used , by the mill In turning
the machinery of the plant.
On complaint of Ira L. Hamilton , \
constable , J. A. Ralney , deputy game
warden , was yesterday arrested on a
charge of assault nnd battery. This
morning Rnlney pleaded guilty to the
charge nnd was fined $ G. Ralnoy and
Hamilton had a warm discussion on
the street early yesterday morning and
Ralnoy wound up by slapping Hamil
ton on the face.
Ernest Ilartman , arrested Saturday . .
night on a "drunk nnd disorderly" fid , J
charge , failed to pay his fine nnd was < y %
put at work on the streets yesterday ,
working off the assessment of $15.
The police state that Ilartman has a
largo family for whom he has provid
ed Ilttlo In the way of sustenance dur
ing the winter , though he worked nt
fair wages. Ills wife is said to have
done most of the work for the family
"An Innocent Convict" was the in
itial play put on nt the Auditorium . .
last night by the Tomson repertoire ' . - *
company , who are booked for this
week every night. Several of the
characters were clever and kept the
house going In Interest. Mr. Tomson ,
himself , assumed the role of the tramp
comedian nnd made good. He also
made a Ilttlo speech before the cur
tain which took well. Miss Tomson
is attractive nnd clover. The theater
was packed for the beginning of the
week. Popular prices prevail. "Tho
Glided Youth : " will be put on tonight.
Stnnton Picket : A serious and pe
culiar accident happened at the
Goetsch farm last Friday. The broth
ers were sawing wood with a large
cicular saw. The morning was very
cold and the machinery frosty. Short
ly after starting , when running at a
high rate of speed , the large fly or bal
ance wheel on 'the saw broke In sever
al pieces. These broken pieces flew
In all directions , some of them strik
ing and severely bruising both Paul
and Frank. Fortunately and surpris
ingly their Injuries were not serious
and , though considerably bruised , they
are getting along well.
Tomorrow Is Washington's birthday
and the banks will be closed during , /
the day. The only public arrangements - r
ments for the observance of the holi
day have been made by the public
schools , many of the grades having
prepared Interesting programs that
would servo to Interest the pupils In
the revolutionary general and the first
president. These will be given dur
ing the afternoon and the schools will
be dlsmoRsod early. Some of the
grades have Issued invitations to pa
rents nnd other patrons of the school
In neat hatchet form showing the na
tional colors. A large number of vis- j f
Itors are expected to attend the exer
John McDonald , four years old , is
n South Dakota prodigy who has been
attracting attention on his violin at
Elk Point. Recently his father re
fused an offer of $10.000 a year for
his services. His mother , Mrs. D. W.
McDonald , Is well known In Norfolk ,
having visited in this cltv with her
sister. Mrs. H. J. Caulflold and having
sung In Trinltv chiireii at one time.
The lad played the violin when two
years of age Ho has appeared but
once In public , bofnre the Beethoven i
club. Tie has never vet nnnpnrnil in *
public nt Elk Point' and will play there
for the first time on March 3 In the
opera house. Dr. McDonald formerly
lived at Ponca. Neb.
If you wish the best bargains la
claims that have ever been offered or
ever will bo offered you again , come
and see ns within the next thirty days
or before settlement Is made upon
them. We can' sell you fine level
claims from two to six miles from
good towns for from $300 to $500 , and
can sell you good claims farther from
town for from $200 to $400. These
claims are equal In quality to farms
adjoining the reservation that are sell
ing for from $3,000 to $5,000.
Come now If you wish to take ad
vantage of these bargains.
Richard-Owen & ' Co. , opposite city
hall , Bonesteel , S. D.
Jerry Smollch ,
Bohemian land Agt.
Anyone KPnrtlnu ft Kkctch nnd description limy
qulrkly Moerlnln our opinion free "hoihcr nn
n vein Inn 14 prolinlily pateniniilo. Coniinuiilrn.
iaf'"r"1lLcn".u'10I't'1HANDBOOK ! ! ! ' . ' onl'miiu.
agency lor nueurlni ; piitGiitii.
I'utenta taken tlirouuh Muiui & c'o. reed re
- ' o , 111 the
A hnndaomoly Illustrated weekly. l.arKOst clr-
filiation of any ncluntiuo Journal. Terms 13 a
vo.iri four luontbB.fl. Soldliyull iewndileni
MUNN&Co,36'6"1 . New York
UmiicU omce. ttU V tft , Wasluujton. I ) , c.