The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 24, 1905, Image 5

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Flags Floated from the Tall Staffs In
the City Banking Houses Closed.
Social Functions of a Patriotic Na
ture Given.
In honor of George Washington ,
first pres'dent ' of the United States
and general of the continental forces
during the revolution , the people of
the country are today observing the
one hundred and seventy-third anni
versary of his birth , which is a na
tional holiday. In the small towns of
the west the holiday does not have
the significance that Is gvien it in the
east and especially at the national capitol -
itol , but there are markings to Indi
cate that it la different from an ordi
nary day even here , and among thorn
are pleasing features to maUo the ob
servers glad that there Is such n day
on the national calendar.
In Norfolk there are several Indi
cations of the holiday. National Hags
have been swung from the Hag staffs
of many of the buildings , social func
tions draw inspiration in decoration
and entertainment from the day , the
doors of the hanks are closed and in
other ways are the people hero testi
fying to their reverence for the man
who established the republic on a firm
footing after relieving it of the op
pressive rule of King George.
In the public schools , however , the
chief observance of the' holiday is
given. While the high school has no
program arranged , the majority of the
grade rooms will entertain visitors
with pleasing programs commemora
tive of the occasion and the little per
formers appear in their best during
the afternoon to entertain with reci
tations , readings , dialogues , singing
.and other appropriate forms of show
ing reverence for the father of the
country as well as indicating the
progress of the pupils in their patriot
ic studies. A number of the rooms
have issued novel invitations to pa
rents and friends for the occasion.
C. Bowling was down from Lynch
Dr. Emigh was a Norfolk visitor
from Madison.
C. W. Sprant of Madison was in Nor
folk yesterday.
Dr. F. G. Salter left at noon today
for Dallas , S. D.
O. 1. Nelson was down from Win-
netoon yesterday.
T. H. Fritts was In the city yester
day from Wayne.
Clark Robinson was here yester
day from Elgin.
B. T. Jones of Creighton transacted
business in Norfolk yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Taylor of Pierce
were In the city yesterday.
Chris Christiansen was in NorfollC
yesterday from the county seat.
Geo. C. Stevenson was. a Norfolk
visitor yesterday from Madison.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Pitman were in
the city yesterday from Randolph.
Anson Bennett and E. B. Bennett
of Pllger were in the city yesterday.
John G. Bossard and Emanuel Bos-
sard of Tllden were in Norfolk yester
O. H. Cunningham , one of Pilger's
business men , was in the city over
Ex-Senator W. V. Allen of Madison
was greeting his many Norfolk friends
Ed. Manglin , Jack McKeny and
James Smith were in the city yester
day from Lindsay.
G. B. Salter left at noon today for
Dallas , S. D. , to visit his son , F. H.
Salter. He was accompanied by the
little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. H.
Salter , Miss Marion.
D. Ii. Best was in Norfolk yesterday
from Battle Creek.
Mrs. E. Tanner of Battle Creek was
shopping in the city yesterday.
Geo. W. Mitchell was a Norfolk vis
itor from Osmond.
Mrs. Chas. Ulrich , Miss Minnie
Wolff and Mrs. Fnerst of Battle Creek
were doing early spring shopping in
Norfolk yesterday.
A. P. Fuesler Is confined to his homo
with a severe attack of la grippe.
Anton Bucholz went to Chicago at
noon today where he will undergo an
operation for cancer.
A. P. Doe of Davenport , Iowa , is
expected to arrive tonight for a visit
at the home of his daughter , Mrs.
Geo. D. Bntterfield. Mrs. Doe , who
has been here several weeks , has been
very ill-but is now improving.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Wilson left at noon
for their new home In Laurel , Neb. ,
where Mr. Wilson will assume the
management at once of the store - recently
cently purchased there b.y Wilson
Bros. They leave many friends in
this city.
Officer Pilger this morning shot several -
eral dogs in the city lot on North
Fourth street.
Miss Lillian Fox will open dress
making parlors in the suite of rooms
over Gow Bros. ' office , on March 1.
"Comrades" proved a popular melo
drama as given by the Tomson Com
edy company last night at the Audi
torium. A good house attended. To
night The King's Command. "
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Blakeman and
Mr. and Mrs. Ludwlg Koenlgsteln en-
otrtalncd another company of friends
nt the homo of the former last even
ing , supper being served at C:30 : und
cards following. Mrs. C. C. Gow , Mr.
Mullock and Mr. G. U. Salter won
The first letter ever sent out of the
now town of Dallas , S. D. , was re-
qelved In Norfolk this morning by C.
H. Salter from his biothor , F. H. Sal
ter. Mr. Saltor's residence at Dallas
Is serving as the postolllce. The post
mark Is unique , being made with a
pen. The postmaster has neatly de
scribed a circle , Inside which ho has
printed the name of the town and
leaving time. Henry Allen of Madison
Is in the town.
Although warming up , the weather
of today'H typo has not In any great
way tended to diminish the slcpo of
grlppo which holds fast In Its olnt"hp = t
many Norfolk people. The dampness ,
In fact , under foot has had an inclina
tion toward Increasing the liability , to
take cold and many a person spent
most of today snoozing. It Is prac
tically Impossible to walk about the
streets on a day like this without get
ting wet feet and wet feet produce
The Wednesday club of this city enJoyed -
Joyed a rare afternoon yesterday at
the homo of Mrs. John R. Hays , in
honor of the fact that the regular
meeting of the club fell upon the birth
day of George Washington. The pro
gram was made a colonial affair , with
a colonial supper following , any num
ber of dainty features bearing out the
ancestral coloring. Old fashioned can
dlesticks and old fashioned china pre
vailed throughout. Many of the la
dles wore caps and kerchiefs after
the fashion of the grandmothers of
almost two hundred years ago , and
many of the costumes were a half
century old. The program consisted
of three numbers , Mrs. F. M. Slsson
reading "Washington's Vow , " by Whittier -
tier , and Mrs. W. II. Johnson and Mrs.
N. A. Rainbolt following with papers
on "Shadows of the White House. "
Mrs. Johnson discussing the fifty
years just closed and Mrs. Halnholt
the fifty years preceding. The sup
per was a magnificent example of
colonial cookery and was made up of
bounteous dishes of former day styles.
The committee on the supper were
Mrs. Hays , Mrs. C. II. Reynolds , Mrs.
Green , Mrs. W. II. Johnson , Mrs. W.
II. H. Hagey and Mrs. George D. But-
terfleld. After the serving of supper ,
songs that were sung fifty years ago
and more , were revived by the chorus
of club women. Among the unique
bits of costume that made the remin
iscence the more striking was a ring
worn by Mrs. George D. Bntterfield
which had been her father's great
grandmother's wedding ring. Many
of them wore their hair powdered.
A chain letter which is going the
rounds of the "Bachelor Girls , " a club
that was prominent in Norfolk two
years ago but which has lost all but
three of Its members , has been re
ceived In the city and serves to remind
the local bachelor girls of the marvel
ous manner in which families scatter
within short periods of time. Two
years ago the club members vowed
that they would assemble at least once
a year and today one is in California ,
one in Hastings , Neb. , one In Evanston -
ton , 111. , one at Plainvlew , Neb. , one
in Omaha , two in Washington. Ab
sent members were formerly Miss
Anne Seymour , Miss Lillian Luikart ,
Miss Anna McBride , Miss Edith Par
ker , Miss Eleanor Coffene and Misses
Edith and Nell Morrow. Miss May
Durland , Miss Laura Durland and Miss
Nina Walker are members of the club
still living in Norfolk.
How It May be Dangerous to Arrest a
Man Without a Warrant.
Speaking of telegrams which come
to an officer demanding the arrest of
men without the necessary warrants ,
ex-Chief of Police Martin Kane said :
"A good many unreasonable de
mands are made on a police officer in
the matter of telegraphing instruc
tions to arrest people. For Instance
the sheriff of Wayne county one time
telephoned me tb arrest a man In Nor
folk and put him In jail. The fellow
had , he declared , jumped a board bill
at Wayne for $11.50 and they wanted
him. I asked the sheriff to come over
but he failed to appear , and 1 didn't
arrest the man. I did see him , though ,
and ask him about the bill. He was
amazed. "
"There must be a mistake , " he said.
"I certainly paid my board bill at
Wayne. I was there ten days and I
paid every dollar. "
Telephoning to Wayne , the asser
tion was confirmed after the clerk to
whom he paid the money had been
And yet the officers there had de
manded that he bo thrown into jail.
At another time a man at Neligh
telegraphed Chief Kane to arrest a
certain party on Incoming train No. C.
and to hold him In jail. Investigation
proved that the sender of the message
was no officer of the law and that pos
sibly he had reason for wanting the
arrest and that possibly it was a trick
to make trouble for the passenger.
"It Is dangerous business , " said
Kane , "to arrest a man on the strength
of a telegram , unless you know the
officer who sends it. "
It Is economy to use want ads If you
have anything to sell , exchange or
give away ; or If , on the other hand\
you want to rent , buy of borrow.
Try a News want ad for results ,
But They Failed jo Locate Her and
Departed Had Cnught One of the
Gnng at Clinton , la. , on Tueodny of
This Week.
Expecting to find a murderess \ ,
Norfolk , two I'lnkorton doled I vim you
torday searched resorts onil of this
city , where they thought H'IO was lo
cated , but fulled to discover the wo
man and took nn afternoon train out
of town. Where 4ho murder WIIH com
mitted or who was the victim WIM
not learned. The presence of the de
tectives In the city nt all und the ob
ject of their visit was lonrnu.l through
mere accident but the story is stated
upon unimpeachable authority.
The detectives stated whllo here
that on Tuesday of tills week they
succeeded In capturing nud arresting
at Clinton , Iowa , ono of the gang with
whom the woman supposed to bo In
Norfolk was associated In the crimp.
They had traced her , tlioy thought , to
this city and felt confident yesterday
morning that they would have the
murderess In charge before noon
They visited all resorts In their Htill
hunt , being dressed as very ordinary
country citizens , but ( hey left the city
without having arrested the woman.
Looked Like Farm Hands.
The detectives , dressed in tholr
plain clothes , resembled farm hands
for all the world. Ono of them would
lie taken any day for a sheep herder
who had just arrived In the city on a
train from the west with stock aboard
for the market. Ho was , In the lan
guage of the street , a "green" looking
specimen. He was a clever actor ,
however , and his art In the role of a
half drunken man was perfect. Ho
would laugh a silly laugh , speak in a
sincere tone that made the listener
think ho was unused to the world , and
could pass unidentified In any crowd.
Through _ thls play acting ho was able
to visit resorts incognito and be made
sport of by the women. And had the
woman been here , ho would have
found her out before she realized that
he was anything but a lubber.
Each Man a Fortress.
Each of the detectives was a for
tress in itself. Each was armed to
the teeth , wearing guns handily on
his belt'but : having them so concealed
that not even by feeling along the
outer edge of the circle could ono Hud
anything to suggest revolvers. They
were so placed that the right hand
might drop easily at the gun on the
left side and vice versa.
The Piukertoji men said nothing to
the local police during their stay in
the city. It is not tlielr policy to allow
anyone to know of their presence and
when they need warrants or otllcial
papers , they quietly secure them.
Had the Woman's Picture.
Together with other details of de
scription , the two detectives carried
a picture of the woman being hunted
down , so that they knew definitely
whom they sought.
The accidental discovery of their
presence in Norfolk was duo to the
fact that one of the detectives met a
former friend early in the morning
and chatted with the Norfolk man in
the latter's office for some time. Hav
ing been very close friends at ono time
in their lives the stranger in the city
bad no hesitancy in replying , when
asked as fc > what he Is now doing , that
he is employed with the Plukertons.
The statement was at first ridiculed
by the Norfolk friend. "I have a pic
ture of you with Pinkertons , " he
At which retort , appreciating the
fact that the confidence would be tak
en in good faith , the detective pro
duced -his credentials , his star and
his battery of shooting irons.
"My pal and I are here today , " he
explained. "We're looking for a wo
man charged with murder. I think
we'll find her In a resort here. Wo
got one of the gang at Clinton yester
day. "
That was all the detective had to
say. The Norfolk friend asked no
questions as to the place or circum
stances of the crime. And the pursu
er of the criminal vilunteoied no In
formation. The fact thai the two
men had been here was not made
known by the only man In Norfolk
who knew it until after they Jiad made
all their investigations.
Old Settler of Rock 'County ' Passes
Away at Bassett.
Bassettl , Neb. , Feb. 22. Special to
The News : Dr. C. J. Armstrong , an
old resident of Hock county , died at
his home in Bassett February 19. Ho
graduated from Cincinnati college
about fifty years ago and retired from
active practice when ho came to this
country. His ago was seventy-six
years. His wife and two sons survive
Buildings Are Enroute to New Rose
bud Reservation Town.
Dallas , S. D. , Feb. 23. Special to
The News : Dallas Is booming. What
was a few days ago a barren townslto
IB rapidly being transformed Into n
thriving western town. Johnson
Hrothoro , real estate brokers of Fair
fax , are now on the ground mid nro
acllvely engaged In pushing to curly
completion several largo buildings
which will bo occupied an soon an
Several other buildings are now beIng -
Ing moved fiom HonoHtt'ol , Fairfax ,
Napor and Jamison. The lownslto of
Dallas was platted early last fall but
owing to the Rpvoro weather of the
past , operations htivo boon at n stand
Htlll. There Is , however , much activ
ity on every hand now and cltl/oiiRof
Dallas are showing the enterprising
and progieFHlvo spirit which him boon
the mainstay of the best towns of the
Dalian Is twenty-six miles west of
llonoKtocl and is situated In a rich
Mocllon of the reservation and IIIIH a
very largo territory to draw from. A
postolllco has been crtliihllHlicd and
the town is connected with the out-
Hldo world by telephone. All linen of
business will soon bo represented and
Hiillnlilo lots are being selected eager
ly every day by new ai rivals.
Last President Pays Tribute to the
First nt Phllndelphln.
Philadelphia. Feb. 22. For I ho HOC.
onil tlnio within a month President
ItonHive1l ) came to Philadelphia today
to deliver a public addrotw. The oc
casion of liln pioHont visit WIIH tlio
Wellington birthday exerelHOH under
tin1 auspices of the University of Penn
sylvania. The president reached the
oily iihortly liofnro noon'and WIIH OH-
oorlcd by the First City Troop to the
Aradoiny of Music , whore the oxoroln-
OH wore bold. The arrival of the pres
ident was the signal for a great wel
coming demonstration from the hun
dreds of students and other persons
tilling the big theater.
Or. S. AVoir Mitchell , "public orat
or. " In the annual conferring of honorary
orary- decrees , Introduced each candi
date to Provost Harrison , who con
ferred the honors and on each candi
date placed the hood or gown peculiar
to the deforce. After the conferring
of degrees President Hoosevelt , who
was the orator of the day , delivered
his address. At the close of the ex
ercises the president and other dis
tinguished visitors took lunch with
the First City Troop at tlielr armory.
Washington , Feb. 22. President
Hoosevelt and his party left here this
morning for Philadelphia to attend
the Washington birthday exercises at
the University of Philadelphia today.
No More Stomach Troubles ,
All stomach trouble Is removed by
the UBO of Kodol Dyspepsia cure. It
gives the Btomach perfect rest by di
gesting what you eat without the
stomach's ald. The food builds up the
body , the rest restores the stomach to
health. You don't have to diet your
self when taking Kodol Dyspepsia
euro. J. D. Brsklne , of Allonvlllo.
Mich. , says , "I Buffered heartburn
and stomach trouble for some time.
My sister-in-law has bad the same
trouble and was not able to eat for
six weeks. She lived entirely on warm
water. After taking two bottles of
Kodol Dyspepsia cure she was entire
ly cured. She now eats heartily and
Is In good health. I am glad to say
Kodol gave me Instant relief. " Sold
by Asa K. Leonard.
Bronze Bust of the First President
Presented With Impressive Cere
monies Today Observance of the
Birthday Anniversary.
Washington , D. C. , Feb. 22. M. Jus-
serand , the French ambassador , on
behalf of the people of France , today
presented to congref > < ? the bronze bust
of George Washington , which , like the
Bartholdl statue at New York and the
Lafayette statue in this city , is a tes
timonial of the esteem In which this
country is held by the sister republic
across thp seas. Simple but impres
sive ceremonies accompanied the pres
entation and acceptance of the gift ,
the speakers including several senat
ors and representatives In addition
to the French ambassador.
The bust , which is of bronze mount
ed on a beautiful marble pedestal , Is
a replica of the original bust made by
the sculptor David d'Angers in 1823.
The cost of the bust was defrayed by
public subscriptions collected through
out France. The list of subscribers
was headed with the names of the de
scendants of the French officers who
fought In the American revolution ,
among them being the Comto do Ilo-
chamheau , the Marquis do Lafayette
and the Marquis de Grass-e
"First In Peace. "
Paris , Feb. 22. Today , for the first
time , Washington's birthday \\as cel
ebrated In Paris by Frenchmen , enthu
siastic admirers of the first president
of the United States. At a banquet
this evening In celebration of the an
niversary , M. Frederic Passy presided
and speeches were made for the
speedy return of peace and the estab
lishment of a parliament of nations
and the federation of the world.
Nothing to Fenr.
The question of Injnrloim mihHtiinc-
CH In medicines which IIMH been ngl-
( atlng the mlndn of many people , dooH
not concern tlumo who UHO riiiinibor-
lulu's Cough remedy. Mot Inns need
have no hesitancy in continuing to
give II to thotr llttlo OUCH , an It con
tains absolutely nothing InjurlouH.
Tlilw remedy | s not only perfectly
nafo to glvo mnall children , hut Is a
medlclno of grout worth and morlU
It has a world wldo reputation for Its
emeu of rnughfi , coldn mid croup and
can always ho relied upon. For sale
by el.onnrd thu druggist.
If anybody has any harnewi repair
ing to do , lot htm bring It In buforo
thu Hprlug HWIHOII hugliiH. Paul Nord-
* Homeseekers
1 and Colonists
i4I To Missouri , Kansas , Texas , Arkansas , Indian and
Oklahoma Territories Mvery Isf and 'Id Tuesdays1 I-
y. *
s Hpcchil oui > wuv colouiNt rates to above point * on Maruli Ulnl , mill to !
curtain ] iouitH in Colorado und LouiHiana.
st t
t One Fare for the Round Trip , Plus $2 I :
t Final Limit of Tickets'Jl Days I
i- *
HtopovoiH will lie allowed within u trnnslt limit of Hi ilnyH going
after roaclilng HrM linnichockerH1 point en unite.
For further information or Lund I'amphlotH , Koldorn , Maps , nto.i
i' mldrci > H any ngont of tincoiniuiny , or
- -
Pass , and Ticket A cnt. Trnv. l'nnn. Acnt. | |
Cuba Florida
New Orleans
Tourist tickets now on sale to flic resorts of the
south and southeast at Breath reduced rates. Liberal
stopovers allowed. The
With its handsomely equipped I rains oil'ors exceptional
facilities for reaching the Sunny South.
For particulars and copy of illustrated booklets ,
giving detailed information about Cuba , Florida and
New Orleans , write
W. II. lililLL ,
D.P , A. 111. Cent. K. H. Omaha , Neb.
Every One
Should Know
the great advantages offered by through
car service on a journey east. If you can
board a car at your home tjown and not
leave it until you reach Chicago , it is an
advantage worth considering. This can be
done from any point on the main line of
the Union Pacific. Hailroad by asking for
tickets via the
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , PaulQRy.
The trains on this line are brilliantly light
ed by electricity , are steam heated , and
equipped with every modern safety device
known to railway service.
F , A , NASH , Gen'l ' Western Agent , 1524 Farnam St ,
If you are thinking of a
write and let us toll you best rates , time , route and
send marked time tables.
This saves you wforry , annoyance and makes you
feel at home all the way.
Call Wabash City Office , 1601 Farnam St. , or ad
dress , ' " -
G. A. l > . D. Wabash K. H.
Omaha , Nebr.
umueotj uiuu. tjoou jirupwy. I Jong na tno coys were an amateurs , i eastern NeoraBKa. it IB n aunt purpio \ is. u uammona , NonoiK , KOO ,