The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 24, 1905, Image 3

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Many Precinct Officers Qualify Sixty
Names prom Which Jury for March
Term Shall be Drawn Transfers of
County Funds Made.
Madison , Nob. , Fob. 11. Board mot
pursuant to adjournment , nil mem
bers present.
Minutes of the last meeting wore
rciul mid on motion approved.
It was tpovetl by John II. Hunting
nnd seconded by Oeo. D. Smith to
throw out brltlgo bids that wore filed
after 12 o'clock. Christ Schmltt nnd
John II. Harding voted yes and Goo.
D. Smith voted no. Motion carried.
Board proceeded to compare bridge
bids. The following filed bids :
Smith and Clasey ; Standard Bridge
Co. ; Chas. Sheoly ; Canton Bridge Co. ;
John \V. Towlo and M. O. Dimwit.
The bid of John W. Towlo being the
lowest , the same was on motion ac
Hoard adjourned to S a , m.
Hoard mot pursuant to adjournment
_ February 15 , 1005 , at S o'clock n. m.
> f On motion the resignation of Ches
ter A. Fuller as justice of the peace
of. Norfolk precinct was accepted. On
motion C. F. Klsolcy was appointed
justice of the peace of Norfolk pre
The following deputy assessors wore
appointed by the county assessor and
their appointment confirmed by the
John ORIIOS. Shell Creek precinct ;
P. W. Ruth , Kmerlck precinct.
On motion the following bills were
allowed :
Chas. Fenske , road work , road
district No. 7 $ 70 35
Chas. Fenske , road work , road
district No. 7 39 HO
Crowell Lumber Co. , lumber ,
Lindsay 42-15
Platte county , bridge work. . . 1-1 7H
R. E. Allbery , road work dis
trict No. 10 42 00
Crowell Lumber Co. , road dis
trict No. 30 , Lindsay 100 1)5 )
Wm. Dahnko , road work dist
rict No. C 4 00
Aug. Schumacher , work , dis
trict No. 25 5 00
J. J. Clements , fees , etc 95 C5
Wm. Bates , county Judge , fees
In state case 8 C5
" H. L. Kindred , coroner's fees
In Ayers case 22 30
W. M. Palmer , constable fees
1 In Ayers case 11 30
L. Hayes , witness fees In Ay
ers case 1 10
Wm. Relkowskl. witness . fees
In Ayers case 1 10
I Geo. Ayers , witness fees In Ay
ers case 1 10
Oscar Lewis , witness fees In
Ayers case 1 10
i1 Jay Vaughn , witness fees In
# * * ! ( j. ' Ayers case 1 10
" * C. II. Reynolds , witness fees
in Ayers case 1 10
Win. O'Donnell , witness fees
In Ayers case 1 10
Moses Ayers , witness fees In
Ayers case 1 10
Herman Shear , witness fees In
Ayers case 1 10
E. M. Felix , witness fees , Ay
ers case 1 10
"W. J. McNamee , witness fees
In Ayers case 1 10
Theodore Peterson , witness
fees in Ayers case 1 10
Wellington Fox , witness fees
in Ayers case 1 10
John Crook , Juror's fees 1 10
W. P. Evans , juror's fees . . . . 110
A. " C. Williams , juror's fees" . . . 110
W. C. Hengstler , juror's fees. 1 10
L. L. Fry , juror's fees . . . . „ , 1 10
Henry Moore , juror's fees 1 10
W. R. Earl , drayage 1 55
Nebraska Institute for Feeble
Minded ( Albert Wood ) 4083
Nebraska Institute for Feeble
Minded ( M. L. Davis ) 40 OG
Thos. O'Shea , coal 82 95
John Larkin , foes In case of
stale vs. Sorg 5 15
Clans Young , soldiers relief
fund 50 00
Felix Hales , prlnllng 13 00
Gns Kaul , janitor for January 40 00
= C. W. Crum , salary and ex
penses for January 114 05
Clay Shlpman , work commls-
, sioner district No. 1 10 53
Clay Shipman , work , commis
sioner district No. 3 10 53
L. B. Baker , coal for pauper. . 2 G3
L. Flower , meal for jury 3 25
Omaha Printing Co. , record. . . 10 00
, Hammond Printing Co. , blanks 11 85
W. . N. Huso , county printing. . 121 00
John Scheelcr , meat for pau
pers 305
On motion the tax for 1002 and
1003 on the neVi 10-23-1 was ordered
stricken from the tax list. Above de
scribed land is school land. The 1901
/ tax on the above land should be'fig
ured on a valuation of $1087 Instead
i of $1290. Clerk was ordered to cor
rect the tax list accordingly.
On motion the Interest on the 189i5
tax on lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 and G of C. B.
Durland's sub division of lots 1 , 2
and 3 In block 1 , Koenlgstein's Third
addition was reduced $ G.GG.
On raoton the assessment on school
land ( personal tax of John Henderson ,
Valley precinct ) for the year 1904
was reduced from $2200 to $1495 , male-
VUH Instructed to mnko the ohnngo on
ax Hut accordingly
On motion the following appoint'
uontH wuro made :
Oeo. SlimuiBon , constable Shell
reek precinct
J II. Jackson , justice ot the peaco.
ileadow drove precinct.
A. F. Reeves , mad overseer road
list riot No. 18.
Wm. Flslngor. road overseer road
llstrlot No. 27.
David Larson , road overseer , road
llstrlct No. 13.
J. P. Lauvor , road overseer road tils-
rlct No. 15.
On motion the following bonds were
approved :
Wm. Fllslnger , road overseer , road
list rlct No. 27.
David Larson , road overseo'r , road
llstrlct No. 13.
J. II. Jackson , Justice of the peace ,
Meadow Grove precinct.
Geo. Slmonson , constable , Shell
Creek precinct.
J. P. Lauver , road overseer , road
llstrlct No. 15.
A. F. Reeves , road overseer , road
llstrlct No. 1.
A. B. Soannell , deputy county dork.
C. F. Klso'ioy , justice of the pcaeo.
s'orfolk precinct.
On motion Arthur Gardells was ap-
minted road overseer for district No.
On motion deo. Church was appoint
ed road overseer for district No. 3.
On motion P. C. Harris was up-
minted road overseer for road dls-
.rlct No. 5.
On motion Wm. Rockofollow was
ippolnted road overseer for road dis
trict No. 12.
On motion Chas. Letheby was ap-
minted justice of the peace for Shell
Creek precinct
On motion Dirk Boo was appointed
oad overseer for road district No. 21.
On motion the tax on personal prop
erty of W. N. Davles was reduced
Mr. Davles bad been assessed with
property which ho did not possess.
On motion the board selected CO
names from which petit jurors shall
bo drawn for the March term of dis
trict court.
The following were chosen :
Aug. Kaun , S. N. Park , C. P. Byer-
ly , Wm. Selfcrt , D. C. Harrington ,
J. W. Van Horn , Isaac Kost , John
Fetter , Carl Schultz , 10. D. Hammond ,
Fred King , J. P. Freeland , Thomas
Illght , Matt Shaffer , L. M. Gaylord ,
Wm. Ahlman , jr. , Henry Uccker , Her
man GerecUe. '
Valley : William Wand , Arthur
Warnerville. Fred Chandler , B. B.
Battle Creole. J. W. Wells , William
Clasey , W. O. Cunningham , Fred
Kalama/oo. Julius Nathan , John
Green Garden. Henry Wehenkel ,
Frank White.
Madison. J. C. Reeves , Chas. Ditt-
berner , Chas. Schlender , Mark Rich
ardson , Geo. Klietman , Charles Wells
Union. Sam Tyrrell , W. L. BIckley
John Murphy.
Shell Creek. Hans Dahlstcn , Chas
Kolxow ; S. S. Nelson , Gust Vaage ,
Louis Jacobson.
Jefferson. P. C. Harris , T. 1C. Han-
Meadow Grove. J. Vaughen , George
Deer Creole. C. G. Crook , William
Highland. Fred Teglor , William
Grove. James Ryan , Duane Stew
Emcrick. James Carrahcr , William
Schoolcraft. George DeCamp , J. L
Fairvlew. G. Merkt , D. J. Mahoney
On motion the following funds wore
From miscellaneous fund to Emer
Ick township fund , $21.25. '
From poll fund to Bmerick town
ship fund , $70.08.
From county judgment fund to 190 ]
county general fund , $18.09.
From county sinking fund to 1901
county general fund , $7.38.
From county high school fund to
1901 county general fund , GO cents. .
From county Insane fund to 1901
county general fund , $1.23.
From county special fund to 1901
county general fund , $3.12.
From county dog tax fund to 1901
county general fund , $3.00.
From 1001 county general to 1902
county general fund , $285.40.
From 1902 county general to 1903
county general fund , $2421.10.
From advertising fund to 1903 coun
ty general fund , $240.30.
On motion $1181.46 was transferred
from the 1003 general fund to the
1001 road fund , divided equally among
the three commissioner districts.
On motion $125 was transferred
from commlsssioner district No. 1 to
No. 2.
On motion $125 was transferred
from commissioner district No. 3 to
No. 2.
From 1001 county bridge fund to
1902 county bridge fund , $ G7.G4.
From 1002 county brldgo fund to
1903 county bridge fund , $130.20.
From 1903 county brldgo fund to
1901 county brldgo fund , $625.
From the 1901 county road fund to
the 1902 county road fund , $30.31 , to
bo divided among the thrco commls
sloncr districts.
From 1902 fund commissioner dls
trlct No. 2 to 1903 fund , $12,63.
rlct No. 1 to 1003 fund , $12.01.
From 1DOH fund commissioner dls
rlct No. I to 1001 fund , $1(505. (
From 1002 fund commlRslouor ills
rlct No. 3 to 1003 fund , f 12 fit
From 1003 liuul commissioner ills-
rlct No. 3 to 1001 fund. $1732
On motion the following bills were
illowed :
Geo. D. Smith , county eonuulssslon-
r , $50.40.
Christ Hchmllt. county commission
er , $10.33.
John Harding , county eomuilssslon-
or , $17.65.
John L. Rynoarson , assisting coun-
y treasurer , $101.50.
John Kraut ? , livery , $1.50.
It was moved by John II , Harding
mil seconded by Goo. D. Smith to
my a Burroughs adding machine ,
style No. 3 at a price of $375. Christ.
Se.hnillt and John II. Harding voted
for and Geo. D. Smith voted ugnliint
mroluiHing said machlno. Motion car
On motion board adjourned to
March 21 , 1005.
KmII Winter.
County dork.
The Bridge Contract.
M ( ho recent meeting of Iho hoard
if county commissioners the propo
sition of John W. Towlo for building
jrldgos wns accepted and contend
litprod Into with him. The prims
mreed upon are as follown : All \\ond
) i'ldgoM , new work : 11 ! foot span ,
53.72 per lineal fool ; 11 foot spun ,
f3.70 ; 10 foot span , $145 ; IS foot
span , $1.00 ; 20 fool span , $ I.3R : 22
foot span , $ : i.fifi ; 21 foot span. $ .isr ;
JO foot span , $3.75 ; 28 foot span ,
Repair work : Piling In place. 115
cents a. foot ; driving piling. 15 cents
a foot : new lumber built In bridges.
$3' ! 50 per thousand : old lumber Imllt
In bridges. $ S 00 a thousand.
Judge Kinkald's Bill Providing for the
Construction by Charles H. Cornell
of a Line From Valentine to the
Post , Is Reported Favorably.
A Washington dispatch stales ( bat
Judge Klnkaid's bill to charier an
electric road from Valentine1 to the
Fort Nlo'brara military post has lieon
amended and favorably reported by
the house committee in military : : f-
t'alrs and placed upon the calendar.
The bill now provides that Charles
IT. Cornell and others may construct
an electric line from Valentino to
Fort Nlobrara , with all other neres
sary features Including telephone , tel
egraph and side tricks. The 'ine ' is to
lie operated by power furnlsluti b >
the Nlobrara river , the dam In which
will bo sufllclont to support a . " 0 fool
head. Any damages caused thcrebj
are to bo paid by the United States
government. The line will run north
toward the Rosebud reservation
Mr. Cornell Is a prominent baiikoi
of Valentine.
Ladies Help Ball Club.
The baseball club of Gates academy
at Neligh hit upon a novel scheme
for raising money for their use dur
ing the coming summer. Seeing Iho
treasury was becoming depleted I hey
found friends among the Indies of the
institution and arranged for an old-
fashioned "basket social. " The af
fair was bold in the academy building
and In spite of the fact that the ther
mometer roglstciod nearly ? 0 below
there were over one hundred admir
ers of the club present. The local
auctioneer , L. W. McAllIser wascallc 1
upon to sell the baskets , which ho did
and realized for the boys over twenty
dollars beyond their expectations
Western Irrlgationists Declare That
They Doubt Mr. Leavitt.
A report states that the Irrlgationists
from the western part of the state
doubt the promises of II. G. Leavitt
for six now sugar factories in the
Scotts Bluffs country. They say that
ho is n vlslonist and that his dreams
are too sanguine. It is even ques
tioned by the western farmers wheth
er or not the Ames institution Is pay-
Jng profits. It is said that Mr. Leavitt
explained several months ago to an
Interviewer that there Is a disinclina
tion on the part of farmers In Dodge
county to raise beets. Mr. Leavitt a
few days ago stated that ho had $0 >
000,000 to back his project and that
Harriman and other eastern magnates
would back his scheme.
Foster Men Purchase Norfolk Retail
House Today.
The Norfolk Seed and Supply store
has been sold to Charles II. Boschult
and Roymond 13. governs , formerly of
Foster , Neb. The now proprietors
have arrived In Norfolk and will make
this their home In the future. Mr.
Boschult Is owner of considerable
property In Norfolk. Both have been
In the fanning business. They took
possession of the store this morning
and are ready for business.
Temporary Obstruction of Ditch Au
thorized F. W. Harder Olven Per
mission to Build In the Street With
Consent of Neighbors ,
U''iom FiMin H hiilty )
The city council met In regular HPH-
Hliui last evening with Ma.Mir I In/en
mil CouncilimMi HalvorsHnc , Klesiiu ,
I'asuwalk , 1'arlHli , Hpolltuan and
\\'allu'r prcwul. Absent , ( low , \VII-
ProceedliigH of Iho regular mooting
of I'Vbniary ! ! . 11105u ro road and
npprovod mi read.
The spoclul commllloe appointed lo
confer with Mr. Col Inn , reported that
they had mot Mr. Cotton nnd talked
with him and ho had taken the mat-
for unilor advlHumimt nnd would glvo
in answer later.
The Hi root and alloy comiutlluo WIIH
aiilhorl'/.ed to procure Iho proper gatOH
or wlmtovnr may ho uonossary for
Iho Park iivouuo ditch lo provoul high
water from backing Into ( In1 city , and
to place Ihoin when nocossiiry. ulno
to place temporary obstructions In
Iho tlllolt 0110 half block south of the
Park iivouuo ditch until danger of
high walor Is past.
13. S. Illy rorpicHlod permission lo
take out a dray llcouso for baliinco
of prosout fiscal year at u prorala
amount provided bo would also pay
for the full year ending May I , 11)00. )
The request wan grant oil and the
clerk was anthorl/oil to IHSIIO HCOIIHO
as per request upon payment of the
required amount.
F. W. Harder made written request
for permission lo construct a tem
porary shod building In the street In
front of the lot where was located and
was burned out In which to continue
his business , the saino to slay In such
location not longer than May 1 , 11105.
The request of F.V. . Harder was
granted , provided that ho obtains the
consent of the people now occupying
Iho adjacent properly.
Kmll Hofl'miiti was up from Stanlon
Harry Noff was In the city from
W. W. Quivey was a city visitor
from Pierce.
A. B. Torwllliger of Wiiyno had busi
ness In Norfolk.
C. A. Hard was a Norfolk visitor
from Creiglitoii
Frank Wrlglil was down fiom Ran
dolph yesterday.
F. A. Huston uas In the city yester
day from Neligh.
Kd. Maher was In the city from
Wlsnor yesterday.
Henry H. Hiismaii was a Norfolk
visitor from Leigh.
Louis Mormeler was a Norfolk vis
Itor from Osmond.
Joseph Shaffer was down from
Plain view yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. f. Bowling were In
Norfolk from Lynch.
O.V. . McMillan was registered In
town from Bloomliold.
Oscar Diilchor was in Norfolk yes
terday from Plalnvlew.
W. 13 McQiieslan of Cross transact
ed business In Norfolk.
Mrs C'handlor Paxsou was a Nor
folk visitor from Allen.
Miss Vina Hoekmastor of Crolghlon
was a visitor lo Norfolk.
.1. P. Iloagland of Meadow Grove
was a visitor In the city.
J. W. Kovalok was in the city yes
terday from Battle Crook.
F. .1. Martin of Ba/llo Mills trans
acted business In Norfolk.
Mrs. .Joseph Schwartz returned last
night from a trip to Omaha.
13. W. Pohlman and , T. C. Moroy wore
In the city from Pierce yesterday.
D. C. Main and 13. Cunningham were
in the city yesterday from Wayne.
II. F. Barnhart came down from
Pierce on the early train this morn-
Mrs. Kllxahoth Henderson left this
morning for a ten days' visit In Chi
Fred Romender of Plalnvlew and
Fred Remender , Jr. , of Madison were
In Norfolk yesterday.
E. .7. Stewart , J. 13. Ryan and C. II.
Ileff of Wlsner attended the base ball
meeting hero yesterday.
H. II. Iloworth and W. T. S. Neligh
of West Point attended the base ball
meeting in Norfolk yesterday.
Asa K. Leonard and Dr. J. H
Mackay visited the camp of Fred Ho
bee on the Horseshoe yesterday.
Mrs. Oshorno returned last night
from a two months' visit wltlrrol
utlves In Beatrice and northern Kan
The Browning club was very de
llghtfully entertained at a supper par
ty given by Mr. and Mrs. D. C. O'Con
nor at their homo on Norfolk avenue
last night.
The Nebraska state senate yester
day defeated Foster's bill requiring
that gasoline be sold In red painted
cans. The bill creating n state board
of dental secretaries was passed and
also the bill providing for the limiting
of automobile speed to twenty miles
an hour on country roads and ton to
fifteen miles on city streets , and re
quiring the machines to stop when
ntor Frlos Introduced a bill governing ;
the nalo of palont medicines which
contain moro than ton percent of al
cohol ,
The Tomson Comedy rompimy In
Itn second night of a week's roporlolio
engagement gave a thrilling Illlloplay
In "Tho Clldcd Youth. " which pleased
n houseful. The company Is ouo of
the best of the roporlnlrn popular
priced troupes that ban boon seen in
Norfolk. Tonight they glvo "Com
radon. " The company has HOIIIO clover
people with It.
Cullers along the avenues In Nor
folk wore made Into little rlvulela
which gurgled toward the real river
all through last night , incrclv a ullghl
crust forming over Iho lop. In several
places the water hns collected Into
pretty good sl/ed puddles hut with
such gradual thawing us has been In
progress for Iho past week , and with
no warm and copious raluri. llooihi
may ho kept down to ( he minimum
There will probably ho mi anosl ( lf
sonio Impotlance miide In Norfolk
within Iho ncxl feuhniirs allhouuh
details of Iho suspected POIHOII are an
yet iiiiolilalmiblo Two Plnkcilmi do
toellvoH have been In the cllv Indnv.
Incognito , who are cotilldcul Hint Iliev
will got Iho parly upon whoso Inill
Ihoy have boon for innnv duvn. They
liavo idiadowod Iho fugitive , nnd Imvo
( pared him to Norfolk ami ovperlod
Ibis morning Hint at any moment Ihoy
might mnko the arrest for which thev
have been walling and woi'Mnir The
name of the parly nnd the nnliiio of
ho charge arc a yet unavailable.
A number of Methodist ml > < sloniirv
workers of Norfolk ami north NobriiM-
< a are planning to attend ( ho Im
lortant missionary conforouco of No-
iraskn Molhodlsls which Is to bo held
it St. Paul's church In Lincoln on
Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday of
lext week. A remarkable array of
ending missionary workers of the
country Is on Iho program and n IIIOM )
Interesting meeting hi In pconpcd
Flvo of Iho church hhdmps will ho In
illoudaiieo and address the gathering.
I'lioy are 13 , C. Andrews , .lames Hill
riiobiirn , Isaac \V. .loyce , .1. W. Ham
ilton and II. \ \Varieu With these
Is n large list of piomlnout lay and
minlHloi'lal missionary workers of Iho
country , and II may ho expected that
uvory Interested church worker of Iho
stale wlio can will bo In attendance
on the conference to bo Insplied by
the great workers of the church.
Mr. and Mrs , W. H. Blakeman and
Mr , and Mrs. Ludwlg Koonlgslolu en
lorlalned alioul forty frlt'inls at the
homo of Mr and Mrs Hlakoman , corner
I3lovojilh street and Prospect avenue ,
last night. Supper In four pretty
courses was served at fiIO : ! o'clock ,
six-handed oucliro following as the
evening's feature. Prl'/es wore won
by Mrs. Gibson and Dr. Boar for high
scores and by Mrs. P. II. Sailor for
the shouting honors. The party was
In the nature of a Washington's birth
day affair , national colors being used
with pretty effect throughout the
homo. The colors In the decorations
were rod and while , carnations lire-
dominating. One unique feature of
the evening was that of the place
cards , suggestive of Washington's
birthday and done In original and
clever designs by Mr. Hugo Asmiis.
brother of Mrs. Koenlgsteln. Tonight
the same hosts and hostesses will bo
at home to another company and on
Friday afternoon Mrs BlaKeinan and
Mrs. Koenigslelii will enlerialii a num
ber of ladles.
Reported That Finders are Keeping
Their Luck Secret.
Acponllnjr lo the hlnlciiicnt of n
ItoiH'Htfol nlloniey In Omnlm yostor-
ilny , there IH oxclli'iiicnt on HIP n-sor-
valioii over I lie flint of n vein of coal
Specimens of the flnil are salil to bavf
boon bioiiKbt to Hmipstco ] although
the owners refuse to Kivo up the sr
orot nH to the whereabouts of thofltnl
On the reservation It IH wild that Hot-
tiers rontlnno to live on thHr claims
ri'KanlloKK of the recent grant of an
extension In the tinii' . '
Try a News want nd.
Thefts are Numerous on Reservation
But This One Caps the Climax.
Stealing a nhanty containing n sleepIng -
Ing man Is the latest achievement re
ported from the Rosebud reservation.
Mrs. K. n. Pnrrher of Sioux City
has rereivod a letter from a friend on
( bo Rosebud , who reports the peculiar
Kvor since the reservation In South
Dal < ota was thrown _ open for settle
ment there has been Krcat strife
among the settlers. Persons too poor
to build shanties assume the right to
steal them from neighboring claims.
The other day some man with n
bob-sled hauled off a small shanty for
two miles across the snowy , wind
swept prairie.
When they unloaded and opened the
door they proceeded Inside , and ,
tucked In blankets on n cot , was found
a sleeping man , who snored away
Ills presence frightened the thieves
and they left him. When he nwoko
ho was In a strange locality and had
to hire teams to move himself back.
Want Ads Pay.
Try n want nd. News want ads
roach the people ot Norfolk and of
the northwest better than ang , other
will never
( hail that \vlmli
any u-nman
. : m iiuki' with
The W ( t < ! < > > -fil Yfast
tin * Innk Mm I I ml n mini Print
Nl Ilia Ht. l.oiiU JCi | ' " IUmi.
Yr H | I-'imtn M oM hynllgrn-
* ITH fit fin u parkttifi'pimiiKli
for 40 linivi'R. Hi ml u | nnliil
run ) for nur new lltiintrnlrtl
luiiik - < , -
| Mi-mil : How to
Malm It. *
Lowest Rales
i W , J , GOW &
Monty on Ilinil
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
She Has Cured Thousands
Alcopat liy , Homo
oniil.liy , ric : iml ( Seii-
cral AJeilirini' .
Will , by request , visit profeslonall ?
! t ON 13 DAY ONLY
returning every four weoka. Consult
licr while the opportunity Is at hand.
DK CAIm\'ELL limits her1 practlc *
to the Hjioclnl trnntHiont of < llseiiHO of
the eye. our , uosu. throat , IUIIBS , fomaU
dlbciiboH , illHeusoK of children nnd all
chronic , nervous and mii'Klcal dlueaiie *
of u fumble nature Enrly consump
tion. bronchltlH , bronchial catarrh ,
chronic catarrh , headache , constipa
tion , ntomnch and bowel troubles ,
rheumatism , neuralKla , aclatlca , kidney
cllHouseH. HrlKlifs dlueaxc , diseases of
the liver and bladder , dizziness , ner-
VOUHIICHS. Indigestion. oheBlty. Inter
rupted nutrition , slow growth in child
ren , and all wasting diseases In adults ,
deformatles. club foot , curvature of
the spine , dlseatics of the brain , par-
ulyBlH , heart disease , dropsy , swelling
of the limbs , stricture , open sores ,
lialn In the hones , granular enlarge
ments and all long xtandlng diseases
properly treated
Illnoil mill Skin DUrnnrH.
I'lrnples , blot flies , eruptions , liver
spots , falling of the hair , bad com
plexion , eczema , throat ulcers , ban *
pains , bladder troubles , weak back.
burnliiK urine , passing urine too often.
The effects of constitutional slcknesj
or the taking of too much Injurious
medicine receives searching treatment ,
prompt relief and a cure for life.
Diseases of women. Irregular mens
truation falling of the womb , bearing ;
down pains , female displacements , lack
of sexual tone , Leurorrhen , sterility
or barreness. consult Dr Caldwell and
the will show them the cause of their
trouble and the way to become cured.
Cnnrt-rN , Culler , rUluln , I'llri
and enlarged glands treated with the
.subcutaneous Injection method abso
lutely wllliout pain find without th
Iocs of a drop of blood Is one of her
own dlHcoverles nnd IH really , the most
scientific method of this advanced ago.
Dr. CuItlwell has practiced her profes
sion In some of th- largest hospitals
throughout th. .intry She has no
superior In the treating nn < ! dlagnoalnff
of diseases deformities , etc She has
lately opened an nin > e In Omaha. Ne
braska , where Mie will spend a portion
tion of each week treating her many
patients. No Incurable cases accepted
for treatment. Consultation , examina
tion nnd advice , one dollar to the
Chlwigo. B"
Address all mull to B *
Omaha. Neb.
nuo tuio uuit wi. nuiiv. jii.uii.utro. ruuj utuuena
j iiuiuwig , muu. t'oou property.
I long ns tno uoys were an amateurs , i eastern is'oorasKa. it IB a carte purpio | t ; . t > Hammond , NOFIOIR , NOD.