NKWS : I'MHjMY ' I-'KIUH'MIY - 17 1005. DEPUTY SIMMONS TELLS OP THE DIFFERENCES. SUPREME LODGE VS. NEBRASKA A Comprehensive Statement of the Conditions Existing Oetween the Two Branches of the Order Many Draved the Cold Weather. Last night Norfolk lodge No. 07 , A. O. IT. W. . held ono of thn moat lin- ] iorlitnt meetings In KH history. Al though I ho weather was bitterly cold , nn uiiiiHiiiilly largo number attended tlio mooting attracted hy the an nouncement that F. 0. Simmons , dop- uly grand master workman , would ox- 'plain the present difficulties between thi > supreme lodge of ( ho United Stales and the Brand lodge of Nebras ka. Mr. SlniiiKiiiH gave a comprehen sive statement of the Hltiuitloii , which \vnn listened to with Intense Interest throughout. Following IK ii synopsis of Mr. Sim mons' remarks : Much agitation has existed In the ranks of the Workmen of Nebraska for Homo tliuo past , hocniiHO the mem bers have fonrc'd that the cost of tholr Insurance would ho greatly Increased ly ) the now rules of assessment adopl- od hy the Hiiproiuo lodge. It Is true that the miproiuo ledge linn adopted a schedule of rates very much higher than those paid In Nebraska , hut It Is not the cano that these now rates are In any wny appllcahlo to the mom- liers lu this Blato. The A. O. U. W. being divided Into slate Jurisdictions , each Jurisdiction controln Its own planet ot assessment and Its rates , oxeopt In those Jurisdictions which recolvo from the supreme ledge assistance Jn paying their death claliuH , Nebraska never has received such help , and neither needs nor desires It , ollhor now or In the future. Consequently this jurisdiction cannot ho subjected to the now supreme ledge rates , nor Is there any higher power than the grand ledge of Nebraska which can compel any change In the plan or ntnnnnt of assessments to be paid by the mem bers In this Jurisdiction. More than this , the constitution cannot be amend ed except by the direct consent of the members. Any nuu'iidmoiit which may bo adopted by the grand ledge must ho submitted to the members and ratllled by n three-llfths vote of all the lodges In the state , before It becomes effective. So It will be seen that the matter of changes Is entirely In the hands of the Nebraska mem bers. The matter that has really been a menace to the order In this stale Is the Increased rates demanded by the supreme lodge In the guaranty fund. This fund Is a contribution which the members have made to the supreme lodge , to be by that body disbursed In states where the mortality rate Is higher than lu Nebraska , to assist such Jurisdictions In paying their death Malms. For some years past the Jurisdiction of Nebraska has been paying , to the supreme lodge about $ ir > .OflO annually In this fund , but un der the new regulations of the su preme lodge the amount demanded was raised to about J1SO.OOO per year. This demand having been made upon the olllceVs of the Nebraska jurisdic tion some time ago. they declined to accede to It. because they had not the funds on hand to pay this large sum , nor the authority from the grand lodge to pay any sue.Ii amount. Much correspondence and several confer ences between the grand and supreme olllcers have taken place , but the sltua- , tlon remains unchanged. At a recent conference a compromise agreement i was made , which ItMIS supposed , would settle the whole matter , and the ! terms of the agreement were very satIsfactory - ' Isfactory to the Nebraska members. Hut the supreme lodge compilttee hav- , lug authority to approve such matters i declined to ratify the agreement , so i the entire situation remains as before , the supreme olllcers demanding that ' the high rate be paid , and the grand i officers standing pat on the proposi tion that they have neither means nor the authority to comply with .the . de mand. The grand lodge olllcers have also declined to enter Into any agree- ' inont which would tend to bind the ' grand lodge to any such payment , pro-1 ferrlng to leave the decision of the whole matter to the decision of the gntnd lodge , which meets In the month of May. Members generally , as they receive full Information on this matter , are commending the stand taken by their state olllcers. and the view Is freely expressed that the de mands of ( he supreme lodge are exor bitant aim".cannot | n Justice bo com plied with1 by yils Jurisdiction. The speaker urged the lodge mem bers to consider this matter with care , viewing it In all its aspects , and elect representatives to the grand ledge who would carry out their views. As to the result , If Nebraska refuses to pay the largo mini demanded. It is probable that the supreme ledge will suspend the Jurisdiction. While the members would regret the severance of fraternal relations , full confidence Is felt that the jurisdiction of Nebras ka , with nearly 40,000 members , Is en tirely competent to take care of Itself , and would continue to carry on Its business In the future ns In the past. No assistance has over been received 'from the supreme body In meeting the losses In this state , and no doubt can exist that \\c would he able to pay all losses and handle nil the business of the jurisdiction , should the uhungo come In fact , many bellovo that with Ilin having of Iho HIIIIIH hototofoio paid to I lie supreme ledge , a reserve fund could bo Him led In Nebraska which would bo of gieat beuelll to the jurisdiction and would attract a class of people whoso membership It Is now dllllcull to obtain. It may bo necessary for Nebraska to initlio some change In her assess ment plans , and Hie speaker would advise that study bo given to this mat ter. U'llhoiit doubt a plan can bo devised which will piovldo HUlllcleiit money on a maximum of twelve as sessments per year , and at a rate that will ho more satisfactory to young men , without being unduly burden some upon the old men. Hy the es tablishment of a reserve fund , which can easily be done , Ibis result can ho attained without the danger of "free/.lng out" Iho old men , which has been the great cry of alarm when any order has at tempted a revision of Its rales. A plan Is being formulated for this purpose , which will bo presented to the grand lodge for Its coifsldora- lion , and Iho inoiuborH nro urged to give close attention to this matter , In order that any act Ion which may betaken taken will be such ns will contribute to the prosperity and success of the order. In nirilio discussion of Ibis contro versy , and In the formulation of plans for Iho future , It Is very desirable that coolness and good Judgment bo observed. No good will como from ranting or vituperation. The slluaa- tlon demands the best thought of the best men In the order. If this bo ex orcised , theio Is no question IIH to the result. Nebraska people are usually equal to any task that may bo Im posed upon them , and If the momhcrs of the Ancient Order of United Work men have faith In tholr order and themselves , there Is no doubt that they will bo ahlo to solve all problems , and that the beneficent work of the order will continue In the future with oven greater success than In the punt. ONE MORE EFFORT IN BEHALF OF DAVID CITY WOMAN. IS NOW IN THE PENITENTIARY Petition Is Filed With the Supreme Court Asklno Leave to File a Mo tion for a New Trial on the Ground of Alleged Error. Lincoln , Nob. , Fob. in. Ono moro effort will bo made In the supreme court to secure a now trial for Mra. Lonu Margaret Lllllo , convicted at David City of murdering her husband. Attorney Francis Ilamor filed an ap plication asking leave to illo u motion for n now trial. Stress will bo laid on alleged errors In the trial In Duller county. WILSON BROSLEAVE NORFOLK _ Have Purchased Store Building at Lau rel and Take Possession. A business transaction has Just been consummated whereby Wilson Bros , of this city become the possess ors of the store building formerly oc cupied by Everett & Waltt of Lanrol , Neb. , and accordingly Wilson Tires , will remove to that place at once , to take Immediate possession. i The IIrm has stores at Plalnvlow Hutte , Allen and Fairfax. Battle Creek. Mrs. Skala , who was very sick for a long time last fall , Is again under the care of a physician. Hon. F. W. Klclmrdsou. state rep reseutatlve , was home from Lincoln from Friday till Monday. ' Fred Volk calls attention to the farmers' Institute which Is to be held here on Friday , March H. The nlckle-ln-tbe-slot machines \\ere ordered out of business last we-Mi am shipped to a warmer country. .T. W. Risk , who recently sold his farm , will move to town and occupj the Allen residence near the depot. A chicken pie and Ice cream soela will be given at the opera house Frl day night by the young ladles of the Baptist church. The betrothal of John Lucht , jr. and Miss Mary Fensko was announced nouncod by Hov. .T. Hoffman In the Lutheran church Sunday morning. Chas. Flores Is closing out his en tire stock of harness , nnd Intends ti put all of his time In on his new In vontloti , the patent curtain fastener , i The financial condition of the vil j Inge is very good. The treasurer's re [ port on .lanuary 31 shows a Imlanco I on hand of $ USI.G3 , nnd al ! bill i paid. I Mitchell Collins , n railroad em j ploye. died at Lincoln Saturday from j appendicitis. The body was brought i hero 'Monday morning for interment , | this being the homo of his sisters , Mrs. D. L. Fender and Mrs. II C. Cbrlsmnn. The funeral was held Tuesday nt 11 o'clock from the M. E. church and conducted by Rev. O. Eg- gleston , Interment being In Union cemetery. The deceased was about thirty years of ago nnd a native of Virginia. Ho was unmarried , but leaves many relatives In this vicinity besides his sisters. „ BLOODY WEAPON SWORN TO BY * WOMAN WHO SCRUBBED. . SHE POSITIVELY IDENTIFIED IT Asa P , Brooks , a New Dim Editor and the Only Eye Witness to the Mur der , Has Recently Tried tp Dig up Stories About Qebhard. Now Ulm , Minn. , Feb. II. The ntato'H attorneys now believe they uivo traced the ownership of the fa * IIOIIH hammer with which Dr. Gob- mrd was killed to Dr. Koch. Mrs. Andrew ICacss , a washorwo- nan who was accustomed to scrub the loom of Dr. Koch's office , says she ifton saw an old hammer hanging In ho doctor's laboratory. Her descrlp- Ion of It fitted exactly that of the old mmmer submitted In evidence. Lat- ir she was shown thq bloody hammer UK ! positively Identified It ns the one she had seen In Dr. Koch's office. Mrs. Kacss says that after thomur- lor of Dr. Goblmrd she went to the illlco of Dr. Knoh to scrub the floors nnd wash the windows and that the ild hummer was not In Its accus- omed place and she has not scon It slnco the murder. GEBHARD'S DUAL LIFE. Asa Brooks Came to Minneapolis to Get Evidence of It. Now Ulm , Minn. , Fob. ! . Citizens uivo boon aroused to anger by an irllclo In a local paper concerning a ecent visit of Asa P. Urooks , the only eye witness of the murder of Dr. Gob- mrd , to the Twin City hotels for the purpose of ascertaining If Dr. Gob- mrd did not visit ono of them in com- Htny with a married woman from this city. city.Tho The local paper says that while llrooks was In Hotel Nlcollet In Min neapolis , searching the register , ho was questioned by a resident of Sleepy Eye and stated that bo had icon Informed that Dr. Goblmrd had on a certain date visited that hotel In company with a certain woman from Now Ulm and that ho desired to satisfy his mind upon the subject. As Senator Somervlllo , after the re cent trial , Informed certain citizens that at the next trial the defense would produce evidence to substan tiate the assertion that Dr. Goblmrd liad led a double life before ho was murdered , this visit of Brooks to the different hotels In the Twin Cities Is slgnlllcant. The editor stated to a fellow mom- lier of the Bachelors' club that he had visited the hotels In St. Paul for this purpose. This gentleman Informed him that he should be ashamed of using such tactics against a departed follow being , nnd especially one whom ho had called "bis dearest friend. " WEDNESDAY WRINKLES. C. S. Bridge wont to Lincoln today. Engineer M. Wheeler Is ill with la grippe. Henry , Wax was up from Pllger yes terday. H. D. Bryam was over from Decatur yesterday. C. E. Halght was a Norfolk visitor from Vcrdel. Guy Honnlnger of Tllden visited In Norfolk yesterday. V. Copeland was In Norfolk yester day from Madison. H. Gumson was a Norfolk visitor yesterday from Leigh. N. A. Nelson was n city visitor from New Castle yesterday. W. U. Hough was down from Pierce yesterday on business. W. O. Fry. day clerk at the Pacltlc hotel. Is on the sick list. John Hnlverson was a Norfolk visit or yesterday from Stanton. George Bnlllngton was In Norfolk yesterday from Hnrtington. Miss Katie Barrett of Harrison was a Norfolk visitor yesterday. Mrs. . W. A. Meservo of Crelghton visited In Norfolk yesterday. Mlle E. Crew was an over night vis Itor In Norfolk from Crelghton. Mrs. E. A. Bullock has been ver > sick with grippe. She Is somewhat better now. John W. M. Kloke of Plain view ; A R. Kloko of Spencer nnd F. W. Kloke of West Point gathered In Norfolk yesterday. Mrs. H. P. Stafford and little dnugh tor of Marqnelte , Mich. , are guests at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Stafford this week. Emery Dlckover Is the latest to en roll his name on the roster of the Nor folk business college to take n course In business. Miss Mertle Wood , who has been visiting with Mrs. W. H. Blnkemni this week , returned to her homo In Pierce at noon today. Miss Hoagland of Luverne , Minn , who has been visiting the past weel nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.Gib son , expects to leave tomorrow fo her homo. Miss Hoagland Is enrouto from a visit with her brother , Dr. N J. Hoagland now at Central City , Neb Mrs. J. N. Buudlck will leave Wash Ington , D. C. , on Saturday for theo turn , trip to Norfolk. She has boon visiting her mother for several weeks A. B. Dillon of Onkdalo , deputy fo the A. O. U. W. , was In the city eve night attending the meeting of Nor folk lodge nnd hearing the-address o ils brother deputy , I' , n. Simmons. Ir , Dillon left for Mudlson today to orwnrd the work of the order there. II , L. Spauldlug linn recovered suf- clontly to bo ahlo to ho up and rcssed n portion of each day , and ils friends hope to soon BCD him out n the streets again , Mrs. Odlorno and Mrs. Frank Dav- nport will ontcrtnln the ladles aid ocloty of the Congregational church t the homo of Mrs. Davenport Thurs- ay afternoon , February 1C , All of ho ladles nro cordially Invited to at- end. end.Tho The Honnto has confirmed the ap < Kilntmcnt of Sherman S. Lucas to bo lostmaatcr nt Honcstccl , South Da- tola. President Hoosovolt has Just at- ached his signature to u measure vhlcb transfers the land In Gregory county , S. D. , from the Chatnhorlnln and ofllco to the Mitchell land office. This Includes the Rosebud resorva- Ion which was opened for settlement nsl summer. Hereafter all filings vlll bo made at Mitchell. Miss Muiple Mat ran was hostess nt a Valentino party which was given for icr school pupils after Iho close of he session yesterday afternoon. Tnlqno effects formed 'features for fun vhlch the Httlo tots thoroughly en- oycd. L. Sehenzol has had a three-horso loctrlc motor placed In his meat mar- u > t , replacing the steam power for ho purpose of running bis meat cut- Ing and other machinery. Ho will got power from the Norfolk Electric Jght and 1'owor company and Is con. Ident that the now arrangement will 10 n great advantage over the power .hat ho has heretofore been using. The missionary meeting hold yos- erdny afternoon nt the homo of Mrs. Mary Mathewson was largely attend ed In spite of the weather. There was llsappolntmcnt because of the innhll- ty of Mrs. John D. TIaskell of Wake- flolrt , who had planned to bo present and deliver an address , to ntttend. She was kept away by the lack of a rain. Delicious refreshments were solved. A very delightful Valentine party was given last night by .Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Tyler at their home on Norfolk ivenno. Invitations were sent in the shape of hearts and the decorations of .ho homo were in valentine and cupid effects. A valentine done In water colors and bearing a clover and unique message for each guest , served as a pleasant feature of the evening. Super - ; ) or was served In three courses. On many of the buildings of tho. city Immense Icicles have boon formed that hang above those having occasion to pass beneath the caves like tho'usands of Democles' swords thfoatening to come down at the slightest thaw or disturbance and crush the passer-by. Care should therefore bo exercised by the people that they are not beneath when the Ice b'reaks loose from Its anchorage. The committee on jndjclary of the United States senate has authorized a favorable report on n bill fixing the lioundary line between Nebraska and South Dakota. It provides that the line south of Union county , South Da kota , shall bo In the main channel of the Missouri river now existing. This was agreed In a compact between the legislatures of the two states , and was made necessary by the frequent shifting of the river channel. Tom Arthur's theatrical company , In spite of desperate efforts to reach Norfolk last night , lost In the race and bad to abandon the trip at Fre mont. The troupe was booked to pre sent , "A Study In Scarlet" at the Au ditorium and had made a long run by wny of Omaha from Sioux City. The delay In the train , however , forced Tom Arthur to end the journey at Fremont and take a train for Colum bus , where the show appears tonight The "For Mother's Sake" company arrived from Fremont this afternoon and will play tonight at the Auditor ! mn. A number of people braved the night and went to the Auditorium hop Ing to sec Sherlock Holmes' story dra mntlcally presented. Tom - Arthur could have a house an.y time he came to Norfolk , now. Although the mall sacks received ai the Norfolk postofllce yesterday were few and far between , the postoffice clerks , the city carriers and all other officials and employes looking for em ployment , found It In taking and do liverlng the numerous messages per mitted and favored by St. Valentine This line of business in fact , com menced several days ago , and the missives aje not yet all delivered Some will come on delayed malls am others will forget to post their mcs sages until a day or two after the fourteenth has passed Into history Anyway the postoffico force has no been permitted entire Idleness during the past fe'w days though railroad malls were uncertain or altogether lacking. The dealers In the missives have enjoyed n fairly satisfactory trade , although It might have been bet tor had the weather been moro favor able , permitting the boys and girls and the young men and young women to get to the counters ladened will the attractive creations. Remains of Mrs. Chestnutwood. The remains of Mrs. Chestnutwood who died Sunday at a hospital In Kan sas City , arrived In Norfolk this after noon and Interment took place ii Prospect Hill nhortly afterward. Miss Lillian Chestnutwood , formerly o Norfolk , accompanied the remains o her mother to the city. Are You Satisfied With the Busi = ness You Do ? There arc few business men who vould not Increase their trade If they ould dovlso means to do It. Any nan would be willing to pay a per centage of the Increased prollt for the uako of maintaining the new stluiu- us. It la a rare business man who vould not gladly hire an additional salesman or solicitor If , by so doing , hat salesman or solicitor would In crease the bulk ot business BO much hat the added profits would pay the ( alary of the new mam and leave sur- ilus cash fur the house. A good salesman or a good solicitor s one who , by his skill In presenting ho selling points of the goods at hand , s ahlo to make sales which otherwise would not be made. If a high-salaried sal bs in an did not sell things which , were It not for his presentation , would lot otherwise have been Bold , ho would earn no moro money for his employer than an ordinary follow. Vnd If it were not possible to make icoplo buy things which , but for the salesman's work , they would have left inpurchuscd , then the simplest child would be as valuable In a store or In in agency , as the clevore'st and most experienced professional. , An advertisement Is merely a sales- nan or a solicitor , which talks to sev eral thousand people at the same time. An advertisement , like A human salesman , may he so clever that It will create a demand for the goods and wonderfully Increase the sales ; or it may bo so commonplace , so un skilled and so devoid of effective pres entation that what It says will appeal to none. Advertising Has Come to Be a Sci ence and a Fine Art. An advertisement must contain rea sons why the reader will find It to his idvantago to buy the articles adver tised. An advertisement must be no more and no less than a printed con versation , such as the salesman would speak If he were talking , earnestly and seriously , to a prospective buyer. It can not ramble If It Is to bring re sults. It can not cover , In the same line , two separate articles any moro than a salesman dare try to sell , In the same breath , two different things. U must be clean-cut ; rid of superflu ous literature ; sharp , deilnite and con vincing. No ad. will pay which Is not so writ ten as to create a demand for the ar ticle or articles advertised. Every ar ticle advertised should be sot off , like a newspaper article , In a department of Its own , with a head-line calling at tention to It and with its every selling point brought out and exhausted just as completely and as thoroughly as Is his story written by a newspaper re porter. An Ad Is News. Every ad. Is news , In Its way. And it must be written In just as InterestIng - Ing a manner as < Is the news , with which it must compete for favor , on the same page. It must be clever enough to attract the attention of the prospective buyer. Magazines today are as thoroughly read In the advertis ing pages as they are In the story pages , for the reason that the ads. are news , Interestingly conceived. The Heading Is All-Important. The heading of an advertisement the smaller the more true , IB all-Im- portunt In the results which are to be gained. The heading must bo so worded as to attract the attention of the person who Is Interested In that particular and who. therefore , may prove a buyer. A person afflicted with sore feet will grasp at any tiny adver tisement whose"headline Indicates that there Is relief to be found for those pedal extremities. Likewise a house keeper will follow down the wording of any ad , which , In the bold-faced head , Indicates bargains for her de partment bo It Hatlrons , groceries hot doughnuts or what not. CUTS , for this reason , are valuable features of any ad. They Instantly show the line of goods that are dls cussed and attract the attention of the desired ones. And a cut , for this rea son , must pertain to the article ad vertlsod , and must , In Uself , be able to display points In the article which will create a demand for It Any shoe cut , for Instance-will denote that the ad. tolls about shoes. But If the cut Is a picture of a well shaped , stylishly made , substantial shoe , It will have a tendency to create a demand for thai particular shoo , just as would the words of a salesman who took time to say that the shoe was' of flne ahape up-to-date , hand-sewed and durable. The so-called "catchy" headings which many luslneas man have writ ten over tholr ads , , men who have re/ celvcd no returns and quit Investing In space because "It didn't pay , " are not effective. The reason Is evident The general reSdcr , who perhaps reads the first few lines from pure curiosity , qnlts In disgust. And very frequently i the person whom It Is desired to Interest - < torest , will never look at the ad. be cause It docs not Interest him at the outset. On a newspaper , the greatest ' care Is taken to write headlines which will , at the first glance , give the gist of the whole story. If It * Is a baseball article , therefore , the fan knows It at once and will read It The politi cian will pass by. Dally papers pay largo salaries for experts who do noth ing but write theeo headlines. But un advertiser will often head his dis cussion with a line which says "Cold Weather Is Coming , " when It should have been "Do You Need an Under shirt ? " The man In need might nnd might not care whether cold weather ho will read the lines that follow just was coming or not. It la a cinch. though , that If ho needs an undershirt .X to see what sort of bargain ho can se cure. If ho does need undershirt . or If it happens to bo a dentist's ad that tells him his aching tooth can be pulled painlessly , He Will Visit the Advertiser. When he has done that , the ad. haa done Us work. It is then up to tha clerks or the dentist to sell him every thing In the building that ho can pos sibly use. If they fall to do that , it is now salesmen that are needed and not a different method of advertising. If nothing but the goods advertised wore sold as the result of an ad. , then that ad. surely would not pay. It la the profit made from additional sales , after the buyer has been attracted to the store which Makes Advertising Pay. That is the reason why leaders can be offered , even at cost or perhaps at a loss , and still net the advertiser a margin on the transaction. That la why special sales pay , even though the specials are cut to bed rock. That Is why advertising all of the time , ev ery day and every day , and with al ways something newsy , clever , attrac tive to the taste and the purse of the -.J reader , can he made to pay and to ' ' pay well. It stands to reason that ad vertising MUST NOT BE SPASMOD IC if it Is to bring the best results. If a baseball column In a newspaper was printed but once a month , It Is easy to see why "fans" would not look to that column when It did , periodically - * ly appear. It logically follows that a housewife will not look at a certain corner of the paper today for clothes pin bargains , if that corner contained bargains but three times within a year. The readers must be trained to expect to find ads. worth looking at , before they will take the time to do it. The People to Reach. The people to reach , advantageously , are those who can get to the advertls- , er , either by mall or in per&on , to take advantage of the articles mentioned. Advertisers in Norfolk naturally desire - sire to reach everybody In the city , all of the farmers within a driving dis tance from the city and other persons In tributary territory who may visit Norfolk. To the end of covering this Identical field , The News has been working for years. It now does cover this field very thoroughly every day In the year. The rural routes out of Norfolk , of which there are five today , are reached by The News Just as effectually and as thoroughly as are the homes In the city. The farmers around Norfolk read The News every day In the week just as they used to read weekly pa pers. Their papers , containing local ' and telegraph markets and news , are delivered at their doors every day. There Is no business In the world which cannot be stlumlnted by adver tising. It will not only gain new pa trons but It will Increase the patronage of former ones. Advertising is not a venture. If used judiciously and systematically it is bound to bring re sults. There is no other way out ot It It Is .a commodity In which tha business man Invests for the sake of getting more out of It than ho puts Into It. It Is paying one dollar for the purpose of making two or three and many times more than that. It Has Come to Stay. i | The uncertain period of advertising has passed. As a business getter It has como to stay and It is growing more and more essential. Local TO- vertislng will pay In any community , large or small , if u is done on a sci entific basis. Done .In haplmzzard fashion , It Is now , /always has been and alwavs will be a waste of money. . / The business man who advertises In J&l the right way , Is bound to Increase hla ? T business. The business man who Is ' not content to run along , year after year , In the same channel and never grow in trade , will find advertising the surest , quickest and most dependable method of satisfactory growth. And newspaper advertising Is the most economical In the world today because through this medium more people and more territory can be reached , and In an Interesting way at that , than In any other method that can be devised.