The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 17, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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    HIE NORFOLK NEWS : K1UH1JAY , I'MOIUU'AHY ' 17 11)05. )
Towns Between This City and Bone-
steel Had , no Trains All Day Yester
day , Either Passenger or Freight.
M. & O. Still Stalled This Morning.
Train trnlllc was pretty well re
stored to normal running In northi'in
Nebraska today and , with no more
wind , the schedules will bo pretty
nearly adhered to henceforth. A few
trains wore olT their regular running
* or a iortlon nf tno ear'y ' i"11'of * lu °
iuvy 1)Ut snowplows have cleared the
tracks and lirotight order out of chaos.
vOn the Northwestern line this mornIng -
Ing all locals left Norfolk on schedule
time , the morning passenger for Omaha -
ha went out on time , the main line
passenger from the Black Hills was
but an hour late and the westbound
Omaha-Uonestcol was reported about
on time early in the clay.
The Union Pacific passenger train
left on time at 11 o'clock , the snowplow -
plow having come through from Col
umbus during the night.
The M. & O. passenger train , which
had not moved since Monday night ,
was still stalled In Norfolk this morn
ing waiting for the snowplow from
Sioux City which was enroute , clear
ing the track. The plow had reached
Emerson by 8 o'clock" , and was ex
pected in Norfolk by about noon. It
was not known early today just when
the M. & O. would get out , but it was
presumed that it would be able to
make one round trip this afternoon.
Bonesteel Line Lost a Day.
The Norfolk-Bonestecl branch of
the Northwestern road has had no
train since Monday. Not a wheel
turned in that direction yesterday and
the regular passenger train duo for
that point and which Is scheduled to
reach Norfolk from Omaha at noon ,
arrived in this city late last night ,
was turned around and started out for
the east on time this morning , having
cut off the round trip from here to
The delay to that train was caused
near South Omaha by a stocktrain ,
eastbound , which had Its nose Into a
drift and which was unable to get out.
It blocked the track for No. 1.
Having no connection with the train
from the east , No. ? , which regularly
runs between Norfolk and Long Pine
in the afternoon , was annulled yester
No. 5 , the westbound Black Hills
train due here at 7 : ! ! . " > , passed the train
that left Omaha in the morning for
Norfolk and arrived at 9:30 : last night.
Tralnloads of Shovelers.
Snow shovelers by the trainload ar
rived in Norfolk and departed again
lor various branch lines of railroad ,
to aid In clearing out the tracks. The
main line passenger from the west ,
which came in but slightly off sched
ule yesterday afternoon , was drawn
by a pair of locomotives and both be
fore and directly behind the engines
were cars loaded with men wlio held
scoops in their hands. It Was the
man with the shovel who counted on
that trip. They were dispatched to
points on the Bonesteel line.
Today has brought the predicted
fair weather and colder temperature.
The wind this morning J > lew from the
south and there was every prospect
of more favorable conditions. One
News reader telephoned and suggest
ed that an apology was due from this
paper to the groundhog for the sarcas
tic way with which he was treated. If
it were to In the slightest degree re
lieve the present severe season , the
groundhog editor would apologize
twice or three times.
The snow is drifted into crusts that
are very thick and very hard. It is
with great difficulty that teams move
about In the streets , and country roads
are almost impassable. Rural carriers
abandoned their trips yesterday as all
efforts to cover the routes were out
of the question.
W. R. Locke was up from Stanton
Robert Ermels was up from West
Point yesterday.
J. F. "Wright was down from Wake-
field yesterday.
V. W. McDonald of Allen was a
Norfolk visitor.
F. A. Huston was in the city from
Nellgh yesterday.
a * Herman Smith was over from War-
nervillo yesterday.
H. H. Peters was in the city yester
day from Randolph.
Milo Warren was a Wednesday vis
itor from Crelghton.
F. W. Lake was in the city yester
day from Bassctt.
D. A. Lucko was down from Butte
on business yesterday.
Iv M. E. Kerl was in the city yestor-
' Af > day from West Point.
J. M. Smith was a Norfolk visitor
' '
from Madison yestcrda'y.
S. M. Armstrong of Vordel was a
Norfolk visitor yesterday.
Wm. Warsaw was a Norfolk visitor
yesterday from Madison.
Alvln Nigenfend was In the city
yesterday fiom PJalnvlow.
W. L. Barcus of Bonesteel had busi
ness In Norfolk yesterday.
Mrs. J. F. Loscu and son , Frank , of
West Point , were In the city visiting
friends over night , cnrouto home from
Carroll , Nob.
.T. H Jennings was In Norfolk
Wednesday from Fremont.
A. .1. llamnmrly was a Norfolk vln-
Itor yesterday from Atkinson.
Mrs. ,1.V. . Hughes was a Norfolk
visitor yesterday from Monroe.
Wm. Krotter came In from Stunt t
on the early train this morning.
Henry and Chris Schader were In
the city yesterday from Lindsay.
Mr. and Mrs. .T. W. Johnson of Ni >
llgh visited In Norfolk yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. B. 0. Button were In
the city this morning from Plainvlow.
Mrs. .lap. Nichols and Miss Hoppeu
of Columbus were In Norfolk yester
Hov. J. F. Poucher of the Metho
dist church is this week assisting In
the conduct of revival services at
Madison. Ho stales that the meet
ings have had a line beginning and In
creasing Interest is shown.
"For Mothor's Sake" drew a fair
sized audience at the Auditorium last
night and fairly well pleased those
who saw it. THe plot was ono of
those melodrama/ which tears
abound , though the company succeed
ed pretty well In their weeping and
Howard Boyinor , the brakeman who
was injured beneath car wheels at
\Vcst Point last week , seems to begetting
getting along very nicely and it is
now the hope of the surgeons that
both his limbs may be saved. It is
as yet impossible to definitely deter
mine , but every Indication points to
the saving of both logs.
The railroad yards of the ITninn Pa
cific and M. & O. In Norfolk are being
cleared of tons of snow. A force of
men with shovels is engaged In heap
ing up the white encumbrance to the
north of the switch tracks and they
are materially aided by teams and
scrapers in1 removing the accumula
tion. By tonight the yards should lie
in' fairly good condition for the re
sumption" work by the switch en
gines. A large number of men , ordi
narily out of employment at this sea
son of the year , have been given an
opportunity of earning a few dollars
at handling shovels.
Country folk who have been snow
bound for weeks , unable to even' at
tempt to get Into the city , are now
beginning to stir and before many
days more the roads leading all over
this territory will have been cleared
to a nicety. Many a housewife in
Norfolk will appreciate the breaking
of the long driftbound roads as but
ter and eggs have become a rather
perilous proposition. It has all gone
to show liow dependent every portion
of the world is upon every other. The
whole country has been afraid of a
coal famine , the townsfolk needed
things from the country and , in turn ,
the country folk have grown despe
rately in need of provisions which ,
th'oy had not.
Snowdrifts in the railroad cuts have
been much deeper than ordinarily im
agined by those who have not soon
the mounds. The incoming M. & O.
train from Sioux City yesterday after
noon , which had been the first train
through since Monday , penetrated a
number of drifts as high as the cars
and three windows on one coach wore
shattered by the snowbank. The
train arrived in Norfolk at " o'clock ,
following a snowplow that cut the
route and which , itself , was stuck for
a time. The train returned last night
to Sioux City and came to Norfolk
again in the night. All trains are now
running pretty nearly on schedule
time. The track between Lincoln and
Fremont , on the Northwestern , was
ono of the most difficult to clean out
as there are so many deep cuts on
that division. The work was finished ,
however , yesterday.
By a Vote of 60 to 30 the House of
Representatives Yesterday Decided
to Look Into the Extravagance Al
leged In Norfolk Asylum.
By a vote of fiO to SO the house of
representatives in the Nebraska state
legislature yesterday adopted the resolution
elution of Jones of Polk county , call
ing for an investigation of the expen
diture of $100.000 appropriated by the
legislature two years ago for the re
pair and rebuilding of the west wing
at the Norfolk insane hospital.
The speaker announced .Tones ,
Wlndham of Cass and Howe of No-
malm to make the Investigation.
The resolution precipitated a very
warm discussion. Judge Jackson of
Nellgh led the discussion against Jho
resolution , seconded by Perry of Fur-
nas. Windham and Wilson , with
Jones , were leaders In support of the
It may bo expected that the com
mittee will arrive In Norfolk very
soon to look over the buildings and
to determine- their own minds
whether or not there has been extrav
agance In the building. Norfolk people
ple bollevo that there has not. The
buildings look ns though they have
cost pretty nearly the contract
to construct.
Legislators Insist That the Old West
Wing , Uhder the Law for the Ap
propriation , Should Have Been He-
paired Tyler Is Censured.
The Norfolk asylum Is creating con
siderable Interest In the legislature
and Is , of course , of Interest to ovoi >
person in northern Nebraska , lining
( he only state Institution uotth of the
Platte rlvor. The following ropou
from Lincoln tolls of the charges that
are bolug made.
Lincoln , Feb. 15. Representative
Join's clalmp the law onnctod by the
hint legislature appropriating $100.-
OdO for the reconstruction of the
burned wing of the Norfolk asylum
has been violated , and whllo not spe
cifying any alleged guilty parties in
timates that a graft or fraud has boon
practiced upon the slato.
The bill providing for this appropri
ation and work two yoarrt ago was la-
troduced In the IIOUKO by Nelson of
Pierce. H vested In thn sta'to hoi'-d
of public lands and buildings the
of carrying out the provisions of the
law. The first and principal section
of that bill roads :
That there Is appropriated out of
any money in I ho treasury of the
state of Nebraska , not otherwise up
proprlatod , the sum of $1(10,000 ( , or HI *
much thereof as may be necessary lor
the purpose of repairing and rebuilding ! -
ing the damaged and destroyed portions
tions of the hospital for the Insane of
Nebraska , located at Norfolk , to bo
expended 'under the direction of the
board of public lands and buildings.
Jones cbiiniH this provision was .iot
compiled with ; that instead of re
building the old wing , an administra
tion building and three cottages weio
erected and that great extravagance
was practiced. Ho wants to know
why the stale hoard oreolod the ad
ministration building and three cot
tages and did not , rebuild the old
Richardson of Madison Is the author
of H. R. 20 , which originally ca'lled for
an appropriation of $ fiO,000 for the re
pairing and rebuilding of Ibis old wing.
The committee on public lands and
buildings recommended that this ap
propriation bo cut to $ : ! 5.000 and the
bill was then amended to comply with
that recommendation , so that now the
legislature Is asked to appropriate
$35.000 , Jones points .out , to do what
the last legislature set aside $100,000
for. Jones , therefore , wants a little
light on that point.
May Make Campaign Thunder.
As a moans of manufacturing cam
paign thunder for the fuslonists the
potentialities of Jones' resolution are
admitted , but that it could load to the
disclosure of Intentional fraud Is not
believed by the majority members of
the legislature. However , republic
ans are not blind to the argument that
more economy could have boon exer
cised in the building of these cottages.
The house committee on public lands
and buildings admits that In its com
prehensive report to the house filed
last week. Chairman Caldwell of this
commit too. Representative Davis of
the finance , ways and means commit
tee of the bouse and dovornor Mick
ey all agree-that , while the cottage
plan is far better than the old plan
of having a single building for the In
sane , these particular cottages might
have been built for less money and
at the same time have given satisfac
tion. But the slate board , under
whose direction the legislature placed
this work , is not blamed even for this ,
since it followed the directions , neces
sarily , It is said , of the state archi
tect , James Tyler , jr. , of whoso judg
ment some criticism has been made.
The governor , Representatives Davis
and Caldwell .also agree that a com
mittee from the state board wont east
and found from the experiences of the
older states the cottage plan for such
asylums was highly preferable to the
old one-building plan and was being
generally adopted. Upon the recom
mendation of this committee the con
tract for the cottages was let to an
Indiana man. who , by the way , is said
to be losing money on the job. The
contracts for the buildings amounted
to about $90.000 , it is said , leaving a
balance of $4,00There / ) seems to he
no question anywhere of the superior
ity of the cottage plan over the former
one and Representatives Caldwell and
Davis take the position that , whllo the
strict letter of the law calling for the
actual rebuilding of the wing de
stroyed by fire was not carried out ,
the spirit of the law was fulfilled and
Norfolk and the state are/ better off
than had the wing been repaired. The
maximum capacity of the three cot
tages Is 150 Inmates , almost double
that of the old wing. And the In
mates can he far bettor cared for now
than before , It Is maintained.
Could Find no Fraud.
"I first thought the state board had
grossly violated the law when I
learned that It > had contracted for
three cottages and not rebuilt the old
wing , " said Representative Davis , but
after looking Into the matter from n
business standpoint I find this Is not
the case and that we are better off as
Try a News want ad.
II IH. So 1 cannot BOO the biifilnon.s In
calling thin Investigation. "
"I am curtain no fraud was prac-
tlcod , " Hays KoproHoiitatlvo Caldwoll.
"hut I think greater ocnuomy might
have boon practiced. Hut there are
no oliTuniHlanooH that 1 can MOD -mid
our copimltlco wont over I ho ground
thoroughly that warrant any Inves
tigation. "
The appropriation anUod for thin
year , $ ! ir > .UOO. will not , If Kriiutod , all
bo used In rebuilding I ho old wing ,
11 Is thought I'jO.oiio will Hiillli'n for
that purpose * , leaving $15,000 to lopnlr
the boating plant , other parts of Iho
Institution and , In fact , put the place
In thorough running older.
Homo crlllelHiu WIIH mitdo of Ihn
Hlalo hoard of public lands and build
ings when 11 lot a conduct to a Minne
apolis firm Instead of an Omaha linn
for brick to bo unod In Iho Norfolk
buildings. Thn explanation now of-
foii'd IH Ilia ! Iho board culled for bids
and received no response from Iho
Omaha linn. It llien lot the contract
to Iho latter. Then , It is mild , the
Oinalia llrm sought to have the boaid
award the contract to thn homo liiHll-
tullnii , but the linaul decided II could
luil do thin as the contract alrnndv lot.
The Girl Who Dropped a Note Into a
Box of Supplies Headed for
This City , Has Heard From thfi Ad
vertising She Received , and Writes.
Miss Elizabeth Young of Chicago ,
whoso little note in a box of dental
supplies readied Dr. C. S Paikor of
this city , and requested that someoiio
wrlto to her , has perhaps made a ' ( Ill-
ing and may , she Intimates , como to
Nebraska some time In her life. Al
though The News disclaims the alle
gation of having sent Elizabeth a copy
of the paper which contained the story
of her note , still It Is evident from Iho
following note that she has received
from somewhere a paper containing
the article in question. She wnton :
Chicago Norfolk Dally News : .Imit
In receipt of your paper. Many thanks
for the trouble you went to. Send mo
twenty-live copies and I shall send
money-order for the required amount.
I may come to Nebraska some lime In
m > life. Will you all make mo wel
come ? Very kindly ,
MlHB Elizabeth Young.
Residence address k807 Cqiumorcinl
avenue ; ollice 250 92d street.
It Is safe enough to say that if Miss
Young were to decide to como , at
some time during her life , to Neimis-
ka to make her future home , she
would receive in this city certainly a
hearty welcome. Thciu arc now I
vague attempts to visuali/u Miss i
What She Is Like.
It requires no Sherlock Holmes to
slate that possibly she is of southern
birth , as the expression , "you all"
might Indicate. It Is also evident that
she Is a business woman. This Is
shown liom the otllce address. The
fact that she was one of those "work-
Ing girls" was pretty well established
from the note that said "write to me. "
And she has contldence In herself , nn
she evidently expects her "work" to
bring lesults by landing her , "at some
time in her life , " in Nebraska. She
Is quite popular , as she has at least
twenty-live friends to whom she wants
to show the' newspaper clipping.
Twenty-five Is more papers than some
people order when they get married
or have a funeral. She is a creature
of some curiosity as is demonstrated
by the fact that she loses no time in
ordering more papers. "Just In re
ceipts of your paper" clearly ( Indicates
this much. /
Elizabeth writes a good hand on
ruled stationary and neglects to date
the note. She abbreviates the word
"amount" to "am't , " which shows that
she Is in a great hurry. There is
nothing slow about Elizabeth , that's a
cinch. It Is evident that she is n
moneyed woman , as she has no hesi
tancy ln stating that she will send a
money order for the required amotint ,
even though she doesn't know what
the bill may be. She Is a warm heart
ed creature , expressing "many" thanks
for the single paper and signing her
self "very kindly. " She also loves
popularity , and throws out a tracer
to dotorrnlno whether or not she will
ho made welcome. Little Is known of
her age except that she Is old enough
to bo serious and not old enough to
he anything but Young.
It Is economy to use want ads If you
have anything to sell , exchange or
give away ; or if , on the other hand ,
you want to rent , buy of borrow.
In Spite of the Fact That a Barrel of
Whisky Was Open.
"In splto of the fact that there was
a barrel of whisky left open as _ a re
sult of the big fire Sunday morning , "
said Police Judge Hayes today , "there
seems to have been few returns. Wo
had anticipated a good rush of busi
ness after that , but tlio rush has not
developed and wo are at a state of
nothing doing. "
iv > r c fci Mnli.ii. Br "
When Told of the Fact That He Was
Indebted In , nn Amount Exceeding
$ -1,000 , McGrcevy Snld He Guenoccl
Maybe He'd Have to Pay It.
O'Nolll. Nob. , Fob. Ifi. The clll/oiiH
of the O'Nolll Hclmol district In IIIIIHH
mooting panned a roHiilullou to not
accopl the ptnpoHlllnii offered by their
ox-lroamiror , llonuird Motiroovy. and
panned nnollior resolution calling mi
( ho hoard to collect Iho amounts found
duo Iho district In any manner found
to hi < nvnllulilo The special commit
lee appointed to examine the aceonnlH
of the Iroawii'or found ( he aiiuniiil
duo to ho $1,1100 ItiHlond of $1,7I1. ! un
reported by McOroovy. In thin con
nection Hoerolnry ( ! . W. Smith of Iho
Hchool hoard repot led thai hn found
where MeOroovy had ( alien oiodll
Iwlco In nevernl eanen for Iho HIIIIIO
\\niTiiiils. The paid warrant ! ) lire not
to bn found to IIRO in mailing Iho com-
parhion , but Kccrolin'v Knillli naynllial
In Home CUMOH onlv the number of Iho
warrant \\IIH entered in Iho regltiloi of
\\arraifin paid , and In other canes onlv
the name of the pernon tohom the
warrant wan Hindu pa > uhle
When Hid commit Ion called on Mo-
( Iroovv nl Hio Jail and explained to
him ( ho Hiniailon bo mild that lie dld ,
mil Know thai he owed thai amount ,
hut Hint If he dlil ewe that much ho
KUOHHod he would liiivti to pny II. No
oxphiiinilon WIIH offered by Medioovy
an to whete Iho paid wiiriantM aie MY-
eept thai ho HII.VK lie lefl Iliotii III Iho ' | '
hank viiull ami doe * not tiinv know , ' , , '
where they lire. After Iho mooting /
adjoin nod there npjiearod to bo uomo
dlfleience of opinion among thoHO
pionoMl IIH to Jnnl whnl powei'H worn ,
vented In the nehool hoard by tlie roH-
olulloii punned.
That Tickling In the Throat.
Ono minute after tailing Ono Mln-
nto Cough Cure that tickling IrT th'j
throat IH gono. It nctn In the thront JJ'
not the iiloiunch. llarmloHii good for '
nlo rough Cure that , tickling In the '
children. A. L SpofTord , poHlmuntor
al ChoHler , Mich. , Hiiyii : "Our Illtlo
girl WIIH nneonnelonn from Htrangula-
llou during a iiuddnii and terrible at
tack of croup. Three dnmui of Ono
Mlnuln Cough Cure half an hour apart
npomllly cuiod her. I cannot pralne
Ono Minnie rough Cure too much for
what II IIIIH done In our family. " It
nlwnyii tjlvim relief. Hold by Ana K.
Itogulalon Iho iilomaeh and boweln ,
boalH mid uoothes the little OIIOH' ntoiu-
acini nnil given them a healthful and
natural nleep. Ilolllslor't ! lUicky
Mountain Ton In Iho children's bene
factor. IIr contH.
The KloRau Drug Co
Cuba Florida
New Orleans
Tourist licKHs nuu on s.ilo to Hit ? resorts of the
south mid soutlit'iist al 'really rciluccMl * rates' Lihcral
stopovers ullounil. The
With its handsomely equipped trains offers exceptional
facilities for reaching the Sunny South.
For particulars and copy of illustrated booklets ,
giving detailed information about Cuba , Florida and
New Orleans , write
W. II. I'.ltlLL ;
I ) . P. \ . III. Cent. H U. Omaha , Neb.
Every One
Should Know
the great advantages offered by through
car service on a journey east. If you can
board a car at your home town and not
leave it until you reach Chicago , it is an
advantage worth considering. Tliiscan be
1 done from any point on the main line of
the I'nion Pacific Railroad by asking for
tickets via the
Chicago , Milwaukee & SI. PaulQRy.
The trains on this line are brilliantly light
ed by electricity , are steam heated , and
equipped with every modern safety device
known to railway service.
F , A , NASH , Gen'l ' Western Agent , 1524 Farnam St ,
If you are thinking of a
write and let us tell you best rates , time , route and
send marked time tables.
This saves you worry , annoyance and makes you
feel at home all the way.
Call Wabash City Office , 1(501 ( Farnam St. , or address -
G. A. P. D. Wabash R. R.
Omaha , Nebr.
. , . . . , .
„ ! 1 * ! J ItfU. 1 ft tu jAu. * *