The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 17, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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\ \ . \ . Ill M5 , PublUlirr ,
( KotnlillRliCit 1887 ]
Kvcry tiny except Suiuliiy. "V < ; nr-
tUr i > r week , 15 contn. ny Norfolk
noHioilKo delivery , nor your , Jfi.oo. Hy
innil on rurnl route * mul oulnlilo of
Norfolk , per your , 18.00.
\ \ IIKIV .M\V.S-.M UHNAI. .
The NOWN. KMnhlUliFtl. US1.
Th * Join mil. nntulilliOiml , ! < "
Kvery Krltluy. Hy mull per ymir , Jl.60.
ISntoreil ut the pontolllco at Norfolk ,
Nel > . , n second oliiHH mutter.
Telephone * . Kdllorlul Dopiirlment ,
No. 22 lluMneM Olllco unit Jut ) lloumii.
No. 322.
It Is up to tlio fluimto to pans It
along for oxccutlvo approval.
The sap tlmt IIIIH started IH certainly -
ly not that wlilcli IH dnvulopml by Ihu
trees anil oilier vocation.
Tlio backbone of wlutor tuny roiiHon-
ably bopoctiMl ( to show u few oraohH
In its Hiniotuio hiHldo of anotlior
President Hoosovolt lias inatlo a
scattering among tlio ambimsadorH ,
but tlnm far none of tlio covey upptyir
to luivo boon hurt.
TblH Is tlio lust full mouth of win
ter , but It Is not tlio least by any
, iuanm > r of moans , BO far as tlio roc-
ortl Is now compluto.
If congress or tlio loglahituren would
only got warm enough to counterae !
tlio Inlluouco of tlio weather they
would bo serving to n good cud , any-
Anyway none of tlio pools liavo
boon Inspired to remark regarding
the manner In which winter llngora
iu tbo lap of spring. The lap of spring
Is too far out of sight.
Representative ComoiTord will prob
ably testify to the fact tlmt "it Is not/
always altogether safe to proceed to
make accusations on suspicion or
moro hearsay testimony.
Nebraska Is to bo permitted to try
It again on the federal bench of Ari
zona and friends of Senator Tucker
nro confident that ho will carry tho"
honor with honesty and dignity.
Will the senate Insist on throwing
Oklahoma out of the union again pro
viding It can bo proven that Oklaho
ma men Imvo become drunk on Okla
homa whisky Insldo of that twenty-
one year limit ? '
Down In the southern part of Texas
It is alleged , people are plcUlng ripe
strawberries out of their gardens.
They are not yet ripe In Nebraska.
Stand up for Nebraska , even if it
docs' hurt some.
The Indiana senate has taken a fall
out of the cigarette and its users by
passing a measure prohibiting tholr
sale of the giving of them away. Ne
braska has a similar measure to con
Valentino's day may quite reason
ably be considered a failure If It does
not bring to Nebraska a package of
warmer temperatures. That Is the
least that could bo expected by the
people from the anniversary.
Hopelessly falling on the lecture
platform John L. Sullivan has Issued
a challenge to James J. Corbott , the
man who knocked him out and an
other has been. Corbett sneorlngly
refused to meet the ancient champion.
The country should be able to fur
nish , by this time , some seasoned re
cruits to join Lieutenant Perry In his
flying trip to the north polo. If the
pole can show anything much worse
than this the people of the world are
entitled to know It.
Atlanta Is the latest city to bo iso
lated by a sleet storm , breaking the
wires of communication. If , there
fore , there is Inspiration to leave Ne
braska to escape the Ice you will
be careful that your stops do not lead
There may bo an eclipse of those
new planets that the senate claims to
ha\o discovered In the American firm
ament. The house of representatives
appears to be Inclined to got in be
tween them and the broad light of
the union.
The senate can hardly expect Its
statehood bill to receive kindly treat
ment at the hands of the house if the
upper body of congress does not deal
approvingly with the freight rate
measure that Jias beoen handed to it
by the house.
It will bo something more than an
other month until the vernal equinox
is duo to appear above the southern
horizon and if you think that you will
not he able to stand for more of this
it Is up to you to follow the ground
hog's example and hibernate.
Perhaps the next best thing to elect
Ing Hcnntora by direct vote of the people -
plo would bo to eliminate the upper
MOUND fiom the Rovcrnmcnt entirely
At the pn-Hi'iit tlmo especially , the
people wouhl IIUo lo HI-O the pronldent
and the IIOHHO of representatlvuM inn
the mai'lilnory of state.
The vote of the IIOIIHO IH iiiltu | mif-
llflent t'vlilotico , It would seem , to
warrant the cimolimlon that io | par
ly ban gu-ator chiliim to the favoring
of railroad ralo legislation than the
rcpuhlleitiiH IKK years to 17 nays IH
somewhat of a record that speaks for
tlio uon-parllnnnHhlp of the movement.
MIsHourlatiH of Irish onceHlry are
now objecting to having the burglar-
iimrdornr , Itudnlph hung up on SI.
Patrick's day. It appears ( Illllcitll for
a court to please everybody and If
there were none olhorH to object II
might reasonably bo oxpeetod that
Hudolph hlniMolf would do HOIIIO
With Iho president telling the son-
ale a few things about the arbitration
treaty biiRlneiiH and the IIOIIHO rofun-
lug to endnrse UH action on the Hlate-
hood hill , there IH a possibility that
the upper IIOIIHO of congrcHH may bo
Induced lo coino off UH high porch
and do IIUHIICHH | IIH the peoplo. rupre-
Rented by the president and Iho IIOIIHO
of reproHcnlallvoH , denlro.
The Standard Oil company Is about
to take Kansas across IIH knee and
admlnlHtor a spanking. Kansan Hhould
reasonably expect ltd big undo at
WnnhliiRton lo Interfere and admln
lHtor chastisement in turn to Mr
Rockefeller and his corporation , 01
porhapn the little brothers and sisters
tors of KansaH might unite In chang
Ing the humiliating Hpectaclo.
The corriiptlonlHts of other logls
In lures need not think that the firing
of HoproRentattvo Comorford from tin
Illinois assembly will glvo them II
cense to proceed Indiscriminately
There tire few men who have beei
convicted of falsely accusing legls
lalora of corruption , and the tlmo
may not happen around again this
Perhaps , now that Mr. Coinorfon
owes no allegiance whatever to the
Illinois assembly ho will proceed to
deliberately dig up hitherto unexpoRci
evidence to prove that ho was no
far wrong In making the charges ho
did. If they have called a bluff 01
the theory that all evidence was wel
hidden they may > et suffer greate
Indignity than that thrust upon the )
The latest positive proof that "hon
esty Is the host policy" from a nota
ble source comes from Mr. IHddlo , for
merly freight tralllo manager of the
Santa Ko railroad. It will he remem
bered that Mr. Hlddlo testified before
Now York exercises very clover
judgement In some things and her
Idea of having a theater holocaust
when thuro was no one In the theater
Is subject to approval. Had the Ca
sino been filled with people as was
the Ironuols at Chicago , there Is no
telling what might have happened.
As It was , only the stage carpenter
and ono chorus girl Buffered Injury.
If theaters must burn the Now York
Idea Is worthy of Imitation.
the Interstate commerce commission
regarding the payment of rebates by
his road to the Colorado Fuel and
Iron company. The president of the
road Is alleged to have called him up
on the carpet and to have severely re
proved him for telling that. to the
commissioners. Mr. Ulddle is credit
ed with replying In substiince that ho
would not Ho for the sake of any rail
road. The result of the conversation
was that Mr. Hlddlo's resignation was
Hied. The Rock Island heard of the
Incident -and the man who would not
Ho was immediately offered the posi
tion of third vice president of that
system to have charge of both the
freight and passenger tralllc at a sal
ary of IS.'i.OOO , or $10.000 more than
ho had been receiving from the road
that expected Its employes to bo prepared -
pared to Ho If need bo In the inter
ests of the system and Its business ,
it la gratifying to these who bellovo
In the value of truth to bo able to oc
casionally clto notable Instances
where it has paid handsomely to refuse -
fuse to prevaricate. Ten thousand a
year is pretty good pay for a man
who will thus maintain his honesty
and integrity.
Miss Allle Williams.
" "Alllo Albertlno Williams was born
In Chautauqua county , New York , on
January 27s 1877. She moved here
with her parents eighteen years ago
whore she has since made her homo
She passed away at 4 o'clock this
morning at the residence of her pa
rents , Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Williams
in South Tenth street , after a sick
ness of but ten days from pneumonia
The funeral services will be held from
the Methodist church tomorrow after
noon at 2:3 : o'clock.
There are only two wei'kH of Fob
uary left.
The Japiincse-HUHHlan war him been
going for moro than a year and that
miKiilllcoiit victory promlHod In fa-
or of the IttiHHlan arum him not yet
teen ruall/.ed.
The Honato Hhould have Hunt PrcH-
dent KooHovcll a valentine that
\oitld have pleased him midi aH the
HHlng along of that railroad rate
nw with UH endorsement.
It taken a pornon with an astonish-
UK amount of forcMlght to ho able at
thlH tlmo to Invent IIH ! money In faiiH
and panmolH with the expectation of
unking the Investment good.
In Now York It costH at the ralo
if $115,000 an Inch to romovu the
snowfall. In NobniHka Nature does
ho work without remuneration , but
t HomellmoH walls a tlresomo lengll
of tlmo before It gets bimy.
The llaguo may yet bo called upon
to arbitrate the differences between
the executive , the house and the sen
ito , meanwhile the people who pay the
snlurloH would like to see Homething
moro ( loiio than to draw pay vouch
Off ) .
AdvortlHlng In the newspapers Is no
now thing. The llrnt advertisement
of that character IH said to have ap
peared In 1052. There Is a chance , a.t
this late date , however , of learning
some advertisers Iho kind that maybe
bo expected lo bring forth the best
OladHtono IH crodltdd with having
well served bin country and the world ,
but ho made a mlHtako when ha add
ed to the Kngllsh vocabulary the
word , "dlROHtabllshnientarl a n 1 s in , "
which Is said to bo the longest word
over coined. Some people will never
forgive him for It.
Speaker Cannon thinks the repub
lican , majority In the liouso as well
( liialllled lo dietato the course of the
government as the democratic xmlnor-
Hy In the semite , and proposes to
stand an pat an possible on leglshi
( Ion favored by a rcinibllcan oxecu
It Is about cortaln that the senate
will need the house and president If
they wish to place In effect any pet
measures , and to keep peace In the
governmonlal family it may yet bo
necessary for the senate to give lion
est and thoughtful consideration to
ho railroad rate measure.
Tbo house majority in favor of rail
oad legislation might Include the bel
Icoso senators and then make good ,
f they were only permitted to count
t that way. It was strong enough to
iass over the head of the senate and
so high up In the air that the senat
ors would not be able to see It with
.ho naked eye.
When It Is considered that a man's
leart beats 02,160 times a day the
surprise Is not that there Is so much
heart disease , but that It is so sel
dom encountered. It Is a bard worked
piece of human machinery and oftentimes -
times it is not treated as well as a
piece of metal machinery that does
less work and does not last as long.
Either the United , States may boast
of a state of civilization that fosters
Sunday schools or the Sunday schools
may take credit ns an Important fac
tor in advancing the country to the
forefront of other countries of the
world. There are in the country 139-
817 of these schools or more than half
the number maintained throughout
the world.
The Infrequency of accident on the
Gorman railways may ue accounted
for In part by the fact that the engi
neers in that country receive a gold
medal and a gift of $500 for every ten
years of service without an accident.
Such recognition is worth striving ten
years to attain , and with It in reach
of all It may be calculated that acci
dents will bo reduced to the mini
There are , traits of the Japanese
that the civilized world might well
follow * . Ono of them Is the enforce
ment of a law prohibiting boys from
using tobacco until they have reached
the ago of twenty years. After a boy
has reached that age lie should bo
discreet enough to leave the weed se
verely alone , but If not It will network
work the same harm as though he
commenced Its use at half that age.
The chill of February Is crashing
low temperature records in many
parts of the west , but the people are
not unusually gleeful over the result.
They would much rather see the bat
ting or motoring or trotting record
broken. Anything for a change
would bo agreeable. If it wants to
break the record on how quick it can
warm up and how long it can remain
wanh there will bo great glee among
all peoplo.
The Inhumanity of the trusts has
been alleged and HometlmcH proven
but when It comes to downright cru
elly there IH nothing thin Hlilo of Iloch
that will give oven a faint conception
oT the deviltry that ban Umpired the
American hen to withhold from an
egg-hungry public Iho chief re < | iilHllo
for omelclH , cimtardH and other thlngH
that are consldoiod necessary for the
malntunanco of the well-ordered fam
The Japn have grown tired wailing
for HoJoHtveimky and to lellevo the
monotony of the wait It IH now pie
poHed to Invent Vladivostok and Invade
vado IliiHHlan territory. The accomp
lishments of the Japanese navy nlnco
the taking of Port Arthur has been
of Hiich IiiHlgnlllcauco thai Iho voter-
aim of many lights tire sweating for
action , and It IH up lo the commanders
lo glvo them something moro Hlren-
noun lu do than working a patrol.
With Iho mercury at thirty below
hi Kansas and twenty below In MIs-
sourl there IH not much Inducement
for Nuhnmkuim to journey south In
order to avoid Iho ngors of Iho win
ter HCUSOII. It Is apparent that In
hilling Nobnmka old King Winter In-
IcndH lo punish others with equal se
verity. There Is no present joy In
the conditions but Nobnmka may be
expected lo got out from under aH
soon an the next ono.
Iloch him now confessed to having
had thirteen wives and Is on the
verge of a break down. Afler the
breakdown ho IB expected to confess
to the other twenty or thirty that have
been duly credited to him by the po
lice and other authorities. Lincoln
ban rushed to Iho front In behalf of
Nebraska with tbo assertion that Iloch
had visited this stale and included n
Nebraska woman in his list of matrimonial
menial adventures.
It has now been discovered that
Johaun Iloch taught school in Otoo
coituly where ho proposed to several
woman but not having his hypnotism
down to a fine point was rejected in
every instance. Otoe probably Is not
exclusive In the entertainment of the
Chicago Bluebeard. If ho was there
ho was probably likewise In other
portions of the state. Though It
makes him a hundred and forty-five
years of ago Nebraska will be com
pelled to insist that he spent a portion
tion of his life here.
Hradslreet's , Dun's and other * fin
ancial reviews never fail lo record the
failures In the business world , but un
fortunately they are unable to record
the successes and there Is therefore
no manner of comparison possible.
A year or a day may develop a failure ,
but H requires years or a life tlmo to
develop a success. It Is possible that
If the successes could be summarized
thnre would be encouragement for
tbo ambitious to press onward , hopIng -
Ing to win the goal that many have
reached before them.
America would not like to see trou
ble of a serious nature grow out of
tbo differences between tlie president ,
the house and the senate , but the lat-
lor has taken the initiative in assert
ing that it will not consider a meas
ure on its merits in advance and the
executive and the house are entitled
to assort themselves In a manner as
decidedly imperialistic as the senate ,
without a doubt. The people glvo the
president and the house credit with
being desirous of forwarding the best
interests of the country while they
withhold such credit from the senate
and are Inclined lo believe that per
sonal interests or corporate influence
are allowed to blind the eyes of the
senators. It is to bo hoped that the
matter will bo cleared away and the
three branches of the government
working In harmony before the pres
ent session of congress conies to an
end. There U a large amount of
work that should bo transacted in the
next three weeks , and an early agree
ment on' legislation that will bo adopt
ed Is desirable. The freight rate mat
ter Is now up to the senate and Its
early action will clear the way for
olher imporlant measures and place
the several dopartmenls in harmony.
The stale would probably not ob
ject If the legislators would average
up the value of the railway passes to
them and raise the salaries of all of
ficials accordingly. It would seem
much better that the officials should
bo entirely In the pay of the state and
not partially in the pay of the rail
roads. The newspaper man who re
ceives transportation is expected to
glvo valte received , also the railroad
employe , and the state officer is prob
ably not an exemption. The officials
may think that the vote at the last
election is in support of their main-
'talnlng their passes , but there were
other and more weighty questions at
stake last November , and if it comes
to a showdown whether or not the
puoplo approve of tholr officials ac
cepting thcso favors from the rail
roads with whom they nro expected
to deal exactly as they would with
any other corporation or with Indi
vidual * It would probably he * found
that the majority of the republicans
aH well an fiiHlonlHtu would prefer
that the paHtohoardu Hhould not he
accepted and used. The present leg-
iHlalure might do far worno than
adopting a law prohibiting the accept
ance of PIIHHCH ,
It heghm to look as though Uncle
Sam WIIH about lo take cognizance of
the facl that John Rockefeller Is attempting -
tempting to do things to Kansas that
should not bo done by any corporation
having a soul , and the movement of
the house of representatives to In-
qulro Into the difference , between th"
coat of crude and refined OH ! ! In Hint
state and the difference In prlcon
there and In other slales , Is evidence
llmt there is an Intention lo find out
wbolher or not there Is any forcing
business being carried on by the
Standard Oil king. There Is more
than a suspicion that the oil Interests
are operating in restraint of trade
and competition very decidedly In
the Sunflower state and there Is a
chance that It may bo caught red-
handed In the act and evidence ad
duced that will go a long ways toward
proving the Standard company a dan
gerous trust In the eyes of the laws
of the country. The people know that
the Standard Oil people and other
corporations employ methods of
squeezing out competition and then
running the price of their products up
out of reason and they only hope that
the government may bo able to provo
It and make It possible for competi
tion lo live In a counlry reputed to
be free. The Kansas situation offers
a splendid field In which to prove that
the government meaim business in its
attitude opposing monopolies. The
resolution of Iho house calling tbo at
lenlion of the department of com
merce and labor to the Kansas sUua
tion should develop some results.
$100 Reward , $100.
The readers of this paper will bo
pleased to learn that there Is at least
ono dreaded dlseaso that science has
been able to euro in all Its stages
and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity. Ca
tarrh being a constitutional disease
requires a constitulional treatment
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internal
ly , acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system , there
by destroying the foundation of the
disease , and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitu
tion and assisting nature in doing its
work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers that they
offer ono hundred dollars for any case
that It falls to cure. Send for list of
Address F. J. Cheney & Co. . Toledo ,
Sold by all drugglsls , 75c.
Take Hall's family pills for consti
" No More Stomach Troubles. !
All stomach trouble is removed by i
the use of Kodol Dyspepsia cure. It ,
gives the stomach perfect rest "by dl-1
gestlng what you eat without the
stomach's aid. The food builds up the I
body , the rest restores the stomach to
health. You don't have to diet yourself - '
self when taking Kodol Dyspepsia
cure. J D. Ersklne. of Allenville. i I
Mich. , says , "I duffered heartburn I \
and stomach trouble for some time , I j
My sister-in-law has had the same 1
trouble and was not able to eai for
six weeks She lived entirely on warm
water. After taking two bottles of
Kodol Dyspepsia cure she was entire
ly cured. She now eats heartily and
is in good health. I am glad to say
Kodol gave me instant relief. " Sold
by Asa K. Leonard.
Don't wait until your blood is Im
poverished and you are sick and ail
ing , but take Hollster's Rocky Moun
tain Tea. It will positively drive out
all impurities. 8.1 cents. Tea or tab-
lels. The Klesau Drug Co.
Deserved Popularity.
To cure constipation and liver trou
bles by gently moving the bowels and
acting as a tonic to the liver , take
Little Early Risers. These famous
little pills are mild , pleasant and harm
less , but effective and sure. Their
universal use for many years is a
strong guarantee of their popularity
and usefulness. Sold by Asa K. Leon
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for at the postolllco at Noifolk , Neb. ,
Feb. 1-1 , 1905 :
Jim Anderson , Mr. Orvlllo P. Me-
Claln , F. O. Uechacl , T. V. Robblson
2 , Sara Rodrlck , Mr. C. W. Snldley ,
Miss Alpha Schorer.
If not called for In fifteen days will
bo sent to the dead letter office.
Parties calling for any of the above
please say "advertised. "
John R. Hays , P. M.
This is the season or the year
when people have nraplo opportunity
to read. It is the tlmo when these
Interested in the latest current events
should place' their names on The
News' list ,
Wo sell flour , oil meal , mill feed ,
stock and poultry supplies. Flour and
Feed store , Pacific block.
On Complaint of Superintendent Reynolds -
nolds , Three Men Were Traced by
the Police and the Trio Today Con
fessed to the Thefts.
Three thieves who had appropriat
ed bridge Umbers from tbo Northwestern -
western railway and who today con
fessed to the stealing , were traced
out by Iho Norfolk police last night.
Jailed and brought before Judge
Hayes this morning. Emll Splering
who had boon In court many times
before ; William Wagner and Gustavo
Koerbor were the men arrested.
Complaint was made to Chief Lar-
kln yesterday afternoon by Superin
tendent Reynolds of the Northwest
ern , that three wagonloads of bridge
timbers , each timber worth about $1 ,
had been stolen from the railroad
yards. Tracing the thioyes , Officers
Larkln and Pllger found the guilty
parties soon. They had carried the
timbers 150 yards before loading them
< I
on wagons. *
Splcring has been a frequent visit
or to police court. All three of the
men are pronounced bad Indians by
the police. Gustavo Koerber , despite
the fact that ho spells the name the
same as a number of well known Nor
folk people , has no relatives in the
Estimate of Expenses.
Following is the estimate of ex
penses made by the county commis
sioners of Madison county , Nebraska ,
for the year 1905 :
County institute $ 100
County road 8000
County printing 1200
County attorney's salary 900
Care of paupers 2000
Fuel , postage and expenses 1500
Books , stationery and supplies. 2000
Election expenses x2000 ,
Salary for county assessor and
deputies 3500
Soldier's relief fund 1500
Poor farm expenses 1500'
County ( superintendent's salary 1400
County bridge fund 18000'
County clerk's salary as clerk
of board 500
County comrnls'sloners salary. . 2000
Bounty on wild animals 1000 /
Jailor's fees 1500 <
Janitor's salary and county of- '
fleers' assistants 1500
District court jurors 7000
Insane fund 1200
Rlprapping on streams 1500
Aid to agricultural society . . . . N300
Furniture and repairs on court
house , insurance on jail and
court house bonds 1000
Road indebtedness 2000
Interest on court house bonds
between Madison and Union
precincts . . : 500
Sinking fund for same 400
Battle Creek village jail bonds. 150
Dated Madison , Neb. , January li ,
1905. Emll Winter ,
County Clerk.
Give Your Stomach a Rest.
Your food must be properly digest
ed and assimilated to be of any value
to you. If your stomach is weak or
diseased take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
It digesls what you eat and gives the
stomach a rest , enabling it to recu
perate , take dn new life and grow
strong again. Kodol cures sour atom- A
ach , gas bloating , heart palpitation
and nil digestive disorders. L. A. So-
per , of Little Rock , Ky. . writes us :
"We feel that Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
deserves all the commendation that
can be given it'as it saved the life
of our little girl when she waa three
years old. She is now six and we
have kept it for her constantly , but of
course she only takes it now when
anything disagrees with her. " ' Sold
by Asa K. Leonard.
Babies' skin will be soft , fair and
smooth If you give them Holllster's
Rocky Mountain Tea this month. It
regulates the stomach and bowels. It
mokes the little ones sleep and grow.
35 cents. The Kiesau Drug Co.
The Sunshine of Spring.
The salvo that cures without a scar
Is DoWltt's Witch Hazel salvo. Cuts ,
burns , bolls , bruises and piles disap
pear before the use of this salvo as
snow before the sunshine of spring.
Miss H. M. Middleton , Thebes , 111. ,
says : "I was seriously afflicted with
a fever sore that was very painful.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel salve cured mo
in less than a week. " Get the genu
ine. Sold by Asa K. Leonard.
A Well Known Cure for Piles.
Cures ob.Mlnate sores , chipped hand * , co
cema , skin diseases. Makes burns and toalda
painless. We could not Improve the quality
If paid double the price , The beat sulva
that experience can produce or that money
can buy.
Cures Piles Permanently
DeWlti s - iriginal and only pure and
genuine Wu Hazel Salve made Look for
Ihe name Do WIT on every box. All othon
are counterfeit. MBA BDT