The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 17, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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. Department Stores Must Also be
Fought Interesting Discussion on
the Merits of the True Salesman.
The Value of Personal Character.
Oninha , Feb. 9. Retail hardwnro
1 dealers will hereafter light enemies
of the tnulo to u finish anil use the
enemy's own weapons. This wus the
most Important action taken by the
Nebraska Hardware Dealers' nssocla-
V lion at their morning ; session. It Is
the most Important action taken by
the association since Its organization
four years ago. It means that the re
tail dealers of this state propose , here
after , to keep their batteries trained
on the "catalogue house" and the
department stores , with which the re
tailer alleges ho Is. thrown Into unfair
As described by one of the mem
bers of tlio association , the catalogue
house Is a firm which reaches the CUB-
tomer through the malls. The house
does not carry standard goods. It
does not oven have a stock of goods
to select from. The linn usually has
n carpeted olllco In the heart of the
city and keeps several shrewd buyers
on Its pay roll. When an order comes
in-from the country for a saw , a fine ,
a hammer , hatchet , or any of the oth
er numerous articles so Indlspeuslblo
, around the house and the farm of the
S handy man , the catalogue house sends
one of. Its buyers to a jobber and fills
the order. AH cash always accompa
nies the order from the country , the
catalogue house Is enabled to pay
cash for what It gets.
They are' ' unanimously In favor of
putting up a fight. The plan which
* , finally found most favor and was
, adopted was to meet the prices of the
' catalogue houses. After the catalogue
i houses were disposed of , the depart
ment stores were taken up. It was
determined to meet the latter on their
own ground. It was agreed by the
members with few dissenting voices
that hereafter , when the department
stores make a loader of anything per
taining to hardware , the dealers will
advertise their wares , at. the same
, prices.
Sheldon on Salesmanship.
x One of the Interesting addresses of
the session yesterday afternoon was
_ J. D. Kenyan of Sheldon's Scientific
School of Salesmanship at Chicago.
He said :
Confidence Is the backbone of busi
ness life. Personality comes next.
Personality in yourself. In your store
and In your clerks adds to your suc
cess. One of the finest stores I ever
visited was a failure. A negative spir
it pervaded the place and everything
and everybody was "being knocked.
The secret of personality is character.
Character doesn't mean goodness. I
have seen people who wouldn't swear
for the world who were not worth a
continental. I mean the magnetic
force of true manhood and woman
There must be In the salesman the
power to induce others to buy. I
asked a man once how many sales
men he had. He told mo three. I ex
pressed by surprise and told him I
thought he had ninety men working
for him. He said ho h'ad but added :
"Only three of them are salesmen.
The others take an order when they
' got It. " Education Is needed by the
salesman , the education to draw out
the mental faculties'and have the pow
er to Influence others. To begin with ,
a man wants good health. Tie must
have health to enter the arena of com
petition. In the race for success the
best man is going to win.
can remember a face and a name Is
apt to he twice as successful as the
man wlio cannot. Men do not accom
plish more because they do not at
tempt to do more.
Today the senses needed In the
work are scientifically developed. To
day even agriculture Is a science and
they have got so that they can raise
white blackberries. It Is the admin
istration , of scientific knowledge ap
plied systematically. Intelligence Is
needed. It can be developed.
Cheerfulness Counts.
Smile. The man who greets his cus
tomer with a smile is the one who
wins , Make him believe you bavo
missed him and arc glad to have him
around. Knowledge is a. splendid
thing. You want to have a knowledge
of the other fellow. Learn to read
him. Evdry man Is a victim of habit
Habit Is personality Personality is
the history of the man. If a man Is
a Chadwlck you can make up your
mind that sooner or later ho'll get
back to Cleveland. Homembor you
can reach a man through the hear
quicker than any other way. Make a
man feel that ho Is all right and that
you are all right. Get his confidence
Make him have confidence in you
Avoid words. The world wants men
. wlio can talk to the point. The da >
for talking machines 1ms gone by
Arrange the good points of the artfclo
you have to sell in logical order , KO
that each ono will make n strong 1m
pression. Let the last impression bo
the best and make your man feel that
what you nro showing him Is gooi
and that ho wants U.
M. L. Kyle and Miss Maude Buckmas-
ter Were Married Last Night.
Crelghton , Neb. , Feb. 10.- Special
0 The News : Min Maude Uuckmas-
or and Mllford L. Kyle , both of
CrblglUonyero married last night at
ho home of the bride's parents , the
lev. L. L. Swan olllclatlng.
After the ceremony the guests , rol-
itlvoH and friends , nut down to a
sumptuous supper. Mr. Kyle la n
viitchmukor by trade , and an opti
cian. Ho has n thriving business and
ins been here slnco 18JIO. Ills pa-
cuts live at Plalnvlow , where ho has
1 brother In the medical profession.
The brldo Is a Hchool teacher and
vas teaching In the primary grade at
iroseiit. She was well liked by all
niplls. Ilor parents are Mr. and
* lrs. T. .1. Uuckmaster. Mr. Buck-
mister Is In the liiBuranoo business
uiro and was elected county commis
sioner last full , lie has been Humi
dor of the A. O. U. W. lodge for live
Twin Baby' Girls.
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of North
Tenth street arc the proud parents of
in exceedingly winsome pair of bright
baby daughters.
Change in Millinery Firm.
Mrs. Joseph Schwartz has' purchased
he Interest of her partner Mrs. Stear ,
n the business of the Norfolk Millin
ery and Art company and will here
after have full charge of the store.
n Prnlsc of Chamberlain's Cough
There is no medicine manufactured
.hat has received moro voluntary
iralso or moro expressions of gratl-
.udo from people who have boon cured
> y it , than Chamberlain's Cough Hem-
edy. From long experience In the use
of this preparation , people have found
that It not only gives quick relief but
effects a permanent cure , and that It
can always bo relied upon. The fact
that It Is pleasant to take , also that it
contains no harmful drug Is of much
mportanco when a mcdlclno Is in-
Bonded for young children. This rem
edy is for sale by Leonard the drug
On One of Two Occasions the Prison
er-Banker Is Said to Have Made
Statements Which He Hardly Real
ized and Which Caused Rearrest.
An O'Neill report says that Her-
nard McOreevy , during his liberation
from the county jail , in no way In
creased Ills popularity. He Is said to
have talked too much and to have mis
behaved. The Frontier says concern
ing it :
Whatever sympathy there was for
McGreevy previous to his liberation
seems to have been rudely shattered
by his conduct during the brief period
he was out of jail. He was liberated
from the custody of the sheriff on the
evening of January 28 and taken In
charge again by the sheriff on Febru
ary G. During the Interval between
these two dates he has proceeded to
enjoy himself and It Is a matter of
common knowledge and common talk
that on one or two occasions the ex-
hanker , when It was apparent he was
not Just In a condition to realize ex
actly what effect his speeches would
have , made allusions to the wrecked
Institution on the corner which swal
lowed up some $00,000 of the savings
and earnings of hardworking people ,
that at least militate against him in
the public mind.
It seems that something has got the
depositors In a mood to keep filing
complaints as fast as bonds may be
The hearing on the present charges
will probably not bo had before next
week , as one of those who makes com
plaint will he out of town until Mon
day or Tuesday and the county attor
ney has agreed to defer the hearing
until his return.
This Is tho' season or the year
when people have ample opportunity
to read. It is the time when those
Interested In the latest current events
should place their names on The
News' list.
Madison ,
Madison , Neb. , Fe.b. 10. The girls
In the sophomore class "struck" the
last of last week , over the half holi
day deal. The three boys belonging
to the class were allowed to go with
the seniors who rightfully won the
pleasure. After a good deal of reluctance
tanco the girls went back but as a
consequence the class Is divided
The sophomore class Is composed of
girls now , the seniors having adopted
the hoys.
While out sleigh riding last Sun
day evening , Mr. John Uroom was
quite severely hurt , his team running
away nnd overturning the sleigh.
The debhto to como off In the opera
house Friday evening between the AI
blon and Madison high school , Is
causing great Interest. Those to
fight for Madison are Edith Illloy , Al
fred Sallow nnd Oscar Prathor.
Miss Kathryn Slsson Will Assume the
Duties of Field Secretary for the
Woman's oFerlgn Missionary Soci
ety What Her Work Consists of.
Though the so-called Athens of Atuer-
ca Is situated In the cnntoni portion of
ho United Statos.and though the eaut-
rn centers have In the past been given
irodlt for the greatest , development
ilong various lines of social exist-
'iiro , the fact Is becoming more and
nore strongly demonsrated ! us each
'ear rolls round that the brains and
courage and tact that are Inborn trulls
if the western man and western wo-
nan , are In constant demand whor-
n-er pluck and cleverness are ossen-
lal. And In ono moro Instance which
uis been brought home to Norfolk ,
especially that portion of Norfolk In-
crested lu the public schools , the
eastern demand has boon successful
n winning Its prize.
Miss Kathryn Slssou , daughter of
'residing Elder and Mrs. V. M. Slssou
if this city , who resigned her pnsl-
lon as assistant In the Norfolk high
school during the present week , will
eave Norfolk during the last week
of this month for Delaware , Ohio ,
vhero she goes to assume the duties
of Held secretary In the Woman's For
eign Missionary society of the Meth
odist church for the four stales of
Ohio , West Virginia , Kentucky and
The new work upon which Miss Sis-
son shall enter , has to do with all of
hose features of organization with
vhlch the society Unit she becomes
donllfled , is associated. She will
ravel considerably over the four
stales attending meetings of all the
conferences , and will keep In close
touch with the young college women
In Institutions thereabout who arc In
terested In any way In this work.
The district of which she shall have
charge contributes annually more than
570,000 for the good of the foreign mis
sion work. One woman with whom
Miss Sissnn has had considerable cor-
espondence Mrs. Gamble , of Cincin
nati , contributes $25.000 each year to
ward the work. Mrs. Gamble IP the
widow of a well known soap manufac
turer , has a large Income nnd n Kind-
y Interest lu the foreign mission
Miss Slsson hns agreed to remains
nt least five months In the work , and
may remain for a much longer period.
The society desired an agreement to
remain for at least a year , but this
she felt unable to give until she had
loeomo somewhat acquainted with the
field and more definitely determined
that she shall be perfectly satisfied
with It.
War's Effect on Work.
"lias the war In the far east any
effect upon your work ? " was asked
of Miss Sls.son.
"No more , " she replied , "than that
It has Increased prices In the east
very much and thus makes more of
a demand on the home society for the
living expenses of the missionaries
In connection with the war , Miss
Sissbn has received letters from
friends who are stationed near the
center of conlllct , and who report that
they beard distinctly the boom of the
guns with which the Japanese army
bombarded and finally captured Pen
Arthur. Some of the missionaries
who were at the seaside report hav
ing seen the magnificent display
which the warships of all ( he tuitions
lu the world afforded.
Miss Slsson graduated from the
Fremont high school in ISflfi and took
her degree from the Ohio Woslyan
university In 1901. Since then she
had held the highest position bestowed
upon a woman In the Norfolk public
schools , and the sincere regret ex
pressed among the high school stu
dents , on every hand , best attests the
esteem In which she IK held and the
true way In which she will bo missed.
Miss SiSKon expects to make her
home In Delaware with her sister ,
Mrs. Lester C. Riddle , who will be
remember hero Is Miss Hlldreth Sls
son. Rnroute she will stop for a few
days at Des Molnes to visit her broth
er , Paul , and a day In Evanston to
visit Miss Annie McMrido.
Miss Watson , for many years con
nected with the public schools In Norfolk
folk- , will fill the vacancy In the high
school made by Miss Slsson's resigna
tion and Mr. A. K. Barnes will take
up the work of Miss Watson in the
eighth grade.
J. C. Moroy of Pierce is In the city
Harry Ilirsch is In the city from
H. J. Mlllard was In the city from
P. P. Newman was In the city from
Walnut Grove.
M. M. Collins was over from Madi
son yesterday. *
Earl Hay was In the city yesterday
from Valentino.
Henry Wax was In the city yester
day from Pllger.
A. 12. Gore was n Norfolk visitor to
day from Sponcor.
W. II. Webster was down from
Plain view ycflUmlit > .
Frank Ellin of rrclghlon hud bus !
ness In Norfolk yefllorday
Miss heno Thatch of llallle Creek
was In the city visiting yesterday.
MHH | Ulna Hehruui of Missouri Val
ley , Iowa , In a guest of Norfolk I'rlcndH.
Mrs. Carrie Lueke wan over from
UoHkliiH jcstonhiy doing HOIUO shop
George GolYgl and Miss l.lzzlo Mel-
leu were In the city today from Os
G. A. Torrener of Fairfax. H. I ) . ,
came to Norfolk on the early train
this morning.
H , E. lliicktnaHlcr mid Mrs. .1. M.
HiiekuuiHlor were Norfolk visitors yes
terday from Crelghtou.
Frank Elllc was called to his homo
In Crclghlon today on account of the
serious sickness of his brother , Mike.
J. A. Dressier and sou Lyoll mid
Elmer Sallz of Meadow Grove , and
John Mahln of Tllden were lu Ihoelly
today on their way home from a ( rip
through lloyd county.
Mr. and Mrs.V. . 11. Urldgo again
litHt night delightfully entertained a
parly of friends lit ( ! o'clock dinner ,
the evening later being given over ( o
The Elks enjoyed a card parly In
( ho club roouiH of ( he lodge last evenIng -
Ing which u half hundred inouihorH
and their ladles attended. The parly
was one of the most enjoyable of I ho
season , despite the slonu of the out-
sldo world.
The went her during the past twen
ty-four hours IIIIH varied but slightly.
The thenuoiiiHor registered as the
maximum point at.ero , and was eight
below for the minimum. A Hlrong
northwest wind today whipped ( fie
loose HIIIIW that had fallen last night ,
Into the cutH and further difficulty Is
anticipated on railroads and country
Nellgh Leader : Purlieu from No-
llgh have purchased the patent of the
Automatic threshold , and will remove
the headquarters from Elgin to this
city , and engage extensively lu the
manufacture of door and threshold
strips. It Is known as the llyor A- !
Maban patent , and Is generally ac
knowledged to be the best thing of
the kind on the market.
Fred Koorber says that when the
summer time rolls round there'will be
enough water In the low spots of
South Norfolk to Hood Nebraska.
Drifts which look as though they were
at least fourteen feet high will , Fred
says , melt all In a bunch and drop
down Hko a thousand of brick.
There will probably bo high water
marks made this spring In northern
Nebraska , just as there have been rec
ords made In the deep snow line this
Tuesday evening , February M , will
be a notable one for the A. O. U. W.
people of this city. On that evening ,
which is a regular lodge night , F. G.
Simmons , deputy grand master work
man , will address members of the or
der on the subject that Is now upper
most In the mind of every Workman
lu the state the guaranty fund de
manded by the Huprome lodge and
what shall be done with It lu Nebras
ka. Every member of lodge No. ! I7
should so arrange bis plans that he
can attend the meeting Tuesday even
A report which Is printed In a num
ber of state papers regarding the ac
cident which happened ( o Howard
Ueymer , the Northwestern hrakcmim ,
ire grossly exaggerated. One report
states that Mr. Hecmer was fatally
iiirt. This Is entirely unfounded. An
other report states that It will be Im
possible to save one of the legs and
that perhaps the other will bo lost.
In fact II Is stated In one report that
one log had already been amputated.
As a matter of fact the surgeons hope
to save both limbs and his friends In
Norfolk confidently believe that ho
may be saved In this regard.
A large number of people attended
a very enjoyable recital In the Second
Congregational church last night giv
en by Master Oscar Schavland of Mad
ison , pupil of Mrs. Cora A. Heels , and
assisted by Miss Shoff and Miss Hoxle
Sturgeon , readers ; Miss Nello Ding-
man , soprano ; Master Hay Estahrook ,
violinist , and Miss Jaycox and Master
Lloyd Pasewalk accompanists. Mas
ter Scbavland gave his entire program
from memory In his own inimitable
way , and the audience was pleased to
demand extra numbers. The readings
by Mss ( Shoff and Miss Sturgeon were
highly pleasing nnd the singing of
Miss Dlngman was much appreciated
while Master Estahrook took a full
share of the honors of ( ho evening for
his execution on the violin.
Stanton Picket : H. F. Mlelen/ bus
purchased the photograph gallery
from Klddor sisters and has returned
to Stanton to reside. Ho Is now oc
cupying a part of the building , but
does not attain to complete possession
until March L Wo are pleased to
welcome Mr. Mlolenz back to Stanton J
nnd her business circle , but at the i
same time regret to see Miss Klddor j
retlro from the gallery wherein she
has been successful nnd has glvert
satisfaction to the public.
Against the Healers.
The house , 57 to 29 , passed the Me-
Mullen bill to compel all Christian
Science healers to work without payer
or secure a certificate from the state
medical board that they nro equipped
with knowledge of materla mcdlca
nnd anatomy. The Hohorts city rend
district hill was also passed.
Having Slept In the Open Air Every
Night Since the First of Septem
ber , Mrs. A , J. Salmen Hnn G.ilned
Trlrty-two Pounds In Weight ,
Sleeping out of doors every ulghl
during ( he present cold winter , even
though ( lie mercury dropped In thirty
IIvi1 degrees below zero , Mrs , A. .1.
Salmon of ( his city , daughter of Mr
and Mrs. C. F. King who reside on
The Heights. IIIIH Hiiccimsfully bullied
threatening lung' Ir.oublo and today
after having completely restored her
health , weights thirty-two pounds
moro than Hint did when she began
her experiment ,
l'\ir tin1 beuellt of olhcrH who niiiy
lie able to try the same course of Na
ture's euro , Mrs. Salmon bus consent
ed to ( be useof her niinio and of ( hi *
story of her ( ixperleiico during the
On the llrsl of September Mrs. Sal
mon began her lost of Hie out of door
methods as a remedy to Illness which
threatened to bo norloim. Al Unit
tlmo she weighed ahoiil IIS pounilH
ami was unwell In a degree. She WMH
thin and pale and i-cali/.eil Unit she
imiHl do something to cope with ( ho
condition. At ( ho advice of her phy
sician she decided lo try sleeping In
the open air.
Accordingly a little lent wait pitched
on the lawn of I he home of her pa
rents on South Ninth street , lu the
lent was placed a bed and lu thai bed
Mrs. Snlrneu has slept ever since , nev
er mlsHliig a single ulghl even during
the hlltcrcsl of the severe weather
that bus pinvailcil.
AH an additional feature of remedy
she bus sllmiilnleil clreiilatliin and
warded off the chill , by means of a
cold npongo bath every night , JUKI be-
fou > retiring. A small nlnvo In which
wooil Is burned servew lo lake off the
sovi'roHl of the chill of the Imitated
lent fur a little while.
It Took Courage.
II hiH ; required remarkable cnurnge
and fortitude on the purl of Mrs Sal-
men lo remain nil night long out of
doorH during the Intensely frigid
winter that Nebrnslui has Jimt exper
ienced , but her courage IIIIH been re
warded a Ibousiiiidfdlil. While other
people In Ibis section of the world
were complaining of the chilly
< nen In furnace heated homes and
while many were afraid to venture
enl of doors during one minute ol'llie
warmest portion of Hut day. Mrn. Snl-
men has each night left the warmth
of the fireside within- when darknosH
came and has substituted for It a can
vas apartment that was touched by
the Icy temperature of the nut of
doors and which has bad no sheltering
roof above II save the domain of
11111 veil.
During the past inonlli a pathway
has bad In be dug through the snow
to reach the lent door , ami on Thurs
day morning of this week , before day
light , n raging bllz/nrd outside tried
In vain to blow the white cloth room
away. Mill even the storms have bad j
their effect In producing the Increase ,
of thirty-two pounds In weight , and
as a result of It all Mrs. Salmen toduv '
has a healthier glow than In many '
months and feels heller than she IIIIH
felt In all her life. '
She Is Delighted With Test.
"Yes , It ! H true that I have been
sleeping nut of doors every night this |
wlnjor. " she said , when asked an to
her experiment. "And as a result I
have gained just thirty-two pounds
I now weigh 1fiO pounds. "
"And you have also gone through
the hardship of a cold bath these chil
ly nights ? "
"Yes , " said Mrs. Salmen , "I have
taken a cold sponge bath each night
just before retiring , for the purpose
of stimulating Hie circulation. "
"And haven't you nearly frozen durIng -
| Ing these nights when the therinnm-
I eter wrts thirty-five below zero ? "
I "Oh , yes , " replied Mrs. Salmen. "It
j has been chilly , of course. At the
I same time , there's everything In get
ting to It and after that
It Isn't so entirely different from a
, cold room In winter. "
"And you feel fully satisfied with
j the experiment ? "
I "Satisfied ? " she repeated. "Most
I assuredly I do feel satisfied. The
i fresh air has restored mv health and
I owe everything to It. "
Mrs. Salmen naturally shrinks from
any publicity In the matter but has
been generous enough to permit the
liso of the story for the sake of hu
The altltude , of Norfolk Is about ] . -
100 feet above sea level.
If you fall to got results from your
advertising , look well to the wording
of the ads. If a proposition Is pre
sented completely and If the proposi
tion Is all right , results are bound to
bo obtained .
In the Council Hluffs department of
this morning's World-Herald appeared
the following announcement : "Phil
lip E. Pillcr of Norfolk , Nob. , nnd
Anna May Nollson of Wahoo , Nob. ,
were married yesterday afternoon by
Jusllco Gardiner. "
Every woman who
h.'is si desire to make
the host bread the fam
ily ever ate .should scud
a postal eard for our
new illustrated booklet
" ( lood Bread ; How to
Make It. "
Thr Secret is in
the \ 'ens/ .
It tells just how to
use YK\ST FOAM the
wonderful eompressed
hop yeast that look the
First ( irand Pri/.e at
the St. Louis Exposi
tion. Makes good bread
from any flour.
Lowest Ralei
i W. J. GOW & BRO. 1
Money on Hand
She Has Cured Thousands
I'nKji/iriiifj AlcopaUiy , Home
Klocl'i'ic and ( !
opittliy , ' on-
ersil iUedif.iiu' .
Will , by request , visit profcslonally
etiirnliiK every four weokn. Consult
i CM- while the opportunity In at hand.
DK. CALDWKU , HinltH her practice
o the special treatment of diseases of
the eye. ear , nose , throat , lungs , female
llxenfies , ( llnea es of children and all
chronic , norvou.s ami surgical diseases
of n curable nature. Karly consump
tion , bronchitis , bronchial catarrh ,
chronic catarrh , headache , constipa
tion , stomiich and bowel trouble * ,
rheumatism , neuralgic , sciatica , kldner
llHeiiHuB , LtrlKht's disease , diseases of
the llvor and bhidder , dizziness , ner-
voiiKiiexH , Indigestion , obesity , inter
rupted nutrition , Mow growth in child
ren , and all wasting diseases In adult * ,
Ueformutles. club feet , curvature of
the spine , diseases of the brain , par
alysis , heart disease , dropsy , swelling
of the limbs , stricture , open sores ,
pain In the bones , granular enlarge
ments and all long standing disease *
properly treated.
Illiiiiil nnd Skin Dlmmum ,
Pimples , blotcnes , eruptions , liver
spots , falling of the hair , bud com
plexion , eczema , throat ulcers , bone
nalns , bladder troubles , weak back ,
Burning urine , passing urine too often.
The effects of constitutional slcknes *
or the taking of too much Injurious
medicine receives searching treatment ,
prompt relief and a cure for life.
Diseases of women , irregular meni-
trimtlon. falling of the womb , bearing
down pains , female displacements , lack
r sexual tone Leimorrhea. sterility
or barreness. consult Dr. Caldwell and
the will show them tt\e cause of their
trouble nnd the \vuy to become cured.
Cmiri-rn , ( inllrr. l > 'l tiiln , l llr
nnd enlarged glands treated with the
subcutaneous Injection method abso
lutely without pull ) and without the
lows of a drop of blood. Is one of her
own discoveries and Is really the most
scientific method of tilts advanced age.
Dr Caldwell hjix ( > ra > tired her profes
sion in some ol tlr largest hospital !
throughout tl. mintry She tins no
superior In the troatiriK nn > diagnosing
of diseases , deformities , etc She ha *
lately opened an otllce In Omaha. Ne
braska , where she will spend a portion
tion of each week treating her many
patients. No Incurable cases accepted
for treatment. Consultation , examina
tion and advice , one dollar to those
Chicago. I1J
Address all mall to Bae BulldL > "
Omaha. Neb ,