THK NUKKILK NEWS : KlUDAly , KEUKUARV 17 , 1905. NORFOLK BUSINESS DISTRICT MENACED WITH FLAME. I FIRE BOYS DID GREAT WORK I TURF EXCHANGE SALOON AND RESTAURANT DESTROYED. SEVERAL FIREMEN ARE HURT After Battling Against Fierce Fl.tmo for Six Hours In the Nlht ( | , the Fire Department Became Master anil the Adjoining Buildings Saved. 1 I Prom Monday' * riiilly 1 , \ llio which broke out In rhu Turf | r.Mhanne saloon building on Norfolk 1 . , unur early Sunday morning unil \\hirh raged for six hour * before It | \\.ta flnnllv flrought under control , I m-iinteil - the btiiilmms heart of Norfolk fno t'la'e In many n moon ban done , ] nil destroyed tlio saloon building and i' o niltolnltiK roataurant couuilololy. \\'lh tlio mercury standing nt twenty- iwo di'irreos holow zero the Norfolk .ro department faced n light of HM ft time , and succeeded In conquering the Home * with m < mt admlrnblo skill. Hut for the offortH of the volunteer fire laddies , tlio llro would. It la thought , have limped acrosH Norfolk avenue and taken u sweep tit tlio moat tlncUly built portion of the town. The building occupied by A. .1. Durluiid , the Durland Trust company and the Norfolk Building & Loan association was charred and n ] ) lute glass broken. The Loss. The loss to tlio two buildings , which were owned by Fred Krug , the Omaha brewery linn , In placed at $11.000. The loss on the saloon , which was the property of P. W. Harder , IB about $5.000 and the loss on the restaurant property , owned by A. II. Hlrfas , wan about fl.oOO. The Insurance on the milldlngs was carried at Omaha so that the amounts are not known. The insurance on the Harder property was tomethlng iiioro than $11,000 and the insurance on the restaurant property was $800. The Durland building waa damaged to the extent of if 125 and wan injured. It Is thought by Mr. Harder that the Krng company wlll replace the I'Urned buildings with a modern brick s'nieltuo. Ilo expects to ro-ontor business In the city. Firemen Suffer Injuries. A number of firemen sulTou-d more or less severe Injuries as It result of ho flames. Those hurt wore : Harry Watt , Injured about the nose by falling timbers which struck him In the face. John MIcbaelson , Injured oil the bridge of the nose by falling timbers. Fire Chief Kern , feet fro/on. Ben neemer , feet fro/.en. Tony DonklliiKor. feet fro/en. Many received frozen oars. Cause of the FJre. The lire started In the rear of the saloon building and was presumably caused by the explosion of * a lamp which h'ad been loft lighted for the purpose of preventing the water pipes from freezing. This , however , Is not known to be true. The bla/o was dis covered shortly before 1 o'clock. It was seen by Nightwatchninn Carl I'll- gor and by people In the restaurant. Within a short time tlio tlrst alarm was turned In and by 1 o'clock a stream was playing on the bla/o. Every llro company In the city with the exception of the Fourth ward cart , was called to the scene of couilagra tion. And with the four streams of water and the hooks and ladders , most extraordinary work was accomplished. Four Alarms Sounded. There were four long alarms sound ed for rousing out the slumbering tire fighters. So bitterly cold was the night that it was a terrilic task to get out of a warm bed after midnight to attend any sort of a lire. And , not knowing what kind of n blaze It might be not being assured that It was not. as many others frequently are , a mere bunch of smoke , dozens and dozens of the firemen , after hearing the first nlarm , rolled over in bed and went back to sleep. * At 1:15 : the second alarm was sound ed , at 1:30 : came the third shriek of the sea-lion whistle nt the pumping Etation and at 2:30 : the last shrill call for ht'ln was given. With so many different summons , following one an other at such brief Intervals , the fire men who had nt first gone back to sleep began to realize that there must be a dangerous blaze and by the fourth alarm almost every fireman In town had turned out. Pressure Was Great. The water pressure , pumped tip by Engineer August Grauel nt the city pumping station , was magnificent. It sent streams into the burning build- Jngs which literally tore the wood work Into shreds. From the rear two streams were forced Into the flame , from the front was one and from above , the nozzlemen standing on top of the Durland building , was the fourth. Booze Flows Freely. "When It was seen that it was an utter impossibility to save the saloon , I'Oozo began to freely flow. It was H "on the houso" this time , and every body's turn to drink. It was one of the times when all get to drink with otit making anybody buy And It went a long way toward relieving the pains of I ho intensely cold winter night. M.iny Pair * of Mitten * . Hundreds of pairs of cotton mit tens , fn'Hli from the counton ) of ad joining Ntoro buildings , were uoed up by the courageous llremen who han dled Iho IIONU during the long light. Chief Keru authorized the use of all the niltteim that were needed for pro tection against llio Ice and a coimtant Htream of men poured In and out of the Star clothing store , the IX'gnor hardware wloro and the Wide Awake itlothhiK Hi' " " , I" 'lueHt ' of Iho hand preservers. Flnnlly Get It Under Control. After lighting agalnm the Ilamos as bravely an ever firemen could light , for live long , cold hours , the depart ment succeeded In getting the dcslrnc- tlvo rednesH under control and at l ! o'clock Chief Kern was sat lulled that thure WIIH no more Impending daii40r | to other blocks. During the Imttlo In the Hlghl dark- IIOHH , the fire boys were In many In- Htailcon coated with Ice. The nozzle- men mid tlio olllcors of the depart- mont were caps which were covered with a quarter of an Inch of glistening Ice and Icycles hung dismally down acrosB their fncos. Many of thonoz- xloiuon utooil In their positions , hold ing the heiuUi of the mighty streams of water Into the heart of the heal , during the onllro time of the burning and with the temperature BO low it Is llltlo wonder that fiozon foot resulted. Gloomy Wreck Today. AH a .result of the lire , the site of the Turf Exchange Is a gloomy wreck loday. The walls totter In like thu frame of a drunken man and all else Is a picture In the black and white effect perfectly black charred portions tions and perfectly white pillars of Ice which resulted from tlio water. The street In front of the burned buildings is an Ice pond for fair and might. If It wore a little smoother , bo used for skating during the next six months of winter. Insurance Gets a Lift , While the buildings across the street were enveloped in llame , Sol ( ! . Mayer , proprietor of the Star clothing store , saw impending danger to his stock If the fire should over jump across Norfolk avenue. "Wish 1 had $2,000 more Insurance , " ho re marked. An Insurance man heard the remark and within a half hour hud- delivered a policy to Mr. Mayor. Commends the Work. W. NY. Roberts , an Insurance agent whoso Intercuts were so well protect ed by the fire boys , was enthusiastic In his commendation today of the work of the fire department. "I was Insurance adjustor for one company during twelve years , " said Mr. Roberts , "anil was for a long tlmo chief of pollco at Carthage. III. , and I have ne ver In my llfo seen so olll- clout a volunteer fire department. I want to express my thanks to them for the way they handled that blaze. ' Hoze Froze Afterward. After the lire was over and the long strings of hose had been hung on the dry racks In the fire apartments , the rubber tubes froze with what water remained in them and Chief Kern yes t onlay had a hard time getting them thawed out so that he might bo read ) to bundle another blu/o. The entire lot of it , however , has now beet placed In readiness for any emergency SNOW ON WALKED BRING FINE Street Commissioner Declares He Will Punish Violators. People In Norfolk who fall or refuse - fuse to clean off the snow from their sidewalks , are In for prosecution. The street commissioner announced today that every person violating the city ordinance In this regard , which pro vides that every walk shall bo cleaned within twenty hours after _ daylight following a storm , shall be fined $1 and costs. The commissioner Is removing the snow from vacant lots as fast as pos sible and Is charging the same to owners of the lots. A portion of the ordinance , No. 75 , follows : Any person whoso duty It hs by sec tion 1 of this ordinance ( owners or occupants ) to keep any sidewalk In this city free from accumulation _ of snow who shall fall or neglect to dose so for the space of 20 hours of day light after the cessation of any storm or fall of snow , shall , for each failure or neglect so todo , forfeit and pay the sum of $1.00 and costs of prosecu tion. " M. & O. CONDUCTOR KILLED. Frank J. Loudy Dies From Injuries Received at Dakota City. In n railroad collision on the Chicago cage , St. Paul. Minneapolis & Omaha railroad at Dakota City , Neb. , late Thursday night , Conductor Frank J. Loudy , who was In charge of a freight train , was killed. He received such Injuries that ho lived but a short time after being taken to Sioux City for treatment. ' Conductor Loudy's train was run ning behind tlmo and was on the main track at Dakota City at 11:15 : when an engine following It , with a snow plow , ran into the rear end of the freight. The engine crew failed to see the freight train , The caboose was telescoped and Mr. Loudy was terribly Injured in the smashtip , Mr , Loudy was conductor on a train which ran between Sioux City am Omaha. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS $3D,000 APPROPRIATION. WOULD CUT OUT BOOKKEEPER Censure the State Architect for Lack of Economy In Constructing the Nor folk Cottages Say the Steward Can Do the Book Keeping , The house committee on public lands and buildings , which recently vlnltod thn Norfolk hospital for the Incline , IIIIH reported to the legislature recommending an appropriation of l.'Ifi.OOO , censuring the state architect and recommending that a bookkeeper bn eliminated from the list of em- iloycs. The report Is an follows : Wo recommend an appropriation of Ci.OilO for repairing old' wing and Hitting the grounds In ahapo , making Illinois , repairing boilers and mak- iig other necessary repairs. Your enmmltU'e feels that the cot- ages constructed under the supervl- Ion of the state architect during the ast hlennlum , now noarlng eoniplo- Ion , were being furnished In n man- ler to call for a maximum expense , especially the administration build- ng and that a great economy could invo been practiced without any do- orlorntlon to the buildings. Wo would also suggest that the em- iloyment of a bookkeeper at Norfolk vlth the present capacity of the in stitution , should bo dispensed with , as vo consider such an olllcor unneces sary , as the steward should perform the duties of that office. t HOUSE COMMITTEE COMING Members of Committee on Insane Hos pitals to be Here Monday. The house committee on insane hos pitals of which Dr. Bartoo Is chair- nan , expects to visit Norfolk Monday o look- over the situation at this place preparatory to acting on the bill ap propriating money fet the work of construction. There Is the following In the record of the proceedings of the house yes terday : "House roll No. 20 , by Richardson , appropriating SPi..oon for improve ments and-repairs on the Norfolk asy lum , was still under consideration when the committee rose , Jones of Polk , called attention to the fact that , according to the report of tlio com mittee on public lands and buildings , the $100,000 appropriated by tlio last legislature for the same purpose had been extravagantly expended , and wanted oh refill Investigation of the situation at Norfolk before any more appropriations are made. " TUESDAY TOPICS. T. 13. Slaughter is in the city from Genoa. B. F. Horshninn > of Alliance was'ln Norfolk- . H. was In the city from Fremont. L. A. Fisher was in the city from Oakdale. V. Copeland was in the city today from Madison. 12. O. Garrett of Fremont was In Norfolk today. Chas. S. May of Madison was a vis- tor in Norfolk. W. H. Locke of Stanton had bust- ess in Norfolk. Henry Wax was in the city yester- ay from Pllgor. George Bullinpton was a city visitor rom Hartington. Miss Hattlo Allbery returned from i visit at Omaha. C. W. Damner of Albion was in Norfolk yesterday. Geo. A. Brooks was down from Bai- lo Mills yesterday. Charles Dugan returned Sunday night from Omaha. A. T. Garrord was In the city Mon day from Randolph. Thus. .T. Reelmon was a Norfolk vis- tor from Crelghton. Banker H. Barnes was down from Battle Creek yesterday. A. J. Hammarloy was In the city yesterday from Atkinson. Ex-Sheriff J. M. Kreader of Fremont was in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jonnson were In the city today from Nellgh. Editor D. L. Pond of the Inman News was in the city yesterday. Will Ruth and Madge Ruth were city visitors Monday from Wakefleld. John Crook of Meadow Grove trans acted business In Norfolk yesterday. Benj , II. Chedeck of Verdlgre was In the city over night on his way to Sioux City. Mrs. B. C. Gentle has returned from a visit with her sister , Mrs. A. P. Pll gor , at Madison. Dr. J. M. Alden was down from Pierce on business connected with the hospital for the Insane. Representative F. W. Richardson was In the city Monday on his way from Battle Creek to Lincoln. Mrs. Leland Spaulding has arrived from Philadelphia to bo with her hus band during his stay In Norfolk. Mr. ami Mrs. E. P. Olmstead left Sunday noon on a delayed train for Omaha In response to a message an nouncing the death of Mr. Olmstead's mother , who passed away that morn ing. The funeral was held at the old homo of the family In Iowa. Mrs. Olmhtead wan Hlxt > < llvo yearn of ago and had been In feehlo health for homo time. Mrs. John Henun , living near Hum phrey , IB very 111. Owing to the HlnoflH of Mrs. Darius Mathowson , at whoso homo the party was to bo given , Mrs. Haggard , who had Issued Invitations for an after noon , has been compelled to postpone the -0111011011 Indefinitely. The hotels In Norfolk were Jolly places today and made the scores of travelers who are lodged In the city , as happy almost as though they were really In thejr own homes. The lob bies wcro filled with jovial drummers who had ntartod on their trips tlfrough the northwestern part of the state and who , blocked by the storrn , worn forced to return and spend the day being K\nil \ they wore alive. But In spite of the cold and the wind and the snow that howled outside and made things hum , It was fair weather within. For It'h always fair weather when jolly drummers get together , and life didn't drag with them for a single minute. Crlhhago and billiards and pool gave some of 1,11cm , amusement - mont for a portion of the day while still oiliorrf. accomplished in the mus ical art , played rag time ami classic bit * of creation on the pianos In the parlors and sang to their own aeeom imnlmenl. At t lines a little group of them formed a' serenading party and entertained from door to lloor. It , like a holiday for fair with the commercial men. . Hotel clerks at the Pacific and the Osnard enjoyed rare fun this morn ing when guests who had been al lowed lo sleep over time because of the fact that there were no freight trains running , appeared on the scene and wanted to know why It was. One drummer who had loft a call for 7 o'clock woke up at 8 and looked at his watch. Then ho began to rave. He had outlined his trips for the day so that ho could niako just so many towns and could finish the route by the end of the week. And ho was planning to go west on an early freight. Ho wanted to get to O'Neill today. He would have stopped at Battle Creek anil Tllden and Mead ow Grove. Tomorrow ho could make Nellgh and CIcarwator and Ewlngand the next day he could go to Atkinson and Bassett and Stuart and Newport and Lung Pine. It was all laid out. Then by making Alnsworth and Val entino the last of the week ho could take a run for homo. But ho hadn't been called. "Why didn't you call mo ? " ho demanded. When told that no trains were running bis face changed. Ho was a happy man. He had had overtime sleep and there was tie serious consequence. It was on the weather man this time , and his treat. PLATTE CENTER LOSES SCHOOL SUNDAY NIGHT. NOTHING COULD SAVE IT Town is Without Waterworks and the Efforts of the Citizens to Prevent the Loss Were Ineffectual Started from Furnace. Humphrey , Neb. Fob. 13. Special to The News : The high school build ing at Platte Center was burned to the ground last evening. At 0:30 : flames were seen Issuing from the doomed building and although there was a quick response to the alarm nothing could be done that proved of any avail. The town has no fire de partment and the amount of water that could bo carried to the bulldirg by the citizens did not amount to anything toward checking the ( lames. It Is supposed the lire started from the furnace. Use News want ads. They pay. They bring results. In a little want ad you are enabled to reach more than 2,400 homes every day. Granting flvo people to a homo , your little ad Is read by 12,000 persons. Out of 12- 000 persons reached by The News In a day , there ought to be some one interested In what you have to offer. FOR SALE. My mammoth black jack , foaled and grown In Nebraska. Is 3 years old , stands ISVs hands high ; weight 000 pounds. Has a large bone , good stylo. Is good performer. In quire of John H. Harding. A United States Wall Map , well adapted for use In office , library or school , substantially mounted , edg es bound In cloth , printed In full col ors , showing the United States , Alas ka , Cuba and our Island possessions. The original thirteen states , the Louis iana purchase , the Oregon territory , etc. , are shown In outline , with dates when territory was acquired , and oth er valuable Information. Sent to any address on receipt of fifteen cents to cover postage , by B. W. Knlskern , P. T. M. , C. & N-W. R'y , Chicago. "I can't get a girl , " cries the de spairing housekeeper. A want ad In The News * gets the gin , restores sun shine In her soul , cheerfulness In her home and happiness In her husband and children. News want ads are great stuff , if used. YESTERDAY WAS ONE OF THE WORST IN MANY YEARS. TRAIN TRAFFIC IS RECOVERING Rural Route Carriers Report That'Yes- terclay Was the Worst Day They Have Ever Experienced In Travers ing Country Roadways. ) In splto of llio fact that there was little of a storm In the air all day long yesterday , the conditions In the country roads and In the cuts on the railroad tracks of the northwest proved It to he one of the worst days In many a winter for this section of the country. It Is believed that a se vere blizzard , which raged at Chad- ron Wednesday night and which ran down the Elkhorn valley during the night , passed over all of the territory along the Northwestern railroad , striking Omaha later In the day. AH n result of the blowing which had been done all night , cuts and roads were so completely blocked that all railroad tralllc was carried on with great dlJIIculty yesterday , and some trains were unable to leave or enjor Norfolk during the entire twenty-four hours. The rural roujo carriers re port , too , that It was the worst day to travel across country which they have ever experienced. They were utterly unable in many instances to gain headway against the snowdrifts. Rural Route Troubles. Rural Route Carrier Warren Rouse was stuck in a snowdrift on his route and unable to proceed further. He finally unhitched his team of horses , placed one of the animals In the barn of a. farmer , together with hip wagon , and rode horseback on the other into town. , T. W. Rouse , father of Warren ROUSP , and carrier on route No. 2 , was forced by the snow to eliminate ten miles of his trip altogether , and re turn to town along Into in the after noon. Carrier Show had the longest trip ho has over known , the drive requir ing more than eleven hours. Ho was blocked In a drift and had to have as sistance before he could got out. He avrlvod home at S o'clock last night. Lee Tipton reported that it was the worst trip ho has ever made. Carrier Ed Beds also experienced great dif ficulty in getting along the rural roads. Railroad Cuts Blocked. As a result of the drifting In the cuts on the railroads , the Union Pa- cillc road was tumble all day long to run any trains either In or out of Nor folk and the passenger , due out of the city at 11 a. m. . made a short run into the country , ran against a huge , white bank of crystals , was unable to dig its nose through the drift and re turned to the city for the rest of the day , having missed one trip. The freight train , duo here at noon , was blocked at Oconee and unable to con tinue. Snow plows were necessary on the Northwestern , both the main line and the branches , and on the Chicago , St. Paul. Minneapolis & ' Omaha. With the drifts that they encountered , the trains did remarkably well to move as nearly on schedule time as they did. 23 Below Zero Today. As the wind died down , the mer cury dropped also , during the day. and last night the cold wave that had been predicted , arrived. Before morning the thermometer had registered twen ty-three degrees below zero , making a variance during twenty-four hours of just thirty-eight degrees in one day. Trains today returned In nearly all instances to their regular schedules. FIERCE STORM GREETED AWAK ENING NEBRASKA. TRAINS AGAIN SUFFER DELAY A Strong Northwest Wind Drifted the Snow Badly Today and Snow Plows are Working Overtime Sheets of Blinding Particles Filled Air. IFrom Tuesday's Dally. ] Another severe storm , approaching the ferocity early this morning of an- , old fashioned. blizzard , swept over Nebraska today , blew snow into drifts , blocked railroad tralllc and made life miserable for the already long suffer ing public. At 7 o'clock this morning the sheets of snow were blown so fiercely from the northwest that it was Impossible to see a block away and people driv ing were In constant danger of collld ing with other teams which might at any moment come along. After a half hour of such severity , the loose snow seemed to .have been pretty well whipped tmt and the air cleared perceptibly coptibly , though the wind continued. Train Traffic Suffers. Train tralllc was again n victim of the storm and railroading today Is a hard proposition. All freight trains on the Northwestern were annnled for-the day , though an effort was made to ntn passenger trains. The morning train from Bonesteel ar rived in the city twenty minutes late ; No. 0 , the main line passenger from the west , was two hours and a half late out of Long Pine and will prob ably ho at least that late In Norfolk ; the noon train from Omaha , headed for Boiipstcel , was reported as at least an hour and a half late and the afternoon westbound train , headed for Long pine , was forced to wait for that connection. The M. & O. morning passenger , due out of Norfolk at fi:30 : , was un able to start for several hours , owing to snow blockades. The Union Pa cific service was again struck , drifts filling the cuts and stopping attempts to run trains. Snow Plows Hard at Work. Snow plows are again hard at work In this section of the country , having been called Into service early this morning. It was necessary for the plows to open the lines before pas senger trains , In many Instances , could make headway. Ono good feature of the storm was the fact that the mercury took a rlso in Its capillary tuho and prevented much of the suffering that man and beast might have had to endure. Reports that have thus far been re ceived do not that there Is great suffering among live stock , al though later developments may , of course , show that the storm was harden on cattle. .A1 Thermometer's Big Range , The thermometer took a big jump yesterday. After having registered at twenty-nine degrees below zoi/ > during the night , it ran up the scale just fifty-nine degrees before sundown last night. Then it dropped to three above. COLLEGE CATALOGUE. List of Advertising Patrons to the Work. The catalogue of the Norfolk Busi ness college which will bo Issued In n short tlmo Is being liberally patron * i/.ed by business men of the city who believe In helping n worthy cause ; at tlfe same time patronizing what will prove a good advertising medi um. Five thousand copies of the cat alogue are to be Issued and dlstrlbut * ed where they will attract the atten tion of possible students for the school. Following is a list of patrons of the catalogue : The Durland Trust company. .1 pa o Sturgeon Music company 1 page Johnson Dry Goods Co ' 1 page Sol O. Mayer % page C. W. Braasch i { . page II. C. Saltier , . Vs page Dr. Bear ' / , page C. S. Hayes Vt page Salter Coal & Grain Co Vi page Sessions & Bell Vt page A. Bucholz & Co 1/1 page Blakemau & Hahn VI page Chicago Lumber Co Vi page Norfolk Shoe Co \ \ page The Bargain Store Vt page II. W. Winter . . . Vt page Pacific hotel Vi page W. J. Oow & Bro Vt page Al Degner : . . . . 1A page F. Davenport Vt page Klesntt Drug Co.- . , Vi page Edwards-Bradford Lumber Co. Vi page Norfolk National bank Vt page Citizens National bank , Vi page Nebraska National bank , Vi page II. E. Hardy Vt page E. A. Bullock Vi page John Friday Vt pane Oscar Uhle Vi page II. A. Pasowalk Vt page Sugar City Cereal Mills Vt page Hoffman & Viele Vt page C. IT. Krahn V page Rpe TTIve Vs page Paul Nordwig Vs page Queen City Hotel Vs page Mapes & Hazen Vs page John Krant/ Vs-page Dr. R. A. Mlttelstadt Vs page A. K. Leonard 1 10 page Professional Cards. Rohertso * ! ! & Robertson , H. C. Tru man. The Smoke House , Dr. H. Cole , Dr. Pancoast , G. W. Schwenk , Dr. A. B. Tashjean , Frank Estabrook (2) ( ) , Jack Koenlgsteln , C. H. Johnson (3) ( ) , Dr. P. H. Salter , Norfolk Lumber Co. , Dr. F. G. Walters , E. P. Weather'by , C. S. Parker , R. E. Thlem , T. E. Odl- orne. E. N. Vail , Dr. W. B. Vail , M. D. Tyler. .T. C. Stltt , Robt. Utter IVs , J. H. Mackay M. D. , Stannard & Son 1 % , J. TI. Conley. Try a News want ad. CHARTER DAYAT UNIVERSITY _ Exercises In Chapel This Morning and Athletic Events After Noon. Lincoln , Fob. 15. This is charter day at the state university of Nebras ka and there are no classes. There was jspeaking nt the chapel this morn ing and the afternoon will bo given over to athletic events. One of the chief of these Is the Interfraternity relay race in which there is pretty warm competition. Various depart ments were thrown open for visitors. ' The domestic science department , In which Nebraska's young women are learning to cook- , gave free lunches to visitors. Settlers' One Way Second Class Rates in effect on the first and third Tues days in January , February , March and April , 1905 , to Kentucky , Alabama , Georgia. North Carolina , Florida nnd other southern states. For full Information mation tickets etc. , inquire of agents to the r > ntheast , Vln ' Northwestern line , will he Chicago & , Northwestern TVy.