The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 03, 1905, Page Copy of 8, Image 9

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    Til 10 NOKKULK MW , I'MtlDAY ' I'MSIMPARV ' ! J IDUfi.
ChAroes Against the Chicago Bluebeard -
beard Multiply In Various Parts of
the Country Married Twice With
in n Year In the Ohio City.
Cincinnati , Kelt. 1. Jiilmnn Iloch
linn practically boon Idcntlllod JIH the
man who , within n your here , HOVOH
yoarH ago , murrlofl two women , ono
of whom dlod inyBlorloiiBly nnd the
aocond WIIB doflortoil hy Hoch.
8t Paul Knew Him Also.
St. Paul , Fob. 1. It IB hollovotl that
Johnnn Hocli , claiming 1 < ho Otto Von
Horn , the Uavnrlun count , IH the mini
who In 1002 inarrloil u women here ,
Btolo $3,000 from her and tlion disap
List of Hoch's Wives.
Madollno Schmltt , tlrfit wlfo , mar
ried In Oormany.
Julia Stolnbroehor , .133 llolmontuv-
onuo , Chicago ; died middonly.
Mary Womlcko Iliinknn , 377 Ward
ntrcot , Chicago ; living. '
Mary Ilockor Schultz , Argos , Iiul. ,
Mlnnlo Podalskl , 3021 Wentworth
ixvcinio , Chicago ; living.
Mary Hondrlckson , DO 12 Union avenue -
onuo , Chicago ; living.
Janet Spencer , 0107 Wentworth nv-
onuo , Chicago ; hollovod to lie living.
Kmlllo. Flschor , 372 Wollfl Btrcot ,
Chicago ; dlod.
Kiln Wolkor , 0030 Union nvontio ,
Chicago ; dlod Jan. 10 , 1005.
Nathnllu Irgang , 111 Hoot nvonito ,
Chicago ; hollovod hy the pollco to
Imvo marrlod Hoch.
„ Mnrtlm Hortzfold , 108 Ontario
atroot , Chicago ; disappeared.
Airs. Marlanna Hoeh , Cleveland , liv
Sophia Pahnko. Ilatavla , 111. ; living.
Mru. HosHlorVhoollng , AV. Va. ;
thought to ho romarrlod.
Calllo Chnrlotto Andrews , known
HR Mrs. Dowltt C. Cudnoy.x
Ilulda Stovona , Chicago ; abducted
yund lutor inarrloil ; deserted nfturthroo
Mrs. I loch , living at 12(10 ( Woat Fit-
toonth street , Chicago ; dledsuddonly.
Mrs. Hoch , n Hlritor of Airs. J. H.
Sohwnrt'/.mann , Mllvvaukoo ; dlod.
Airs. Hoch , another nlator of Airs.
Schwart/.maiiu , Alllwaukoo ; died.
Mrs. Ihich , Norfolk , Va. : died.
Alra. Iloch , Oroono , Iowa ; Is bo-
lloved to bo living.
Mrs. T. O'Connor , Alllwaukoo ; llv-
Ing ; marrlod Iloch as "Jumos. "
Carolliio gchafor. 30111 Stllea street ,
Philadelphia ; living.
Alary Goork , 101 ! Kugono street , Chicago
cage ; living.
Alra. Hoch ; hollovod to have dlod at
Mrs. Hoch ; believed to live In Kv-
Jnstlna Loonier , Klkhart , Inil. ; dla-
Hoch's Alleged Crimes.
Alurdor hy poison , olght cases.
nigiuny , twonty-two cases.
Kmblezzlomont , thirty-throe casoa.
Abduction , ono charge.
Coulldonco ganio , thirty-nino cases.
Obtaining money under falao pretenses -
tenses , thirty-nine cases.
Larceny , as halloo , two caws.
Forgery , two casoa.
Perjury , twonty-sovon cases.
Practicing medicine Illegally.
Hypnotism as an aid to all the elli
or crimes.
Senate Agrees to Take Final Action
on Hicaiuie Next Tuesday.
Washington Jan. ill. The suualo
Agrui-u 10oic uu thu joini atutcuuud
bill uetoie uujouiiuiif ; on IIK-MUI ) ,
Fob. 7 , tun amendments to be con
sidered uu tiuii date uuuor tae ton
ruiuuU'b rule. Teller spoke during t. .
day hi opposition to the bill ami ocv-
rl minor bills wore passed.
It is by no mouus icruiln how
many states \\ill be admitted to uio
union under the agreement reported
to vote on the joint statehood bill anil
its numerous amendments 'on I'Vb. 7.
There are prohpectb , however , that
Oklahoma and Indian Territory will
come in as oao state and that New
Mexico and Arizona will come in as
another , leaving Arizona as a teiil-
tory. Senator Uove-ridge. ot
the committee on totntorlejs , who
charge of the hill , concedes that in It ?
present form there is no iiope tor lib
passage. lit t.a > h Uiiu In * desire no *
IB to give statehood to the mllliot.
and a half people of OUlnhoinn and
Indian Territory at this time and that
I later Arizona and New Mexico will be
admitted as one state.
After a protraited debate the house
adopted the conference report on the
legislative , executive and judicial ap
propriation hill. As agreed to the bill
carries $20.1. .2.242 The postolllco an-
proptiatlon hill was taken up and Its
consideration had not been concluded
when the house adjourned.
Killed by Saloon Porter.
Chicago , Jan. 30. Because he re
fused to pay for a beer gloss which
ho had accidentally broken In a sa
loon In Armour avenue , John Alan-
nlng was bhot and killed by John
Varra. a porter In the saloon.
Riy Knabenshue Makes Successful
Trip nt Los Angeles.
Los Angelic , Cat. , .Inn .10 Hey
Knuhenshiic , the aeronaut , made ti
cuccohstttl Illght In Captain llaldwm'H
airship the 'Calllornla Arrow at
Schuto'u park KnaboiiHllue was lu
Illcht about forty-flvo mlnuloA , during
which time he circled within a ludiun
of about ono mlle of thu piuk. execut
ing all soils of inanouvcrH with the
aerial craft , returning llnally and laud
ing within the enclosure of the battc *
ball grounds , from which ho had start
ed. The weather was perfect for the
experiment , with just the faintest
suspicion of a southwest breeze blowIng
Ing- Immense throngs gathered at
the hltll park to watch the flight.
When about 700 feet high Knabonshuc
began his maneuvers , describing com
plete circles within a small radlun ,
crossing and recrosslng the park
nbovo the heads of the thousands of
spectators. Captain Haldwin had
fitted tbu Arrow with a now and more
powerful motor and thin Important
part of the mechanism , worked to per
fectlou , The new motor gave great
Impetus to the propeller and this ap
parently miulo the big Irregular
shaped balloon much easier to handle
Mormon Secretary Says Congress Is
Powerless to Stop Practice.
Salt Luke , Jan. 30. J. Golden Kim-
bull , Kcuorul secretary of tlv > first
council of seventy and a very prom
inent Mormon , lu a speech at the
Calcho Ktako conference at Logan ,
Is reported to have strongly defended
polygamy and predicted that congress
would bo unable to stop the practice.
Klmball Is .quoted a 3 saying : "Those
good women lu the cast want con
gress to stop this thing , polygamy
I would like to BOO congress try It.
They will hayo something on their
hands If they do. They want to put
this down and legalize tacu nulcldo
They can't do It. The moro they try
it , the moro it will grow. Wo do not
believed In race suicide. When wo arc
persecuted wo will live It tho'moro.
Congress nnd the country knows a'l
wo have done and cannot IIml out any
thing more. "
The effect on the crowd was tremendous
deus , stirring the people to the deep
est enthusiasm nnd rollgloua fervor
and shouts of approval followed the
speaker's utteianccs.
Big Shipments of Corn Taken by the
Chlcngo Gateway.
Chlcar'i , Jan. 30. The C' Icago
gateway gathered , In big shlu 'iits
through the corn belt , estimate * , at
around -lOU.UUO bushels. The Chluago
lines' and the roads lending to ( lie
Gulf of Mexico from Omaha appeared
to have reached a fair basis , for the
bids of the shippers by the two routes
were not more than Mi cent apart in
any town through thu disputed terri
tory. The sentiment was that no
treaty of peace would bo made to
morrow when the representatives of
the western anil gulf roads meet.
A peculiar condition , it was de
clared , prevails in western Iowa owing
to the cxtiemely low rate now prevailing -
vailing In export business ( train Is
being shipped westward to Omaha
and then brought back In the same
cars and over the same rails on Its
way to Chliago. There Is a profit in
paying ( lie local rate to Omaha In
j order 1o get the low through rules to
| the Atlantic seaboard. Hoard of trade
j shippers have taKcn up witli railroad
! olllclals Uu dilemma that Iowa corn
Is placed In and llgiires may bo miulo
for direct shipments.
Mnfin Active at Kansas City.
Kansas City , Jan HI Another at
tempted murder in "Little Italy"
thiew > lhal community of foreigners
almost Into a panic. Joseph Palan-
greno , an Italian , was asleep In ills
homo When he was awakened' by the
breaking of a window Before ho
could ; et out of b < jl two shots were
flred at him. neither of which took
effect. The shouting follow ( UK closely
the attempted murder of Agostlno Cal-
diironl la i week , caused much com
motion among the Italians , who say
tliev believed Palnngreno was an in
tended victim of the Malta.
, South Dakota Bond Case.
Ralolch N' : C. Jan 31 The senate
of North Cniollnn hv an almost unani
mous derided to table a resolution
provldlnc for the ln\obligation of the'
South PaUoin t latins against North
Caollna li was stated by the author
of tlie motion to table , that the Demo
cratic nnitv In B convention at
Oreen hnro bad voiced the sentiment
of rhe state not 10 open the South
Dakota bond cn os p the matter novr
ftnnd < the general nsscmblv will de
cline to take anv nctiini regarding the 1
tidgmcni held against the ktate by
South Dakota
Explosion Kills Three Trainrnen.
Cedar Haplds la. , Jan 31. Tb
boiler of a Hock Island locomotive ex
ploded while ninnlng at hlph speed
near Solon killing three men. wreckIng -
Ing a number of cars of stork and
freight and de'aylng tratllc The dead :
Kngincer William Kirby. Estherville ;
Fireman C II Smith , Cedar jlnplds ;
DraUeman J Kelly Cedar Rapids.
300 PoundsToT DynamTte Explode.
Pittsburg , Jan. 27. About 300
pounds of dynamite stored near the
Bhoenberger nlant of the American
Bteel and Wire company exploded ,
blowing Vlnccnzo Pcssimato , an Hal-
inn employe , to atoms , Injuring forty
persons and badly damaging fifteen
houses In the neighborhood.
And , Quito Frightened at the Picture
of Himself on the Ground Just West
of Him , He Darted Quickly Dack
Into His Wintry Hiding Place.
Hlx weeks moro of winter.
That's what the groundhog Biiyu.
This Is his day and ho ought to know.
At least the superstitious folk think
ho ought to know , nnd to thorn It's '
Just the sumo as though ho really
The Hccond day of February is the
day of the groundhog , nnd it IB up to
him to say shall there bo moro winter
for n half dozen wooltH or ohjl ho
end It nil. And ho saw bin shadow
today. The HUH didn't oven give him
a chance for his money. The golden
rays of the great , round ball that rose
yesterday In you eastern sky , came
up today Junt a llttlo earlier and nt al
most the Identical spot , and the game
was all off. The women who had
thought that they might discard their
old winter cloaks and got now spring
jackets , turned away with a disap
pointed air , looked off for u time into
spaco-r-und then ilxod the water pipes.
Mr. Groundhog , who came out of
his hibernating don , rose to his foot
ut the entrance and looked cautiously
about. It wu so curly then that ho
Haw no sun and ho smiled a joyous
umllo for ho had real , genuine hopes
that the loy season had como to n
llnalo. Ho pricked up Ms ears and
or or not ho still know how to run.
"Iln u cinch something ought to bo
done to tttop this kind of \vlntor , "
ho said and-Just tlion up bobbed the
The llttlo groundhog spotted his
shadow Just west of him. There could
bo no mistake about It. And , timidly
resigning , ho quickly darted back into
his hiding place to lie still until called
again six weeks away.
fix Wives Died Under Suspicions Cir
cumstances Proposes Marriage to
His Landlady After an Acquaint-
once of "One Day.
New York , Jan. iU. A man whom
the pollco allege is Johann Hod ; , salii
to havo. mairtud twenty women , and
who has lioon seached for by the Chicago
cage police all overxthe countiy , was
arrested in a furnished room house
on West K irtseventh street.
He admitted his identity , although
when first arrested lie gave the name
of Henry Harlots At the Forty-seventh
street station , where heus tuuen he
laid : "I'm Hock and a much ahuacd
r"an. "
"Mow abused ? " he wt-s asked.
He had nothing to say.
He gave his name as John Joseph
Adolph Hoe ) ; , said he is 47 > you is old ,
a machinist living at < > I30 Union
avenue. Chlcngo Hock is known un
der the name 01 Aided Ulecht. Albert
Busetherg , Ji.soph Hock , Jacob iloch
and Adc.lph Hniinm.
Hock stated that he had not been
married t\\enty times. He s-aid that
he had been married only twice and
that his ( list wlfo-Is still alive.
Airs. Cai'ieilne Klmmerle. the land
lady , snld he bad engaged a room on
Saturday .nd hud not been in thn
house twenty minutes when he asked
to bo allowed to peel some potatoes
for her. Next day ho proposed mar
riage and she then told the police.
In his loom were found nearly a
dozen * new suits of clothing. In most
cases the tags had been toiu from
these but those that had not. showed
that 'ho garments had been bought
in western cities , among them Chicago
cage , Peorla and Seattle.
Chicago Police Elated.
Chicago , Jan. 31. The Chicago po
lice were elated over the report that
Johann Hock had been arrested In
Now York. For over a week thej * h'ave
hoped to hear of his arrest tit some
eastern seaiort | , as they had informa
tion that he would attempt to leave
the country and return to Germany.
Although tlfo police hope to convict
him of murder , the only specific
charges that they have against him at
the present tlmo are bigamy nnd wlfo
abandonment. From all accounts
Hock has been married to twenty-
flvo different women , and six of these
have diediiniler circumstances which
the police declare to bo suspicious
These women were : Airs. Mary
Bchultz-Hock , disappeared from Ar
gus. Ind. , with Hock In 1900 ; Mrs
Hoylo-HocU. died In Chicago , 1893 ;
Airs. Alary Stelnbrecher-Hock , died in
Chicago , 1892 ; Airs. Lena Hock , uTcd
in Milwaukee. 1S3S. Airs Alary
Ileckor-Hoek. died In St. Louis , 1902 ;
Mrs. Alaiie Welker-Hock , died In Chicago
cage , Jan.-11 , 1905.
Death of D. Henry Boynton.
Woodstock , Vt. , Jan. 31. Dr Henry
Boyntou , author and lecturer , died at
his home here today , aged eighty-one
years. Ho had t written a ntmilur of
historical and biographical books.
British Consular Officers Are At
tacked by Hussars and Injured.
k London , Jan. 30--The correspond
ent at Warsaw ol the Dally Mail tele
graphs an follows"A group of bus
sars ran down British Vice Consti !
Atiiouknln In Kovskl street Two bus
sars rushed at him with their swords
Inillrtlng hoveio cuts across his face
and lower lip. Dripping with blood ,
Kuoukaln was conveyed to the bo <
pltnl , where ho Is tigw doing well
Ilrltlsb Consul General Murray had n
narrow escape from bolng similarly
run down In Wlerzbov street , It ap
pears that the Incidents wore due tea
a company of hussars gcltlnc drunk
and running amuck. "
The santo correspondent describes.
War nw as being In a state of com
plete -anarchy. " .Many have been
XlllOd or wounded. In charges by
troops nnd the recklessness of swash
buckling hussars , " he says. "The onlj
conveyances moving In Warsaw today
have been military carts and tumbril ?
for the dead. The attempted rising
of workmen has failed and the great
demonstration timed for today has
been postponed. After some fighting ,
the wrecked , and distraught city
pauses to see what night will bring. "
Describing the pillaging of stores ,
the correspondent says : "Alitny put
chalk crosses on their doors or light
ed Ikons In their windows and thus
secured thejr safety. The rioters
paused before the sacred emblems The
hoarse murmurs of the mob drowned
the church hells. In several cases
soldiers fired on looting mobs and < In
ono CURO , In the working class suburb
they had n cannon shot , hoping to dis
perse the crowd. Intermittent firing
wan proceeding there all day. Hun
dredn of shops wore wrecked and sev
eral btores were burned. Probably n
few score wer killed. The ambu
lances were busy nil day. There Is
alarming rumors from the country
districts. It is rumored that the town
of Rrrstlltovsk Is burning. "
Cheer'Red Flag at Kansas-City.
Kansas City , Jan. 30. Two hundred
men and women , members of socialist
Ic societies , rose to their feet nnd
cheered a red flue at a mass meeting
held here. The meeting was called
for the purpose of raising a fund for
the aid of the working class of Rua
* la. The czar nnd the aristocratic
class of Russia were condemned In
the strongest terms at command. One
speaker compared ( lie czar to ex-Oov
ernor Peabody of Colorado Resolu
tlons were x passed expressing sym
pathy with the oppressed In Russia
and denouncing the czar.
Vladivostok Is Isolated.
London. Jan. 30. According to a
Toklo dispatch to the Daily Tolegrnpl.
Russian supplies from the interior aid
concentrate ! at Lake naikal , owing
to the fact that the railroad east ol
that point Is blocked with sno\
Vladivostok Is now Isolated on the
land side as well as the sea front
The same correspondent says it Is
reported that orders have boon placed
in England for several largo warships
for Japan.
Bomb Thrown In Poland.
Vienna. Jan " 0. A telegram from
Czenstochow , Poland , reports that a
bomb was 'brown Into the cavalry
barracks there and that many soldiers
wore wounded. The act Is supposed
to have Ttr > on In reyenge for brutality
In dispersing a workmen's meeting
Other ( } ynan.llo outrages are reported
to have occurred i the hoigliborhoid
of Lodz. A gendarnit. Is reprr'ed tc
have been Killed. * " ,
M TVm * I' Klrnt Curd In the
Hlxtrrnlh Century.
There Is uncertainty as to when the
portable watch , ns we understand It to
day , came Into use. It was probably
at the close of the sixteenth century.
Queen Elizabeth owned n large num
ber of watches. Mary , queen of Scots ,
was the possessor of a skull shaped
watch. In fact , the "death's head"
pattern was at that time much in
rogue. Kmlless were the styles , for
there were watches shaped like books ,
pears , butterflies and tulips. Th
Nuremberg egg was a special shape
nd was Mrst made In 1(100. ( Thosa
queer shapes of watches prevented
their finding a place In the pocket.
'When wns the fob flrst used In the
dress of man ? The German of fobja
"fuppe. " and It Is believed that it came
from England through the Puritans ,
"whose dislike for display may have
Induced , 'bem to conccnl their time
keepers from , the public gaze. " This
conjecture Is strengthened by the fact
that a short fob chain attached to n
Watch of Oliver Cromwell In the Brit-
tan museum IB in point of date the first
appendage of the kind known. The
Watch Is a small oval one In a silver
case nnd was made about 1025 by
John Mldnnll of Fleet street.
Boy Dies From Alcoholism.
Steward. . Neb Jan 31. Dwlght Lef
fel , the nlneteen-vear-old son of Geo.
Leffel of Sewaid. went to Waco , Neb. ,
In company with two olher boys of
the same ape and during the evening
he wn . found lying In a stupor. It
was not known he was seriously II )
until a thort time before his death
occurr d A coroner's inquest was
held ntVaco and the verdict was
death from alcoholic poisoning.
Two Different Tliliuc * .
Nell So she's fallen In love with
young Hoxley. Belle You don't say !
Nell Why , surely you heard about H1
Belle No. I merely heard she was go
ing to marry him. Exchange.
That Js the tragedy of every wom
an's life. She is pretty for a few
ynru and old for a greatmany , Mrs
Are You Satisfied With the Busi
ness You Do ?
There are , few business mon who
would not increase their trade If they
could dovlso moans to do it. Any
man would bo willing to pay a per
centage of the Increased profit for the
bake of maintaining the now stimu
lus. It Is a rare business man who
would not gladly hire an additional
salesman orsolicitor , if , by so doing ,
that salesman or solicitor would In
crease the bulk of buslnosB BO much
that the added profits would pay the
salary of the" now man and leave sur
plus cash for the house.
A good salesman or a good solicitor
Is one who , by his skill In presenting
the soiling points of the goods at hand ,
Is able to nmko sales which otherwise
would not be made. If a high-salaried1
salesman did not sell things which ,
were It not for his presentation , would
not otherwise have boon sold , he
would earn no more money for his
employer than an ordinary fellow.
And if It we it ) not possible to make
people buy things which , but for the
salesman's work , they would have loft
unpurchascd , then the simplest child
would bo as valuable In a store or in
an agency , as the cleverest mid most
experienced professional. ,
An advertisement Is merely a sales
man or a solicitor , which talks to several -
oral thousand people at the same time.
An advertisement , llko a human
biilosuian , may bo so clover flint it
will create a demand for the goods
and wonderfully increase the sales ;
or it may bo so commonplace , so un
skilled and so devoid of effective pres
entation that what it says will appeal
to none.
Advertising Has Come to Be a Sol-
ence and a Fine Art.
An advertisement must contain rea
sons why the reader will flnd it to his
advantage to buy the articles adver
tised. Au advertisement must be no
moro and no less than a printed con
versation , suchtis the salesman would
speak If he were Calking , earnestly
and seriously , to a prospective buyer.
It can not ramble If it Is to bring re
sults. It can not cover , in the same
line , two separate articles any more
than a salesman dare try to sell , in
the same breath , two different things.
It must be clean-cut ; rid of superflu
ous literature ; sharp , definite and con
vincing. |
No ad. will pay which Js not so writ
ten as to create a demand for the ar
ticle or articles advertised. Every ar
ticle advertised should bo set off , like
a newspaper article , In a department
of Its own , with a head-line calling at
tention to it and with its every selling
point , brought out and exhausted just
as completely and as thoroughly as Is
his story written by a newspaper re
An Ad IB News.
Every ad. is news , In its way. And
It must be written in just as Interest
ing a manner as Is the news with
which it must compete tor favor , on
the same page. It must bo clever
enough to attract the attention of the
prospective buyer. Magazines today
are ns thoroughly read in the advertis
ing pages as they are In the story
pages , for the reason that the ads. are
UOWH , Interestingly conceived.
The Heading Is All-Important.
The heading of an advertisement ,
the smaller the more true , is all-im-
purtant in the results which are to
be gained. The heading must be so
worded as to attract the attention of
the person who Is interested in that
particular and who , therefore , may
prove a buyer. A person afflicted with
sore feet will grasp at any tiny adver
tisement whoso headline indicates that
there isrelief to bo found for those
pedal extremities. Likewise a house
keeper will follow down the wording
of any ad , which , in the bold-faced
head , indicates bargains for her de
partment bo it flatirons , groceries ,
hot doughnuts or what not.
CUTS , for this reason , are valuable
features of any ad. They Instantly
show the line of goods that are dis
cussed and attract the attention of the
desired ones. And a cut , for this rea
son-must pertain to the article ad
vertised , and must , , in itself , hp able
to display points in the artlcle whlch
will create a demand for It. Any shoe
cut , for instance , will denote that the
nd. tolls about shoes. Dut if the cut
is a picture of. a w611 shaped , stylishly
made , substantial ishoo , It will have a
tendency to create a demand for that
particular shoo , Just as would the
words of a salesman who took time to
say that the shoe was of fine shape ,
url-to-dato , hand-sewed and durable.
The Bo-callod "catchy" headings
which many business man have writ
ten over tholr ada. , mon who have re
ceived no returns and quit Investing
in space because "it didn't pay , " arc
not effective. The reason Is ovldont.
The general reader , who perhaps reads
the first few lines from pure curiosity ,
quits In disgust * And very frequently
the person whom it Is desired to In
terest , will never look nt the ad. because -
cause It does not interest him at the
outset. On a newspaper , the greatest
care IB taken to wrlto headlines which
will , at the first glance , give the gist \J
of the whole story. If it IB a baseball jF
article , therefore , the fan knows it
at once and will road It. The politi
cian will pass by. Dally papers pay
largo salaries for exports who do noth
ing but write , thceo headlines. But
on advertiser will often head his dla-
cusfllon with a line which says "Cold
Weather is Coming , " when it should
have been "Do You Need an Under
shirt ? " The man in need might and
might not care whether cold weather
ho will road the lines that follow just t
was coming or not. It Is
though , that if ho needs an undershirt
to see what sort of bargain ho can so-
curo. If ho does need an undershirt
or if it. happens to be a dentist's ad
that tells him his aching tooth can bo
pulled painlessly ,
He WIN Visit the Advertiser.
When he has done that , the ad. has
done its work. It is then up to the
clerks or the dentist to sell him every.
thing In the building that ho can pos
sibly use. If they fail to do that , it
Is new salesmen that are needed and
not a different method of advertising.
If nothing but the goods advertised
were sold us thp result of an ad. , then
that ad. surely would not pay. It is
the profit made from additional sales ,
after the buyer has boon attracted to
the store which
Makes Advertising Pay.
That is the reason why leaders can
be offered , even at cost or nerhaps at
a loss , nnd still net the advertiser a
margin on the transaction. That is
why special sales pay , even though
the specials are cut to bed rock. That
is why advertising all of the time , ev
ery day and every day , and with al
ways something newsy , clever , attrac- . * W
tlve to the taste and the purse of the '
reader , can be innde to pay and to
pay well. It stands to reason that ad
IC If It Is to bring the best results.
If a baseball column in a newspaper
was printed but once a month , it is
easy to see why "fans" would not look
to that column when It did , periodical
ly appear. It logically follows that a
housewife will not look at a certain
corner of the paper today for clothes N
pin bargains if that
, corner contained L ,
bargains but throe times within a jf >
year. The readers must be trained to
expect to flnd ads. worth looking at ,
before they" will take the time to do
The People to Reach.
Tlie people to reach , advantageously ,
are these who can get to the advertis
er , either by mall or in person , to take
advantage of the articles mentioned. *
Advertisers in Norfolk naturally de
sire to reach everybody In the city , all
of the farmers within a driving dis-
tunce from the city and other persons
In tributary territory who may visit
Norfolk. j ,
f >
To the end of covering this identical
field , The News has been working for
years. It now does cover this field
very thoroughly every day in the year.
The rural routes out of Norfolk , of
which there are five today , are reached
by The News just us effectually and as
thoroughly as are the homes in the
city. The farmers around Norfolk
read The News every day In the week
just as they used to read weekly pa
pers. Their papers , containing local
and telegraph markets and news , are
delivered at their doors every day.
There Isno business In the world
which cannot bo stimulated by adver
tising. It will not only guln new pa
trons but it will Increase the patronage
of former ones. Advertising Is not
a venture. If used Judiciously and
systematically it Is bound to bring re
sults. There is no other way oit ( of
It. It is a commodity In w.hich the
business man invests for the sake'ol
getting more put of it than he 'puts
Into it. It is paying one dollar for the
purpose of making two or three and
many times more than '
that. , v
It Has Come to Stay. /
The uncertain period of advertising
has passed. As a business getter It
haK como to stay and it is growing
moro and more essential. Locaf'lf-
vertlslng will pay jn any community
large or small , if It is done , on a scl'
entific basis. Donein haphazzard
fashion , it is now , always has been
and alwavs will be
a waste of money
The business man who advertises In
the right way , is bound to Increase his
business. The
business man who Is
not content to run along , year after
jear. In the same channel nnd never
grow In trade , will flnd advertising the
surest .quickest and most dependable
method of
satisfactory growth. And
newspaper advertising is the most
economical I0 the world today bocauBQ
through this
medium moro people and
more territory be
, nnd In
an interesting way at that , ban n
any other method that can bo devised !