The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 03, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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    Til 1C NOIM'OLK NWWS : i'MUIMY ' , KU1WUAKY 8 , 11)05. )
\ \ , N , tll'MJ ' , lMl.1l-.hrr.
1SS7 1
Kvoiv > ln\ -\i < > i > i Hunilny Hy cur-
tier IUM wi-oU n rontn. Hy Norfolk
poKtonioolrtlory , per year , Ifl.OO , lly
innII on MII nI i Hilton iiml nulHlilo or
Norfolk , per your , $3.ou ,
Tlio N 'wn , i : talill hoil , 1881.
Thf Join nut , ICmnlillMhoil , 1877.
Wv ry l-'rlilny My nmll | ior your , $1.1(0. (
Knloreil nt tbo iiontoltlco nt Norfolk ,
Ncli , , UK Hccniul cliiRH mutter.
Telephone * . ' Killlorlnl Dapnrtmont ,
No. 22. lIuslncKH OIHce uiul Job Uoatiin ,
No. 822.
Tlio American nuvy IH gradually as-
Binning proportion ! ! Unit should because
cause for envy If not worry on tlio
part of other governments. Russia
might not bo averse to borrowing tlio
boats UH well as tlio moil buhlml thu
guns ,
Tlio constant IncroiiHo In tlio prlco
of Norlliom Securities stock IH un In
dication that It IH not altogether vnl-
iloloss nnil IH ( liken to argue tliat tlio
oIllclalH anil holders of tlio stock uro
conlliliMit of an ability to dodge tlio
Imva of Ilio country anil tlio iloolHlonii
of tlio supreme court. ,
It IR a conclusion almost amounting
to a certainty Unit If tliuro IH any In
fluence standing between tlio desires
of tlio American people and tlio passIng -
Ing and administration of lawH like
that iiHauniod by tlio grand dnUos of
UiiHHla , that Inlluonco IH none ojhur
than the Unltod States senate. .
Tlio rovlval business IH getting
pretty sorlons at Uurllngton , Iowa ,
when tlio mayor recommends and every -
ory Btoro and factory In tlio city clou-
OR BO that all employes may attend
tlio meetings. 1'orlmps there IH a re
ligious movcnu'iit throughout tbo
country that may In tlmo Inlluonco
oven Omaha to perform a llko action.
ProaUlolit Roosevelt can only servo
the people another four years , tint It
IH hoped and believed that hla splendid -
did Inlliicnco on the llfo and politics
of the nation will trace down through
history for many years. Hla IB the
Kind of administration that has ) been
needed , and It IH hoped that the coun
try will never fall to follow the exam
ple ho has set In dealing with Import-
nut questions.
The Japanese are buying Hour In
Minneapolis and the Indications are
that they will tiiko considerable of
America's reduced stock of Krnln to
feed their lighters In the Held. This
may mean that wheat will bo forced-
up to the ifU.OO mark before another
crop Is ready for the mlllor. Lot It
coma. The American farm era can
stand $2 wheat and a chance of get
ting oven with the other trusts and
In tbo dead of winter It may require
a little more time to get the Japs thor
oughly warmed up to their work , but
when they reach that condition there
will be something doing about Mukden
that Is not absolutely on the program
of General Kuropatkln. Roforo spring
time.arrlves with all Its beauties and
joys they may conclude that a inarch
to Harbin Is about the proper under
taking and if they do will go with or
without the consent of the Russians.
There are some Indications that a
few of the newspapers and politicians
who have been favoring President
Roosevelt's aggressive policy regard
ing trust Und railroad legislation are
getting ready to backslide and dodge
the Issue. As an abstract proposition
It must have looked pretty well but
when they have been pinned down on
some definite point their courage has
failed them and they are ready to
plead in behalf of the institutions
The Nebraska legislature may have
ridden Itself of the confirmed lobby
ists , but It evidently has not succeed
ed In subduing the men who at every
term , seek to Introduce Impossible
bills. There are a number before the
present session that no one ever ex
pects to be made into laws and they
would not be enforced if they wore
placed on the statute hooks. The
hard working commitCteecs , however ,
are expected to dispose of them in
short order. -
The steel trust Is scheduled to be
the next at taking a turn with Uncle
Sam and explaining its methods. It
is to have a time at proving that It Is
not operating in restraint of trade.
Vncle Sam has a bunch of these trusts
on its hands that seem to bollovo
themselves charitable , gentlemanly ,
kind hearted organisations , but with
a reputation among the people that Is
Just contrary and the government Is
expected to do what It can toward es
tablishing an official basis for the des
ignation of their action to accord with
both views of the situation.
The people should not find It nec
essary to humble themselves before
the United States senate to get Jus-
. . .
tf/Rwtfl- * Miv. * * -
tlco from the exactions of thn trusta
and the railroads , but that neoms to
bo the prevailing opinion In that body ,
and If ( hey Insist upon that attitude
the sovereign people will undoubtedly
early uiidertako to see that the or
ganization of the uppoh IIOIIHU of con-
groHH IH HO changed .thai they will have
representation there. There In a
strong Honllmont In favor of Prosl-
dent Itoosevell'H recommendations re
garding the triiHtH and the rallroadH
and when the American people make
up tlielr mlnils to the fact that a re
form IH needed they are pretty certain
to have their way and the Hcnato , with
Its railroad bucking , cannot hope to
more than put off the proposed chang
Nebraska IH carefully blanketing
her productive neil thlH winter to glvo
It a nice long nwt preparatory to the
strenuous efforts It will bo expected
to put forth next season In growing
a bumper crop somewhat similar to
the one It produced during the past
season. It can do Just that thing and
II ( H noteworthy that It can rest \vh6tli-
being blanketed by HMOW or not.
still people llko to think the snow IH
for something besides sledding.
Now that they have caught lloch ,
the alleged C'hlcago Itluobeard. It IH
feared that the courts will not bo able
to make a charge of murder stick and
ho will bo "hold only for swindling and
bigamy unless bin latent wlfo'H atom-
aeh shows poison. There IH a long
suspicion that ho IH all that has been
claimed that IH nowlso mitigated by
the fact that ho made love to a Now
York landlady whllo'tho olllcorij wore
hot on bis trail , and after an acquaint
ance of but twenty minutes.
Tbo people of the country will now
see whether the beef trust will con-
tlnuo to carry on Its methods as It
HOOH lit , after the highest court In tlio
land ban declared' ' that It Is a consplr-
rcy In restrain of trade In dressed
moats. It Is to bo hoped that bore-
aft or when the small denier hns some
moat ho wishes to place on the mar
ket and the trust comes along nnd
tells him ho must put It on at the
trust price ho can politely turn to the
corporation and toll It to go to Uncle
Sam and learn that ho can do as ho
pleases In the mattqr and It Is none
of the trust's business.
Perhaps tb/ > critics of the Hepburn
measure for the regulation of rail-
mini niton will nmv lin HiiHHllnil slncn
the committee of the house has decid
ed' to report a bill made up of the
ICsch-Townsond mcasuro with amend
ments from the proposed Hepburn
law. It Is not astonishing that tbo
democratic members/ dissatisfied
with the measure , but It Is to bo
hoped that the majority party of con
gress will find that It ills the case ex
actly and promptly pass 'It on to the
president. The main end sought by
the president and the people Is to give
the Interstate commerce commission
authority to act and make It possible
for the shippers to secure just and
equitable rates with no rebates to
curtail the benefits that are expected
to accrue.
With the advance In tbo price of
diamonds comes the report that the
largest one over , has been found in
the Transvaal. The monster gem is
said to weigh 3,0t2 : carets and its val
ue is placed at f 1,000,000. The fa
mous Kohlnoor which Is valued at
$600,000 and weighs 12tf carets , Is
said to have been the largest pre
vious stone uncovered. This was said
to weigh 900 iKMinds before cutting.
The stone would weigh , In Its rough
state ? approaching on two pounds , and
finished It should weigh nt least half i
that. It will be a matter of contest
between the millionaires and royal
ties to see who will wear that pound
stone dangling from a necklace or
nicely set In a finger ring , and per
haps after this contest Is over the
price of the bauble will have risen
above the estimate of four'mllllons.
Russian Workmen are rejMirted to
bo feeling so good over the reputed
victory of General Kuropatkln In
Manchuria that they have forgottou |
their strikes and revolutionary an-1 i
tics , and are celebrating the achieve
ment of the commander in the far
east , Reforo they have too good a
time nnd feel too enthusiastic they
had bettor wait for the future devel
opment , of tbo conflict. They should
not fail to remember the precedents
of the entire war , which have always
appeared favorable to the Russian
arms on the start , but have concluded
with remarkable victories for the Jap
anese forces. Ueforo this engage
ment Jms been concluded precedent
unqualifiedly promises that there will
bo a sweeping victory for the Japan
ese growing out of It , then If the mal
contents In Russia needed a victory
to sot them right , it may ho demon
strated that a defeat will set thorn in
opposition to the government In great
er strength than before. It Is a poor
rule that will not work both ways.
Nebranka In not the worst state In
the union regarding January weather.
Previous affairs should warn thu
Russians to look a little out. Report
ed vlctorlort for lliolr arum UHiially
end disastrously.
An a remedy for losing fat wallets ,
having pockets picked of largo sums ,
or losing great wadu over the gaming
table to the fellow who holds the
cardH , an era of Grover Cleveland
democratic reform might provo reme
The MlHuonrl. legbilaturo IH present
ing a telling argument for tbo popular
election of senators. If the people of
that Htitto connot get what they want
In that direction , however , they might
try the NobraHka pfan , whfeli was uni
formly satisfactory hero.
Tbo Nebraska legislature Is stead
ily maintaining the record with which
the session was opened nnd It IH not
Improbable that It will have given the
people tbo best and most satisfactory
value for tlielr money they have over
received when It has concluded.
The town or city which hasn't un
covered the fact that Johann lloch
IUIH vlHlted It nnd made love to any
where from two to a Hcoro of Its wo
men , Is hardly entitled to a place on
the map. Ho IH evidently a far great
er and faster traveler than Pat Crowe.
Tom Lawson promises to take care
of Standard Oil while the government
IH doing what It can to the disadvant
age of the beef trust , the stool trust
and other corporations that have boon
Inclined to grab everything In sight
and yell for more.
Two of Dowlo's followers are dead
and his wlfo is seriously lll _ despite
the prayers that ho has offered for
their recovery. The modern Elijah Is
apparently unable to demonstrate that
ho Is any more capable than some of
tbo Christian Scientists.
What will Now Jersey do for rev
enue If the United States government ,
the courts nnd the people continue to
hammer away at the trusts and tbo
organization of the same ? The little
state on tbo coast Is being almost
worse hit than the trusts themselves'
Some of the democrats Insist that
they have a bettor measure for the-
regulation of the railroads than that
offered by Congressman Hepburn. If
they rbally wish to aid , however , they
will support the best republican mea
sure before congress 'for the purpose.
While Nledrlngbaus Is not rapidly
coining to tbo front in the Missouri
senatorial contest , ho Is evidently
gratified to note that none of the other - .
er fcnndldatcs-are making headway In
the light and ho may bo able to bold
out as long as the next best man before - ,
fore the legislature. ' '
lOngland seems to bo successful In
getting into trouble with Russia re
gardless of where the trouble may
take place. Whether It is intended j
by fate to eventually force' that gov
ernment Into the war or just to main-1
tain an Interest It Is apparent that
1Cngland is bound to receive or give
attention to passing affairs.
That California air ship Is liable to
do all and more than the Sautos-Du-
mont machine. It was to bo expected , i
Some foreigner may bo able to give
the Yankees an Inspiration for a starter - :
or , but the latter may bo rolled upon
to show a few achievements In the '
same line that are not on the original I
bill and not easily duplicated. ,
It has been found that Grand Duke \
Serglus Is the ruling Inlluencc with |
the czar of all the Russlas. and that |
It was he who directed the c/.ar's' '
course In the recent crisis. There Is '
additional reason why some of the
people of that country would llko to
meet the grand duke alone on some
dark night.
January Is usually all thaw In Nebraska - (
braska , but this year It has gene on |
record with scarcely an Intimation i
that the sun could warm things up In !
1 this section of the country. The people
ple are gratified that It has gene Into
history and are hoping that because
of Its severity the ground hog may be
good to them with February.
Omaha , with her $500,000 lire , said
to bo one of the most disastrous In the
history of the city , is not Inclined to
bo at the rear when the tire rqcord for
the now year Is summarized. It was
a serious loss , but the Nebraska me
tropolis has the enterprise and abil
ity necessary to raise from the ruins
Institutions of greater worth than
those consumed. Enterprising cities
have frequently found that fires In
stead of being Insurmountable disas
ters , nro frequently a matter of ad
vertisement and it Is expected by the
admirers of Omnha that it will derive
more benefit than loss from the con
flagration In Its wholesale district.
The senate Is strenuously attempt
ing to lead the people of the country
Into the belief that the admission to
statehood of the remaining territories
IH easily thu paramount IHHUO of the
present ncsHlon of congresH. The pub
lic In Inclined to believe otherwise ,
however , and It may require more
than the upper house of congress to
convince them of their error.
The tltno has apparently already ar
rived when the Japanese are to dem
onstrate that Kuropatkln has no easy
and open pathway to Per ( Arthur
through Manchuria. If It was merely
a test of possibilities , It has not prov
en much In the way of encouragement
to the force that will necessarily bo
the aggrcHsor In the future In nny at
tempt to retake the fortress.
Kuropatkln may bo merely demon
strating that If there are patriots at
homo who have a longing to encounter
death in an absolute fashion his ranks
are still capable of accepting a few re
cruits. Tbo wlHilom of posing as tar-
gotH for the czar's Cossacks Is ques
tioned when the Japanese are Just as
good murksmen nnd apparently as
fully determined to find someone to
President Roosevelt has demonstrat
ed that ho bellevea In party platforms
and considers them created as a
guide to olllclal action. ' There have
boon presidents who would go a long
way around to keep from standing on
the platform of tholr party , or do Just
as llttlo as possible to Indicate that
they were not antagonistic to tlio
policy of their party , but Roosevelt
has been setting the coming genera
tions of presidents a beneficial exam
ple and the country Is to receive the
benefits of his policy.
Perhaps the rope and twine trust
of Now. Jersey considered It would
bo just as well to anticipate govern
mental action and decided t6 cease
Its existence without awaiting a long
light In court4 and orders from fed
eral otllcors. WluUhcr the trusts are
lawfully put out of the way or fright
ened to death makes llttlo difference
t'o a public that has long been victim
ized. The main thing Is to clear the
Hold of their inllucnces and practices
and % If that can be done all but tbo
holders of stock In tbo corporations
will fool extremely grateful.
The government has given the beef
trust to understand that the decision
of the supreme court In the case is
not Intended for a largo official joke ,
but that the trust , collectively and in
dividually , will be held to the decision
and that criminal proceedings will be
Instituted. It Is one of the most im
portant decisions In behalf of the people
plo that has been made In many years
and no ono will feel a tquch of pity
If the entire combination Is destroyed
and dissipated. The packers will need
to manage to look after their business
Interests individually or the small
packers and the country butchers will
bo given permanent employment by
the people.
The legislators of- Nebraska will
doubtless bo influenced In dealing with
the proposed county optloi ? law , by the
face that there was no liquor question
before the people during the last cam
paign , except that offered by the pro
hibition party , and may bo expected
to act accordingly. When there is a
do'mand for a change from the Slo-
cumb law under which the state Is at
present working , it will probably be
taken up by one of the leading parties
during a campaign and the people will
be given a chance to indicate their de
sires on the question. The county op
tion bill may , llko hundreds of others ,
have been Introduced without expect
ing it to become a law , but whatever
the Intent there Is a level-headed leg
islature at work that will deal wisely
with the question.
In rendering a decision against
Swift & Co. , an Important portion of
the beef trust , the United States supreme
premo court'has confirmed the opinIon -
Ion of the people nnd ofjhe admlnls-
( ration that the trust Is nnd has been
violating the laws of the land In Its
practices , and It Is to bo hoped that
relief from its exactions will now bo
realized , both by consumers of meat
and those who raise cattle and hogs
for the markets. There Is certainly
an Indication on the part of the gov
ernment that It Is willing anil ready
to stand by the people as opposed to
the trusts and It Is to bo hoped that
all ether trusts that have been exer
cising broad license for many years
will bo effectively curbed nnd every
person who desires to enter the field
they have occupied will bo permitted
to do so. The steel trust Is next on
the schedule and while It is not as di
rectly connected with the affairs of
the people as thho beef trust , they are
Interested In seeing it receive the same
consideration at the hands of the gov
ernment and the courts.
If a New Year resolution Is properly
orly cared for the first six weeks , It
will last without boosting till the end
of the year.
If a man has a pretty view from his
door , vlsltoi-H who come to loaf and
visit decide that his 80111 Is sordid be
cause lie doesn't stop work to admire
There was a bright sldo to It , which
those who were shut up In Port Arthur
will appreciate , now that they hear
about Nan Patterson and Mrs. Chad-
There Is this difference between
men and women : A woman will sldo
with her children against tholr stepfather -
father , and a man will sldo with his
second wlfo against his children.
A woman who lived In Atchlson all
her llfo until six nlonths ago , writes
that she Is not homesick ; that forty
horses couldn't drag her back hero.
She ought to bo ashamed of herself.
IX ) you remember that , when a boy.
you Insisted on acting worthless until
you just made your father whip you ?
And you do the same thing now that
yon are grown , unless you are wiser
than wo think you aro. , .
$100 Rqward , $100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleaded to learn'that there is at least
ono dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages ,
and that is catarrh. Hallos Catarrh
Cure is the only positive euro now
known to the medical fraternity. Ca
tarrh being a constitutional disease ,
requires a constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly , acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system , there
by destroying the foundation of the
disease , and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitu
tion and assisting nature In doing Us
work. The proprietors have so much
faith In Its curative powers that they
offer one hundred dollars for any case
that It falls to cure. Send for list of
Address F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo ,
Sold by all druggists , 7fic.
Take Hall's family pills for consti
Cures dizzy spells , tired fooling ,
stomach , kidney and liver troubles.
Makes you well and keeps you well.
That's wjiat Holllster's Rpcky Moun
tain Ton will do. I5 ! cents , tea or tab
lets. The .Kiesau Drug Co.
_ Glve Your Stomach a Rest.
Your food must be properly digest
ed and assimilated to be of any value
to you. If your stomach Is weak or
diseased take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
it uiKcnin wiiiii. yuii uui aim K'ves uiu
stomach a rest , enabling it to recu
perate , take on now life and grow
strong again. Kodol cures sour stomach
ach , gas bloating , tyeart palpitation
and all djgestive disorders. L. A. So-
per , of Llttlo Rock , Ky. , writes us :
" \\'e teel that Kodol-Dyspepsia Cure
deserves all the commendation that
can be given it , as It saved the life !
of our little girl when she was three '
years old. She Is now six and we I
have kept It for her constantly , but of
course she only takes it now when ;
auythii'K dis'agrol's with her. " Sold j
by Asa K. Leonard. >
A United States Wall Map , _ | ,
well adapted for use In otllce , library j I
or school , substantially mounted , eigI | I
es bound in cloth. , printed In full colI
I ors > , showing the United States , Alas
ku. Cuba /mil our Island possessions
The original thirteen states , the L < mis-
laiiu purchase , the Oregon territory.
etc. , are shown In outline , with dates
when ( orritorut > acquired , and oth-
1 \aluahlp information
1 Sent to any address on receipt of
tltu-en cents to cover postage , by B
i W KnlskenuiJ T M. . C. & N-W. R'y. .
1 Chicago
The Declaration of Nle fringhaus , Af
ter a Futile Thirteenth Ballot , Seems
to Strengthen the Belief That no
Senator Will be Elected.
Jefferson City , Mo. , * Veb.s 1. The
thirteenth ballot taken today resulted
in no choice for senator from this
state. The vote Jood : Cockrell 78 ,
Nledrlnghans 72 ; Kerejis 12 ; Petti-
Johns 2 ; Solon T. Gllmore , Kansas
City , 1 ; C. A. Kinkenburg , St. Louis , 1
Necessary to a cholnco , 81.
The declaration of Nledringhaus
that under no circumstances woulil
be consent to withdraw , oven though
offered an Important embassy by
Roosevelt , has served to strengthen
tbo opinion that no senator will be
.elected at this session.
Settlers' One'Way Second Class Rates
in effect on the first and third Tues
days In January , February , March and
April , 1905 , to Kentucky , Alabama ,
Georgia , North Carolina , Florida and
other southern states. For full Information
mation , tickets , etc. , Inquire of agents
to the southeast ,
Via the Northwestern line , will be
Chicago & Northwestern Il'y.
Chicago Man Alleges That the Asoem-
bly Is a Great Public Auction Where
Special Privileges are Sold to the
Springfield , 111. , Feb. L A boodle
upheaval In the legislature is likely.
The assembly today appointed a com
mittee to Investigate the charge re
cently made In a public speech by
Representative Frank I ) . Comorford of
Chicago , when ho declared that the
Illinois legislature Is a great public"
auction whore special privileges are
sold'to the highest corporation bidder
and that without respect to party af
filiations , the "grafters" scorn to be In
the majority.
The News reaches the best 'people
of Norfolk. They are the people who
are Intelligent enough to understand
an advertisement , nnd who have the
means to buy the objects advertised ,
If the advertlsomt/nt / appeals to them.
The advertisement will appeal to thorn
if it is written and displayed In the
right way If the proposition Is ex
haustively treated and If it is a prop-
osltion worth while.
People who desire to reach northern -
ern Nebraska and the Bonestol line
Into South Dakota , will find that The
News reaches more people In thatter-
rltory than , any other daily paper.
Deserved Popularity.
To cure constipation and liver trou
bles by gently moving the bowels and
acting as a tonic to the li.vor , take
Llttlo Early Risers. These famous
little pills are mild , pleasant and harmless -
less , but effective and. sure. Their
universal use for many years Is a
strong guarantee of their popularity
and usefulness. Sold by Asa K. Leon
That Tickling In the Throat.
One minute after taking One Min-
nte Cough Cure that tickling In the
throat is gone. It acts in the throat
not the stomach. Harmless good for
children. A. L. Spofford , postmaster
at Chester , Mich. , says : "Our little
girl was unconscious from strangula
tion during a sudden and terrible .it-
tack of croup. Throe doses of One
minute \AJUK" v > iiiu n.ui an uuur ujiurt
speedily cured her. I cannot praise
One Minute Cough Cure too much for
what it has done in our family. " It
always gives relief. Sold by Asa K.
Comforts the heart , strengthens the
mind. Is good ill or well. Makes the
face bright as the summer morn.
That's what Hollistor's Rocky Moun
tain .Tea will do. Cures when all
else fails. ; ,5 cents.
The Kiesau Drug Co.
The Sunshine of Spring.
The sahe that cures without a scar
is DeWitt's Witch Hazel salvt * . Cuts ,
burns , boils , bruises and piles disap-
pear before the use of this salve as
snow before tbo sunshine of spring.
Miss H. M. Middloton , Thebes , 111. ,
says : "I was seriously ; tfilleted with
a fever sore that was very painful.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel sulve cured me
in lehs than a week. " ( 'et the genii-
, ine. Sold by Asa K. Leonard.
When you teel a sense of weight
and oppression after meals it means-
indigestion. Hollister's Rocky Moun
tain tea positively cures indigestion ,
constipation and stomach troubles.
T.5 cents , tea or tablets.
The Kiesau Drug Co.
No More Stomach Troubles.
All stomach trouble is removed by
the use of Kodol Dyspepsia cure. It
gives the stomach perfect rest by di
gesting what you eat without the
stomach's aid The food builds up the '
body , the rest restores the stomach to
health. You don't
have to diet yourself -
, self when taking Kodol Dyspepsia
cure. J D. Ersklne , of Allenvllle ,
Mich. , says , "I Buffered heartburn |
and stomach trouble for some time.
My slstor-ln-law has bad the same
trouble and was not able to eat for i
six weeks. She lived entirely on warm
water. After taking two bottles of
Kodol Dyspepsia cure she was entirely - . /
ly cured. She now eats heartily and J (
Is In good health. I am glad to say
Kodol gave me instant relief. " Sold /
by Asa K. Leonard. ,
A Well Known Cure for PBea.
Cures obstinate sores ,
chapped hands , eo
terna. skin diseases. Makes burns and ncalda
fi J couuld not lmProvo the
f paid double quality
the pnco. The best salva
can buPC * ° an produca or lhtt
Cures Piles Permanently
' ' 'riplnal ' tnd
, V .
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