The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 03, 1905, Image 1

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Reports Received Today From Iowa ,
Minnesota , Nebraska and Southern
States , Show a Wide Cold Wave.
Four Above at Oklahoma City.
The entire west Is today in the
g rasp of. an intensely cold wave. It
is by far the severest of the winter.
Reports from all over the country tel
low.Kansas *
Kansas City , Fob. 2. There are Intense -
tense cold the south
west. At Kansas Clt > AH ty14 bclow
zero. Other points ropn.
temperatures since 1899. Tnt > ' ' /
or bureau promises no moderation >
fore Saturday.v Other temperatures
are , Wichita 8 below ; Dodge City , .
Kan. , C below ; Springfield , Mo. , G below -
low ; Oklahoma City , 4 above ; Ports
mouth , 18 above ; St. Louis , 9 below ;
Dos Molnes , 25 below and the coldest
In ten years ; Peora , 22 below ; Lo-
Crosse , WIs. , 30 below and all out
side work impossible ; Lincoln 22 be
low and the lowest February In four
teen years.
At Chicago the temperature was 14
below ; Trenton , Mo. , 19 below , the
coldest In history at this location ;
' Omaha 27 below ; St. Paul , 24 below ;
Medicine Hat , Manitoba , 40 below ;
Havre , Mont , 46 belpw ; Bismarck , N.
D. , 30 below ; Pierre , S. D. , 39 below.
Fourteenth Ballot , no Senator.
Jefferson City , Mo. , Feb. 2. The ,
fourteenth ballot today for senator
was without result. The vote stood :
Cockrell 80 , NIedrlnghaus 74 , Kerens
12 , Pettijohn 2 , C. H. Klelnschmidt 1.
Necessary to a choice SO.
Kansas Mills Burn.
Kansas CityFeb. 2. The new ex
celsior roller mills at Maryvllo were
destroyed by fire early today. The
Joss was estimated at $150,000. The
insurance was $75,000.
Senator Mitchell Accused of Taking
$4,000. *
Portland , Feb. 2. Senator Mitchell
xhas been indicted by the grand jury
on another charge , in which he Is ac
cused of accepting $4,000 for expedit
ing Illegal claims.
Unfortunate Calamity at Hornells
ville , New York But Three Are
Alive to Tell How It Happened and
They are Badly Injured.
Hbrnellsville , N. Y. , Fob , 2. A train
crashed Into a sleigh containing thir
teen people , killing ten of the party
outright and badly Injuring three.
The dead are :
Mary Glllett ,
Ruth Patchen ,
Bert Moore , -
Chas. Thomas ,
Eugene Shaw , '
Joseph , Hallett ,
C. Graves ,
Ned Green , *
E. Boghton ,
J. Coats.
Postal Conspirators Lose.
Washington. Jan. 31. The supreme
court denied the application of Ma
chen , Lorenz and Groff for a writ ol
certlorarl in the case against th em
charging conspiracy to defraud the
government In connection with the
postofllce department Irregularities
The effect Is to leave standing the
decision of the court of appeals find
Ing them guilty as charged. Macben
Lorenz and the Groffs were sentencei
to two years Imprisonment and to pa >
a fine of $10.000 pooh.
Apple Rutinic.
A good rlpo raw apple Is ono of tb
easiest substances for the stomach t
manage , and while the apple is wort
tnoro as a health giver in its natura
tnte it Is also exceedingly wholesom
cooked. Apple sauce eaten with per
assists in the digestion of the mca
end many persons who cannot eat per
[ without discomfort so If accom
panted with plenty of well cooked ap
pie suuco not too sweet.
A llmnoronn RnRllnh Sheriff ,
A sheriff with a tine Benne of humor
Was he who. baring been reproved by
thn Judge of a certain court for pre
senting a jury not sufilclontly respec
table , read out at the subsequent session
tiw I the following list , with a suitable
emphasis upon tlio last names of the
jurors : Max King , Henry Prince ,
George Duke , William Marquis , Ed
ward Earl. Richard Lord , Richard
Baron , Edmund Knight , Peter Esquire.
George Gentleman , Robert Yeoman ,
Dtephcn PopeHumphrey Cardinal ,
William Bishop , John Abbot , Richard
Prior , Henry Monk , Edward Priest and
Richard Deacon. After the laughter
IIe subsided the presiding judge , ac
cepting the joke In good part compli
mented the witty sheriff upon his cler-
rncss. London Star.
Governor Bell Grants a S.tay Until
Spring Woman Stands Convicted of
the Murder of Her Husband Gal
lows Had Been Prepared and Tested
Waterbury , Vt. , Fob. 2. Mrs. Mary
it0fl. , < * rB , who was to have been hanged
cj0 /rrow for the murder of her bus-
mtld , has been reprieved until next
uno by Governor Bell , after ho had
stoned to the petition of Attorney
lalonoy who alleges that ho has so
ured now evidence. The attorney
vlll now endeavor to get a rehoarlng
jeforo the supreme court.
Preliminaries Were Arranged.
Windsor , Vt. , Fob. 2. All arrange
nents have been perfected at the
tate prison for the execution of Mrs.
Rogers. The execution Is to take
lace tomorrow , between 1 and 2 p. m.
A number of tickets of admission
iave been Issued by Sheriff Peck.
Those In attendance will be strictly
imited to the official witnesses and
thers directly Interested In the execu-
The rope and gallows .have been
horoughly tested. Mrs. Rogers
veighs 170 pounds and every precau-
Ion will be taken to prevent a mis-
iap. The last hours of the condemned
woman will bo spent with her spirit
ual adviser. It Is expected that her
nether and sister will be admitted to
ee her tomorrow morning If they so
vllssouri Supreme Court Sustains De
cision Against Murderer.
Jefferson City , Mo. , Feb. 2. The su-
> reme. court today aflllrmed the
udgment of the lower court , which
convicted William Rudolph , bank rob-
> er , of the murder of Detective Schu-
maker , and Rudolph has bedn sen-
enced to bo hanged on March 15.
Assistant Secretary of tbe Navy De
partment Declines the Office.
Washington , D. C. , Feb. 2. Charles
W. . Darling , assistant secretary of the
navy today tendered his resignation
from that office.
it tSenator's Sister Dead.
DOS' Molnes , Feb. 2. Mrs. Susan A.
Adel , sister of United States Senator
lames Hemenway , of Indiana , died to
day , aged 75 ,
Toledo Bunch Sold Mining Stock and
LostTheir , Jobs.
Washington , Feb. 2. The postmas
ter general today removed three car
riers , ordered a fourth man to show
canso , why he should not be removed
and suspended thirty other carriers
from the Toledo ofllce for thirty days
on a charge of selling mining stock
and collecting the assessments there
Divorce and Orrupittlnni.
There has always been a lower per
centage of divorces among men en
gaged in agricultural pursuits than In
any other calling , not excepting the
clergy. Soldiers , suitor * and marines ,
in tbe other extreme , show the highest
average of marriage Infelicity. Next
among the high averages come tbe
hostlers , the actors , agricultural la
borers , bartenders , servants and wait
ers , musicians and teachers of music ,
photographers , paper hangers , barbers ,
lumbermen , and so on , diminishing In
ratio until tbe lowest average Is reached -
ed , as before stated , among the farm
era. Baltimore American.
A niirnlnic Mlntnke. ,
Bllklns I never knew Cockshure to
acknowledge that he hud made a mis
take. I'llkhls I did once. BllkluB
llow did It happen ? Pllklns lie put
the lighted end of his cigar In his
mouth. Louisville Courier-Journal.
Old Ooenn'd JoUr.
There's another bunch of bridal cou
ple.1) on that ship , " remarked Father
"Yes , " replied tlio Atlantic ocean ,
"I'm being crossed In love pretty regularly -
larly these days. " Philadelphia Press.
The -First Rural Line Out of Pierce ,
Eighteen Miles Northwest , Has Juit
Been Completed Another With
Nine Subscribers In a Few Days.
Plorco , Nob. , Fob. 2. Special to
The News : The first rural telephone
line out of Plorco has Just been com
pleted , eighteen miles northwest of
this city. R is connected with the
Plorco exchange.
Another line north of the city , with
nine subscribers , will bo completed
within a few days. There are three
or four more projected , which will bo
built as soon as spring opens up.
Strike Grows at Batum.
Datum , Russia , Feb. 2. The strike
which was started hero yesterday Is
becoming general. Largo bodies of
men are crowding the streets and
trouble Is feared.
Gorky Released.
St. Petersburg , Feb. 2. Maxim Gor
ky , the author who led the revolt of
strikers against the government : , lias
been released from custody.
To Modify Agreement.
Plttsburg , Pa. , Fob. 2. An Imixirt-
ant conference between representa
tives of the Republic Iron and Steel
company and tfio Amalgamated Asso
ciation of Iron and Steel Workers was
begun here today. The meeting is for
the purpose of modifying and making
some changes In the agreement be
tween the company and the aasoola-
tion , especially that section relating
to the continuous operations of the
mills. The agreement has been In
effect nearly flvo years.
llc-Htori'il by Cold.
A miraculous euro has recently been
effected by the cold weather at Paul-
huquet , Aiivcrgne , In France , says the
Paris correspondent of the London
Chronfcle. John Itouglw. llfly four
years of agricultural laborer ,
lost his spti.v'i ' In IKS" after a se\ere
attack of typhoid fever. At this time
he was a parish schoolteacher and nut
urally was compelled to leslgn Ills posi
tion and seek other work , A few days
ngo , on g > lng to work as usual , he was
suddenly seized with falntncss owing
to the extreme cold and would have
been frozen to death hail not some
passersby come to bis assistance and
restored .him to consciousness. It win
then found , to the great surprise of ev
ery one , that be had regained bis pow
ers of speech. The doctor * of the ( IN
trlct have forwarded a' report of this
extraordinary case to the faculty In
Missouri Pacific Has Cut the Rate to
the Gulf and the Northwestern Has
Greatly Reduced the Export Rate
by Way of Chicago.
Chicago , Feb. 2. The grain rate
war now going on between the corn ,
belt railroads Is the most destructive
that has ever been waged in the west.
The Missouri Pacific has reduced
the Omaha-Gulf rate to eleven cents.
The Northwestern bass 'lashed" the
export arate by way of Chicago.
tlie KrullvHl In OlrbriUcd on
Dec. 2 .
There are no definite allusions in the
writings of any of the disciples of
Christ as to the date of his birth , nor
has there ever been produced proof of
any character us to the exact period In
the year when Christ was born. There
are , very true , occasional references to
.the event In the Scriptures , Indicating
that tlio Nativity occurred In the win
ter season.
The Institution of the anniversary
dates back to the second century of
Christendom , and It has been since
uniformly celebrated by nearly all
branches of tbe Christian church with
appropriate rejoicings and ceremonies.
Tun frequent and somewhat heated
controversies , however , relative to the
date of Christ's birth early in the
fourth century led Pope Julius I. to
order a thorough investigation of the
subject by the learned theologians and
historians ol that period , which re
sulted In an agreement upon Dec. 25 ,
and that decision H wined to have so
settled all disputes that that date was
universally accepted except by the
Greek church. While this date was
never changed , the reckoning of It Is
made according to the Gregorian cnl
endar , which was adopted in the latter
part of the sixteenth century , and up
on which computations of time in near
ly all civilized nations buvo since rest
ed , American Queen. .
Juit Whnt Kdnrntlou U.
In n composition upon "Kducatlon"
boy once wrote , "Kdncutlon Is going
to school , which IN bring marked ev
ery day and examined on paper and
then promoted , nnd If you nr n girl
you graduate and have flowers , but If
you are a boy you don't have ( lowers !
you only go to college , " A somewhat
unique , deplorable , but compr hcnlv
Ill *
Little Amzl ( who has an Inquiring
mltuD-'lJncle Tim , I unw the word ID
the newspaper. Whnt U tbe "curricu
lum" of n collene ? Uncle Tim rod
( promptly ) Curriculum , eh ? Why ,
that's vrhnt them ere mop bended col-
lgc students comb their h lr with.
Editor Turkrrllrli . < litr llrvolutlon
ml Coimtllutlou Arr Not lnlr d.
T)0 ) Rov. Ilcnodlct J. Turkev'ltch ,
rwctor of the Russian Orthodox church
In lirldguport , Conn. , and the editor of
Blot ( Light ) , n prominent Russian paper
lu the Unltrd States , who recently riv
turned from a three months' visit to
Russia , spoke as follows on the dls
turbancex there , says the Now York
Tribune :
"The people of Itussla , the pennant
clafts , do not \\unt a revolution or a
ronstltutloii. They do not know the
meaning of revolution or constitution ,
'Lei me explain , so far us I am able ,
the situation relative lo the working
classes. The country districts about Ht
Petersburg- fact , about any large
city are very densely populated. There
Is little land lo work as it Is , and what
soil has been worlted Is worked out.
The people are unable to make n living
nnd consequently ( lock In great num
bers to the cities. Here they are will
ing to work for almost nothing , for
enough to cat. Kill with this great In
tiitx of labor come dlHtri'.sHlng eondi
tlous. There Is very little work , and
there arc a great many hands to do It.
Tbe employers therefore are able to
hire labor very cheaply , and at the
same time this leaves a great many
men without work. Tbe supply far'ex
cccds the demand. Of course there Is
a great clamoring for work and for
higher wages and shorter hours , slml'
lur to the demand In America. It Is
my linn belief that this priest , Gopon.
as he calls himself , and bis lieutenants
have willfully brought these people to
believe that the petition they drew up
was along these lines , whcrcim they
took lu'ivaiitage to Institute lu It their
own revolutionary Ideas and have made
the people unwilling aids and puppets.
unbeknown to themselves.
" 1 do not believe that these disturb
ances will have any effect toward end
ing the war with Jnpan. 1 am well
satisfied that the soldiers will blame
the people for this trouble. They real
ize that force Is necessary to subdue
a lawless mob led by fanatical reform
ers. In fact , tbe army bus known of
the disturbances of the working people
for some time , and they have hud no
ffeot. There Is no talk among the sol
diers of revolution. I give you my
word that the people , the musses of
Russia , do not want revolution , they
do not want a constitution , but they dn
want work , and where there Is no work
for them what Is there to do ?
"I believe that this trouble bus been
simmering along for some lime nndei
the utmost seeiecy. 'These agitators
have been misleading the muss of tin
people. They ha\e given the mob to
understand ( hut the demands upon tin
czar grew out of purely Industrial ren-
sons , nut tliry h-ive ulso tukcn adviin
tage of tbe Ignorance of the people ami
their Inability to rend or wrlt < - to work
on their own fanatical Ideas of const I
tutlimal rigl.tK mid bnve led 11.i- .1 01
Into . ! revolutionary net ion. I b > nc < tj :
believe I hut If fie muss of ( but in > !
which cngiigi'd In the strn.Me la.-t
Sunday ( Jan. - - ) knew the real cnim
of the shout lug and the real pni-iose | < > i
the lo-i'Vrs In 11 .Haling Inein tiicv
would tear those le.ide-s int. ) pieces.
Comiilu llor'or.
The two Infinities of Kant did not
chill or hurt him , but his fearlessness
Is shared by few. Only fur n short in
stant , at best , will most persons con-
wont to look open eyed nt nny clear lui-
ege of fa to or of Infinity. Scarcely s.
friend of mine will look steadily at the
clear midnight sky for n minute In si
lence. The freezing of the heart fol
lows ; the nppnlUnR shudder at the
dread contemplation of infinity , which
may be called cosmic horror , Is more
than can be endured. If those stars are
absolutely and positively Infinite thpn
there Is no up or down , and they knew
no beginning , will have no ending.
With any such staring gorgon of fatalIsm -
Ism the surcharged attention Is shaken ,
nnd the chemistry of common life
seizes upon the liquid crystals with
arid hunger. George M. Gouid , M. D ,
in Atlantic.
Tlip natioon'n Nine Live * .
When baboons once take to a menlle
Held they will not leave It till they
have oaten every cob. When they depart -
part every evening for home they have
tilled their stomachs , their cheek pouch
es and their arms ! You cannot poison
these pests , for fifteen grains of pure
strychnine in n banana has failed to
kill one. Only shooting with u rifle
will do , and no human army was ever
cleverer in setting sentries , liven at
nighttime a larga force of hunters
has often betln defied In Its attempt *
to surround tlio rocky stronghold ol
" %
"Cynoccphulus porcarius. Even dogs
sent against the baboons fall before
creatures which , have hands with
which to f > olzo their enemies before
biting them , let the stay-Tit homo
farmer congratulate himself ' 'on ' pos
sessing merely rooks , pigeons , rats and
sparrows ! Country Gentleman.
If the Nebraska Legislature Passes n
0111 Which Makes a Hard Row to
Hoe for the Railroads , the Rail
roads Will Quit Hauling on Freights
Lincoln , Nob. , Fob. 2. The "Junk
nut trust bill , " around which n big
Ight will rage , was reported to the
ion HO from n committee with a roc-
mimondatlon that It pass. .This bill
s Intended to prevent thu giving of
ohatcn and Is especially aimed at
ho railroads and the beef trust , pro
viding an n penalty the revocation of
Another bill greatly opposed by the
railroads compels the running of
tench line trulnii on time and the hali
ng ref them at depot platforms. In
retaliation the roads threaten to pro-
ilblt passengers riding on freights ,
nnd this menus a blow nt the travel-
ng men.
Twenty-two now bills were lulro-
luced In both houses. Ono makuti
lollcy playing a crime and Is aimed
it Tom Dennlson , Omaha's boss gam-
tier. Another prohibits the sale of
looks upon which the state has a
Iloth presiding officers announced
today that time would ho allowed to
my employes In complete their work ,
thus shutting off a big graft.
Sympathy fort Russians ,
London , Fob. 2. Arrangonientii
invo been concluded for a monster
mass meellng In Queen's hall tonight
is an expression for sympathy for the
St. Petersburg sufferers. The demon
stration will bo held under the aus
pices of the Society of Krleuds of Free
Meeting of Iowa Editors.
Waterloo , In. , Fob. 2. The meeting
begun hero today by the Northwestoiu
Iowa Kdllorlal association Is one of
the best attended over hold by the or
ganization. Prominent editors and
publishers are In attendance from nil
of the twenty-seven counties embraced
In the territory of the ssoclallon.
The program for i.- Ing covers
two days. T filcor Is F.
O. Kllsworth of Osage , aim the secre
tary , Harry jfJioon of Dcnoruli
11 n n dun me , Willy nnd Npollrd
Son nf Hlclinril llrlnnlr ) .
At the east corner of Itulton street
( now 61 I'iiTiidlll.v I thi'ie nourished
when the nineteenth century W.IH still
yoirtig u dull devoted In ilTind.Ism. . . di
ners dc luxe and hlifh play. or. lo speuU
cynlcallj. the ruin ot mind , h'idj and
estate. It was called Waller's. Its
presiding KCIIHIS , or pc'pi' picul-
dent. " was Bean ilruminel. fnmoiis lor
his cravat * , bits quuneiilb the prince
regent and his phenomenal good luck
at the then fashionable tr.iiuc of ma
cno. One evening bo I'onml the gamIng -
Ing table so full that there was no
room for him , but heated Ibete was a
friend of his whom he knew lo be too
poor to play for the extravagant stakes
affected by the habitues and who prob
ably would not have been there at all
but for the rosy lullueuco of a , good
dinner with plenty of wine. 'After a
won ! or two th < * friends changed
places , and before long Itrummcl rose
the richer by fl.r.OO. This , mini he
faithfully shared With his friend , sayIng -
Ing , "Tliere Tom , go home and give
jour wlfe-tind brats a supper and play
no more. " The action was kindly and
the advice good , and. though the words
lacked somewhat respect , the pill was
well glided. Tom was the handsome ,
witty , spoiled son of Richard Hrlnslcy
Bheridnn. Of Tom it has been suld
that he was endowed with all the wit
Of his father , all the charm of his moth
er and the good looks of both. Few
men mem to have been'more universal
ly liked , and when George Column
wrole. " 1 love and esteem Tom Sheri
dan heartily and wish success to any
scheme In which he Is Interested , " he
only expressed a general sentiment.
A few specimens of Tom's wit have
been preserved. None Is better than
ft replv to his foolishly Indulgent fa
ther when remonstrating with rhliu for
some Imprudence. The father ended
by saying , "Why , Tom , my father
would never have permitted me to do
uch a thing , " whereupon Tom replied
In a tone of assumed Indignation , "Sir ,
would you dream of comparing your
father to mine ? " Longmuu'a Mugu-
Gold Mme Swindler Arrested ,
lloi.tun .ex. Jan 30. Frank C.
Lory , alleged 10 have secured mora
than $125,000 on gold mine swindles
while having headquarter at Danville
111. , was arrested here and turned over
to H. H Whitkxk sheriff of Veinnt
lion county llllr.ols who heid war
rants and requisition papers
Few Carnations Worn In C veland.
Cleveland Jan 30. But a very few
carnations were worn In Cleveland In
memory of the late President IcKln-
ley. Florists attribute the snihll num
ber sold to the very cold * weather , ,
which would make the life of the fl ,
er In the open air very shoit
i *
Temperature for Twenty-four Hour * !
Forecast for Nebraska.
Condition of the wuntliur mi recorded -
od for the 2-1 liourn onillni ; nt 8 a. m.
Loday : v
Maximum 8
Mlnliniini 35
Avorngo 21
Hiirotnulor 30.38
Chicago , Fob. 2. The bulletin Is
sued \iy \ tlm Chicago ntatlon of the
United States wunlhor bureau this
nornliig , gives the forecast for No
briiHka IIH follows :
Probiibly snow tonight and Friday.
Hiding tomiornturo. )
Grand Duke of Hcono Marrlco Prln-
CCDB Elconono of Solmo-Hohcnoolme-
Licit Ceremony Performed Accord
ing to Lutheran Church niton.
Darmstadt , Fob. 2. In the presence
of u nnliihlo gathering , which Includ
ed ruprouontatlvuti of tlio viirlouii
courts of lOuropo , the marrlago of
Princess Kloonoro of
Holms-Licit mid the Grand UuUo of
lluuHo WIIH colobrutod today accordIng -
Ing to the rltcH of the Lutheran
The wadding party , whoso dresses
and uiilforniH mndu a very offocllvo
spectacle , assembled at 310 : o'clock
In the old ciiBtlo , and Uien croHHod the
cnnllo yard to the caHtlo church. The
church was filled with diplomats , the
lociil authorities , and thu royal milts.
The coroinony lasted three-quartern
of an hour. The brldo were whlto
crop do chlno , with orange blossoms ,
and u hodlco of Point do VonlHo laco.
After the ceremony , amid tlio ringing
of the famous chimes , proceeded to
the caHtlo where a family dinner WIIH
held. The gifts to the bridal couple
Include u number of magnificent pros-
onlH of silver or Jewelry from the Icing
and queen of England , the and
czarina emperor and emprcKS
of Germany.
The Grand Duke of Hesse , Ernst
Ludwlg , WIIH born on November ,20 ,
1808. He IH a Ron of the Grand Dtiko
hudwlg IV and of Princess AIlco , second -
end daughter of Queen Victoria. Ho
tlllOIUi 011 the death
01 ms inuior , on Aiarcn ii ; , iaua. TIIO
grand duke married In 18 ! ) I PrlnccHfl
Victoria , daughter of Dulco Alfred of
Saxo-Cobiirg and Gotha , Bon of Queen
Victoria. In 1001 the high court of
House granted the duke a divorce be
cause of hlH wife's lively temper It
WIIK Hiild Hho WUH acctiHtomcd , when
dlHpIeiihi'd , to throw table thlngn or
brlc-a-brac at her husband. They had
ono daughter , Elizabeth , horn on
March 11 , 1895. She died two years
ngo. According to rumor the former
grand duchess wan secretly married
a few weekH ago to Grand Duke Cyril
Of HllSSln.
The brldo of today belongs to the
Llch branch of the Solms family. The
family IH closely allied to the rolgnlng
houses of Prussia , of Great Britain ,
and to several other sovereign dynas
ties of central Europe. Its members
trace their ancestry back In an un
broken line to Marqiiard I , Count of
Solms , In the year 1129 , and belong
to the mediatized or formerly reign
ing houses of Germany.
Princess Eleonnrc possesses the dis
tinction of being the only woman In
Germany upon whom has been con
ferred the Prusslin medal for saving
life. This honor was bestowed upon
her by Emperor William several years
ago as a result of an incident at Dres
den In which the princess displayed
great courage and presence of mind
In stopping a runaway horse mounted
by a lady who had lost control of her
frightened steed. The princess was
walking In the public gardens , when
suddenly she caught sight of the run
away Without an Instant's hesita
tion she threw herself at the head of
the frightened horse. She succeeded
In grasping the bridle and was
dragged about thirty yards before the
animal was stopped , sustaining seri
ous Injuries.
The Old FnHhlonrd Wife.
A preit.v young married woman said
to a friend the other day : "Mary Is
ucb an old fashioned wife. She has
such < | iieer notions nlmiit her duty to
her husbiind and home. Why. she de
clines all Invitations iinloxs ho Is in
eluded and never under any circuit
stance * Is away from home when be
rctuniH at night.
"Then hho always , gets up to break
fast with him and even goes so fur as
to propiue certain favorite dishes for
him instead of leaving such fussiness
to the cook. She does not go away In
the summer until ho Is able to go , too ,
and. In fact , she fusses over him ID
the must absurd fashion. "
After the pretty creature had van
ished to Join a party of friends at dinner
nor a Veilectlve mood stole over the
frleud. and she thought how much bet
ter It would be If there were more old
fashioned wires.