jjggjf jgjgfg fHgH fHHffHfffUHMmmmmmmfm mmmi imm i f r HE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL. NORFOLK , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , .JANUARY 27. 1JI05. FEELING DECIDEDLY CALMER AND NEWSPAPERS APPEAR. LABORERS RETURN TO WORK Troops Lined the Streets All Night to Protect the Returning Workmen and Patrol la Still Maintained Moscow I * Quiet Again. St Petersburg , Jan. 26 , 12:05 : p. m. The aspect of the city Is almost nor mal Oils morning nnd the feeling Is decidedly calmer. Several nowspa- papers have appeared. The authorities are following up tbo proclamation of last night and are doIng - Ing everything possible to quiet the public alarm. With the troops In the streets dur ing the night in accordance with the promise to protect all workmen who would return to work , the patrol still encircles the big Industrial establish ments. Moscow Is Quiet. Moscow , Jan. 20. The streets nro quiet this morning and the nowspa' pore , with tlio exception of three , re appeared. Trouble at Llbau. Llbau , Jan. 26. Workmen hero are being compelled to leave the factories ! and mlllo by the moro mllftant faction ' of the strikers. The telegraph lines have been damaged. FIRST BLOOD IN FINL/1 'Hy Thirty Persons Wounded by Cot. ' ' at Helslnnfors. Bt. Petersburg , Jan. 26. Contrary to expectation , the first move of the newly appointed governor general of St. Petersburg Is pacific In character. It takes the form of a proclamation , jointly signed by General Trepofl and M. Kokovsoff , the minister of finance , telling the strikers that they have been led Into trouble by evil-disposed persons and that tholr bcstjnterests will bo served by peaceful representa tions to the government. Tbe work men are also assured that the em peror has ordered the framing of cer tain laws for their benefit and the creation of a system of state Insur ance that will protect them from want in case of sickness or disability. The document will be followed eith t er by an imperial manifesto along the same lines , in the hope of preventing W the spread of the strike , or by specific proclamations by the local authorities wherever strikes are In progress. By promising to yield the question ot the hours of labor , which are now loCally - Cally eleven In Russia , the authorities believe they will meet the main griev ance of the workmen. This , together With the guarantee of protection , the authorities hope will Induce those strikers who are indifferent to pojlt- leal demands , and which class They de < clare constitute a great bulk of the men , to resume work. It Is certain many strikers were forced out against their wishes , but the general effect ot the proclamation is problematical. The fears of serious trouble in Mos cow were not realized. The only au thentlcated Instance of anything ap preaching violence there was in the dispersal of a crowd of about 3,000 workmen by Cossacks. So far as la known there was no casualties. From Finland anti-Russian demon etrations are reported , a collision be tween a crowd of 10,000 persons and troops and police resulting in the wounding of about thirty Finns. In Finland the agitation has nothing to do with the labor question , but la purely political in character. If a general movement breaks out among the Finns It Is likely to take the form of an armed uprising , as al most every Finn has a weapon In bis house. Various political , educational and mercantile bodies In Russia are adopting declarations in favor of an elective representative legislative body , and denouncing misrule under tbe autocracy. Thongh the strikes have boon spreading to various towns , the sltua tlon , while disquieting , is not acute anywhere. In several Baltic province towns there has been considerable disorder especially In Riga , where the military ere In complete possession. Sir Charles Hardlnge , the British minister , received from Captain Grove , tbe British consul at Moscow confirmation of the Associated Press dispatch from Moscow announcing the posting of a London telegram 1m putlng tbe disorders to British ant Japanese Influences , and he will ask explanations from Minister Lams dorff today. It Is not expected , bow ever , that the affair will lead to a so rloua diplomatic Incident , and it 1 thought the Russian government wll Blsavow responsibility for the course of Acting Chief of Police Roudenefl The dispatch to Ambassador Hard Inge makes no mention of Roudeneff'i offer to meet Captain Grove. Press Censor is Defied. London , Jan. 20. Some of the Lon Bon morning papers complain tha the Russian censorship of news dls patches has been rolmposod. Thos complaints are quite unjustified. Tba no real censorship la exercises la ov dent from Associated Press and othe dispatches which continue to comment with perfect freedom on tbo political Klluatlon For Instance , the Dally Telegraph's Bt. Petersburg dispatches this morn- ins say. "Russia Is cloven In twain and no human force can weld the parts together. On ono side stands the autocrat , whoso behests are still mechanically fulfilled by his army , which , however , Is a section of the people. On the other hand stands the entire nation , united In the Inten tion to dellvor Itself from a yoke which has now become unbearable" The correspondent declares that In the whole empire there IB but one of ilclal so loathed as TiepofT. and that Is General Klelghels of ICiofT , wlio may yet be minister of the Interior That , the correspondent says , alone proves that the autocracy has de clared war against tbu Russian nation He asserts that auests have been so numerous that the fortiesses and prisons ate overclouded Fighting at Helsingfors. Helslngfois , Finland , Jan. 21 ! . Al though the ciowds on the stieets were smaller , there was seveie light ing , Cossacks and police firing their revolveis. Some thlrfy persons note wounded , ot whom nine were taken to the hospital. " " NEW YORK'S POORER CLASSES FEEL COLD TERRIBLY. THEY HAD NOTHING TO WEAR < f 'taring Weather Today From Yester- 4Great Storm Brought Colder ° sy - Than New York Had ' ? / K ° < v'/ tr Years Zero Mark Limit ifj Now fork , Jan. 20. The clearing weather which followed the great term of yesterday brought Now York colder weather than It has experienced n many years. During the early lours the mercury reached the zero mark. Terrible suffering Is reported among residents ot the poorest quarters where there were thousands of men , women and children without sufficient ieat , clothing or food. Kansas City , Jan. 20. Tbe weather of the southwest has moderated today , the temperature having risen twenty degrees In the past twenty-four hours. Sight degrees above zero is the record here. LaCrosse , Wis. , Jan. 20. Today Is colder than yesterday , the thermom eter registering at the minimum of eighteen below. Des Molnea , Jan. 20. The cold snap ias been slightly broken here today , the temperateure being at four below this morning. New York , Jan. 26. Not since the blizzard of 18b8 , by which all stoima are estimated as great or small , baa New York bean so completely snow bound as it is today. The city ItseU is lying under a foot ofsnow , that in many places has been banked by the wind to a height of several feet. Sur face tiavel eaily in the day was abandoned , ovoibead transit was lr regular and slow and it remained foi the underground roads to carry home , BO far as they could reach within the city limits , the hundreds of thousands of workers from the downtown dis tricts. The entire coast line , from the Del awaio capes north , has been in the grasp of a storm , which , because o : the heavy fall of snow , intensity o : cold and tbe force of the gale , has ex ceeded in ueveiity anything exper ienced In years. Inland from Maine throughout the New England states and the middli Atlantic states , all reports indlcati a most complete winter tie-up. Fa Into the west there Is snow and a ro 'markably low temperature. Everywhere railroad traffic is de layed , reports of disasters to ship ping are coining In and with the rap Idly falling' thermometer much suf fering : must ensue. So severe was th storm in this city that even during the day hours several persons wen frozen to death or died from oxhaus tion. The hospitals , the police sta tlons and the House of Refuge an crowded to their capacity. On the New Haven road very few trains were dispatched , and thoa that arrived were from four to elgh hours late. The Boston express wa reported stalled In a snowdrift a Rye. This was the condition that pre Tailed on all roads entering : New Tork. Not a vessel of any kind has salle from or arrived In this port in mon than twenty-four hours and In th port of Boston only one vessel was re ported arriving , that a coaster. I dozen or more steamers now overdu bar * not been heard from. Along th coast of Maine and Massachusett eeveral schooners were reported ashore , but the calo gave warning : of Us coming , harbors were hastily found and there were many storm-bounrl fleets , but lying at anchor In safety. Grlllo Ousted From Presidency. Chicago , Jan. 26. After a heated contest J. E. Grlllo was ousted from tbo presidency of the American asso ciation and was succeeded by Joseph D , O'Brien of Milwaukee. ALEX PETERS WILL PROVE CAPABLE - ABLE OFFICIAL. IS VERY POPULAR AT HOME He Is One of the Early Settlers of the County Came There Years Ago and Was Later Four Times Elected Sheriff Once County Judge. Stanton Nob. , Jan. 20. Special to The News : Tlio announcement made nt Lincoln that our follow townsman Alex Peters had received the appoint ment of steward of the Norfolk asy lum was a matter of congratulation among the people of thin vicinity Irre spective of political limitation. Mr. Peters ciimo hero among the early settlers and took up a claim In what was then known as the Cana dian settlement In this county. Ho proved himself a successful farmer. Ho was elected by the republicans to tbo ofilco of county sheriff nnd re moved to the city of Stanton. Not withstanding that this is a county which under normal conditions re turns democratic majorities ho was thereafter four times re-elected. Fol lowing this ho was elected to the of flee of county Judge. Ho proved n very competent nnd popular ofilclal Ho then engaged In the cattle business for some years. Of late years ho has boon engaged In the real estate bus ! ness. Ho Is In every way competent to fill the position to which ho has been appointed and will undoubtedly successfully administer the affairs of his ofllce. It bad been announced In reports from Lincoln to state newspapers that Mr. Peters was n Chadron man. Nor folk nnd north Nebraska are glad to learn that bo Is ono of this locality. FIGHTING WITH LADRONES American Negroes in Filipino Band Which Kills Soldiers. Manila , Jan. 20. Additional details regarding the attack by ladrones on the town of San Francisco de Mala- bon , In which Contract Surgeon J. A. O'Neill was killed , show that the ladrones numbered 300. They were led by the famous outlaws Montalon and Felizardo , who were aided by two American negroes. The ladiones were armed with over 130 rifles. Besides Surgeon O'Neill , ono pri vate of the constabulary was killed and throe were seriously wounded. The home of former Governor Trias was attacked and his wife and two children abducted. The municipal treasury was looted of $2,000 and twenty-five Remington rifles were taken by the ladrones. The robbers were dressel in constabulary uniforms and this fact created considerable confusion. The scouts and tha constabulary now have the band surrounded at the pueblo of Perez Damarinas. There was four hours of fierce fightIng - Ing , tbo complete result of which has not yet been reported. In a battle In a river bed near Sllang between a detachment of scouts and constabulary and 100 of the ladrones , ten ladrones have been killed and seven taken prisoners. There have been no casualties among the scouts and constabulary. Severe fighting continues. The wife and two children of Gov ernor Trias , together with several na tlve women prisoners , were seen with the ladrones , but an attempt to res cue them was unsuccessful. Seek Light on Hock Case. St. Louis , Jan. 20. Chief of Detec tives Desmond detailed detectives to make an investigation of the storiea circulated to the effect that Johann Hock , under the alias of John Schulz , caused the death by poison of his wife , who formerly was Mrs. Mary Becker , here , In 1908. Mrs. Charles Relnhardt , the daughter of Mrs. Becker - er , has made a statement telling of the sudden illness and death of her mother not long after becoming the wife of John Schulz. She declared her belief that her mother's iTeath , which was attributed at the ttme to uraemia , was caused by poison. Mr. Relnhardt stated that the family now believed that Schulz and Johann Hock , for whom the Chicago police are looking , were the some person. Schulz departed soon after the death of his wife and has not been beard from since. Yellow Fever on Cruiser Boston. Panama , Jan. 20. A bulletin Issued by the American legation announced one death and six cases of suspected yellow fever on board thocrulser Bos ton. The sanitary staff Is Investigat ing : the causes and fumigating tbe hip. From July 18 to Jan. 20 eight ten cases and three deaths from yel low fever have been reported at Pan ama and Colon. Consecrate New Bishop , Detroit. Jan. 20. Rev. Charles B Woodcock , D. D. , was consecrated a bishop In St. John's Protestant Epls copal church , of which he has been factor for the past four and a half years. Bishop Woodcock has recently been elected bishop of tbe dtocoso of Kentucky and will take up his rest denct at Louisville. ZAGH MULHALLJOES TO PEN Found Guilty of Assault With Intent to Kill. St. LoulH , Mo. , Jan. 20. The Jury which trlud Xnch Mullwll , llvostock agent for the 'Frisco railway and a well known cattla man , charged with assault with Intent to kill , ban found him guilty. The jury anncmiod a punishment of tinoo yearn In the penitentiary. liruoHt Morgan WUH nliol while watching a light between Mulhall and Couday at n pike flhow In the world'H fulr luwl Juno. MISSOURI SENATORSHIP. No Change Today In the Balloting for a Senator There. Jefferson City , Mo , Jan. 20. The ballot for senator today roHiiltod : Cockrell 70 ; NIodrliiKhniiB 75 ; ICo- PUB 12 ; fKdilch ! 1 ; Tublm 1. Four Honatoru nnd four ropronenta- tlvea worn paired. The only change on today's ballot was that lloproson- atlvo WaniHloy , who yoBtorday voted 'or Goodrich , today voted for Tubbn. The scBBlon adjourned until toiuor- ow. POLICE OFFICER IS A DAD ONE. Summarily Removed for Malconduct In San Francisco. Son Francisco , Jan. 20. Mayor Schmlt has.caused a sensation hereby by Bummnrlly removing from office Police Commissioner S. W. Ilutton , alleging Improper conduct as an oill- clal. The mayor gives the date of the alleged conduct and names n young girl. Ilutton had been active recently In suppressing vice Ilutlon denies the charge. Lowers Auto Record. Ormond , Fla , Jan. 20. The tail-end of the northern blizzard swept down the Ormond-Daytona buach and while It chilled 5,000 spectators to the bone It did not prevent KOIIIO of the fas cars from smashing all of the woild's records. The ( list tare wan on mile , time lilals Louis S Ross. It : his twenty hoistpowet Mo.unoi , cov eied the nillo In I5S nut , one SCCOIK under the world's record made by Mr. Vanderbllt one yeai ago Mr Ross held the record hut a short tlnm Arthur E. MncDonald , In his ninety horse power car , crossed Uio mile tap In ' 34 4-f > U remained Tot H L- Bowden - den , In his 100-horse power car , t outstrip tlic flold It was but 34 1- seconds between the pistol reports o the start and the Hi/Jhj clipping the Vanilerhllt record down four and four- fifth seconds. Wagar Surrenders Himself. I Cleveland , Jan. 20. After defying the police through the night from he- hind barricades , George Wagar , who killed his brother , John , and later shot Policeman Klamnyer through Hie abdomen , finally surrendered after more than twenty shots had been flrod Into the Wagar residence , where the tragedy was enacted. When the officers entered the house they found the body of John Wagar lying In nn upstairs room with five bullet wout ds In the head. Wreck In California. Stockton , Cal , Jan. 20. Two pas- longer trains on the Santa Fo railway collided In a fog at Blum , forty-five miles west of Stockton. Several per sons were hurt , none fatally. The In jured , who were brought to Stockton , were oil able to proceed to their des tinations. The trains were No 41 and No. 0 , both bound for San Francisco No. C crashed Into the rear car of No 41 while the latter was taking a sid- Inc. throwing one car off the track. Boiler Explosion Kills Three. Terre Haute. Jan. 20. Lev ! Whit taker , Thomas Patterson and Horace Colvln were killed and George Davis fatally Injured In a boiler explosion that wrecked the engine rooms ' / the Standard Wheel company's plant The victims were all firemen em ployed In the boiler room. The causa of the explosion Is unknown. Ontario Liberals Defeated. Toronto , Ont. , Jan. 20. The Liberal government of the Hon. G. W. Rosa was overwhelmingly defeated at the polls , the vote standing : Conaorva lives , 09 ; Liberals , 29 , a majority ol 40 seats. Premier Ross retained his Beat by only thirty votes , while five of his ministers were defeated. Alleged Robbers on Trial. Peorla , Jan. 20. John Ormo , alias John Lane , and Theodore Brockway , alias Percy Warner , charged with robbing the Second National bank on Dec. 12 , were placed on trial In the criminal court The court room was crowded to the doors when the case was caMed. Revolution In Honduras. Mobile , Ala. , Jan. 20. Advices re ceived hero by the steamer Espana are to the effect that a revolution Is brewing at Puerto Cortcz and other parts of Spanish Honduras. The cor- eminent at Tegucigalpa has taken trenuouB steps to forestall an out break. NEBRASKA LEGISLATOR WOULD SEND PLAYERS TO PEN. JACKSON QET8 IN THE GAME Antelope County Representative In troduces Two Conotltutlonal Amend ments Fraternal Life Insurance Bills Introduced In House. Lincoln , Nob. , Jan. 20. If RoproHon- tutlvo Cuunlniham ; of Hamilton lmn hlH way , football will bo absolutely prohibited hereafter In Nohraoka. Ho lutioduced a bill today making It a crime to engage In the game or to aid or abet In Hit playing. The Unit of- fc'iino lii pniiliihablo by a Hue of from $50 to $100 , or thlity to ninety dajH In Jail. The iiucond offeitHo ciilln for Immuiemont In the penitentiary not lesH than ono year nor moro than two. Wilson of Pawnee added fuel to the fratoinal lumiiancn llamo by Inlio- during a bill to give actual inoinhurH of lodgea the power to break up the llfo Hhii't'iiroM now held In ceitaln or- leiH by cabnlB of olllconi. It provided i leproHoutatlvo HyHtom of govern' uetit which given the inemberB nn nc mil majority In the executive council nnd pormltR them to amend the con ntltutlon. Jackson of Antelope Introduced two constitutional amendments. Ono pro- vldon for Hovon Bupromo court Judges , four to bo elected next year and ono every seven yearn thereafter. The other pavon the way for n Juvonllo court by giving the loglBlaturo power to establish other courts than now exist. First Hanging In 15 Years , Cumberland , Md. , Jan. 20. Arrange monIn bavo boon completed for the hanging hero tomorrow of Sidney Johnson , colored. It will bo the first hanging hero In fifteen years. John son was convlcttd of killing two colored orod mon In a dispute over a game o cards. New Library at Berkeley. Berkeley , Cnl. , Jan. 20. Interesting oxorclBOB accompanied the forma ! opening today of the now Carnegl library. The principal addresses wor delivered by Superintendent o : Schools Waterman and Professor I J. Richardson of the University o California. SCENES OF BLOODSHED EXPECTED Troops Being Rushed to the Scene of Hungarian Elections. Vioana , Jun 20-The piuilamentary elections which will begin in Hun gary today , ate expected to take place amid scenes of rioting and hlouiKhud unequalled in anj previous campaign A state of terrorism Is sure to prevail - vail throughout tbo country Premier Tlsza is determined to make an end of parliamentary obstruction and the opposition paitlcb aio equally re solved to defeat the piemlers pur pose. The question of revising the rules of patiliiinentary ptocediiro is the only one put before the electorate The campaign already has cost sev eral lives , the latest victim being Prince Feulinand of Bulgaria's pri vate huntsman , Michael Krapusnak , who was shot during a ( lent between rival parties at Polnva. Preparatory to today's polling special tralnloads of troops have been sent to Hungary from all parts of Austria. Firemen Caught Beneath Falling Wall New York , Jan. 20. While the worst storm of many winters howled around them , a do/.cn fire companies , under the personal direction of Chief Crokor , for eight hours fought a stub born fire In Kips bay brewery. All the men suffered Intensely from long exposure to the chilling blasts and five of them were moro or less seri ously hurt by being caught beneath a falling wall. Tbo firemen worked under most discouraging and trying conditions. Flying spray froze the moment It touched their garments and long before the flra was con trolled many of thorn resembled huge Icicles. The financial loss is placed at about $150,000. Fire Destroys Oil Mills. Memphis , Tenn. , Jan. 20. The plant of the Valley Oil mills , located at the foot of Llmfen street and the river , was destroyed by fire , entailing a loss estimated at $150,000. The in surance is $110,000. A negro employe is missing and as ho was seen to civ ter the burning stiucture , be probablj perished. Fifteen Killed In French Quarry. Paris , Jan 20. Fifteen men have been killed owing to the breaking of the cable supporting the cage In which they were being brought to the surface at the Rennalssanco slate quarry near Angers. The cage dropped 450 feet. Captain William Carter Dead. New York , Jan. 20. Captain Will lam Carter , aged sixty-eight , a once famous horseman , for whom the Carter tor handicap at the spring meet at tbe Aqueduct race track was named died with apoplexy , practically pennl Ices. THE CONDITIONS ; THE WEATHER Temperature for Twenty-four Hours. Forecast for Nebraska. Condition of the weather nn record ed for the 21 hoitni ending at 8 n. m. today : Maximum C Minimum 4 Average 0 Total anowfall for month 11.50 Total precipitation for mouth . . .07 llarometer 30.22 Chicago , Jan. 20. The bulletin In- Biied hy the Chicago station of the United Statoti weather bureau thla morning , given the forecast for No- hiatikn an follows : I'm My cloudy tonight and Friday. Wiirmor oiint poitlon tonight. Colder Fi I day. Physicians to Meet. Cincinnati , O. , Jan. 20. There will bo u huge gathering of mudlcal men hot a next \\eok for the annual conven tion of the Alpha Kappa Kappa frater nity. The iiocloty ban twonty-novon ehaptorB , and mon of prominence will attend ftom all paitn of the country. lOlaboiato proparntlonii are being made or the reception and entertainment t the vlultoru. LODGE SAYS MEASURE IS AIMED AT GENERAL MILES. BPOONER CALLS IT COWARDLY till Is Criticised In Sharp Language , but Action on the Measure Goes Over for One Day Proceedings of the House. Washington , Jan. 20. In connection with tl j consideration of the army appropriation bill , tbero was an ani mated discussion in the senate of the assignment of General Mlles to ecr- vloo In charge of the Massachusetts tate militia. Tlio controversy was begun by Lodge , who criticised In harp language the provision of the army bill prohibiting the awarding of extra pay or allowances to ratlrod offlcora asnlgnod to actlvo aorvlco when they exceed thono of a major on the actlvo list. Ledge declared the provision was directed at General Mlles and was most unfair. Lodge , Proctor , Platt ( Conn. ) , Spoonor , Bai ley , Patterson , Carmack and Money took part In the debate which fol lowed. Spooner , Platt and Money contended that the cnactmont would have the effect of limiting the sal aries of all retired officers assigned to actlvo duty to a major's pay retard- less of rank. Spoonor contended the paragraph was an Indirect effort to prevent the assignment to active ser vice of general otllcors and denounced It as "cowardly. " Several amendments were suKgeit- ed , but action on them and on the provision went over for the day. Some- 200 pension hills weie passed. Favor Allotment of Tribal Funds. Washington , Jan. 20. The board of Indian commissioners , in annual ses sion here , have prepared a bill for Introduction In congtesa at this ses sion piovldlng for the allotment to the credit of thj Indians Individually of the Indian mbal trust funds now hold lu the treasury. These funds ag- gregate approximately $30,000.000. Under this general measure , it is pro posed that the money , when convert ed from tribal funds to Individual holdings , shall not bo paid to the In dians at once , unless the wisdom of such a course should be apparent In some cases , but each Indian shall be credited with the amount he would be entitled to If the funds were actual ly distributed , interest to bo contin ued. Charges Against Goodnow. Washington , Jan. 26. Representa tive Hughes ( N J. ) Introduced a resolution elution directing the committee on Judiciary "to inquire and report whether the action of this house la requisite concerning the otllcial mis conduct of John Goodnow , judge of the United States consular court at Shanghai , China and sa\ whether th said judge has been guilty of corrupt conduct In office and whether the ad ministration of his offlce has resulted In Injury and wrongs to litigants iw his court. " Will Submit Protocol to Senate. Washington , Jan 26 It can be stated by authority that it Is and has been the purpose of the administra tion before taking any action towards carrying out the agreement Just con cluded with Santo Domingo to sub mit such agreement or protocol to the United States senate for Its approval. Commander nilllngham Is understood to have sailed from San Domingo city for homo He will come by way of Cuba , bringing with him the text of the agreement Proceedings of the House. Washington. Jan. 20. The house passed the District of Columbia and the military academy appropriation bills. Except for a speech by Baker ( N. Y. ) , bitterly assailing the pro tective tariff policy of the Republican party , the proceedings were iTSvold of Interest. The agricultural appro priation bill was reported by Wads- worth.