The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 20, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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r ' i \\IL A , \
Mustang Liniment
curort CUH , IluriiH ,
Mustang Liniment
ourott SpruliiM unit Strulnt * .
Mustang Liniment
IN u poHhlvo euro for J'llcH.
Finally Convicted , After Many Dattles
In the Courts , Lnmb Was Put De-
hind the Darn Now He Has Deen
Released on a Pardon.
Albion , Nob. , .Inn. 111. Special to
The NOWH : When the IIOWH readied
lioro that Mike Liunb , tlio fainoiifl cattle -
tlo niHtlor , had boon pardoned out of
tlio state penitentiary , oxcltomont pro-
vallod and a grout fooling against the
governor's action In tlilH matter was
demonstrated In thin community.
Men besieged the court house to learn
tlio particulars of the matter from
County Attorney Sponr who hail re
ceived telephone Information from
Attorney Doyle of Lincoln In regard
to It
Tlio name of Mike Lamb , to tlio people -
plo of tills locality , resounds with
deeds of high handed cattle stealing.
Ho was the recognized lender of a
band of cattle rustlers who operated
In this part of the stnto for years
past. Doono , Wheeler and Orooloy
counties and the adjoining territory
was the locality worked by thorn and
their headquarters scorned to bo In
the vicinity of the Lamb farm which
Is situated about twenty miles west
of hero. During the tlmo that this
gang has boon stealing cattle two men
have mot their deaths and pitched bat
tles have boon fought between the out
laws and the authorities.
Suits have been brought against this
man Lamb In both Oreoloy and Uoono
counties and at the tlmo that ho was
convicted In Qreoloy for stealing cat
tle a suit was pending In the district
court here against him. It was agreed
at the tlmo that they try the case In
Oreoloy county no thnt the expense
of bringing the witnesses to Albion
might bo saved as nearly all of them
lived In Greeley.
It was a relief to tlio people In Hhls
part of Nobrnskn when It wns found
that the famous Mlko Lnmb was , at
last , safe behind the prison burs for
ho had fought CHSO after case In the
courts to good ofiVet and had also
served one term of two yours In the
penitentiary. So It Is not without
cause thnt the law abiding cltl/ons
are up In arms berauso of this pur-
Seovral of the loading mou of the
town have boon hoard to assort thnt
they would furnish funds for the pur
pose of renrrestlng and convicting this
criminal on some of the other numer
ous charges thnt arc hold against him.
Some rumor of a "necK tlo partv" Is
also current In the event that this cattle -
tlo stealing business Is resumed. A
general disgust Is expressed at the
action taken by the governor In this
pardon and Irrespective of political
Ideas nil are condemning this act.
Thnt the people In the vicinity of
Codnr Itnplds and Oreoloy are also
very Indlgnnut Is undoubtedly true
' and If they had boon consulted on this
proposition It Is very doubtful wheth
er or not one person could have boon
found In either place thnt would have
senctionod this unreasonable action.
V. E. Ollnc wn * up from Columbus
David Larson ofVahoo was In Nor
folk yesterday.
Robert Anderson of Wayne was In
Norfolk yesterday.
B. D. Currier of Albion was a Nor
folk visitor yosiordny.
Z. II. Oonnott of Long Pine was a
Norfolk visitor yesterday.
E. H. Charron of Bloomfleld was a
Norfolk visitor yesterday.
Mrs. K. 0. Hitchcock of Pierce vis
ited In Norfolk yesterday.
Tllton Dutcher wus a Norfolk vis
itor from Plorco yesterday.
Miss Josephine Stark was In the
city yesterday from Pierce.
John Johnson ofVausn lnul busi
ness In the city yesterday.
Miss E. Jackson was In Norfolk yes
terday from Newman Grove.
II. O. Romlg of Nollgh was hero
yesterday to visit his brother Max.
W. II. Fullerton was a business vis
itor to Norfolk yesterday from Bloom-
r N. D. Doleson and son , Fred , are at
present visiting relatives In Kansas
, Miss Ethel White has gene to WaS -
S hob to spend Sunday with her aunt ,
'Mrs.'W. R. Mitchell.
Mrs. Vannonburg of Spaulding and
Mrs. II. J. Hill of Monroe were visit
ors to Norfolk yesterday.
Supreme Judge J. B. Barnes has ro
tang Liniment
In HMO litiMivi'i nlxiy years.
Mustang Liniment
cures Spavin ami Klngliono.
Mustang Liniment
ctiroH nil forms ofKhunnmtlHin.
turned from Lincoln , where ho at
tended ( he recent session of the supreme
premo court.
,1. ( ' . Cloland , ox-proslilont of the
State Volunteer Flrcmon'H associa
tion. Is In the ) city In the Interest of
the big K. P. mooting on the LTith of
this month.
10. A. Itullouk returned last night
from Omaha , where he attended the
convention of the Neb rsnaaondklbc
convention of the Nebraska and Iowa
Implement dealers.
W. M. Robertson returned last
night from Lincoln , whore ho had
been on business. At noon today ho
went to Meadow Orovo whore , with
his son , 8. D. Robertson , ho tried a
lawsuit today. Mr. Robertson returns
tonight to bo present at the meeting
of the commercial club.
A special meeting of the Queen City
HOBO company Is called for tonight.
A now daughter has arrived at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. I ) . W. Caldwoll.
Attend the mooting of the commer
cial club at the city hall tonight at 8
A boy was born at the homo of Mr.
and Mrs. Will Wltman , northwest of
Ilndar , yesterday.
"Oughtn't the man to bo hung , "
asked a business man this morning ,
"who darca to ask If it Is cold enough
for you ? "
The West Side Whist club enjoyed
r. very delightful mooting at the homo
of Mr. and Mrs. David Damn on Nor
folk avenue last night
The Commercial club moots tonight
to consider n street railway proposi
tion. If you are Interested In Norfolk
you are Interested In this proposition.
Therefore you should bo present.
The Commercial club will meet to
night at the city at 8 o'clock sharp to
consider a street railway proposition.
Everyone Interested In advancing
Norfolk should bo there.
Morris Mayor , formerly of this city
but lately manager of a largo whole
sale house In Chicago , has returned
to Nebraska. Ho Is at Albion whore
ho will engage In the dry goods busi
ness with Mr. Decker , father of Mrs.
Reports from O'Neill state now that
the published articles In which it was
said that depositors In the defunct
Elkhorn Valley bnnk at O'Neill want
ed their money back , and that they
would likely accept the proposition
of Mrs Hagorty , were bnsod on false
letters from depositors. The letter of
Mrs. Nora Sullivan was forged , Mrs.
Sullivan snys. It Is said now thnt the
depositors do want the guilty parties
The Knights of Pythias of this dls-
ti > lcl are to have nn opou meeting in
NorfolkIn Odd Fellows hull , Wednes
day ovonlng. January 2Gth. to which
the general public Is Invited. Rov.
L. P. Ludden , former chaplain of
the stnto senate , will bo the speaker.
The gentlemen are asked to bring
' tholr Indies. At the close of the open
'meeting initiation In throe ranks will
tnlu > phico and the set-rot work will be
oNomplllled by Ornnd Chancellor Kll-
If spooks and hobgoblins and disas
ter and hard luck do not stalk unmo
lested through the world today It
will not be because there Is not n
combination of Friday and the thir
teenth of the month that should ac
complish the end. If there Is supersti
tion at nil regarding the unlucky day
of the week and the unlucky day of
the month that Is what the world is
against today. There are however ,
those who claim that the combination
Is fortunate for them and such will
probably undertake to swing in a for
tune today. The first piece of bad
luck drawn by the people was the low
temperature , the mercury Indicating
a very low and frigid temperature.
No Poison In Chamberlain's Cough
From Napier , Now Zealand , Herald :
Two years ago the pharmacy bonrd of
New South Wales. Australia , had nn
analysis mndo of nil the cough medi
cines thnt were sold In thnt market.
Out of the entire list they found only
one that they declared was entirely
free from nil poisons. This exception
wns Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ,
mndo by the Chamberlain Medicine
company , Dos Molnes , lown , U. S. A.
The absence of nil narcotics makes
this remedy the safest and host thnt
can bo had ; and It Is with a fooling of
security that any mother can give It
to her little ones. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is especially recom
mended by Its makers for coughs ,
colds , croup and whooping cough.
When taken In time It prevents pneu
monia. This remedy Is for snlo by
Leonard the druggist.
Special Barglns Jn Land.
SO-acro tract , Improved land ; fine
location , close In , near town , price and
terms right. G. R. Seller.
Mustang Liniment
I'm * Man , Ltuast or I'onltry.
Mustang Liniment
licalH Old Sores quickly.
Mustang Liniment
cureH Caked Ucldcr In cowa
Today Brought the Record for the
Past Three Years In the Cold
Weather Line , and It Brought the
Highest Pressure Ever Known Here
[ From Friday's Dally. ]
Twenty-six degrees below zero was
the minimum temperature as record
ed by the United States government
thermometer in this city up until 8
o'clock this morning and today Is the
most Bovorcly frigid that has been
known In Norfolk or the northwest
within a period of three years. The
only day during the three years which
was as cold as It is today , was Jan
uary 27 , 1901 , when the mercury sank
down to twenty-nine degrees below
The warmest weather thnt was re
corded all day yesterday , was an oven
zero mark. The mercury did not rlso
In its iny tube above that mark all
day long , and was only as high as zero
for a brief space of the afternoon , be
tween 2 o'clock and 4. Having been
enabled by the radiant heat of the
golden sun to crawl up to the zero
spot , the llttlo long cylinder of quick
silver got scared , slunk away , drooped
Its head and darted back to Its for
mer haunts.
Highest Barometer Ever.
Another remarkable fact in connec
tion with today's abnormal weather
Is the extremely high barometeV. So
heavy was the atmosphere tljiit Its
weight sent the mercurial guage high
up into the tube 30.50 Inches high.
Never before within the memory of
Dr. P. II. Snltor , who hns chnrgo of
the gunge In Norfolk , hns the barom
eter boon so high. It is probably the
highest barometer in the United States
today , ns heavier air than this Is a
very rnro thing on this planet.
A high barometer indicates thnt the
nlr is heavy. It Is so cold nntl so com
pactly pressed together thnt all of the
moisture Is squeezed out. It Is crisp ,
clean , pure nlr and Is packed together
because It Is cold.
People llttlo realized how severely
chilly It wns until they consulted the
thonnomotrlo mercury , for with ab
solute calm the frigidity wns not
blown Into humanity In the same dis
tressing fashion that accompanies a
windy day of cold.
The sky has boon perfectly cloudless -
loss , and the smoke from dozens of
big chimneys and smokestacks curled
around aimlessly , not knowing Into
which direction it ought to go , and
having no place to go but up. Part
of the smoke wandered south and
part of it east this morning , indicat
ing the perfectly windless weather
thnt it is.
Congressman Selected by His Party
for the Exalted Position Is Approved
by the Legislature Today In Sepa
rate Session ,
( From Tuesday's Daily. ]
Lincoln , Nob. , Jan. 17. In separate
session Elmer J. Burkett , republican ,
was today elected senator from Ne
braska to succeed United States Sen
ator Dietrich.
Rosebud Lands for Sale Cheap.
If you wish the best bargains in
claims that have ever been offered or
Mustang Liniment
Uesl for IIofHu ullmeiitH.
Mustang Liniment
Uest for Cattle alluictita.
Mustang Liniment
Beat for Sheep ailments.
ever will bo offered you again , coma
and see us within the next thirty days
or before settlement Is made upon
thorn. Wo can soil you line level
claims from two to six miles from
good towns for from $1100 to $500 , and
can sell you good claims farther from
town for from $200 to $100. These
claims are equal In quality to farms
adjoining the reservation that are sell
ing for from $3,000 to $5,000.
Come now If you wish to take ad
vantage of these bargains.
Richard-Owen & Co. , opposite city
hall , Itonestcol , S. D.
.lorry Smolich ,
Bohemian land Agt.
Welcome a Son.
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Collamer wel
comed a bouncing baby boy to their
homo In this city last night
Columbus Will Undoubtedly Prove a
Royal Host and Make the Boys Glad
That They Attended Norfolk Will
Rank High With Visitors.
In their special car , fully uniformed
and bobadged and with the coach an
nouncing to the world who its occu
pants were with largo lettered ban
ners occupying the full length of
space the Norfolk delegation of about
thirty fireman left over the Union Pa
cific railway for Columbus to attend
the annual session of the Nebraska
State Volunteer Firemen's associa
tion which meets in that city this year.
The session opens today for a three-
days' meeting during which the best
at the disposal of the people of Col
umbus will be given the boys. Other
Inrge delegations will attend from oth
er towns and cities but the Norfolk
delegation expects to rank well up
among the top notchcrs in appearance
and numbers. An Interesting program
hns been prepared and Columbus pro
poses to make the firemen glad they
came and anxious to come again.
Harry Loder Sells Stock to James F.
Walton of Walnut , la.
The Trocndoro has changed hands.
James F. Walton , a well-to-do citizen
from Walnut , Iowa , has purchased the
stock and business from the former
proprietor , Hurry Lodor. Mr. Walton
will soon arrive to take charge of the
business. His son Is already in the
city. Mr. Lodor has been In Norfolk
as owner of the Trocndero for the
pnst seven years and has made a
largo number of friends among men.
of the city. Previous to that time ho
was on the road ns traveling sales
man , through the northwest. He has
not yet determined just what his fu
ture plans shall bo. It is possible that
ho may arrange to continue his resi
dence In Norfolk , with headquarters
here for a territory In which he may
travel. Mr. Lodor Is well known
among the traveling men and his suc
cess in that line Is assured. He has
made the Trocadero well and favor
ably known during his ownership.
For Wrestling Championship.
New York , Jan. 18. John Plenlng ,
the "Butcher Boy , " is confident that
he will regain the Graeco-Roman
wrestling championship from H. II.
Egebberg , the "Giant Dane , " when the
two come together on the mat in the
Grand Central palace tonight. On the
occasion of their previous bout In
this city Ploulng lost the title to Ege-
berg. That contest was one of the
most sensational over seen In this
city , and the men appeared so evenly
matched that a return meeting be
tween them wns demanded by the
many followers of the sport Both
have been training faithfully for sev
eral weeks and appear to bo In the
pink of condition for tonight's go.
Mrs. J. D. Sturgeon Hears of Accident
in Her Crelghton House.
Mrs. J. D Sturgeon hns received
word of nn accident in her house at
Crolghton. The wntor pipes that fed
through the rnngo to furnish hot wa
ter became frozen and when the heat
of the fire that had been started
thawed the pipes and admitted the
water to the hot range steam was gen
erated and there was nn explosion.
The accident took place yesterday
Try our Now York buckwheat flour.
Feed store , Pacific block.
Mustang Liniment
limbers tip StlfTJolnts ,
Mustang Liniment
penetrates to the very bouo.
Mustang Liniment
always gives satisfaction *
Miss Jacobson , the 18-Year-Old Daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Jacobson ,
Who Was So Brutally Murdered ,
Was Burled Near Home Today.
Noligh , Neb. , Jan. 17. Special to
The News : The funeral of Miss Car-
rlo Jacobson , the 18-year-old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Jacobson , who
was so brutally murdered whllo she
slept In her bed yesterday morning ,
was held today at the llttlo Grecian
Bend church west of hero. The ser
vice was conducted just at noon by
Rov. Mr. Williams.
The body of the murderer and sui
cide , Andrew Nelson , was taken to
Clearwater yesterday by his uncle and
the burial took place at that place to
R. C. Woler was up from Pllger Sun
Thos. Lug of Tilden was in the city
J. L. Burns of Crelghton was In the
city today.
G. B. Taylor of Hadar was In the
city Sunday.
A. W. Llnke was down from Hos-
klns Saturday.
Geo. Buckmastcr wns a city visitor
from Onkdnle.
AJ. . Howe was n city visitor from
St. Edward today.
Wm. Piepenstock wns in the city
from Wayne Sunday.
T. D. Duffshey was a visitor from
Battle Creek Sunday.
H. F. Moore and family of Schuyler
were In Norfolk Sunday.
L. L. Shaffer of Plalnvlew was a
Sunday visitor in Norfolk.
W. M. Olmstead of Neligh was in
the city , greeting old friends.
Frank Berry of Wayne visited over
Sunday nt the home of E. P. Olmstead.
Miss Lizzie Preuss of Meadow
Grove was a Sunday visitor In Nor
Christ Mohr , E. Mohr and G. W.
Mohr of Osmond and Ernest Mohr of
Pierce were In the city Saturday.
P. H. Stacey , formerly of Louisville ,
Ky. , who has recently located at
Crelghton , wns In the city yesterday.
John Lake was over from Wayne.
Chns. Linn was over from Ilosklns.
John O'Neill of Tilden was In the
Frank Pilger of Stnnton was in
Chas. Craig of Laurel was In town
I. G. Miller was over from Wayne
James Stephens was in the city
from Carroll.
E. II. Tracy made a business visit
to Pierce today.
Mrs. P. C. Marsch is in the city to
day from Orchard.
J. W. Kornlek was down from Bat
tle Creek yesterday.
Elmer Hunt was a city visitor yes
terday from Nlobrara.
H. C. Blarleon was In Norfolk yes
terday from Humphrey.
Misses James and Mayer of Stanton -
ton attended the opera.
J. E. Thomas of Neligh had busl
ness In Norfolk yesterday.
F. Moore came down from Crelgh
ton on the early train today.
W. H. Newman and John Erlcson
were Norfolk visitors yesterday from
Henry Lessman was a Norfolk vis
Itor yesterday from Wayne.
Sheriff J. J. Clements was In the
city yesterday on oulcial business.
H. N. Miller and A. H. Loebe were
In the city over night from Stanton.
Rov. Father O'Driscoll of Blair was
a guest of FRather Walsh yesterday.
Miss Freda Baker of Stanton came
up for the play and will return today.
F. W. Ulolcht was up from West
Point yesterday.
Miss Nelllo O'Neill was In Norfolk
from Battle Creek.
Jacob Forester of Butte was a City
visitor yesterday.
Mrs. E. Tanner and daughter were
down from Battle Creek.
Ben Jeffers of Bonesteel trnnsncted
business here yesterday.
F. A. Milker and C. G. Texley were
up from tSnnton yesterdny.
Al Marks cnme up from Stnnton to
join the Norfolk delegation to Colum
H. E. Buckmaster , Mrs. J. M. Buck-
master and Fr. Ems were Saturday
visitors to Norfolk from Crelghton.
Bank Examiner Kline of MInden
was in the city yesterday to examine
the Norfolk National bank. Ho found
Mustang Liniment
cures Frostbites and Chilblain *
Mustang Liniment
Best tiling lor a lamu liorsc *
Mustang Liniment
drives out all inflammation.
the affairs of the bnnk In excellent
Ed Harter returned at noon from
Nollgh. He was there when news of
the dual tragedy at the Jacobson
homo was brought to town and says
that there was considerable excite
ment over the affair.
Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler of Plorco are
visiting their friend , Mrs. C. C. Far
ley of this city.
Arthur Kern Is homo from Stanton
whore he has been visiting with rel
atives for the past two weeks.
P. II. Green , F. C. Cnloy and E. R.
Storey of Crelghton were in the city
.A. 0. Ho well was down from Nollgh.
Margaret O'Neill , Belle Dufphey ,
Miss Richardson and George Schnoll
of Battle Creek took in the opera last
F. II. Dayton of Portland , Oregon ,
Is a guest at the home of W. H. Butter-
field. He is a nephew of Mrs. But-
C. A. Johnson , vice president of the
Nebraska National bank , was In the
city this morning. Ho returned to
Fairfax this afternoon.
Water Commissioner H. LSpauld -
ing has not been able to bo nt his office -
fice for a week past and much of his
work has been conducted by City
Clerk McFarland. The commissioner
has had a telephone , No. A 145 put
in at his homo and ho Is able thereby
to transact some of the business ot
his office as well ns to care for the
work as financier of the A. O. U. W.
His many friends hope to se him able
to soon again attend to his office du-
The West Side Whist club will meet
with Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Boas on
Thursday evening.
Lincoln Star : The walking Is good
at Norfolk , but the town , wants a
street car system and is bound to
have it.
Special services in the Presbyterian
church at Osmond closed Sunday
night. Rev. S. F. Sharpless ot this
city prenchcd there during the week.
The Ladies Aid society of the Con-
gregntlonal church will meet Thursday -
day afternoon with Mrs. C. D. Sims
at 2:30 o'clock. Ladles of the con-
gregatlon are invited to be present.
When in Omaha a few days ago , C.
D. Jenkins fell on the Iron steps of the
Millard hotel and Injured his back
quite seriously. Since his return home
ho has been confined to the house
with a regular place on the Invalid
The sugar factory at Ames closed
the season last Saturday after a run
of 115 days of twenty-four hours each.
Fourteen million pounds of sugar was
produced from 51,000 tons of 'beets
and it is estimated thnt the fnctory
made a net profit of about $400,000.
Tlio Junior promenade In the Nebraska -
braska university will be held February -
ary 10. The ball will be as usual at
the Lincoln hotel. An innovation on
the part of the management has been
inaugurated this year In the shape of
Invitations to members old and new.
The almanac promises two eclipses
this year , visible to the people of the
United States. A partial eclipse of
the moon will take place on August
11 and 15 , nnd a total eclipse of the
sun visible here as a partial eclipse
will take place on August 30 , the sun
rising eclipsed.
The drawing on the hand painted
Jnrdinler which was offered by Trinity -
ity ladies was held at the Leonard
drug store. A committee of G. J.
Hahn , Mrs. G. J. Hahn and H. R. Ward
supervised the drawing. Ticket No.
2 was drawn out by Mrs. Hahn.
Charles Gerecke held the mate and re-
celved the prize.
W. W. Cole , manager of the telephone -
phone office at Neligh , was the first
man to be informed that murder had
been done at the Grecian Bond yesterday -
terday morning. Shortly after 1
o'clock he was awakened by a sharp
ring of the telephone bell , and was
informed of what had taken place.
Ho notified the coroner at Orchard
that the dual tragedy had occurred ,
and requested that the officer come at
once for the inquest which was held
at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
Building improvements at Osmond
are going on rapidly. J. B. Tupper's
new block50x80 feet , is finished. Dr.
Crystal occupies the south room with
a drug store and G. W. Mitchell the
other portion with a general store.
Up-to-date pinto glnss windows , fur-
nnco and acetylene gas form a portion -
tion of the modern arrangements.
The Farmers' state bank building , the
same size , will bo ready for occupancy -
cy March 1. The corner room will be
occupied by the bank and the south
room by Freedom's general store.
This Is a two-story structure and the
upper floor will bo
used for lodge pur-
poses. The lot south of the Cupper
block will bo occupied by a large
brick building which will bo put up
by E. Uecker and occupied by Turner -
nor & Peterson ns a ment market