The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 20, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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Almost Every-Pupil Who Has Taken
a Full Course Now Holds a Profit
able Pos'Ulon ' at Congenial Employ
ment A Fine School Room.
The young man and young woman
of Norfolk and north Nebraska have
convenient to them an institution of
learning that is prepared to and will
elevate them from drudgery to conge
nial nnd proiltablo employment and
that institution is the Norfolk busi
ness collcgo occupying the third lloor
of the Cotton block and presided over
by Mr. C. H. Brake ns principal and
Mrs. Brake ns assistant. It has prov
en its capability in this direction and
will continue to bo of advantage to
ambitious young people as long ns it
endures. Many young people not
aware of its advantages are neglect
ing the golden opportunity for prepar
ing themselves for a life work of
clean and high character.
During its brief existence the Nor
folk business college has established
an enviable reputation in the accom
plishments of its pupils. Behind bank
counters , in counting rooms in rail
road ofllces , largo manufacturing
plants , business houses and other in
dustries are found the pupils of the
Norfolk college , receiving excellent
salaries at agreeable work. Of the
pupils who have finished the course
it IB not an exaggeration to say that
ninoty-flvo per cent nnd better are
now well employed at good wages and
In steady situations. Thirty per cent
of the pupils who have taken instruc
tion at the school are employed , but
the best results are shown by these
who have completed the course. Six
pupils hold positions in banking hous
es , two are employed in St. Paul ,
Minn. , one in Denver and one in Oma
ha and soon there will be scattered
over the country in all lines of Im
portant achievement men and women
who were fitted for their duties in the
Norfolk school. Flattering reports
como from the pupils now out Their
work averages with the best of them
and better then most of other clerks
and employes in similar lines of en
deavor. The achievements of the
school are as good as of any business
college In the state. Some offer more
and make greater bluster , but the Nor
folk college is fitting its pupils for
their chosen work while others are
talking of what they can do , but fail
in the proof.
Professor Brake is a thoroughly
competent instructor as is also Mrs.
Brake. They have had years of ex
perience in public school work and
fe- also In the special branches that they
now teach and are fully qualified to
reach the needs of the ambitious young
man and woman. Mr. Brake says it is
astonishing what a fifteen-months'
business course will accomplish to
ward brightening up and fitting for
business pupils who have attended
the public schools . In the Norfolk
college individual attention is devot
ed to the pupils in a much larger de
gree than in some of the large schools
of a similar character. Each one Is
instructed according to his individual
requirements Instead of being placed
in large classes where he must catch
on the fly what instruction is given
out to the entire student body.
Then , too , the work is made conge
nial. There are pleasant rooms and
Interesting companionships. The first
three weeks is said to mean hard
work and earnest concentration of
thought but after that the work Is
easy and it is a flattering comment on
the Norfolk school that the pupils who
get well started in the work usually
stick and enjoy every moment that
they are in the school room.
In other schools and other towns
the pupils pay more for board , greater
tuition and larger incidental expenses
and got half the attention that is giv
en In the Norfolk college.
Board is very reasonable In Nor
folk , the railroads make it a conve
nient point for the attendance of
young men and women from all over
north Nebraska and it is hoped that
in a few years the attendance at the
Norfolk business college will include
everyone seeking the instruction that
is there given in the entire territory
contingent to the city. There Is op
portunlty awaiting the young men and
young women who can take this In
struction and there is no better or less
expensive place to secure the learn
ing than in the Norfolk business col
Everything required in a business
life is taught , the following studies
being pursued in the regular business
course :
Book-keeping , rapid mathematical
calculations , business practice , ofllce
drill , commercial arithmetic , banking ,
business correspondence , corporation
and Toucher accounting , penmanship ,
commercial law , practical grammar ,
In the shorthand and typewriting
course the following studies nro
taught :
Gregg shorthand , touch typewriting ,
business correspondence , grammar ,
practical offlco work , manifolding letter -
ter copying , epolllng , legal forms , plain
Den Deemer Tells What Led to His
Attack on Paul Dryant.
Hen Bccmor tiikoa exceptions to The
News' nccount of the gallery disturb *
mco In tlio Auditorium the otlicr
light at the piny "The Heart of Chicago
cage , " and it IB conceded tlint per
haps lie was not the chief offender in
the net not on the program after the
facts have been related. Mr. Beemcr
md his wlfo at the performance and
directly back of her sat Paul Dryant.
"Dryant placed bis feet on the back
of the seat In which my wife sat , "
said Mr. Dcomor , "and Bhe having on
i neatly laundered waist naturally re
sented the familiarity. I told the
young man man to take his feet down.
IIo replied , 'I don't have to , ' and 1
proceeded to demonstrate the fact
that ho did have to by hitting him. "
Mr. Ucomor feels that ho was Justi
fied In the action and would do it over
igaln If occasion offered and undoubt-
cdluy popular sentiment would uphold
him In it even If the law did not ap
Dattle Creek.
Joseph Brozok shipped a carload of
liogs Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kooster were
Norfolk visitors Friday.
Win. Dustcod of Madison visited
hero Tuesday with E. P. Hans.
Fred Fuorst , r. , and his boys har
vested Ice last week for their private
W. F. Hcavis was shelling his im
mense corn crop on the O'Neill place
last week.
Howard Miller commenced Monday
to fill his largo ice house on the bank
of the creek.
Mayor C. S. Smith and Monroe
Smith were hero from Madison on
business Monday.
Some of the sidewalks have been in
very bad shape on account of the
snowfall for about a week past.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Werner , Jr. ,
arc rejoicing over the arrival of a little -
tlo daughter at their home Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Luehrson with
their son and daughter departed Mon
day for their homo at Logansport ,
Wis. They have been visiting here
for about five weeks with Mrs. Luehr-
sen's sister , Mrs. Chas. Flores , and
her brothers , Herman , Charles and
Gustav Werner.
Chas. T. Richardson , assessor in
Highland precinct , has moved to Bat
tle Creek and is making his home
with Landlord Best.
There was no service at the Luth
eran church Sunday night because of
the fact that Rev. J. Hoffman is still
suffering from sore throat.
Although it was pretty cold last Fri
day , two of the Battle Creek boys be
came so hot that Marshal Flood was
compelled to cool them off by locking
them in the city refrigerator.
A very attractive entertainment was
given by home talent at the opera
house before a large audience Satur
day night. It was a benefit for the
improvement of the Union cemetery.
Joseph Severa , proprietor of the
Farmers' cash store , has had his en
tire stock of general merchandise
closed out by a Chicago firm this
week. After matters are settled Mr.
Severa will lay in an entirely new
stock of goods.
The members of the Battle Creek
Driving Park association held a meet
ing and have set the dates for the
races for the coining season on August
30 , 31 and September 1. Financially
the association is in very good shape.
Geo. W. Losoy is president ; Thos.
Morris secretary and T. D. Preece su
Karo Meat Market Changes Hands.
Fred Karo to Deal in Live Stock.
Rudolph B. Theim , who has had
charge of the meat market department
of the Fair store for a number of
years , yesterday purchased the Karo
meat market on Norfolk avenue and
will take possession on February 1.
Fred Karo , who has been in business
for a score of years in Norfolk , will
engage in the livestock business.
Mr. Thlem is known as one of the
best men in his line who has ever been
in Norfolk. With a pleasing skill ,
cleanliness as a hobby nnd an expert
Judgment in selecting high grade
meats which has not been surpassed
in this city , ho has made for himself
an enviable reputation in Norfolk , and
on that account his friends feel as
sured that ho will be eminently suc
cessful in the managership of a mar
ket of his own.
Mr. Karo has been in business in
Norfolk since the early days and has
been ono of the most substantial of
business men. Ho has made a great
success nnd built up a trade which as
sures future success in the market
which bears the Karo name today.
The Karo building is one of the finest
meat markets in the stato.
Farmers are Retiring.
C. F. Haaso had a public sole of his
farm and household effects yesterday
at his farm north of the city and will
move to town soon. Ho eipects to
build on Tenth street
Frank Dodorman , who had a public
sale at his farm north of town expects
to move to Norfolk soon to moke bis
future homo.
Try a Nowa wunt ad.
Wandered Into Norfolk With the Ap
propriated Property on His Back
and His Hands Elbrldgc Cox Was
Victim Doth Worked on Ranch.
Thirty days In the country Jull was
the sentence pronounced upon William
Xorgo for stealing n wardrobe , pretty
nearly , yesterday. An overcoat , a pair
of mittens and a pair of glovns consti
tuted the articles with which Xorge
was charged with having appropriat
ed to his own use. IIo was employed
at the ranch of W. II. IJuttorllold &
Son , north of the city , and Klbrldtfo
Cox , another employe- , was victim of
the theft.
Zorge wandered Into Norfolk with
the stolen overcoat on bin back. Cox
pursued and RIIVO the pollco a hunch
Without a very long Interval between ,
Chief of Pollco Lnrkln had the follow
behind the burn. This morning ho
was brought heforo Pollco .ludgo
Hayes and found guilty. IIo was tak
en to Madison today to servo tlmo.
Ofllcer Pllger took the prisoner over
to the county seat on the afternoon
freight train.
Zorgo had a grip at , the ranch which
delayed the game of transferring him
to Madison. He said ho didn't know
that ho took the things.
O'Neill National Bank.
O'Neill , Neb. , Jan. 12. Special to
The News : The stockholders of the
O'Neill National bank mot in annual
meeting and re-elected an president
M. Dowllng ; as vice president , H. IJ.
Dowling ; as cashier , James F. O'Don-
nel. This bank was organized In May ,
1901 , with paid up capital of $25,000.
The bank has prospered from the
start and at this meeting the capital
stock was raised to $50,000 with a
$5,000 surplus.
Madison county to prepare for desir
able position in Govt. Mail service.
Salary $800. Rapid promotion to
$1500. Splendid opportunity. Ad-
Address Box One , Cedar Rapids , la.
J. "Waceke was in the city from Fre
Tom McCoy was a visitor yesterday
from Inman.
Ed. O'Shea was in town yesterday
from Madison.
C. II. Case was in Norfolk yesterday
from Wood Lake.
C. R. Pettlgrew was in town yester
day from Valentine.
Fr. Thielen was in the city from
Fremont yesterday.
J. H. Nichols of Foster had business
in the city yesterday.
Peter Keenan was in the city yes
terday from Wayne.
Rev. S. F. Sharpless left last night
for O'Neill , on business.
Lou Houseworth of Osmond was a
city visitor yesterday.
Miss Lena Lund of Bega was shop
ping in Norfolk yesterday.
Carl Lorenz was in the city yester
day from Tonic , Holt county.
Miss Anna Lovelace was a city visit
or yesterday from Battle Creek.
B. II. Charrow and Ernest Charrow
of Palmer were Norfolk visitors.
Misses Anna and Bertha Miller of
Tonic , Holt county , were in the city
H. E. Truesdell , I. A. Truesdell and
D. F. Truesdell of NIobrara were in
the city yesterday.
Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Prlngle of Pierce
are visiting at the homo of Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Blakeman.
Mrs. Hitchcock of Pierce , who has
been visiting Mrs. Sessions since Fri
day , returned to her homo yesterday.
Rev. Edw. S. Muenich of St. Paul ,
Minn. , arrived in Atkinson Monday to
attend the Douglas-Campbell wedding.
Ho returned to his homo by way of
Omaha. Ho was pastor of St. Joseph's
Catholic church for many years but
gave up the work here last fall to ac
cept a professorship in the St. Paul
George Stalcop has commenced the
annual harvest of ice but ho does not
expect to push the work actively and
extensively before the first of next
week , when ho will have a full force
of men at work. Yesterday ono of
the beer vaults was filled.
Mrs. L. Sessions was thrown from
a sleigh and quite severely , though not
seriously injured. The horse did not
become frightened and did not run
away. Mrs. Sessions became alarmed
when the sleigh began to tip , Jumped
out and struck upon her shoulder.
Three merry tramps were all that
the pollco docket in Norfolk today con
tained. They were arrested during
the night and early morning today.
Two of them were white and the third
was colored. There seemed to bo lit
tle difference in the hunger of them
black or white. They were turned
loose and driven out of town.
Mr. and Mrs. John Krantz enter
tained a number of friends and neigh-
bora at their homo Tuesday night ,
flinch and panic being the principal
amusements of the evening. Tbo party -
ty was a follower of a bob-sleigh rldo
to the homo of Mr. and Mra. Chaa.
Young , north of the city on Saturday
Ex-LiouliMiaiil U n i I cd
Slalcs Navy and Kx-
LiMiMian ( ( ( { . ronlVdcr-
alc Navy I'scsand IN'c-
onimciids IV-i'ii-na.
IV-rii-iiii Is a SalV uanl
Against Ihu Ills luci-
dcnl to 1 nc 1 ein1111 *
W SfT is :
* * \ = L J _ = $ k' . gi vVtw j
> mmr
HON Street , Wilnirtnn , I ) ,
r , Kx-Uoutcnnnt U , S. NHV.V , Kx-
[ iiouti'iiant Confederate Navy , nnd Ki-
C'Jiiul ( ii-neriil to AuMriillu , write * :
Pcrunn Medicine Co. , Columbus ,
Ohio :
Gentlemen- - Thc use of your
Pcrunn us a remedy or cure for
catarrh by many of my friends who have been
b-ncfitcd by the same , as well as my own ex-
nrrlcncc as to ifs efficacy and good tonic prop-
tr//-s causes me tr > rccotitncntl it to all persons ,
- ' ' ' - ' ' ' this endorsement and photograph
„ vn-i / / / / / i r i' my
' ' -.lames Al. Mowm.
night. Both parties were greatly en
joyed by the guests.
The force of men on ihe now Union
Pacific round house are rapidly com
pleting their work and the building
will soon bo finished. The work of
laying the roof is now engaging their
attention , and when this is finished
the building will be practically com
plete. It has been painted a deep
red. Engines are already being cared
for under its cover.
A door has been cut through the
west wall of the Davenport cold stor
age plant for the convenience of plac
ing ice in the vault above the storage
rooms. Hitherto the Ice has been put
In through a door in the east wall , but
owing to the railroad tracks on that
side of the building the work lias been
done very Inconveniently. The door
was originally placed there with the
belief that during some seasons the
Ice would have to bo shipped In , but
there has not been a failure of the
crop since the building was erected.
Two cars of ice were shipped in atone
ono time from Sioux City , but that was
compelled by nn exceedingly long sum
mer , when the Ice supply ran short
hero. Slnco that time an auxiliary
vault has been built In the rear of the
storage plant which Is now filled each
Judge Hayes performed a marriage
ceremony last night at the homo of
Mr. and Mrs. George Clark , South
Eleventh street , when their daughter ,
Miss Caroline Clark , became the bride
of George A. Klerstead. A bountiful
supper nnd merry music followed the
wedding. Mr. Klerstead resides in
Business College Notes.
Those who have access to the rolls
of the Norfolk business college notice
a fact that is flattering to Mr. nnd
Mrs. Brake nnd their instruction. It
Is that after a pupil has entered for
ono term ho almost invariably returns
for another , whether it bo the consec
utive terra or a year in the future.
Ho falls in with the work and finding
it agreeable and useful ho usuallly has
the ambition to complete the course.
Arthur Weathorholt of Norfolk who
has attended the college for a term
has re-enrolled for another at the
Otto Pltzko of Norfolk , having at
tended the business school for two
terms has placed his name on the rolls
for another.
William Bocho of this city Is a now
pupil at the Norfolk business college.
Mies Lillian Theim of Omaha baa
entered the Norfolk business college
for a term of instruction.
Oiitarili of Ihr I lend AMrctcd
Hearing Cured by I'c ru > M.
Mr. .1. Kmllo Tiuinmiy , No. 'i.'i'J John
HI. , ( Jllrlirc , IH Nn'P tliry of tlui .InoqiK-l
CurllliK Club of ( JiirlM'o , olio of HID lend
ing | | - ( llllm III the city , I In innm-
hern IMC ciiliipOMi'd of yoiliiK llli'li of Ilia
IirI fiiinillc'H. lie \\rllcn :
"l.iinl Inter I i'liii lil a KIVITO fold
wlilcli ( li'Vi'lnicl | ( Into it noverii rnnti of
1'iilin i li uf lln > bend , nffcfllliiK my hear-
It ) } ; I'HpiM'liilly. .M v CVCH run , my HJ
li'in fi'cnu'd In lii < p'tii'tnlly ( logKMl up.
I VMIM iiilvlM'd liy M Huh friend In try I'M *
rmm , nnd ill.I HO ill r-nrti. To my delight
I found u HIIIM O net In for lliii bettor
\\lllilli llireo dnj u , nnd III i'lhl | ; diiyH I
\MIM ciillrely wrll.'M. Kniilu Tnlifiiiiy.
Mr. Ailnlpb ICni'liler , I'rcKltloiit of 111 *
Niirlh Sldit TimierMi'lmfl , wrltcH from
Clink mid l.i'lniul A vc. , < 'Mciic | ; > , III. ;
"It I * \\llli plniMirn ( bill I riKlornfl
IV ) Him llri II lllHl-l'l.i < H medll'llle expeH *
iillj fi if en I n ri hill u lire 11 oil * of 11 in I li roll I
nnd hint- . I IIIIMI iiHi'd II wllh Hindi
lieiiHH mid Hi-vi'iiil nf my fileiidn buv < <
liri'ii iMiii'il of riilmrli ( Millrcly wlicro
I'rrilliiiMIH iiMcil.1 \ilolph Koi'lili-r ,
"Notliln.4 Heller Ilian I'e-ru 11,1 for
Ciit.iiilinl Iroiililcn , " Say.s ( ion-
rrhhiiKiit C. l . Ooi r.
( ' . I' . MIII i , llnicl . .liilnihonVIIHIM | | ( ; -
lull , I * . I' . , ' ! \ - ' ' from U'fnl
\'lininni , \ \ i iti > H :
" I i mi elii'i'i fully rcrniniiicnil 1'rniim
in 1111)11110 uliomilH n Hiifi ) nnd permit-
unit eiiri-fur enliirrli. l''nr ' tliroiit , luni ;
mid riitim luil trmililii I hero lit nothliiu
lii'llritliiin reruiiu. " C. 1' . Dorr.
Colds l.e.ul to Clirouln
A eiiiiiiiiiui eiilil IH niMilu entiiri li , \ > bi < > li
qlllrkly lii'rriiiicH I'lirolilo ealiirrh If til *
lo\M'd to lemulii.
1'M'i-y euld hiui ] ) ICIIVCH In II" I mil
IlioiMindH of eiiHi'Hnf ciilunli , iniiiiy of
whom for wnlit of mi elTei'llvi' lumedy ,
\\lllhiilfor from iliU dlhuiiHu Iliu u'htof
their live * .
IH thcro liny tiling that can be doin ; to
jiri'vent nil till/
In IhullfHt pliii'o , Perium IIMM ! at Ilia
proper tlmu Mill prevent rold.
Ill tin ) fecund Jiliipe , I'oillllll \\lll euro *
eold In from two to llvo dnyK.
A itlu , I' niiiit\\ ill eiirueuliiri li iiulck-
ly In tlm IlrHt MII CH , mid Ilinilly IVninit
will uln" euro ehrmilu oalurrh , If u.ivd
properly and piirhUtciilly.
I'criinn At1In the house nnd pnip-
crly used will therefore not only act ax
n safeguard nunl'iit the ailments \\-hlcli
result from siiililen colil waves , but
will also prove a sure remedy tor thl *
clans uf ailments.
If you do not derive prompt nnil nail-
fnelory ruHiilt from the li--e of I'eruiif. ,
wrlto nloiieo to Dr. Jlarlmmi , plrinc
full Hliiti'iuent of your ciibo nnd he VNlll
boplonepd to f-lvo you bin vnluable ad-
vleo gratlH.
I'erimn I'lin 1m jiun-lr < < \ ; il HIM li * tr
eln IM ! " - Linf..r M no | . . i i . . .
\ . ' - - IT. I1 .1 . ' I
Every One
Should Know
tho-great sidvantuges ofl'ered by through
car service on a journey east. If you can
board a car at your home town and not
leave it until you reach Chicago , it is an
advantage worth considering. This can be
done from any ijoint on the main line of
the Union Pacific Kailroad by asking for
tickets via the
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , PaulQRy-
The trains on this line are brilliantly light
ed by electricity , are steam heated , and
equipped with every modern safety device
known to railway service.
F , A , NASH , Gen'l ' Western Agent , 1524 Farnam St ,
If you are thinking of a
write and let us tell you best rates , time , route and
send marked time tables ,
This saves you worry , annoyance and makes you
feel at homo all the way.
Call Wabash City Office , 1GOI Farnam St. , or address -
G. A. P. D. Wabash R. R.
Omaha , Nebr.