The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 20, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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    T11K NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , JANUARY 20 , 1U05 , i
\V. N. llUSie , 1'nlilUltrr.
IKRtnltllftheil 1887. ]
Hvcry iluy cxoopt Humlay. U > " cnr-
tier i > or wcoli , Ifi cnnln. ny Norfolk
pontoftlre ilollvory , per yonr. $8.00. Uy
nmll on nilnl routnn iviul inilpUlo of
Kot folk , j > or ycnr , $ s.oo.
Tlio NOWH , iMtnlillnlioil , 1881.
Tlio Joiirnul , ICntnbllnlicil , 1877.
Every 1'ililiiy. lly mull per yiwr , 11.60.
Kntorcil nt tlio iiontnirico nt Norfolk ,
Net ) . , UN .second oliiHH mutter.
TclophonoR ; ICtlltorlal Doimrtniont ,
No , 32 , lltiHlnoBH Olllco ntul Job lloomn ,
No. 322.
The wheat crop ID wlilto for tlio bar-
vest In Argontlnln.
If Senator Kllnt nntl Senator Stone
over got to clashing tlio HpnrkH may
certainly bo expected to lly.
Jho u\\norH of sleighs In NebniHka
lm\o occasion to UNO tlioin once In n
while and this In tlio onco.
Tin oppoitunlty Is now rlpo for the
HUHHiaiiH to make of Nogl HH great a
hero tlio .laps inuUo of StoeBael.
Wore It not for malting the conl
innn and the Ice man both happy , No-
lirasKu would never 1mvo done It.
The republican party was never so
ready to servo the people as It has
been olneo the people Imvo said that
It has their ontlro contldonco.
Sioux City ittandu ready to permit
the starch trust to croct there the
plant of the trust recently do-
Btroycd by Hro nt Oswcgo , Now York.
This Is a winter when the south
does not appear to Imvo nn ovor-nbuu-
dant sot of Inducements to offer those
who would escape the rigors of the
President Itoosovolt has evidently
taken for his motto , "Do It now , " and
Is attempting to urge the snmo upon
congress as the proper guldo to HB
Pennsylvania possesses a model
city. Jt Is not Philadelphia , ns might
bo supposed by BO mo , but n mlnlatnro
affair , really a toy , constructed by a
man at Krankllu.
Congress may not provo ns capable
nt preventing General Miles from get
ting Into print ns nt preventing him
from drawing a couple of salaries by
reason of his position.
It la not Impossible that Kussln by
her repeated acts ngalnst the great
powers of the world sincerely hopes
that n world war may release her from
the obligation of whipping of Japan.
Nebraska temperatures have taken
nn unusual spasm which can only bo
nccountcd for from the fact that It Is
not far enough from the north polo
nnd St. Paul to bo absolutely exempt.
People are apprehensive that the
silence In Colorado political circle
portends disaster. It Is not usual for
the state to bo so long at It without
something of momentous Import hap
The congressmen may have suc
ceeded In dodging the tariff reform
revision problem but they will not bo
welcome homo with open arms until
the freight rate question Is satisfac
torily adjusted.
Renders of newspapers nro coming
to recognize the fact that If there Is
anything of Importance happening In
north Nebraska ns well ns In the bal
ance of the civilized world The News
Is the first to bring It to their notice.
Will Mr Parker still continue to in-
slst on his most Important point , made
shortly before the ballots were cnst
nnd counted , or docs ho hold with tlio
people that President Roosevelt's nd
ministration is untrammeled by the
trusts ? ?
There Is no time like the present
for Norfolk to secure a needed means
of transportation between the city
proper nnd South Norfolk. The sen
tlment Is strong in both sections of
the city in fnvor of the Improvement
and the work should bo completed the
coming season.
It will continue to be charged b >
the fusionists tnat Nebraska is in the
grip of the railroads regardless of the
fact that it has gone boldly on record
In favor of President Roosevelt's rail
road rate reform. They should give
the credit that is duo whether 1
comes with extra good grace or not
Perhaps the president is not averse
to surrendering his position on tariff
revision providing that something wll
bo done with the recommendation for
railroad legislation and of the two the
latter Is unquestionably considered o :
first Importance by the people of the
Senator Depow has reason to be
lieve that foreign titles do more at
chasing nftcr American girls than
girls nftor the tltleu. In the Interest
of the homo young man there should
ho n tax then plarod on titled men
coming to this country.
There will bo many to agree with
Secretary Morton that Injury may bo
done communities by the railroads
having rates too low as well ns by
having thorn too high. What Is re
quired IB equality and giving all com
munities a clmnco at the business of
the country.
Commander Peary will probably
wait for the Inspiration furnished by
American miminor weather before ho
starts on his dash to the north polo.
The weather Is at present sutllclontly
iievero to knock ambition from the
breast of the most fearless arctic ex
It remains for a largo Vmnber of
merchants to discover that the time
for advertising Is when there Is n ces
sation of business and not when the
proprlutois , clerks nnd cash boys and
girls are rushed to death to care for
lint which comes whether there Is ad
vertisement or not.
There Is seine apprehension lest
General Stocssol should bo Induced to
iiirsuo the llohsou tactics and take to
ho lecture platform. America may ,
towovcr , bo considered Immune from
such an attack unless the general
akos a course In English or comes at
ho people through an Interpreter.
The steel trust Is said to have re ?
duccd the price of armor plate ? IO a
ton , but this is not n necessity of life
except on occasions. The people
would bo more interested in reduc
tions on something that they need nnd
use tjvcry day , but the trusts having
control of such merchandise fall to
The cattle growers are determined
o go It alone since the adoption of n
low constitution admitting the pack
ers to membership in the organization.
They bollovo It might bo all right for
ho wolf and the lamb to lie down to
gether , but consider that the steer
and the butcher would not make
agreeable bedfellows.
It is probable that the president
neglected to put "Uncle Joo" Cannon
out of the way while ho was negotlat-
ng with the other members of the
louse for n revision of the tariff laws.
The next tlm.o ho will probably see
that the speaker is muzzled or placed
way back in the dungeon while he la
ondeavorlng to Influence his boys.
Congressman Hepburn has been
asked to draft the now proposed freight
rate bill which is some assurance that
the measure will bo about the proper
caper. Ho has proven himself a very
capable legislator and will undoubted
ly prepare a law that will stick and
will provo satisfactory to the people
who have been demanding just such
n measure.
Some cereal food manufacturers
never know the limit when It comes
to advertising. There Is Mr. Post of
"Grapo Nuts" fame who has drawn
n column or two of first page pure
reading matter stuff through his
threats to unseat Senator Platt of
Now York , and will probably continue
to keep before the people In one way
or another until his name if not his
product Is known throughout the civ
ilized world.
It Is asserted from St. Petersburg
that Russia may decide to punish
China for an alleged violation of the
neutrality laws. Russia apparently
has her hands full with her present
contract nnd in the eyes of the world
would bo displaying better judgment
if Japan was effectively placed out of
the way before the lambasting of the
people of the flowery kingdom is at
The Japs express some surprise that
General Stocssel should have surren
tiered Port Arthur when ho was ns
well equipped with ammunition , provl
sions , guns and men as shown by
the material he has given Into the
hands of the Japanese. They cnnno
conceive that anything llko surrender
should bo contemplated anyway , or
they would have given up trying to
break into Port Arthur long ago.
How's This.
Wo offer ono hundred dollars re
ward for nny cnso of cntnrrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh cure
F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , O.
We , the undersigned , have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years
and believe him perfectly honorable
la all business transactions and flnan
dally able to carry out any obligations
made by his firm.
Whldlng , Klnnan & Marvin ,
Wholesado Druggists , Toledo , O.
Hall's Catarrh euro Is taken Inter
nally , acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system
Testimonials sent freo. Price 75 cents
per bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Toke Hall's family pllla for constl
The czar has been Informed that the
stuff Is off" between his country nnd
ho United Btntes regarding the nego-
latlon of n peace treaty. The excuse
n made that congress has no tlmo
o dispose of the question but It Is
) osslblo that Undo Sam does not
vant his hands tied until ho sees what
ho present conlllct between Russia
and Japan will lead to.
lu view of the development that GO-
100 Russians manned the defenses of
> ort Arthur during the siege the feat
) f the Japanese In reducing the for-
ross and compelling the surrender of
ho Russians Is all the greater , nnd
heir bravery and determination han
gone up a notch or two In the world
since tlio obstacles tlioy had to over-
onio are becoming moro fully Known.
The president of the llvo stock as
sociation should bo turned loose to
tattle with the trust that has been
Miylng the stock at what they chose
o glvo and selling tlio finished pro-
lurt nt as high a price as they de
sired. His unwillingness to stand by
its Impugned honor "physically or
otherwise , " should lit him for stand-
ng for the Interests of the assocla-
Ion members against the packers.
Assistant Postmaster General Hrls-
tiw did not miss out to any great ex-
out when the postolllco Inspectors
vero removed from his supervision ,
lo has boon honored by the president
vllli n commission to travel , sco as
nuch of tlio country ns possible and
n salary that will keep him from star-
atlon while ho Is Investigating the
atos on the Panama railroad. It
ooks almost as though ho had drawn
a prlzo package of high quality.
The Missouri democrats are trying
mrd to show that they are not all
hat Is bad , by attempting to discredit
ho notion of the republican leglsla-
uro In selecting for senator Mr. Nold-
rlnghnus nnd they would not hesitate
nt undertaking to drag the national
party Into the exhibit If that proves
losslblo. It should require something
uoro than assertion for the Missouri
lomocrats to provo to the people of
that state that the republicans are not
of the right quality after the showing
.lint has been mndo ngnlnst them by
men of their own political fnlth.
The Minncnpolls Journal thinks col
or Is given to the chnrgo that there
is food ndultorntion In South Dakota
when It Is shown that enough coal tar
can bo extracted from n bottle of
port wlno to dye n plcco of wool cloth
nlno foot square , nnd the snmo amount
of coloring material from a bottle of
catsup , whtlo n single bottle of pop
yielded a grenter amount of dye stuff.
If the people of thnt stnto wish to
preserve the original color of their
Internal machinery It may bo expect
ed that they will Insist on the legis
lature plnclng a prompt nnd vigorous
protest on the methods of manufac
It Is the opinion of seine publishers
that while the government Is Investi
gating the paper manufacturers' trust
it would bo advantageous if it should
go further nnd Investigate the agree
ments between the ready-print houses ,
the typo founders and the makers of
plates. Country editors In many parts
of the country would undoubtedly
welcome nn opportunity to got from
under the clutches of these combina
tions , pnrtlculnrly the former.
It could hnrdly bo expected thnt nf-
ter going without for the pnst thirty
yenrs the republicans of Missouri
would elect n United States senator
without precipitating n fight. After
the fight , however , It Is expected of
the controlling party In that state that
they will settle down to business ant !
glvo the people cause to bo grateful
that they were placed In power and
encouragement to do the same trick
again In the near future.
If all that the police believe about
Gcsslor Rosscau Is true there Is In
splratlon for the wish thnt ho might
never again enjoy the freedom that
this country sometimes gives to Its
citizens. Ho Is evidently ono of the
undesirable Imports that occasionally
come from ncross the big pond nnd It
would bo a pleasure for the people of
this country to return him , pnssngo
prepaid or start him nlong to some
other country from whence ho cannot
get back.
General Nogl has finally enterei
Port Arthur and taken with him a
largo number of correspondents from
America and other nations. It Is con
fldcntly expected that these newspaper
per people who have been kept out of
the city slnco the war commcncd wll
find many Intresting stories In the city
to report to their newspapers and the
results of their Investigations are
quite eagerly awaited. It is expected
that the tales they toll will bo quite
different from those that had a habit
of coming from Chefoo during the
The Turk Is getting generous. Ho
mo restored to agents of the Amcrl-
nn Dlblo society the Illblos thnt had
icon confiscated In nn endeavor to
{ eon the people of that country from
getting hold of some , really good nnd
ipllftlng literature. Now If the Bui-
an will glvo the missionaries nnd
ngonts full swing they will proceed to
nalio of one of the worst spots on the
phoro n respectnblo country nnd ono
lint may In time compare favorably
vlth ether civilized nations of the
An nblo Iowa editor presents a line
of argument to show that success Is
vlth those who bear short and slm-
ilo names nnd cities in substnntln-
.Ion of the argument the winners of
glory on the bnttlo field of the far
oast. Ho Insists thnt the men with
ho Jnw-brenklng unpronouncablo cog-
lomens are going down In oblivion
iml defeat while those with moro sim
ile adornments nro taking all the vie-
orlos and accruing honors. The mor-
il Is simple : Glvo the kids easy
lames If you desire their lives to ho
crowned with success.
With a largo Irrigation project on
n westcin Nebraska nnd western
South Dakota , reinforcing the atten-
Ion that has been attracted this way
> y the opening of the Rosebud reser-
atlon and the giving away of section
lomcsteads there Is "every reason to
> ellovo that there will soon bo a
vcstwnrd movement that will bo of
mportanco to Nebraska nnd neigh-
Hiring states. There are vast resourc-
s yet to bo developed In this section
> f the country and It Is desirable thnt
ho Immigrants should bo constantly
tept Informed regarding the ndvnn-
ages offered. A healthy growth
should bo shown In Nebraska nnd
South Dakota for a number of years
and It should bo encouraged to con-
Inuo until at least half ngnln ns many
nhabltnnts nro engaged In carving
heir fortunes from the promising
The sentiment Is becoming state-
vide that Nebraska should ndopt
neans of cnlling the attention of pros-
lectlvo immigrants from the enst to
his section of country. Nebrnskn
mdoubtedly hns moro and better In-
lucements lo offer the people of the
cnst tlmn nny state in the union and
f a systematic effort was made to dls-
abuse them of the misconception that
Nebraska Is a bllzznrd stricken ,
Irouth-rldden desert Inhabited by In-
Hans nnd coyotes the results should
bo notable In the Increase of people
looking for good and cheap homes
whore there Is opportunity to gain
health , wealth and happiness. The
right sort of opinion can unquestion
ably bo aroused If effort Is directed to
that end and there are men In Ne
braska capable of accomplishing a
large showing along thnt line. No-
Liraskans should stand up for Nebras
ka , not only nt homo but whenever
opportunity offers of presenting the
stnte's excellent qualities to the people
ple of the balance of the world.
President Lucius Tuttle of the Bos
ton & Maine railway has attempted to
check President Roosevelt's policy of
linvlng railroad rates regulated under
congressional supervision and author
ity by threatening the railroad em
ployes with the statement that such a
plan cannot fall to net directly on their
snlnrics , but the railroad employes
are not usually the kind that frighten
enslly. They know better than any
other class of people what the rail
roads are-ablo to pay and they are not
inclined to the belief thnt their wages
will be subject to reduction by giving
shippers and communities a fair deal.
Anyway the president Is not looking
for a reduction of rates except where
in It Is necessary to equalize matters
between individuals and communities.
To do this some rates might need to
bo raised while others are lowered nntl
in the outcome the cnrnlngs of rail
road stocks should not suffer materi
ally and the wages of employes , not
nt all. People who nro In the pay ol
the government are not asked to go
on starvation wages nnd it is not to
bo considered that the government
will agree to n reduction of wnges of
railrond employes.
If taken this month , keeps you well
nil summer. It makes the little ones
eat , sleep nnd grow. A spring tonic
for the whole family. Holllster's
Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents , tea
or tablets. The Klesnu Drug Co.
Tonic to the System.
For liver troubles nnd constipation
there is nothing hotter than DoWltt's
Little Early Risers , the famous lit
tle pills. They do not weaken the
stomach. Their action upon the sys
tem is mild , pleasant and harmless
Bob Moore , of Lafayette , Ind. , says
"No use talking , DeWltt'a Little Ear
ly Risers do their work. All other
pills I have used gripe and make me
sick In the stomach and never cured
mo. DeWltt's Lltfjo Early Risers
proved to be the long sought relief.
They are simply perfect" Persons
traveling find Little Early Risers the
moat reliable remedy to carry with
them. Bold by Asa K. Leonard.
Bids for Bridget ,
"Notice is hereby given thnt scaled
) lda will bo received nt the county
clerk's odlco at Madison , Madison
county , Nebraska , until 12 o'clock nt
loon , standard time , Feb. 14,1905 , for
ho erection , completion and ropara-
Ion of bridges nnd approaches there-
o to bo built or repaired during the
car 1905 according to specifications
low on file In this office.
All builders nro required to nccom-
> nny their bids with plans and sped-
Icatlons of tholr work nnd a certified
check of $250.00 to bo forfeited If
contractor falls to make contract or
lie an acccptablo bond within fifteen
lays from date of letting. The board
of county commissioners reserve the
right to award separate contracts for
pllo bridges , combination bridges and
steel bridges ; also the right to reject
nny or all bids. The party awarded
ho contract will bo required to glvo
a good and sufficient bond conditioned
for the faithful performance of the
contract with sureties ns provided by
aw. Said bond to bo approved by
ho county board.
Dnted this the 12th dny of Jnn. ,
Emll Winter ,
County Clerk.
Estimate of Expenses.
Following Is the estlmnto of ox-
icnses made by the county commis
sioners of Madison county , Nebraska ,
for the year 1905 :
County Institute $ 100
County road 8000
County printing 1200
County attorney's salary 900
Care of paupers 2000
'ucl , postage nnd expenses 1500
Books , stationery nnd supplies. 2000
Election expenses 2000
Salary for county assessor nnd
deputies 3500
Soldier's relief fund 1600
Poor farm expenses 1500
County superintendent's salary 1400
County bridge fund 18000
County clerk's salary ns clerk
of bonrd 500
County commissioners snlnry. . 2000
Bounty on wild animals 1000
Jailor's fees 1500
Janitor's snlnry nnd county of
ficers' assistants 1500
District court jurors 7000
nsnno fund 1200
{ { propping on streams 1GOO
Mil to agricultural society . . . . COO
Furniture and repairs on court
house , insurance on jail and
court house bonds 1000
Road Indebtedness 2000
nterest on court house bonds
between Madison and Union
precincts 500
Sinking fund for snme 400
Bnttle Creek village jail bonds. 150
Dated Madison , Neb. , January 11 ,
1905. Emll Winter ,
County Clerk.
Tenth Annual Meeting of Nebraska
Association at Lincoln.
Lincoln , Neb. , Jan. 19. Insurance
n all its phases is to be discussed at
the tenth annual meeting of the Ne
braska Association of Mutual Insur
ance companies , which began its ses
sions hero today with a good attend
ance. The opening sessions were de
voted to the reports of officers and
committees , the enrollment of now
members and other business of a rou
tine nnture. This evening Prof. Wes
ley Dodd , of DCS Molnes , will address
the convention. Tomorrow will be
given over to papers and addresses by
a number of prominent Insurance men.
"I can't get a girl , " cries the de
spairing housekeeper. A want nd In
The News gets the gin , restores sun
shine in her soul , cheerfulness In her
home and happiness In her husband
and children. News want ads are
great stuff. If used.
It will bring rich , rod blood , firm
flesh and muscle. That's what Hollls
ter's Rocky Mountain Tea will do.
Taken this month , keeps you well all
summer. 35 cents , tea or tablets.
The Klosau Drug Co.
No More Stomach Troubles.
All stomach trouble Is removed by
the use of Kodol Dyspepsia cure. It
gives the stomach perfect rest by di
gesting what you eat without the
stomach's aid. The food builds up the
body , the rest restores the stomach to
health. You don't have to diet your
self when taking Kodol Dyspepsia
cure. J. D. Ersklne , of Allenvllle ,
Mich. , says , "I suffered heartburn
and stomach trouble for some time.
My sister-in-law has had the same
trouble nnd wns not able to eat for
six weeks. She lived entirely on warm
water. After taking two bottles ol
Kodol Dyspepsia cure she was entire
ly cured. She now eats heartily and
Is In good health. I am glad to say
Kodol gave me Instant relief. " Sold
by Asa K. Leonard.
Mothers , be Careful ,
of the health of your children. Look
out for coughs , colds , croup and
whooping cough. Stop them In time
Ono Mlnuto Cough cure Is the best
remedy. Harmless and pleasant. Sold
by Asa K. Leonard.
If you cannot eat , aleep or work
feel mean , cross and ugly , take Hoi
lister's Rocky Mountain Tea this
month. A tonic for the sick. There
Is no remedy equal to it 35 cents
tea or tablets.
The Klesau Drug Co.
Coughs and Colds ,
All coughs , colds and pulmonary
complaints that are curable are quick-
y cured by Ono Mlnuto Cough Cure.
Clears the phlcgh , draws out Inflam
mation nnd heals and soothes the af
fected parts , strengthens the lungs ,
wards off pneumonia. Harmless nnd
ileasant to take. Sold by Asa K.
. .eonnrd.
Know all Men by Those Presents :
That we , Dan Craven nnd John A.
Craven , do associate ourselves togeth
er for the purpose of forming and be
coming n corporation In the state of
Nebraska , for the transaction of the
business hereinafter described.
Name and Place of Business.
Article I. The name of the corpo
ration shall bo Norfolk Laundry Co.
The principal place of transacting Its
justness shall bo In the City of Nor
folk , County of Madison , and State
of Nebraska.
Article II. The nature of the busi
ness to bo transacted by said corpo
ration shall bo to operate In said City
and elsewhere laundries , to purchase
the necessary machinery , buildings
nnd real estate necessary to carry on
such business , and to sell the same ,
nnd to employ agents and to establish \ I i
agencies to promote said business and
such other matters ns may ho neces 1
sary to promote and extend the same.
Capital Stock.
Article III. The authorized capital
stock of said corporation shall ho $10-
000.00 in shares of $100.00 each to bo
subscribed and paid for in cash , the
said corporation to purchase nnd re-
celvo title to the real estate , buildings ,
machinery , fixtures nnd personal prop
erty now owned by the above named
Dan Craven and John A. Craven nt * , .
Norfolk , Nebraska , and used In the
operation of the Norfolk Steam Laun-
Iry , nt the sum of $10,000.00.
Article IV. The existence of this
corporation shall commence on the
2nd dny of Jnnuary , A. D. 1905 , and
continue during the period of twenty
Officers and Duties.
Article V. The officers of said cor
poration shall bo a president , who
shall be the general manager , and a
secretary and treasurer , the last two
positions may be held by one person ,
who shall bo elected at the semiannual
nual meetings of the stock holders
lerelnnfter provided for , and shall
lold their office for the period of six
C ) months and until their successors
hall bo elected and qualified. The
president shall have general charge
and control of the business of said
corporation and shall manage nil its
affnlrs Including the hiring nnd dis
charging of employees and agents and
he buying of supplies and machinery.
The secretary and treasurer shall
keep the books of said corporation
md deposit all monies received by
said corporation in such bank or
banks ns shall be designated by the
iresldent , to be checked out only upon
, ho approval of the president. The
secretary nnd treasurer may perform
his duties by proxy. The first officers
shall be , president , Dan Craven , sec
retary and treasurer , John A. Craven ,
who shall hold such positions until
ihelr successors are elected and qual
Article VI. The highest amount of
indebtedness to which said corpora
tion shall at nny time subject itself
shall not be more than two-thirds of
the capital stock.
Meetings of Stock Holders.
Article VII. There shall be a meetIng -
Ing of the stock holders of said cor
poration on the first Tuesdays In July
and January in each year , the first
meeting to bo held on the first Tues
day in July , 1905 , nt which meeting
shall occur the election of officers ,
and at such meeting the stockholders
shall devise plans and means for the
management of the affairs of said cor
poration , and to determine what
amount of the profits on hand shall
bo applied to improvements and what
amount shall bo distributed to the
stock holders in dividends. The stock
holders at such meetings may adopt
such by-laws or rules as they shall
determine are necessary. Special
meetings may be called by the presl- >
dent at any time , upon giving a rea
sonable notice to all stock holders , . . ;
and the president shall call a special
meeting when requested In writing " i
by three stock holders , the object of / <
the meeting to bo stated In the call
and no other business shall be transacted - ' >
acted at such meeting. ' i ,
Incorporates : Dan Craven and
John A. Craven. c \
Speedy Relief. „ <
A salve that heals without a scar - - ,
Is DeWItt's Witch Hazel salvo. No
remedy effects such speedy relief. It
draws out Inflammation , soothes ,
cools and heals all cuts , burns and
bruises. A sure cure for piles and , < \
skin diseases. DeWltt's is the only „ ' ,
genuine Witch Hazel salve. Beware > > d | " $
of counterfeits , they are dangerous. - i
Sold by Asa K. Leonard. '
A Well Known Cure for MM.
Cures obstinate sores , chapped hands , o >
sema , akin diseases. Makes burns and scald *
painless. We could not Improva the quality
if paid double the price. Th best larvi
that experience can produo * or that money
can buy. *
Cures Piles Permanently
DoW t'f I * too original and only pure and
genuine WtehHaai Salv. mate. UoV fof
Ibe name DeWITT on every bo * . AH etbwi * ' I
counterfeit. nnum
B. C. DtWltt A CO. , OUIOAOOb '