MIK NUUKOLIv NEWS : KlUDAY.JANt'AKY i3 , 1DU5. i.M-.vKA.N MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MlvXICAN . - . . A t Jf VJ. V VA" * * * * . . Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment CIII-CH CHCM , niu-iiH , ItrulMCH. In UHO for ovei Mlxly yc-urn , t > r Man , IIcuHt or 1'imltry UeHt for HOI-HO iiilmuntu. Itinucrri up StlfTJoliitH. 5 < t ! FroutblU'8 and Chilblain ? MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustanq Liniment Mustanq Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment otiraSiiriihiHitiulStriiliiH. O.I.-UH Spavin and Illiiubuno. liculH Old SoreM quickly. Ucbt for Catllo ailments. penetrate * to the very bono. Beat thing fur ulumohorao , MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment . . Calccd I'dilur In cowa allinunta. Hatlafactlou. driven out all Inllaimimtlou. IH it poHldvc oiiro foiPlloH. cnruHiill forniHof KliuiiiniidHiii. curort IteHt for Sheep always glvoa DELIEVED TO BE LEADERS IN THE ROSEBUD QANG. OF DLOODDOUND HORSETHIEVES Suspicion Pointed to the Parleys , nt Jamison , for Thefts of Recent Date. Despair Wno Overcrowding the Prospective Settlers , Honostcol , S. D. , .Inn. H. A sensa- tlonul denouement IIIIH boon brought to tlio horse-thieving gossip which IIIIH boon imramoimt huro for Homo woolm , In the recent arrest of the Farley brothers , who reside Just Honth of JixmlHon , Nob. A few weeks ago horses wore inlHnoil by a nuinbor of the HoHuhiul ButtlurB who were making residence on tholr clulina along the southern border of the reservation near the Nebraska stnto lino. So in o very vnltmblo niul highly prized nnlmnls were taken nntl n. gonulno despair took possession of the ownora In tlio fiilluro of tholr ef forts to locate the stolen property. Much advertising was done and liberal - oral rewards were offered for any knowledge of the missing animals. Suspicion pointed toward Koya Palm county , Nebraska , which Joins the newly opened lands on the south- Avost , and where numerous bands of bad men have boon known to rendez vous In the past. A number of weeks passed by , however - over , without bringing sulllclont evi dence against any suspected party , al though the horse stealing continued. The now settlers , hence , became thor oughly disheartened and qulto out of patlonco with tholr now homos. The recent result of the vigilance committee's work Is mot with a wealth of satisfaction. Through their careful maneuvers and Investi gation , It was learned that certain horses were being disposed of down along the Nlobrara river. Back trackIng - Ing the clue , guilt pointed to nort and Clarence Farley of Just south of Jam ison , n small trading station on the Nebraska line , thirty miles southwest of hero. The brothers were arrested by the committee and turned over to the sheriff of Koya Palm county , nort Is now In Jail , while Clarence Is out on bond awaiting the action of the law. law.Tho The running down of those horse thieves , If they are the thieves , will alleviate many fears of the present Inrush of Rosebud settlors. Horses nro the mainstay here where there are no railroads and a continuance of such wholesale thieving would thor oughly discourage every prospective net tier of the now lands No Poison In Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. From Napier , Now /calami. Herald : Two year * ago the pharmacy hoard of Now South \Valos. Australia , had an analysis made of all the cough modi- clues thntoro sold In that market. Out of t'-o enti'o list they found only one Unit thev tieelnrodas entirely free t'rnui all poisons. This exception was , Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , made by the Cluniliorlnin Medicine comimiv. Dos Moines. Iowa , U. S. A. The abronoo of nil mrcotlcs makes this remedy the safest and best that can be ) > ad , and It Is with a feeling of security hai anv mother can give It to her llttlo ones. Chamberlain's Cough Romedv Is especially recom mended by Its makers for coughs , colds , croup and whooping cough. When Mkn In time It prevents pneu monia. This romedv Is for sale by Leonnul the druggist. PIERCE ITEMS. Messrs. Joe Wltten , Edward Dunn and Lewis Inhelder wont to Norfolk on the early morning passenger , driv ing back In the forenoon. A new real estate linn has gone Into business at this place. Geo. Lit- toll , ex-sheriff of Pierce county , and John Campbell constitute the new firm. firm.W. W. H. Parack , the gentleman who , n few months ago , sold out bis drug business In this city to Peterson & Patrick , has re-purchased the busi ness and will have charge In future. The transfer was made Friday. J. A. VanWagenon , the republican county attorney-elect , was Installed In office hero Thursday , succeeding II. H. Darnlinrt who has held the office for six years. W. E. Preston also was Installed In office , succeeding C. E. Manzer ns county commissioner. An Important business transaction has been consummated nt this place whereby Dr. P. E. Crossler , who has been practicing medicine hero singly for some time , goes into partnership with Dr. J. T. Prlnglo. This will bo Interesting news to a number of Plorco county people. A fanner named Fields living ten miles northwest of Plorco , Is under arrest , charged with plundering gro ceries , robes , halters and other things from the wagons of other farmers , who had left tholr teams standing In ( ho streets. The arrest was mndo Saturday night , at which time the hearing was set for Monday In Judge McDonald's court. The accused Is said to bo an Industrious fanner , and his neighbors and friends will hope that he will be cleared of the charge. APPOINTED BY GOVERNOR AS HEAD OF NORFOLK HOSPITAL. ANNOUNCEMENT HAS BEEN MADE The Pierce Physician and Ex-Senator Receives One of the Best Plums to Fall from the Executive Tree His History. Dr. J. M. Aldeu of Pierce , stnto sen ator two years ago from this district , was yesterday appointed superinten dent of tlio Norfolk hospital for the Insane by Governor Mickey , the gov ernor announcing the appointment to Interested people. Dr. Alden's com mission will bo mndo out In a few days and ho will be ready to nssumo cluirgo of the hospital as soon as the Institution Is turned over to the stnto by the contractors. Until thnt tlmo the new superintendent will bo busy selecting his force of assistants and making other preliminary arrange ments to take charge of the hospital. Dr. Alden has always had a deep Interest In the Norfolk hospital and It was largely through his efforts dur ing the last session that an appropria tion of $100,000 was secured to go to ward the rebuilding of the hospital. Ills friends have been active In ask ing for him this mark of recognition and nil will congratulate him on the success of the endeavors that have been put forth. The New Superintendent. Dr. John M. Aldcn Is a native of the great state of New York , having boon born In Oswego county September 7 , IS 17. Ho was brought tip on the farm In the good old fashioned way and comes from a stock of sturdy ancest ors reaching hack to the time of John Alden and Prlscllla. Ho received nn academic education and also attended the state university nt Ann Arbor , Michigan. In 1871 he graduated from the Jefferson medical college at Phil adelphia and has since practiced his profession continuously. In ISSt ho located In Pierce county and has made his homo theio since. Ho was a mem ber of the state legislature in 1S91 and made a splendid record , being again honored by election ns senator from the Eleventh district comprising the counties of Madison , Pierce , Wayne and Stanton in 11102. serving his con stituents acceptably during that ses sion. During the past seven years he has resided on his farm adjoining the town of Pierce on the north , where In addition to practicing medicine - cine and attending to his legislative duties ho has engaged extensively In the raising of Hereford cattle and Po land-China hogs. Ho has been Identi fied with the upbuilding of Pierce county and northeast Nebraska during the past twenty years and is known favorably and prominently In the med ical profession all over the state. He has had marked success In the practice of his profession and his friends are confident thnt under his management and direction the now Norfolk hospital will attain a standIng - Ing among the eleemosynary Institu tions of the state thnt will bo second to none. Ho has shown a clear mind and steady hand In directing other af fairs with which ho has boon attached and In addition to his knowledge of medicine this will stand him In good stead In conducting the Norfolk hos pital. Colonial Products Exhibition. Liverpool , Jan. 10. The Colonial Products exhibition , which , ns Its nnmo Indicates , is Intended to Illus trate the resources and Industries of the British colonies , opened In Liver pool today and will continue for one week. A similar exhibition was held hero last year , but the present affair Is much larger and more comprehen sive In its scope. Canada is well rep resented , ns nro also Australia , South Africa and other parts of the British empire. Try our Now York buckwheat flour. Feed store , Pacific block. COMMISSIONERS FINISH UP AND BEGIN AGAIN. APPROVE BONDS OF OFFICERS C. D. Johnson Reappolnted Superin tendent of the Poor Farm and Gus Kaul Reappolnted Janitor of Court House Salaries and Bills Paid. . . Madison , Neb. , Jan. J. , 1905. The board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. All mem bers were present. Minutes of last meeting were rend and approved : On motion the following bills were allowed : Frank Horst , money paid for road commissioner district No. 3 $ Cl 40 Frank Horst , money paid for road commissioner district No. 1 Cl10 John Wndo , rend work , com missioner district No. 8. . . . 8 GO Tlios. Wade , rend work , com missioner district No. 3. . . . 25 00 Thos. Wade , rend work , com missioner district No. 2. . . . 25 00 L. B. Baker , lumber , road dis trict No. 19 771C L. II. Baker , lumber , rend dis trict No. 11 48 G5 L. B. Baker , lumber , road dis trict No. 11 37 37 0. R. Webb , road work , com missioner district No. 2 . . . . 3 20 A. M. Ixivolaco , road work , road district No. 11 8 80 J. L. Derrick , road work , road district No. 11 22 50 Horst Bros. , merchandise , road district No. 25 2 50 Herat Bros. , merchandise , road district No. 21 1 00 L. W. Lyon , road work commis sioner district No. 1 90 00 F. Dlerks , road work , road dis trict No. 21 C 00 Guy Done ! , road work , commis sioner district No. 3 79 GO John Warden , road work , road district No. 19 90 00 D. A. Reeves , commissioner district No. 3 13 50 Geo. M. Mulctz , rend work , district No. 8 G 25 T. Waller , road work , road dis trict No. 17 4 00 F. H. Osborn , commissioner district No. 3 3 00 Chas. Wotzel , road work , road district No. 18 3 00 Frank Flood , caring for elec tion booths 2 GO Diirlnnd Trust Co. , rent for building for election pur poses 5 00 Burt MnpoH , expenses 4 00 W. C. Elloy , court bailiff 8 00 Xack Cov. livery 5 00 G. E. Klerstcad , hall rent for election purposes , $10.00 , al lowed nt 5 00 \ V.V. . Weaver , repairs on grader 1 C5 Dr. F. A. Long , medical ser vices 3 50 Thos. O'Shca , coal for court house 38 15 P. H Knott. printing for coun ty treasurer 3 50 Horst Bros. , merchandise 14 80 On motion the report of the super intendent of the poor farm was ap proved as follows : Cash receipts ending Novem ber 30 , 190 J $495 11 Expenditures ending Novem ber 30 , 1901 277 98 By balance In Battle Creek Valley bank 217 13 The following bills were Incurred and allowed : L. B. Baker 4713 W. L. Boyer 14 01 Dr. E. Tanner 2 00 C. E. Hanson 4 00 Jos .Dittrlck 3 95 H. A. Munson 2 00 Frank Ruslck ( paid ) 9 13 H. Miller 41 07 ' O. II. Maas . 32 05 Jos. Sovera 1135 M. L. Thompson 10 95 C. T. Hnnen C 25 L. F. Morz 7 35 F. Kocstor 13 85 Morris Drug Co 1 30 Aug. Steffen 14 00 J. E. Saunders 1 10 C. D. Johnson 112 50 On motion the bill of Simon J. Fin- ncgnn , county commissioner , was al lowed , $38.25. Gus Kaul , salary , court bailiff and washing. $00.00. An ntfldavit having heon filed by Will McDonald ns deputy assessor for C. A. Hodman 13 20 the year 1304 showing that ho failed to reduce the amount duo to the state from the valuation of $1,200.00 placed on the no'/t of the no',1 section 30 , 2) ) , 4 , wild Indebtedness amounting to $270.00 , the treasurer was ordered to place the value of said land nt $930.00. The annual report of Wm , Ilockn- follow , road overseer district No. 12 , was audited , showing amount duo him $75.00. On motion board adjourned to Jan uary 5 , at 9 o'clock a. ni. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. Board adjourned to 1 o'clock p. m. In accordance with a provi sion of the statutes Mr. Christ Schmltt becomes chairman of the board for the ensuing year. On motion the following bonds were approved : Jack Koenlgsteln , county attorney. 0. M. Boyles , road overseer , dis trict No. 4. Nick Dohman , road overseer , dis trict No. 31. Herman Encker , road overseer , dis trict No. C. C. F. Haasc , overseer district No. 1. L. M. Johnson , overseer district No. 29. 29.H. H. J. Morris , overseer district No. 9. J. F. Jenkins , overseer district No. 11. Henry Sundorman , overseer district No. 23. Ernest Nathan , overseer district No. 30. Jacob Jacobson , overseer district No. 28. Mlko Novotny , overseer district No. 22. 22.B. B. B. McGinnis , overseer district No. 1C. W. Uwe , overseer district No. 7. C. F. Llndorholm , Justice of the peace , Shell Creek precinct. E. G. Dennis , Justice of the peace , Battle Creek precinct. J. R , Gnrdels , constable , Battle Crook precinct. W. P. Kennedy , constable , Union precinct. Ira M. Hamilton , constable , Nor folk precinct. On motion the following bills were allowed : Burt Mapes , county attorney , salary , etc $205 71 C. W. Crum , salary for Decem ber 100 00 J. J. Clements , Jailor's foes . . . 88 80 S. W. Hayes , fees state vs. Per ry Law 3 55 Martin Kane , state vs. Glvens. 10 53 Anna Herman , taking testi mony nt inquest of Sherman Ayers 5 00 An affidavit having been filed by Mark Richardson , deputy assessor , * that he made nn error In assessing the furniture of J. M. Bothwell , the same was reduced from $050.00 to $50.00 and the clerk was Instructed to cor rect assessment accordingly. On motion the application of C. D. Johnson as superintendent of poor farm at $150.00 for the ensuing year was accepted. On motion the application of Gus Kaul as Janitor of the court house at $ 10.00 per month for the ensuing year was accepted. On motion board adjourned to Jan uary 10 , 1905. Emil Winter , County Clerk. Gave a Dinner. Miss Lena Mills Entertained a num ber of her young lady friends at a G o'clock dinner Thursday evening. Special Barglns In Land. 80-acre tract , improved land ; fine location , close in , near town , price and terms right. G. R. Seller. EXAMINATIONS HELD AT THE PACIFIC - CIFIC HOTEL HERE. BY CONGRESSMAN M'CARTHY The Successful Candidate Will be Ap pointed to West Point He Must be Young , of Sound Body and Strong Enough Mentally to Pass Well. The West Point entrance examina tion , conducted at the Pacific hotel , was taken by the following candi dates : Gideon Brow , Columbus ; W. W. Dobson , Cedar Uaplds ; William Lennon - non , Hnrtlngton ; William Vogt , Jr. , Ponder , Vorn W. Endree , Wayno. Professor Gregg of the Wayne nor mal school gave the mental examina tion and Dr. P. II. Salter of this city the physical. Accordion and Sunburst Pleating , Ruching , Buttons. SKSD Von PRIOR LIST AND SAMPLES. The Goldman Pleating Co. 200 DOUGLAS mOCK. OUAIIA , NEB STATE SECRETARY BAILEY ADDRESSES - DRESSES TWO BIG MEETINGS. MANY NAMES ADDED TO THE LIST Prospects are Favorable for the Orga nization of the Association in Nor folk With Gymnasium , Bath Rooms and Other Features. "Yesterday was Y. M. C. A. Sunday in Norfolk with State Secretary J. P. Bailey as the directing nilnd of the movement , and the prospects are flat tering that an organization will be perfected here. In the afternoon at 3 o'clock Mr. Bailey addressed a largo men's meetIng - Ing at tlio Methodist church on the work and aroused much Interest In the movement among his hearers. Good instrumental music was fur nished under the direction of Mr. Ju lius Ilulff while the singing was di rected by Mr. Solomon , Instructor of music In the public schools. In the evening there was a crowded house at the M. E. church , the dif ferent churches of the city uniting In a mass meeting. Mr. Bailey again ad dressed the gathering , explaining the objects , plans and work of the organi zation , what has been accomplished in other places and what Is hoped to bo accomplished here. Ho succeeded in arousing a deep Interest in the movement and It Is confidently be lieved thnt the efforts of himself and the local workers will bo crowned with success. Previous to calling Mr. Bailey a local committee had succeed ed In securing pledges from thirty- five prospective members. As n re sult of the work of yesterday twenty- live additional names were placed on the roll , bringing the membership up to sixty. With this as n starter it la thought that it will not bo difficult to get the required hundred names with in n day or two , but forty being need ed to bring the required number. Each man signing the roll promises a payment of $1 a month for flvo years , provision being made for the possible removal of the subscriber. With 100 names on the roll the now association will have $1,200 a year for the pay ment of a permanent secretary's sal ary and for other expenses. It Is pro posed to rent rooms , establish a gym- naslum and baths In connection and have a place that will bo attractive to the boys and young men of the city as well as those who pass through Nor folk. In other towns the Y. M. C. A. is ono of the Important Christian organiza tions , especially in railroad centers such as is Norfolk and it will bo high ly desirable for nn organization to bo effected hero. A committee has been appointed to assist Mr. Bailey and to day they are actively engaged In so liciting the balance of the names need ed. HEALTH AND EDUCATION GOVERN THE WORLD THE WEAK , SICKLY AND EMACIATED CAN HOPE FOR BUT LITTLE SUCCESS. i BY DR. ORA CALDWELL , CHICAGO. In compiling the statistics of theonce , and she was soon cured of all different races of people of the world , it Is of interest to note the article of diet , the manner In which it Is taken and the extent of medical attendance as practiced in the civilized world. It has been demonstrated conclusively that the meat eaters are the strong est , healthiest and the best educated people in the world ; therefore It Is reasonable to believe that they are the people who govern the world. As demonstrated by Dr. Caldwell , the American people consume on an aver age of six pounds of meat per week ; the English four ; the German , three ; the French , two ; and the Italian , one- lialf. Statistics prove that epidemics of contagious diseases more largely prevail among those people , whoso diet partakes of less meat and more fari naceous foods. Good meat Is the most wholesome of all foods to be taken. True , It Is not ns fattening as the ce reals or farinaceous foods , but It is more strengthening and contains more blood and nerve producing elements , so necessary to strength and good licalth. What Is required specially for perfect health is good digestion , plen ty of outdoor exercise and special care as to hygiene and all the laws of na ture. Dr. Caldwell Is a specialist of many years' experience , and has de voted much of her time to the study of diseases of the stomach , diseases of the brain and diseases of the ner vous system. From conclusive proof It has been demonstrated that a llttlo food properly served and well digest ed Is far better than a great quantity of an unwholesome character Improp erly digested. Dr. Caldwell has been afforded spe clat advantages in studying the char acteristics of the people , their diet , their hobbles and the special condi tions governing medicine as a special ty. She has been awarded , In contests with the greatest schools In the world , the highest prize and a number of med als. She has been making a specialty of chronic , nervo'us and surgical dis eases , diseases of the eye , oar , nose , throat , lungs , diseases of women and diseases of long standing character. No matter how long such patients have suffered or who has treated them , she never failed to cure these ailments. In over n quarter of a cen tury In the experiment , study and prac tice of her profession In the diseases of men and women , she has cured thousands who have been pronounced helpless by other physicians. People come to her from far and near to re ceive her treatment and her offices nro crowded at the places of her appoint ments and all speak in the highest praise of her treatment. By permission wo nro pleased to publish a few of some of the cures she made throughout the state of Nebras ka. These are only a few , as tlmo and space will not permit us to publish more : Mrs. Sloan , Akron , Nob. , cured of consumption and nervous trouble. The treatment she took Improved her at her ailments. C. A. Lundeen , Grand Island , Neb , was troubled with muscular rheuma tism and dyspepsia. Those troubles soon disappeared. Mrs. R. McBeth , Harder , Neb. , cured of female and nervous troubles , wan told by doctors operation would be necessary. Cured in four month's treatment. Mrs. J. Dobbins of North Platte U. writes , "she had been doctored for years without relief for kidney trou ble , female and general debility. " Mr. Michael McCabe , North PPlattb , cured of cancer of fact with two In jections. Oscar Emmlt , Columbus , Neb. , cured of what other doctors called incurable blood disease. Mrs. Ella Johnson , Grand Island , Neb. , cured of chronic eye trouble and catarrh. Mrs. John Conelly , Akron , Neb. , cured of cancer. Mrs. E. Zurlg , Bluovale , Neb. , cured of female trouble , diabetes and stomach - j ach trouble. * - * S. E. Fuller , York , Neb. , cured of stomach and bowel trouble and kidney trouble. Miss Debore , Waco , Neb. , cured of skin disease of years standing , had been treated by many doctors. Mrs. Oscar Lange , Tekamah , Neb. , cured of and other female trouble. Louie Harper , Columbus , Nob. , cured of Brlght's disease , heart trouble and nervousness. Mrs. J. Jorgensen , Coznd , had suf fered many years from nervous dis ease , loss of vitality and general weak ness. She now feels healthy and like a new woman. Mrs. J. H. Sommers , Craig , Neb. , cured of female trouble , general weak ness and loss of flesh. Cured In three months. Mrs. Sommers had doctored with many doctors. W. H. Larson , G6 Nesbert St. , New- ark. N. J. , says : "Dr. Caldwell , after suffering for 30 years I have found no treatment equal to yours , I write you these few lines to speak of the ex cellency of your treatment and I v < * think It duo you. " Mrs. Mary Kraken , Wayne , Neb. , cured of chronic rheumatism , swollen limbs , heart trouble , headache and general debHIty. Had almost given up hope , when she heard of Dr. Cald well , her treatment soon cured her and she is now thankful. Mrs. Charles Shaw , Ponder , cured of rheumatism , almost had consump- tion. tion.Mr. Mr. Nulph Wynduro , Beaver , Neb , cured of gall stones of liver. Joe Carlson , Ft. Wayne , Ind. , cured of largo cancer of breast. S. J. Blessen , Platte Center , Nob. , cured of stomach trouble of long standing , nervous debility ; was treated - ed by many doctors. Nebraska's most popular epeclaliat. Dr. O. Caldwell , registered graduate of the Kentucky School of Medicine , will make her next visit to Norfolk THURSDAY , JANUARY 12.