The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 13, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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Commission Is Composed of Five Sen
ators and Five Representatives.
Created During Last Session on Rec
ommendation of President.
Washington , Jan. 3. Subventions of
flvo dollars per gross ton annually ;
subsidies for the carrying of malls
from Atlantic coast nnd Gulf of Mexico
ice ports to South nnd Central Amer
ica and Cuba , and from Pacific const
ports to Japan , China , the Philippines ,
Mexico , Central America and the Isth
mus of Panama ; a tonnage tax on
foreign vessels entering United States
ports ; the creation of a naval volun
teer service , and the encouragement
of apprentices on ships In foreign
trade arc provided for In a bill agreed
upon by the joint merchant and ma
rine commission , which submitted Its
report to congress today.
" The commission , composed of live
senators and live representatives ,
was created during the last session of
congress In response to a recommen
dation by President Hoosevelt. An
exhaustive Investigation was made
by the commission of the conditions
of the American merchant marine
nnd American commerce with a view
to ascertaining the most feasible
means for their development. Hear
ings were conducted during the year
at nearly all the important shipping
and commercial centers In the United
States. The report of the commission
contains more than 35,000 words and
is made up of references to the im
portant testimony taken , estimates of
the annual cost of the methods pro
posed to restore the merchant ma
rine , nnd an urgent appeal for the
passage , by the present congress , of
the bill presented with the report.
The bill agreed upon is divided Into
eleven sections. The first makes pro
vision for creating a force of naval
volunteers capable of rendering ser
vice in tlmo of war. It provides that
the secretary of the navy and the sec
retary of commerce nnd labor should
cause to be made an enrollment of of
ficers and men , now and hereafter em
ployed In the merchant marine and
deep-sea fisheries of the United
States , who shall receive an annual
retainer , at the end of each year , as
follows :
"For each master or chief engineer
of a vessel of the United States of
five thousand gross tonnage or over ,
one hundred dollars ; for each master
or chief engineer of a vessel of the
United States of one thousand gross
tons or over.but of less than five thou
sand gross tons , eighty-five dollars ;
for each master or chief engineer of
a vessel of the United States under
one thousand gross tons , seventy dollars
lars ; for each mate or assistant engi
neer of a vessel of the United States
of five thousand gross tons or over ,
seventy dollars ; for each mate or as
sistant engineer of a vessel of the
United States of one thousand gross
tons or over but of less than five
thousand gross tons , fifty-five dollars ;
for each mate or assistant engineer of
a vessel of the United States under
one.thousand gross tons , forty dollars
lars ; for each seaman , twenty-five dollars
lars ; for each boy , fifteen dollars. "
The second section , prescribing the
conditions under which vessels en
gaged In the foreign trade shall be
eligible to receive the subventions , Is
as follows :
"That In the Interest of the nation
al defense and for the performance of
the public services hereinafter speci
fied , after July 1 , nineteen hundred
1 and six , the secretary of the treas
ury is hereby authorized and directed
to pay , subject to the provisions of
this act , out of any money in the trea
sury not otherwise appropriated , to
the owner or owners of any vessel
hereinafter built and registered in the
United States or now duly registered
by a citizen or citizens of the United
States ( including as such citizens any
corporation created under the laws of
the United States or any of the states
thereof ) , subventions as hereinafter
provided ; that Is to say , ( a ) the sum
of five dollars per gross registered
ton for each vessel which has been
engaged in the foreign trade by sea
or the deep-sea fisheries for a period
of twelve months , including tlmo nec
essarily consumed in making annual
or extraordinary repairs ; ( b ) the sum
of four dollars per gross registered
ton for each vessel which has been
engaged in the foreign trade by sea
or the deep-sea fisheries for a period
of nlno months or over , but less than
twelve roonthc , including tlmo nec
essarily consumed In making extraor
dinary repairs ; ( c ) the sum of two
dollars and * ifty cents per gross reg
istered ton for parb vessel which has
been engaged in the foreign trade by
sea or the deep-sea fisheries for a pe
riod of six months or over , but less
than nine months , including time nec
essarily consumed in making extra
ordinary repairHj
Provided , That if , for reasons satis
factory to the secretary of commerce
and labor , a vessel is Idle for more
than one month when not undergoing
repairs or receiving or discharging
cargo the subvention shall be reduced
prorate. "
Provision IB made in the third sec
tion that vessels receiving the sub
vention may bo taken by the United
States , at n fair compensation , for
national defense or any public pur
pose. It provides also that when the
postmaster general requires , the ves
sels shall carry mulls free of charge.
That one-sixth of the crows shall be
citizens of the United States.
The fourth section provides "that
the contracts provided for In fceetlon
three shall bo for n period of one
year , and shall bo renewed from time
to tlmo , but no vessel shall receive a
subvention under the provisions of
this net lor a longer period than ten
years. "
Sections live nnd six authorize and
direct the postmaster general to enter
Into contracts , for not less than five
nor more than ten years , for the car
rying of mails In steamships built and
registered In the United States , be
tween ports of the United Stnten and
foreign ports , on the routes , nt bpecl-
lied rates of speed and amounts.
Section nlno relates to apprentices.
Section ten repeals all conflicting
nets nnd section eleven fixes July 1.
lOOri , as the tlmo the proposed legis
lation shall take effect.
Concluding the commission urges
the need of Immedate relief for the
American merchant marine , baying :
"If the passage of the legislation
proposed by the commission is post
poned to the next session of congress
a condition already desperate will
have bocomn still more desperate.
The tlmo to act Is now. The commis
sion has prepared a conservative
measure , aiming to achieve Its pur
pose nt a minimum cost , fair to all
sections and Interests , and directed
especially to the strengthening of the
national defense and the extenblon of
American commerce to new and dis
tant markets. The commission can
sec no reason why a cautious mea
sure of this kind , making no large Im
mediate draft upon the national rev
enues , can not bo passed at the pres
ent session of congress.
"With all possible emphasis , there
fore , the commission recommends that
the bill which will bo reported from
the commission and introduced into
the two houses of congress , be taken
up promptly , and after reasonable de
bate advanced to enactment "
Would be of Itnportancse In Increas
ing Revenues of the National Gov
ernment States Would be the Los
ers Friends Lacking.
New York , Jan. C. Thomas G.
Frost , general counsel for the Nation
al Incorporation company , and author
of "Frost on Incorporation , " upon be
ing Interviewed In reference to the
proposed federal licensing of incor
porations , said :
"Tho proposed remedial corpora
tion legislation recommended by Com
missioner Garfield involves two sep
arate propositions : First , the pas
sage of a general federal Incorpora
tion law ; second , the enactment of a
federal statute requiring all corpora
tions engaged In Interstate commerce
to procure a license from the federal
government before engaging therein.
"My opinion as to the advisability
and practicability of such legislation
is this : A federal corporation law ,
permissive and not mandatory in
character , while it would have much
to recommend It , would do little to
wards remedying existing abuses.
Such an act would simply meet the
wants of those who preferred a char
ter issued under authority of the fed
eral government , and this , too , at the
expense of the state governments ,
who would unquestionably suffer a
diminution in income were federal in
corporation to be permitted. As a
source of revenue to the national gov
ernment , such an act would undoubt
edly bo a pronounced success , but as
a 'trust-buster1 it would be a grievous
"Tho proposition to require a fed
eral license from all state corporations
engaged In Interstate commerce Is
crude , visionary and exceedingly ill-
advised from a business standpoint.
It Is a species of radical legislation
stilted to a strongly centralt/ed gov
ernment , such as France , rather than
to one , such as ours , wherein the
rights of the several states are care
fully guarded by constitutional enact
ments against encroachment on their
prerogatives by the federal govern
ment. < f K
"The objects to the proposed federal
license law may bo briefly summarized
as follows : First : It Is centraliza
tion In Its worst nnd most virulent
form ; second , It would bo impossible
to make It wholly effective owing to
the fact that the right to forfeit the
charters of the corporations EO li
censed would rest necessarily with
the state authorities from whom the
charter was procured. Finally , if
such a bill were introduced into con
gress it would bo difficult to find for
it friends among the numerous body
of 'safe and sound statesmen. ' "
Northern Nebraska Awoke Beneath a
Heavy , Powdery , Downy Blanket of
Very Pretty But Inconvenient Snow.
Wind Develops Slightly.
Another taste of real winter WUH af
forded northern Nebraska today when
the country woke up under a blanket
of four Inches of unstained snow. The
bulk of the flakes had fallen from the
nocturnal clouds , and the people
looked out through the windows this
morning upon a much changed land.
And the snow was Ml III falling.
The storm began yesterday after
noon , precisely HH predicted by The
Newb weather bureau. The barom
eter began to drop early in the day ,
with the wind toward the northwest.
Indicating that there was a low pres
sure area approaching from that dl
rectloii. Late In the day the circle of
light air struck town , and began at
once emptying Its surplus moisture
Today the area had proceeded to tin-
southeast , leaving a light wind trail
Ing alter and the ragged edges of tin-
Know .still banging around.
One beauty about nutuio Is the fact
that a low piessuro means low tem
perature and that low pressure menus
storm. With the severely Itlgld
chunks of atmosphere that batted the
venturer-out In the face yesterday
morning and the day before , the storm
of today would have meant double In
convenience , and suffering among
man and beast. As It Is , the man Is
able to get to his ofllco If ho hurries
and the beast can double up Its buck
and resist the worst.
Drifting In Some Places.
As the day grow older , the wind
grew stiongor , blowing the snow more
and more severely from the north
west. It is reported to this ofllco from
n number of points throughout the
territory that the wind has developed
strongly since early morning and that
the snow has begun In many places to
drift badly.
The railroad companies have man
aged to get along without any delays
due to the storm. The Honcstce ! pas
senger , which arrives earlier than It
did previous to last Sunday , was In
Norfolk sharply on the mlnuto this
morning , following the long delay of
yesterday due to the ditching of a
freight train. Other trains have been
running well all day , also.
Bright and early today men nnd
boys began shovelling off the thick
layer of snow that had enveloped the
down town sidewalks far beneath It.
Owing to the fact that the snow had
como almost vertically down , there
were no spots to speak of that es
caped the covering. Pedestrians suf
fer great inconvenience along walks
which are not kept clean from this
sort of bnow.
Business Session of Physicians and
Surgeons of Elkhorn Valley Was
Held at the Elks Club Rooms Yes
terday , Followed by Scientific.
Physicians and surgeons from points
in the Elkhorn valley convened in
Norfolk yesterday afternoon and last
evening , closing with a banquet last
night a very successful meeting for
the ninth annual meeting. The pro
fessional men assembled , form the
Elkhorn Valley Medical society and
are deriving a great deal of benefit
from the meetings which they hold
here each year.
The business meeting of the society
was held in the Elks club rooms early
in the afternoon. New officers were
elected as follows :
Dr. Conwell , Nollgh , president ; Dr.
Beattio , Neligh , first vice president ;
Dr. H. P. McKnlght , Long Pine , second
end vice president ; Dr. F. A. Long ,
Madison , secretary ; Dr. W. II. II. Ha-
gey , Norfolk , treasurer. Now com
mittees will bo appointed by the pres
The papers which were read during
the scientific session that followed the
business meeting , were instructive
and the discussions demonstrated that
there was a general interest in the
subjects dealt with. A number of
Upjfolk people attended the session ,
and they were much Interested in the
Dr. Edward Tanner of Battle Creek
discussed "A Case of Purpura Ilomor-
rhaglca. " Dr. Charles O'Neill Rich
of Omaha talked on , "Somo General
Considerations in the Diagnosis and
Treatment of Abdominal Diseases. "
"Llttlo Neglected Cases" was dis
cussed by D. W. Beattio of Neligh.
Dr. P. H. Sailer of Norfolk had the
"Presentation of Several Cases. " Dr.
W. O. Henry of Omaha discussed
"Utorino Displacements. " Dr. E. A.
Beard of Stanton spoke on "Primary
Carcinoma of the Nasal Septum. "
Tells flow He Escaped the Terrors of Many Winters
by Using ; Pc-rti-na.
Mr. Brock's
Age Is U5
Years , fivSf
" .S ? * '
MR. ISAAC HROCK , HORN IN KUIMCOMIir (50. ( , N. C. , MARCH I , 17011.
His age Is 115 years , vouched for hy authentic record , lie says : "I attribute
my extreme old age to the use of I'criina. "
Horn before the United States
w as formed
San'22 Presidents elected.
f'e-rii-na has protected him from
all sudden changes.
Veteran of four wan.
Shod a horse when 9a yca-s old.
Always conquered the Krip with
Witness In a land sult at the ago
of 110 years.
Dellcves Pcruna the greatest
remedy of the age for catarrhal
. nUOCK , ft cltl7C'li of McToli-
nmi county , TexnH , him lived for 115
yearn. For ninny years ho roHlded nt
Itcnqno FnllH , eighteen nillca wont of
WUP.O , but now lives with hlBKun-ln-law
tit Valley Mills , Tuzas.
A abort tlmo ngo , by mjuciU , Uncle
IHIUIO came to Waco nnd but for his plo-
tur3. In his hand be held u stlok cut
"Tho Need of Physicians Combining
for Mutual Protection" was the sub
ject of a paper by Dr. J. II. Mackay
of Norfolk. Dr. W. F. Conwell of Ne-
Ilgh , the now president , gave a "Re
port of a Few Interesting Cases. "
The only doctors booked to appear
who did not , were C. r. Allison of
Omaha and George H. Bicknell of
In the evening an informal banquet
was served in the club rooms. Music ,
billiards and sociability prevailed un
til a late hour. Outgoing trains to
day took the doctors bark to their
Among those pretent wore Drs.
Long , Morse , Walters , Tanner , Hoard ,
Bear , F. G. Salter , J. H. Mackay , n.
O. Munson , Charles O'Neill HIch , P.
H. Salter , W. F. Conwell , U. P. Demp
ster , J. C. McKlnley , J. H. Montgom
ery , F. A. Bryant , W. II. II. Hagey ,
D. W. Beattlc , E. W. Mlnton.
The following were elected to mem
bership : Drs. C. O. Rich , Omaha ;
W. O. Henry , Omaha ; T. Wiglesworth ,
Hooper ; R. H. Morse , Wisner ; A. J.
Kerley , Randolph ; David Isaacs , Win-
side ; M. A. Floersch , Hartington ; H.
Wlnnett Orr , Lincoln : W. R. Peters ,
Stanton ; R. P. Dempster , Hosklns.
A vote of thanks was extended to
the Elks for the use of their lodge
"I can't get a girl , " cries the de
spairing housekeeper. A want ad in
The News gets the gin , restores sun
shine In her soul , cheerfulness In her
homo nnd happiness in her husband
and children. News want ads are
great stuff. If used.
Couple of Youths Run Counter Attrac
tion to "Heart of Chicago. "
A couple of boys said to have been
Paul Bryant and Ben Boomer got into
a fistic argument last night in the
gallery of the Auditorium during the
performance of tbo "Heart of Chicago
cage , " and for a time succeeded In
running a counter attraction to the
war being waged on the stage. In
the absence of tlu manage
ment of the Auditorium took the mat
ter in hand and U la morning made
out complaints against the disturb
ers of the peace ns a warning that the
gallery gods are expected to ho well
behaved whether there is an officer
on hand to preserve order or not.
Very Low Rates to Agricultural Asso
ciations meeting , Lincoln , Nob. ,
Via the Northwestern line , will bo
sold at reduced rates Jan. 14 to 19 ,
Inclusive , limited to return until Jan.
25 , Inclusive. Apply to ngonta Chica
go & Northwestern R'y.
from the piuvo of ( ieneral Andii-w
.lai-knoll , \ \ hfi'll him lu-ell carried hy linn
over hlnce , Mr. MIOCK In n dignified old
gunllcniun , clio-uiiif ; fiw ( t-igiiM of do-
cropllnile. Illn family Illlilo U Mill prc-
Horvcd , Mini II nho\\n that Ilio dale < > f lilH
birth wai u i IIten 115 years p > .
Hiuely a few woiiU I'mm llilH n-imirkn-
bio old p'lillemaii , \\liu him liuil Il.'i
yearn of expel It-urn to drafiotu , would
bo Inlcie-tint ; anell IIH piolllahlc. A
Il'M lllS lilopl U | > lllcll ; Hl.cteli Iri given of
tliln ii-nnti Uiililu old niiin In the Wnro
Tlinoh-ltcialil , Dceoinher I , IMIS. A Htill
more pn-ti-nlioii-4 lilopraphy of UilH , the
olilcsl living man , illnntialcdwith
a doiililu column portrait , wax j-iven the
roadern of the P.ilian Morning NI-MH ,
dntcd Deecm her It , | MH , and also the
Chicago-Time * Herald of HIIIIIU dale.
ThlH centenarian IK an nr.lcnl fili-nd of
I'criina , having used It many year * .
In hpeiiklng of MM good health and
cittenu ) old uue. Mr Hroek MUVH :
"Afler n mini him UVIM ! In lh world
IIH lung IIH I him1 , ho ought to have
found out a itieat miuiy thln n hy *
perleth't- . ! think I have done HO.
One ol the things I linvc found
out to my entire satisfaction Is tha
proper thing for ailments that are
due directly to the effects ol the
climate. lor Il.'i years I have
withstood the changeable cllmato
ol the United States.
"I luwi u I \\II.IM lii-oii n very lieiillliy
man , lml of oem o mildooi to the lltlln
uffei-lloliH which am duo to Midden
chaugnn In tlii'eliiiniie and Innipcriilurii.
Uurlng my l < > nu lifn I have Unoun n
Klcal lnmieiiicdle4 : for eoii hx , eohln
illld dial i hira
"As for Dr. llartman's remedy
Pcruna , I hne found It to he the
hest , If not the on'y , rellahle rem
edy for these affections. It has
heen my btanilhy ( or many .1 ears ,
and I attribute my good health and
CMrcme old axe to this remedy.
"II ' \i -iy ! ( in eU all my reijnirc-
menu. II jnoleelM inn liom the eil
elTerlM of xliildeli i ImllJIeH ; II lii'epM mo
Indued | ; II ulvcH inn Hi I enr I h ;
U liei | m my blood In peed ell ciil.iln.M.
I hiiveeome | n rely upon II alnioM cn-
llrely for I he many llllln Uilii s for
\ \ hleh I need ineilielne.
"When epidemic * of In gllpin | flint
begun to miiKi' their appearanec In HUH
country 1 \\as n MillVicr from thin d in
/ had several long sieges with
the grip. At first I did not know
that I'eruna was a remedy for
this disease. When I heard that
la grippe was epidemic catarrh , I
tried Pcruna for la grippe and
found It to he Just the thing. "
In a later letter dated January HI , HKi.1 ,
Mr. Hroek wrlli-H :
"I am wull and fcellMK IIH well UN I
have for yeiirH. The only thing that
liolherH mo In my Hl hl. If I could xeo
lieller I could \\alk all over the farm
and \\ould do mo good. 1 would nut
ho without I'eruna. "
YOUTH truly ,
For a frou book on catarrh , luldrvnn
The Perilim Medicine Co. , ( 'oliiinliih ) , U.
If you do not del I vn prompt and Kitlx *
fin-lory n-Hiiltn from the UHD of 1'erurm ,
wrlloatoncn to Dr. llartinnn , plvlnn n
full ntateinent of your cane and ht > will
bo Cleaned to give jon bin valuable ml-
\ leiuralln. .
Adilri-Hx [ > r llarlinnn , I'roildriit of
The llarlmaii Kiiiilturliun , Columljiit ,
( Milo.
Every One
Should Know
the great advaiilagos oil'erwl by through
car .sen ice on a journey east. If yon can
board a ear at your home town and not
leave it until yon reach Chicago , it is an
advantage worth considering. This can he
done from any jjoint on the main line of
the Union Pacific Kailroad hy asking for
tickets via the
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul Ry-
The trains on this line are brilliantly light
ed hy electricity , are steam heated , and
equipped with every modern safety device
known to railway service.
F , A , NASH , Gen'l ' Western Agent , 1524 Farnam St ,
Steady , Substantial Progress ts Re
ported In the Banking World of Nor
folk for the Twelvemonth Just
Brought to a Successful Close.
At a mooting of the stockholders of
the Norfolk National bank yesterday ,
the same board of directors which
has served In the past , was re-elected.
The past year was cno hi which the
presidency of the Norfolk National
bank changed fio-n w. II. Bucholz to
C. 13. Burnham , and the administration
of Mr. Burnham was given the hearty
endorsement of the stockholders nt
their meeting yesterday. The bank ,
which Is the oldest in this section of
the state , has grown steadily during
the twelvemonth just closed.
Nebraska National.
The board of directors and the of
ficers who had served as managers of
the affairs of the Nebraska National
bank during the first year ot its life ,
were all re-elected at the meeting of
the stockholders held in the banking
parlors yesterday.
The Nebraska National bank start
ed In Norfolk during the year just
closed. It has made steady , substan
tial strides In tbo business world
slnco its Installation. With George
D. nuttcrficld as president , the af
fairs have been handled conservative
ly and well. The bank Is connected
with a number of banks In northern
Nebraska nnd South Dakota through
banks In which the vlco president , C.
A. Johnson. Is Interested.
Citizens National.
At n meeting of the Citizens Nation-
nl bank stockholders , hold yesterday ,
James F. Toy of Sioux City was elect
ed president to succeed T. F. Mem-
mingor , nnd a number of other chnng-
v.b , an reported in aiiuihor column ,
wortmade. .
Try a News want ad.
Madison county to prepare for desirable -
able position in Govt. Mail services
Salary $800. Rapid promotion to
$1500. Splendid opportunity. Ad-
Address Box One , Cedar Rapids , la.
As an advertising medium "Tho
News-Journal is unexcelled in its ter