The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 13, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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W. N , HUMS , 1'tilill-lirr.
tlCMiiMlitlteil 11187 ]
nvcry tiny except Humluy lly cnr-
tier jior wnak. U > t-ontu lly Norfolk
poNtollIre ilullvory , per yenr , $6.00. lly
nwll on rtirnl routoH ami oiitHlilo or
Norfolk , per yonr , $3.00.
WKiaitltY MW.H-.UUHINAI. .
The NOWH , KnlnlillHliPil. 1SSI.
The Jotmml , KutulillHlinil , 1877.
Kvory Friday , lly innll pur yi > nr , $ l.f > 0.
Kntoretl nt tlio pontnltlro lit Norfolk ,
Noli , nn Hoooiul olnnH niiitltir.
Telephones : Killtorlnl nopnrtinnnl ,
No 21 ! luminous Olllt'o anil .lob Uoumn ,
No. 322.
TI7o Mlnnourl ropttlillcniiH have gone
on record. They Intondo to K't It ho
known that tlioro WUH n change I"
politics In Hint Rtato mid ( ho Mop can
not full to bo recalled every Mine Iho
reader of congressional news oncoiin-
tors ( ho iiiuuo of Thotimn K. Nlodrlng-
bans. Thnt nnino would lie n roinlndor
of nny old thing.
\Vlili ( ho disagreement of her Jury
and the refusal of ( ho presiding Judge
( o grant ball ponilliiK her now trial
Nan radcrflon Hliould bo convinced
( liat HIO ! will bo fortunate If she IH
pcnnltlcd to Hpond ( ho Fourth of July
at homo. She was In a hurry to got
homo for Christmas , but ( ho oruol law
inailo ( lint Impossible. , and may place
blocltR In ( ho way of others of her de
With the fall of 1'ort Arthur and the
recall of ( ho Bccond 1'aclllc squadron
the main point of Interest In the war
Is concentrated about the armies at
Mukden , unless the Japanese choose
to take n swing at Vladivostok , In
which event the Interest would again
lie divided about ns It was before the
fall of Port Arthur. In either event
the Japu would scorn to liavo a , ma-
torlal advantage anil the Moscovltos
will bo compelled to do some of the
fiercest fighting they have yet done to
change the nlttmtlon In any largo de
Colorado , having started In ( ho
strenuous life , there la no tolling
whore Its trouble will ontl. Politics
out there Is developing Into n quality
that could scarcely bo exceeded on
the Manchurlan frontier , and there Is
no tolling where the next bomb will
bo exploded. With the two candidates
for governor and tholr friends at
swords' points , comes now the house
and the senate and Indulges In n game
or war that Is of the lurid quality.
It Is nbout time that the cow boys and
the ranchers of the entire west called
nt Denver and give the people of that
city a. proper example of gentlemanly
Doth houses of the legislature have
adjourned until Tuesday , prosum-
bly to give the members n chance to
take off tholr coats , mnlBten tholr
hands and got ready for the real work
of ( ho session which Is expected ( o bo
concluded at the earliest possible mo
ment. They have left the now stao (
officers In charge , duly sworn and
qualified , so ( hat the affairs of the com
monwealth will receive nil the atten
tion they require during ( ho brief leg
islative holiday. In the meantime
the legislators will consult with the
leaders In ( holr dlsrlcs ( and bo prepared -
pared ( o act according to the wishes
of the people on the various matters
that arc to bo brought to tholr atten
tion , as Indicated by the governor's
message and the first Influx of bills
and suggestions.
Evidences are that ( ho railroads
nro seeking ( o discredit Secretary of
the Navy Morton with the people and
the administration , It Is alleged that
one of the largest givers of rebates
Is the Santa Fo road of which Mr.
Morton was formerly vlco president
and that ho know of the giving of
these rebates and the policy had his
sanction. Mr. Morton has paid slight
heed to the vicious attacks and It Is
said that President Roosevelt has giv
en assurances that they have not
harmed him In the estimation of the
executive. It Is probable that Secre
tary Morton and the president fully
understand each other , and Mr. Mor
ton having had experience In the re
bate matter , Is ono of the best advis
ors on the president's proposed re
form that It has been possible for the
executive to secure. If It takes n thief
to catch n thief it Is possible that n
railroad man with experience In the
rebate matter will bo a power toward
directing n reform In that particular.
If Mr. Morton is to bo blamed for his
attitude what can the other railroad
men think of President J. J. Hill who
has spoken favorably to President
Roosevelt's plan of reform ?
There is no longer a chance for
doubt that the national administration
means business when It comes to cor
recting the abuses of some of the
trusts and the charge made by Candi
date Parker at the close of the cam
paign Is being vigorously and satis
factorily answered ns far as the people
ple are concerned. It Is a matter of
regret ( hat Prosldont KooHovelt can
not ho choHOti to Biicceod himself after
the present lorm of olllco IIHB oxplrod.
Still , It IH hoped and hullovod that a
candidate will ho developed who will
titep In and ronllnuo ( ho work on the
llnoH laid down by the president. Na
turally the largo IniHtH and corpora
tions will endeavor to wo that the
next choice for president IH favorable
to their way of thinking and the poo-
pi o will need to bo awalto to tholr In-
terewtH If thu proHont program IH to
bo continued and they Hliould curly
ho on the lookout for Iho man who
will Hiiccuuil ProHldont Room-volt.
The latent anil ono of the best ovl-
doncoH that Iho admlnlHlratlon IH pro
ceeding vlgoroiiHly agaliiHt the trimts
IH the brief tiled by Attorney General
Moody In the beef trust case. This
brlof recites positively : "That there
IH a conspiracy to control the market
of the nation for fresh meats ; that It
doeH control It , ami that Its control
IH morclloHH and oppressive , are facts
known of all men. "
The HiiHHlutiH In front of Mukden
obHorved tholr ChrlHlmiiH by tiring
some hot Hhot Into the position of the
JapanoHo. This might have piovon
n merry diversion for the HuHslanH
on their holiday hut It could liiudly
have meant a happy holiday feeling
for tholr opponents.
Japan Is too busy lighting to take
tlmo for the forming of a request to
her enemy as to whether or not peace
is desired. The Japs are In a fair way
of whipping Uussla Into making a
cry of "enough" without pleading for
a cessation of hostilities and It IH
probable that the war will ho long and
strenuous If Russia Insists on receiv
ing a proposal of peace from the llttlo
brown men.
Mr. Miller , representing the pack
ers In the famous hoof trust case ad
mits that there Is and has boon an
"understanding" between the various
packers , but naturally takes excep
tion to the allegation that this "un
derstanding" la In violation of the
anti-trust laws. The people , however ,
arc with the attorney general In be
lieving that there are and have been
violations of the law and they and the
supreme court will undoubtedly re
quire some positive proof before they
are otherwise convinced.
When the developments and the
sensations ccaso to appear In the Col
orado election cases It will bo time
for Kentucky , Texas or South Carolina
lina to crcato some sort of an excite
ment to divert the attention of the
people. Meanwhile the other fairly
reliable sources of similar news nro
taking n well deserved rest. It la
really commendable on their part to
refrain from inflicting the people fur
ther. The Colorado situation Is nil
that can well bo illgcstcd nt once by
the readers of sensational political
news. There la danger , however , that
Colorado Is holding the fort overtime ,
and the people there will finally be
disgusted and throw the whole state
out of the union.
Congressman Adams of Pennsyl
vania has Introduced In congress a
bill establishing the whipping post for
wife beaters in the District of Colum
bia. It Is prescribed that the whip
ping shall bo done privately by the
chief of police In the presence of the
city physician only. If congress pass
es the bill and It becomes n law an
example will bo sot the state legisla
tures that might bo followed In order
to deal appropriately and effectively
with a certain class of citizens that
are known to nearly every community
and for whoso punishment there Is
no adequate and fitting provision in
the majority of the statutes. If such
n law is good for the district of Col
umbia , having the approval of the
president , It Is assuredly good for the
various states , and Nebraska should
not bo the last to Incorporate it In its
There Is every reason to believe that
the coming yenr will bo ono of un
usual prosperity and development In
Norfolk. The city Is not overgrown
by any manner of means and will
stand a much greater expansion be
fore It can bo considered as swelling
beyond what will bo justified by the
environments of the town , the fertil
ity of the territory surrounding and
jtho railway advantages which feed
out and In from a prosperous section
filled with growing towns and com
munities. Norfolk has to offer as an
Inducement for the location hero of
some Important manufacturing Indus
try a flno building located on n fertile
slto well adapted for carrying on some
Important Industry. With this ns a
starter thcro should bo no difficulty
in Inducing otlicr industries to locate
hero and with the vigor that Is being
shown by the commercial club favora
ble attention to the desirability of the
city as a center of north Nebraska
progress will bo attracted. Norfolk
cannot help but continue the remark.
able growth that It has nliown during
the past iiovoral yoara and Its people
have conlldenco In an exceedingly
bright future for the town.
The Japanese are finding that a
number of soldiers and oIllcorH whom
they were mippoHod to have killed are
now on tholr hands with the turning
over of Port Arthur and numbers of
thorn prefer rather to ho prlwonorH of
war than to return to ItiiBHla with the
poHHlblllty ( hut they will ho favored
with a court martial.
If the republican leglHlaturo of No-
hniHka carries through the present
program and continues an It IIIIH
started out at Lincoln there Is no
doubt hut that It will make many ad
ditional republican votes In the state.
The work thus far has been very pret
ty and the program for the balance of
the soHRlon seems subject to approval.
With ( ho making of Port Arthur a
base for the operation of the Japan
ese fleet It scorns probable that Iho
llttlo brown men will hereafter exor
cise an Influence In Manchuria and
the far east In the future , which will
bo agiecahlo to a largo number of the
leading nations of the world. Japan
ese Influence IIIIH boon for good wher
ever It has been manifest and It is to
ho desired that they bo given a gen
erous hold in the region influenced
from Port Arthur.
The Fremont Tribune has Ismiod an
edition devoted to the Improvements
made In that city and Dodge county
during the past year , that shows a
very creditable achievement. The edi
tion consists of twenty-four pages and
the Improvements for the county show
n grand total of ? SO 1,427. Including
many handsome residences , improve
ments to business properties , side
walks , etc. , which make a very worthy
showing for the development of the
city and country.
It was the Norfolk Daily News that
brought the first account of the fall
of Port Arthur. Wild excitement pre
vailed on Monday afternoon when a
special edition , six hours ahead of the
Omaha papers , under Brother W. N.
Huso's bold headlines , gave in detail
the surrender of the long besieged
Russian stronghold to the Japanese
forces. It may not be out of place to
here state , that the readers of The
Norfolk Dally News are dnily fur
nished with what Is known as a skel
etonized report of the Associated
Press from nlno to fourteen hours In
advance of the readers of nny other
papers that como to this city. Madi
son Star-Mail.
The republican legislature of Colorado
rado has arrived at a sensible conclu
sion In taking the determination to
scat the democratic nominee for gov
ernor , Alva Adams , who apparently
had a largo majority over the present
republican governor and candidate
for ro-electlon , John II. Peabody. The
plurality of the former on canvass of
the vote was found to bo 9,771 and
though many of these votes may have
boon fraudulent , It is evident that the
desire of the people of the state was
for a change In the executive office
and it has been determined by the re
publicans that if there Is to bo a con
test It will bo Instituted by ex-Govern
or Peabody and not by Governor Ad
ams. This decision should add
strength to the republican cause In
Colorado and this strength should be
greater according to the amount of
fraud that was used In the election
of Adams.
John Temple Graves of Atlanta , Ga. ,
is authority for the statement that
the people of the south in common
with the people of the north and west
are beginning to like President
Roosevelt most cordially. The Reese
velt way should appeal particularly to
the people of the south If their pre
judices to anything northern and re
publican can bo subordinated to fair
ness. The popular northern concep
tion of the southern gentleman is
that ho Is deep In his heart an admirer
of any nature like that of Roosevelt's
and before the end of the present term
It may bo expected that Mr. Roosevelt
will bo the idol of that section as in
the balance of the country. The
changed sentiment Is coming rather
late to benefit Mr. Roosevelt as ho
has determined not to again become
a candidate for the office , but with the
acknowledgement that the south ad
mired McKlnley and thought that
President Roosevelt vns about right ,
there Is ovcry reason to hope that In
the future the southern people will
not turn an absolutely deaf ear to the
qualifications of n candidate for the
presidency merely because ho hap
pens to affiliate with the republican
party. The statement of Mr. Graves
might bo taken to indicate that other
southern states are getting ready to
follow Missouri over the fence into
the republican pasture. A great deal
now depends on the administration ,
state and national , whether the pee
ple of MIsHoiirl are to bo satisfied
with their political change.
The citizens of Lincoln nro con
vinced ( hat they are needing Homo-
thing new In the street railway line
and have gone ahead to form an Inde
pendent company for the building of
a line In competition with the pros-
out company. Lincoln may need bet
tor car facllltloH than It Is now re
ceiving , but what Norfolk needs IH
an original line to care for the pub
lic. Norfolk assuredly needs one line
IIH much as Lincoln needs two and the
opportunity IH offered for Norfolk to
Bocuro the needed convenience , the
meeting of the commercial club called
for Friday night being an ImiiorUint
step In the right direction. If the
bimlnoHH men and other progressive
citizens Interested take the proper ac
tion through the commercial club
there IH no question but that before
another summer Norfolk will have a
street railway line In operation to the
great convenience of a great number
of people and the profit of the stock
A mooting of the Norfolk commer
cial club has been called for Friday
evening to consider a street railway
proposition , and that thcro should bo
a large attendance and earnest con
sideration of the matter Is a foregone
conclusion. Perhaps no city of Its
size In the sato is more greatly in
need of a street railway system than
is Norfolk. It is important that a
menus of rapid and comfortable con
veyance ho provided between the
widely separated portions of the city.
There la already a largo amount of
business transacted between the city
proper and South Norfolk where are
located the principal depot of the
Northwestern , the round house and
the machine shops , but this business
would bo much larger If there was a
comfortable street railway with sched
ule of arrivals and departures of the
cars from given points on its route.
The experiment of connecting Nor
folk and South Norfolk was tried atone
ono tlmo , but the motive power was
the primitive horse and the rolling
stock was allowed to deteriorate until
the people found greater comfort and
almost ns rapid locomotion in walking
between the two points. The line was
built during the boom period and did
a very good business for some time.
But following the boom there was a
collapse. Crop failures and hard
times generally hit the street railway
as well as every other line of business
and finally the cars were abandoned
and the track torn up. Since then the
main city has Improved Immensely
and South Norfolk has kept pace with
the growth , and both are now on a
solid prosperous basis. It Is not reasonable -
sonablo to suppose that a street rail
way would pay during the period of
depression and especially a dilapidat
ed railway system such as the Nor
folk line had become , but other enter
prises that failed at that tlmo have
been made to pay well and It is just
ns reasonable to suppose that a street
railway system would pay now where
there was failure before. Then , too ,
In the first Instance a route was chos
en that was not popular , and It is
possible to now select a route that
would bo more advantageous , gov
erned by the experience of the past.
That a street railway can now be made
to pay a handsome return on the in
vestment Is not doubted by those who
have given the matter consideration
and It Is to bo hoped that the commer
cial club will not only intelligently
consider the present proposition , but
that it will take a step that will Insure
the building of the lino. Outside of
the fact that a street railway can be
made to profit those holding the stock ,
are the advantages to bo derived by
the business interests of the city In
Increased patronage while there is a
possibility of developing and cement
ing the social relations between the
city proper and South Norfolk that
cannot fall to bo of advantage in many
ways. Norfolk needs a street railway
line and now Is the opportune tlmo
to inaugurate the movement so thai
the work of construction may bo com
mcnced with the opening of spring
and completed at the earliest possible
Know all Men by These Presents :
That WP , Dan Craven and .John A
Craven , do associate ourselves together
or for the purpose of forming and becoming
coming a corporation In the state o
Nebraska , lor the transaction of the
business hciehaifUr du&cribed.
Name and Place of Business.
Article I. The Tinmn of the corpo
ration shall bo Norfolk Laundry Co.
The principal place of transacting Its
business shall be in the City of Nor
folk , County of Madison , and State
of Nebraska.
Article II. The nature of the busi
ness to bo transacted by said corpo
ration shall be to operate In said City
and elsewhere laundrlco , to purchase
the necosBary machinery , buildings
and real estate necessary to carry on
such business , and to soil the same ,
and to employ agents and to establish
agencies to promote said business and
such other matters as may bo neces
sary to promote and extend the same.
Capital Stock.
Article III. The authorized capital
stock of said corporation shall bo $10-
000.00 In Bhnrcs of $100.00 each to bo
subscribed and paid for In cash , the
Hiild corporation to purchase and re
ceive title to the real estate , buildings ,
machinery , fixtures and personal prop
erty now owned by the above named
Dan Craven and John A. Craven at
Norfolk , Nebraska , and used In the
operation of the Norfolk Steam Laun
dry , at the sum of $10,000.00.
Article IV. The existence of thin
cori > orntlon shall commence on the
2nd day of January , A. D. 100.1 , and
continue during the period of twenty
Officers and Duties.
Article V. The officers of Bald cor
poration shall bo a president , who
Khali bo the general manager , and n
secretary and treasurer , the last two
positions may bo hold by ono person ,
who shall bo elected at the semiannual
nual meetings of the stock holders
hereinafter provided for , and shall
hold their office for the period of six
( C. ) months and until their successors
shall ho elected and qualified. The
president shall have general charge
and control of the business of said
corporation and shall manage all its
nffalrs including the hiring and dis
charging of employees and agents and
the buying of supplies and machinery.
The secretary and treasurer shall
keep the books of said corporation
and deposit all monies received by
said corporation In such bank or
hanks as shall bo designated by the
president , to bo checked out only upon
the approval of the president. The
secretary and treasurer may perform
his duties by proxy. The first officers
shall bo , president , Dan Craven , sec
retary and treasurer , John A. Craven ,
who shall hold such positions until
their successors are elected and qual
Article VI. The highest amount of
Indebtedness to which said corpora
tion shall at any time subject itself
shall not bo more than two-thirds of
the capital stock.
Meetings of Stock Holders.
Article VII. There shall bo a moot
ing of the stock holders of said cor
poration on the first Tuesdays In July
and January in each year , the first
meeting to bo held on the first Tues
day In July , 1905 , at which meeting
shall occur the election of officers ,
and at such meeting the stockholders
shall devise plans and means for the
management of the affairs of said cor-
loratlon , and to determine what
iinount of the profits on hand shall
ie applied to Improvements and what
amount shall bo distributed to the
stock holders In dividends. The stock
lolders at such meetings mciy adopt
such by-laws or rules as they shall
letermlno are necessary. Special
meetings may bo called by the presi
dent at any time , upon giving a rea
sonable notice to nil stock holders ,
and the president shall call a special
meeting when requested In writing
> y three stock holders , the object of
.ho meeting to be stated In the call
and no other business shall bo trans
acted at such meeting.
Incorporates : Dan Craven and
John A. Craven.
How's This.
Wo offer ono hundred dollars re
ward for any case of catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , O.
We , the undersigned , have known
F. J , Cheney for the last 15 years ,
and believe him perfectly honorable
In all business transactions and finan
cially able to carry out any obligations
made by his firm.
Wnldlng , Klnnnn & Marvin ,
Wholesade Druggists , Toledo , O.
Hall's Catarrh cure Is taken Inter
nally , acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents
per bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Take Hall's family pills for consti
There's a pretty girl In an Alpine hat ,
A sweeter girl with a sailor brim ,
But the handsomest girl you'll over
see ,
Is the sensible girl who uses Rocky
Mountain Tea.
The Kiesau Drug Co.
Tonic to the System.
For liver troubles and constipation
there Is nothing better than DeWltt's
Llttlo Early Risers , the famous llt
tlo pills. They do not weaken the
stomach. Their action upon the sys
tem is mild , pleasant and harmless.
Bob Moore , of Lafayette , Ind. , says ,
"No use talking , DeWltt's Llttlo Bar-
ly Risers do their work. All other
pills I have used gripe and make me
sick In the stomach and never cured
mo. DeWltt's LIttJo Early Risers
proved to be the long sought relief
They are simply perfect" Persons
traveling find Llttlo Early Risers the
most reliable remedy to carry with
them. Sold by Asa K. Leonard.
Speedy Relief.
A salve that heals without a scar
is DeWltt's Witch Hazel salve. No
remedy effects such speedy relief. It
draws out Inflammation , soothes ,
cools and heals all cuts , burns and
bruises. A sure cure for piles and
akin diseases. DeWitt's is the only
genuine Witch Hazel salve. Beware
of countorfe'ts ' , they nro dangerous.
Sold by Asa K. Leonard.
Want ads telephoned to The News
up until 2 o'clock will get In that day's
No More Stomach Troubles.
All stomach trouble Is removed by
the use of Kodol Dyspepsia cure. It
gives the stomach perfect rest by di
gesting what , you eat without the
stomach's aid. The food builds up the
body , the rest restores the stomach to
health. You don't have to diet your
self when taking Kodol Dyspepsia
euro. J. D. Ersklno , of Allonvlllo ,
Mich. , says , "I suffered heartburn
and stomach trouble for some tlmo.
tly sister-in-law has had the snmo
trouble and was not able to eat for
Ix weeks. She lived entirely on warm
water. After taking two bottles of
Codol Dyspepsia euro she was ontlro-
y cured. She now cats heartily and
s In good health. I am glad to say
Codol gave mo Instant relief. " Sold
by Asa K. Leonard.
Coughs and Colds. wiy
All coughs , colds and pulmonary
complaints that nro curable arc quick *
y cured by Ono Minute Cough Cure.
Clears the phlegh , draws out inflam-
natlon and heals and soothes the af
fected parts , strengthens the lungs ,
wards off pneumonia. Harmless and
) loasant to take. Sold by Asa 1C. y
It makes no difference now many
medicines have failed to euro you , If
you are troubled with headache , con-
stlpatlon , kidney or liver troubles ,
Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea will
nnko you well.
The Kiesau Drug Co.
Mothers , be Careful.
of the health of your children. Look
out for coughs , colds , croup and
vhooplng cough. Stop them In time
Ono Minute Cough cure Is the best
remedy. Harmless and pleasant. Sold
> y Asa K. Leonard.
Beautiful eyes and handsome face-
are eloquent commendations. Bright
eyes are windows to a woman's heart ,
[ lollister's Rocky Mountain Tea makes
bright eyes. 35 cents , tea or tablets.
The Kiesau Drug Co.
Monogram Designs.
New , original designs In monograms
for correspondence stationery. Very
ate and artistic. Sample sketches
will bo made without charge , for the
approval of exacting persona who de
sire this sort of work. THE NEWS.
Guaranty Fund Will Not bo. $200,000 ' .7
Per Annum as the Supreme Lodge
Contemplated , but What Nebraska
Chooses to Give A Reserve Fund.
Nebraska's great fight has been
won. Supreme Master Workman
Narvls and Brother Robson , chair
man committee on law , appeared in
Lincoln ns emissaries of the supreme
lodge , realizing that Nebraska was
terribly In earnest In this struggle „
and that under no consideration would
wo yield without the Interests of Nebraska -
braska protected In every particular.
They came as brothers of ono great
fraternity , realizing our position and
the equity of our cause. Under the
agreement now under advisement , the
guaranty fund will not be $200,000.00
per annum as the supreme lodge law
contemplated , but less than it has
been for years ; instead of the supreme
lodge not allowing us to create a reserve -
servo fund , if we so desire , they ,
through their representatives , agree
to allow us to do our own business in
our own way. Brothers Robson and
Narvis were perfect gentlemen and
true Workmen. They realize our
condition and we have their hearty
good will.
Jacob Jaskalek , G. M. W.
Silas R. Barton , G. Rec.
J. H. Bennett , Cum. Fin. Com.
I. W. Alter.
A. Galusha , Sec'y. Fin. Com.
1 CASH FOR i !
* i
Highest Market : ;
Prices Paid
at all Times.
ij Long Distance Telephone , 183.
A Well Known Cure for Piles.
Cures obstinate sores , chipped hinds , eo
leraa , skin diseases. Makes burns and coald *
painless. We could not Improve the quality
If paid double the price. Tha best itlvo
that experience can produce or that mono *
can buy.
Cures Piles Permanently
DeWltt's Is the original and only pure and
genuine Witch Harefsalvo mado. Lookfoi
the name DeWITT on every box. All olhori
are counterfeit. rMrA,1BW