The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 13, 1905, Image 1

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. , . . . .
Mr. Burkett Has Been Invited to Ad
dress the House of Representatives
Next Monday The Attack Started
In an Effort to Make Him Talk.
Lincoln , Neb. , Jan. 12. Special to
The News : The attempted diversion
against Burkett has been abandoned.
Hla teolgram from Washington , on-
dorslng Roosevelt's policies , was re
ceived with applause by the house of
Ho has been invited to address the
house next Monday.
Burkett Falls In Line.
Lincoln. Jan 12. Congressman El
inor J Ilurkott declares if elected
United States senator be will un-
cuallfledly support President RoosoJ
rolt's proposed railroad reform legis
lation. Mr. Burkett conveyed this In
formation to Speaker Rouse in a telegram -
gram from Washington , ho message
came in response to a demand from
the house that Mr. Burkett express
bis views upo- this proposition be
fore the legl p.-a took up the mat
ter of the elec * o fill the place of
Benator Dietrich <
Below Zero Weather and % fs Causes
Hardships to Catfe
Lincoln , Jan. 12. The thermometer
registered nt six below zero this morn
ing. In western Nebraska it is still
There is said to bo much suffering
of stock on the ranges and there will
undoubtedly bo some largo losses.
Cold In Kansas.
Arkansas City , Jan. 12. Zero weath
er prevailed in southern Kansas to
day. It was the coldest In several
Snow In Nebraska.
Lincoln , Jan. 12. Snow covers Ne
braska from the Colorado line to the
Missouri river. There has been little
' Trind and therefore not much suffer
ing on the part of live stock. Street
car traffic here was delayed. In tha
western part of the state the snow la
almost a foot de < ip.
Cold Weather at Butto.
Butte , Mont. , Jan. 12. Butte exper-
fenced the coldest day lu two years ,
the tempeiature ranging from 10 o-
' .J grees below zero In tne heart of the
„ city to 25 and 30 below on the wind
swept bluffs Falling temperature
throughout the state is general.
- Ducal Wedding Date Set.
Berlin , Jan. 12. Olficlal announce
ment is made that the marriage of
the Grand Duke of Hesso with the
Princess Eleonoro of Solms-Hbhen-
solms-Llch will take place in the grand
ducal church at Darmstadt three
weeks from today.
For Handball Championship.
New York , Jan. 12. A contest for
the International handball champion
ship was begun in Jersey City today
between Oliver Drew , the Irish cham
pion , and Francis Ordozgolti , who
holds the championship of France and
Spain. The contest will also decide
( the American championship as Drew
1 has taken up his permanent residence
In this country and is acknowledged
to be the superior of any American
player since Champion Michael Egan
has permanently retired from the
game. Besides the championship tltlo
the winner of the contest between
Drew and Ordozgolti will receive a
purse of $500.
From Hds Third Stroke During the
Year , Ex-Governor Silas Garber
Passes Away Wao First Nebraska
Executive Under Constitution.
Red Cloud , Neb. , Jan. 12. Ex-Gov
ernor Silas Garber , the first governor
ot Nebraska under the new constitu
tion , died hero early today.
Paralysis .was .tho .causo .of his
death. This was the third stroke
within a year.
Yeomans of Iowa Is Appointed as Com
Washington , Jan. 12. President
Roosevelt today sent to the senate the
nomination of James D. Yeomans of
Iowa to bo interstate commerce com
Prominent Commercial Dodles to
Meet In Washington ,
Washington , D. C. , Jan. 12. Tlio
Nntlonul Board of Trmlo will liohl Its
nnniml meeting In this city next week
niul as usual It will bring together
representatives of nil the prominent
commercial organizations of the coun
try. The soBslona will 1)0 ) hold nt the
Wlllnrd hotel beginning Tuesday and
continuing ( three days.
Among the matters which will bo
discussed and advocated by the meet
ing arc Inland navigation Improve
ment , extension of the powers of the
Interstate commerce commission , bet
tor trade relations with Canada , Improvement
provement of the consular service ,
International arbitration , regulations
for the manufacture and sale of wood
alcohol , and a uniform bill of lading.
Beverldge and Hemenway Named.
Indianapolis , Jnn 12 Only forty
minutes wore required for the Repub-
llcan joint caucus to organize and
nominate two candidates for the
Unltfkt States senate. Senator Albert
J. Bovorldgo to succeed himself and
Congressman James A Homenway of
Boouevlllo to nil the unoxplred term
of C. W. Fairbanks , vloo preflldont-
eloct. Senators BcTerldgo and Hem-
enwsy will bo elected to the United
State * senate Jan 17
Hull's Amendment Is Adopted After a
Heated Debate Statehood Bill and
Regulation of Railroads Under Dis
cussion In Senate.
Washington , Jan. 12. The appoint
ment of Lieutenant General Nelson
A. Miles as Inspector geneial of the
Btato of Massachusetts overshadowed
all other questions In the discussion
of the army appropriation bill lu the
house. The debate hud proceeded
leisurely until Hull , In charge of the
bill , offered an amendment piovldlng
that letlred officers above the grade
of major should not receive the full
pay of their grade when assigned to
duty with the militia of the several
states. Several members declared
that the amendment \yas directed es-
peclptty at Gmieral Miles , but Hull
Insisted that be had no such thought
In mind and argued that the best re
suits were obtained from officers of
the lower grades. Ho asserted that
not until the law was passed allowing
Increased pay for onicers assigned to
the militia did retired officers of the
higher grade apply for the appoint
ments. Ho bald it was such increased
pay and not patriotism which prompt
ed them and ho characterized their
conduct as unseemly. This statement
roused Cock ran ( N. Y ) . who de
clared that it was simply penalizing
superior officers to the advantage and
profit of Inferior officers. After a live
ly debate the amendment was adopt
ed. Several memoers severely ciltl-
cised army and navy expenditures ,
and ' Prince called attention to the
largo retired list , which included 230
brigadier generals , who , bo said ,
could not have been retired by opera
tion of law , though ho disclaimed any
Intention of charging any maladmin
istration of the law.
The attention of the senate was di
vided between the statehood question
and governmental regulation of rail
roads. Newlands made a formal
speech on the railroad subject and at
Us close engaged in a spirited con
troversy over the points Involved
with Senators Spooner , Foraker and
others. All amendments to the state
hood bill , except that relating to liq
uor traffic In the Indian territory ,
were agreed to.
Lo Angeles Man Named to Succeed
Bard of California.
Sacramento , Cal. , Jan. 12. Frank
R. Flint ( Rep. ) of 1/os Angolei was
elected United States senator to BUQ-
cc d Thomas R. Bard , whose term ex
pires March 4. 1905. As foreshad
owed by the vote of 05 for Mr. Flint in
the Republican caucus , he was chosen
on the first ballot taken at the first
joint session of tbo senate and house ,
which convened later. Ho received
the full Republican vote , 36 In the
xcnatA and 75 In tbo assembly , a total
of 111. The Democratic vote of 4 In
each hnuao was cast for Congressman
Theodore A Bell
Sutherland to Succeed Kearns.
Salt I.ake. Jan 12 At a Joint cau
cus of the Republicans of the two
houses of the legislature George
Sutherland was nominated unanimous
ly for United States senator to suc
ceed Thomas Kearns. As tbero nro
only six Democrats In the legislature ,
the nomination Is equivalent to elec
tion. The houses will ballot sepa
rately next Tuesday.
Prepare Plans for Mines.
San Francisco , Jan. 12. The work
of locating positions at tbo entrance
to the harbor for submarine mines has
I been started.
Ho Has Stated That He Expected to
bo Attacked by the Japanese In the
Indian Ocean American Subma
rines Arrive Botrcvoky Is at Suez.
London , Jnn. 12. According to the
Dally Mall's Port Louis corrospon-
out , Admiral Voelkorsani , command-
ng the second division of the Russian
Second Pacific squadron , has stated
lint ho expected to bo attacked by
ho Japanese In the Indian ocean.
Submarines From America.
Llbau , Jan. 12. Four submarlno
oats have arrived hero from the Unit-
d States. They will bo sent to Vlnd-
vostok by rail.
Botrcvsky at Suez.
Suez , Jan. 12. The division of the
lusslnn Pacific squadron commanded
> y Botrovsky arrived here today from
ort Said.
Kaiser Confers on Them the Order
of "Pout Le Merltc. "
Berlin , Jan 12 Kmpetor William
received the Russian ambiibsadoi in
formal audience. Ills majesty ex
pressed unbounded admliatlon ot General
oral Stoessel's defeiibe of Port Ailliui
and Inluimcd the amlmssadoi that thu
emputoi of Russia had given his gia
clous consent that General Stocssel
should receive the proposed order of
"Pour Le Morlto" as Kmperoi Will
lam's ictognltlon of his distinguished
bravery- Later ICmperor William re
colvcd the Japanese mliilstoi In audl
ence and complimented him on the
coinage and heiolc deeds of Gouota
NogI and Informed him that the em
peror of Japan had consented that
Geneial NogI icculve the same ordej
"Pour Le Morite , " the bestowal 0
which was announced yesterday
After the Husso-Turkish war endi- <
Emperor William contorted the naim
order on seveial Rubslan eiand dukoa
and generals.
Japanese Fleet Ready to Attack Run
sian Baltic Squadron.
London , Jan. 12. Japanese corre
epondenls of the Mornlug Post con
sider it is not incredible that Jap a
nese men-of-war have reached Diego
Garcia , Chagos archipelago , and
point out that although Adniiial Togo
Is at Tokio , other admiials are not
Idle Vice Admiral Urin , It 7b stated ,
has been cruising In the vicinity o ?
the equator for borne time past. The
number of vessels he hab is > kept be
cret , but doubtless he Is ready to do
battle with the Russian Baltic squad
ron whenever they appear east of the
seventieth meridian.
Vice Admiral Kamimura's where
abouts Is somewhat ol a mjstery , the
correbpondont says , but posMbly it is
In the China sea , within easy distance
of either the Malacca or Sunda
straits , but anvway , they declare , if
Admiral RojostvensUy purposes to
spend the ensuing weeks In cruising
in the vicinity of Madagascar it is
not improbable that he will find him
self asballed by a torpedo fleet.
One Set of Politicians Set Free , Oth
ers Convicted.
DCS Molnes , Jan. 12. By direction
of the state supreme court today , the
conviction of B. II. Hunter and Jesse
C. Wells , prominent politicians , for
jury bribing , is set asldo on a techni
The conviction of F. A. Marvin and
Michael Brady , on the saino evidence ,
is upheld.
Wreck on Railroad In South Proves
Fatal to Official.
Mobile , Ala. , Jnn. 12. A passenger
train , northbound , on the Mobile ,
Jackson & Kansas City railroad , ran
into a washout today. The engines
and coaches wore overturned. General -
oral Passenger and Freight Agent I.
D. Sullivan , making an inspection
tour , was killed. Three trainmen
wore Injured but none of the passen
gers were hurt.
Fatal Explosion on Erie Road.
Cleveland , Jan. 12. The boilers o
a locomotive attached to tbo east
bound fast express train on the Erie
road blow up while standing at the
Creston ( O ) station , killing the entl
neer. Frederick Keller , and Fireman
Hnlflck. and fatally Injuring Joseph
Newman , who was riding In the en
Cine cab.
$200,000 Fire at Chelsea.
Chelsea , Mass. , Jan. 12. 'A fire tha
broke out early this morning gutted
the Academy of Music on Broadway
and spread to tbo Hotel Savoy adjoin
Ing and to R four-story tencmen
building at the rear. Tbo flro wa
cotton under control at 2 o'clock , wit
the loss estimated at $200,000. Tbrc
men wera Injured , one fatally.
Admit * Tcdmlcut Violation ol Inter
BtJte C'"iunrrr I AW.
Oilmen , Jan I'J I'ltmidcnl 1C I'
of the SiiMii I'V ItnlhMo mm
pnny tin * \\liliiliiivvn ins ti' < | ii < M tin
A I''liCailllK bfifnlc I 111 ! | | | ( ! < I din
nifrro cuininibMiin In tint Cnlimidi
Kiiol nml lion iniiipiiiiy lobule ens
Ills M < asniifi for IhlH Mi'tliin me HIM-I"
bj Mm HI Iho fullowliiK lologt un MOIII
to Ihn i liMlinmn n' ( ln > i ( iminl.HMKiii
"Slllep rootles ) | n M tohciiiliiK In tin'
mfiili'r of lln1 Invcflllpjiliim ol N'cu
Men If ii coal niii'M I IIUVM boon fin
nlHhoilvuli null's of evidence alicadv
tii lie it ami tlml Iliui ulille I hero nm\
tin v ( i licc'ii In hull ill tinliilloim ol the
liiw yel liiiiMHili li MX I IIIKIW Iheill In
IIBVM lieen uninleiillniiHl ami I" nl llie\
eKiilieil In Inlnry In tin | | Mini
In view of ( lit1 fiu I that the eiillie
nmltni Is the siilijeet of n iiemilni ;
civil nitloti whlih will he lioiml be
fnrn M frvloiiil rniirl , I beg to wllhilinw
Murder and Suicide In Chicago.
Chicago Jan 12 With a plnlol and
rarer John Miller , a rook. Ullloil hl
wife and Infant daughter , A mile , fatal
ly wounded another dauehtor. Martha ,
and then , aflei shooting blmsolf In
the breast. cut his own thront. Jeal-
OIIHV In believed | , v the police to IIHVO
been the can e of the tragedy. Miller
lor IH still alive
Cnshjcr Declares It Will Meet all Ob
ligations The Sub-Treasury Will bo
Called Upon for Coin With Which
to Pay the Depositors.
Now York , Jan. 12 A Bcoro of do
posltors waited nil night before th <
doors of the State bank on Grand nv-
011110 to head the line when the run
on the hank was resumed today.
When the doors opened there wcro
four hundred persona In line , the wo
men being admitted first.
A truck load of 50,000 sliver dollars
was brought to the bank early today
and It was announced that 200,000
would bo brought from the subtroa
sury for emergency.
Cashier Voorhls said the hank liar
pail out $85,000 yesterday to thedo
losltors. He declared thai the brail
vould meet every demand and said
IP believed that the excitable Ho-
irews would begin to "come to their
enses today and see the foolishness
f the run. "
New York , Jan. 12. Three police-
neii uml two lle-biew women \\eie In-
mud in a run on the Mine hank , In
be heart ol the business , section ol the
eabt bide. The inn was attended by
some sensational Incidents. The 5,000
pcisons ciowried about the bank be-
camu so- insistent , that they btoke
down an lion tailing in front of the
juildlnu , and It was only by despot-
ate clubbing on the pail of the police
that the excited and unruly mob was
prevented troni foicmg many of Its
innibor Into the well Tile policemen
and women were hurt at that point
The emergency police detail was final-
y called out and policemen were sta
tioned at intervals of five or six blocks
on either side The rush wns as ex-
triiordmuiy as the frenzied character
of the run itself Tuesday there was
a rush ot depositors to get their
money Into the bank In time to begin -
gin to draw Intercut at once , and the
long line of waiting depositors con
vinced the excitable Hebrews that
something wan wrong with the insti
tution Five hundred persons waited
In front of the building ; all night and
their number quickly swelled to D.OOO
when the bank opened
The bank sent down the street for
money and J2DO.OOO was brought by
the wagon load , largely In specie. At
the Bichl of the money those waltlnc
became only more Impatient ( o get at
it. The bank officials paid depositors
off as fast as the operation could be
conducted. In nil the bank paid out
$55,000. and received In deposits $440 ,
Remarkable scenes attended the
paying off within the bank. The off !
cers paid off In two-thirds specie and
one-third bills and some of the de
posltors were fairly overwhelmed by
the amount of currency thritfit upon
them when they passed in their books
Immediately upon getting their money
into their hands and becoming con
rlnccd that the bank was able to pay
them , tbo frantic Hebrews became
equally anxious to cot their money In
to the bank again. Several of them
created scenes when the officers re
fused to accept it. The depositor
ware paid In specie to prevent a. re
deposit , as this was tbo sixth run tli
bank hat experienced from equal !
trivial causes , ono ot them being from
the failure of a bank In Nebraska.
Costly Blaze at Milwaukee.
Milwaukee , Jan. 12. FIre which
broke out early this morning practic
ally gutted the establishment of th
George P. Zlecler company , confec
tlonery , and Benjamin Youngs , whole-
ale saddlery. The lose la estlmute
at $250,000.
Inspectors Will bo Under tbo Immedi
ate Supervision of the Chief Official
Being Transferred From the Fourth
Assistant's Department.
Washington , .Inn. 12. I'oHlinnHlor
( Jonoinl Wyiinn ban Imutod an order
liaimforrlni ; the entire corpn of punt-
ollloo Inttpcclorti from the jurhullcllou
> f font Ih nHHlHtnnt postmaHtor general
iml IIIIH placed thorn Immediately tinder -
dor the poHtimiHlur general.
The order affectH over 200 men ,
scattered throughout the country. It
IH the imiHl Important order lumtml by
the department for n long tlmo and
may create Rigulileant developments.
Fourth AHHlHtiint llrlntow utronuoiiH-
ly opponod the transfer of Inspector ! )
from bin jurlHdlcllon and made elTortn
to ii\old the consummation of the or
Roll of House Shows Large Majority
Opposed to Any Action Now.
WiiHhingtoii , Jun is A prominent
mom hoi ol the ways and moans com
mlttoe ol the IKIIIHO mild to the Asso
ciated PrtWH that the poll which the
IvadetH of the IKIIIHO had conducted
of flm Ropiilillcun inumburH on Die
question of tin Iff ruvlnlun showed that
1)0 ) pei com of the membuis who had
boon apptoached were agalnsl re
vision. All of the leadein of the houno
except Representative Payne , chair
nmn of the wnyn and mcatiH commit
tee , who In laid up with rheumatism ,
and RopioHoiitatlvo Tawnoy arc
against tovlHlon. The work of cryi
talll/lng Rontlmoiil UKiiliiHt tovlHlon I"
being done by RoprcscntutlvcH Dnlzoll
( Pa. ) and Uiotwonor ( O. ) . The
taiiKlhle romilt In this direction , It Is
stated , Is the signature of piactlcally
nil of the Republican members from
the states of Pennsylvania , Ohio , Now
York , Now Jersey and Went Virginia
to petitions against tariff revision
The friends of revision seem to .bo
taking no active InloioRl In advancing
their Ideas in the bouse , hut cliiln
to have many momhuiH In the various
delegation ; , on their side.
Freight Rate Hearing.
Washington. Jan. 12. Opposition
to th1 < j'iarlm-Coo"n- ' | i > rftf"i xt ni/ni /
nuthorllv to tbo Intorstnlc coinmeice
commission to fix freight rales , wa
made lieloro the houhe committee 01
Inteistate and foreign comniorco by
F H Thnrbor. president of the Unit
oil St.ilos ICxport association. Mr
Tbiirlier slated that he had hoan
the Mnloniout made by Mr Bacon am
olhois at the SI Louis convention o :
the Intet-iatc Commorcp League tha
Connies'- i. owned bv the railroads
Mr RIII i n denied making such a
statement T'poii inquirv from llcpre
PcntnlUe Gie-CUB of Minnesota. Mr
' 1 hiirbor ai'mltiod that lie and Iho as
sociation ho n-prospiils solicited funiN
from fiovotnnr fjctieriil I onnnrd Wood
of Cuba and Mi Hiivemover of the
sugar tniBt to ho used In the effort
to secure Cuban reciprocity
Express Messenger Murdered.
El Paso. Tex. , Jan 12. A telegram
announcing the murder of R A LatU ,
a Wells-Fargo messenger running b -
twoun El Paso and Mexico City , was
received by the company ofllcialR in
this city The dead body of the rncB
Benger was discovered in his car at
Lacuna , Chihuahua Latin's death Is
believed to have been accomplished
by robbers but the officials decline
to state whether the express car was
Poland and the War.
Berlin , Jnn. 12. Dispatches from
Warsaw state that much excitement
has been created by the posting In
the streets of copies of the following
revolutionary proclamation :
"Onco again the Russian czar asks
that wo shall trail , hungry and cold ,
naked nnd bare-footed , through the
Manchurian deserts. The fact of his
having enslaved us gives him no right
to demand that we shall sacrifice our
lives for him. The war Is no cnuso
of ours. Japan Is not our foe , but our
friend. Rise , therefore , llko ono man ,
and defend yourselves. Down with
the autocracy of the cznr ! "
Wedding In Military Circles.
Washington , D. C. , Jan. 12. St
John's church was the scene of a fnsh
lonablo military wedding at noon to
day when Miss Kathorlno Thomas
daughter of Lieut , Col. and Mrs. Thorn
as Newton Wood , became the bride o
CapL Robert Henry Dunlap , U. S. M
C. The bridegroom wns attended b >
a number of his brother officers In ful
military dress.
Lewis to Box Ward.
ML Clemens , Mich. , Jan. 12. Con
sldornblo interest is manifested in the
boxing to bo pulled off hero tonight
The main event will bring together
Wllllo Lewis , the Now York light
weight , and MIke Ward of Sarnla , for
a ten-round bout.
Temperature for Twenty-four Hours ,
Forecast for Nrbrncka.
Oomlllli.n of llio woiillior HH record-
d for ( ho 21 IIOUIH uniting tit 8 a. m.
oilny :
Maximum 9
Minimum 1'i
Worngo 2
Snowfall , InclioH 4
Total miowfiill , Inchon 0
toclpltatlon 12
Total precipitation for month . . .CO
laiomotor , H0.20
1'hlciigo , Jan. 12. The bulletin In-
Htied by the Chicago illation of the
lulled HlaloHoiithor bureau thlu
notnlng , gives the foiccant for No
iraiika IIH follows :
rrolmhly tuiow tonight and Friday.
Roarend Cnlllalon on tbo Cotton Bell
at Plggotl , Ark.
Ark , Jun 12 Four per
Bonn , nil pfti uuRcrn , worn Ulldd In *
rcarond roltintm hnlwciui a freight
train and n nwlicb oiiKlno on llm Cot
ton Hull rallrond at thin plnru The
culiodno lii which their worn riding
wnn ditt on flrn nnd the bodlnn ot the
Tlcllmn wnip linrnod to n crisp
Tim doadC C. Carroll , travollnic
lcHtnmi , Waiurlr , To tin ; W. Ddyn
ton , ( Iroonway , Ark ; J. W. JlnUu ,
tr T illuK nalufliiian , Brooklyn ; Mru.
Loulio Wolf , I'lRCott. Ark.
Remainder of PUn an Proposed U
Likely to Curry General Committee -
, tee to Report to Denver Conven
tion Tomoitow.
Denver , Jan 12 Tim
lion plan of I'lUBldont Frunk llugcn
burlh b > wlileu tlid nittliiiiftl II I ft ) Stock
OKiiiiclallun wm ui hu luiuuiluled nnd
ll iijnliol vested In n hnnid composed -
posed of lupiuooiiliillTcs iif tlin 1 1 ados
nnd intuHiHtu allied to the raining of
llvu Block , bin liuwti tuin to plncea nu
far us tun railroads HIV cunceined.
iMir two dnyi un pirrutlvu com
rrilllc'o , roini | < i ( -l nf linen roprosant
ntlvtm ( if ( MI U iiiriutilr ; . IIUB boon
workliiK on HIH | iiiioiuil | icorganlza-
tlun. Mid It will -iiiiiu | at li'HMt ono
, itiro da. " ID cowipli'u itt.j oru
' lielnu' It wan dcniillely cuiuliulo.1
to pievtttit HIM rallroitdii fmui ai'iiulr-
liiK nii'itilieifthlp ' In thu aH ocliUlun. a
lilltor riKht WHS uiKod In tin * cnmuill-
trti mum 'Tim 'I tana and Colorado
CBttlemen limutui in wioiinlit up ovrr
thr prMHililliiy of the iiillniiids liavlnu'
a voh M In tin ) inaniiKcmciit of the
l.lvn Slock iihioi i.illnn tlii'l they nil-
iiiHinii'il their Intention to withdraw
fioni thn iiHsoi iHtlon If HID morvRiiro
WH ( titled. Other wustein orKantza
tloiiH Kfivu ovlrlenco of a doHlre to
tn litKliiillnr action , and the adoption
of thn plan tu ndmll the rnlliuiida
would prnliMhly liav resiillrd In tbo
( llKruptlnn of the Natluiril Live Stock
asKoi liiHnn There wan a lively dokato
OTIT the packers , hut It was tittally
Irclded to penult them t" herd with
bn pl < rt ami thry will bo ilmltti d
nto tha RsHoclullon All Iho olli'r
iratichoB of th live Htock
will HHO | be allowed to have
cututtvrg In thn uiKHiil/Htion Only
ht railroad * rumnln uiilsldo.
Tha roads srr at a ( li adTiintnpp as
' r an a heiulng In concern'-d. They
iavn no roprnsentatlon In tbo ronven
tlon and mo unable to make reply
whrn spoohB8 altncklnR them ara
made Tbolr rauso has been uphold
before Iba various committees bv men
who beliPTO that ttior nlmnld tie ad
mlll l hul thHv am nnt trained tiaf-
flu oRlcUlii
Niednngliaus Campaign Fund Matter
to Be Aired by Legislature.
Jeffcibon City Mo. Jan VIIn the
hoiibiif u'pii'sentiilHes a robolutum
was unaniinoubl ; adopted providing
for Iho appointment of a committee
to Invebtlgaie llu ! camputgn contribu
tions of Thomas K Nlodnnchaus of
tit Uiulb , the Ilepublican candidate
for Hulled Slates nonalor to succeed
Benator Cook roll Th speaker ap
pointed Uopresontatlvos Tubbs. Wade.
L > ons and Catey of Kansas City and
13mkley mid O'Oonnoll of St l/iula
'Tho Democratic senate took up the
Nlodrlnghiiim campaign fund matter
and appointed an Investigating com
mittee consisting of Senators Me-
David. MrAIUler , Dowell. Mclndoa
and Krlsby The committee conslbta
of three Democrats nd two Republic
Uprising in Congo Free State ,
nerlin. Jan. 12 A dispatch from
Brussels sa\s that the news of the
upilblng In the Congo r'ree State Is
not confirmed oilicially , but that undT-
flclal reports anlrm In the most posi
tive manner that a revolt has broken
out in the Mongnlla district. The
A-Uabua tribe of native troops is said
to have mutinied and killed Its offi
cers , tbo American mission has boon
stormed and the posts of the Kasai
company destroyed.