The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 06, 1905, Image 1

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, , , . ,
Approaching Manila Harbor , She Is
Signalled and Puts to Sea at Full
Steam Civilian Officials Can go
Free , Without Parole ,
Manila , Jnn. 5. Steamers return
ing hero from the south report that n
Japanese cruiser is patrolling San
Bonrardlno straits.
On January 5 the Japanese cruiser
Takanskl approached the entrance to
Manila harbor and when signalled , put
to sea under full steam.
Japanese Have Not Yet Looked Into
the Ships Return Prisoners.
Tokio , Jnn. 6. The Japanese have
not examined the sunken warships nt
Port Arthur and nothing Is known of
their condition and their possible
availability for immediate use.
The care of the prisoners Is expen
sive and It is possible that Japan will
arrange later to return them to Rus
The Russians surrendered posses
sion of their docl. , nrds and other
naval property ye ° ' ' StniQ 4"rnotl
over to the Japanese . * " ° r/i / . ,
ers that can bo used at once.
Officers Who Did Not Serve In the
Russian Army or Navy.
Tokio , Jnn. 6. A supplementary
ngroemont bearing upon the surrender
of Port Arthur provides for the unpa-
roled release of all civil officials at
Port Arthur , who have not served as
volunteers In the Russian army or
Rojestvensky Will Not Attempt to
Reach Vladivostok at Present.
St. Peteishnrg , .Ian. 5It seems
now to bo delinitc that Vice Admiral
Hojestvetuky's squadron will not at
tempt at present to reach Vladivo
stok. The decision hns been reached
that he will await the Pacific squad
ron , on which work is proceeding
night and day , and several ships of
which are expected to bo ready for
Pervice by the end of January. It Is
by no moans ceitaln that Rojestven-
sky will return with his ships to Eu
ropean waters. He may await the
third squadion off the const of Mada
gascar and seize and make his base
nmong ( uninhabited coral islands
In view of the report ihat the Japa
nese Intend lo Invent Vladivostok ,
General Uatiavoff. "wTn has been Inter
viewed , has pxpressed the opinion
Hint If Vladivostok should be block-
ndod Rojeslvensky would be coin-
pel led to return.
Japs to Enter Port Arthur Jan. 8.
Headquarters of the Third Japa
nese Army at Port Arthur. Jan. 5.
The formal entry of the Japanese
Into Port Arthur. Jan 8 , will be nn
imposing spectacle. The Japanese
officers will be given n banquet in the
city on Jan. 10. The reason for the
surrender of the fortress is evident
from a visit to Wantal hill The en
tire strength of the position
lay In the main line of outer defenses.
The possession of Wantal gave thp
besiegers the key to the forts east
of the city. The bills in the rear
were not fortified and at'oided a full
cover for the assaulting torces
Japs Take Many Prisoners.
Tokio. Jnn 5 The Japanese cap-
lured 25,000 prisoners at Port Arthur
The total number of tfie Inhabitants
Is 35,000. of whom 20,000 are sick
General Nogl reports to the army de
partment Hint on Jan 3 the commis
sioners of both the Japanese and Rus
sian armies concluded their confer
ence nnd that from the morning of
Jan. 4 the actual transfer of war m
terlnls at Port Arthur 'as property of
the Japanese government commenced.
No action was taken by the legisla
ture looking toward a settlement of
the gubernatorial contest.
Scenes of Sadness at St. Petersburg ,
St. Petersburg , Jnn. n. The scenes
lit the admiralty and war office were
a repetition of those of yesterday ,
crowds of weeping women and chil
dren vainly asking for lists of tbo sur
vivors of the Port Arthur garrison ,
which could not be furnished. While
the Russian military law Is Impera
tive In the requirement that the com
mandcr of a fortress who surrenders
ehall be tried by court-martial , the
emperor undoubtedly will order that
this formality be dispensed with in
the case of General Stoessel.
Preeentment Wllj Be Withdrawn.
St Loulo , Jan. E. From advices fe-
celved by the lit Rev. Daniel 8. Tut-
tie , presiding bishop of the "Protes
tant Episcopal church in America ,
II ' the presentment made against : Bishop
Talbot of the diocese of Central Penn
sylvania will In all probability b
United Stntco Supreme Court Upsets
Ruling in Two Cases. , Jnn 5. The decision
of thu biipitiine court of low.i in two
casOr Involving thu constnutlon ot
the > wa prohlbltoiy Hanoi law was
reversed by J.ho sttptuniu court.
In thu case of tbu American Ex
press company Ihn state authorities
seized certain packages ot ° liquor sent
C. O. I ) . Item Illinois to Tainu , la. ,
and their destruction was ordered ,
Thu supreme court of lown sustained
this piocccdlng , but thu judgment
was rcveiscd on thu ground that It is
In conttaventlon of the Interstate com
merce cliuiHu ol thu leduial constitu
Tbo other case was that of the
Adams ICxpress company nnd In
volved the saniu question , except that
thu proceeding wan duclded against
the company on thu charge of main
taining u housu for the sale of liq
uor. The state court was reversed on
the ground that tbo Judgment Is nn
IntP.rfoienee with tradu between the
President Roosevelt Today Addressed
i the Forest Congress , Urging That a
(1. .Means of Preservation of the Trees
be Speedily Adopted.
Washington , Jan. 6. The prospects
nro that this session of congress will
not pass the river nnd harbor bill , on
account of the present condition of
the treasury.
President Speaks on Trees.
President Roosevelt today addressed
the forest congress , urging a moans
for the preservation of the forests of
the country.
Neils Phelps , Badly Oecomposed , Lo
cated In a River.
Dattle Creek , Mich , Jan. n. The
body of Nells Phelps , the capitalist
who mysteriously disappeared several
weeks ago , was found today , badly de
composed , In a river here.
After Plielps disappeared It was
found that $30.000 of stock in a pub
llshlng house In which he wns Inter
ested , had been forged.
Foreign Minister Tltonl , While Shoot
ing Is Stricken.
Rome , Jan. 5. Foreign Minister Tl
toni , while attending a shooting party
with Ambassador Myer , was today
stricken with apoplexy. His condl
tlon is grave.
Police and Deputies Sent to Chickasha
Nation to Keep Order.
Muskogee , I. T. , Jan. 5. Trouble Is
brewing between the cattlemen and
the Indians. The authorities and a
squad of police nnd deputies hare
been sent to the Chicknsha nation to
enforce order.
The trouble results over n refusn
of the cattlemen to pay the tribal tax
Mrs Chadwick's Statement.
Clou-hind , Jan 5 Mis Cassie I >
Cbadwirk said that a formal state
men I. lelativo to Ifer affairs in finan
cial transactions. Is in possession ol
a private "party' in New York city
and .that It is not to be given to Che
public until Mrs. Chadwlck gives her
consent The instant effect of her
statement now held " "
by the "party"
in New York. Mrs. Chadwlck said
would he to clear hpr of all suspicion
of alleged wrongdoing and would
show that she and her hilsband have
bpen the victims of circumstance ?
nnd not of any crime of their ovru
Bomb Explosion In New York.
New York. Jan. 5. The explosion
of a bomb against the door of n bar
ber shop In First nvenno followed
the refusal of the proprietor , Sam
Fasselt. to pay $300 which had been
demanded from him in letters signed
by "The Dlack Hand " The front of
the building was considerably dam
aged , but no one was Injured , al
though several persons were In the
shop at the flmo the explosion oc
curred The first of several threaten
Ing letters was received by Fassett
who Is n young Italian , two weeks
Ohllnger and Zimmerman Arrested
Victoria. B. C. , Jan. 5. United
States secret service agents arrested
Lewis P. Ohlinger , president , and J
R. Zimmerman , managing director of1
the Wooster National bank of Wood
ter , O. , charged with embezzlement
of funds amounting to $250,000. They
have agreed to return to Wooster for
trial , waiving extradition , phllnger1
was formerly a congressman from.
Legislators , State Officials and Many
Prjlvato Citizens Participate In the
Ceremonial The Inaugural Address
Deals With Finance.
Lincoln , Nub. , Jan. fi. The inaugu
ration of Governor Mickey today for
a second tonn was one of the most
irilllnnt ovontB of the kind over aeuu
icro. The lunuguriitUm curomony
took plnco In the presence of both
branches of the legislature , stnto olll-
Inls nnd a largo gathering of other
spectators that Included visitors from
every part of the stnto. Governor
Mlckoys Intuigurnl nddross dealt nt
considerable length with tbo ndmlnls-
trntlon of stnto affairs nnd purlieu-
nrly with the flnnnclnl condition of
the stnto. Especial nttonllon wns giv
en to the revenue laws nnd a number
of amendments of n corrective nnturo
wore recommended for the considera
tion of the legislature. Preparations
on nn elaborate scale have boon cdm-
plolcd for the olllclnl reception to tnko
[ ) lnco this evening at the cnpltol.
Chief of Police Also Accused of Mal
feasance in Office.
Portland , Otu. , Jan. 5. ( Jeorgu H.
Williams , ex-chiuf justice ot Uiegon
terrltoiy , \-United Slates sunator
from thu state ol Oiugon , attoinuy
general In 1'iesldeiit Grant's second
cabinet , mayor ot Poilhmd and n man
with the snow of olghty-thruo winters
upon his bead , was indicted by thu
county grand jury of Multnotnah
county on thu charge 01 maltcasancu
in otllce. The Indictment states that
on July 13. 1U04 , Judge Williams was
mayor of 1'oitlnnd and whllu acting
In that capacity rolused to enforce thu
Etatutus regulating gambling. Thin
law , which was passed al thu last ses
sion of thu legislating gives the
mayor power to close disouleily
houses within four miles of the city ,
nnd It Is alleged that bu tailed to
avail himself of that powoi
An Indictment against chief of Po
lice Hunt Is almost identical wiili that
returned against Mayor Williams ,
charging that lie Knowingly permitted
a gambling game to bu condin ted at
the Pot Hand club.
Indictments were also returned
against \V. C. Elliott , recently deposed
as cit > engineer ; ? is Inspectors , J. M
Caywood and Henry Chandler , and K
W. and U M. Hlnur , contiactors The
Indictment ! , charge obtaining money
from the iltv b > false pretenses , and
are the result of an investigation of
the alleged Tanner creek sewer
Opera House Block Burns.
Berlin , N. H. , Jan. 5. In thu bitter
est of winter weather the city tought
a flre which threatened the entire
business section , which , before It was
under control , had destroyed Clem
ents' opera house block , the Gagnon
block , a hotel a drug store and sev
eral smaller buildings. The loss Is
estimated at $150.000. Several per
sons who occupied lodgings on the
touilli door of the opera hruse block
were seriously Injured by Jumping
from their windows , and one woman
Is belUned to have been tatnlly in-
Juied In this way.
Divers to Searcn for Bodies.
Huntlngton . Va. , Jan. 5. Thou
sands of persons have visited the
scene of the explosion on Hie towboat
Defender and hundreds assisted In
the search for the bodlcrs of \ \ miss
ing victims , but it is doubtful if the
bodies ot those remaining about the
steamer will bo found before divers
go through the hull , which Is now
beneath the surface of the .waters.
It Is now believed nine lives were
lost. The coroner's jury will endeavor
to place the blame for the disaster.
Explosion Wrecks Laundry.
Muskogee , I. T. . Jnn. D. The gaso
line tank In a steam laundry owned
by C. A. Stevens of this city ex
ploded , practically wrecking the
building. Five persons were serious
ly burned nnd two of them will prob
ably die. 13. H. Gussan and Manager
O. P. Power are badly Injured , while
Amy Cravens , Calvin Gage and
Charles Trimble received serious
burns. The concussian blew the
whole front end out of the bulldlnj
and set the building on flre.
Three Killed by Train.
Washington , Pa. , Jan. 6. Three
men were Instantly killed here by a
train at Canton avenue. The dead
are : Fritz Lltzenwab , John Coaldoy
and Frank Friend. Nothing was
known of the accident until the train
pulled into the station here , when
bits of flesh and blood and torn clothIng -
Ing were discovered on the front of
the engine. An Investigation resulted
la the finding of three badly mangled
bodies nt Canton avenue.
Theodore Thomas Is Dead ,
Chicago , Jan. 6. Theodore Thomas ,
the noted orchestra leader , died of
pneumonia at his residence her * . II *
was seventy year * old.
Woman Faccu Jury Second Time on
Charge ol I'erjury.
Mn engo. In. Imi. fi. The second
trial ot Alls Mliuli Alluu tiillauiher ! ,
on u ihaigo ol | n'iin | > In tlu > nial ini
the I murder ol HCI luiHimnd Juno li ! ,
11102 , ( oniinemed heiu holnro .Indgo
Dylngtnn. ilu' dcit'iiso having seemed
n change ul'vt'iiiio fioi Johnson
James Onlh'tigher wns murdered
while lie Iny sleeping. Fool prints
loading to til" homo of C'hiulcH llalll
( hi ) ' weio found and I ho Ian -r placed
under nrrost Ilu wan convicted of
complicity In tin1 murder and given n
life sentence. Mrs Gnllnughcr. nls'o
Indlclod , tiisllllod In her own holialf
nndMIS niMiulltcd. Hho wns after-
wnnlu indicted for perjury , lint Ihu
verdict wiis sot nsldo by thu supiuinu
Japanese Ships Ot ( Sumatra. i
TtatnvVi. Island ot .lava , Jnn. C. A' '
Pntch vessel , which arrived here , rej
ports that It mot four Japanese war- '
chips off tbo cast coast of Sumatra
.Inn 3
Passengers Remain All Night In Trol
ley Cars Stalled In Snowdrifts.
Incoming Ocean Liners Rcpoit 1 em-
pebtuous Voyages.
Now Votk , Jan 6 Not In several
yonis luib Now Voili hcon visited by
u uiorin of niich piopoi tlons us that
ut thu last two days Ninn Inches of
now lull , piualyzlng tralllc. aud
marked drop In tbn lumporuluru
brought untold suffering to thu city s
Iioor. Tbu bllzzaid caused seven
deaths la Now York nnd vicinity ,
while many pcrboiib , overcome by thu
cold , dropped to thu Htieot. BORIC ot
them receiving fractured bonus.
Owing to thu inability uC small
procois nnd coal denluio to gel tuip
plus , they inn shoit nnd putthMr
waies up to faniino pru L- = . OK at
Buffiilng icsiiltcd In thu poorer ti
trn is liom lliih IK tlo'n
Five ol the seven men who mot
death I mm the results ot' ilu ; storm
died from cxpusine , I'nil auutbei
slipped on thn n y iilailoini of nn
oluvnled station , lell in limit of an
npproai lung train and was ground
to pieces The seventh. LV 10 Her
n conductor , blinded by the diivmg
Know , stepped In front ot a tnnn nnd
vas Insianlly killed
Though the residents ot Manhattan
lind a hard lime , their dial * \\eie In
significant lonipaiud with residents
In thu Ilinnx and IJrooKlyn Thu
whole tiaiiKpoitatlon system in tin
Bronx broke down just when the
moiiiing travel was at Us height aiu
people were rompolled in many In
BlanccR to tramp miles to the nearest
"IV station All thu surface lines
were tied up. Tbo storm paraly/oi
traffic In the country districts of Slat
en Island In many plucus tbu snow
drifts were very deep and severa
trolley ears were stalled nil night be
tween Richmond and New Dorp
Small buildings In various purls o
the Island were blown down by the
pnle A trolley car , running betweei
New rtoehelle and Mount Vernon
carrying a do/en people , including
several women , ran Into a big snov
linn Is. and In bucking n drift blew on
Its fuses , leaving the far without bea
or light The passenger * weie ma
rooned there for nine limns befoie
being rescued.
Incoming ocean liners report n bllz
rard at sea
Certificate Is Shown in Court-Martia
ot O.Hpt.nn Mullikcn
CliiiriKO. Jan [ > . Dm iinieniai > evl
ileiii H in suliMii.nation- ( barges
igdinsi CiiUiiii | David H MnlliKcn o
the 'I tti-nty sevciiiii United Stales in
fiintiy was intiiiiliiied beioie tin
romi mania ) ai l < nit Sheridan whei
tbn goxuinnicnl , Ihiongh ludge. Advo
latu Ceiieral J M Kimhiough begat
presentation of Ha insn
In open court pay vouchers brough
by Special Musse.nger ' Chatles E
Thatcher of the auditor's otllce of th
war department wore produced , whicl
Bhowod that Captain Mulltken bin
drawn two sets of vouchers for the
Eamo pay for Hie same ( wo months
while ut the afternoon session a certl
Bed copy of nn alleged certificate o
marriage between tbn Filipino girl
Rcgliia Hatfsmo , and Cuplain Mulllkea
WHS offered.
Pan-American Congress In Session
Panama , Jan. 5. The Inauguration
of the Pan-American congress was a
great success. The government off !
clals , members of the diplomatic
corps , consuls and members of the
highest society were present. After
the speech of President Amador we !
coming the delegates , an nddress'was
rondo by John F. Wallace , the engl
noer in charge of the Panama cana
construction , reviewing the work
done up to date. Referring to the
proposed sea-level canal , Mr. Wallace
eatd he thought it was feasible , bu
nothing had betn decided.
Ulml.islon of Four Teirltorlcs .m Two
States Opposed by Ucmoc'.its1)111
to Lnd CommlbHlon Intio
duccd by Representative M.HIM.
Washington , .Ian. C > Upon iecon
vunlng alti'i Hut holiday iccess llio
Bunale plunged dliciilj Into ( he con-
Bldeiiiilnn of the hill lei the admin
fllon of lud stales to be coinpoHttd
> f Ai Izonii and Now Mexico and Oklu-
Ionia nnd Indian lorillnrj. A mellon
llcvutldge to laku Up the hill pin
vailed by a luolhlidn majoilty Her-
inrn , who iciii'ui'il his elToit to gnl
ip tin * pnio food hill , voted with tbo
DomocinlH on one roll call , but , with
.his cxicpilon , the Kcpnlillcans voli > d
solidly to proceed with the eoimldwa-
lion of the statehood bill and the
ricmuciais solidly against thai rout seA
A motion by Mate to leiommlt was
voted dm\n N'olion spoke al length
In advoi uc y of thu bill.
Preliminary Figures for 1001 Show an
crease Over 1903.
Washington , Jnn. C. Tbo prnllm
Inury llgutes on the production of
cold and silver In HUM , Mihmlltcd to
tbo director of the mint , show largur
gains over the preceding year than
were expected. Nearly uvery stnto
of Impoilnnt yield bus Increased Us
output. The Colorado yield IB about
$26.000,000. as compared with about
$22.50l.UOO ) In llloi : and Ita bust record
$28,8(10,01)1) ( ) ) , In 11)00. ) California has
made the best output for many yuuni
duo to a good supply of water and thu
work of the drudcos. Nevada and
Utah have Hindu notable K.alnu. South
Dakota and Alaska have boalun their
previous best records. The Appalnch
Ian region shows Improvement. The
Klondike shows n loss of about $2.
0,000 The total silver produced It
the United Status In liliil was firi.iio.'J.
000 tine ounces and gold $8Uifil.iliO :
Investigating Land Entries.
Washington , Jan. [ i. To provide ni
additional safeguaid against public
land frauds , the guneral land ollUe Is
Bcplih'B H1 far at poca.blc i > > liavi
its special agents Invustlgate every
land entry case before it passes U
patent This policy , which already
Is in full piactlie , hart borne good re
suits and patents have been will ,
held wherever the slightest groum
for suspicion has been found In con
npetlon with the recent land fiand
developments some Inteiest attach
to the invenllgatlon of alleged frail
ulent deseit land entries in Montana ,
in which special agents have heon
engaged The complaints were that
the lands taken weio not taken In
good faith , were being Irrigated , nnd
wore not enteied for cultivation pur
poses as required by law There
were no new developments h < ? r"o In
the matter of the Oregon land frauds.
Secretary Morton to Testify.
Washington , Jan. 5 Secretary
Moiton has consistently ruin sod to bo
quoted legarding thu recent Investi
gation ol thu Interstate commerce
commission In Chicago Into thu to-
uiales alleged to have been made by
ilm Santa Fe lailioud , ol which Mr.
Morton was vice president , to certain
coal companies What Mr. Morton
has to say on this subject will be said
to the Intel state commerce commls-
rlon direct. It l. undeistood the secretary -
retary will appear beioie that com
mission when the case conies up. nnd
It Is understood " 111 tell them inter
estlng facts of which the public
knows nothing.
Would Abolish Canal Commission ,
Washington. Jan. 5. Representa
tive Mann ot Illinois , a member of tlie
house committee on Interstate and
foreign commerce. Introduced a bill
abolishing the Isthmian cana ) com
mission and providing that the powers
now vested In the president be ex
tended to the end. of the fifty-ninth
congress Thp president is author
ized to employ such persons , with
such official designation ns he may
deem necessary , until such time ns
congress may otherwise dlreet , and
Is directed to fix the compensation un
til regulated by congress
Files Brief In Beet Trust Case.
Washington , Jnn 6. The bi.ef of
the government In the case of Swift
Co vs. the United States , known
as the beef trust case , prepared by
Attorney General Moody , was pre
sented to the supreme court of the
United States. The brlM Is devoted
principally to an argument to show
that the packers are engaged in a
conspiracy to monopolize Interstate
commerce In fresh meats.
Nephew of Minister Conger Killed
Sallna , Kan. , Jan. 6. John Dillon ,
who had lived hero for twenty years. '
was accidentally killed by falling
down a stairway. It was learned that ]
Dillon , who formerly lived at Frank- ,
lln , Ind. , was known there ny Wayne'
Congre , and was , It Is said , a nephew
of B. H. Conger , American mlnfierj
to China. >
"rrnprr.iture for Twenty-four Hours.
Forecast for Nebraska ,
Chicago , Jnn . " . -Tbo bulletin la-
ued by ( ho Chicago station of thu
'tilled ' Staled , wealhur bureau this
lornlng , gives tlm forecnst for No-
ninu | ( OH followH-
Fair tonight nnd Friday.
Turf War Averted.
Chicago. Jan 6.--Tbu turf wnr
hrongboul the west nnd south , which ,
B wan dec lined , was sine In follow
ho teluKiil ol Hie Western Jockey
Inh to icvlso the lacing dates for
JlOfi , seems n vei v lemolu possibility ,
'be general belief Is Hint thu ( TuTSnt-
slled OUIICIH will accept the ruling : )
of Hie HlewntdH of I lie Jockey club
his yen i Dining Ihu season they
Nlll gel logelbei and by the time the
next niinunl meeting of the Wustorn
toekev club conies nioiinfl will renew
bo demnnds made nt the last annual
ncntlng Hv Hint time the "revision-
sis. " It Is said , will have formcil such
a Htiong combination thai the West
ern Jockey club will bo compelled to
Istuti to their arguments
< NOR ON JAN. 10.
Colorado Supreme Court Orders
* ! ri'ceping Inquiry Into Conduct of
U.nvcr Election nnd Apportions the
Expenses-No Acti " by Legislature ,
Denver , Jan. 5.--The supreme court
directed that an liutiiiy | bu niado Into
thu conduct of thu last election In
this city , and ordurud that it assume
the , Rcopu asked by thu llupubllcans.
Thl6 .iteauB that the Investigation
Bhall not only take in the ballot boxes ,
but tbu poll books , registration illpa
and all other maltcru portalnlue to
thu election.
The application ot Alva Adams for
n. modlllcatlon of the order , limiting
it to thu ballot boxes only , was denied
The order was , bowevor , mod I lied In
the matter of expenses. It was d
tecled that Mr Adams pay ono-hvlf
of llio expenses attendant
examination of the buxc B 'i-ualf
the salary of thu jfj fto \ np-
pumted bv the .Wfl Hp " > this
con 0 ( ) wore
e expense
lion of tln >
of the Invosil-
matters purtatu-
Mr Vlnms no great-
n Hi in H'.tt which
lu > wniiliT bo
0-- inn ami ollmss tlm Ite-
puuluans ( A i < i\ lot tinKIcater part
of the IHM\Imiiin n , wlilib Attorney
J If llersi\ annouiued they WT > >
willing to u\ \ <
The Demt-iats have derided that
on Jan 10 , t\e date piosciihed by the
statutes , the ! will have Alva Adnnid
swot n in as/governor of the state.
The oath will be administered by Jus
tice Steeled of the supreme court.
The hnur/ind place of the ceremony
hnve not/lieen definitely settled.
The II'JIIHO progrcssud rapidly with
Its wet I ) and sent word to the senate
Hint it was pieparcd to enter Into
joint session lei the purpose of bearIng -
Ing the governor's message and of
canvassing the vote. The sen'ato ,
however , made no such pi ogress AA
llio house , and when ft adjourned
was not prepaic-d to enter upon a
joint session Its troubles canto
through the report of the credentials
committee , which declared that all
members were entitled to their seats ,
except Senators Horn and Henley ,
who were arbitrarily sealed by the
Democrats two years ago
Lieutenant Governor Ilaggott. who
presides over the senate , declined to
receive the repott. saying that while
In his opinion , they had been Illegally
seated still they.had been sented nnd
It would require something stronger
than the report of the committee on
credential * to deprive them of their
Thpre l.ns so fnr been not tha
slightest evidence of any disturbance
nor has there been In any direction
nn Indication of breach of the peace
because of the political Situation.
The Democratic leaders , both In ths
house and senate accepted the scanty
emoluments Him nccrue to the minor
ity with the gientest goc d humor
Hold Brief Joint Session ,
i Lincoln. Jan. 5 in joint session
the legislature canvassed the vote at
It he Into fnlj election and declared
Heeled those candidates designated
by the secretary of state as having
'the ' largest votes. The joint session
| wns dissolved and the house nnd sen-
'nto ' at noon adjourned until 2 p. m.
today , when the Inaugural take ? place
before the Joint session
Manager Delano Resigns.
Chlcngo. Jan 5. Frederick A. De
lane , for nearly four years general
manager of the Burlington's lines
east of the Missouri river , has re
signed , effective Jan. 10. It has not
been announced who will succeed Mr.
Delano , but It Is rumored that Frank
B. Ward , now general manager of th
Great Northern , will be given the po-