TIIM NORKOMv N1 J\VS \ : I'MtlDAY ' , DI'KMOMIJKH ' 28 , IHO-i. PEARL PORTER , ASSISTANT POST MASTER , TAKES HIS LIFE , HE WAS AT AN OMAHA RESORT PROMINENT NORTHWEST MAN SENDS BULLET INTO HEAD. FINANCIAL WORRY WAS CAUSE Starting for Norfolk , Apparently , Pearl Porter of Fairfax , S < D. , Went to Omaha , Entered a Resort In Good Spirits , and Died. Omaha , Nob. , Doc. 17. Special to The Nowa : Pearl Porter , assistant postmaster at Fairfax , S. D. , suicided tit a resort In this city last evening by shooting himself through the head. The shooting occurred at about 3 o'clock In the afternoon and Mr. Porter ter died at about 0:15 : In Clarkson hos pital where ho had boon taken. The self-slain man arrived in Oma ha from Fairfax and was apparently in good spirits. Ho is a man between thirty-six and forty years of ago. Ho wont to a resort early In the after noon. Ho scorned to bo in a cheerful mood. Ho listened to the music and there was nothing to indicate an in tended tragedy. Ho spent some mon ey and , loft alone In a room , was later found to have a bullet through his head. Ho was taken to Clarkson hospital , where ho lingered until about G:1G : o'clock , when ho succumbed to the self-inflicted bullet. The bullet was removed by the surgeons. Identity Uncertain Early. For a time it was thought that it was Orion Porter , the well known postmaster at Fairfax , from the reason that a number of receipts In the dead man's pockets were made out to Ori- on Porter. There was nothing else to indicate the Identity. A line gold watclf gave no clue. Ho was very well dressed. Telegrams back and forth , however , soon revealed the fact that It was not Orion Porter , as ho was In Fairfax. The Omaha Bee stated this morning that the dead man was thought to bo Carl Porter , while the World-Herald said that It was Pearl Porter. Carl Porter Is In a Fairfax bank. Orion Porter arrived at noon today , to take the remains back home. r , Financial Troubles Blamed. ! Fairfax , S. D. , Dec. 17. Special to The News : Pearl Porter who suicid ed in Omaha last evening , was assist ant postmaster in Fairfax. The news of his sudden tragic death came as a severe shock to his many friends In Fairfax and throughout Gregory coun ty. The only reason that can be as signed for the deed is that financial worry , perhaps , made him despondent , and caused him to take his life. Started to Norfolk. When Pearl Porter left Fairfax , he was headed for Norfolk. His friends here presumed that ho was going only that far and the news that he was In Omaha at all came as a surprise. The remains will be brought back hero today and the funeral will beheld held from the Mbthodist Episcopal church Sunday afternoon. Pearl Porter was well known in Norfolk. He had many friends in this city , having frequently visited hero In a business way , for short intervals. Ho was well known in Madison coun ty , having relatives at the county seat , and In other towns. He was active at Fairfax during the rush to the res ervation last summer , and had made many acquaintances on that account. The news of his death came as a severe shock , and his family at Fair fax , who are all well known through out the northwest , and who are leadIng - Ing citizens , have the slncerest sym pathy of this whole territory. Nothing was known here of Mr. Porter's intended visit to Norfolk. TUESDAY TOPICS. W. I. Walling of Leigh was In the city yesterday. Clara Nelson of Plalnvlew was in the city yesterday. Hon. Frank Nelson of Nlobrara was In Norfolk yesterday. Editor F. E. Martin of the Battle Creek Enterprise was In the city yes- terday. Dr. P. H. Salter , who returned last night from Omaha , says that W. N. Huso , In Clarkson hospital , Is doing splendidly , was able to sit up for a tlmo yesterday , and may be able to be brought home next week. E. A. Bullock transacted business in Sioux City Monday. Thos. Jordan of the Vordlgro Citi zen and Frank Maly , also of Verdlgre , were in the city on their way homo from a trip to Emerson and Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Powers of Pierce wore in the city , Mr. Powers having accompanied another party of home-seekers this far on their way to Pierre , S. Dak. The Eagles have Issued Invitations for their second annual ball , to bo given at Marquardt hall Friday even ing , December 30. The brotherhood of Railroad Train- men will give their annual dancing party at Marquardt hall on Friday evening of this week , nnd a Inrgo crowd Is anticipated. MTH 13. L. Hlonknoy linn returned from ( ! Ion wood , lown , where she has been visiting her sick mother. On the night of the ball of the Urothorhood of Hallway Tralnmon , Friday evening , Ueoombor 211. arrange ments Imvo been made for serving supper at the Pacific hotel. The Knox County bank at Vordlgro Is erecting a line brick building which Is being hurried to completion this line weather. It will , when complet ed , make a very suitable homo for a prosperous llnanclal Institution of Knox county. The funeral of Ooorgo Qruenborg , the popular young Verdlgro man who died of typhoid fever Saturday morn ing , was hold at Vordlgro Sunday , the services being under the auspices of the Bohemian society , of which ho was a member. The frame of the now Union Pacific round house is looming up In the air at the site where the old building stood. The work of erecting the tim bers will soon bo followed by the enclosing - closing and the laying of the roof and if the fair weather continues the en gines of the company may bo provided with shelter before the worst weather of the early spring time arrives. Holiday travel Is beginning to as sume Bomo proportions on the rail roads and people are hurrying to the homes of relatives and friends to spend a short vacation. The real rush , however , will not como until later in the week , when the low rates are in effect and when the people hav ing but a short distance to travel , will bo Journeying to a scone of holi day festivity. Chief of Police Larkln has made his arrest. In fact ho has made more than one. Last night a drunk , am bling along Norfolk avenue between Third and Fourth streets , was taken in. A stranger from Bancroft arrived on the evening train from Sioux City , was chucked off the cars and fell asleep in the station walling room. The fellow forgot whore ho was at. A bunk brought him to In the city jail. O'NEILL BANK OFFICER DENIES TAKING MONEY. AND HE WEEPS LIKE A CHILD Says That Haggerty Was Boss He Knew Two Months Before Thanks giving That Bank Could Not Last Much Longer. O'Neill , Nob. , Dec. 20. The sheriff of Holt county has gone to Phoenix , Arizona , to got President McGreovy of the wrecked Elkhorn Valley bank , who has been placed under arrest there. Open threats of an indignant popu lace have been made against the bank er but the sheriff has made careful preparations to protect the prisoner from violence. MEETING OF SOUTH'S ' EDUCATORS Will be the Most Notable In the Asso ciation's History. Jacksonville , Fla. , Dec. 19. The early prediction that this year's meet ing of the Southern Educational as sociation was destined to bo the most notable In the history of the associa tion is verified by the completed pro gram for the meeting which has just been issued. The convention will be held In Jacksonville during the three days beginning December 29 in con junction with the annual mooting of the Florida state teachers' associa tion. The participants will include leaders In all branches of learning from the teachers of the humble dis trict schools to the presidents of the highest universities and colleges. All of the states from Maryland to Texas and from Missouri to Florida will be represented. In addition to those ac tively engaged in teaching the attend ance will include several governors , state superintendents of public in struction and others interested in ed ucational matters. The officers who will have charge of the convention are : President , Walter B. Hill , LL.D. , chancellor of the University of Georgia ; vice-presi dent , Francis P. Venable , LL.D. , pres ident of the University of North Carolina lina ; treasurer , E. P. Burns , member of the board of education , Atlanta , Ga. ; secretary , R. J. Tlghe , superin tendent of schools , Ashovlllo , N. C. ROOSEVELT PUTS BAKER BACK New Mexico Supreme Judge Restored By Roosevelt to Office. Washington , Dec. 19. President Roosevelt today revoked the recent order removing Judge Baker of the supreme court of Now Mexico , after a full hearing had been given him. Mrs. Llvermore's Birthday. Boston , Mass. , Dec. 19. Mrs. Mary A. Llvermoro , the celebrated author and lecturer , entered upon her eighty- fifth year today and was the recipient of congratulations from friends and admirers In many parts of the coun try. She spent the day quietly at her homo in Melrose , surrounded by her daughters and grandchildren. WILL DE RUN WEST FROM NOR FOLK IMMEDIATELY. THREE OTHERS WILL FOLLOW Rur.il Districts About This City are Fast Becoming so Well Equipped With Modern Conveniences , Thnt They are Paradises on Earth. The Nebraska Telephone company has completed plans for branching out of Norfolk. Quo new line will bo ex tended west on the Itattlo Creek lead , two will run to Warnorvllle , one will run six miles woHt on Norfolk avunue and another will likely run to lladar , by way of First street , curving west five miles north of the city. The two lines that have been ap proved by the management of the com pany will run west , ouo on Norfolk avenue and the other extending west on the llattlo Crook line , from the Sam ICent farm. One line will take In George Smith , Martin Brtiobakor , Obcd RaaHch , Otto Horn , Mr. Fenske , Mr. Maasmnn , John Hay , Low Ray and I ) . A. Ommorman. Another will include Jo Vla/ney , Adrian Craig , August Rlgcrt , II. U. Thomas , W. J. Glbhs nnd Snm Kent. The Hues will bo begun Immediately , gangs of linemen arriving soon. John Tannehlll Wins Clerkship. John Tannchlll has received the ap pointment as additional dork at the postofllcc , for which an examination was hold Rome tlmo ago. o will be gin work Immediately. Mr. Tannohlll won the place over a number of other applicants In competitive examination. WEDNESDAY WRINKLES. J. 3. IJassonnmn Is In the city from Lincoln. J. P. DawHon of Hoone , was in the city this morning. John T. Love \vn a Norfolk visitor yesterday from Schuyler. W. E. Van Pelt of Hloomdold trans acted business In Norfolk yesterday. President T. M. Mommluger of the Citizens National bank , returned last night from Elgin , where ho had been on business connected with the bank there In which ho holds an interest. I. W. Alter , of Wayne , passed through Norfolk today enrouto to Grand Island , to attend n meeting to morrow of the finance committee of the A. O. U. W. grand lodge In Ne braska. Martin Kane has not yet become thoroughly accustomed to the Indoor work at the postolllco , and the change from police life to that of Janitor-fire man Is but slowly making an Impres sion upon him. Ed Waggoner , formerly of Norfolk and of late years farming south of the city , left Sunday for Garllold county , this state , where ho has taken one of the Klnkald section homesteads. Ed drove hacks In Norfolk two years ago , and had long been a citizen of the city. One drunk who was arrested Mon day night Is breaking rocks at the city jail yard. Ho was fined the usual as sessment , couldn't pay and was put to work. He was employed on a farm near Norfolk and refused to go homo when told to do so by the police. Ho was very drunk. Mr. Fred Lombard , blacksmith for Gustav Nitz , and Miss Alice Eblo wore united In marriage Sunday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents on North First street by Rev. J. H. Clay of the Baptist church. Only the Im mediate family was present , but they enjoyed a wedding supper after the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Lombard will soon begin housekeeping in a cottage on South Fifth street. Today John Tannohlll , newly ap pointed clerk at the postofflce , began his duties behind the window at the government building. Ho won the po sition over half a dozen others in com petitive examination. It Is the first tlmo in his Hfo that Mr. Tannehlli has been separated from his favorite farm animals , and the change from the Hfo In the country with freedom abound ing , to ono within federal walls , was a decided one. " " "Trthis"Is not Indian summer weath er a now name will need to bo coined to describe it. It is no ordinary win ter weather , and It Is not , cannot bo , spring ; nor is it mid-summer , but Is about as near an ideal mixture of all as It Is possible to make , nnd oven those who are used to "taking tholr's straight" are finding comfort in the concoction. It Is not exactly the pop ular conception for the Christmas sea son , but a most agreeable substitute for the snow and frigidity. The furniture , show cases and other fixtures for H. R , Ward's "smoko house" have arrived and his place of business has assumed an air of com pleteness and comfort such as ho In tended It should from the start. Mr. Ward Intends to devote a good deal of attention to the wholesale tobacco trade , but for local and transient users of the wood ho has , In a retail way , provided a convenient nnd comforta ble resort. Ho expects to cover north east Nebraska and contingent terri tory very effectually with a number of his special offerings In the tobacco. Mrs. J. N. Hundlck will leave Nor folk ono week from today for n visit of four weeks In the east , at Washing ton and other cities. Meanwhile Mr. Bundlck will begin tearing up prepar atory to moving from Norfolk to Lamar - mar , Col. , where ho goes to assume management of the old now factory Micro that IH to bo made from ( ho ma chlnory of the old Norfolk plant. Within a couple of monthii Mr. Dun- dick will have completed Norfolk liiml- ni'HH and will luavo the city. The now factory at Lamnr has just been begun by the Oxnnnl rotiHtnu'tlon company , of which W. S , Pnrdonuor , formerly of Norfolk , Is president. The building In to bo made of steel nnd will bo erected Hlmiiltaueously with the Installing of the machinery. CARLOAD OF UNION PACIFIC MEN HERE EARLY TODAY. SEE THEIR NEW ROUNDHOUSE And Are Well Pleased With the Progress - gross That Is Being Made Also Vis ited the City Commercial Agency and Were Delighted With It. Union Paclllo railroad ofllclalH , about a do/on In number , arrived In Norfolk last night In tholr special car , early today Inspected the now round- IIOUHO that Is being constructed hero , and loft at 11 o'clock for Beatrice and Columbus. The olllclals all oxproflsod thoniHolvos OH being very well pleased with the work that has boon done on the now engine homo In Norfolk , and on the progress that IB now being ef fected. They also paid a visit , whllo here , to their now commercial agency ofllco , which has Just lately boon es tablished , nnd which IB the only ono of the sort In the state outsldo Omaha or Lincoln , and they Bald that they wore delighted with the establishment. Among those who wore on the car wore General Superintendent Grubor , Superintendent of Water Power Thompson , . Division Superintendent Douell , Assistant Superintendent Ware , Trainmaster Cahlll , Chief Engi neer llorry , Resident Engineer Sehor- merhorn. Superintendent of Bridges and llulldlngH Hawo. FAMILY REUNION OF MANYCHIL- DREN IN NORFOLK. FATHER'S EIGHTIETH BIRTHDAY All of the Living Children of James Thomas , Living Two Miles North west of Norfolk , Assembled to Cele brate His Four Score eYars. A most delightful reunion has taken place at the home of James Thomas , two miles northwest of Norfolk , dur ing the week. For the first tlmo In twenty-two years all of the children of Mr. Thomas wore asHombled together - or under the parental roof , and this , being the eightieth birthday of the fa ther , proved to bo an iinumiali/ plea sant family reunion. Those present , who Include all of the children living , wore : J. C. Thomas , editor of the Journal at Cuba , 111. , Rov. John W. Thomas , editor of "Good Will and Tld ings , " Omaha ; E. A. Thomas , Avon , 111. , H. B. Thomas , Norfolk ; Mrs. J. U. Heeler , North Platte ; Mrs. Mary T. Cold , Norfolk. Today the family all sat for photo graphs at a Norfolk studio. Many were the reminiscent stories told among the crowd of children , all grown now to manhood and woman hood , and who had not played togeth er for nearly a quarter of a century. SUPREME COURT HOLDS THAT LAND BELONGS HERE. RIVER CHANGE DOES NOT ALTER The Shifting of the Course of the Mis souri River Can Not Change Land Over to the Jurisdiction of Missouri , the State. Washington , Doc. 19. The supreme court of the United States today de cided Uio boundary cases between Missouri and Nebraska , In favor of Nebraska. The case Involved a question as to whether a change In the course of the Missouri river had the effect of chang ing the land which had been hereto fore on the west side of the river , to the east side of hto river , from the Ju risdiction of Nebraska to the Jurisdic tion of Missouri. But the court held It did not. Justice Harlan , who made the deci sion , says the boundary must remain In the middle of the old channel as before the change. MRS. CHADWICK TOO ILL. She Couldn't Appear In Court Today on Account of Sickness. Cleveland , Dec. 19. Mrs. Chadwlck was too lilt o appear In court today In the bankruptcy case against her. The examination of Emll Hoover , Mrs. Chadwlck's son , and Freda Swanstrom , her maid , was then taken up. ALLEGED THAT PROMINENT CITI ZENS OF O'NEILL ARE IN. M'GREEVY'S CAPTURE OPENS Persons Who Are Said to Have Done Things They Ought Not to Have Done , May be Shown up In the Lime Light of Publicity Shortly. A report from O'Neill nayn that Shorlff Hull , who received word of the eapturo of Bernard McOreovy In Phoenix , Ariz. , nnd who wan presi dent of the bank which failed at O'Neill , has left for the Month , to bring back the ox-llnnnolar. Ho carrion the nocosBiiry requisition pupurn for bringing back McOroovy ) It IB said , alm > , that noiisatlomil de velopments are expected when the trial comoB.ofT. It IB alleged by iioino that there are prominent clll/unu In O'Neill who know the condition of the hank , and who wore permitted to do things they ought not to have done , because the cloak was thrown over It all. When these things are brought to light , It IB Hiild there will bo some In tereiitlng moments. LONG TIME BETWEEN DRINKS Billy Holden , Bank Robber , Takes His Lnst for Fourteen Years. Lincoln , Doc. 21. "Woll , boyii , thlH IH the hiHt for fourteen yours , " do clarud Hilly llolden In a South Tonlh street tmloon to others drinking at the bar. Then William , who IB a des perate looking man , ralHcil a glaHHful of whlHky to | IH ! llpu with hlH manacled - aclod liumlH nnd downed It with grail rellHh. llolilon wan buliig brought from I'lutto county to Hurvo I'oiirti'm years for robbery and alU > mpl < < d murder of ( 'ashler lloriuml Hehroeder , of Ilio I'liitlo county bunk located at Pintle ( /'enter , on November 22. The prlHonor who wan In charge of Sheriff Craig , was HO Importune In hln doHlro to have a hiHt sweet tnstu of lire water that the big jolly olllcur could not n.'Hlnt his pleadings and led him to a boo/o Joint for a last linger. It wan an Holden drained the hist drop of liquid and had stopped u mo ment to look over the morning paper that ho made the remark that It would bo a long tlmo between drinks. The crime for which llolden IH to do Hiich long llmo at hard labor WUB committed as has been said on No vember 22. Hnch year during his con finement the prisoner must , when that date arrives , bo placed In solitary con finement to refresh his memory. The ntory of the robbery anil shoot ing Is dramatic. llolden confronted the cashier of the banking Institution and excitedly demanded the cash , and was refused. In a second there wan a report of a gun and blinding smoke and Schrocdcr lay on the floor of the Institution with a bullet In hl.s breast. Tim robber then wont behind the coun ter In search of coin but was fright ened away by another man In the bank before ho was able to secure any booty. Ho then mounted a horse and fled. Ho was pursued and caught later but not till he had made a fight and near ly winged a man named Charles C. Knglohorn. The wound of the cashier which was supposed to be fatal at the tlmo proved not to be of a very serious nature anil he has slnco practically recovered. After the capture of Holden by the pursuing party ho was taken before the wounded bank official and Identi fied by him though ho had taken out his glass eye and changed his clothes. The prisoner asserted that he had been employed In the boot fields near Oconeo for a couple of months prior to his attemtplng the Jesse James act and htat his former homo was In Mich igan. Ho Is about 35 years of ago and has the tough mug of the desperado. THREE TO PAYJEATH PENALTY In Twenty-Four Hours a Trio Will be Hung at Rome , Georgia. Homo , Ga. , Doc. 10. The execution today of Jack Hone Is the first of three hangings which are slated to take place In the county jail here during the next twenty-four hours. Done will be followed to the gallows tomorrow morning by two negro murders , Court ney Daker , who killed his wife , and Bob Sutherland , who killed three ne groes at a dance. NAN CONFIDENT OF ACQUITTAL Says She Will Tell the Jury Much and Will be Set Free. New York , Dec. 19. Nan Patterson Is so confident of acquittal that before entering the court room today she re marked that she had spent her last Sunday in the Tombs prison. She was not only willing but anx Ions to tell her story to the Jury , and Is quoted as saying : "There Is much I can tellt he jury. When they hoar what I have to say every ono of them will vote to set me free. " Special Bargain In Land. 80-acro tract , improved land ; fine location , close in , near town , price and terms right. G. R. Seller keeps fresh longer Bread tastes far better Bread does you more good when it's made with YEAST FOAM the wonderful yeast that took the . . I'lrit ( Irani ! 1'rlio nt the HI. I.ciuU KxpoHltlon. . YcriNt Poiiin In Bold liy rill nro. cern nl f > o n . imoluiKii onoiiKli for40loiiv0it. Hoiid iipostnloaril fur our now HIiiNtriitml hook , " ( loodllroitcl : HowtoMakoIU'1 NORTHWESTERN YEAST CO , CHICAGO , ILL. I-ARM LOANS lowest Rales. W. J. GOW & BRO , NORFOLK , NEDRASKA. Money on Hand FARM LOANS She Has Cured Thousands DR. CALDWELL OF CHICAGO Aloopathy , Homeopathy opathy , Electric aiul fjon- oral Modicino. Will , by request , visit profoslonally NORFOLK NI3IWASKA , OXNARD IIOTKL , THURSDAY , JANUARY 12 ONI5 DAY ONLY. returning every four weoKn. Consult lior whllo the opportunity ts at hand DU. CALD\VKLL limits her practice to the apodal treatment of diseases of the eye , oar , nose , throat , lungs , femala diseases , discuses of children and nil chronic , nervous and surgical diseases of n curable nature. Early consump tion , bronchitis , broncliUl catarrh , chronic catarrh , headache , constipa tion , stomach and bowel troubles , rheumatism , neuralgia , sciatica , kidney diseases , lirlghfa disease , diseases of the liver and bladder , dizziness , ner vousness , Indigestion , obesity. Inter rupted nutrition , slow growth in child ren , and all wasting diseases In adults , deforrnatles , club feet , curvature of the spine , diseases of the brain , par alysis , heart disease , dropsy , Dwelling of the limbs , stricture , open sores , pain in the bones , granular enlarge ments and all long standing disease * properly treated. Illood nnd Skin Ulsrnnr * . Pimples , blotches , eruptions , liver spots , falling of the hair , bad com plexion , eczema , throat ulcers , bone patna , bladder troubles , weak back , burning urlno , passing urine too ofton. The effects of constitutional sickness or the taking of too much Injurious medicine receives searching treatment , prompt relief and a cure for life. Diseases of women. Irregular meni- truatlon , falling of the womb , bearing down pains , female displacements , lack of sexual tone. Leucorrhea. sterility or barreness , consult Dr. Caldwell and jhe will show them the cause of their trouble and the way to become cured Cancer * , Oollrr , I'bidiln , Plica and enlarged glands treated with the subcutaneous Injection method , a line lutoly without pain and without Ui loss of a drop of blood. Is one of hot own discoveries and Is really the most scientific method of this advanced age Dr. Caldwell has practiced her profes sion In some of th- largest hospital * throughout t > * ountry She has no superior In the trentiiiR nu.i diagnosing of diseases , deformities , etc She hat lately opened an otllce In Omaha Ne braska , where she will spend a per tion of each week treating tier many patients. No Incurable cases accepted for treatment. Consultation , examina tion and advice , one dollar to thee Interested. DR. OHA CALDWEtCO. . . Chicago , I ! Address all mall to B Hull ? Omaha. Neb.