The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 16, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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    TIIK N"IKlU { ) < NKW8 : I'MUDAY ' , IMC KM IJ lilt. Hi HUM.
\V , N. IIUHI3 , rulitlnlirr.
tKntntiUMiril 1887. )
Wvrry lny except Hunilny , l y cnr-
i-ler | ior week , \d \ ceiiln , Hy Norfolk
poatolflce delivery , i > cr yrnr. $ (1.00. ( lly
mull on rurnt route * niiO ontnlttn of
Norfolk , per your , IS,00
\ viiiiciviav.HjmmNAi. . .
riin Now * . Kutnlillftlieil , Jim.
Tim Jiniriml , KnlalillhPi1 , IR77.
Hvery Friday H > ' innll nor your , il.KO ,
tOntoriul HI the pontofllce nt Norfolk ,
Velt , HK noooinl rliim tnntler ,
TeleplioiiMHt Rdltorlnl Dopnrtmenl ,
No. 12. UUNlnpmi Olllco nnd Job llooini ,
No. m.
i It Is proHUined tlint there IH no
question regarding Uio KonulnonoHH
I- ' : of ( hu Carneglo libraries.
\Vi\H It Tom Lawwm , or Bomeono
else who dlil It to Amalgamated Cop
per In imrtletilur nnil Wull Htroot In
general ?
For a woman that couldn't iot Imll
In Uiu amount of Jlti.OOO Mrn. Child-
\vlck has run n pretty good hlulT on
lior wealth.
If congress ( loon nil ( hut President
IIOOKOVOR Wishes It tO , bOBldOB doing
nil It IIIIH Itself Hot out to do , It will
probably bo In session uftor Port Ar
thur fllllH.
Wall street IH npimrontly ultout to
again demonstrate that It eau hnvo
Huvornl varieties of panics without dis
tressing thu business interests of the
Secrotnry Shaw says wo iniiHl have
tuoro sulmldiiry coin. More coin of any
kind IB very much to ho desired by
about 80.000,000 Amei learnt.
Miss 1'attomm IIIIH bucoiuo very
modoHl lately. 'I'ho women liavo been
excluded from the court room becaiiKe
Hho objects to belni ; Blared at. 13vl
dentty men do not Btare.
The Sioux City Journal HitealtH out
for this section of the country when
It Hays : "All right. Indian Hummer.
The longer you Huger the longer wo
will long to luivo you linger longer. '
The oppressive Hllenco of Mr. Hryan
will probably be offset by a Bplendld
outburBt later on. lie IB not pruparei' '
to admit that there IB no hope for the
democratic Hhlp If he IH placed at the
It IH deemed significant In some
sections that O. V. lllglln , an under
taker , has been appointed as receiver
of the defunct O'Neill bank. It IH pos
slbly Intended that ho should be ban
dy In the event of the return of the
olllclals as his services might then be
The market price of the skins of
the silver fox Is from $100 to $150.
At that they should bo moreprolltablo
for the Nebraska farmers to raise tlmn
the coyote. The pelt of the next high
est price on animals of the Interior Is
that of the marten , then the bear ,
which sells at $1S for the beat.
1'resldcnl Uoosevelt talks up In his
message much as he did regarding the
democratic roorback that was sprung
In the closing days of the campaign.
The people very evidently admired his
attitude at that time and will undoubt
edly as sincerely admire his position
on the main Issues before the country.
Now that the Japanese have made
certain that the Port Arthur licet will
bo unable to assist the squadron com
ing from the west at turning the Jap
anese navy Into scrap Iron and ham
mering the ports of Japan out of ex
istence they are resting and propose
to acquire the balance of Port Arthur
nt their leisure , even to starving out
the garrison.
Congressmen who have their eyes
open conslrcd that the railroad rebate
question is one of paramount Import
nnco and it Is evident that it is to ro
cclve serious consideration at the
hands of the national legislature. Per
haps no interests will welcome the ac >
tlon of congress in greater degree
than the railroads themselves who
have been compelled to meet compe
tition and bid for the business of the
largo shippers at no particular profit
to their stockholders.
The graft limit has been reached in
Chicago , and that there will bo pros
ecutions of the grafters Is most grat
ifying to a public that is used to being -
ing imposed upon but limits the ex
tent of the imposition. The Illinois
state board of pharmacy sent out to
139 druggists of the city , a test pro
scription which they wore supposed
to fill , and of the 139 druggists , only
thirty-one tilled the prescrtpotion with
pure drugs. Nine of the prescriptions
showed 10 per cent impurity ; ten were
adulterated to the extent of 20 per
cent ; sixty-six were SO per cent im
pure , and twenty-threo showed abso
lutely no trace of the drug called for.
It Is now said that 100 of the drug
gists will bo prosecuted for violation
of the laws and the people of Chicago
who have been curing by faith against
tholr wlllH , will hope that the prosecit-
tloun will bo of a very determined
character. If such unreliability In
shown by the druggists of Chicago It
Is readily believed that there are many
others of the HIUIIU character through
out the country and the people cannot
bo ( insured that when tlioy have been
paying for medicine they have not
been receiving coloied water. The
nvoniHo'-palloiit IH not mipponod to bo
iiblo to determine whether ho IH taking
liuro medicine- not hut there are
ways of finding out and In vlow of the
disclosure In Chicago there will prob-
ubly bo an liiHlHtent demand that the
manner of tilling prcHcrlptloiw In all
liarts of the country bo Investigated.
Along with the agitation In favor of
imro food from the grocer , should bo
demand for pure drugs from the
ilrugglst , Congress has added reason
for the pasHage of a Htrong antl-adul-
oration law from thin astonishing dis
The attention of the proper author
ities IH directed to the fact that Nor
folk IH a federal court town. Here
tofore they have dlHregarded the fact
because there was no building or
rooniH to accommodate the HCHHloiiH
and Homo of the minor olllclalH have
come here , called the court In session
ami at once adjourned It without ask
ing or caring whether I hero were any
CIIHOH to bo dlHposud of or not. Hereafter -
after , with a magnlllcont courthouse
and splendid milieu of olllroH for the
court olllcorH , that will hardly answer
the Hplrlt ami the letter of the law
making tills a court town and It Is
expected that a term of the federal
court will bo held hero at the coming
dates for the session. Uncle Sam hau
provided splendid accommodations ; he
has also directed that court should he
held hero and If there are CIISOH to be
tried and SOBHOIIH | to bo held Norfolk
has every reason to expect Home-
thing besldo mere formality of calling
and adjournment. On the date of thu
next court Is rather to bo expected
that the federal judge and his full of-
llclal Hlaff will bo In Norfolk ready to
put the now federal court bouse to the
use for which It was Intended ami
elaborately designed.
Christmas weather should bo on tap
very soon now.
When It comes to notoriety Mrs.
Chadwick Is apparently getting her
money's worth.
Some women are convinced that It
Is keeping a secret that has made Mrs.
Chadwick III.
Up to date Uncle HUBS Sago has
not been charged with having placed
a linger In the Chadwick plo.
There are citizens that Nebraska
doHlres to keep , but It Is the concen
sus of public opinion that Tom Den-
nlson Is not of that class and Iowa Is
A "UIH" club has been organized In
Missouri to which only those bearing
the given name William may belong.
It can never hojfo to attain the mom-
icrshlp of the "Charlie" clubs.
About the llrst of March there will
bo a movement that will disclose the
extent of the land transfers In north
Nebraska during the fall and winter.
That it will bo of generous proportions
tions is not difficult to foretell.
Tom Dennlson showed a truly loyal
spirit In endeavoring to remain In Nebraska -
braska , but ho was not held here by
the same motive that keeps the ad
mirers of climate and soil and good
things generally , holding the majority
of Nohraskans llko a magnet.
With Christmas only two weeks
away it will soon bo up to the weath
er man to see that a fat grave yard
yard is not attributable to a green
Christmas. A very decided change In
weather conditions will need to bo in
augnratod between now and then.
Some things American are pretty
swift for Prince Fushlml of Japan.
Ho called a Now York elevator boy
down the other day and requested him
to clevato the cage with a llttlo less
haste. Ho was on his way to an
elaborate lunch and didn't want1 to
leave his appotlto behind.
Congress has started in by passing
an appropriation bill but It Is prom
ised that this first act will not nec
essarily give the key to the entire ac
tion of the session , nnd before the
last bill Is passed It is expected to
show that other measures besldo the
appropriation of public moneys were
Water wagons are busy In Illinois
filling cisterns with water and supply ,
ing stock with the amount of aqua that
Is needful to tholr comfort If not their
very existence. In Nebraska noth
Ing is excessively dry unless It bo the
throats of some of the tipplers who
are preparing for their annual swear
ing off on the first.
If the time should come when the
allroad automobile comes In general
IHO the private train will be obtain-
hie to a great many who have been
ept out of reach of the present day
irlvntu railway conveyance. Its do-
'ulopment might suggest the building
if private tracks for the accommoda-
Jon of the new machine .
Pal Crowe IIIIH made another fare-
veil appearance This time at St. Jo-
Oph , Mo. , where detectives met him
nd a pal and exchanged shotH. Pat Is
n IntoroHtlng fellow and appears to be
bio to make It equally Interesting to
IIOHO ho meets. The St. Joseph poole -
lo will have the consent of the Oma-
in olllcorH to squelch the outlaw at
ho very earliest opportunity.
Now If there were n majority of
tooHovolts In congress It would not
ake long to demonstrate that the
country has reached an era that IIIIH
eng been dcnlrod by the people. Pro-
jrosHlvonoHii In governmental affairs
mil long been required to meet the
irogroHs that IIIIH been making In the
ommerclal world. With a Htrong fol-
owing It would not ho long before the 1
ircHldoiit would net the people above
.ho . corporations.
The president thinks , and It IH proh
ibit ) that a largo number of congress
men agree with him , that the Inter-
Htate commerce commission has found
Its hands lied In all Its iinderlaklngH
by Its lack of authority and If It can
bo given the authority It will unques
tionably be able to perform some of
the work for which 11 wan originally
Intended. The people desire that the
president should speedily have his
way In this mutter.
Caleb Powers IH to have another (
trial on the charge that he was the
man who shot Governor Goohel. Pow
ers or his attorneys must bo Impressed
with the Idea that the third time IH
the charm , In murder trials as with
other.matters of threes. The people
ire now HO hiwy following Casslo
Chadwick and Nan Patterson , how
ever , that they will have scant time
to give to the rehearing of a past sen
sation and If Kentucky can so adjust
the case that It will keep out of print
In the future a grateful public will
change their curses of the state Into
It is probable that there will bo a
remarkable number of Imitators of
the Chadwick plan springing Into ex
istence now that then modus operandl
haB been disclosed , but the average
banker will keep n keen eye out to
see that ho Is not inveigled with
forged notes of notoriously wealthy
men. It is a system at which Mrs
Chadwick failed to make irood and
with her failure there should be scant
Inducement for Imitators of lower de
gree and less nerve , but they will try
It , without doubt nnd it will mean a
species of education to the financial
Interests of the country that will bo
valuable In future years.
A St. Petersburg mob Is tired of the
government and of the war and has
mule a demonstration that took a
urge number of police to quell. The
Husslan soldiery has fought since the
war began more like they were com
pelled to take up arms than lighting
us a matter of right and principle.
The public objects to this war and
Its Ire Is now being directed against
the government with prospects that
there will bo considerable further trou-
bio unless the war Is settled and the
powers that rule pay moro heed to
the desires of the people. A govern
ment cannot always be run by oppres
sive policies and the people of Rus
sia will sooner or later bo heard In
tholr demands for representation.
The present war between the RUB-
slans and Japanese is apparently to
bo recorded in history as one of the
most bloody and desperate that the
world has over seen. Thousands upon
thousands of men have been slain and
It is a matter of conjecture when the
limit of endurance will bo reached by
the combatting forces. Nothing more
desperate has been chronicled than
the Japanese assaults on Port Arthur
nnd the determined resistance of the
Russians. Thousands of lives and
millions of treasure have been spent
in offense and defense nnd those who
are Interested in details will un
doubtedly find entertainment for years
to como In going over the ] > oints of
history that have been molded by the
belligerents. '
There is a tendency manifest
throughout the country to pay more
heed to the manner in which fortune ?
are accumulated. Not only In official
life but in private transactions methods
ods of procedure are likely to receive
a closer scrutiny than over before
The country Is assuredly developing
and for the good of the people In gen
eral It Is to bo hoped that it will seer
become impossible to amass wealth :
except in legitimate and competitive .
Holds. The disclosures In the Chad
wick cano are n revelation to those
who have never had the remotest In
dication that such methods could bo
pursued In a civilized country nnd a
civilized age. Hereafter bankers and
all connected with the banking busl-
ne.HH will bo justified In their simpl
etons of large transactions where ap
parently gilt edged securities play a
prominent part , and there will ho
something wrong with the system If
It IB over again possible for designing
persons to duplicate the feat of the
Ohio woman ,
Wall street charges that the panic
In stocks was duo to the recent mes
sage of PrcHldont HooHovolt and his
Attitude on questions affecting the In-
torestH reprcHented by the street. It
Is a favorable Indication. It Is to bo
expected that there will bo a shocker
or two in certain directions when the
public Is given Its rights and the cor
porations are curbed and curtailed.
The corporations nnd monled men
who have been bleeding the people
will endeavor to see that there Is a
disturbance. Hut after It Is all over
the resotirceH that have contributed
to the weath of the few may bo ex
pected to work to the advantages of
the people at largo. They cannot do
Hpoll the working sources of capital
in the country but they can disturb
the working capital and make It hard
to got. Nevertheless , with the re-
souices to build from , the capital can
quickly bo supplied and If it is worked
to the advantage of the whole people ,
with special privileges and opportu
nities to none the result cannot but j
bo of advantage to the country. If
the matter Is to be fixed for the advantage -
vantage of thu people It should be
permanently fixed so that a few inon-
i oy holdeis cannot In the future precip
itate a panic and refuse to play when
unit torn are not coming all their way.
People who have wearied somewhat
over the fasslo Chadwick story have
had their anticipation of sensations
revived by the assertion from New-
York that before the affair Is ended
there will bo some startling disclos
ures Involving IIvo prominent New
Yorkers and a number of wealthy
western men In the meshes of the
sensation. It has already been prov-
'en ' that there are capers that are queer
and actions that are strange on the
part of those posing as capitalists
and if it Is shown that men of real
wealth mix In such affairs there will
bo new knowledge for the common
people who have no dealings worth
mentioning with stocks and bonds and
notes. .
For an affair with a somewhat lim
ited field the farm implement trust
appears to bo able to show some as-
I I tonlshlngly developed octopus tontn-
L | clos. It has been recommended that
the farmers might combat the avora-
clous monster by patronizing the Inde
pendent dealers but It Is one of the
plans of the trust to make certain that
there shall bo no Independent dealers
for such patronage. The dealers are
being forced to handle trust-made im
plements or got out of business. In
3 j Montana stops have been taken to put
I1 Hie trust out df business in the state
under the anti-trust iaw. This will
hardly affect the trust nrovldlng Mon
tana is permitted to succeed In Its en
deavors , because the prices can bo so
. advanced In other states that Mon
tana's patronage will not bo missed ,
however. If other states follow the ex
ample of the northwestern state and
- all of them succeed in tholr efforts
something is bound to happen. Mean
while the farmers In the objecting
states would bo compelled to do with
out implements , and even this might
ho managed for a season or two. Any
way the effect of the Montana move
ment will be watched with Interest
by all those who object to permitting
- one corporation from obtaining n sin
ecure on their business.
A special train Is to start out from
Lincoln next week to give the farm
ers special instruction on the selec
tion of seed corn. The plan is ad
mirable on the part of the railroad
officials and the faculty of the stnto
university who. have the movement In
hand , and it should in itself convince
the fanners of the need of Improving
J their seed corn breeds as well as that
of their herds and flocks. If a railroad
jtho farmers toward securing better ro >
suits from their fields the farmers
themselves should assuredly find it
profitable to absorb all the knowledge
obtainable that will improve their con
ditions and make their sources of rev
enue larger and moro certain. Dy the
Investment of a Jlttlo tlmo and money
In the science of selecting seed corn
there should bo many dollars in rev
enue to the tillers of the soil in the
future ,
. With the apparent promise that the
Northwestern Is going through to the
- coast other roads are threatening to
go that way also , perhaps to discourage
ago the Northwestern , but moro prob
0 ably that there is an extensive Hold
- of development on the coast that will
day make the trans-continental
lues the only ones worth considering
n nn Investment. The Grqat Western
s now said to bo seeking a crossing
if the Missouri and the Milwaukee Is
aid to be ambitious to build through
ho country between the Great North
ern and the proposed route of the
Northwestern. The bringing of the
coast closer to the cast will undoubt-
dly help the eastern markets ns well
R to stlmulato business In all the ter
ritory of the middle west. Nothing
xjttcr for the country could ho done
n a railroad way than for two or
hreo or moro lines to seek Pacific ter
A dozen men have been arrested for
smuggling wheat Into this country to
get the advantages , of the American
prices offered. With smugglers work-
ng their graft on wheat It will not bo
surprising to learn that the farmers
mvo been compelled to line tholr gran
aries with burglar proof steel and pro
vide the doors with time locks. When
smugglers will give up the job of
sneaking diamonds into the country
to operate with wheat It is possible
that burglars will give up the merry
chase after gold and jewels to despoil
the farmer of his crop of wheat.
Nebraska mourns with Omaha over
the death of Frank Murphy who has
been a prominent factor In that city's
upbuilding and bus in the meantime
accomplished much of good for the
stale al largo.
How would II bo to Induce Pros- !
denl Roosevelt and Tom Lawson to
act together ? The president has been
charged with doing things lo Uio stock
market and Mr. Lawson's Inlluonco
1ms evidently been felt Ihoro. United
action of the two might , Ihcrofore , re-
still In a large amount of good to the
When It comes to a choice of being
a gold bricked farmer or a security
swindled banker there is less to lose
by being the former. The funny men
should find a field for originality in
depicllng the buncoed banker who has
i taken liberally of Mrs. Chadwlck's
Santa Glaus will bo compelled to
cover his Nebraska mission in a lum
ber wagon if Uio power that controls
the snow does not soon release Uio
dalnly cryslals.
There are any number of wise people -
plo on Uio carlh who cannot possibly
Newton and others should have been
so easily nnd expensively duped by
one lone , lorn woman. These people
will tell you now that Ihey can see In
Mrs. Chadwlck's face the cunning that
could not be Irusted. It is easy to
discover these facts after they have
been disclosed , but shrewdness Is not
displayed by noting that discovered
by others , but In original discoveries
thai may circumvent the other Mrs.
Clmdwlcks thai may be operaling. II
Is evident thai a woman who could
take in such men has more than the
ordinary cunning and It Is probable
that few could have successfully with
stood her appeals for aid under sim
ilar circumstances.
It seems that at a time when Nor
folk Is first In a position to realize the
advantages of becoming a federal
court town in fact as well as in name
Senator Mlllard has conceived the
Idea thai the court dales should be
changed and in advocating this
change to congress he has in his bill
stricken off one date per year nt Nor
folk and Hastings. Norfolk and Has
tings should be justified in looking
into this matter Immediately and if
there is no imperative necessity for
the change 'should organize in opposi
tion to the measure. Norfolk now has
that which the federal officers claim
has been lacking a building to ac
commodate the court , erected at the
expense of the government and it is
not desirable that but half of the
the advantages should be realized.
The commercial clubs of the two in
terior cities should at once Investigate
the measure offered by Senator Mll
lard nnd see to it that their rights in
Iho matter are properly protecled.
Nebraska's merits are constantly
coming to the front and the time will
some tlmo arrive , doubtless , when nil ,
the good of the state will bo known
to the public in general. The state Is
ranking high in nil achievements and
desirable qualities of an agricultural
commonwealth and the latesl honor
lo como to Us collection is Iho award
of the St. Louis exposition of the
grand prize in Iho matter of fruit pro
duction. The fruit growers of the
stnto may hare had some doubts about
being able to go down into Missouri
and tnko the best they had to give at
their world's fair In competition with
California , Florida and the states of
the casl making some pretensions in
the realms of horticulture , but
they did It magnificently. With the
winning of the grand prize on fruit
production at the St. Louis fair , the
government credit of being first in the
production of corn per acre nnd other
credits that have como In Nebraska's
direction this year the loyal admirers
of the great state are pretty well qual
ified to continue standing up for the
best commonwealth In the west for
some tlmo to come. It Is a good state
to tie to and the persons who are do-
slrotiH of attaining wealth and honor
are remaining loyally steadfast and
will some day make n showing that
will occasion jealousy nnd envy to
those who have sought advancement
In other localities.
There are hopes In the republican
party that oven the World-Herald may
In lime bo converted. II has treated
the message of President Roosevelt
with earnest consldcratcness as ap
proximating the desires of the demo
cratic party , and throughout the cam
paign it was one of the papers recog
nizing the drift of sentiment from
Parker to Roosevelt by paying scant u
attention to the national campaign ,
but bearing down on the slate Issues.
The World-Herald management has
displayed the sense and discretion that
prevailed among the voters in general.
The World-Herald Is entitled to n
share of the credit for Nebraska's
magnificent majority for Roosevelt
which was in contrast to the plurality
shown In the governorship contest.
As there are times when democrats
nnd republicans can unite for one pur
pose , so there are times when one par
ty may give credit to the other for the
results attained at nji election and the
Omaha dally is certainly entitled to
share In this consideration.
How's This ?
Wo offer one hundred dollars re
ward for any case of catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh cure.
F. J. Chancy & Co. , Toledo , O.
We , the undersigned , have known
F. .1. Cheney for the last 15 years , and
believe him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligation made
by his firm.
Wnldlng , Klnnan & Marvin ,
Wholesale druggists , Toledo , 0.
Hall's Catarrh cure Is taken Inter
nally , acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 75
cents per bottle. Sold by all drug
Take Hall's family pills for consti
Greatest tonic and strength produc
ing remedy ever offered suffering hu
manity. Cures Indigestion ; constipa
tion , headache , stomach disorders.
That's what Holllster's Rocky Moun
tain Tea will do.
The Kiesau Drug Co.
Beware of Counterfeits.
"DeWitt's is the only genuine Witch
Hazel salve" writes J. L. Tucker , of.
Centre , Ala. "I have used it In my
family for piles , cuts and burns for
years and can recommend it to be the
best salve on the market. Every fam
ily should keep It , as it is an inval
uable household remedy , and should
always be kept on hand for Immediate
use. " Mrs. Samuel Gage , of North
Bush , N. Y. , says : "I had a fever sore
on my ankle for twelve years that the
doctors could not cure. All salves ami
blood remedies proved worthless. I
could not walk for over two years.
Finally I was persuaded to try De-
Witt's Witch Hazel salve , which has
completely cured me. It Is a wonder
ful relief. " DeWitt's Witch Hazel
salvo cures without leaving a scar.
Sold by Asa K. Leonard.
Mothers , be Careful ,
of the health of your children. Look
out for coughs , colds , croup and
whooping cough. Stop them in time
One Minute Cough cure is the best
remedy. Harmless and pleasant. Sold
by Asa K. Leonard.
A Pleasant Pill.
No pill is as pleasant and positive
as DoWItt's Llttlo Early Risers. De-
Witt's Little Early Risers are so mild
and effective that children , delicate la
dles and weak people enjoy their
cleansing effect , while strong people
say they are the best pills ever sold.
Sold by Asa K. Leonard.
No other remedy on earth is BO
good for children as Holllster's
Rocky Mountain Tea , makes them eat ,
sleep and grow. Bright eyes , rosy
cheeks. 35 cents. Tea or tablets.
The Kiesau Drug Co.
No More Suffering.
If you are troubled with indigestion
get a bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia cure
and see how quickly it will cure you.
Geo. A. Thomson , of Spencer , la. ,
< says : "Have had dyspepsia for twenty
years. My case was almost hopeless.
Kodol Dyspepsia cure was recommend
ed nnd I used a few bottles of it and
it is the only thing that has relieved
me. Would not bo without It. Have
doctored with local physicians and
also nt Chicago , and oven wont to Nor
way with hopes of getting some re
lief , but Kodol Dyspepsia cure Is the
only remedy that has done mo any
good , nnd I heartily recommend it.
Every person suffering with Indiges
tion or dyspepsia should use it. " Sold
by Asa K. Leonard.
Bright eyes are an infallible index i '
to youth , windows from which Cupid i.
shoots his arrows. Holllster's Rocky
Mountain Tea makes bright eyes , rosy
cheeks. 35 cents , tea or tablets.
The Kiesau Drug Co.